Board of County Commissioners of Bradford County, Florida Regular Scheduled Meeting Bradford County Courthouse 945 North Temple Avenue • Starke, Florida Agenda February 2, 2015 9:30 A.M. Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Ross Chandler 1. Public Hearing - Enactment of County Ordinances: A. Consider approval of an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Bradford County, Florida amending Chapter 43 of the Bradford County Code of Ordinances; providing for continued imposition of an additional, temporary, 365day moratorium on the assessment and collection of impact fees; providing for severability; providing for the repeal of all ordinances inconsistent with this article; providing directions to the codifier; and providing an effective date - Will Sexton, County Attorney. (public comments for or against, motion, vote) B. Consider approval of an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioner of Bradford County, Florida amending division 3 of article III of chapter 2 part II of the Bradford County code of ordinances; renaming the affected provision(s) "registration of defaulted mortgage property"; providing for the purpose, intent and applicability of said provision(s); requiring the registration and maintenance of certain real property by mortgagees; providing for enforcement and penalties; providing for the regulation, limitation and reduction of registrable real property within Bradford County; providing direction to staff; providing or severability; providing direction to the codifier; and providing an effective date - Sgt. Ray Shuford. (public comments for or against, motion, vote) Pa g e 1 of3 2. Public Comments - (Please fill out a public comment card provided on the table outside the meeting room and turn it into the Clerk.) The Bradford County Board of County Commissioners welcomes you to this meeting; your participation is appreciated. This time is set-aside for the citizens of Bradford County to address the Board. Please understand the Board may not be prepared to answer any questions at this time. All comments will be noted and directed to the appropriate department. If you have any questions, you should contact the County Commissioner's office or the appropriate department after this meeting. Please limit your time to three (3) minutes and refrain from personal attacks, using any individual's name, or making political statements. Please limit speech to one (1) representative member of a group, where large numbers of members of such group are present at the meeting. Please limit speech to items the speaker has not already addressed to the Board at a prior County Commission meeting. 3. Consent Agenda: A. Minutes of regular scheduled meeting - 12/18/14. B. Consider approval of inventory surplus list. 4. Approve Payment of Bills - Commissioner Eddie Lewis 5. Consider approval of a TDC (Tourist Development Council) Grant Application from the Bradford County Fair Association Inc., for funding in the amount of $5,000.00 Pam Whittle, Chamber of Commerce. (TDC approved on 1/15/15; vote 8-0) 6. Consider approval of a TDC (Tourist Development Council) Grant Application from Bradford Sportsmen's Farm for funding in the amount of $5,000.00 - Pam Whittle, Chamber of Commerce. (TDC approved on 1/15/15; vote 8-0) 7. Consider approval of a Road Memorial Award - Commissioner Riddick A. S.E. C.R. 100 A - Dedicated to the Griffis Family. 8. County Attorney Reports - Will Sexton 9. Sheriff Reports - Gordon Smith A. Presentation on purchase of real estate - Tom Smith. 10. Clerk Reports - Ray Norman Pa g e 2 of3 11. County Manager Reports - Brad Carter A. Consider approval to support the 5311 Operating Assistance Application from Suwannee River Economic Council Inc - Rachel Rhoden, Deputy County Manager. B. Consider approval to support the 5339 Capital Assistance Application from Suwannee River Economic Council Inc - Rachel Rhoden, Deputy County Manager. C. Consider approval of a contract change order on N.E. 19th Avenue - Resurfacing to increase contract total by $3,533.46. New contract total - $232,507.83 - Jerome Kelley, County Engineer. D. Consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding for expenditure of recipient funding from the interoperable emergency communications grant program funds Brian Johns, Emergency Management Director. E. Consider approval of an annual fire alarm inspection contract with Central Fire & Communications, Inc. - Chip Ware, Fire Marshal. F. RR Crossing updates. 12. Commissioners Comments 13. Chairman Comments Meeting Adjourned Notice: Any person desiring to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, said person may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be base. FS 286.0105. Pa g e 3 of3
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