Volunteer Information Packet 2014-2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. Global Brigades Overview A. Welcome 3 B. Introduction 4 C. What does GB do? 5 D. Programs 6 University Chapters A. Join a Brigade 8 B. Resources 10 C. Contributions 13 D. Start a Chapter 17 E. Next Steps 18 WELCOME TO GLOBAL BRIGADES Greetings volunteer, Welcome to Global Brigades! We are thrilled that you are taking action and volunteering your time to support the mission of Global Brigades. You are now joining more than 6,000 annual volunteers from over 400 campuses across the globe that systematically work together to deliver programs in rural communities of Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. As a member of Global Brigades, you commit to fulfilling the very significant role of a brigader a passionate volunteer mobilizing towards positive social change. What you’re about to embark upon is nothing less than a journey. A journey of inspiration, hard work, connection, commitment and more than anything – an international experience like you’ve never had before. What you and your fellow volunteers have in front of you is an opportunity to really change lives. The most important step now is the first step – to get involved and to make a difference. Every individual’s participation is crucial to the progress of every program and every project in the rural communities of Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. In order to be fully prepared for the experience you are about to embark upon, please take time to carefully read through this Volunteer Information Packet. Included in this packet is information regarding the GB Programs and various resources available to volunteers. As you are preparing for the brigade, it is very important that you are in touch with the Chapter Leader of the brigade. All of the information enclosed in this packet can also be accessed from our website: www.globalbrigades.org. Our team and the communities of Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama are looking forward to your arrival. Sincerely, Christie George Director of Student Affairs [email protected] INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. Since 2004, Global Brigades has mobilized thousands of university students and professionals through nine skillbased service programs to improve quality of life in under resourced communities. Brigades Def’n. Groups of passionate volunteers who mobilize toward positive social change. Mission To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities while fostering local cultures. Vision To improve equality of life, by igniting the largest student-led social responsibility movement on the planet Global Brigades works with rural communities in Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama to address the major health and development needs in the region through a holistic and sustainable approach. Since 2004, 19,000 volunteers worked along-side 450,000 community members in Central America and Africa. WHAT DOES GLOBAL BRIGADES DO? Global Brigades implements nine health and development programs, making up a holistic service model for under resourced communities. The current focus is in rural areas of Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. GHANA HONDURAS NICARAGUA PANAMA Why ten programs? Each program has been developed to address the health, socioeconomic, legal and environmental needs identified by community members in the region of focus. Each program is implemented through brigades and followed-up by in-country team members working with community leaders. Architecture Business Dental Environmental Engineering Human Rights Medical Microfinance Public Health Water What is a brigade? A brigade is a group of passionate volunteers who mobilize abroad to foster positive social change. Every brigade is led by volunteers and organized by the prospective university chapter from the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Germany and Switzerland. During the brigade, the group of volunteers work alongside community members to achieve the objectives of the specific program. How is it sustainable? Each program is supported by volunteers who fundraise for the brigade programs, which covers the logistical costs of the brigade, the specific project costs, and the resources to perpetuate the programs between brigades through in-country team members. Through our in-country teams, and a continuous cycle of brigades throughout the year, communities receive consistent medical care, entire water systems, latrines/eco-stoves/cement floors, sustainable agricultural projects, and access to financial resources such as loans and the creation of bank accounts through the creation of community banks. Other countries? Global Brigades currently does not run brigades in other countries, however, team members continually assess opportunities based on the growth of chapters and volunteers and the sustainability of the programs in the current countries. To learn more about how these countries were chosen and the long term vision, please read further on our website, www.globalbrigades.org. PROGRAMS ARCHITECTURE MISSION: We work to improve in-home infrastructure and economic production in Global Brigades’ communities by designing and constructing small scale or in-home projects such as chicken coops, roofs, and additional rooms that will enhance community members’ health, their quality-of-life and income. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Since 2013, for every 8 volunteers, 1 family has a safer and more functional home. BUSINESS MISSION: We empower rural communities in Panama and Honduras, without access to financial services and business guidance, to become more economically stable by providing micro-enterprise consulting, financial planning assistance and strategic investment. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? For every 1 volunteer, $100 is loaned to a micro-enterprise. For every 5 volunteers, 2 community members will receive business consulting. DENTAL MISSION: We provide immediate, restorative, and preventative dental services in rural communities without access to oral care otherwise. Our current focus is in Ghana, Honduras and Panama. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Since 2009, for every 1 volunteer, 62 teeth were extracted by licensed dentists in remote villages without access to dental care otherwise. ENVIRONMENTAL MISSION: We empower rural communities in Panama to reverse degradation and preserve their environment through reforestation, sustainable agriculture, waste management, and education programs. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? In 2011, for every 1 volunteer, 100 trees are planted, which equates to 4,000 pounds of CO2 being offset per hectare per year. ENGINEERING MISSION: Engineering Brigades volunteers work with local engineers, technicians and community members to assess water problems, select feasible solutions, map and survey community land, plan and design water projects, and provide technical follow-up on completed systems HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? The first Engineering Brigade surveyed and designed 10647 meters of pipeline, performed assessments of the current water crisis and analyzed the water in rural communities. PROGRAMS HUMAN RIGHTS MISSION: We empower rural communities in Panama with limited to no access to legal resources with the professional guidance and education to resolve their civil and property disputes. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? For every 1 volunteer, 1 community member has access to legal justice. For every 4 volunteers, 1 family secures their property of land. MEDICAL MISSION:. We work with licensed medical professionals and community health workers to provide comprehensive health services in rural communities with limited access to health care. Our current focus is in Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? In 2011, for every 1 volunteer, 60 patients were seen by licensed doctors in communities that may not have had access to health care otherwise. MICROFINANCE MISSION: We provide rural community members in Honduras, Panama and Ghana a community banking system, with access to loans, financial literacy programs, and education to increase production and foster a culture of savings and growth. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? In 2010/2011, for every 1 volunteer, 1.4 bank accounts were established and 1 microloan was given. PUBLIC HEALTH MISSION: We empower rural Honduran and Panamanian communities to prevent common illnesses through in-home infrastructural development, community leader training, and health education. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? For every 1 volunteer, 1 water storage pila can be built. For every 15 volunteers, 2 families can benefit from all five health infrastructure projects. WATER MISSION: We empower communities to access sufficient clean water through infrastructural development, water treatment, community leader training, and education. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? For ever 1 volunteer, 3.9 community members are given direct access to clean and sufficient water. JOIN A BRIGADE PARTICIPATING IN A BRIGADE Volunteers can participate in any of the nine international brigade programs by joining an existing chapter or founding a new chapter at their university As a brigade participant you commit to the following: ● Joining at least a 7 day long brigade in Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. Every brigade advances the project being implemented in the community. ● Following the 12 steps outlined on the next page to prepare for a brigade. ● Fundraising to support the sustainability of the program (details on page 13). ● Attending regular chapter meetings to learn about the project, the culture and history of the country and to prepare for the brigade and educational workshops Upon arriving in-country, volunteers will be accompanied by in-country team members and spend the week working on a skill-based project for one of Global Brigades’ nine programs. Whether it is constructing a school with Architecture Brigades, providing health care with Medical Brigades, building a water system with Water Brigades, or using their talents on any other brigade, students can make a real & sustainable difference by volunteering. RESOURCES TO MAKE IT HAPPEN Student leaders and volunteers have four main resources to support and guide them throughout the process of starting a chapter and preparing to volunteer abroad. 1. Global Brigades Advising Team – Resource for Chapter Leaders 2. Volunteer Resource Site – Resource for all volunteers 3. Empowered.org – Fundraising platform 4. Global Brigades social media sites – Connect with GB and volunteers JOIN A BRIGADE STEPS TO PREPARING FOR A BRIGADE 1. Introduction to Global Brigades! Visit our main website at www.globalbrigades.org to learn more about the organization as well as the work that each of our programs do. Once you have chosen a program, join the chapter on your campus or contact a GB Program Advisor to start a chapter or join one nearby. 2. Go to the Volunteer Resource Site to start learning about the brigade and review all of the information you need to know prior to the brigade. 3. Secure a brigade week: Global Brigades works with university chapters to make brigades happen at any time of year. The Chapter President works with the GB Program Advisor to secure a brigade week. 4. Mobilize volunteers: Spread the word about your chapter on campus and recruit volunteers to join! For more on mobilizing volunteers, visit the Recruit section. 5. Empowered.org Sign-up & Contributions: When you sign up for your chapter's brigade, you will need to join the Volunteer Activity for the brigade on Empowered.org. Then you can post your $250 pledge and begin fundraising for the rest of your program contributions and airfare by following the payment deadlines established by the Chapter President and Program Advisor. Before fundraising, review the Program Contributions, Contributions Schedule and Cancellation and Refund Policy. 6. Fundraise: Connect with friends and family, and work with your entire brigade team to fundraise. Your Program Advisor and the Fundraising section can provide you with best practices for fundraising techniques, contribution deadlines, and other important information about fundraising for your brigade. 7. Travel Prep! You must verify that you are eligible to travel on the brigade by ensuring that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after your brigade begins and by fulfilling any visa requirements for your destination country. You should also review the safety information for your destination country and visit a doctor to receive any desired vaccinations or medications before traveling. 8. Book Travel: Once you have recruited volunteers for your brigade, your Chapter Leader will work with your Program Advisor to book plane tickets. You should become familiar with the information in the Travel Policy section to better understand the travel booking process. 9. Brigade! Each brigade program requires a different level of preparation. Be sure to check out your program's Brigade Planning section as you begin organizing for your brigade to ensure that your brigade is a success. RESOURCES CHAPTER ADVISORS The Global Brigades Advising Team is made up of recent graduates who have been involved with brigades or have had experience with student leadership and development work. The team lives and works in Nicaragua to serve as a liaison between students on campus and staff in in Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. The advisors work full-time and remain in constant contact with students and faculty members throughout the year. In addition, to guiding and sharing resources with the Chapter President/Brigade Leader, the Chapter Advisor is responsible for working with the leadership team to book travel. Lastly, the Chapter Advisor will be sending a Pre-departure Packet 40 days prior to the brigade. What should you contact the advisor for? Chapter Advisors are an excellent resource for information regarding chapter activation, brigade preparation and planning, supply organization, and the history of Global Brigades. Though advisors are available to everyone, volunteers should reach out to their Chapter President/Brigade Leader first. RESOURCES VOLUNTEER RESOURCE SITE The Volunteer Resource Site (globalbrigades.org/volunteer-tools-home) provides a Step-by-Step guide on how to start a sustainable chapter and prepare for a successful brigade. Please go to the Volunteer Resource Site to find information regarding the programs, past projects, program contributions, fundraising, recruitment, safety , policies and travel. All of the information you need for your brigade can be found on this site and if you can’t find what you are looking for please contact the Chapter President/Brigade Leader or the Chapter Advisor. EMPOWERED.ORG Empowered.org was created in order to provide an online presence for each Brigade group to mobilize volunteers, fundraise, and to share their experience with others. Every Chapter will have its own customizable page. Volunteers create profiles and join the Chapter’s page to fundraise for the Brigade. Empowered.org makes it easy for people to support our cause because it allows students to fundraise online while sharing pictures and stories. Donations and funds raised through Empowered.org are tax-deductible, and when a donor completes their donation online, they will automatically receive a tax receipt. Use the guidelines on the Volunteer Resource Site to set up your account. The platform is open to any organization, not just GB. Contact empowered.org at [email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA SITES Global Brigades has a strong social media presence that will allow you to get daily program updates, read interesting articles about our work, see photos from your brigades and other GB projects, and watch videos and other interactive media about sustainable development issues and the communities we work in. We also want to hear directly from you! Use our social media platforms to share your own perspectives, blog posts, Facebook updates, and upload pictures and videos about your experiences empowering communities. Our sites include: Find us on Facebook Where: www.facebook.com/GlobalBrigades Why: See tagged photos from your brigades, stay connected with the friends you meet on your trip, get daily updates about GB programs, and learn about job, internship, and special contest opportunities. RESOURCES SOCIAL MEDIA SITES CONTINUED Read our Blog Where: www.globalbrigades.org/blog Why: Get weekly updates about the successes and outcomes of your brigade projects, learn about and comment on sustainable development issues, and read monthly student profiles. Sign up for our Newsletter Where: globalbrigades.org/blog/?page_id=1693 Why: Read monthly in-depth updates about major Global Brigades initiatives, new partnerships, and community profiles. Follow us on Twitter Where: twitter.com/GlobalBrigades Why: Get GB updates sent straight to your cell phone – a quick and easy way to stay on top of all the latest developments. Add your photos to SmugMug Where: globalbrigades.smugmug.com Why: Share your photos on this photo-archiving site with tons of great pictures from past Brigades! Instructions: globalbrigades.org/blog/?p=2805 Watch our videos on Vimeo Where: vimeo.com/user4543852 Why: Our Vimeo site is a great place to check out Program videos, learn more about our work, and use our videos in information sessions! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Where: youtube.com/user/BrigadeVideos Why: Watch short videos about the communities we work with, hear firsthand accounts from our beneficiaries, and watch interviews with volunteers and GB staff. CONTRIBUTIONS Global Brigades is a registered charity in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Ireland. Donations from those countries to those entities are eligible for tax deductions. When donors complete a donation online, they will automatically receive a tax receipt. The receipt will be emailed to the address donors submit when they donate. Global Brigades is in the process of incorporating in Canada, Germany and Switzerland. TOTAL CONTRIBUTION The Total Contribution is the contribution to sustain a brigade. The Total Contribution consists of the Program Contribution and Airfare Contribution. Please view the Booking Travel Section for more details on airfare. All money is received by the relevant GB entity and unrestricted to use at their discretion to perpetuate the mission of the organization. Total Contribution = Airfare Contribution + Program Contribution PROGRAM CONTRIBUTIONS Every volunteer plays a critical role in the systematic sustainable work of Global Brigades. The funds you raise towards your Program Contribution not only help fund the projects during the brigades, but the continuation & follow-up work being implemented throughout the year, as well as all GB’s supplemental programs. All donations to Global Brigades are used to perpetuate the mission of implementing sustainable and holistic development work by supporting the operation of existing programs and allocating resources directly to the community projects. Country Ghana Honduras Nicaragua Panama Brigade length 10 day 7 day 9 day 7 day U.S.A. USD $880 USD $750 USD $930 USD $790, $820 Med Canada CAD 880 CAD 750 CAD 930 CAD 790 Brigade length 10 day 10 day 10 day UK £550 £650 £680 Europe €650 €750 €780 **More detailed information about longer brigade options can be found at globalbrigades.org/volunteer-tools-home CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE All volunteers are asked to adhere to a Program Contribution schedule set by their Chapter Presidents to support their international project. All contributions generated by individual volunteers are on behalf of their entire group and programs. 90 days prior to Brigade Initial Pledge: US - $250, Canada - 250 CAD, UK - £150, Europe - €200 Contributed when participant has committed to brigade four months before the brigade. The initial pledge is non-refundable for all participants as it is immediately sent from the charity to the entities in Ghana, Honduras, Panama or Nicaragua to support project preparation in the community and its perpetuation. The date is set by the Advisor and Chapter president. 60 days before brigade departure date Second Contribution: US - Airfare cost or $800 for C.A. Brigades and $1800 for Ghana. Canada - 750 CAD(Total 1000 CAD), UK - £550 (Total £700), Europe - €400 (Total €600 and Honduras/Panama Total €1300) * More details can be found on the volunteer resource site The second contribution should be on the volunteer’s fundraising account 60 days before departure. The contribution amount will be allocated towards the program contribution and airfare. 14 days before brigade departure date Last Contribution: Total Program Contribution and Airfare Contribution The last contribution is equal to the remaining amount of the total Program Contribution and Airfare Contribution and should be on the volunteer’s fundraising account 14 days before departure. CONTRIBUTIONS HOW DOES GB SPEND THE PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION Brigade logistics Includes all food, water, lodging, security, transportation, translators, and all staff involved in logistics. Program specific contributions Community Investment Fund (CIF) is the direct investment into the project during the brigade week and varies based on each program. Speak with your chapter leader or program advisor for more details about your program’s CIF. Contributions to community programs, education, and student leadership Contributions are distributed to in-country and student programs. In-country community programs include Patient Referral System, Community Health Workers Program. Contributions support education initiatives at Sociedad Amigos de los Niños and Flor Azul. The student programs contributions are allocated to the Student Leadership Conference and President & Chairperson Scholarships. Program sustainability and perpetuation This includes the funds for all in-country operations involved in preparation before and after brigades. These funds ensure the continuity of work when volunteers are not in country. This includes items such as cost of training/maintaining student advisors, program developers , investments in transportation, and maintenance for the compounds where students stay during brigades. Insurance Every brigade volunteer is covered by Core Travel Insurance. The details of the policy can be found under the Insurance portion of this packet. CONTRIBUTIONS NOT INCLUDED IN PROGRAM CONTRIBUTIONS Airfare Contribution All Global Brigade chapters are strongly encouraged to book travel through Global Brigades in-house travel agency, Empowered Travel. A group booking ensures that no volunteer is denied boarding at the airport, that all volunteers travel together and are seated together when possible, and that donations raised towards airfare are tax deductible. To initiate travel booking, chapter presidents should contact their Program Advisor. *For the Travel Booking Process for UK and Europe groups, speak with your Advisor. Exit & Entrance Fees Honduras requires a $37.40 exit fee when leaving the country and is frequently subject to change. Nicaragua requires a $10 entrance fee upon arrival to the country. Entrance and exit fees are included in the airfare for Ghana and Panama. Visas Volunteers that are non-US citizens may have to get a visa in order to enter Honduras, Nicaragua, or Panama. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact a local embassy or consulate to find out what type of visa is needed and to start the visa application process. For Ghana, all nationalities are required to apply for a visa. The visa application process depends on country of residence. Instructions on applying for a Ghanaian visa from the US can be found at www.ghanavisahouston.com and on the Student Resource Site under Travel Policies. For more info visit www.visahq.com or www.cibt.com More info can be found at www.visahq.com or www.cibt.com Vaccinations It is each volunteer’s responsibility to obtain the necessary vaccinations and refer to family or travel doctor and the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (www. cdc.gov) for information on the latest vaccination recommendations and requirements. All volunteers traveling to Ghana are required to have proof of yellow fever vaccination (yellow card). In order to work on medical/dental programs, proof of vaccinations is required. Spending Money Volunteers are encouraged to bring an extra $100-200 for souvenirs and any additional food and beverages outside of included meals. In Honduras you will have the option to purchase GB merchandise supporting university scholarships for young women in Honduras. START A CHAPTER BEING THE CHANGE! MAKE IT HAPPEN If you are interested in a specific Global Brigades program that does not exist on your school’s campus, you can start a chapter at any undergraduate or graduate university in countries where a Global Brigades entity has been established. Currently, these countries include USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Switzerland and Germany. The first step in starting a Global Brigades chapter on your university campus is to contact the Program Advisor of a specific brigade program; see the contact information page at the end of this packet. The Program Advisor for the program of choice will serve as your primary contact as you establish the Global Brigades chapter on campus and throughout the brigade planning process. As a Chapter Leader, your university chapter makes a commitment to go on at least one brigade a year in conjunction with Global Brigades’ approved partners in Honduras, Panama, or Ghana. Every Global Brigades program implements community-driven projects, which are accomplished through student-led, week-long brigades prepared and organized by these university and college chapters. Global Brigades’ in-country staff prepares and maintains the work of brigades by following a structured community and project selection process, fostering strong community relationships and administering training for community leaders. If you are interested in starting a new Global Brigades Chapter on your campus, contact [email protected] to be paired with your region’s Chapter Advisor. NEXT STEPS… Now that you have basic information about your upcoming brigade, please make sure to go to the Volunteer Resource Site at brigaders.wikidot.com for more important details! Also be sure to attending weekly meetings and go through the needed steps to properly prepare. We look forward to seeing you in Ghana, Honduras, Nicaragua or Panama! “Somewhere on this planet, someone has a solution to each of the world's problems. It might be one of us. With your help, we can build a more hopeful world.” Marianne Larned “In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.” Marianne Williamson . . . . . ARCHITECTURE BUSINESS DENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL.ENGINEERING.HUMAN RIGHTS MEDICAL MICROFINANCE . PUBLIC HEALTH WATER www.globalbrigades.org .
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