November 29, 2015 First Sunday in Advent MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays 7:05 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. Saturday 7:05 a.m. Saturday Vigil English—4:30 p.m. Spanish—7:00 p.m. Sunday 1st Sunday of Advent—Hope 721 CHEMEKETA STREET N.E. SALEM, OREGON 97301 Visit us at Rectory: 503-581-1623 Religious Education: 503-585-5095 School: 503-581-2147 Fax: 503-399-7045 Fax: 503-581-2147 The rectory business office is located directly behind the Church on the corner of Chemeketa and Cottage Streets. We are open: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. SATURDAY 12 NOON to 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY CLOSED Our mission, in service of Jesus and the universal church, is to make our parish ‘A Center of Catholic Life in the Valley’ thus bringing forth God’s Love, Light, and Life in order that all might be invited to know and be known by Him. - English 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Spanish 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. at the East Salem Community Center - Vietnamese 3:45 p.m. Latin Mass is the 1st Sunday of every month at 6:45 a.m. CONFESSIONS Mon.-Fri. 30 minutes before the 12:05 p.m. Mass Saturday - English 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Spanish 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday - English 8 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. 7 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. -Vietnamese 3:15 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic Parish Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Richard Huneger Parochial Vicar: Rev. Edwin Sanchez Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nazario Atukunda Deacon(s): Rev. Mr. Allen Vandecoevering Rev. Mr. Leo Rasca Director of Faith Formation: Christian Spencer Youth & Young Adult Ministries: Sarah Kresse Adult Faith Formation Coordinator: James Thurman Pastoral Associate for Hispanic Ministry: Maria Elena Ruiz Sacristan/Liturgy Coordinator: Jason Markowski Music Director: Doug Schneider Office Staff: Carolyn Burlison Jennifer McMillen Isabel Rico Maintenance: Kyle Sindlinger Purchaser/Reception Coordinator: Deanna Lebaron Principal, St. Joseph School: Mrs. Melissa Doxtator MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.SP 5:30 p.m.SP 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29, 2015 Mary IC† Gus Schreiner† St. Joseph Parish Wesley Fisher† Lucio Naranjo† Animas del Purgatorio Intentions of Sharlene Gerber† Monday Nov. 30, 2015 7:05 a.m. 12:05 p.m Intentions of Julie Redden Grace Maybury† Tuesday 7:05 a.m. 12:05 p.m. Dec. 1, 2015 Intentions of Betty Evans Intentions of Therese Lai Moise Wednesday 7:05 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 12:05 p.m. Dec, 2, 2015 Ernest C. Mills† Frank Family† Jim Steinmetz† Thursday Dec. 3, 2015 7:05 a.m. 12:05 p.m. Norman Schmidt† Tom Johnson† Friday Dec. 4, 2015 7:05 a.m. 12:05 p.m. Intentions of Enrique Pieda . Pegro Ogo† Saturday 7:05 a.m. 4:30 p.m 7:00 p.m.SP Dec. 5, 2015 Felino de Guzman† Dyer Family† CONTRIBUTIONS: November 15, 2015 $ 17,018.87 Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity! Please continue praying for our men and women serving in the military: Michael E. Nielsen Capt. Patrick Grainey Major Paul Lushenko Capt. Kenneth Strawn Jaime D. Ramirez Joseph Fuller Lt. Jg. Taylor McCammon Tom McGovern Kevin Halfman Shawn Stanford Joshua Threlkel Frank (Hank) Wasson III Maj. Michael Cooper Sgt. Kevin Blair Capt. Andrew Buchele David Gonzalez Mark Ramirez Gary Nash Travis Brossard Capt. Jacob Howard Daniel Sheffield Lt. Cmdr. Jon Lushenko Gabriel Marrel Philip Candello Michael Candello Jason Adams Michael Odgers Sgt. Luis E. Granizo CW4 Erik Anderson Paul Teters Chris Teters Brian P. Baranek Ron B. Atalig S.F.C. Christopher Thorne Lawrence Concepcion David Martinmaas Capt. Carlos Ortiz Sgt. Lisa Marie Nunez Lt. Col. Peter Derouin Johnny Lugo Billy Cooper Kris Kochen PFC. Brooke Rader Lt. Col. Gilbert Shaw E4 Jacob Cravinho Capt. Luke Jaeger Michael Buckley Edward C. Barcenas Capt. John Tuttle Gabriel A. Estes, USAF Sgt. Zachary Millsap PFC Nathan Millsap Major David Wendell Capt. Carlos Ortiz 1st Lt. Ashley Messoline Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Messoline Sgt. Patrick Deleonguerreo Spec 4, Brian Vergith Registration Form/ADDRESS & PHONE UPDATE Welcome to St. Joseph Parish. If you wish to register as a new parishioner, please fill-out the form and mail or drop in the collection basket. If you are currently a parishioner and have an address or phone change please fill out and drop in the collection. Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ____________________ Zip: ____________ Phone: _____________________ If you would like to receive e-mailed information from the parish please provide your e-mail. Please print legibly. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) First Sunday in Advent First Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16 Responsorial: Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:32 Gospel: Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 Nov. 29, 2015 Msgr. Richard Huneger - The Pastor’s Keyboard 40th Anniversary - St Joseph Vietnamese Community. Last Sunday, November 22, the Vietnamese Community of St Joseph celebrated its 40th Anniversary at this parish with a beautiful Mass in Vietnamese, and an all-evening celebration from 6:00pm to 10:00pm in the Gym. Back in 1973, when the United States withdrew from Vietnam, the Communists gained power. In 1975 there was the beginning of the "boat people" phenomenon; many were crowding on small boats, often losing their lives in the process, in an attempt to flee the new government. In the United States there were about five major centers receiving the refugees, many from leading political, academic, and military families of the former South Vietnam. One of the largest was Catholic Charities - Portland. Fr. Mort Park assisted in resettling, quietly, but effectively, over 10,000 newcomers. Communities developed in Portland (at St Rose of Lima), Salem (at St Joseph), Tigard (at St Anthony), Beaverton (at Holy Trinity), and North Portland (Immaculate Heart) where Masses in Vietwere held. In 1986 the Vietnamese community at St Rose moved across to the street to “Show us, Lord, your love; namese the former Holy Child Academy property (which had been sold to SafeCo for development as a and grant us your retirement community; but after the intervention of Bishop Paul Waldschmidt, explaining the growing need for the Vietnamese ministry, they sold it back to the Archdiocese); by 1996, they built a salvation.” new church, Our Lady of Lavang parish church in its own right, with SE Asian Vicariate responsibilities to missions at other locations mentioned above. In February, 2015, the Vietnamese community at Holy Trinity, Beaverton, which had grown to almost 1,000, dedicated St Andrew Dung-Lac In Our Parish Catholic Church in Aloha, Oregon (purchased from the Lutheran Congregation that had grown too small to manage it any longer); meanwhile, they are building a new, larger church, on the same property. The Vietnamese community includes the Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross (their convent Baptism—Rite of is at Ascension Church in Portland); these Sisters bake the hosts that we use at Mass, so every time you receive Holy Communion at St Joseph you are "in touch" with this vibrant young order of Christian Initiation sisters. The Vietnamese community has also produced many vocations to the priesthood for our Archdiocese. They continue to celebrate in a big way their traditional holidays, customs, music, Christian Guerrero costumes, food, and language. And each year they have the Freedom Mass at the Grotto (with a Jeily Fernanda Hernandez Lopez procession from Lavang to the Grotto, a couple of miles) around July 4th, which draws as many as Jeidy Lorena Hernandez Lopez 10,000 people from all over the West, and not just Vietnamese. They celebrate the religious liberty available to them here in the United States. And they mean it. When I was pastor at St Rose of Lima (1994-2006), I had many wonderful encounters with the Vietnamese. And some of them (men) have pulled off their shirt and shown me enormous scars which they bear, of being tortured for their faith (almost enough to make me faint; I was never meant to be a doctor). And some of the families in that community are proudly and devoutly Catholic, having been descendants of the Vietnamese Martyrs (which we celebrate November 24 in the liturgy each year): they were canonized Coming by Pope Saint John Paul II. So, our congratulations to the St Joseph Vietnamese Community on DECEMBER 12 & 13, 2015 the 40th Anniversary of their arrival in Salem at this parish! RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS COLLECTION Aging religious need your help. Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests spent years working in Catholic schools, hospitals, and agencies—often for little pay. Their sacrifices leave their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement and eldercare. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious collection helps provide prescription medications, nursing care, and more. Please give to those who have given a lifetime. SHARE IN THE CARE! Census Head Count was taken in all parishes of the Archdiocese the weekends of November 8 and 15. Here at St Joseph, from 2014 to 2015, our Mass attendance total went from 4076 to 4513 (11% increase, recovering from last year's drop). English-Mass count went from 1557 to 1546 (down a bit), and Spanish-Mass count went from 2365 to 2822 (up 457), while Vietnamese-Mass count went from 155 to 145 (down a bit). The 10:00am East Salem Community Center Spanish Mass is now our second largest (at 660); it seems to have drawn some people from the Sat 7:00pm and Sun 5:30pm Spanish Masses, and the Sun Noon English Mass (all of which were down): a more convenient time, and space for overflow from the 1:30pm Spanish Mass, our largest (1231 people). After many years of dropping gradually, the 8:30am English Mass picked up a bit (from 191 last year to 241 this year). Offertory Appeal went nicely this year. There were this year 639 pledges (as of November 17), amounting to $682,510, compared with 2014, showing 404 pledges amounting to $496,513. Thus, a 58% increase in pledges submitted, and a 37% in the overall amount pledged. The increase largely came from the Hispanic community. Of course, a rule of thumb is that pledges typically run about 40% of what the actual total offertory will be; many people don't feel a need to write down a pledge, because they are already regular givers, and "The parish already knows what I give, anyway." Of interest is that as of October 31, 4 months into the fiscal year, our actual offertory is about $15,000 higher than last year at the same time, and we are slightly above the projected budget for this period. Many thanks to all parishioners who so generously support their parish! Parish Calendar SJS– St. Joseph School 29 CH-Church ERoom—Rectory East Room November Sunday PC-Parish Center RMR-Rectory Meeting Room Gym Classrooms—upstairs in the Gymnasium 06 December Sunday Regular Mass Schedule: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,10:00 a.m.,12 noon, 7:30 p.m. English 1:30 p.m.& 5:30 p.m.–Spanish 10:00 a.m.—Spanish Mass at East Salem Comm. Center 3:45 p.m.—Vietnamese Regular Mass Schedule: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,10:00 a.m.,12 noon, 7:30 p.m. English 1:30 p.m.& 5:30 p.m.–Spanish 10:00 a.m.—Spanish Mass at East Salem Comm. Center 3:45 p.m.—Vietnamese 11:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish CCD 11:30 a.m. GYM—Spanish CCD 3 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir Parish Mission 11:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish CCD 11:30 a.m. GYM—Spanish CCD 3 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir 30 November Monday 07 December Monday 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass 9:00 a.m. ERoom—Prison Ministry Committee Correspondence 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 5:00 p.m. CH—Gregorian Schola 5:00 p.m. PC-3—St. Vincent de Paul Society 5:15 p.m. CH—Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. ERoom—Bible Study 6:45 p.m. SJS-203—Communion & Liberation 7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Apostles of the Word 7:00 p.m. CH—Spanish Divine Mercy Parish Mission 9:00 a.m. ERoom—Prison Ministry Committee Correspondence 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 5:00 p.m. CH—Gregorian Schola 5:15 p.m. CH—Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. ERoom—Bible Study 6:45 p.m. SJS-203—Communion & Liberation 7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Apostles of the Word 7:00 p.m. CH—Spanish Divine Mercy 01 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass December Tuesday December Wednesday 7:05 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (School) & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 6:45 p.m. All Facility—Religious Education. Parish Mission 03 December Thursday 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass 9:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. ERoom—Grief Support 11:00 a.m. Adoration Chapel—Pray for Our Priests 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 6:30 p.m. CH—Music Practice 6:30 p.m. PC1-2-3—RCIA 7:00 p.m. ERoom—Spanish Prayer Group Parish Mission 04 December Friday 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass 6:00 pm. PCafe/Kitchen—Spanish Prayer Group 6:00 p.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish Baptism Preparation Class 7:00 p.m. CH—Spanish Prayer Group 05 December December Tuesday 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 6:00 p.m. CH—Medujugorje Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. ERoom—Grief Support 6:30 p.m. PC1-2/SJS—Spanish RCIA 7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Choir 7:30 p.m. CH—Holy League 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 6:00 p.m. CH—Medujugorje Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. ERoom—Grief Support 6:30 p.m. PC1-2/SJS—Spanish RCIA 7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Choir Parish Mission 02 08 Saturday 7:05 a.m. Daily Mass Vigil Masses: 4:30—English 7:00 p.m.—Spanish 9:00 a.m. PCKitchen—Spanish Divine Mercy 12:00 noon CH—Spanish Baptisms 2:00 p.m. CH—Quinceanera(s) 5:00 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir 5:30 p.m. ERoom—Spanish Eucharistic Ministers 09 December Wednesday 7:05 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (School) & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 6:45 p.m. All Facility—Religious Education. 10 December 9:00 a.m. Mass Thursday Rectory /School closed 9:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. ERoom—Grief Support 11:00 a.m. Adoration Chapel—Pray for Our Priests 3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball 6:30 p.m. CH—Music Practice 6:30 p.m. PC1-2-3—RCIA 7:00 p.m. ERoom—Spanish Prayer Group 11 December Friday 7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass 4:00 p.m. CH—Our Lady of Guadalupe 12 December Saturday 7:05 a.m. Daily Mass Vigil Masses: 4:30—English 7:00 p.m.—Spanish State Fairgrounds Pavilion—Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 a.m. CH—Lector’s Meeting 12:00 noon CH—Spanish Baptisms 5:00 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir St. Joseph Parish Religious Education ADVENT HAS BEGUN: The season of our preparation for Christmas begins today. All families are encouraged to have an Advent Wreath in the home and to gather the family around the table for prayer and to light the wreath each week of Advent. For more information, visit: prayer-and-worship/liturgical-year/advent/about-advent-wreaths.cfm ALL FAITH FORMATION CLASSES ON WED. DEC. 2ND will attend the Advent Parish Mission in the Church. All parents should accompany their children in the Church as we give our time and attention to God at 6:45pm. NEW, EASY, and FREE way to grow in knowledge of God and His teachings presented through His Catholic Church. St. Joseph Parish has just purchased a one year subscription to “Formed,” an online library of Catholic videos, audio’s, and ebooks for all Parishioners at St. Joseph Parish to have unlimited access, any-time, any-where there is data or wifi available. Enrich and grow in faith on your commute, at home, at the airport, or here on the parish campus. Visit, scroll down to the “enter the parish access code” box, use our parish code V9CEV4 and then register with your physical and email address for online access to the digital library. After registration, just login with your email address (upper right hand corner of the webpage) at your convenience any time, any place you have wifi or data! Catholic Newman Club @ Willamette University If interested contact: Sarah Kresse [email protected] Young Adult Bible Study—Perfect for the Attention all Youth and Young Adults (18 or older by July 15, 2016): Are you looking for an amazing faith-filled experience? We are getting a group together for World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrimage in Krakow Poland! If you are interested or would like information, please contact Sarah Kresse in the parish office 503.581.1623 Week of Nov 29 Scripture: Mk 13:33 – “Beware, keep alert for you do not know when the time will come.” busy young adult. YouCat: Question 164- How will the world come to an end? Dive into the Word of God Question: Liturgically we are in the season of Advent… what with other young adults colors are we using? Why? What colors will we see at Christmas? and discover our God of Why? Love in a deeper way. Virtue: Wisdom Every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Saint: Leo the Great At Broadway Commons Announcements: Coffeehouse 1300 Broad- Parish Mission – November 29th – December 3rd way St. NE, Suite 100, Confirmation Session – Sunday December 6th Salem OR Attention all Mid-High Youth – CALLED RALLY – December 5th Advent Festival – December 13th Annual winter trip to Portland for shopping and the Grotto – Saturday December 19th! Faith Tid-Bit: We are entering into the Year of Mercy…What is God’s Mercy all about? REAL LIFE SPIRITUALITY FOR YOUNG ADULTS 7pm @ Thompsons Brewery and Pub 3575 Liberty RD S, Salem OR Information for St. Joseph Parish PARISH MISSION with Fr. Jewel Aytona, CPM November 30th through December 3, 2015 BAKE SALE NEXT WEEKEND: St. Joseph’s Holy Family Home School Ministry is hosting a bake sale on 12/5 after the 4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass and on 12/6 after the 7/8:30/10 a.m./Noon/1:30 p.m. Masses. Your support will help to off-set the costs of field trips, pottery/art classes/supplies and other miscellaneous expenses that the group incurs throughout the year. We will also be donating 10% of our sales to St. Germaine’s Pregnancy Support Center and 10% to St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry. Thank you for your prayers and on-going support of our sales. God bless! Advent wreaths, candles, centerpieces, and baskets will be sold in the cafeteria on November 28TH, after the 4:30pm mass and November 29TH after the morning and noon masses Coffee and rolls will be served by the Young Ladies Institute ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP THE MEN IN OUR SEMINARY YLI is a Catholic Women’s Group dedicated to the principles of Charity and Love. Call Jean Hilke 503-949-4815 for information. FYI SENIORS. There will be blood pressure checks available for you at every Senior Luncheon and on every 3rd Sunday after the 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon Mass in the Parish Center The Advent Festival will be on Sunday, Dec. 13th only from 8 am - 3 pm. Please contact: Mary and Anthony Reich ([email protected]) or Angela [email protected] St. Joseph’s Peace & Justice Committee will hold a Blanket & Warm Clothing Drive before the Masses on Saturday evening December 5 and Sunday December 6. Please bring your new or gently used blankets and warm coats to the Cafeteria in the Parish Center after the 7 am Mass or before the other Masses that weekend. (Please clean all used blankets or coats.) Blankets and coats will be distributed to St. Francis Shelter and to other needy organizations CHRISTMAS WREATH SALE: Michael the Archangel and St. Germaine Pregnancy Centers will be selling decorated Christmas wreaths and centerpieces on December 5th and 6th after the 4:30 and morning Masses to help support our prolife work. Please stop by and help us with our prolife work by purchasing a holiday decoration for your home or for a gift! St. Vincent de Paul Food Collection is the third Sunday of each month. The St. Vincent de Paul Van Driver is ready and willing to accept donations of potatoes, apples, salad oil, brown and white rice, dry pasta and noodles, cereals, beans and all canned foods, especially needed is proteins (i.e., meats, fish and legumes) and dried fruits and toilet paper. Look for the white St. Vincent de Paul Van in the parking lot. St. Joseph Parish Adoration Chapel Open 24 hours a day—7 days a week Come join our Lord in this beautiful and peaceful place. Our Adoration Chapel is located on the south side of the Church off of Chemeketa Street. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We welcome parishioners to take a regular chapel hour or begin as a substitute until you find an hour that works best for you. Parishioners are welcome to drop by the chapel at any time. Contact: Carol Joye 503-390-7288 Adorers Needed: Mon.—12 midnight Weds.—3 a.m. Adorers: If you must leave Jesus alone please gently close the tabernacle doors (the light will remain on). 29 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2015 Comunidad Hispana de San José 1er Domingo de Adviento LAS LECTURAS DE HOY: 29 de Noviembre de 2015 MISA INTENCIONAL POR Sábado 28 de noviembre de 2015 7:00 p.m. SP Said Martinez † Primer Lectura: J er emías 33, 14-16 29 de noviembre de 2015 Segunda Lectura: 1 Tesalonicenses 3, 12—4, 2 Domingo 1:30 p.m. SP Lucio Naranjo † Evangelio: Lucas 21, 25-28. 34-36 5:30 p.m. SP Animas del Purgatorio COMO UN NIÑO — Alguien que as- LA OFRENDA DEL DOMINGO FUE: pira a recibir la gracia de Dios tiene que 15 de noviembre $ 5,680.15 ser puro, con un corazón tan inocente como el de un niño. —San Nicolás Misión—15 de noviembre $ 1,040.00 Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe ❂ Empezará el viernes, 11 de diciembre con la Vigilia a las 10:00 p.m. en la iglesia y gimnasio. La fiesta continua con las mañanitas el viernes, 12 de dic. de 12am hasta las 6:00am en la iglesia y de 12am a 7am en el gimnasio. ❂ La Santa Misa se celebrara el viernes, 12 de dic. en el Pavilion de Salem a las 7:00 p.m. Las puertas se abrirán a las 4:00 p.m. Nuestra Misa del sábado en la Parroquia San José será CANCELADA. (Si desea ayudar en hacer alguna donación de pan, café, canela, etc. para las mañanitas, favor de llevarlo a la oficina parroquial.) Matrimonios Comunitarios Misa se llevará acabo el sábado, 28 de mayo del 2016. Estos son los requisitos: Tener tres años o más viviendo juntos o casados al civil. Hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote. Certificado de Bautismo (copia reciente). Sacramentos de la 1ra Comunión y Confirmación. El acta de matrimonio civil o licencia del civil. Dos fotos de cada uno, tamaño infantil. Asistir a tres Clases Pre. Matrimoniales. Llamar a la oficina para hacer una cita con el sacerdote. Jóvenes Anuncios y Recordatorios: Misión de la Parroquia - del 29 de nov. al 3 de dic. Sesión de Confirmación - Domingo, 6 de diciembre. Atención todos los jóvenes - CALLED RALLY - sábado, 5 de diciembre. Festival de Adviento - 13 de diciembre Paseo Anual de Compras a Portland y a la Gruta - 19 de dic. Virtud: Sabidur ía Santo: San León I el Grande Segunda Colecta 12 y 13 de Diciembre del 2014 Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos Done a los que donaron su vida. Cerca de 35 Mil hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes de ordenes religiosas ancianos como ellas– han ofrecido su vida en servicio a los demás. Su donativo proporciona fondos para recetas medicas, cuidados de enfermería y mas. Sean generosos. Capilla de Adoración Abierta las 24 horas al día 7 días a la semana LECTURAS DIARIAS: Lunes, 30 de Noviembre: Romanos 10, 9-18 Mateo 4, 18-22 Martes, 1 de Diciembre: Isaías 11, 1-10 Lucas 10, 21-24 Miércoles, 2 de Diciembre: Isaías 25, 6-10 Mateo 15, 29-37 Jueves, 3 de Diciembre: Isaías 26, 1-6 Mateo 7, 21. 24-27 Viernes, 4 de Diciembre: Isaías 29, 17-24 Mateo 9, 27-31 Sábado, 5 de Diciembre: Isaías 30, 19-21. 23-26 Mateo 9, 35—10; 1. 6-8 FESTIVAL DE ADVIENTO 2015 Domingo, 14 de diciembre, de 8am - 3pm Ven a celebrar la venida de Cristo en el gimnasio con buena comida. ¡Compre regalos, haga manualidades, tome café y escuche música, habrá entretenimiento en vivo. ¡Además, habrá premios de adviento durante la celebración y rifas de artículos maravillosos! ¡Este es un evento en nuestra parroquia que no querrá perderse! La Esperanza, confiar en Dios Todos nosotros en un momento u otro de nuestra vida nos enfrentamos a momentos dolorosos como el sufrimiento, la muerte, la enfermedad, etc. Es sólo gracias a la Esperanza, la segunda virtud teologal, que estas realidades adquieren un sentido, convirtiéndose en medios de salvación, en un camino para llegar a Dios. La Esperanza nos da la certeza de que algún día viviremos en la eterna felicidad. La virtud de la esperanza corresponde a ese anhelo de felicidad que Dios ha puesto en el corazón del hombre. Es una virtud sobrenatural infundida por Dios en el momento del Bautismo. Nos da la firme confianza en que Dios, por los méritos de Cristo, nos dará las gracias que necesitamos aquí en la Tierra para alcanzar el Cielo. Consiste en confiar con certeza en las promesas de salvación que Dios nos ha hecho. Está fundada en la seguridad que tenemos de que Dios nos ama. Y está basada en la bondad y el poder infinito de Dios, que es siempre fiel a sus promesas. Sin esperanza, el hombre se encierra en el horizonte de este mundo y pierde la visión de la vida eterna. Lucha solo contra las dificultades prescindiendo de la ayuda de Dios. La esperanza es la seguridad en algo futuro. Confiando en Dios no hay futuro incierto. La esperanza cristiana se funda en la fe, porque nace de creer en las promesas que Dios nos ha hecho. Uno de los ejemplos más claros de lo que es la esperanza lo encontramos en Job, que a pesar de todo lo que le sucedió seguía creyendo en Dios. Su esperanza nunca se perdió, por más que le decían, él seguía siendo fiel. La esperanza es una virtud poco conocida o muy confundida. No se piensa en ella como algo sobrenatural, referente a nuestra vida eterna, sino que se piensa que la esperanza concierne en alcanzar diferentes cosas aquí en la tierra.
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