Sunday - St. Joseph Parish

November 15, 2015
33rd Sunday in
Ordinary time
7:05 a.m. and 12:05 p.m.
Saturday 7:05 a.m.
Saturday Vigil
English—4:30 p.m.
Spanish—7:00 p.m.
The Last Judgement (1536-1541)
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Sistine Chapel, Vatican City
Visit us at
Religious Education:
Fax: 503-399-7045
Fax: 503-581-2147
The rectory business office is located directly behind the Church on the
corner of Chemeketa and Cottage Streets.
We are open:
8:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.
SATURDAY 12 NOON to 4:30 P.M.
Our mission, in service of Jesus and the universal church,
is to make our parish
‘A Center of Catholic Life in the Valley’
thus bringing forth God’s Love, Light, and Life in order that
all might be invited to know and be known by Him.
- English 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
- Spanish 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. at the East Salem
Community Center
- Vietnamese 3:45 p.m.
Latin Mass is the 1st Sunday of
every month at 6:45 a.m.
30 minutes before the
12:05 p.m. Mass
- English 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Spanish 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- English 8 a.m. to 8:20 a.m.
9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.
7 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.
-Vietnamese 3:15 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.
St. Joseph Catholic Parish
Parish Staff
Pastor: Rev. Msgr.
Richard Huneger
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Edwin Sanchez
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Nazario Atukunda
Rev. Mr. Allen
Rev. Mr. Leo Rasca
Director of Faith
Christian Spencer
Youth & Young Adult
Sarah Kresse
Adult Faith Formation
James Thurman
Pastoral Associate for
Hispanic Ministry:
Maria Elena Ruiz
Jason Markowski
Music Director:
Doug Schneider
Office Staff:
Carolyn Burlison
Jennifer McMillen
Isabel Rico
Kyle Sindlinger
Deanna Lebaron
St. Joseph School:
Mrs. Melissa Doxtator
Nov. 15, 2015
7:00 a.m. Intentions of the Zamudio/Valdez Family
8:30 a.m.
William Haslebacher†
10:00 a.m.
St. Joseph Parish
12:00 p.m.
Romelia Valdez†
1:30 p.m.SP
Eugenia Sosa†
5:30 p.m.SP
7:30 p.m.
Maria Linh†
7:05 a.m.
12:05 p.m
Nov. 16, 2015
Ethel Redden†
Tom Johnson†
7:05 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
Nov. 17, 2015
Intentions of Clem Shaffner
Jim Steinmetz†
7:05 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
Nov. 18, 2015
Intentions of Maria Elena Martin
Intentions of Sharlene Gerber
Intentions of Maria Elena Martin
7:05 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
Nov. 19, 2015
Julia Johnston†
Bunny Schleier†
Nov. 20, 2015
7:05 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
John MdDermaid†
Intentions of Ernesto Valdez Jr.
7:05 a.m.
4:30 p.m
7:00 p.m.SP
Nov. 21, 2015
Intentions of Clem Schaffner
Intentions of David McDarby
November 1, 2015
Thank you for your ongoing
support and generosity!
Please continue praying for our men and
women serving in the military:
Michael E. Nielsen
Capt. Patrick Grainey
Major Paul Lushenko
Capt. Kenneth Strawn
Jaime D. Ramirez Joseph Fuller
Lt. Jg. Taylor McCammon
Tom McGovern Kevin Halfman
Shawn Stanford Joshua Threlkel
Frank (Hank) Wasson III
Maj. Michael Cooper
Sgt. Kevin Blair
Capt. Andrew Buchele
David Gonzalez Mark Ramirez
Gary Nash Travis Brossard
Capt. Jacob Howard
Daniel Sheffield
Lt. Cmdr. Jon Lushenko
Gabriel Marrel Philip Candello
Michael Candello Jason Adams
Michael Odgers
Sgt. Luis E. Granizo
CW4 Erik Anderson
Paul Teters Chris Teters
Brian P. Baranek
Ron B. Atalig
S.F.C. Christopher Thorne
Lawrence Concepcion
David Martinmaas
Capt. Carlos Ortiz
Sgt. Lisa Marie Nunez
Lt. Col. Peter Derouin
Johnny Lugo Billy Cooper
Kris Kochen PFC. Brooke Rader
Lt. Col. Gilbert Shaw
E4 Jacob Cravinho
Capt. Luke Jaeger
Michael Buckley
Edward C. Barcenas
Capt. John Tuttle
Gabriel A. Estes, USAF
Sgt. Zachary Millsap
PFC Nathan Millsap
Major David Wendell
Capt. Carlos Ortiz
1st Lt. Ashley Messoline
Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Messoline
Sgt. Patrick Deleonguerreo
Spec 4, Brian Vergith
Registration Form/ADDRESS & PHONE UPDATE
Welcome to St. Joseph Parish. If you wish to register as a new parishioner, please fill-out the form and mail or
drop in the collection basket. If you are currently a parishioner and have an address or phone change please fill out and drop in
the collection.
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Zip: ____________ Phone: _____________________
If you would like to receive e-mailed information from the parish please provide your e-mail.
Please print legibly. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading:
Daniel 12:1-3
Psalm 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11
Second Reading:
Hebrews 10:11-14, 18
Mark 13:24-32
“Be vigilant at all times and
pray that you have the strength
to stand before the
Son of Man.”
In Our Parish
Baptism—Rite of
Christian Initiation
Justin E. Gomez Moreno
Piper K. T. Muna
Thea J. Barcinas Tenorio
Linette Garibay Maravilla
Catholic Campaign for
Human Development
Working on the
21 & 22, 2015
The collection for the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding
for groups that make lasting
change and uplift the poor in the
United States. CCHD’s grants
improve education, support economic development, and create
affordable housing in low-income
neighborhoods. Help us continue
to defend human dignity and
build communities of solidarity.
Please give to the
CCHD Collection.
Nov. 15, 2015
Msgr. Richard Huneger - The Pastor’s Keyboard
Last weekend, the Old Testament reading and the Gospel reading highlighted the
exemplary generosity with trust in God of the widow of Zarephath and the widow at the
Temple: both, no matter how little they had, started "first" with "something for God and
his work," and found themselves blessed or praised as a result: in the first case, the oil
and flour did not run dry or run out, and in the second case, everyone is moved to
evaluate whether the fundamental service (or worship) of his life is to God or Mammon (Money). The many appeals to our generosity, whether at church or elsewhere,
are opportunities for exercising our giving muscles, to prove that we think not only of
ourselves, but beyond ourselves. The collection basket at the altar is a sign of our detachment from "mammon" (selfishness) and cause for gratitude to God for each other.
And when funding or de-funding decisions regarding programs or personnel are made,
we realize with St Paul that we must be prepared and skilled in knowing how to get
along with much or with little. Church history is filled with remarkable achievements
and testimonies to love for God embodied in lovely churches and art, but also is peppered with times of great reversal, despoliation, confiscation, persecution, and seemingly hopeless lack of all material resources and consolation. God continues, faithful,
through it all.
Last weekend's second reading from Hebrews ("It is appointed for all men to die,
once, and then the judgment") is also a reminder that "You Can't Take It With You."
In this Month of the Poor Souls, or rather, of the Holy Souls, the doctrine of Purgatory
tells us that we can take something with us into eternity, but only that which represents
how we have become a gift to everyone else in our lives, so that the gift of heaven in
the Communion of Saints is experienced for what it is: where I am nothing but giving
my all, and everyone else is the same situation, and I'm blessed as a recipient of their
all. In the words of St Augustine: "each gives to, and prays for all, and each receives
from, and is prayed for, by all." All else must go. Purgatory means the burning away of
anything inconsistent with this state of perfect mutual gift, getting rid of all that "you
can't take with you."
November is also a time to think about our respect for and care for the deceased. St Joseph Parish has a cemetery: St Barbara Cemetery, just a couple of miles
away, on South Liberty. It's a treasure trove of parish history -- there lie so many whose
blood, sweat, and tears over the last 150 years gave us what we now take for granted
here. It is a Catholic Cemetery. Care for the dead should reflect our belief in the Resurrection of the Body, a Temple of the Holy Spirit. The Church's long tradition prefers the
presence of the body at the funeral service, and burial of the body in the ground or
placement in a vault. For good reasons, and provided it in no way reflects a denial of
the resurrection, cremation is permissible, preferably after the funeral Mass. However,
the cremains should be treated with the same reverence as the body, and buried in the
ground or placed in a columbarium. Some families instinctively realize this after a time,
sometimes years later, when the "ashes" have been kept privately, at home, maybe
stuck in a closet or a box (and then accidentally discovered, with shock, while doing
Spring cleaning). There needs to be respect for the integrity of the person of the deceased, and so it is unacceptable to fight over and divide cremains among family members, or take the cremains and strew them over the ocean, or at different vacation spots
the dear old Dad liked to visit, and so on – not to mention newer practices like incorporating the ashes into sculptures, picture frames, pendants, wind chimes, sundials, teddy
bears, .44-caliber Magnum silver-bullet keychains, born-to-ride motorcycle gas tank
urns, and the like; or mixing the ashes with inks for tattooing, so that Grandma can always be "near" and even "within" (maybe even "visible," as a photo-transfer tattoo).
Please keep these points in mind as your consider the arrangements for disposition for
yourself or family in the future. What has just been said may raise questions about the
validity of spreading the relics of saints (little pieces of their bones, or even bigger
chunks) to many locations for use in church altars or display in museums; or for that
matter, the donation of organs for medical purposes (donation of the more vital organs
for transplants always needs to respect the living person, and can never legitimately be
done in such a way as to kill a living person off in order to get a fresher organ for greater success in transplanting it). But a careful and principled delineation of propriety and
limits in light of our solidarity in the communion of saints, and our social nature, does
help us to avoid a frivolous practice not in harmony with our Catholic faith.
Parish Calendar
SJS– St. Joseph School
ERoom—Rectory East Room
PC-Parish Center RMR-Rectory Meeting Room
Gym Classrooms—upstairs in the Gymnasium
Regular Mass Schedule: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,10:00 a.m.,12 noon, 7:30 p.m. English 1:30 p.m.& 5:30 p.m.–Spanish 10:00 a.m.—Spanish Mass at East Salem
Comm. Center 3:45 p.m.—Vietnamese
Regular Mass Schedule: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,10:00 a.m.,12 noon, 7:30 p.m. English 1:30 p.m.& 5:30 p.m.–Spanish 10:00 a.m.—Spanish Mass at East Salem
Comm. Center 3:45 p.m.—Vietnamese
11:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish CCD
11:30 a.m. GYM—Spanish CCD
3 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir
7:00 p.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish Marriage Encounter
11:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish CCD
11:30 a.m. GYM—Spanish CCD
1:00 p.m. GYM—Vietnamese Community
3 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir
7:05 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass
9:00 a.m. ERoom—Prison Ministry Committee Correspondence
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
5:00 p.m. CH—Gregorian Schola
5:00 p.m. PCafe—Prison Ministry
5:15 p.m. CH—Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group
6:00 p.m. CH—Cleaning
6:30 p.m. ERoom—Bible Study
6:45 p.m. SJS-203—Communion & Liberation
7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Apostles of the Word
7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass
9:00 a.m. PC1-2-3—Women’s Bible Study
10:00 a.m. ERoom—Grief Support
11:00 a.m. Adoration Chapel—Pray for Our Priests
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
6:00 p.m. PCafe—SJS Parents Club
6:30 p.m. CH—Music Practice
6:30 p.m. PC1-2-3—RCIA
7:00 p.m. ERoom—Spanish Prayer Group
7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass
10:00 a.m. PC-1—Prayer Shawl Ministry
5:00 p.m. ERoom—Schoenstatt
6:00 pm. PCafe/Kitchen—Spanish Prayer Group
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
6:45 p.m. All Facility—Religious Education.
7:05 a.m.& 12:05 a.m. Daily Mass
7:05 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (School) & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass
12:45 p.m. PC1-2—Senior Luncheon
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
6:45 p.m. All Facility—Religious Education.
9:00 a.m. ERoom—Prison Ministry Committee Correspondence
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
5:00 p.m. CH—Gregorian Schola
5:00 p.m. PC-3—St. Vincent de Paul Society
5:15 p.m. CH—Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group
6:30 p.m. ERoom—Bible Study
6:45 p.m. SJS-203—Communion & Liberation
7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Apostles of the Word
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
6:30 p.m. ERoom—Grief Support
6:30 p.m. PC1-2/SJS—Spanish RCIA
7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Choir
7:05 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (School) & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass
7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass
3:15 p.m. GYM—SJS Basketball
6:00 p.m. PC-3—Knights of Columbus
6:00 p.m. CH—Cleaning
6:30 p.m. ERoom—Grief Support
6:30 p.m. PC1-2/SJS—Spanish RCIA
7:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Choir
7:05 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. Daily Mass
7:05 a.m. Daily Mass Vigil Masses: 4:30—English 7:00 p.m.—Spanish
8:30 a.m. ERoom—Schoenstatt
9:00 a.m. PCKitchen—Spanish Divine Mercy
12:00 noon CH—Spanish Baptisms
2:00 p.m. CH—Wedding
5:00 p.m. PCafe—Spanish Altar Servers
5:00 p.m. PC1-2-3—Spanish Eucharistic Ministers
5:00 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir
5:30 p.m. ERoom—Spanish Lectors
26 November
Thanksgiving Day
9:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. PC—Thanksgiving Dinner
Rectory /School closed
7:05 a.m. & 12:05 Daily Mass
Rectory and School closed
7:05 a.m. Daily Mass Vigil Masses: 4:30—English 7:00 p.m.—Spanish
8:30 a.m. ERoom—Schoenstatt
9:00 a.m. PCKitchen—Spanish Divine Mercy
12:00 noon CH—Spanish Baptisms
2:00 p.m. CH—Wedding
5:00 p.m. SJS-204—Vietnamese Choir
6:00 p.m. GYM—Family Enrichment Night
St. Joseph Parish Religious Education
From November 15–21, 2015, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites families, parishes, schools, and other Catholic groups to
participate in National Bible Week in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum. Here are some commonly asked questions about the Bible:
“Why is the Bible important?”. St. Jerome said about 1600 years ago, “Ignorance of Scripture [the Bible] is ignorance of Christ.” In other words,
if we aren’t spending time with the Word of God in the Bible, we won’t know Jesus Christ. The Bible is not dead literature like an encyclopedia, but
rather it is infused with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. As a result, when we read the Bible, God changes our lives forever – he transforms us into the men and women He wants us to be.
“When do Catholics read the Bible?” If you attend Mass every Sunday for 3 consecutive years, you will have heard almost the entire Bible proclaimed in the Liturgy of the Word. If you attend daily Mass, you’ll hear almost the entire Bible in 2 years. All are encouraged to read the Bible
every day, most especially in the home with all the family.
“How should we interpret the Bible?” The Holy Spirit will speak to us all (if we are listening) when we read the Bible – a word, phrase, image or
teaching will strike us to the heart. However, the official interpretation of the Bible in regards to doctrinal teachings belongs to the authority of the
Church. Jesus Christ gave us the teaching office of the Church, the Magisterium (the pope and bishops in union with him) to serve the Word of
God by fulfilling this role. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Magisterium, disunity and division will result. This is visible in today’s
43,000+ denominations of non-Catholic Christianity which results in about 43,000+ different, competing interpretations of the Bible. The Catechism
of the Catholic Church is an excellent resource that gives us clear guidance and interpretation of the Bible and every family should have one.
“What’s the best thing I can do to strengthen my marriage and keep my children Catholic?” If you are not able to daily attend Mass or
spend time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel, joining with your spouse and children each day to read and pray with the daily Mass
readings is probably one of the best way to grow closer to God. Start today: reflect on the Eucharist (John 6), God’s plan for marriage (Eph. 5), or
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early Church (Acts).
Catholic Newman Club @
Willamette University
If interested contact:
Sarah Kresse
[email protected]
Attention all Youth and Young Adults (18 or older by July 15, 2016):
Are you looking for an amazing faith-filled experience?
We are getting a group together for
World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrimage in Krakow Poland! If you are interested or would like
information, please contact Sarah Kresse in the parish office 503.581.1623
Week of Nov 15
Scripture: Mt 25:23 - His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over
a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
YouCat: Question 76 – Why did God become man in Jesus?
Question: Do you regularly say thank you to your friends and family whom you see on a regular basis?
Virtue: Thankfulness
Young Adult Bible
Saint: Elizabeth of Hungary
Study—Perfect for the busy
young adult.
Volunteers needed for Parish Thanksgiving Dinner – Thursday November
Dive into the Word of God
with other young adults and
Confirmation Session – Sunday December 6th
discover our God of Love in a
Attention all Mid-High Youth – CALLED RALLY – December 5th
deeper way. Every Tuesday
Faith Tid-Bit:
at 7:30pm. At Broadway
A number of years ago I was challenged to practice an ’attitude of gratitude”. Finding things every day to be thankful for. This has truly helped me Commons Coffeehouse 1300
Broadway St. NE, Suite 100,
to become aware of God’s blessings in my life. Here are a few quotes
Salem OR
about how important thankfulness is:
“Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” - unknown
7pm @ Thompsons
Brewery and Pub
3575 Liberty RD S, Salem OR
Information for St. Joseph Parish
Fr. Jewel Aytona, CPM
November 30th through
December 3, 2015
Advent wreaths, candles, centerpieces, and baskets will be sold in the cafeteria on November 28TH, after the
4:30pm mass and November 29TH after the morning and noon masses Coffee and rolls will be served by the Young
Ladies Institute ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP THE MEN IN OUR SEMINARY YLI is a Catholic Women’s Group
dedicated to the principles of Charity and Love. Call Jean Hilke 503-949-4815 for information.
 FYI SENIORS. There will be blood pressure checks available for you at every Senior Luncheon
(November 18th)and on every 3rd Sunday after the 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon Mass in the Parish Center
We are beginning our annual KCIC card sale to support the school tuition assistance program this
November 1st. Thank you to all that participated last year. Because of you we were able to donate $3000.00 to the tuition assistance program.
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets Fri. Nov. 20 @ 10:30 in PC-1. Come knit and crochet shawls for parishioners needing comfort.
St. Joseph’s Peace & Justice Committee will hold a Blanket & Warm Clothing Drive before the
Masses on Saturday evening December 5 and Sunday December 6. Please bring your new or gently
used blankets and warm coats to the Cafeteria in the Parish Center after the 7 am Mass or before the
other Masses that weekend. (Please clean all used blankets or coats.) Blankets and coats will be distributed to St. Francis Shelter and to other needy organizations
St. Vincent de Paul Food Collection is the third Sunday of each month. November 14 & 15 The St. Vincent
de Paul Van Driver is ready and willing to accept donations of potatoes, apples, salad oil, brown and white rice, dry
pasta and noodles, cereals, beans and all canned foods, especially needed is proteins (i.e., meats, fish and
legumes) and dried fruits and toilet paper. Look for the white St. Vincent de Paul Van in the parking lot.
St. Joseph School is hosting a toy drive! Consider donating gently used toys by dropping them off in the
school office between November 16 and December 4. The toy sale will take place on December 13 in the
cafeteria from 8am-3pm.
St. Joseph Parish Adoration Chapel
Open 24 hours a day—7 days a week
Come join our Lord in this beautiful and peaceful place. Our Adoration Chapel is located on
the south side of the Church off of Chemeketa Street. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. We welcome parishioners to take a regular chapel hour or begin as a substitute until
you find an hour that works best for you.
Parishioners are welcome to drop by the chapel at any time.
Contact: Jean Majka, 503-910-6397
Adorers Needed: Mon.—12 midnight
Weds.—3 a.m.
Adorers: If you must leave Jesus alone please gently close the tabernacle doors (the light will remain on).
33º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
15 de Noviembre de 2015
Primer Lectura: Daniel 12, 1-3
Segunda Lectura: Hebr eos 10, 11-14. 18
Evangelio: Mar cos 13, 24-32
ESPERANZA — Si no tienes
esperanza, no encontraras lo que esta
mas allá de tus esperanzas. —San Clemente
Comunidad Hispana de San José
14 de noviembre de 2015
7:00 p.m. SP Juan Velazco †
15 de noviembre de 2015
1:30 p.m. SP
5:30 p.m. SP
Intenciones de Eugenia Sosa
1 de noviembre $ 3,767.33
Misión—1 de noviembre $ 1,380.00
empezamos a las 6:00 p.m. en el templo. Se les
invita a las personas que deseen ayudar.
No olviden de llenar su Tarjeta de
Compromiso Parroquial que se les entregara
este 14 y 15 de noviembre durante todas las
Misas. Pero si por alguna razón no asiste a
Misa este fin semana tendremos tarjetas
disponibles en la oficina parroquial.
Misa a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
El sábado, 12 de diciembre tendremos como
cada año la Misa en honor a Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe en el Pavilion a las 7:00 p.m. Nuestra Misa del sábado en la Parroquia San José
será cancelada.
Estudio Bíblico Apóstoles de la Palabra
Tenemos una introducción a la Biblia y nos
reuniremos todos los lunes a las 7:00pm en la
Para más información o para inscribirse al
estudio bíblico le pueden llamar a Wenseslao
Castañeda 503-851-8253 o Heliodora San
Miguel al 503-779-6830.
Segunda Colecta
21 y 22 de noviembre del 2015
Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano
La colecta para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo
Humano (CCHD) proporcionan fondos para los grupos que hacen un cambio duradero y elevan a los pobres en los Estados
Unidos. CCHD ayuda a mejorar la educación, apoyar el desarrollo económico, y crear viviendas en barrios de muy bajos
recursos. Ayúdenos a continuar defendiendo la dignidad humana y construir comunidades de solidaridad.
Jóvenes Anuncios y Recordatorios:
 Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar en la Cena del Día
de Acción de Gracias - el jueves, 27 de noviembre.
 Sesión de Confirmación - Domingo, 6 de diciembre.
 Atención todos los jóvenes - CALLED RALLY - sábado,
5 de diciembre.
Virtud: Agradecimiento Santo: Santa Elizabeth de Hungría
 Lunes, 16 de Noviembre:
1 Macabeos 1, 10-15. 41-43. 54-57. 62-63
Lucas 18, 35-43
 Martes, 17 de Noviembre:
2 Macabeos 6, 18-31
Lucas 19, 1-10
 Miércoles, 18 de Noviembre:
✓ 17 de noviembre — es la Limpieza del Templo,
Capilla de Adoración
Abierta las 24 horas al
día 7 días a la semana
2 Macabeos 7, 1. 20-31
Lucas 19, 11-28
 Jueves, 19 de Noviembre:
1 Macabeos 2, 15-29
Lucas 19, 41-44
 Viernes, 20 de Noviembre:
1 Macabeos 4, 36-37. 52-59
Lucas 19, 45-48
 Sábado, 21 de Noviembre:
1 Macabeos 6, 1-13
Lucas 20, 27-40
Los Dones Especiales de Dios
No hace mucho tiempo, Dios decidió que el quería un
niño o una niña como tu. Así que te creo, te dio la vida
dentro de tu madre.
Dios te dio un cuerpo con el que puedes hacer todo tipo
de cosas. Te dio ojos que leen, oídos que escuchan, nariz
para oler, lengua para saborear y dedos para tocar. Dios
te dio todas estas cosas maravillosas.
Dios también te dio un alma, algo muy importante y especial. El alma es parte de ti que te hace vivir y que nunca
morirá. Es invisible, pero real.
Tu cuerpo y tu alma son muy especiales para Dios. El te
dio un ángel de la guarda para que te ayude a cuidar de
tu alma y de tu cuerpo. Tu ángel de la guarda te ayuda a
hacer lo que es correcto, porque es tu amigo. Te ayuda a
llegar al Cielo, donde Dios quiere que
estés con El para siempre. Tu tienes
que ser bueno para ir al Cielo. Debes
conocer, amar y servir a Dios mientras
estas en esta tierra. Dios quiere que
reces con frecuencia. Quiere que
recibas los Sacramentos de la
Penitencia y de la Sagrada Comunión.
También quiere que seamos obedientes
y cariñosos.
Aquí hay una oración que puedes decir:
Gracias, Padre amado, por la vida y por los demás
dones maravillosos que me has dado. Amen
¿Qué te hace una persona humana? Soy una persona
humana porque tengo cuerpo y alma (CIC 362-65)
¿Morirá tu alma alguna vez? No; mi cuerpo morirá, pero
mi alma vivirá para siempre (CIC 366)
¿Qué debes hacer para obtener la felicidad del Cielo?
Para lograr la felicidad del cielo tengo que conocer, amar
y servir a Dios en este mundo (CIC 202; Mc 12:30)
¿Tienen todos los seres humanos un ángel de la guarda?
Si, todas las personas tienen un ángel de la guarda que
esta con ellas todo el tiempo (CIC 336)