November 8, 2015 | Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 300 East Taft Avenue • Orange, CA 92865 Telephone: (714) 637‐4360 • Fax: (714) 637‐4311 CLERGY SCHEDULE OF MASSES Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor Rev. Fredy Mancilla, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence Deacon Dave Blake Deacon Joseph Esparza Deacon Juan Espinoza Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish) Monday ‐ Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days of Obligation: as announced MINISTRY CENTER STAFF Ahl Agustin, Christian Service Irene Ahedo, Office Manager Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert Catholic School Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Formation John Erhard, Music Ministry Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry Amy Glenane, Family Life Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries Kirsten King, Youth Faith Formation & Confirmation Maria Martínez, Business Manager Robin Mayes, School of Religious Education CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MINISTRY CENTER HOURS Monday ‐ Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with Benediction. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for information and to schedule Baptism Preparation. Programs are available in English or in Spanish. MARRIAGES Please call the Parish Office for information. Six months advance notice is required. Marriage Preparation is available in English or in Spanish. A NOINTING OF THE S ICK , C OMMUNION FOR THE S ICK & H OMEBOUND Kindly call the Parish Office to make arrangements. FUNERALS At the time of death, kindly call the Parish Office for assistance in making arrangements. St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 2 Stewardship Reflecting on God’s Word Veterans Day Prayer Dear Lord, we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best when they were called upon to serve and protect their country. We pray that you will bless them, Lord, for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedom, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us. Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made, for their many different contributions to America’s victories over tyranny and oppression. We respect them, we thank them, we honor them, we are proud of them, and we pray that you will watch over these special people and bless them with peace and happiness. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Thirty‐Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Sitting on the Mount of Olives, maybe with a premonition or maybe wondering if all that seemed to be approaching was really the undoing he dreaded, Jesus talked to his disciples about the coming end. He made the point that when worlds change, God comes, which is different from saying that when God comes, worlds change. He talked in poetry of a collapsing world to come. Collapsing worlds always offer the opportunity to meet God in new and unexpected ways. Our own deaths are undoubtedly the most drastic, but also the death of someone we love, a church in transition, shifting roles for men and women, a computerized age that blips and bleeps across our life screens, and empty‐nesting, and retirement, and marrying, and any other cosmic readjustment that you can think of. That’s when the Son of Man comes, for the second time or maybe a third or fourth time, and it tends to put us in a fog, as if he were coming in the clouds. Most of us struggle mightily to keep our worlds from collapsing. We’ve worked too hard to set them spinning in orbit around our own personal suns. Yet sooner or later they always do collapse, maybe because they lose their momentum, maybe because we lose our energy, or maybe that’s just the way it’s meant to be. Whatever the reason, those are the moments when our God comes riding into our lives. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. ‐Joanna Fuchs Spiritual Advisor Deacon Joe Esparza is returning to active ministry at St. Norbert. Fr. Pat has asked him to serve as a Spiritual Advisor to parishioners seeking guidance, support or a kind listening ear. A Spiritual Advisor is someone who listens to one’s concerns, problems, questions, health issues, and spiritual journey. The purpose is to help you grow in maturity and awareness of God, to be better equipped to live your life in faith. Deacon Joe has completed the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, a retreat designed to assist people in finding God's will for their life, and to give them the motivation and courage to follow that will. To meet with Deacon Joe, please contact him at (714) 637‐4360 x129. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ It’s Adopt-a-Family Time! The Adopt‐a‐Family coordinators will be out at the Ramada after all Masses starting next weekend, November 14 and 15, for Christmas Adopt‐a‐Family sign‐ups. Spread the joy of Jesus’ birth by providing a needy family with a grocery card, clothing and a toy or gift card for each child and any extras you wish to provide for the family. Choose from all sizes of families, or grab a friend and adopt a family together! Thank Our Lord for all your blessings by helping a less fortunate family have a Merry Christmas. Let’s get into the spirit of giving...for it is in giving that we receive. Thank you and God bless you for your support and generosity! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Parish Offering Thank you for your continuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, our parish budget calls for $26,850 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, November 1, was $25,971.38. These collections are not only for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular donations are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel. 3 NOVEMBER 8, 2015 | THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Life Next Week is Taco Sunday & First Christmas Boutique Lector Formation All lectors (English and Spanish Masses) are asked to attend our yearly formation workshop on Monday, November 16, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the Ministry Center Hall. Workbooks for Year C will be distributed. Anyone who is interested in becoming a lector is also welcome to attend. There will be a second opportunity (only in English) on Wednesday, November 18, at 10 a.m. for those unable to attend on Monday. ________________________________________________________________________ Thanksgiving Christian Service Food Collection This month we are collecting 6‐ ounce boxes of Stove Top stuffing mix to go with our Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway on Saturday, November 21. We are also collecting pop‐top, single‐serving cans of Vienna sausage. We will have bins in the vestibule the next two weekends, or you can drop off your food donations at any time in the Ministry Center. Thank you, as always, for your generosity in helping those in need. ________________________________________________________________________ Keep Christ in Christmas Card Sale The Knights of Columbus, St. Damien of Molokai Council 15733 of St. Norbert Parish, will be holding our annual Christmas card sale on November 28 and 29, on the Ramada after all Masses. Your purchase will help us in our support of our parish. For more information please contact Tom Dodge at (714) 633‐6859. ________________________________________________________________________ Thanksgiving Pie Makers Once again we are asking for your help this Thanksgiving in baking or buying a pie (any filling) to serve the needy. Pies will be collected on Wednesday, November 25, at 1600 Maplewood Street, Orange. Please contact Larry or Jeanne Honikel at (714) 273‐2865. Bulletin Deadline for Thanksgiving Weekend In order to accommodate our publisher's holiday production schedule, the deadline for bulletin articles to be published on November 29, is Tuesday, November 17. Articles must be received by e‐mail or delivered to the Ministry Center by 12 noon on the deadline date. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! The Christmas Boutique will be held after all Masses next Sunday, November 15. This year we have a great selection of Christmas gift items as well as an array of household, jewelry and other fun things to see, as well a unique hand‐crafted items made by the loving hands of our Sewing Circle Ministry. Taco Sunday will begin at 10 a.m. and continue until 2 p.m. We’ll be serving all your favorites: tacos, tostadas, tamales, burritos, taquitos and quesadillas. Please join us for this great event—dine, shop and help Christian Service serve the needy. _______________________________________________________________________ Sewing Circle Ministry Do you like to sew, quilt, knit or crochet? We would love to have you join our Sewing Circle. We will meet this Wednesday, November 11, at 7 p.m. in the Ministry Center to set up for the Children’s Boutique on Thursday, November 12, and the Unique Boutique on Sunday, November 15. Our loving hands craft unique, handmade items for Christian Service Ministry boutiques and parties. For more information please call Ellen Riopel at (714) 750‐9039. _______________________________________________________________________ Mothers Group Join us on Thursday, November 12, for our Momsgiving Brunch in the Mother Teresa Room, 8:30 a.m. Come connect with other Catholic moms! We are a diverse group of women gathering together for mutual support, fellowship, service and love. We welcome you to join in our upcoming events and become a part of this great group of moms. Here’s what we have planned for the rest of November: Monday, November 16: Park Day at Serrano Park, 9:30 a.m. Friday, November 20: Faith & Fellowship, 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 23: Park Day at Shaffer Park, 4 p.m. Sunday, November 29: Advent Family Activity on at 10 a.m. (pending) For questions please contact Penny Kim at [email protected] or (714) 310‐8158. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 4 Youth & Teen Ministries Youth Ministry & Confirmation School of Religious Education Substitute Catechist Needed Please pray for our Confirmation teens and their parents this weekend as they attend the Mother/Son and Father/Daughter Retreats hosted by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Praise God that we are blessed to be able to provide this opportunity of grace during the Year of the Family. Catechist needed to substitute teach in all grades. Please contact Robin Mayes in the SRE Office for more information. St. Norbert Catholic School Veteran’s Day Prayer Service Parishioners and friends are invited to the St. Norbert Catholic School’s Veteran’s Day Prayer Service on Wednesday, November 11, at 8:15 a.m. in the Family & Youth Center Gym. Join us as we give thanks for the dedication and sacrifice of those—living and deceased—who have served our nation in the military. Guests are asked to R.S.V.P. to our school office at (714) 637‐6822. ________________________________________________________________________ Our Parish School Reaches Out The Student Council of St. Norbert Catholic School will hold a Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive to help feed the hungry of our community. Between Monday, November 9 and Friday, November 20, we welcome any donations of canned food at the school office. Our Student Council members will gather the canned goods and deliver them to the St. Norbert Christian Service Ministry before Thanksgiving, in hopes of fulfilling the food needs of many families for the holidays. Thank you in advance for your support! ________________________________________________________________________ Parents Night Out Bunco and Poker ! Saturday, November 21 6 to 9:30 p.m. St. Norbert Family & Youth Center. Meet and mingle with new and old friends. Let the fun, laughter and good times begin! ARRIVE EARLY to do some holiday shopping with some amazing vendors. Get your Early Bird price of $25 per person (dinner included) by Saturday, November 14. Register online at https:// Confirmation Confirmation 1 Tuesday, November 10: C1 Class #3 in Homes. Please be prompt! Sunday, November 15: Hunger Banquet for all C1 Teens and Sponsors , from 5:15 to 8 p.m. Check in at the Ramada at 5:15 p.m. **All Sponsor forms are due at this time. Confirmation 2 Tuesday, November 17: C2 Class # 3 in Homes. Please be prompt! _________________________________________________________________________ Looking ahead… C1 Retreat Leadership Dinner Meeting Sunday, November 29, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. All adult teachers and co‐teachers attending the C1 Retreat weekend are required to attend. We have much to discuss as we are hosting our retreat at a new facility. Thank you for making this a priority! _________________________________________________________________________ Junior High Ministry Formation Day #4: Monday, November 2, from 4 to 5:15 p.m. in the Youth Ministry Room. Thanksgiving Social: Monday, November 16, from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Bring your appetite for a “Thankful Dinner.” Don’t be late or you’ll miss the blessing. Registration for Junior High Ministry is ongoing. Call April with questions at (714) 637‐4360 x215. _________________________________________________________________________ Vision Leadership Team All hands on deck! We need help prepping for the C1 Retreat on Wednesday, November 11, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and every Wednesday night in November! _________________________________________________________________________ Young Adult, A.C.T.S. Advocates of Christ in Today’s Society All young adults (college age & older) are invited to join us for our next bi‐monthly Young Adult gathering on Thursday, November 19, from 8 to 9:30 p.m. in the Couch Room. Call Adrian Chávez at (714) 225‐4261 with any questions. _________________________________________________________________________ World Youth Day Two spots are now open for pilgrims interested in joining us in our pilgrimage through Germany, Prague and then to Krakow for the World Youth Day Events in July of 2016. Please contact Kirsten for information. 5 NOVEMBER 8, 2015 | THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Faith Formation & Enrichment R.C.I.A. At our RCIA sessions this Thursday, November 12, Marlyn Schima will discuss Christian Stewardship. The following week, our topic will be on the Second Coming and the Last Things. Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Inquiry sessions are available year‐round, except for holidays, and new participants are welcome at any time. Whether you have decided to become a Catholic, wish to learn more about the Church, or just have questions that you would like to discuss, we encourage you to join us. There is no obligation at this stage of the RCIA process, but for those who desire to continue to the reception of sacraments, the process usually takes a minimum of one year. ________________________________________________________________________ Spend Advent with Mary Our Advent Reflection series this year will meet on Tuesdays, December 1, 8, 15 and 22, at 7:30 in the Ministry Center Library. We will take a closer look at the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and the theology derived from them by studying the Scripture passages that contain those stories. Each session will include a half‐hour video with scenic views of places in the Holy Land associated with the Life of Mary, a discussion of the Scripture passages, and will conclude with a decade of the Rosary. For the first session on December 1, please bring a favorite image of Mary to the class, a statue, picture, or icon. We will talk about what these different images of Mary mean to us. For more information, please contact Charlene at (714) 637‐4360. ________________________________________________________________________ Faith Formation: Church History Our series on Church History will conclude on Wednesday, November 11, with the topics John Paul II and the 21st Century Church and One? Holy? Catholic? Apostolic? The history of our Church is very rich and filled with fascinating events and personalities. Please join us in the Ministry Center Library from 7:30 to 9 p.m. ________________________________________________________________________ Prayer & Meditation with Scripture Our prayer group will gather in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel this Tuesday, November 10. This hour of prayer time utilizes varying prayer forms each week. It is a time to meet with others in quiet and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. We gather for prayer in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. All are most welcome! ________________________________________________________________________ What was Happening in the Fourth Century? The late fourth century would see the blossoming of several great mystical theologians, including St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, and St. John Chrysostom. Basil was born in 330 in Pontus, near the southern coast of the Black Sea. He was born into a Christian family and eventually his parents and all four of his siblings would be venerated as saints. His grandfather and several other relatives had been martyred before the persecutions ended. Basil was educated by the best teachers in both Athens and Constantinople. He became a lawyer and a teacher of rhetoric until he met Bishop Eustathius of Sebaste who inspired in Basil a religious vocation. Basil sold all his possessions and for a while lived as a hermit. Finding that the solitary life did not fit him, he began to gather other religious men around him and formed a communal monastery. He is considered to be the Father of Monasticism in the Eastern Churches, as St. Benedict is in the West. Basil was ordained a priest in 365 and appointed Bishop of Caesarea, Cappadocia in 370. Basil had to deal with factions within the church who denied the divinity of Jesus, or of the Holy Spirit. He wrote extensively on the Trinity, and became famous for his homilies. Basil strived for clarity, speaking in language that ordinary people could understand and not depending entirely upon theological terminology. His ministry was not all in study, writing, and preaching, however. Basil established a soup kitchen and food distribution process for the poor, and actively worked with thieves and prostitutes to reform their lives and follow Christ. On land near Caesarea donated by the Emperor Valens, Basil had a large complex constructed which included a hospital, hospice, and a place of refuge and charitable services for the poor. Basil died in 379. St. Gregory of Nyssa was St. Basil’s little brother, born 2 years after Basil in Caesarea in Cappadocia. His earliest spiritual training was from his sister St. Macrina. Later he studied philosophy in his home town and reinterpreted both Stoic and Platonic philosophy according to Christian revelation. Gregory became an orator, and married Theosevia, a Christian woman from another devout and highly educated family. At the strong urging of his brother, Basil, Gregory became Bishop of Nyssa in 371. Marriage was not an obstacle to ordination at the time, and some of his writings centered on the passion of human love and the relationship of sexuality to mysticism. Theosevia died around 385 and was eulogized by a neighboring bishop as “a true saint and the true wife of a priest.” Gregory experienced such a deep attraction to mysticism that it became difficult for him to focus on the day‐to‐day administrative work of a bishop. His disorganization aided the Arians to depose and exile him in 376. However, two years later he was able to return to his diocese amid much rejoicing by the people. After his brother’s death, in 379, Gregory wrote polemical works against some other theological errors and heresies at the time. He also wrote several commentaries on Scripture, including the Song of Songs. In 386, Gregory left the city and adopted a monastic lifestyle. He continued his writing on the essence of God, the essence of humanity, the relationship within the Trinity, and the relationship between God and human beings, all his works being filled with a profound mystical awe. And, so, the story of the Church continues . . . LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN NORBERTO | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 6 Ministerio Hispano Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios. Trigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La primera vez que conocí a una viuda fue a mi tía Lizzie: pelo blanco, aparentemente muy anciana, pero muy bondadosa. (Yo tenía cuatro años y ella probablemente estaba en sus sesentas. ¡Cómo cambia nuestra perspectiva en cuanto a la edad con el tiempo!) Ella vivía con mi madrina y mi tío, ya que había ayudado con sus ahorros a comprarles una casa. La segunda viuda que recuerdo es Lana Turner en su papel de La viuda alegre (título original: The Merry Widow) en la película del año 1952, que llevaba el mismo nombre. Ambas estaban a años luz, tanto histórica como culturalmente, de las viudas en las lecturas de hoy. Las viudas de los tiempos bíblicos corrían riesgos. Si no tenían hijos que se ocuparan de ellas su vida corría peligro. Los profetas del pasado denunciaban el descuido a las viudas y huérfanos. La viuda de la primera lectura tiene un hijo joven; ella recoge leña para hacer fuego y preparar algo de comer para ambos con lo último que le queda de harina y después morir los dos. Cuando Elías le pide que le prepare un pan ella generosamente lo hace, lo cual será su salvación. Más tarde Elías hasta le devuelve la vida al hijo de ella. Jesús ve como una viuda pone sus últimos (textualmente) centavos en las arcas del templo. Ya él anteriormente había advertido acerca de los escribas que “devoran los bienes de las viudas” mientras recitan largas oraciones (Marcos 12:40). Algunos dicen que Jesús lamenta la insensatez, pero la mayoría piensa que él elogia la generosidad de ella por dar “desde su pobreza todo lo que tenía para vivir” (12:44). Como ella, Jesús pronto pondrá toda su confianza en el Padre. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Misa para Familias con Hijos con Necesidades Especiales La Oficina de Ministerios Hispanos de La Diócesis de Orange invita a todos los católicos Hispanos a la “Misa para Familias con Hijos con Necesidades Especiales”. La misa se celebrará el sábado 14 de noviembre, a las 11 a.m. en el Arboretum de la Catedral de Cristo, en Garden Grove. La dirección es: 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove. Esta misa se celebrará anualmente para reconocer la importancia que tienen nuestros niños, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos católicos con necesidades especiales y, al mismo tiempo, honrar la sublime labor de sus padres, familiares y del personal que se encarga de su cuidado. Acompáñenos a honrar a estos héroes cristianos. Para más información llame a Karlo Campana al (714) 282‐3050. Después de la ceremonia religiosa esperamos su participación en el refrigerio que se llevará a cabo detrás del Centro Cultural; este evento es gratuito. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ USCCB Iglesia Católica en Estados Unidos Aplicación Móvil La aplicación móvil de la Iglesia Católica de los Estados Unidos es gratis y puede bajarla en Google y iTunes, en inglés y español. Para bajarla visite en su teléfono inteligente (Smartphone) o tableta. “Esta es la conexión virtual más completa para conectarse con la fe Católica”, dijo el Obispo Christopher Coyne, presidente electo de comunicación de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de E.U., “entendemos que muchas personas están buscando conectarse con la Iglesia e incorporarse a la misma. Esta aplicación está diseñada para personas sumamente ocupadas”. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dar Gracias Ministerios Bondi presenta su concierto anual de beneficencia: Renée Bondi con su invitado especial Jesse Manibusan. Cuando: 13 de noviembre Hora: 7:30 p.m. Lugar: Christ Cathedral Arboretum Costo: $20.00 dólares sólo el concierto; $35.00 charla antes del concierto y concierto Pueden comprar los boletos en línea en: events/351188.html, o por teléfono al 1 (800) 965‐9324. Renée Bondi, es una cantante cuadripléjica que está encantada de compartir el escenario este año con el guitarrista Jesse Manibusan ¡y juntos dar gracias a Nuestro Señor por todas las bendiciones de la vida! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial Agradecemos su apoyo continuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2015 a junio 30, 2016. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra proquia necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $26,850. La colecta del domingo pasado 1 de noviembre, fue $25,971.38. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio. La parroquia de San Norberto es una comunidad dinámica de discípulos de Jesucristo que se esfuerza por continuar sus ministerios de oración, amor y servicio. 7 8 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2015 | TRIGÉSIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Comité Hispano Recordamos a todos los coordinadores y subcoordinadores que el próximo jueves 12 de noviembre, tendremos nuestra reunión mensual, a las 7 p.m. Agradecemos su tiempo y el deseo de compartir sus eventos con todos los ministerios, como es sabido en cada reunión siempre hay puntos importantes a dialogar que ayudan a toda la comunidad. ¡Les esperamos! ________________________________________________________________________ Formación de Lectores Todos los lectores de inglés y español están cordialmente invitados a la noche de formación anual; lunes, 16 de noviembre, de 7 a 9 p.m., en el Centro de Ministerios. Ese día se distribuirán los libros del lector ciclo “C”. También se les invita a todas las personas que deseen ser parte de este ministerio asistir a esta noche de formación. Abra una segunda oportunidad solo en Ingles para las personas que no hayan podido asistir el día lunes 16; este día será miércoles, 18 de noviembre, a las 10 a.m. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Señora Janine Kilgore (714) 637‐4360 x110. ________________________________________________________________________ Servicios Cristianos Colecta de Comida de Acción de Gracias En este mes de noviembre estamos colectando cajas de relleno para el pavo de 6 onzas. Se estará distribuyendo el sábado 21 de noviembre; también estamos recibiendo latitas de salchichas Viena. Sus donaciones puede traerlas al contener que se encuentra en el Centro de Ministerios. Dios les pague por su generosidad y por compartir lo mucho o lo poco con el más necesitado. ________________________________________________________________________ Jóvenes para Cristo presenta Concierto Viva la Misericordia del Señor Jóvenes Para Cristo les invita cordialmente a su concierto anual que se llevará a cabo el sábado 28 noviembre, a las 5:30 p.m. Habrá a la venta antojitos mexicanos y tendrás la oportunidad de ganare una Smart TV plasma de 55 piulgadas. Donacioón sugerida: $10; niños menores de 13 anos entran gratis. Para las entradas por favor llame (714) 81806281 o (714) 473‐5901. ________________________________________________________________________ Coro de Domingos por la Noche (JPC) Invitamos a personas que toquen guitarra, piano o deseen cantar, a integrarse al coro para alabar y bendecir al Señor a través del canto. Los ensayos son una vez a la semana y antes de la celebración dominical. Si alguna vez ha escuchado este llamado, tal vez sea tiempo de ponerlo en oración y tomar la decisión de dar su servicio en el coro, y así alabar y llevar la buena nueva por medio de la música, la participación de la Eucaristía, la convivencia con otras personas del ministerio y la comunidad de San Norberto. Para más información puede comunicarse a las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios al (714) 637‐4360 x105 o 106. Parish Calendar November 8, 2015 ~ November 14, 2015 Sunday, November 8 9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 12:30 a.m. Confirmation Father/Daughter Retreat 3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia Monday, November 9 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Bible Study 4:00 p.m. Junior High Ministry 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico de Grupo de Oración Tuesday, November 10 6:30 p.m. YM Band Practice 7:00 p.m. Journey of Hope Group for Divorced & Separated 7:30 p.m. Confirmation 1 Class in Homes 7:30 p.m. RICA 7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture Wednesday, November 11 Veteran’s Day 7:00 p.m. Sewing Circle 7:00 p.m. Vision Leadership Team 7:30 p.m. AFF: Church History 7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia 7:45 p.m. Jóvenes para Cristo Formación de Discípulos Thursday, November 12 8:30 a.m. Mothers Group Brunch 6:00 p.m. RCIC 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración 7:30 p.m. Comité Hispano 7:30 p.m. RCIA & Inquiry Friday, November 13 7:00 a.m. Men’s Group of Faith 6:30 p.m. Preparación Prebautismal 2 6:30 p.m. Reunion de Catequistas del Programa de Español 7:00 p.m. Jóvenes para Cristo 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Niños 7:00 p.m. Adolescentes Saturday, November 14 10:00 a.m. Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) 10:00 a.m. Preparación para la Ciudadanía 12:00 p.m. Christian Service Food Distribution 3:30 p.m. Confessions 6:30 p.m. Reunión de Padres de Familia de Catequesis en Español ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 8 Community Life & Groups Pray for the sick . . . Poinsettias! Beautiful poinsettias are back. Poinsettia plants are being sold by the St. Norbert Eighth Grade Class of 2016 as a fundraiser for their trip to our nation’s capitol. Poinsettias make great gifts for employees, co‐workers, friends, relatives in retirement centers, or to decorate your home for the holidays. They are also perfect to use as gift card holders. Poinsettias will be sold after weekend Masses. Please place your order at the table on the Ramada. The last day to order is Sunday, November 22. Orders will be delivered to St. Norbert and for pick up on Friday, December 4, from 12 to 6 p.m. For questions please contact Stacy Isermann at (314) 313‐7202. The Class of 2016 thanks you in advance for your support! ________________________________________________________________________ Men’s Group of Faith Join us on Friday, November 13, from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., for support, fellowship, and meaningful discussion about challenges men face today. We meet in the Mother Teresa/Dorothy Day Room upstairs in the Ministry Center. For more information, please feel free to contact Gary McKimmey at (714) 224‐6160 or [email protected] or Matt Terrones at (714) 904‐5822 or [email protected] . . . and for those who have died. ________________________________________________________________________ Mass Intentions ________________________________________________________________________ Childcare Co-Op 9 a.m. Mass ________________________________________________________________________ Rosary Academy Rosary Academy is accepting applications for the 2016 school year. You may view information and apply by visiting We also hope to see you and your daughter at an upcoming event: "Be a Royal for the Day!” Register for a Shadow Day. Experience Rosary – Open House is November 22, at 11:30 a.m. High School Placement Prep Course offered January 9, 2016. High School Placement Test is offered January 23, 2016. For more information, and to RSVP to any event, please visit the Admissions tab on our Rosary Academy website: Saturday, November 7, 2015 5:00 p.m. + Fr. Tom Schroeder Sunday, November 8, 2015 7:30 a.m. + Alfred Watson 9:00 a.m. + All Souls Novena 10:30 a.m. + Alexandria Lavertue 12:00 p.m. + Anthony Vuong 2:00 p.m. + Adrian Cabral & Juana Rubio 5:30 p.m. + Carlos Quirante 7:00 p.m. Roxanne Estrada Monday, November 9, 2015 6:15 a.m. + All Souls Novena 8:30 a.m. + Raul Ahedo Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:15 a.m. + All Souls Novena 8:30 a.m. + Michael John Murphy Do you have a child between the ages of 9 months and 4 years of age? Would you like one hour on Sunday to focus on your faith while your children are happily playing? Please consider joining the 9 a.m. Co‐op! Come visit us in the Preschool Center! If you are interested in finding out more information, please contact Yazmin Cameron at (714) 393‐7366 or by e‐mail at [email protected] Faraj Joubran Mark Losi Lisa Odeh Brenda Oswald Clemente Meza Josefina Pagilagan Barbara Peek Jeanne Reidinger Carla Roehl Aurora Sánchez Sandra Santellias Lynda Schulte Jeanelle Stehly Christine Stevens James Stevenson Matthew Vega Lizbeth Widner Cristian Jesús Acosta Melissa Ada Andy Arko Angelina Baros Giovanni Camponovo Rowen Celis Martha Centellas Olga Centellas Lina Cooper Margaret Cordova Al Erhard Fr. Agustín Escobar Douglas Gregorio Feeney Ken Gulliard James Hack Kari Hogan Victoria Jiménez Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Jamie González 8:30 a.m. For all Military Veterans in our Parish 7:00 p.m. Rocio Luna Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Raul Tadem 8:30 a.m. + Ralph Reccia Friday, November 13, 2015 6:15 a.m. Carol Manna 8:30 a.m. + Mario Nolasco Saturday, November 14, 2015 8:30 a.m. + Alfredo & Amelina Dupleich 9 NOVEMBER 8, 2015 | THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Our Parish & Beyond Give Thanks Help Support Catholic Charities Catholic Charities Auxiliary Friday, November 13, at 7:30 p.m. Christ Cathedral Aboretum Women who assist Catholic Charities of Orange County (CCOC) with fundraising, community service & extending God’s love. Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter I invites you to a benefit Luncheon and Fashion Show by Stein Mart on Monday, November 16. Opportunity drawings include a weekend in Palm Springs and a private box for six at the Del Mar Race Track. Social begins at 11 a.m.; luncheon served at 12 noon. Cost: $35.00 Location: Glynn Hall, San Antonio Catholic Church 5800 East Santa Ana Canyon Road in Anaheim Please make checks payable to Catholic Charities – Chapter 1 Mail to: Paula Baldini 1241 La Loma Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92705 For questions please contact Francene Watkins at (714) 921‐2126, or Dottie DeLalio at (714) 281‐2123. Quadriplegic singer/speaker Renée Bondi is thrilled to share the stage this year with guitarist Jesse Manibusan as they join in song to GIVE THANKS to our Lord! Renée and Jesse, along with musician friends and family, will deepen faith and cultivate joy through their music. This evening promises to be uplifting, inspiring and a fun night for all ages! The Pre‐Concert Chat & Concert tickets include Q & A time with Renée and her husband Mike at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 for concert only; $35 for Pre‐Concert Chat and Concert. Tickets may be purchased online at events/351188.html, or by phone at 1 (800) 965‐9324. Remember to bring the people in your life that need some hope and encouragement! _________________________________________________________________________ Magnificat Prayer Breakfast ________________________________________________________________________ San Antonio Women present a Christmas Concert Experience not to be missed! Saturday, December 12 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Emmanuel Embassy Suites Anaheim – South 11767 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove Saturday December 12, at 7:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30 p.m.) Award winning music artist and host of the TV show Waking UP in America, Tajci Cameron comes to San Antonio De Padua Church, 5800 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road in Anaheim Hills. She shares a story of longing to believe…in the true meaning of Christmas told through stunningly beautiful music. Learn more about Tajci at Magnificat Prayer Breakfast proudly welcomes Sr. Ines Sandoval, OCD, of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. Sr. Ines will share the deep mysteries hidden in the revelations of Our Lady of Guadalupe and how they can lead us into greater communion with the heart of God! Order your tickets now as seating will be limited. $25.00 for Adults and $15.00 for Seniors and Students. This is a great way to share the Advent spirit with family and friends! Registration by mail postmarked by November 30: $28 per person. For more information contact Judi Moallem at (714) 309‐8248 or (714) 281‐2328, or by e‐mail at [email protected] Mail to: Magnificat Ministry, P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863 ________________________________________________________________________ The Tradition Continues... Buy Your Tree! Trinity Corporation invites all students, staff, parents, families, and alumni to participate in the second annual Christmas tree program at Servite High School. This is a great opportunity to support financial aid and the entire Servite community by buying trees, poinsettias, wreaths, and evergreens. All proceeds benefit the young men at Servite. Join us this Advent for this truly inspirational testimony! Registration at the door: $33 per person The meal includes a full plated breakfast as well as the speaker’s program. Please visit www.magnificat‐ for a flyer and registration information. Flyers are also available in the vestibule of the church. For registration information, contact Christina at (714) 809‐9382 or [email protected] Giving Thanks When You Shop Please be sure to patronize and thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through their participation, our parish receives our weekly bulletin free of charge. Order online now at The deadline to order is Monday, November 16. Pick up days are Friday, December 4, 3 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, December 5, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 12 Parish Ministries & Organizations Adult Faith Formation Music/Coro Eucharistic Adoration Committee Charlene Dumitru, Director (714) 637‐4360 x114 Ed Majcher ................................. (714) 998‐1574 John Erhard, Director ......... (714) 637‐4360 x126 Contemporary Ensemble, English Altar Care Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637‐4360 x110 Denise Bittel ................................ (714) 633‐2444 Extraordinarios de Eucharístia [English] Fran Needham ............. (714) 743‐5169 Coro de Niños Altar Servers/Monaguillos [Español] Juan Guzmán ............... (714) 321‐2812 Ana Muñoz .................................. (714) 402‐2789 [English] Karen Purpura .............. (714) 974‐6507 Domingos, español [Español] Paula Guerrero ............ (714) 786‐7540 [Español] Fidencia Hernández .... (714) 786‐7698 Floribeth y Cristal Flores ............. (714) 279‐9149 Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick & Jóvenes Para Cristo Coro Baptismal Preparation/Pre‐Bautismales María Ramos ............................... (714) 417‐3064 [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637‐4360 x114 Homebound/Enfermos [Español] Carmen Estrada .. (714) 637‐4360 x106 [Home Route] Janine Kilgore(714) 637‐4360 x110 Miércoles, español [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633‐7829 [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633‐7829 Miguel Lugo ................................ (714) 538‐2497 Traditional Choir, English Filipino Ministry Bereavement Denise Bittel ....................... (714) 637‐4360 x130 Lucille Justiniani .......................... (714) 974‐4399 John Erhard ........................ (714) 637‐4360 x126 Grupo de Oración Bible Studies Monday AM ‐ Mary Prather ........ (714) 709‐3768 Javier Solis .................................. (657) 200‐0505 Evening ‐ Charlene Dumitru . (714) 637‐4360 x114 Irma Chamú ................................ (714) 319‐4599 Guadalupanos Bodas Sonia Jiménez ............................. (714) 203‐1187 Elvira Cadena .............................. (714) 631‐0031 Hospitality/Hospitalidad Bulletin Editor Joan Doyle .................................. (714) 282‐1082 [Español] Alberto Ocampo ......... (714) 597‐2428 [email protected] [Español] Bertha Toribio ............. (714) 998‐5210 Inquiry Classes Calendar Secretary Lola Reynoso ............................... (714) 637‐4360 Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637‐4360 x114 Italian Catholic Federation Charlas Prematrimoniales Juan Diego Noreña ...................... (714) 932‐6350 Joe & Rose Digrado..................... (714) 974‐1978 Arnulfo Francis Soto .................... (714) 478‐3026 Jóvenes Para Cristo Alfredo Rodríguez ....................... (714) 788‐7175 Childcare Co‐Op Gloria Chávez .............................. (714) 805‐0257 Yazmin Rojas‐Cameron ............... (714) 393‐7633 Kirkwood Eucharistic Ministers Children’s Liturgy of the Word Michele Desbiens ........................ (714) 999‐2710 Peter Ricks .................................. (714) 633‐0731 Knights of Columbus Council #15733 Christian Service Ahl Agustin ......................... (714) 637‐4360 x113 Tom Dodge .................................. (714) 633‐6859 Natural Family Planning Alyson del Hierro ......................... (714) 872‐3740 Nurse for Seniors, Order of Malta Ann Bilash, RN .................... (714) 637‐4360 x120 Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Carol Dolan ................................. (714) 269‐6339 Praying with Scripture Sr. Breda Christopher .................. (714) 283‐2496 Quinceañeras Rosalba Hernández ..................... (714) 597‐3953 RCIA/RICA [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637‐4360 x114 [Español] Gilma y Ruben Tenorio (714) 597‐1318 Respect Life Bernie Vitchus ............................. (714) 771‐0984 Returning Catholics Fellowship Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637‐4360 x114 St. Norbertfest Mike Adray ......................... (714) 637‐4360 x116 Lady Knights Confirmation Preparation Kirsten King ........................ (714) 637‐4360 x210 Carolyn Obrecht ......................... (714) 402‐2576 St. Norbert Catholic School Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal ........ (714) 637‐6822 Lectors/Lectores Cub Scout Pack #863 [English] Cameron LaFont . .......... (714) 974‐3786 School of Religious Education/Catequistas Joe Beckman ............................... (714) 222‐2895 [Español] Acacio Martínez .......... (714) 404‐5240 [English] Robin Mayes ................ (714) 998‐1070 Cursillo [Español] Carmen Estrada . (714) 637‐4360 x106 Ron Accornero ............................ (714) 396‐7295 Library Kathleen Rapport ....................... (714) 538‐8117 Sewing Circle Diacono Ellen Riopel ................................. (714) 488‐3207 Juan Espinoza .............................. (714) 202‐5828 Líders de Comité Hispano Blandina Rosas ........................... (714) 403‐4666 Spritual Advisor Divine Mercy Prayer Group/La Divina Misericordia Rita Mejia ................................... (714) 392‐6694 Deacon Joe Esparza ............ (714) 637‐4360 X129 [English] Helen Amposta ............. (714) 279‐9441 Liturgy Ushers [Español] María Ramos ............... (657) 221‐0886 Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637‐4360 x110 Joe Costanza ............................... (714) 532‐5494 Divorced & Separated Young at Heart Kelly Klaus ................................... (949) 292‐7281 Men’s Group of Faith Gary McKimmey ......................... (714) 224‐6160 Pat Vega ...................................... (714) 637‐2014 Elizabeth Ministry Matt Terrones ............................ (714) 904‐5822 Young Adult Ministry Amy Glenane .............................. (714) 974‐8781 Adrian Chávez ............................. (714) 225‐4261 Ministerio Hispano ESL (inglés como segundo idioma) Carmen Estrada .................. (714) 637‐4360 x106 Youth Ministry/Adolescentes Latinos George Dore [English only] ......... (714) 280‐2801 Shyntia Ospino, Secretary ... (714) 637‐4360 x105 Kirsten King, Director ......... (714) 637‐4360 x210 Hablas español ............................ (714) 637‐4360 April Curtin, Junior High ..... (714) 637‐4360 x215 Mothers Group Penny Kim................................... (714) 310‐8158 [Español] Shyntia Ospino ... (714) 637‐4360 x105
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