June 26, 2016 | Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Receive the Holy Spirit Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained. ~John 20:22‐23 300 East Taft Avenue • Orange, CA 92865 Telephone: (714) 637‐4360 • Fax: (714) 637‐4311 www.stnorbertchurch.org CLERGY SCHEDULE OF MASSES Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor Rev. Fredy Mancilla, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence Deacon Dave Blake Deacon Joseph Esparza Deacon Juan Espinoza Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish) Monday ‐ Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days of Obligation: as announced MINISTRY CENTER STAFF Ahl Agustin, Christian Service Irene Ahedo, Office Manager Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert Catholic School Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Formation John Erhard, Music Ministry Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry Amy Glenane, Parish Life Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries Kirsten King, Youth Faith Formation & Confirmation Maria Martínez, Business Manager Robin Mayes, Children’s Faith Formation CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MINISTRY CENTER HOURS Monday ‐ Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with Benediction. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for information and to schedule Baptism Preparation. Programs are available in English or in Spanish. MARRIAGES Please call the Parish Office for information. Six months advance notice is required. Marriage Preparation is available in English or in Spanish. A NOINTING OF THE S ICK , C OMMUNION FOR THE S ICK & H OMEBOUND Kindly call the Parish Office to make arrangements. FUNERALS At the time of death, kindly call the Parish Office for assistance in making arrangements. St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 2 Stewardship Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jubilee Year of Mercy Yet again in Ordinary Time, Jesus seems to demand extraordinary commitment. A would‐be disciple enthusiastically volunteers to follow Jesus “wherever” (Luke 9:57). Jesus replies that “wherever” means “nowhere to rest his head” (9:58). To other candidates, Jesus brusquely denies reasonable requests to fulfill family obligations (9:59, 61), declaring that discipleship demands total commitment—now! But Jesus also demands that we not judge how others respond. When James and John volunteered to “call down fire from heaven” (9:54) to destroy an unwelcoming town, Jesus “turned and rebuked them” (9:55). All violence of any kind is completely unacceptable among Jesus’ disciples, a lesson this Jubilee Year of Mercy is teaching the Christian community once again. Paul’s challenge to the Galatians and us reinforces Jesus’ decisive command to James and John that they express their commitment to him through compassion for others. We must abandon the violence of “biting and devouring one another” (Galatians 5:15), choosing instead to “serve one another through love” (5:13). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Dear Father Pat, The seven years you have given to us as Pastor of St. Norbert have been a time of spiritual enrichment for all of us. We thank you for your compassion, your gentle spirit, your understanding, and your patience. We have felt from you the love of Jesus for his friends, and we have learned from you to notice the graces of God in our everyday lives. You have listened to our stories, absolved our sins, helped to heal the brokenness in our lives, and fed us with the Eucharist. You are a good and faithful servant of the Lord. We will miss your smile, your hugs, and your songs. Our prayers and well wishes go with you to your new assignment at St. Kilian’s, knowing that God has sent you to where your gifts are most needed at this particular time. We wish you much happiness in your ministry there, and in all areas of your life. Please remember us in your prayers, as we will you. Blessings and peace, The Parishioners of St. Norbert Church __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deadline extended to Friday, July 8 Three $1000 Scholarships will be awarded to St. Norbert Parish Youth! The St. Norbert Guadalupana Scholarships provide financial assistance to high school seniors planning on continuing their studies full‐time at a community college, university or vocational/trade school. The requirements for all scholarships include a minimum GPA of 2.5 and community service involvement in St. Norbert parish activities. Applications can be found on our Youth Ministry website at http://youthministry.stnorbertchurch.org/guadalupana‐ scholarship The deadline for applications is Friday, July 8. For more information or to contribute to our scholarship fund, please contact Pat Robles‐Friebert at [email protected] or (714) 813‐8477. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ \ Sing with the Choir for a Day!! Would you like to participate in an amazing and enlivening parish activity? Do you want an invigorating worship experience? Come and sing with the St. Norbert Choir on Sunday, September 11, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass!! Those wishing to participate must attend two Thursday rehearsals at 7:30 PM on the following dates: September 1 and 8. This is a unique opportunity to experience choral singing with a wonderful choir. Please sign up by sending an email to our Director of Music Ministry, John Erhard, at jerhard@ stnorbertchurch.org or by calling the office for music ministry (714) 637‐4360 x 126. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Parish Offering Thank you for your continuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, our parish budget calls for $26,850 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, June 19, totaled $27,922.53. These collections are not only for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular donations are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel. 3 JUNE 26, 2016 | THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Life Summer Socials Vacation Bible School! We are gearing up for Summer Socials and would love some help! Would you be interested in volunteering at one of the Summer Socials? Do you have any ideas on ways to make this year’s Socials great? If so, please contact Amy Glenane at aglenane@stnorbert church.org or (714) 637‐4360 x399. Summer Socials will be held on Tuesday evenings in July: July 12, 19, and 26. More details to come! Cave Quest VBS begins on Monday, June 27. Please pray for our campers and volunteers! _______________________________________________________________________ Mark your calendars! Night in the Old West La Fiesta Dinner‐Dance On Saturday, July 16, Hispanic Ministry will hold their annual dinner dance. Please join us for an unforgettable evening and a chance to win a laptop computer! All proceeds raised will be for the Guadalupana Scholarship Fund. Each year three $1,000 scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors who are continuing their educations in college or trade schools. Tickets will be on sale after Mass this weekend June 25 and 26, and next weekend, July 2 and 3. For more information, or to obtain tickets for the dinner or laptop raffle, please call (714) 637‐4360 x105 or 106. _______________________________________________________________________ Baptisms Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! to our Church Family T‐shirt packets can be picked up after the 9 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. Masses today, June 26. ________________________________________________________________________ Altar Server Training The annual meeting and training for new and experienced altar servers will take place Saturday, July 9, at 9 a.m. in the church. New altar servers must have received First Holy Communion and completed the fourth grade at the time of the training. If you have any questions, please e‐mail Karen Purpura at [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ Choir Fire I have always loved to sing, especially my favorite hymns at Mass. I joined my church choir because I wanted to be able to sing out more freely. The choir experience is very gratifying and enables me to work with others and to express myself more fully. Choir is about teamwork, community, and developing a stronger understanding of music. It is a way for people to connect with one another and to participate in a highly rewarding activity. Choir is a safe, warm, and accepting environment. ~Alan Garcia Music has always been a large part of my life, but it was only after I joined the choir that I felt God’s call truly fulfilled. I was drawn to the St. Norbert choir because I enjoyed the music they sang and the harmonies that blended so beautifully. The wonderful people in the choir and the music that we sing keep me coming back week after week. If you are looking for a great ministry to be part of, I wholeheartedly recommend joining the parish choir. ~Katherine Meland Jaxon Jayce Aguirre Kennedy Ann Marie Munñz Gianna Noelle De Guzman Ayden James Nobles Adele Caroline Jiménez Mila Prado Trent Mateo Iwamoto Brandon Salvador Reséndiz Isabelle Gonzaga Reyes Julianna Sandy Melendez Elliott Wolfgang Palmer Schmid Allen Lee Mugica III Maylani Missy Valdez Baptized in June at St. Norbert Church ________________________________________________________________________ June Christian Service Food Collection This month we’re collecting 11 oz. packages of granola cereal, any brand. Kindly leave your donations in the bins in the Ministry Center any time during the month. Thank you for your continued assistance. Congratulations! ¡Felicidades! Tom & Lita Pfeifer Married 20 years on June 29, 2016 ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 4 Youth & Teen Ministries Youth Faith Formation Children’s Faith Formation Youth Ministry The Children’s Faith Formation office will be will open on a limited schedule during VBS week, June 27—July 1. Register for Children’s Faith Formation 2016-2017! Early Bird Registration is now open! The Early Bird registration discount will continue through July 31. Please make every effort to register your child NOW for Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation classes. A deposit now will hold your place at the Early Bird price if finances are a problem. After July 31, fees will increase by $20. Sunday School Pre‐K & Kindergarten meet on Sundays from 9 to 10 a.m. beginning the last Sunday in September. Faith Formation sessions for Grades 1‐6 are held on Mondays from 4 to 5 p.m. OR 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. beginning the week of September 25. Registration packets are available in the Children’s Faith Formation Office, Ministry Center Office, and online on the St. Norbert Parish Website: www.stnorbertchurch.org St. Norbert Catholic School Summertime Support Although the students are gone and the campus is quiet in the summertime, you can still support our parish school through Amazon Smile, a simple and automatic way to support SNCS every time you shop. There is no cost to you‐‐when you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to our parish school! All money raised from Amazon Smile will go toward our Technology Club. Thank you for your support! _______________________________________________________________________ Companions on the Journey St. Norbert Catholic School is looking ahead to next year and has opened up our Classroom Sponsor Program for the 2016‐17 school year. If you would like to support our school next year by sponsoring a classroom or subject ($500 gift to the teacher for the purchase of enrichment materials), please contact Patty Bornhop in the school office at (714) 637‐6822 x204 or pbornhop@ saintnorbertschool.org Many thanks to Terry Hanna and Kathy Sprinkles for becoming sponsors already! Summer “Bond”fire Tuesday, June 28, from 5 to 9 p.m. at PCH/Magnolia in Huntington Beach. Please have your parents drop you off and pick you up at the beach. You must bring your permission slip and $10 to cover snacks, dinner and bonfire supplies. This is a great way to kick off summer with great friends and good food at one of God’s beautiful creations! All high school teens are welcome. ________________________________________________________________________ First Friday Adoration Youth Holy Hour We meet this coming Friday, July 1, from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in the church. Join us for music, meditations and quiet time with Jesus! ________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation Program New Confirmation Registration is now open! Please pick up registration packets from the Ministry Center, Youth Ministry Office or online at our website: http:// youthministry.stnorbertchurch.org/ confirmation‐1 Registration will be open throughout the summer. Register early to participate in special events! All returning Confirmation teens should be registered for C2. If you did not attend our Re‐Registration event on May 17, please contact our office immediately! ________________________________________________________________________ Junior High Ministry Registration for Junior High Ministry 2016‐2017 is now open. Sign up early to participate in all summer Junior High activities. Call April with questions at (714) 637‐4360 x221. ________________________________________________________________________ Vision Leadership Team Wednesday, July 13: Vision Formation Night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Youth Ministry Room. We are looking forward to a beautiful evening growing in friendship, faith and fellowship! ________________________________________________________________________ Young Adult Ministry Young adults (ages 18‐28, post high‐ school) are invited to a Bratwurst BBQ Mixer on Friday, July 8, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. outdoors at the Family & Youth Center. Please RSVP to April Curtin by Wednesday, July 6, at [email protected], or by text to (714) 851‐8150. 5 JUNE 26, 2016 | THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Faith Formation & Enrichment R.C.I.A. At our Catechumenate session this Thursday, June 30, we will present an introductory session on the sacraments. The following week we will talk about the meaning of the Kingdom of God. Any parishioner interested in these topics is welcome to join us. Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Inquiry sessions are available year‐round, except for holidays, and new participants are welcome at any time. Whether you have decided to become a Catholic, wish to learn more about the Church, or just have questions that you would like to discuss, we encourage you to join us. There is no obligation at this stage of the RCIA process, but for those who desire to continue to the reception of sacraments, the process usually takes a minimum of one year. Anyone wishing Baptism or Reception into the Church by Easter 2017 should begin immediately. ________________________________________________________________________ Book of Revelation Week three of our series will discuss the Vision of Heaven and the Seven Seals as found in Chapters 4 through 5 of the Book of Revelation. Please read these chapters prior to class. This study will continue on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 through the end of July. We meet in the Ministry Center Library. Please bring your Bible. ________________________________________________________________________ Prayer & Meditation with Scripture We welcome you to join us on Tuesday evening, June 28, when we will reflect on the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. This weekly hour of prayer time utilizes varying prayer forms each week. It is a time to meet with others in quiet and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. You are all most welcome! ________________________________________________________________________ What was happening in the Eighth Century? After the death of Pepin the Short, son of Charles Martel, in 768, his two sons Carloman and Charles became co‐heirs of the Kingdom of the Franks. They ruled jointly for three years, until the sudden death of Carloman in 771, after which Charles became the sole King of the Franks. The military campaigns and conquests of Charles, along with the resurgence of culture and education during his reign was so astounding that he became known as Charles the Great, or as history calls him Charlemagne. During the first 10 years of his reign, Charlemagne battled against Aquitaine, Saxony, Bavaria and the Lombards in Italy. As the Frankish King, he controlled what is now France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. In 774 he subdued the Lombards and crowned himself King of Italy. To ensure later succession, in 781 he appointed his two youngest sons as kings over parts of his territory. Louis the Pious became King of Aquitaine, and Carloman was named King of Spain. At his coronation ceremony by the pope, Carloman’s name was changed to Pepin. As both were still children, Charlemagne still held the power, even though he had bestowed the royal title upon the boys. Although Charlemagne considered himself a devout Catholic and like his forefathers was a strong defender of the pope, he was violent in war demanding conversion of conquered subjects under pain of death. These included 4,500 Saxon warriors executed at the Massacre of Verden in 782. He fathered eighteen children through his ten known wives and concubines. Charlemagne’s first marriage was annulled a few months after its inception, all of his other marriages ended with the deaths of his wives. The marriage to Hildegard of Vinzgouw, his second, was the longest at twelve years. With her, he fathered nine of his eighteen children. It would be the fifth child born to Hildegard, Louis the Pious, who would eventually inherit the empire his father was building. Charlemagne’s military campaigns continued to the east and the south until he had conquered nearly all of western Europe. In Hispania, he opposed Moorish and Saracen muslims and eventually the cities of Barcelona and Cordova fell to him. He was known as far as Baghdad, where the Caliph Harum‐al‐Rashid tried to negotiate a peace treaty by presenting Charlemagne with an elephant. In 799, Pope Leo III, who had been attacked and tortured, sought protection from Charlemagne, who traveled to Rome. Without knowledge that this was to happen, as Charlemagne knelt to pray in St. Peter’s basilica on Christmas Day, 800 AD, the Pope placed a crown upon his head and proclaimed him Emperor of the Romans and legitimate successor of the Imperial line from Augustus to Constantine IV. Although Charlemagne proclaimed that he would not have gone into the church had he known of the impending coronation, he also did not refuse either crown or title. Crowned as Emperor, the extensive lands now under Charlemagne’s rule became known as the Holy Roman Empire. This caused distress in the Eastern Roman Empire, which had not fallen, but still functioned out of Constantinople under the Empress Irene. Although after the death of his last wife, Charlemagne proposed a marriage contract between himself and Empress Irene in order to unite the two halves of the Empire, this union never took place. For centuries debates would continue as to the legitimacy of the Holy Roman Empire, and to the relationship between the East and West. Another tension between the Churches of the East and West, was the use of the word filioque in the Nicene Creed. This was an addition to the creed, having to do with the Procession of the Holy Spirit from both the Father and the Son, rather than the Father alone as the original Creed stated, which was gaining popularity in Western usage, as it was believed to more accurately describe the relationship of the Trinity. Charlemagne, always a supporter of the papacy, agreed with the filioque clause. The Patriarch of Constantinople, vehemently disagreed. Two hundred and fifty years in the future, this debate would result in a major rupture in Christianity which is yet to be healed. And, so, the history of the Church continues. LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN NORBERTO | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 6 Ministerio Hispano Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Año Jubilar de la Misericordia En este, un domingo más del Tiempo Ordinario, parece que Jesús exige un compromiso extraordinario. Un aspirante entusiasmado a ser discípulo se ofrece de voluntario para seguir a Jesús “a donde sea” (Lucas 9:57). Jesús le contesta que “a donde sea” significa “no tener donde recostar la cabeza” (9:58). A otros aspirantes, Jesús bruscamente niega sus peticiones para seguirlo pues les antepone razonablemente sus responsabilidades y obligaciones familiares (9:59, 61), expresando que ahora ser discípulo exige compromiso completo. Pero Jesús también exige que no juzguemos cómo responden otras personas. Cuando Santiago y Juan se ofrecen para “hacer caer fuego del cielo” (9:54) para destruir una ciudad que no los recibió, Jesús “los reprende” (9:55). Cualquier tipo de violencia es completamente inaceptable entre los discípulos de Jesús, una lección este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia es enseñar una vez más a la comunidad cristiana. El desafío de Pablo a los gálatas y a nosotros refuerza el mandamiento decisivo de Jesús a Santiago y Juan que ellos expresaran su compromiso hacia los demás con compasión. Debemos dejar de ser violentos y dejar “comernos y devorarnos unos a otros” (Gálatas 5:15), eligiendo en su lugar “servir uno al otro por medio del amor” (5:13). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. . ¡La fecha límite de entrega se ha extendido al viernes 8 de julio! ¡Becas Disponibles para los Jóvenes de San Norberto! El fondo de becas Guadalupanas de San Norberto ofrece becas a jóvenes de la parroquia que estén cursando su último año de escuela preparatoria (High School) y que estén planeando inscribirse como estudiantes de tiempo completo en un colegio comunitario, universidad o escuela vocacional/comercial. Las solicitudes están disponibles en el Centro de Ministerios o pueden bajarlas del sitio en Internet de la parroquia www.stnorbertchurch.org/scholarship __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Encuentro Matrimonial ‘‘ Hemos Encontrado Algo Digno de Compartir El próximo 15, 16 y 17 de julio, el movimiento de Encuentro Matrimonial, tendrá su fin de semana. Toda pareja que quiera enriquecer su matrimonio de una manera más profunda está invitada. Este programa busca apoyarle en desarrollar y fortalecer su relación específicamente con técnicas de comunicación. Para más información llamar a Francis y Moisés Rodríguez al (714)‐809‐6738. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ DACA e Inmigración De enero del 2016 a junio del 2017, Caridades Católicas estará ofreciendo talleres gratuitos para ayudar con las solicitudes de DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). DACA proporciona permisos de trabajo, número de seguro social y protección contra deportación a personas indocumentadas que hayan sido traídas a los Estados Unidos antes de los 16 años, y que hayan vivido aquí desde junio, 2007. Comuníquese con Caridades Católicas para más información sobre DACA al (714) 347‐9606. El Departamento de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas también ofrece servicios a bajo costo para ciudadanía y otros servicios de inmigración. Llame al (714) 347‐9610, o en persona en 1800 E. 17º St., Santa Ana. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘‘ Horario de Oficina del Ministerio Hispano Para obtener información sobre sacramentos, quinceañeras, y/o bautizos, hemos cambiado el horario de la oficina; Araceli Rodríguez les atenderá de lunes a viernes, de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m., y Carmen Estrada de martes a viernes toda la tarde. Los sábados: Carmen, Araceli y Sami les atenderán de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial ‘‘ Agradecemos su apoyo continuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2015 a junio 30, 2016. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia necesita para cubrir los gastos el cual es de $26,850. La colecta del domingo pasado 19 de junio fue $27,922.53. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio. La parroquia de San Norberto es una comunidad dinámica de discípulos de Jesucristo que se esfuerza por continuar sus ministerios de oración, amor y servicio. 7 26 DE JUNIO DE 2016 | DECIMOTERCER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Ministerio Hispano ¡Anoten en su calendario! La Fiesta-Cena Baile Noche en el Viejo Oeste El sábado 16 de julio, tendremos nuestra cena‐baile anual. Acompáñanos a pasar una tarde inolvidable. Todo lo que se recaude será para el fondo de las Becas Guadalupanas para los jovencitos que salen de la High School y van al colegio. Habrá una rifa de una Laptop. Para más información o comprar sus boletos para la cena baile o la rifa comunicarse al (714) 637‐4360 x105 o106. Los boletos estarán a la venta después de las misas este fin de semana y el próximo fin de semana. _______________________________________________________________________ ¡Corran la Voz! Inscripciones para Confirmación El Ministerio Juvenil (Youth Ministry) está aceptando inscripciones para los jóvenes que van a celebrar el Sacramento de Confirmación. Los paquetes están disponibles en las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios o en la página de internet www.stnorbert church.org Las inscripciones se cierran el 30 de agosto. Para más información llamar al (714) 637‐4360 221. _______________________________________________________________________ Inscripciones 2016-2017 para las Clases de Formación en la Fe para Niños (Catequesis) Durante el mes de junio, estaremos aceptando inscripciones para las clases de Formación en la Fe para sus niños. Domingo Familiar Acompáñanos este domingo 26 de junio, a nuestro Domingo Familiar después de la Misa de las 2 p.m. Ven a disfrutar de deliciosa comida típica junto con tu familia. Te esperamos. Parish Calendar June 26, 2016 ~ July 3, 2016 Sunday, June 26 La Fiesta Dinner Dance Ticket Sales 3:00 p.m. Domingo Familiar 3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia Monday, June 27 9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Grupo de Oración Tuesday, June 28 9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School 7:00 p.m. Support Group for Divorced & Separated 7:30 p.m. RICA 7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture Wednesday, June 29 9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School 7:30 p.m. AFF: Book of Revelation 7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia Thursday, June 30 9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School 5:00 p.m. VBS Family Night 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración 7:30 p.m. RCIA Friday, July 1 First Friday / Adoration Day 9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School 9:00 a.m. Confessions 7:00 p.m. Youth Ministry Holy Hour 7:00 p.m. Jóvenes Para Cristo 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Niños 7:00 p.m. Adolescentes Saturday, July 2 No Christian Service Food Distribution La Fiesta Dinner Dance Ticket Sales 10:00 a.m. Bautizos 3:30 p.m. Confessions Horario: Lunes a viernes de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m., y lunes a miércoles por las tardes de 5:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Favor de traer la copia de la Fe de Bautizo por cada niño que va a inscribir. Para más información llamar al (714) 637‐4360 x105. _______________________________________________________________________ Colecta de Comida de Servicio Cristiano para el Mes de Junio Este mes estamos colectando paquetes de cereal tipo granola. Por favor dejen sus donaciones en los contenedores que estarán en el vestíbulo de la iglesia este domingo 12 de junio, día de Taco Sunday, o en el Centro de Ministerios a cualquier hora durante el mes. Muchas gracias por su continuo apoyo para ayudarnos a alimentar a aquellos en necesidad. _______________________________________________________________________ Taller San José Ofrece entrenamiento de trabajo gratis para jóvenes de 18‐28 años, ahora en sus dos localidades, en Santa Ana y Anaheim, en los siguientes programas: Administración de Oficinas, Construcción, Asistente Médico, y Facturación‐Codificación Médica. ¡Aplica hoy mismo en la página www.tsjhopebuilders.org/apply! el espacio es limitado. Para más información llamar al (714) 543‐5105. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 8 Community Life & Groups Pray for the sick . . . Save the Date! Young at Heart Casino Trip _______________________________________________________________________ Join our Childcare Co-Op St. Norbert has expanded our Childcare Co‐Op during Sunday morning Masses. In addition to our long‐standing 9 a.m. Co‐Op, we now offer childcare during the 10:30 a.m. Sunday liturgies. The Co‐Op is available for children ages 9 months to 4 years old, and parents are asked to serve quarterly. Families who are interested in utilizing this service are welcome to stop by the Childcare Center after the 9 or 10:30 Masses any Sunday, or by contacting Yazmin Cameron at [email protected] or (714) 393‐7633 Kama Yim . . . and for those who have died. Nicholas Grumbine Mass Intentions _______________________________________________________________________ Enjoy the Convenience of Online Giving Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and provides much‐needed donation consistency for our parish. Contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. You can go to www.stnorbertchurch.org at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one‐ time donation or view your online donation history. Thank you for supporting the financial needs of St. Norbert Church! Mark Losi ________________________________________________________________________ St. Norbert wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Giving online is easy, secure, and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Adriana Flores Richard Garcia Harold Gore Bob Koob Pamela Meza Valentin Nieves Mickie Pecoraro Ana Pérez Antonia Sánchez Longo Simé Matthew Vega Michael Vega Alejandro Widner Janette Alcarón José Arenas Kennedy Blalock Giovanni Camponovo Carol Cebula Ron Castro Martha Centellas Olga Centellas Pat Di Dodo Maria Dondiego Linda Ensch Al Erhard Faraj Joubran The Young at Heart Club is sponsoring a bus trip to Pala Casino on Thursday, August 25. All adult parishioners are welcome. The bus will depart from the St. Norbert Church parking lot at 9 a.m. and return about 4:30. The cost is $20 per person. Checks are to be made out to the Young at Heart Club. For more information or reservations contact Elizabeth at (714) 624 ‐1447 or Pat at (714) 637‐2014. Saturday, June 25, 2016 5:00 p.m. Father’s Day Novena Sunday, June 26, 2016 7:30 a.m. + Ernestine Schilling 9:00 a.m. + Carmen Carrete 10:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena 12:00 p.m. + John Pahl 2:00 p.m. St. Norbert Parishioners 5:30 p.m. Gloria Martínez 7:00 p.m. Rafael & María del Refugio González Monday, June 27, 2016 6:15 a.m. + Antoinette Meneses 8:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena Tuesday, June 28, 2016 6:15 a.m. + Paula Rudolph 8:30 a.m. + Betty Bick Wednesday, June 29, 2016 6:15 a.m. + Rita Liwag 8:30 a.m. + William Jackson 7:00 p.m. + María Mendoza de Martínez Thursday, June 30, 2016 6:15 a.m. Wes Baker 8:30 a.m. Baldassare & Francesca Indelicato Giving Thanks When You Shop Please be sure to patronize and thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through their participation, our parish receives our weekly bulletin free of charge. Friday, July 1, 2016 6:15 a.m. Rick Johnson 8:30 a.m. + Patrocinio Mendoza Saturday, July 2, 2016 8:30 a.m. + Ray & Dorothy Koob 9 JUNE 26, 2016 | THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Our Parish & Beyond Natural Family Planning Awareness Week Priests vs. Seminarians Basketball Game July 24‐30 Friday, July 15, from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Natural Family Planning methods “reflect the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, and promotes openness to life and the gift of the child. By complementing the love‐ giving and life‐giving nature of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife.” (See: Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, NFP Progran, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2010) Learn about Catholic teaching on responsible parenthood and Natural Family Planning. Visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops NFP Program’s website at http://www.usccb.org/issues‐ and‐action/marriage‐and‐family/natural‐family‐planning/ Want to learn a method of Natural Family Planning within our Diocese? Please visit the Diocese of Orange website: http:// rcbo.org.resource/natural‐family‐planning/ _______________________________________________________________________ Bereavement Ministry Training The Diocesan Office of Pastoral Care for Families in All Stages and the Office of Worship, with the sponsorship of O’ Connor Mortuary, will hold a Bereavement Minister Workshop in English. The goals for the training will be to: Revitalize one’s sense of spiritual care Discover the importance of being present Gain a renewed sense of the importance of the funeral ritual Understand the role of community in bereavement & how to include families in planning Review the new Guide to Catholic Funerals and Words of Remembrance The training will take place at St. Kilian Catholic Church, 26872 Estanciero Drive, Mission Viejo, on Tuesday, August 9, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Please RSVP to Becky Lomaka at O’Connor Mortuary by Friday, July 29, by e‐mail at [email protected] or by phone at (949) 581‐4300 _______________________________________________________________________ Charismatic Healing Mass Monday, June 27, at 7:15 p.m. St. Angela Merici Church 585 S. Walnut Avenue in Brea All who are suffering physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, or know others who are, are encouraged to come. All are most welcome! Fr. Patrick Crowley will be the celebrant. For more information, please call Jan at (714) 529‐2277. Mater Dei High School 1202 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana In our second year of the Diocese of Orange Priests vs. Seminarians Annual Basketball Game, the Priests look to continue their winning streak against the Seminarians. Can the Seminarians make a comeback and bring home the trophy? Funds raised from this year's event to go toward Seminarian Education. Social & Food Trucks: 5:30 p.m. Game Time: 7 p.m. Tickets sold online only through Eventbrite. (www.eventbrite.com, then search for “Priests vs. Seminarians”) No ticket sales at the door. For any questions, please contact the Vocations Office at (714) 282‐3033. _______________________________________________________________________ Young Adult Retreat Saint Justin Martyr Young Adult Ministry announces our 4th annual retreat, Testify to Love: Live Like That. This year's retreat will be held July 8‐10, at St. Andrew's Abbey, in Valyermo. This weekend retreat is an opportunity to experience God's love, reflect on His purpose for our lives, and draw us closer to Him through our Catholic faith and community. The schedule includes talks on living a Catholic life in today's culture, Mass, Confession, and Eucharistic Adoration. The retreat is open to all young adults between the ages of 18 and 39. The suggested donation is $135 per person which covers lodging, meals, and various activities and supplies. Financial assistance is available. Please call Alejandra at (562) 857‐7261, Ricky at (714) 270‐4412, or e‐mail us at [email protected] for more information. You can register online at www.stjustin.org/ya‐retreat We hope you can join us for this transformative weekend. _______________________________________________________________________ Youth Camps at Mater Dei Mater Dei High School is hosting a variety of youth camps in its state‐of‐the‐art facilities. The camps will provide competitive skill development in a positive and fun environment. Camps being offered such as: Band & Drum Line, Color Guard, Baseball, Basketball, Cheer and Song, Cross Country, Dance, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Robotics, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Theatre Arts, Track and Field, Volleyball, Water Polo and Wrestling. Mater Dei youth camps are open to boys and girls who are entering K through eighth grades. Visit www.materdei.org/camps to register today. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 12 Parish Ministries & Organizations Adult Faith Formation Music/Coro Eucharistic Adoration Committee Charlene Dumitru, Director (714) 637‐4360 x114 Ed Majcher ................................. (714) 998‐1574 John Erhard, Director ......... (714) 637‐4360 x126 Contemporary Ensemble, English Altar Care Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637‐4360 x110 Denise Bittel ................................ (714) 633‐2444 Extraordinarios de Eucharístia [English] Janine Kilgore ....... (714) 637‐4360 x110 Coro de Niños Altar Servers/Monaguillos Ana Muñoz .................................. (714) 402‐2789 [English] Karen Purpura .............. (714) 974‐6507 [Español] Juan Guzmán ............... (714) 321‐2812 Domingos, español [Español] Fidencia Hernández .... (714) 786‐7698 [Español] Paula Guerrero ............ (714) 786‐7540 Floribeth y Cristal Flores ............. (714) 279‐9149 Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick & Jóvenes Para Cristo Coro Baptismal Preparation/Pre‐Bautismales María Ramos ............................... (714) 417‐3064 [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637‐4360 x114 Homebound/Enfermos [Español] Carmen Estrada .. (714) 637‐4360 x106 [Home Route] Janine Kilgore(714) 637‐4360 x110 Miércoles, español [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633‐7829 [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633‐7829 Miguel Lugo ................................ (714) 538‐2497 Traditional Choir, English Filipino Ministry Bereavement John Erhard ........................ (714) 637‐4360 x126 Lucille Justiniani . ......................... (714) 974‐4399 Denise Bittel ....................... (714) 637‐4360 x130 Natural Family Planning Grupo de Oración Bible Studies Monday AM ‐ Mary Prather ........ (714) 709‐3768 Javier Solis .................................. (657) 200‐0505 Alyson del Hierro ......................... (714) 872‐3740 Evening ‐ Charlene Dumitru . (714) 637‐4360 x114 Irma Chamú ................................ (714) 319‐4599 Nurse for Seniors, Order of Malta Ann Bilash, RN .................... (714) 637‐4360 x120 Guadalupanos Bodas Elvira Cadena . ............................. (714) 631‐0031 Orange Diocesan Council Sonia Jiménez ............................. (714) 203‐1187 Hospitality/Hospitalidad Bulletin Editor Joan Doyle .................................. (714) 609‐2048 Amy Glenane ...................... (714) 637‐4360 x399 [email protected] [Español] Andrés Hernández……(310) 800‐3736 [Español] Domitila Sandoval.……(714) 605‐2789 Calendar Secretary [Español] Agustín Sandoval………(714) 574‐5146 Lola Reynoso ............................... (714) 637‐4360 Inquiry Classes Charlas Prematrimoniales Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637‐4360 x114 Juan Diego Noreña ...................... (714) 932‐6350 Italian Catholic Federation Arnulfo Francis Soto .................... (714) 478‐3026 Joe & Rose Digrado..................... (714) 974‐1978 Childcare Co‐Op Jóvenes Para Cristo Yazmin Rojas‐Cameron ............... (714) 393‐7633 Marco Antonio Cruz ................... (714) 492‐9885 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Lázaro Cruz ................................. (714) 363‐6345 Michele Desbiens ........................ (714) 999‐2710 Kirkwood Eucharistic Ministers Christian Service Peter Ricks .................................. (714) 633‐0731 Ahl Agustin ......................... (714) 637‐4360 x113 Knights of Columbus Council #15733 Confirmation Preparation Tom Dodge .................................. (714) 633‐6859 Kirsten King ........................ (714) 637‐4360 x210 Lady Knights Cub Scout Pack #863 Carolyn Obrecht ......................... (714) 402‐2576 Joe Beckman ............................... (714) 222‐2895 Lectors/Lectores Cursillo [English] Cameron LaFont ........... (714) 974‐3786 Kathy Stephens ........................... (714) 397‐7501 [Español] Acacio Martínez .......... (714) 404‐5240 Deacon Líders de Comité Hispano Joe Esparza ........................ (714) 637‐4360 x129 Blandina Rosas ........................... (714) 403‐4666 of Catholic Women Carol Dolan ................................. (714) 269‐6339 Praying with Scripture Sr. Breda Christopher .................. (714) 283‐2496 Quinceañeras Rosalba Hernández ..................... (714) 597‐3953 RCIA/RICA [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637‐4360 x114 [Español] Gilma y Ruben Tenorio (714) 597‐1318 Respect Life Bernie Vitchus ............................. (714) 771‐0984 Returning Catholics Fellowship Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637‐4360 x114 St. Norbertfest Mike Adray ......................... (714) 637‐4360 x116 St. Norbert Catholic School Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal ........ (714) 637‐6822 School of Religious Education/Catequistas [English] Robin Mayes ................ (714) 998‐1070 [Español] Carmen Estrada . (714) 637‐4360 x106 Sewing Circle Ellen Riopel ................................. (714) 488‐3207 Spritual Advisor Rita Mejia ................................... (714) 392‐6694 Diacono Deacon Joe Esparza ............ (714) 637‐4360 X129 Juan Espinoza .............................. (714) 202‐5828 Liturgy Ushers Divine Mercy Prayer Group/La Divina Misericordia Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637‐4360 x110 Joe Costanza ............................... (714) 532‐5494 [English] Helen Amposta ............. (714) 279‐9441 Men’s Group of Faith [Español] María Ramos ............... (657) 221‐0886 Gary McKimmey ......................... (714) 224‐6160 Young at Heart Pat Vega ...................................... (714) 637‐2014 Matt Terrones ............................ (714) 904‐5822 Divorced & Separated Young Adult Ministry Kelly Klaus ................................... (949) 292‐7281 Ministerio Hispano Adrian Chávez ............................. (714) 225‐4261 Carmen Estrada .................. (714) 637‐4360 x106 Elizabeth Ministry Youth Ministry/Adolescentes Latinos Amy Glenane ..................... (714) 637‐4360 x399 Araceli Rodriíuez, Secretary ...(714) 637‐4360 x105 Kirsten King, Director ......... (714) 637‐4360 x210 Mothers Group ESL (inglés como segundo idioma) April Curtin, Asst. Director . (714) 637‐4360 x215 George Dore [solo inglés] ........... (714) 280‐2801 Penny Kim................................... (714) 310‐8158 Shyntia Ospino, Admin. Assist. (714) 637‐4360 x221 Hablas español ............................ (714) 637‐4360
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