2nd Reading, Philippians 4:4-7 Liturgy Schedule

3rd Sunday of Advent— 12-13-2015
III Domingo de Adviento— 13.12.2015
Liturgy Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5PM Vigil
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM,
1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen
Weekday Liturgies (English)
Mass: 9AM Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday
Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday
Anointing Mass (English)
9AM First Saturday of the Month
Reconciliation (English and Spanish)
Saturdays 3—4:30PM or by
Parish Information
2nd Reading, Philippians 4:4-7
Brothers and sisters:
Rejoice in the Lord always.
I shall say it again: rejoice!
Your kindness should be known to all.
The Lord is near.
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
make your requests known to God.
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
141 156th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
See page 10 for a full listing of Parish
Consulte la página 10 para obtener
una lista completa de Personal de la
Parish Office Hours
Monday: 9AM-6PM
(closed between 12:30-1:30PM)
Tuesday thru Friday: 9AM-7PM
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Sunday: Closed
Our Mission • Nuestra Misión
As members of St. Louise Catholic Church, our mission is to proclaim the good news of Christ in Word and Sacrament,
to build up the prayerful community of believers in all our diversity and to witness God's saving love by ministering to
the needs of others.
Nuestra misión como miembros de la Iglesia Católica de Sta. Luisa, es de proclamar las buenas noticias de Cristo en
la Palabra y el Sacramento, para construir la comunidad devota de creyentes en toda nuestra diversidad y para
presenciar el amor de Dios atendiendo a las necesidades de otros.
Welcome To
St. Louise
If you are new here,
a returning Catholic,
or have been a
member and don’t
feel connected,
contact our Parish
Office at
425-747-4450 to find
out more information
about the parish. If
you are interested in
registering, fill out an
information card,
found at the
welcome desk in the
main vestibule of the
church, and drop it
in the collection
basket, or register
online at
Bienvenido a
Santa Luisa
Si eres nuevo aquí,
un regresando
católica, o ha sido
miembro y no se
sienten conectados,
póngase en contacto
con nuestra Oficina
Parroquial al
425-747-4450 para
obtener más
información acerca
de la parroquia. Si
usted está
interesado en
registrarse, llenar
una tarjeta de
información, que se
encuentra en la
recepción de
bienvenida en el
vestíbulo principal
de la iglesia, y
colóquelo en la
canasta de la
colecta, o registrarse
en línea en
From the Pastor • Del Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
Queridos Parroquianos:
Today is “Gaudete Sunday”
– in Latin, Gaudete means
Rejoice! This is the time of
year when almost everyone
celebrates the joy of giving
and sharing. And for us,
giving is a way of life.
Hoy es “Domingo de Gaudete” – en latín,
Gaudete significa Regocijo. Esta es la época del
año en la que casi todos celebran la alegría de dar y
compartir. Y para nosotros, dar es una forma de
Ciertamente es importante dar a través de la
mayordomía, o sea, el compartir nuestro tiempo,
Certainly it’s important to give through stewardship, talento y tesoro. (Y por cierto, si todavía no han
the sharing of our time, talent and treasure. (And by entregado su tarjeta de compromiso de la
Corresponsabilidad, por favor háganlo lo antes
the way, if you haven’t turned in your Stewardship
commitment card, kindly do so as soon as possible!) posible!) Quisiera sugerir otras dos formas en las
I would like to suggest two more ways you might que ustedes pueden considerar dar esta Navidad.
consider giving this Christmas.
1. Qué tal si le ofrecen “su” banca de la iglesia -el
lugar donde normalmente se sientan en Misa- a
1. What if you offered “your” pew, the place where
un visitante y ustedes se sientan en otra parte?
you normally sit at Mass to a visitor and sat
Estarían incluso dispuestos a ofrecerle su
elsewhere? If you are able-bodied, would you
asiento a una persona mayor o a un enfermo en
be willing to offer your seat to an elderly or
la Misa de Nochebuena o la de Navidad, aunque
infirm person and even stand if need be at the
ustedes tuvieran que permanecer de pie?
Mass you attend on Christmas Eve or
2. Si van a asistir a Misa de Nochebuena a las
Christmas Day?
3PM y están en posibilidad de hacerlo, qué tal si
2. If you are attending the 3PM Mass on
ceden su lugar de estacionamiento – manejando
Christmas Eve and you are physically able,
con suficiente tiempo hasta al Templo B’nai
what if you offered the parking place you would
Torah (15727 NE 4th St.) y después toman el
otherwise use – by driving ahead of time to
transporte que proporcionaremos para llegar a
Temple B’nai Torah (15727 NE 4th St.) and
Santa Luisa?
then taking the shuttle we’ll be providing to St.
Nuestro “tema principal” este año es la
hospitalidad, y qué mejor manera de mostrar
Our “main thing” this year is hospitality, and
what better way to show hospitality than to offer hospitalidad que ofrecer a alguien un lugar para
sentarse o para estacionar su auto?
someone else a place to sit or to park?
Algunas veces puede ser fácil caer en una forma de
Sometimes it can be easy to fall into a privileged
pensar privilegiada durante estas fiestas: “Yo estoy
way of thinking during the holidays, that “I am here
every Sunday and who are these people to take my aquí todos los domingos, quiénes son estas
personas para tomar mi lugar?” Quizás podríamos
spot?” Maybe we could think of the visitors who
come as today’s Jesus, Mary and Joseph, who are pensar en esos visitantes como en Jesús, María y
José de nuestros tiempos, que están buscando un
looking for a place to stay for one night. Laying
lugar para quedarse por una noche. Colocar abrigos
coats over the pews to reserve seats well over an
hour before Mass begins somehow falls short of the en las bancas de la iglesia para apartar lugares
spirit of welcome that we hope to show at Christmas desde una hora antes de que empiece la Misa no
representa el espíritu de bienvenida que esperamos
even more than we do the rest of the year.
mostrar en Navidad aún más que durante el resto del
Thank you for your part in helping to make St.
Louise an AMAZING place of welcome!
Gracias por poner de su parte para hacer de Santa
Luisa un MARAVILLOSO lugar de bienvenida!
Fr. Gary Zender
Padre Gary Zender
Hospitality and Welcoming
Ministry of Greeter
This year our “main thing” at
St. Louise is to focus on
Hospitality. So we are very
excited to let you know that
we’re launching our new
welcoming Ministry of
Greeter and we need your
If you like to smile and you enjoy meeting and talking with people, then this
ministry could be for you.
This new ministry is not just for individuals but can be a ministry for the
entire family. The Ministry of Greeter involves welcoming and greeting
people before and after Mass on weekends. Because we have six
weekend Masses, we need many people to make this ministry a reality;
please consider serving. If you’re interested, kindly send an email to
[email protected] or sign up after one of the Masses this
weekend at a kiosk table in the main vestibule of the church. Thank
Indian Community Christmas Party
Indian Community Christmas celebration and potluck will be on Saturday,
December 26, 5:30PM-10PM in the Parish Hall. It’s a wonderful
opportunity for families & singles of Indian ethnicity at St. Louise to come
and experience the joys of the season. Please RSVP
to [email protected] or register for the event online at
The Indian ethnic community at St. Louise brings together Catholics from
India who are interested in sharing their faith and fellowship through
religious and wholesome fun activities year round. If you would like to join
the Indian community or need more info, contact Binny John,
[email protected].
This Week In Our Parish
Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia
Sunday, December 13 - Third Sunday of Advent
8:15AM-10:30AM Charger Cards for sale after
Simbang Gabi Celebration at 6PM Mass
7PM Simbang Gabi Reception in Parish Hall
Wednesday, December 16
6PM Women's Bible Study – Parish Center
6:30PM Parish Pastoral Council - Parish School
Faculty Room
6:30PM School Christmas Concert - Church
Thursday, December 17
6PM Finance Council - Parish Center
6PM-7PM Praying For Peace - Chapel
7PM Stewardship Commission - Elbert Library
Friday, December 18
9:45AM Legion of Mary - Elbert Library
10AM Gospel of Life - Parish Center
School Dismissal at 12 noon
7PM Maureen Still Band Concert - Church
Saturday, December 19
8AM-noon Hang Christmas Lights outside
10AM Hispanic Leadership - Parish Center
Sunday, December 20 - Fourth Sunday of
8:30AM - 10:30AM Blood Pressure checks after
7:30AM and 9AM Masses
7PM-9PM Life Night - Parish Hall
Forever Young
A Group for 55+ and/or Retired
Next meeting Wednesday, January 27, 9:45AM in the Parish Hall.
Topic is “Cruising into the New Year.”
Forever Young Book Club will meet on Friday, January 29, at 9:45AM in
the Mother Teresa Room. January’s book will be “The Grapes of Wrath” by
John Steinbeck. Please note there will be no Book Club meeting in
Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter
Did you know that the parish publishes a monthly newsletter that is
delivered via email? Sign up to receive our monthly email newsletter and
stay connected to what's happening at St. Louise. Each issue contains an
overview of special upcoming and past events. The newsletter is sent at the
beginning of each month. Sign up by following the link on the parish
website, www.stlouise.org or go to http://goo.gl/LrWKN0.
Young Adult Ministry Ages 20s and 30s
Tuesday, January 26, 7PM is our next St. Louise
Young Adult Group meeting. Get involved with many
Christmas activities by going to Eastside Disciples
Catholic Young Adults on Facebook.
Small Groups: Several small groups of Eastside
young adults meet during the week to reflect on the
upcoming Sunday’s Gospel and share how this
Gospel speaks to them as young adults. If interested,
contact Kathy, [email protected].
Visit groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/slya/info
to sign up for email updates.
Maureen Still Band Advent Concert
Friday, December 18,
7PM in the church.
The Maureen Still Band invites you
to celebrate the joyous coming
of Christ the King!
An evening of music and song!
All are welcome – a great family event!
Admission is free!
Donations of nonperishable goods/items for our
Church charities are always welcome.
Activities and Events
Spiritual Adoption Program: Month 9
Grief Support Group
“Surviving the Holidays after the
Death of a Loved One”
Tuesday, December 15, 7PM our monthly
Bereavement Support Group will meet, this month
focusing on “Surviving the Holidays.” Please join us as
we pray together and support each other as we enter
the holiday season. Feel free to bring a friend.
Questions? Call Kathy, 425-214-5466 or
[email protected].
Cut this out, fold it in half and give it to someone you know!
Please pray for all expectant moms in our parish and for
any parents who may be struggling with the challenges
of raising children.
141 156th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
(425) 747-4450
When I was 9 months old I finally was
born and able to meet my mother. I
recognized her voice right away because
I had been listening to her voice inside
the womb for several months. Once I
was born I had a hard time turning over,
even though I had been doing
somersaults easily in the
Invite a Friend!
Welcome a Stranger!
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5PM Vigil
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, 1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen
Weekday Liturgies (English)
Mass: 9AM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday
Anointing Mass (English): 9AM First Saturday of the Month
Reconciliation (English and Spanish): Saturdays 3—4:30PM
or by appointment
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
St. Louise School News
CROWD For Middle School Youth
For High School Youth
Schedule appointments for the upcoming St. Louise
2016/17 School Year. During December, prospective parents
may schedule school visits for January or February. If you are
considering enrollment for your child in grades Pre-K through 8,
please contact the School Office at 425-746-4220 for
admissions materials and campus visits.
Save the Date: St. Louise School Open House February 4.
Mark your calendars now for our Open House, which is
Thursday, February 4, 6:30-7:30 PM. Meet teachers, see
classrooms, and have a tour from an 8th grade ambassador!
Forest Ridge Open House
Thursday, January 7, 2016, 3:30-5:30PM. 100% girl-centered
Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart invites you to join us
for an open house on Thursday, January 7, 2016, 3:30-5:30PM.
We are a Catholic, college-preparatory school for girls grades
5-12. RSVP at www.forestridge.org or call 425-201-2434.
We are located at 4800 139th Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006.
Might you be in need of some stocking stuffers this Christmas?
St. Louise Youth Ministry is selling packs of Brown Bear car
wash tickets that make the perfect gifts for any driver – and your
purchase supports our St. Louise youth programs! Tickets are
available for purchase as follows: 3 for $24; 5 for $35; 10 for
$60. For more information please contact Annarose at 425-214
-5465 or [email protected].
Life Teen: For our Life Night on December 20, all Life Teen
youth are invited and encouraged to share their talents in music,
art, media, or even interpretive dance (because, why not??), in
our first annual Coffeehouse! If you are interested in performing,
please email or call Annarose to be included in the lineup for the
evening. Even if you don't feel like sharing your own talents,
please come and support your friends by enjoying the show,
especially because this will be our last Life Teen event before
we take a break for Christmas and New Year's!
Follow St. Louise Youth Ministry on Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter! Facebook page: St. Louise Youth Ministry. Instagram:
stlouiseyouthministry. Twitter: @stlyouthmin.
Liturgy, Prayer and Worship
Invite a Friend!
Welcome a Stranger!!
This Week’s
Mass Intentions
Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve
1PM Mass (children’s liturgy)
3PM Mass (children’s liturgy) *
*Shuttle and overflow parking available
6PM Mass (Life Teen liturgy)
9PM Mass (“traditional” Christmas Eve Mass)
Midnight (Misa del Gallo, in Spanish)
Friday, December 25, Christmas Day
8AM (Mass in English)
10AM (Mass in English)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation)
Thursday, December 31, 7PM (Spanish)
Friday, January 1, 9AM (English)
Cut this out, fold it in half and give it to someone you know!
Christmas Masses
Traditional music presentations by the choirs begin
30 minutes before each Mass
Sick or Homebound or Going into the Hospital?
Monday, December 14, 9AM
Margie Budig, Deceased
Azucena Rivera, Deceased
Frank Cline, Deceased
Ram Kesav, Deceased
Anonymous Spec. Int.
Rose Nohara & Family, Spec. Int.
Mat & Jennifer Ligot & Family, Spec. Int.
Wednesday, December 16, 9AM
Phung Nguyen, Deceased
Michael Dondanville, Deceased
Jim Spadoni, Deceased
Frances Johnson, Deceased
Arnold & Gertrude Conza, Deceased
Sylvia Roe, Spec. Int.
Thursday, December 17, 9AM
Nam Chau Anselmo, Deceased
Arlene Popovich, Deceased
Bob Popovich, Deceased
Bobby Vance, Deceased
Robert Kelly, Deceased
Friday, December 18, 9AM
Bill Fricke, Deceased
Steckel Family, Deceased
Terry Hare, Deceased
Mary C. Silva, Deceased
Katherine Shaw, Deceased
If you are scheduled for surgery or know you will be going into the hospital and
would like to be anointed beforehand, please contact Kathy Riley, 425-214-5466,
and she will help arrange for you to be anointed. Also call her if you are homebound and wish to receive Eucharist from a Minister to the Sick and Homebound or
would like your name on the prayer list. If, in an emergency, you need to see a
priest, please call the answering service for the Eastside Catholic Pastoral Ministry: 206-748-1500. They contact the pastoral
minister on-call, who will call you back, come to see you, and if you wish, put your name on the list of Catholic patients in the hospital. Current federal guidelines (HIPAA) are intended to protect the privacy of patients in the hospital. This means that the hospital
will not give out any information about its patients. The only way we can know that someone is in the hospital and wants the visit of a
Eucharistic Minister or chaplain is if YOU tell us.
Let Us Pray
Please remember in your prayers at Mass and at home this week, all those who have asked for our prayers:
For the sick. We remember especially: Kevin Aebi, Bunni Biladeau, Janet Brunhaver, Brian Carrico, Brian Ross Clements,
Dagmar Cook, Howard Cook, Tom Dove, Mary Farrel, Mari Navarre Fink, Chuck Frid, Lolita Guzman Sarangay, Gina Haines,
Frank Hale, Emily Hauquist, Michael DeHerrera, Karen Howard, Elena Javelona, Mae Javelona, Vicky Kaeser, Gene Kirchner,
Lillian Kirchner, Dan Kraft, Kay Landau, Judy Bond Lauderbach, Dennis Lisk, Anthony Lucero, Peyton Marquez, Alma Marquez,
Judy McBroom, Alice Moran, Virginia Navarre, Dorothy Oswald, Margaret Owens, Dick Partington, Tony Partington, Scott Rains,
Jennifer Reed, Pete Riley,Ezequiel Sánchez García, Michael Swistak, Jamie Tachiyama, Dennis Turnbull, Brian Zamora,
Paul Zborovsky.
For the dead. We remember especially;
Mary Thomas, Mother to Bishop George Thomas. Her funeral Mass was Wednesday, December 9.
Jeff Davis, husband of Bridgett and father of Alex. Also brother of Camille Dayment and uncle of Gretchen Dayment.
For Next Sunday • Para el próximo Domingo
Readings • Lecturas
December 20, 2015
Miqueas 5, 1-4
Micah 5:1-4a
Salmo 79, 2-19
Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Hebreos 10, 5-10
Hebrews 10:5-10
Lucas 1, 39-45
Luke 1:39-45
The daily readings in English and Spanish are online
at www.usccb.org/bible.
Presiders • Celebrantes
Saturday, December 19
Fr. Gary
Sunday, December 20
7:30AM Fr. Fabian
Fr. Gary
11AM Fr. Gary
Fr. Gary
Fr. Fabian
Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad
2016 Stewardship of Treasure
Commitment Renewal
Every year at this time, we invite everyone who
participates in the liturgical/pastoral life of St.
Louise parish, everyone who is spiritually fed and
renewed by the sacraments at St. Louise, everyone who turns to St. Louise to receive pastoral
care, and everyone who calls St. Louise their
parish to kindly complete a Stewardship of
Treasure commitment card and renew their
financial commitment as “caretakers” of our parish.
You can complete a commitment card online at
www.stlouise.org/2016stewardshipoftreasure, or scan
the QR code with your mobile device.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Offertory (456 envelopes) $29,820.47
Other collections and donations
Building Fund (32 envelopes) ..... $1,703.88
Children’s Collection....................... $344.50
Improvement .................................. $183.50
Social Concerns Commission ........ $198.00
St. Vincent De Paul Society ........... $896.00
Catholic Community Services ..... $1,211.94
Donations/Visitors (11 envelopes) .. $144.00
Thank you for your generosity!
Archdiocesan 2015
Annual Catholic Appeal
If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to set up your contributions electronically, using our secure and convenient Online Giving page at www.stlouise.org/onlinegiving. Please don’t hesitate to
contact Barbara at 425-214-5471 or Jonathan at 425-214-5473 if you need
help setting up your Online Giving account. You can also download the
Online Giving app (for iOS or Android), created by Our Sunday Visitor, to
create and manage your online giving account using your mobile device. When registering for the first time, our St. Louise Parish ID# is 1368
and the zip code is 98007.
Thank you for participating and renewing your commitment. Your
generous sharing with the parish through the Sunday offering is deeply
appreciated. Be Blessed.
Thank you if you have already made your gift to the
Appeal! If not, please fill out a pledge envelope today
or go online to donate: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/
donate. Be sure to note St. Louise as your parish.
2015 Results (as of November 18)
Our Annual Catholic Appeal Goal $282,967
(Last year it was $286,109.)
Number of Households that have Pledged: 708
(This time last year we had 718.)
Amount Raised to Date
(including pledges and one-time gifts): $287,073
We’re at 101.4% of our goal this year.
(This time last year we had $261,792.)
Amount Received to Date: $249,455
(This time last year we had $226,052.)
We have 87% fulfillment.
Outreach and Service
Laudato Si’
Thank You St. Louise
Our Response: Weekly suggestions on how
to care for our common home.
Care of Creation Tip:
Consider renting a potted Christmas tree
from a local nursery this Christmas rather
than getting one cut down.
On behalf of the Social Concerns Commission
and our student, Harrison Oen, we want to
thank you for your contribution to the 2015
Sock It to Homelessness sock drive.
We have collected over 950 pairs of socks to
help Congregations for the Homeless, The
Sophia Way and the Landing. Your generosity has made a difference in the lives of many homeless people in our community
this holiday season.
Catholic Advocacy Day 2016
Please join hundreds going to Catholic Advocacy Day, Monday, February 8, 2016 in Olympia. To register go to, www.ipjc.org and
give voice to justice and life. Invite your friends along! The day will include briefings on legislative issues, Mass and appointments
with legislators. Sponsored by Washington State Catholic Conference, Catholic Community/Housing Services, Archdiocese of
Seattle, Pierce County Deanery, St. Vincent de Paul Society and Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center. There will be a bus
leaving from St. Louise.
Sección español
Próximos Bautizos
Flores de Pascua Necesaria
No hay Bautizos en Diciembre
Por ser Adviento
Necesitamos la ayuda de todos ustedes para adornar
la Iglesia en esta época de Navidad.
Les pedimos que por favor traigan flores de nochebuena de cualquier tamaño.
Gracias por su cooperación!
Para preguntas de registro por favor comuníquese con
Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450.
Día Católico de Abogacía
únase a cientos que irán al Día Católico de Abogacía el lunes 08 de febrero, 2016 en Olympia. Para registarse visite: www.ipjc.org y levante la voz por la justicia y
la vida. Invite a sus amigos a participar! El día incluirá información legislativa, una misa y citas con sus legisladores. Patrocinado por: Washington State Catholic
Conference, Catholic Community/Housing Services, Archdiocese of Seattle, Pierce County Deanery, St. Vincent de Paul Society and Intercommunity Peace and
Justice Center. Habrá un autobús que sale de St. Louis.
Pastoral and Administrative Staff
Fr. Gary Zender (habla español) …………………. 425-747-4450 x5463
[email protected]
Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial
Jonathan Taasan ……………………………………425-747-4450 x5473
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Fabian MacDonald ………………………………425-747-4450 x5462
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa
Rita McHale ………………………………………….425-747-4450 x5470
[email protected]
Deacons / Diáconos
Bill and Gina Haines ………………………………………...425-214-5383
[email protected]
Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital
Barbara Abbott ………………………………………425-747-4450 x5471
[email protected]
Sam Basta ……………………………………………………425-214-5382
[email protected]
Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales
Nila Agostini (habla español) ………………………425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Michael Johnson ………………………………….425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate / Asociada Pastoral
Esther Lucero-Miner (habla español) ……………..425-747-4450 x5461
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary and Esther Lucero-Miner
Asistente Administrativa para el Padre Gary y Esther Lucero-Miner
Marissa Escobedo (habla español) ………………425-747-4450 x5476
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales
Faith Formation, Initiation & Sacraments (English) /
Formación en la Fe, Iniciación y Sacramentos (Inglés)
Geri Hanley …………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5464
[email protected]
Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor /
Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento
Paul Trussell ………………………………………...425-746-4220 x5442
[email protected]
Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) /
Preparación Sacramental (español)
Sr. Amalia Camacho ………………………………..425-747-4450 x5474
[email protected]
Parish School / Escuela Parroquial
Catechist Leader for Hispanic Ministries /
Dan Fitzpatrick ………………………………………425-746-4220 x5405
Catequista Líder para el Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Magda Delgado ……………………………………...425-747-4450 x5454
[email protected]
Vice Principal / Subdirectora
*Para Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y
Kathy Loftus …………………………………………425-746-4220 x5406
adultos, contactar Hrma. Amalia Camacho o Magda Delgado. Para
[email protected]
bautizo contactar Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected].
Secretary / Secretaria
Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process /
Lola Bazan …………………………………………..425-746-4220 x5400
Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación
[email protected]
Kathy Riley …………………………………………...425-747-4450 x5466
Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo
[email protected]
Jill Leland …………………………………………….425-746-4220 x5403
Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música
[email protected]
Lynette Basta ………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5467
[email protected]
Pastoral Counseling
Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes
Annarose O’Brien-Wilson (habla español) ………..425-747-4450 x5465 Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA …………………………………425-614-6225
[email protected]
[email protected]
Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/
Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ………..……..206-748-1500
Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the
Archdiocese of Seattle should contact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero
o líderes laicos en la Arquidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.
If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines.
Questions: email [email protected].
Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia www.stlouise.org, para leer las pautas
editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected].
Around the Archdiocese
Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
at the Palisades
Looking for a meaningful gift to give this Christmas?
Purchase a retreat center gift certificate for your loved one!
Contact the Archibisop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades,
206-274-3130 or [email protected]. Visit their website,
palisadesretreatcenter.org for a list of all their upcoming
January 22-24, 2016, Centering Prayer
led by Sr. Joyce Cox, Paul Peterhans
and Kay Kukowski. Spend a quiet
weekend "resting in God," engaging in
contemplative prayer to grow closer to
February 12-14, 2016, "The Surprising
Sacrament of Matrimony" married
couples' retreat facilitated by Fr. Tom
"What difference does a Christian marriage make? Why is it vital to the
healthy life of the Church?" Discover surprising and uplifting
answers to these questions, and more.
**This makes a great Christmas gift for your spouse!**
Retrovaille, Marriage Retreat
The Best Gift for Your Spouse this Christmas Season:
A Loving Marriage
Have you and your spouse drifted apart over the
years? Are you simply going through the motions,
but wish your marriage was much more than that?
Do you think it’s impossible to have a warm and
loving marriage? Think again. Retrouvaille can help.
For confidential information about, or to register for
our upcoming program beginning January 22-24, 2016, call
360-671-6479 or visit our website, www.HelpOurMarriage.com.
A New Year’s Eve Meditation…
Walking the Labyrinth for Peace in the World
Walk the Labyrinth any time between 1:30-3:30PM
Prayer in the Chapel 3:30-4PM
St. Mary-on-the Lake
1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004
Please Park in the Guest Parking Lot
Families With Children Are Welcome
No RSVP Needed
Questions? Contact Valerie Ross, [email protected], or
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace