ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE OCTOBER 4, 2015 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: October 10-11 MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS Sat 10/3 8:15am 5:30pm 7:30pm Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69; Lk 10:17-24 †Joseph Heckemeyerl/Vicky Givens St. Jude Parishioners Special Intention – Mass in Spanish Sun 10/4 Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 †Bill Givens/Vicky Givens †Mel Carboni/Carboni Family †Rita Cooper/Oscar & Cathy Palisoc Leonor Vasquez/Trinos Family 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Mon 10/5 8:15am Jon 1:1—2:2, 11; Jon 2; Lk 10:25-37 †Rita Cooper/Richard & Judy Buhrman If you are an EM and would like to receive an EMAIL schedule, please write to [email protected]. CONTACT PARISH OFFICE REGARDING Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130; Lk 10:38-42 †Rita Cooper/Rosalee & Bob Kozloski Wed 10/7 8:15am 7:00pm Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86; Lk 11:1-4 †Betty Daigle/Oscar & Cathy Palisoc †Thelma Calambro/Trinos Family Thu 10/8 8:15am Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1; Lk 11:5-13 †Rita Cooper/Richard & Judy Buhrman BAPTISM – Parents must attend a baptismal preparation class before having their first child baptized. Fri 10/9 8:15am Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2; Ps 9; Lk 11:15-26 †Christopher Quito/Trinos Family CATHOLIC CONNECTION – For adult Catholics who have been Baptized but not Confirmed, or who are Confirmed but inactive or not fully practicing. Sat 10/10 8:15am 5:30pm 7:30pm Jl 4:12-21; Ps 97; Lk 11:27-28 †Rita Cooper/Ann Hammers †Dennis Weyers II/Jerry & Nancy Thompson Special Intention – Spanish Mass Sun 10/11 Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 INT Vicky Givens/Raleigh & Alice Cooper †Ruby Pospisil/Legion of Mary St Jude Parishioners INT Mike & Nora Monteith/Deacon Tom & Brenda McConnell LECTORS: October 10-11 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Raleigh Cooper Tom McGrath Eric Pelton (KofC) Glenn Newman Theresa Robertson ALTAR SERVERS: October 10-11 Sat Sun 5:30pm J & P Ingram, D & J Smith, S Tierney, J Trochelman 8:00am MA & S Darden, D Gabor, V Givens, A Lunn, S Ptacin 10:30am H Jabaley, J Palladino, E Pelton, T. Porterfield, R Rohling, A Salatka 12:15pm B & E McGann, P & K Schulz, A Shelby, L Torrence 5:30pm J Bradshaw, N Brooks, J Clarke, M Dement, C Moore Tue10/6 8:15am 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Sat Sun Sat 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm E Clayton, MK Bramwell, M Sims A Hislar, J Quernemoen A Hetzler, J Reddick, L Grant S Patterson, C Fernandez Moreno S McConnell, B Bacher ADORATION -- Monday through Friday, 6am (or 9am for Summer Schedule) to 9pm, in the Chapel. Sign up for a weekly hour or drop in anytime. ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Anyone entering the hospital or in serious ill health may be anointed. CONFIRMATION – Classes are required and begin in October. Must be 9th grade or older. FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED – If you would benefit from using a hearing assistance device, please see an usher before Mass or contact the Parish Office during the week. MATRIMONY – Four-month notice required. PARISH RELIGIOUS ED (PRE) – For 4-year-old preschoolers through 8th graders. RCIA/INQUIRY CLASSES – For non-Catholics who would like to learn about the Catholic Faith. ROSARY – Prayed daily in Chapel after the 8:15am Mass, after 7pm Mass for Vocations on the second Monday of each month, and at 3pm on the first Saturday (Patriotic). YOUTH – Contact Alicia Bradshaw ([email protected]; 870-8002) or Gracie McGuire ([email protected]; 5045864). VOCATIONS CHALICE Call Erin Wiles at 901-240-3844 to volunteer. Volunteers needed! This is a great ministry for young families, but all are welcomed and encouraged to sign up. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK THIS WEEK AT ST. JUDE Sunday, October 4 10:30am Childrens Liturgy of the Word 11:00am Choir Practice for 12:15 Mass 4:30pm Choir Practice for 5:30 Mass 6:30pm Confirmation Library Library Church Church Monday, October 5 3:30pm Legion of Mary (Youth) Library Tuesday, October 6 10:00am Pinochle 6:00pm World of Hope 7:00pm Symbolon Hwd A Dupree PLC Wednesday, October 7 7:00pm RCIA 9:00am All Things Catholic 6:30pm St Monica Novena 7:30pm 12:15 Choir Practice Dupree Chapel Church Thursday, October 8 10:00am Symbolon 5:00pm Line Dancing 7:00pm Rosary Makers PLC SH Library Friday, October 9 9:00am Legion of Mary (Adults) Library Saturday, October 10 9:00am Church Cleaning 1:00pm Line Dance Workshop Church SH Sunday, October 11 COFFEE/DONUTS after 8:00, 10:30 & 12:15 Masses 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy Library 11:00am Choir Practice (12:15 choir) Library 4:30pm Choir Practice Church Maria Alder, Kathryn Arnold, Ave Bareham, Shelly Benjamin, Tom Black, Landyn Bomar, Elizabeth Booth, Fr. Joe Brando, Mary Braun, Ben Byrne, Tom Cain, Gertrude Camacho, Steve Campbell, Elizabeth Carver, Michael Casey, Margaret Christnacht, Ann Marie Cooper, Bettye Cotter, Nancy Cunningham, Lauren Dean, Liz Dean, Edward DeVasher, Earl Diehl, Mavis Dove, Marilyn Dyer, Brian Fischer, Regina Fountain, Joe Fox, Evelyn Gabor, Renae Gajownik, Steve Gardner, Emily Ghasemi, Victoria Goduco, Dennis Greenwood, Ann Hammers, Bernadette Hemeyer, Alex Hubbard, Amy C. Jacob, John Jessry, Martha Knee, Linda Kountz, John Lanaman, Joanie Lee, Linda Lichner, Victoria Lincoln, Campbell Long, Marie Lunn, Theresa McAndrews, Dale McCaa, Trinity Meade, Ed Moore, George O’Dell, Martha O’Neill (mother of Fr. John O’Neill), Pirtle Family, Charles Plant, Jose Que Pua, Tina Puleo, John Purvis, Rebecca Randolph, Frank Rogers, Miryan Rojas, Renee Russell, Christina Salamone, Monsignor George Schmidt, Gail Schrodt, Matilda Sesko, Theresa Slaughter, Gary Spaniak, Mary Stangarone, Bob Sullivan Sr., Marie Tingle, Lisa & Glenda Tomasiello, Robert Weekly, Brian White, Susan White, Mariah Wilcox, Carolyn Williams, Victoria Wing, Debbie Worley, James Wright, Leanna Young, Ellen Zahorec AND FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN Brandy Bazemore, Thomas Bazemore, Richard Bryant, John Cain III, Matthew Cain, Eric Flerchinger, Nathaniel Garza, William Garza, Joseph Gaston, Samuel Hunter, Michael Knee, Luke Lewis, Stephen McGrath, Thomas McGrath, Erin Cain Poe Prayer Requests entered into the book in the chapel are prayed for each weekday by the Rosary Group. For Emergency Requests Only, call Prayer Help Line volunteers Vicki Baltz (842-6094), Sharon Moss (875-2230), or Theresa Slaughter (842-7890). PARISH LIFE MONTHLY MASSES & ROSARIES Monday, Oct 12, at 7pm Mass for Vocations You are invited to attend and pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Monday, Oct 12, at 7:30pm Rosary for Vocations Friday, Nov 6, at 5:30 pm First Friday Mass Saturday, Nov 7 at 3:00 pm Patriotic Rosary Gather to pray for freedom of country and Church Sunday, Oct 1, at 5:30pm Youth Mass SMOKED KIELBASA October 9 – Last Day to Order If you would like Fr. Charlie to bring you some smoked kielbasa (Polish sausage) from Urbaniak’s Meat Market in Erie, PA, you can place an order by calling the parish. The “sticks” are 5-6 inches long, 45 oz. each – a little bigger and thicker than a hotdog. The cost is $2.00 each. They will be available for pick up in the Parish Life Center on Friday, Oct 16 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE BLESSING OF PETS October 10 On Sat, Oct 10, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Fr. Charlie will bless pets at 10:00am in the front parking lot. All pets must be leashed or crated, with the exception of fish which may be “bowled”. COATS FOR CHRISTMAS Oct 10 – Nov 1 The Knights of Columbus are collecting used coats in good condition in children and adult sizes, as well as travel size toiletries, socks and other cold weather needs. The proceeds will be distributed to local charities including the Community Kitchen & Catholic Charities. A collection box will be in the outer vestibule during all masses from Oct 10–Nov 1. ST JUDE SCHOOL 55TH Anniversary Dinner October 17 Thank you to everyone who made our first month "back to school" a success! Our students, teachers and families are very grateful for the support of our parish! Please see the bulletin insert for more information about our School's 55th Anniversary Potluck Dinner - Saturday, October 17 at 5:30 Mass with dinner immediately following in Siener Hall. Everyone is invited! FR. CHARLIE’S POTLUCK LUNCH October 20 Everyone is invited to gather on Thursday, Oct 20, for Mass at 11:15am, followed by a potluck lunch in the Parish Life Center. Fr. Charlie will provide smoked kielbasa (Polish sausage). You may bring a meat/main dish casserole, side dish, or dessert to share. Drinks will be provided. Call Kyra in the parish office if you’d like to help with the lunch. OCTOBER 4, 2015 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE ROSARY October 22 Please join the St. Jude Council of Catholic Women at 6:00pm on October 22 as we pray the Luminous mysteries of the Rosary in as many different languages as we can gather participants from our Catholic Community. We will have a beautiful presentation with prayer and Marian hymns. Immediately after the Rosary, we ask that everyone bring a dish to share in the Parish Life Center. Please feel free to dress in apparel from your native land to help celebrate our Internatonal Community. If you would like to sign up for one of the Hail Marys, please contact Joan Albert at [email protected], or via cell at 601-616-5404. ATTENTION PARENTS! October 24 Did you know that nearly 80% of young adult Catholics stop attending Mass in the first year of leaving the home? NOW Forming small group discipleship for High Schoolers. This is a great place for those preparing for Confirmation & those who have received this Sacrament of Initiation. Discipleship helps to ignite the Fire. This is NOT a Class, it is apprenticeship in following Jesus. Many of you may remember the small group format of meeting in homes we did a few years back for ‘Why Catholic’ ? This is a program of similar setting but for our young teens. It enables them to come together in small groups to discuss Faith and discipleship. It gives them the opportunity to ask questions and explore in a friendly atmosphere their sense of God and the calling each of them have. Each small group is designed to have an adult facilitator to help guide them. We are hoping to begin this exciting program with a small group here at the church and build from there. If you think this is something God may be calling you to do or if your teen would like to give this a try, call lrene Scoggins at [email protected] or 423 596 0053 or Gracie Mcguire at [email protected] or 423 504 5864 or come to an introduction meeting on Saturday 24th at 6:30pm. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Do you know someone who might be interested in learning more about, or has a desire to join, the Catholic Church? Perhaps that someone could be you. The St. Jude Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) team will be hosting two Come and See Inquiry sessions on Oct 21 & 28 at 7:00 pm in the big room in the Parish Life Center. These 1-1/2 hour gatherings will be informal discussions and showand-tell sessions centered on the Catholic faith, and the questions and comments that arise from within the group. Each night we will cover different topics, so please plan on attending both. If your schedule prevents you from attending these sessions, please contact us to make arrangements to meet with a member of the RCIA team at a time when it is convenient for you. There is no obligation to join the Church; just come and see. For those interested, the formal preparation to enter fully into the Catholic Church will begin in the weeks following. For more information, please contact the parish office at 423-870-2386, or contact the RCIA Coordinator, Butch Feldhaus, at [email protected]. OLIVE WOOD SALE October 24-25 Next week our brothers and sisters representing the Bethlehem Christian Families, a nonprofit organization through Land of Peace, will be speaking about the Christian situation in the Holy Land and selling crucifixes, religious art work and rosaries made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem. Since tourism has greatly depleted, Christian families in the holy land, who depend on tourists, have been greatly affected. The goal of this mission is to build a Charitable Hospital in Bethlehem and help the poor and needy families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Sale of these goods will help them very much and also give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the Holy Land. Please browse and buy some articles. It is for a good cause and also a help to your personal devotion. For more info, see and ST JUDE PARISH PICNIC Sat., October 31 We will have a holiday craft bazaar and a hobby show, along with food, games and much more! If you are interested in selling your goods at our bazaar, or want to show off your hobby at the hobby fair, call Kyra! Space is limited. Please see the insert in this bulletin to register. SACRAMENT AND COMMITMENT OF MARRIAGE CELEBRATIONS Bishop Stika will celebrate 3 bilingual Masses in honor of the sacrament of marriage. Couples will have the opportunity to renew their vows during Mass and continue to celebrate with family and friends at a luncheon following the Masses. The Masses will be: Dec 5 at 11:00am at St. Augustine Church, 1716 Anderson Pike, Signal Mountain. Register by Nov 30 Jan 30, 2016 at 11:00am at Cumberland or Smoky Mtn Deanery, location to be determined. Register by Jan 22. To register contact: Marian Christiana, [email protected] or 423-892-2310, or Karen Byrne, [email protected] or 865-584-3307. WHITE MASS October 17 Bishop Stika invites you to join him in celebrating a diocesan White Mass for all who serve in the health care profession on Sat, Oct 17 at 11:00am at the Church of Divine Mercy, 10919 Carmichael Rd. in Knoxville. As a time honored tradition of the Church, the White Mass represents a special time to invoke the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon those serving in the health care profession, and to reflect upon the Church’s teaching not only upon the healing mission of those in the health care profession, but also upon the salvific meaning of human suffering in light of Christ’s redemptive suffering. A luncheon will follow Mass and feature Dr. Barbara Harly-Golder MD, JD, who will speak on “Physician Assisted Suicide: A Catholic Response.” Please RSVP for the Lucheon to Theresa Valero at [email protected] or 865-212-5570. ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE OCTOBER 4, 2015 MEN’S RETREAT November 21 BOX TOPS & LABELS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAMS at ST JUDE SCHOOL The men of the Diocese of Knoxville are invited to join Bishop Stika for a Diocesan Men’s Retreat—“Be a Man in the Image of Jesus”—featuring Fr. Larry Richards on Sat, Nov 21 at the Historic TN Theatre beginning at 9:00 am and concluding with Mass at 4:00 pm (fulfils Sunday obligation). Confessions will be available throughout the day. Fr. Richards is a popular speaker and frequent guest on EWTN and author of the bestselling Catholic book, “Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You to Be.” Tickets are $20 and available at . Contact Paul Simoneau at [email protected] or 865-862-5753 with questions. Please place your Box Tops & Labels for Education items in the Campbell Soup logo bin or the Box Tops labeled container in the Church vestibule. Thank you for continuing to support our programs. UPCOMING CURSLLO WEEKENDS Men’s (English) --- Oct. 15-18 Women’s (English)--Nov. 19-22 Contact Yurisan Cornejo, 865-246-9777 26TH ANNUAL BAKE SALE November 14-15 All proceeds will benefit The Home Place program, which provides transitional supportive housing and intensive case management for the homeless living with HIV/AIDS. For more information contact Krisie Long-Withey at 698-9079 or [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE Feburary 6 The Chattanooga area's best Mardi Gras event Chatti Gras is scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm at The Chattanoogan. Chatti Gras is presented by and benefits the students of the Chattanooga Catholic Schools - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Notre Dame and St. Jude. Tickets for this event, being held at our new venue, will go on sale soon. Call any of the schools for information and visit for frequent updates. PARENTS, PLEASE READ THIS! Just a reminder that St. Jude Church offers a Parish Nursery for infants through 5-year-olds during the 10:30am Sunday Mass. The nursery is located in the Parish Life Center basement, is staffed by volunteer parents, and is safe and fun! Once older children begin coming to Mass, please encourage them to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word, also held during the 10:30am Sunday Mass. This is an ageappropriate opportunity for 5- to 12-year-olds to listen to the day’s readings and learn with their friends how to live out the Gospel message. The children are dismissed from the sanctuary just before the first reading, and parents are always welcome to accompany their children to the Parish Library for the Children’s Liturgy. If you would like to learn more about either of these ministries, or would like to volunteer, please call Kyra Ross at 870-2386. NEW PARISHIONER / CHANGES _____ New parishioner _____Moving out of parish _____ Information has changed Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, Zip ___________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Detach and place in collection basket. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY FUND Fiscal Year: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Total Budget: $3,016,000 Week 13 of 52 The Maintenance and Emergency Fund is an outgrowth of the Journey Together Capital Campaign that ended in December 2013. All monies given to the fund are placed in reserve in a designated account for maintenance concerns (the second goal of the Journey Together campaign). Weekly Needs (based on budget) Weekly Income (08-17-15) $ $ Year to Date Needs Year to Date Income 58,000.00 58,229.63 229.63 $ 754,000.00 654,231.43 $ -99,768.57 The gift you have received, give as a gift. Matthew 10:8 Maintenance and Emergency Fund Donations (09-28-15) M & E Expenditures Current Total in Reserve (09-28-15) $1,660.00 $387,624.45 Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Luke 12:34 St. Jude School 930 Ashland Terrace Chattanooga, TN 37415 WELCOME HOME CELEBRATING 55 YEARS AS THE LIVING BODY OF CHRIST Who knew in 1960 that the faith and determination of a small group of St. Jude Parish families would result in a school that today serves almost 400 in grades PreK – 8 and that through the years has seen thousands go forward to live, serve and succeed in Chattanooga and beyond. PLEASE JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE! • • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 5:30 MASS: celebrated and attended by current and former faculty, families, students and friends of St. Jude School A Potluck Dinner in Siener Hall will be held immediately following Mass. Attendees are asked to bring an item to share based on last name: A-G – Salads H-P – Sides Q-Z – Desserts IN ORDER TO PLAN FOR OUR POTLUCK DINNER…PLEASE RSVP WITH THE NUMBER ATTENDING TO [email protected] OR BY CALLING 877-6022. 8th Grade Graduation 1960 8th Grade Graduation 2015 PARROQUIA SAN JUDAS EN CHATTANOOGA 930 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Números de Teléfono y contactos Oficina: (423) 870-2386 (de 9:00AM a 4:00PM) Fax: (423) 876-8960 Email: [email protected] 10/03 / /15 Ministerio Hispano Padre Moisés (423) 870-2386 Horario Misa Sábados 5:30pm (ingles) Sábado 7.30pm (español) Domingo 8.00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm, 5:30pm (ingles) Diaria 8:15am (Lunes a Sábado)(ingles) Miércoles 7:00pm y Viernes 5:30pm (ingles) Confesiones Miércoles 6:00pm Requisitos para Sacramentos: Bautizos: Tomar las pláticas pre-bautismales para padres (registrados en la iglesia de San Judas) y padrinos (que los Padrinos sean Católicos y estén casados por la iglesia) y separar la fecha del bautismo con un mínimo de 3 meses de anticipación. * Pláticas Pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos: Son a cargo de Alberto Rios por favor llamen a 423355-0495 Matrimonios: Traer las partidas de bautismo y confirmación recientes (mínimo 6 meses) de cada uno de los contrayentes, tomar las platicas pre-matrimoniales con Carlos (12 clases), fijar las fecha de la boda con un mínimo de 5 meses de anticipación Confesiones: Todos los miércoles a las 6pm o Sábados a las 4pm, o por cita previa. Por favor noten que no todos sábados o miércoles hay confesiones en español. Hablen con las oficinas o con el Padre antes para asegurar que padre estará confesando si necesita ORACIONES Si usted tiene una necesidad de oración pueden escribirla en el libro de la capilla y diariamente se ofrecen rosarios para esas intenciones Hermanos en Cristo Alberto Rios (423)355-0495 Unase a el grupo de estudio de biblia. Se reúnen los: Domingos a las 7:00pm dirigido por Alberto Rios y el Padre Moises en la capilla de la iglesia . Hay Adoracion al Santismio además de meditaciones no pierdan esto oportunidad de acercase más a nuestro Señor que sea en español. Primera Comunión: La primera comunión se hace en el segundo grado y requiere dos años se preparación. Por favor apunten a sus hijos para las clases en el primer grado. Clases son todos los miércoles entre septiembre y marzo a las 6.30pm Catecismo: Se reunen todos los miercoles en a las 6:30pm. Para mas informacion contacten a Irene al (423)596-0053 Para registrar para los eventos contacte a nuestra Ministra Juvenil Alicia Bradshaw en [email protected] o 870-8002. Vea la página web del Ministerio Juvenil en san Judas en ministry/index.html Confirmaciones: Asistir a las clases, junto con los padres o padrinos, asistir a los retiros preparatorios, haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo y la primera comunión. Estar dispuesto a hacer servicio a la comunidad. Atender a misa todos los sábados o domingos. Familia debe estar registrada en la iglesia de San Judas. Vean a Alicia Bradshaw para más información, formas de registro y horarios de clases e Schedule. Encargada del boletin Nelly Nunez Para intenciones llamen a(423)544-9175 Información Monetaria “Porque donde esta vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón” Lucas 12: 34 Colecta de 26 de Septiembre Dinero suelto $566.56 Sobres (60) $97.00 “De gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia.” Mateo 10:8 Refleccion Sobre La Palabra Del Señor ¿Qué hacer para que el amor que unió a dos personas “en una sola carne” no lo apaguen las discrepancias de caracteres y gustos, el paso lento de los días iguales, los desengaños y los sinsabores y penas de la vida? El amor es como un fuego que debe ser cuidado y alimentado cada día sacrificando troncos y ramas, y avivándolo con el soplete, el viento del Espíritu que lo hizo prender en el corazón de cada uno. Serán esos troncos y ramas de la paciencia, la delicadeza en el trato mutuo; los detalles de servicio; el no elevar destempladamente la voz; evitar las indirectas; ese saber cuando se debe callar y cuando el silencio puede resultar antipático o hiriente; el buen humor en los momentos de tensión; el no querer tener siempre razón porque es más importante tener armonía y paz que tener razón; el pasar por alto los pequeños fallos que todos cometemos en la vida; ¡y tantos detalles pequeños más! Troncos y ramas que mantendrán encendido ese fuego. Recordemos esto: el amor no resuelve los problemas, los elimina, impidiendo que se produzcan. Ya sabemos que la convivencia no siempre es fácil, pero no la hagamos más difícil todavía descuidando esas pequeñas cosas que el amor convierte en grandes y que hacen, también grande, al amor. “Un pequeño acto, hecho por Amor, ¡cuánto vale!”, afirma S. Josemaría Escrivá, y añade: “Has errado el camino si desprecias las cosas pequeñas”. Aquella gran figura que fue el cardenal Newman escribió: “No es posible encontrar a dos personas por muy íntimas que sean, por mucho que congenien en sus gustos y apreciaciones, por mucha afinidad de sentimientos espirituales que existan entre las mismas, que no se vean obligadas a renunciar en beneficio mutuo a muchos de sus gustos y deseos si quieren vivir juntas felizmente. El compromiso, en el más amplio sentido de la palabra, es el principio de toda combinación, y cualquiera que insista en gozar plenamente de sus derechos, en manifestar sus opiniones sin tolerar las de su prójimo, y de esta suerte en los distintos aspectos, habrá de resignarse forzosamente a vivir solo, pues le será imposible hacerlo en comunidad”. No le cerremos la puerta a la armonía familiar por el egoísmo de pensar sólo en los propios gustos e intereses. Ningún valor por grande que parezca es comparable a la paz familiar. ¡Unidad por encima de todo, aunque haya que sacrificar algún derecho! No hay felicidad allí donde no hay fidelidad a esas pequeñas renuncias, a esas menudas atenciones, que hacen grande y fuerte el amor y constituyen el secreto de la armonía conyugal. Dia Internacional Del Rosario – Jueves Tarde, October 22, 6:00 pm Por favor unanse al Concilio de Mujeres Catolicas de San Judas mientras oramos los misterios Luminosos del Rosario en muchos distintos lenguajes, y asi como nos juntamos con participantes de otras personas de nuestras comunidades Catolicas. Tendremos una preciosa presentacion de oracion y cantos Marieños. En seguida despues del Rosario pedimos que cada uno traiga un plado para compartir al salon de la iglesia (PLC). Tamien sientanse libre de vesitir en traje tradicional de su paiz para celebrar su comunidad internacional. Si usted se quiere apuntar para un Ave Maria, por favor contacte a Irene Scoggins en [email protected] o por telefono en 423 596 0053
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