Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-595-0385 ~ www.olmc.org Parish Office Hours: Monday ‐ Thursday: 9:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm; Friday: 9:00 am ‐ 3:00 pm School: 757‐596‐2754 Principal – Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 213 Outreach Office: 757‐926‐4830 Pregnancy Helpline: 757‐870‐3131 April 26, 2015 ~ The 4th Sunday of Easter Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am ~ 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm 2:00 pm — (en Español) Weekdays: Monday: 7:00 am Tuesday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm Wednesday: 7:00 am, 8:15 am Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm (en Español) Friday: 8:15 am I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 ‐ 4:00 pm, Sunday: 12:30 ‐ 1:30 pm, Thursday: 7:30 ‐ 8:00 am or by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 8am to 6pm & 1st Fridays 3pm to 6am PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor ‐ Rev. John David Ramsey 112 Parochial Vicar ‐ Rev. Carlos Lerma 129 Priest in Residence ‐ Rev. Peter T. Tran 114 Deacons Rev. Mr. Anton Siochi 113 Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu 136 Pastoral Associate ‐ Janet Hassan 120 Children’s Faith Formation (Pre‐K‐5th grade) Christa Blomstrom 119 Youth Ministry (Gr. 6‐12) & Young Adults Christina Harrison 128 Hispanic Ministry ‐ Rev Mr. Francisco Anleu 136 Social Ministry ‐ Tina Wandersee 118 Music & Liturgy ‐ Kelly Soprano 117 Business & Finance ‐ Julie Hall 115 Facilities ‐ Hart Smith 121 Food Service (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney 140 Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) 116 Carla Weimer (Manna/Parishioner Records) 126 CNU Catholic Campus Minister ‐ John Hopke 123 Receptionist/Mass Intentions ‐ Cathy Luth 101 Maintenance Technician ‐ Bill Johnson 111 Bulletin notices and advertising: All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e‐mail if at all possible and send to: [email protected]. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J.S. Paluch at 1‐800‐524‐0263. Page 2 April 26, 2015 Initiation Programs NEW OLMC Parish Email Sign up to be added to our Parish Email distribution list, and receive notification of funerals, upcoming events, delays or cancellations, etc. All emails will be sent via “MailChimp,” so your address will not be seen by everyone receiving the emails. If you would like your address added to our distribu‐ tion list, you can sign up on our Website or Facebook page, or contact Eileen at [email protected]. RCIA: Rite of Initiation of Adults Consider joining our In‐ quirers who are meeting to learn about the Catholic Faith. They come on Tuesday evenings from 7 until 8:30 to hear about the teachings of Catholicism and to focus on their per‐ sonal faith journeys. Some will decide to join the faith and complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Please join us! We have a year round process, and those catechized, already baptized adults will be received into full communion with the Church throughout the year. Please call Janet, ext. 120 for more information ([email protected]). Catholics Come Home Welcome home to your Catholic faith. Please allow us to welcome you and help you become an active member of your faith once again. We can help with annulments or any other situation that may have caused you to leave. Please consider coming to our Catholics Come Home process and taking your place at the Lord’s Table. Please call Janet for more information or to just talk it over: 595‐0385 ext. 120 or [email protected] This Week at OLMC April 26 - May 3 SUNDAY 8:00 AM MASS Worship Center 10:00 AM MASS Worship Center 2:00 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL Worship Center 5:00 PM MASS Worship Center 6:30 PM Confirmation Meeting St. Michael Hall MONDAY 7:00 AM MASS Worship Center 7:00 PM Conversational Spanish Gathering Room TUESDAY 7:00 AM MASS Worship Center 8:30a‐4p Care‐a‐van Free Medical Care St. Michael Hall 6:30 PM MASS Worship Center 7:00 PM RCIA St. Michael Hall RICA en Español Gathering Room 7:15 PM Praise Band Rehearsal Worship Center WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM MASS Worship Center 8:15 AM MASS Worship Center 6:00 PM Engaging Spirituality Ladies of Carmel Suite 6:30 PM SPRED One Full Session School SPRED Two Catechists Carmel Center Junior Youth Group St. Michael Hall 7:00 PM Adult Choir Worship Center THURSDAY 7:00 AM MASS Worship Center 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study St. Michael Hall 6:30 PM MISA Worship Center FRIDAY 8:15 AM MASS Worship Center 3PM ‐ 6AM Adoration Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:00 PM BREATHE School 6:30 PM Theology of the Body Lukas Schmidt Suite SATURDAY Worship Center 9:00 AM 1st Eucharist Rehearsal 3:00 PM Reconciliation Reconciliation Room 5:00 PM MASS Worship Center SUNDAY 8:00 AM MASS Worship Center 10:00 AM MASS Worship Center 11:15 AM Gathered By Grace St. Michael Hall Welcoming/Registration Worship Center 2:00 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL Worship Center 5:00 PM MASS Worship Center 6:15 PM SYG Core Team Meeting Lukas Schmidt Suite Adult Faith Formation Soul Sisters: Save the Date Soul Sisters is for ALL the Ladies of the Parish. It’s a social gathering where we share our unique lives as women and have some fun doing it! (Thus the name: Sharing Our Unique Lives Sisters)! Our next gathering will be on FRIDAY, MAY 22ND. It will be a Comedy Night as we share a new DVD from our favorite comedian: Anita Renfroe. All ladies are invited and we hope you can come, have some refresh‐ ments with us and share a needed good time! Watch the bulletin in the coming weeks for more details and sign up information. Inclusive Ministries SPRED (Special Religious Development Thanks to all who stopped by the SPRED Open House last weekend! If you are interested in walking with one of our SPRED friends on a journey of faith, give us a call. All that is required is an open heart and a willingness to share friend‐ ship, joy and celebration in community with others. OLMC currently has two adult SPRED communities. If you know of someone who might benefit or want to find out more, contact Christa at 595‐0385, x119 or Miki at 596‐7162. BREATHE Respite seeks to provide a fun, safe, evening out for kids with special needs, so their parents can “breathe” or take a break. Our fun nights are held at OLMC School on Fri‐ day nights once a month. Adults or youth interested in vol‐ unteering as a buddy, contact Christa at cblomstrom@ olmc.org. Call now to reserve your spot at our next BREATHE fun night on May 1st . Page 3 April 26, 2015 Children’s Faith Formation Kingdom Kids Nursery (1‐3 yrs) meets for the duration of the 10AM Mass, every Sunday. KidCheck Account required. Children in the Nursery are introduced to Catholic concepts through Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, which invite children to listen to the Gospel and build Christian relationships. The nurturing staff and volunteers provide a safe, Christian environment for the children in their care. Parents who use the nursery are asked to volunteer about one Sunday per month to keep our Co‐op Nursery staffed each Sunday at the 10am Mass. For more information use the online Contact Form at olmckids.weebly.com. Kingdom Kids Pre‐K/K (4‐5 yrs) meets for the duration of the Mass. KidCheck Account required. Children are introduced to Catholic concepts through the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, which invite children to share life stories, listen to the Gospel and build Christian relationships. Children meet weekly during the 10am Mass, parent check in with KidCheck before Mass begins. Junior & Senior Youth Groups Junior Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, April 29th, at 6:30pm in SMH for Christian Friendships, a look at how a friendship rooted in Christ is so important, especially in middle school. Springtime/Mothers Day Flower Fundraiser The Youth Group will be taking orders for springtime flowers during all Masses on THIS weekend in the Commons. We are raising money for our upcoming summer events, including the Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference and Middle School Day Camp. Thank you in advance for your support. Mark Your Calendars: Order Springtime flowers ‐ April 25th & 26th Junior Youth Group ‐ April 29th No Senior Youth Group ‐ May 10th (due to Mother’s Day) Senior Youth Group ‐ May 17th Kingdom Kids Worship (1st‐5th Grades) provides a liturgical adaptation of the Sunday readings for children in 1st‐5th grade. The Children Celebrate! Liturgy of the Word with Children program from Pflaum Publishing Group guides the parish catechists proclamation of the Gospel. At OLMC, Kingdom Kids Worship is available at the 10:00am Mass. Children process out at Mass & return before the Eucharist. Gathered By Grace Next Sunday, May 3 Gathered By Grace meets immediately following the 10:00 Mass next Sunday. Our theme for this session will be “Sacraments”. New! KidCheck: Free Secure Check In System for the Nursery and other Children’s Ministry offerings. Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free to parents. Register today at go.kidcheck.com or go to olmc.org. VBS: Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power SAVE THE DATES July 6‐10 Embark on an icy expedition where kids overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Anchor kids in rock‐solid Scripture teachings that will guide them through life’s challenges. At EVEREST Totally Catholic VBS, kids experience Scripture in fun and unforgettable ways! They’ll be learning about God through songs and prayer, experimenting with Sciency‐Fun Gizmos and bringing our Catholic Faith to life! REGISTER NOW AT olmc.org. Virtus Training Upcoming VIRTUS TRAINING The Diocese mandates that all those who minister with chil‐ dren or youth must take this safe environment training prior to volunteering. All parents using the Cooperative Nursery at OLMC must also be trained. VIRTUS TRAINING will be offered at: Blessed Sacrament (Norfolk): Thursday, May 28, at 9:30am Blessed Sacrament (Norfolk): Friday, May 29, at 5pm Register for the 3 hour session online at richmonddiocese.org/Safe‐Environment‐Training‐Sessions Sacraments Baptisms at OLMC are celebrated seven times throughout the year. Whether you are parents‐to‐be, parents of an infant, or parents of a child (ages 6yrs and under), we invite you to consider having your child baptized into the Catholic faith at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Parents are encouraged to register early to accommodate family and godparents schedules. Contact Christa for more informa‐ tion at [email protected] or ext. 119 . 1st Eucharist Rehearsal will be on SATURDAY May 2 at 9:00am in the Worship Center. This rehearsal is for children and a parent. The first reception of the Eucharist will be at liturgies on the weekends of May 9/10 and 16/17. Prayer Partners: Thank you for your continued prayers for the children as they prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time! Confirmation Our last Confirmation ses‐ sion is THIS Sunday, April 26th from 6:30 to 8:00pm in St. Michael Hall. Candidates will celebrate and discuss the Sacrament of Confirmation. They will also receive their Confirmation certificates and be treated to a Ministry Fair. Page 4 April 26, 2015 Social Ministry Marriage and Family Life Ministry Reflecting Christ Special Marriage Enrichment EVENT: FRIDAY, MAY 8TH 6:45 PM in St. Michael Hall Special guest speaker: Rev. Tyson Wood. All married couples of the parish are invited to this special event of the Marriage Enrichment Program. Fr. (Lieutenant Colonel) Wood is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and currently serves as Chap‐ lain at Ft. Eustis. Fr. Wood grew up Lutheran and was an ordained Lutheran minister, converted to the Catholic faith, and under the auspices of a pastoral provision for convert married Protestant clergy, was ordained in the Catholic Church. He has been happily married to his wife Jennifer for 23 years and they have three children. Come, listen to his perspective as a married Catholic priest as he discusses the Covenant of Marriage. To sign up, contact Eileen at [email protected] or ext. 116. Childcare will be available with advance registration for those who need it. Please include the names and ages of your children when you RSVP. Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community Blood Drive Needs Volunteers Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church will partner with the American Red Cross to sponsor a Blood Drive on: MAY 20th. Our area is in critical need of blood and so we need the support of volunteers to not only donate blood but I am looking for a team of about 6 people to help me coordinate the day. No needles necessary! We will be coordinating registration of blood donors and the “snack area” after donating. I need your help for a short period of time. Contact Tina @ 595-0385 ext. 118 POWER in the BLOOD You can put the power of faith into action and help save a life. We need volunteers to donate blood: Wednesday, May 20th, 2-7pm at St. Michael Hall. Schedule an appointment today! For an appointment, visit: redcrossblood.org Sponsor Code: OurLady Have questions about blood donation call: 1-800-RED CROSS We need you to help save lives! Pregnancy Outreach Reminder Thank you so much for your continued support of the Parish’s Pregnancy Outreach Ministry. Your donations of baby clothes and maternity items continue to be such a blessing to those seeking assistance. Just a reminder that we do not have the space to be able to offer clothing to infants and toddlers over size 2T or adult clothing that is not maternity clothes. EngagingSpirituality Please continue to keep the ES Participants in your prayers as they have entered the third and final movement: Down to Earth Session 18: Listening Session Date: April 29nd @ 6:20ish pm Food Pantry Jelly, Crackers Personal Care Items We could really use some full sized items: Shampoo, Deodorant, Toothbrushes, Razors, Soap, Lotion, Wash Cloths, Toothpaste Thank you so very much!! Your gifts are very much appreciated. Welcoming/Registration Our next parish Registration/Welcoming will be NEXT Sunday, May 3, following the 10AM Mass in the Worship Center. You will be given parish information and a brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask which sacraments your family members have received. We look forward to meeting you. Healing Ministries Respite Care Ministry Have you ever been in the posi‐ tion of having to care for a loved one full time? Or do you have a friend who has? Have you won‐ dered how they got through it? Our new Respite Care Minis‐ try is one way of helping a full‐time caregiver cope. Through the ministry, caregivers get a sorely needed break. Through our parish Respite Ministry, a well‐trained adult parishioner comes to your home for a few hours, so that the caregiver can rest, leave to run errands, or in some other way have a time of refreshment. At the same time, the Respite Minister stays with the loved one and keeps him or her safe at no cost to the family. If you, or anyone you know, could be helped by this ministry, please contact Janet Gorman at 818‐4545 or Julie Hall at the Parish Office. Page 5 April 26, 2015 OLMC Parish News OLMC Parish News, cont. Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Thursday from 8am until 6pm. Adorers are especially needed from 3pm ‐ 4pm, as well as other hours. A SIGN‐UP sheet will be avail‐ able outside the door to the Worship Center, for newcom‐ ers who would to commit an hour a week to adoration. Circle of Hope Meeting change: Circle of Hope members are reminded that the Date and Location of the May meeting is changed. This month we will meet on SATURDAY, MAY 9TH, at 10 am in ST. MI‐ CHAEL HALL. The Circle of Hope is a support group for those dealing with Cancer or another chronic illness. This includes survivors of Cancer as well as those undergoing treatment. We are a positive group with a common journey who support each other spiritually. Come try a meeting! We usually meet on the first Saturday of each month from 10 to 11:30 am. For more information contact Janet at 595‐0385, ext. 120, or [email protected]. Kroger Community Rewards Support OLMC just by grocery shopping! Once enrolled in the program, parishioners shop at Kroger, and when they use their Kroger Plus Card, OLMC becomes eligible to re‐ ceive a reward check each quarter. Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account through the “create an account” link at kroger.com/communityrewards Next register your Kroger Plus Card to your account, us‐ ing your Kroger Plus Card number or your alternate num‐ ber, for many that is your telephone number. Finally, link your Kroger Plus Card to OLMC by clicking on Enroll and search for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church by name or by our NPO # 82275. If you would like some help signing up, come by the Parish Office, or stop by the Manna Table in the Commons, and one of the volunteers can help you get registered. Now every time you shop for groceries using your Kroger Plus Card, OLMC automatically starts earning a rebate. Altar Server Appreciation Saturday, May 16, from 12 noon to 2 pm In appreciation for all the work you do for our parish, the Knights of Columbus, Council 5480, invite all altar servers to a bowling / pizza party at the Ft. Eustis Bowling Alley. Please RSVP to the K of C Youth director at 755‐6917 or [email protected] no later than Thursday, April 30. Golf Tournament OLMC School will host the 14th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, May 22. Start time 1 p.m. at Riv‐ erfront Golf Course in Suffolk. You are invited to come and play! For more information and to get registration form, please go to website: www.olmc‐school.com, Golf Tourna‐ ment tab under Development. Contact AnaMari Clem at 596‐2754, ext 242 for sponsorship opportunities. Tuition Raffle to Benefit OLMC School Raffle tickets to win 2015/16 tuition and fees at OLMC School are on sale for $100 each. The drawing will take place during the awards ceremony on the last day of school, June 3. You do not need to be present to win, and you may donate your winning ticket to a student of your choice or to a student in need if you do not have a child or grandchild attending OLMC. Please contact the school office at 596‐2754 for more information or to purchase tickets. Parish Trip to Lancaster, PA is SOLD OUT! The MAY 28 & 29 trip has sold out. Thanks to everyone who signed up! The bus will pick up at OLMC at 8 AM the morning of the 28th. More details will be coming as the date gets closer! Employment Opportunities Our Lady of Mount Carmel School has an openings for: A full‐time middle school Language Arts teacher for the upcoming 2015‐2016 school year. Teacher certification is required, and candidates should also have an under‐ standing of Catholic traditions and beliefs. A part‐time middle school math teacher for the upcom‐ ing 2015‐2016 school year. Teacher certification is re‐ quired. A library/media center specialist for the upcoming 2015‐ 2016 school year for grades pre‐k through eight. A de‐ gree in library science/certification is preferred, and candidates should also have an understanding of Catho‐ lic traditions and beliefs. Applications are available on the Diocese of Richmond Web‐ site,www.richmonddiocese.org. Inquiries and applications should be directed to Mrs. Tucker, 52 Harpersville Rd., New‐ port News, VA 23601. Community News April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month There is no better time than Easter to celebrate the protection of our most valuable gift from God‐ our children. For informa‐ tion about the Diocese of Richmond Safe Environment Program go to richmonddiocese.org/safe‐environment For victim assistance information call 877‐887‐9603. The Bishop Keane Institute Presents: Robert Wicks – Friday, May 8 Robert Wicks, author of Perspective: The Calm Within the Storm, joins us on Friday, May 8, at 7:30pm as part of the Bishop Keane Institute. With a doctorate in Psychology, Wicks has helped people take measure of their lives for more than 30 years. His area of expertise is the prevention of secondary stress, which encompasses the pressures en‐ countered in reaching out to others. Tickets are now on sale for $15 at keaneinstitute.org/tickets/ The Bishop Keane Insti‐ tute is a ministry of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Hampton. Call the parish office with questions: 826‐0393. Page 6 April 26, 2015 Sunday, April 26, 2015 8:00 – Patricia Easley Silva Mike Cardinal 10:00 – Jeff & Kathey Shelton The Shelton Family 2:00 – For the People of the Parish 5:00 – Helen Adams The Rizzi Family Mon – (7am) Josefa Edreira Family Tues – (7am) Sheila O’Keefe John & Terri Sweeney (6:30pm) Stephen Kenneth & Mary Ann Orloski The Orloski Family Wed – (7am) Paul O’Neill, Jr. Mary Ellen O’Neill Birlin (8:15am) Joyce Borden Terri Sweeney Thur – (7am) Mary Ann Steigelman Bill & Janet Gorman (6:30pm) Delilah Babineau Fri – (8:15am) 1st Anniversaries for May: John Patrick Kennedy Linda Lucille Even Josephine Trahan Saturday, May 2, 2015 5:00 – Sr. Regina Decker The Decker Family 4/5/15 Last Year $17,978 $29,616 Please note that Last Year was Easter Sunday. Thank you for your generosity! Flowers for the Worship Center may be given as memorials for a loved one or special occasion. To schedule a memorial floral gift, please call Eileen, ext. 116 at least two weeks in advance of the date you wish. The suggested donation to cover the cost is $85. Offertory Processions: Parishioners are invited to carry the gifts during the Offertory Procession at all of our liturgies. If you are celebrating a memorial, birthday, or anniversary, please sign up on the Gift Bearers poster in the Commons. Sunday, May 3, 2015 8:00 – Samantha Julian Ginger Stay 10:00 – Deceased Members of the Wilhelm Family 2:00 – Maria Amparo Méndez Moreno Family 5:00 – For the People of the Parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News Open House May 6th 8:45 - 11:30 AM OLMC School will hold an Open House on Wednesday, May 6. Doors open at 8:45 AM, with a presentation at 9:00, tours and opportunities to visit our classrooms in session until 11:30 AM. Don’t miss this opportunity to visit our school and ask any questions you may have about Catholic education, our academic programs, extracurriculars, financial aid, or anything else that is on your mind. RSVP to 757-596-2754, or [email protected]. Raffle tickets are on sale to win tuition and fees for the 2015/16 school year! Raffle tickets to win 2015/16 tuition and fees are on sale for $100 each. The drawing will take place during the awards ceremony on the last day of school, June 3, 2015. You do not need to be present to win, and you may donate your winning ticket to a student of your choice or to a student in need if you do not have a child or grandchild attending OLMC. Please contact the school office at 757-596-2754 for more info or to purchase tickets. Shadow Days Come experience OLMC School as an insider! Children are invited to a Shadow Day of their choosing to experience a day as an OLMC student. You will work and learn with students and teachers and take a personalized tour of the school with Student Council leaders. Let our welcoming and friendly students and teachers show you what it’s like to call OLMC home. Schedule your shadow day on any school day that’s best for you! For more information, or to schedule your shadow day, please contact Mrs. Tucker at 757-596-2752 or [email protected]. Through our range of outstanding programs, students grow as healthy, balanced individuals, developing personal strengths as scholars, artists, athletes, leaders, and community servants. We invite you to come see the genuine love we share for learning, faith, community, service, and, most of all, for our students! Voted Best ♦ Best of the 757 Private School ♦ Best Private School on the Peninsula Page 7 26 de abril del 2015 Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Programa para Mujeres, Madres y Solteras PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN La oficina del Ministerio Hispano Our Lady of Mount Carmel, está organizando y programando el próximo programa para mujeres de las Comunidad Hispana, en el cual propone invo‐ lucrar a toda mujer no importando su estado civil, el cual aprenderemos mucho acerca de la Espiritualidad de la Mujer, Ejemplo de "María Santísima Madre de DIOS" Ministerio Hispano: Director: Diácono Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595‐0385 Ext. 136, Celular: (757) 846‐0628 Misas en Español: Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM Confesiones: Sábados, 3:00‐4:00PM, Domingos, 12:00‐1:30PM Has completado tus sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana, y Quieres ayudar en algún Ministerio bien sea Litúrgico o Pastoral. Tu servicio a Jesucristo a quien has reencontrado en esta jornada es muy importante para tu jornada espiritual y pastoral Si quieres ser parte de esta evangelización, contacta a las personas indicadas. Coordinadores de misa. Diacono Francisco, 846‐0628 Rosarios, Novenas Domingo Malpica 325‐0505 Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Comunión María Angélica 223‐8716 Lectores o Proclamadores Shorty Meléndez 599‐0882 Monaguillos. José Sánchez 269‐0319 Ujieres. Ricardo Miranda Música. Fabiola Sánchez, 236‐9720 RICA, CICCA. Diacono Francisco, 846‐0628 Walter y María Rivera, 303‐4973 Bautismo. Hospitalidad, Convivios Maritza Reyes 325‐0697 Christina Harrison 595‐0385 x 128 Jóvenes 9o A 12o Visita a los enfermos en Hospitales y Casas. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras, Dirección Espiritual. Diacono Francisco, 846‐0628 Buena Salud!! Atención medica, sin costo para niños y adultos que no tiene segu‐ ro medico aquí en la Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Que es esto?: La atención medica es proveído por personal de “BON SECOURS CARE‐A‐VAN” Cuando: Cada SEGUNDO Y CUARTO MARTES de cada mes . La registración empieza a las 9:30 am hasta que la clínica este llena. Entre mas temprano llegue mas temprano será atendido. Costo: TODOS LOS SERVICIO SON GRATIS, pero las donaciones siempre son apreciadas. Servicios Incluidos: Evaluación de rutina y tratamiento de enferme‐ dades agudas comunes, incluyendo; infecciones respiratorias, dolo‐ res de cabeza, dolores de oídos , y conjuntivitis; vías urinarias e infecciones de la vejiga; gastritis y acideces; erupciones menores de la piel (ronchitas); dolores musculares menores, y condiciones crónicas tales como diabetes e hipertensión. También: Exámenes físicos para escuelas, exámenes físicos para deportes; seguro medico para niños, inscripciones y educación sana. Se esta trabajando para entrenar a personas bilingües para que puedan asistirte en estas clínicas de momento si tu no tienes un traductor, llama a la oficina para que se te asigne uno durante tu visita. Para aquellos que se han inscrito como interpretes estar pendiente de la información, para un entrenamiento de parte de la parroquia. De la manera que Dios nos da la vida, la iglesia siempre esta comprometida a ayudarte a que tengas una buena salud, tan‐ to física como espiritual. También hay algunos programas para que la medicina de te pueda proveer de forma gratuita. Pregunta a Francisco Anleu por mas información. Recuérdate que tienes que cuidar tu SALUD!!!!!!! Sacramento de Confirmación para Adultos Prontamente habrá un programa de catequesis de 10 sema‐ nas, este aplica para personas que les falta el sacramento y que son activas en la comunidad parroquial. Para mas información, llamar al Diacono Francisco. Niños que Están en la Preparación para Recibir la Primera Comunión Favor de venir al ensayo el Sábado 2 de Mayo a las 9:00AM. Próxima Celebración de Primeras Comuniones para Niños DOMINGO 10 DE MAYO, 2:00PM. DOMINGO 17 DE MAYO, 2:00PM. R.I.C.A. (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Preparación de niños mayores de 7 años y adultos que nunca han sido bautizados, y también para los que han sido bautizados y quieren completar los sacramentos de Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Próxima reunión: Domingo 3 de Mayo, 2015 Salón san Miguel 11:15am a 1:15pm Tema: Los Sacramentos. Quieres ayudar con la Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños. Ponte en contacto con el Diacono Francisco, para recibir infor‐ mación de como integrarte al grupo de catequistas para niños. ACTIVIDADES DENTRO DE LA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL Primer Domingo de Mes: Reunidos por la Gracia. Tercer Domingo de Mes: Presentación de niños a la Comu‐ nidad, Convivio, bendición de cumpleaños. Ultimo Domingo de Mes. Registración para pertenecer a la Parroquia. Todos los días Jueves de 8:00am. Hasta las 6:00PM, esta expuesto el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar para adoración. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO DEL ALTAR TODOS LOS PRIMEROS VIERNES DEL MES DESPUÉS DE LAS 9:00 AM EN ADELANTE. Y TODOS LOS DÍAS JUEVES DE CADA SEMANA DE 7:00 AM A 6:00 PM. TIEMPO DE ADORACIÓN Y CONTEMPLACIÓN. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 12746 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-2222 Barbara & Ken Kerwin Helping people buy & sell homes since 1982. Brian or Sally, coordinators Our email: [email protected] an Official Agency 860.399.1785 Travel of AOS-USA WeSellHamptonRoads.com Abbitt Realty 599-5595 www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Attorneys At Law Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! C W Family Law - Custody • Support • Visitation HRISTIE Settlement Agreements • Criminal Law • Traffic Law ILSON Bankruptcy - Ch 7 • Ch 13 • Debt Relief • Wills Managing Partner Reasonable Fees • Appointments Within 24 Hours and Parishioner 744A THIMBLE SHOALS BLVD. (757) 873-6620 NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23606 www.wilsonlawva.com GEORGE A. JACOBS, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. LINK, D.D.S. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 11007 WARWICK BLVD. • NEWPORT NEWS, VA PHONE: (757) 596-7000 For further information, please call the Parish Office. office hours by appointment LINK, JACOBS & LINK, D.D.S., P.C. Competition Performance Fun MILTON’s Paint and Body Shop, LLC Quality automotive collision repair, body and paint, full detailing and foggy headlight restoration. Free Estimates Call (757) 877-2225 or stop by 13269 Warwick, Newport News, VA 23602 Classes in Newport News Please contact: [email protected] Jerry F. Foretich, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. Bingo Every Monday & Thursday 7 PM Council# 5480 930-0491 For Member Information Call David Litzinger 249-0649 Call Bill Collins 930-0452 Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday Every Month What’s It Worth? LLC Lawn Care, 877-0775 Pressure Washing, Decks, Fences etc. COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY You set the job, a fair price Buying or Selling Real Estate? Call us! (labor only) and we do the work. 716 DENBIGH BLVD., SUITE B4 CALL BILL WANDERSEE OR JOHN PIZZANO, 596-4971 • 879-3040 Parishioner owned & operated, licensed and insured “Exceptional Service with Integrity” John R. Beavers, Realtor®, ABR Kristina M. Beavers, MBA, JD (757) 812-0399 COWARDIN, KIM, SMITH ANDERSON & RIDDLE, Attorneys Committed to Excellence Since 1917 873-1188 Real Estate, Immigration, Estate Planning, Corporations Parishioner R. Hayden Smith Family Funeral Homes DENBIGH CHAPEL 12893 JEFFERSON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23608 PHONE: (757) 874-4200 FAX (757) 874-4737 Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions 825-8070 7415 RIVER RD. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23607 PHONE: (757) 245-1525 FAX (757) 245-5361 Dr. Betty Jean Shahmouradian Parishioner–Director R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home 723-3191 Kevin B. Smith Meaningful Service With Compassion Parishioner 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel RIVERSIDE CHAPEL Ed Bunch Director Brandon M. Killian Director Tom DeCantis Director INTERNET: www.altmeyer.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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