Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-595-0385 ~ www.olmc.org Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm School: 757-596-2754 Outreach: 596-1727 Principal – Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 133 Pharmacy Outreach: 595-0385, X125 Pregnancy Helpline: 870-3131 November 15, 2015 ~ The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 2:00pm (Esp), 5:00 pm Weekdays: Monday: 7:00 am Tuesday: 7:00 am, 5:30 pm Wednesday: 7:00 am, 5:30 pm Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm (en Español) Friday: 7:00 am, 8:15 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm, Sunday: 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Thursday: 7:30 - 8:00 am or by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament On hiatus until after renovations. PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor - Rev. John David Ramsey Parochial Vicar - Rev. Jaime Guardado Priest in Residence - Rev. Peter T. Tran Deacons Rev. Mr. Anton Siochi Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu Rev. Mr. Dan Johnson Pastoral Associate - Janet Hassan Hispanic Ministry - Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5th grade) Christa Blomstrom Youth Ministry (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adults Patrick Walsh Social Ministry - Tina Wandersee Music & Liturgy - Susan May Business & Finance - Julie Hall Development - Austin Farinholt Facilities - Hart Smith Seminarian - John Baab Food Service (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) Carla Weimer (Manna/Parishioner Records) CNU Catholic Campus Minister - Corinne Riley Receptionist/Mass Intentions - Cathy Luth Maintenance Technician - Bill Johnson 112 111 101 Catholics Come Home A NEW GROUP of Catholics Come Home will meet this TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, in St. Michael Hall from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Please consider coming home to your Catholic Faith. Whatever the reason you left, your place at the Lord’s Table is waiting, and we look forward to welcoming you home! Come this Tuesday or contact Janet at [email protected] or 595-0385, ext. 110, for more information. 119 123 124 110 123 107 106 118 117 109 104 122 105 130 116 108 120 100 115 The Catechumenate for Adults and Children If you would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith, consider coming to the Tuesday night Inquiry Sessions. We meet on Tuesday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, and we invite you to come give it a try. The next session is this Tuesday, November 17th. The RCIA is for those who wish to learn what Catholics believe and, for those who choose, to prepare for their Sacraments of Initiation. For more information come on Tuesday or email: [email protected]. Bulletin notices and advertising: All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to: [email protected]. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Page 2 November 15, 2015 This Week at OLMC November 15- November 22 SUNDAY 8:00 AM MASS 10:00 AM MASS Charlas de Bautismo 11:15 AM Gathered By Grace 2:00 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL 3:00 PM Convivio 5:00 PM MASS 6:00 PM Senior Youth Group Church Church Escuela St. Michael Hall Church Escuela Church St. Michael Hall MONDAY 7:00 AM MASS 7:00 PM Estudios Bíblicos en Español Conversational Spanish TUESDAY 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM MASS Women’s Bible Study 2nd Act Senior Luncheon Children’s Choir Bell Choir MISA EN ESPAÑOL Vive la Eucaristía Handmades Ministry FRIDAY 7:00 AM MASS 8:15 AM MASS SATURDAY 10:00 AM Circle of Hope 3:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM MASS SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM School Chapel Upper Room Gathering Room MASS School Chapel Mujeres Llenas de Gracia St. Michael Hall Outreach Committee Mtg. Lukas Schmidt Suite MASS School Chapel SPRED Three Catechists SPRED Room RCIA St. Michael Hall RICA en Español Upper Room Teen Choir Church WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM MASS 5:30 PM MASS 6:00 PM Mujeres Llenas de Gracia 6:30 PM SPRED Two Full Session SPRED One Catechists 7:00 PM Adult Choir Lectio Divina THURSDAY 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:15 PM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Adult Faith Formation Christ the King MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL MASS School Chapel School Chapel St. Michael Hall SPRED Room Carmel Center Church Gathering Room School Chapel St. Michael Hall St. Michael Hall Church Church School Chapel Gathering Room Lukas Schmidt Suite School Chapel School Gym Gathering Room Reconciliation Room Church Church Church Church Church Note Time Change This Week All women of the parish are welcome to join a prayer group. Sessions are held in the Gathering Room of the Church. 1. Friday Morning Group meets two Fridays a month, 10 am – 11am. Due to a scheduling conflict, the Friday morning group will meet on Monday, November 16th, at 10am. 2. Wednesday Evening Group begins THIS Wednesday, November 18th, 7:00pm – 8:30 pm. The prayer focus is on the upcoming Sunday Scripture. For information about Lectio Divina groups please contact Janet Hassan: [email protected]. Women’s Prayer Groups Diocese of Richmond Conferences The Catholic Women’s Conference: “Women on the Way” Saturday, November 21 Greater Richmond Convention Center If you signed up for the bus, please meet in the main OLMC parking lot at 7 am. The Catholic Men’s Conference: “Lions to Lambs” Saturday, January 16, 2016 Richmond Convention Center Speakers are Mark Hart and Fr. Dan Beeman. Registration is 8-9 am. Conference concludes with a Vigil Mass for Sunday at 3:15 pm. Admission is $45 and is open to all men over 18. Register online at www.cdrcmfl.org. Page 3 November 15, 2015 Youth Ministry Middle School Faith Formation The next Junior Youth Group gathering (after this weekend) will be Sunday, December 6, during the breakout session of Gathered By Grace. All youth in middle school are invited to attend! SYG Bonfire with the Sisters of OLMC School Do you like s’mores? Fire pits? Running around in the dark with glow sticks? Dominicans?? If you’re in high school and answered “yes” to any of those questions, come hang out with the sisters of OLMC School and other teens of the parish this Wednesday, November 18, between 6:15 and 7:45pm! For more information, grab a blue flyer in the Commons, or contact Patrick Walsh ! Senior Youth Group The next Senior Youth Group meeting (after this weekend) will be on Sunday, December 6, in St. Michael Hall. SYG will meet following the 5:00pm Mass and will wrap up at 8:00pm. All youth in high school are invited to attend! If you haven’t already registered, you can do so at olmc.org. God Rocks Retreat for High Schoolers God Rocks is an annual retreat for the high schoolers of OLMC. This year’s retreat will be a great chance to learn more about our Catholic faith, grow closer to God, have fun, and make new friends! All high schoolers at OLMC are encouraged to attend! When is God Rocks? Depart OLMC at 6:00pm Friday, December 4; arrive back at OLMC at 12:00pm Sunday, December 6. (Transportation will be provided) How much does it cost to attend? $39 However, inability to pay should never inhibit a teen from taking an opportunity to grow in faith. Families in need of assistance covering the cost of the retreat should contact Patrick Walsh. How do I register? To register or to get more information, pick up the God Rocks forms in the Commons or reach out to Patrick Walsh directly. Virtus Training Upcoming VIRTUS TRAINING The Diocese mandates that all those who minister with children or youth must take this training prior to volunteering. All parents using the Cooperative Nursery at OLMC must be trained as well. Pastoral Center (Richmond), Mon., Dec. 7 at 9:00am. Register for the 3 hour session at Virtusonline.org. Click on Registration to the left of the page and select Richmond, Va. (Diocese). You can also view other sessions at this link. Gathered By Grace November 15 (11:15am - 1:15pm) in Saint Michael Hall The emphasis for November's Gathered by Grace sessions centers on Jesus Christ through the teachings of the New Testament Scriptures. Children’s Faith Formation Kingdom Kids at the 10:00am Mass What’s offered for children at the 10:00am Mass? • Kingdom Kids Nursery (1-3 yrs) meets for the duration of Mass, every Sunday. • Kingdom Kids Pre-K/Kindergarten (4 & 5yrs olds) meets for the duration of the Mass. (Starts again in January) • Kingdom Kids Worship (1st – 5th grades) Children process out at Mass & return before the Eucharist. Kingdom Kids Worship meets the first, second and third Sundays most months. KidCheck: Free Secure Check In System KidCheck is a secure check-in for the Nursery and other Children’s Ministry offerings. Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free to parents. Register today olmc.org. Sacraments Confirmation Preparation The next meeting for teens preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held in St. Michael Hall on Sunday, December 13, 6:30-8:30pm. Join us right after the 5pm Mass for dinner and fellowship from 6:00 to 6:30pm. Baptisms at OLMC are celebrated at scheduled times throughout the year. Whether you are parents-to-be, parents of an infant, or parents of a young child, we invite you to consider having your child baptized into the Catholic faith at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Parents are encouraged to register early to accommodate family and godparents’ schedules. We are now registering for November 14th. Call Christa @ 595-0385, x119, or e-mail [email protected]. First Sacrament Preparation THANK YOU parents and children for your generosity and support of our Angel Tree at OLMC! The shoe boxes that you filled and decorated will be most welcomed by children in our community this Christmas! The celebrations of 1st Reconciliation will be on Friday, December 4 at 7:00pm and Saturday, December 5 at 9:00am. Families are asked to arrive ½ hour before the start of the celebration. Page 4 November 15, 2015 Social Ministry Catholic Campaign for Human Development Reflecting Christ Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community Fair Trade Expo Coming this December! Fair Trade: “Fair Trade promotes the principle of solidarity that seeks the well being of all people. This can be realized by how we spend our money. A good example is that , fair trade means we recognize and respect the hard work that farmers and artisans do. By purchasing their coffee, chocolate and crafts, we stand in solidarity with them by supporting their economic livelihoods.” - CRSSAVE THE DATE: Weekend of December 5/6 after all the Masses, we will have a Fair Trade Expo with opportunities for you to make some of your holiday purchases fair trade items. Volunteer Opportunity: To help with event contact: Tina @ ext. 118 or [email protected] Pregnancy Outreach—October Statistics Assisted With # items Est. $$ Value Diapers 78 $1560.00 Baby Care 43 $107.50 Layette 11 $825.00 Formula 9 $225.00 Baby Food 58 $116.00 Maternity Clothes 10 $600.00 Baby Clothes 139 $4170.00 Blankets 16 $480.00 Hats/Bibs/Socks 31 $31.00 Shoes 9 $225.00 Pack n’ Plays 4 $280.00 Sheet Sets 4 $28.00 Bottles 7 $14.00 Potty Chairs 2 $28.00 TOTAL $8689.50 Thank you so much! You assisted 37 women and 39 children in the month of October!! Such a huge blessing. Food Pantry Cereal, Fruit, Peanut Butter, Spaghetti Noodles, Spam, Carrots, Hearty Soups, Crackers, Bags White Rice, Boxed Potatoes, Juice Personal Care Items Deodorant, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Shampoo Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD collection. Liturgy & Music Bell Choir Opportunity The Bell Choir which rehearses Thursdays from 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. More ringers are needed for the group. You must be able to read music and rhythmic notation. Please e-mail [email protected] or call the Music and Liturgy Office at 595-0385, x117 if you would like to become involved. Rev. Paul Turner Liturgy Workshop The Office of Worship and Office of Catholic Education/ Christian Formation are co-hosting a workshop led by Rev. Paul Turner. Father Paul Turner is pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Kansas City, Missouri. A priest of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, he holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. The Liturgical Ministers Workshop, will be hosted at Immaculate Conception in Hampton on Wednesday, November 18th, from 9:30am until 3:00pm. Registration is available online at richmonddiocese.org/worship. Welcoming/Registration Our next parish Welcoming/ Registration will be on Sunday, December 6, following the 10AM Mass in Our Lady’s Gathering Room. You will be given parish information and a brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask which sacraments your family members have received. We look forward to meeting you. Page 5 November 15, 2015 OLMC Parish News The Second Act senior group will meet on Thursday, November 19th, at 12 Noon in St. Michael Hall. We are planning a time of fellowship and a delicious Thanksgiving Luncheon. Mary Ann Canale is in charge of our gathering, so be sure you plan to attend! Looking forward to seeing you!!! nd 2 Act Handmades Ministry Join the Handmades the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30pm in Manion Hall for crocheting or knitting and good conversation. No experience is needed. Yarn, patterns and teachers are provided. The Handmades serve Pregnancy Outreach, PORT, nursing homes and Circle of Hope with handmade items. This month, due to Thanksgiving, we will meet on Thursday, November 19th. Circle of Hope Join us on Saturday, November 21st, for the Circle of Hope. This is a wonderful group of people who have experienced cancer or other chronic illnesses. We are a positive, prayer-filled support group that meets once a month, usually on the 3rd Saturday, from 10 until 11:30 am. We welcome you to join us on the 21st in St. Michael Hall. If you would like more information about this group, please contact Janet, ext 110 or [email protected]. Pie Sale Next Weekend! Just in time for Thanksgiving, St. Amelia’s Guild will be selling pies at all Masses next weekend, November 21st & 22nd. Flavors include: Lemon chess, Lime chess, Chocolate chess, Custard, and Coconut. Pies will be just $10 each! Substitute Teachers Needed Our Lady of Mount Carmel School needs enthusiastic, dependable, well-rounded professionals to join our team of substitute teachers for elementary and middle school classrooms. Previous teaching experience is desired, but not required. A college degree is preferred. Orientation and a trial period will be provided. Applicants may submit a resume and grade-level preference to Christine Tucker at [email protected]. Calling All Vendors!!! Spaces are still available for the 30th Annual OLMC Christmas Craft Fair on Saturday, December 5! Please contact the Home and School Association at 596-2754 or [email protected] for more details. Ladies of Carmel St Valentine’s Guild will meet Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 pm at the home of Sharon Simpson . St. Faustina's Guild is meeting on Friday, November 20th, at 12 Noon at the Panera Bread across from CNU. This is an excellent opportunity for new members and anyone who is curious or interested to come, meet the ladies of our guild! OLMC Parish Email Sign up to be added to our Parish Email distribution list, and receive notification of funerals, upcoming events, delays or cancellations, etc. Emails are sent via “MailChimp,” so your address will not be seen by everyone receiving the emails. If you would like your address added to our distribution list, you can sign up on our Website or Facebook page, or contact Eileen at [email protected]. Ordering from Amazon??? Did you know that our website has a link to Amazon, and that by placing your order via this link our parish receives a portion of your purchase price? This donation comes to us at no extra cost to you! Community News November is National Adoption Month! Have you been considering adoption and want to learn more? Join Catholic Charities on Monday, November 16, to learn more about domestic and international adoption. Please call Rebekah Hall at 456-2366, x1019 for more information or to RSVP. For Healing after Abortion A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held December 11-13 at Shalom House Retreat Center for women and men who have known regret, sorrow, guilt or shame from abortion. The weekend combines living scripture meditations, spiritual exercises, and discussions in a guided process that leads to the heart of God’s love and compassion. If you would like to learn more, contact Marty Montgomery-Jennings at 804-704-0429, or Maggie Carlson at 804-432-2589 or email: [email protected]. Page 6 November 15, 2015 Saturday, November 14, 2015 5:00 – George Brault Catherine Senita Sunday, November 15, 2015 8:00 – Darrell Brackin Don & Sherry Boyce 10:00 – Delfin Fortaleza Family 2:00 – The People of the Parish 5:00 – George Blomstrom RCIA Community Mon – (7am) Bart Hankey Tony & Sue May Tues – (7am) Geraldine Streker St. James’ Guild (5:30pm) Patty Sprich Ann Gilbert Wed – (7am) Int’s of Annette Woods Sheila Gainer (5:30pm) Cletus Vincke Betty Shelton Thur – (7am) Maureen Gorman Carleo Ron & Pat Gorman (6:30pm) The Ortiz & Jime Families Jeff & Diana Johnson Fri – (7am) Robert Weimer (8:15am) Charles Garner John & Eleanor Silva Saturday, November 21, 2015 5:00 – John Sullivan Sunday, November 22, 2015 8:00 – Darrell Brackin 10:00 – John Berger 2:00 – The People of the Parish 5:00 – Mary Ellen Papciak Sally Sullivan The Simko Family Joan Berger Susan Cole 11/8/15 Last Year $23,590 $20,186 Thank you for your generosity! Church Flowers Flowers in the Church this weekend are given in celebration of the 35th Anniversary of Rich & Paula Krewinghaus. Offertory Processions: Parishioners are invited to carry the gifts during the Offertory Procession at all of our liturgies. If you are celebrating a memorial, birthday, or anniversary, please sign up on the Gift Bearers poster in the Commons. Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News We are happy to announce that OLMC School has been named Best Private Elementary and Middle School in Newport News in the 2015 Daily Press Choice Awards. This marks the fourth consecutive year in which we have been honored to receive this award. Thank you to everyone who voted for OLMC! Page 7 15 de noviembre del 2015 XXXIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN Ministerio Hispano: Director: Diácono Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595-0385 Ext. 123, Celular: (757) 846-0628 Misas en Español: Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM Confesiones: Sábados, 3:00-4:00PM, Domingos, 12:00-1:30PM Colecta Anual Diocesana 2015: Nuestra Fe está Viva en el Amor La colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda. CCHD fue fundada para eliminar el ciclo de pobreza en los Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a organizaciones que ayudan a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas. Con su tradición de mejoras en la educación, en la vivienda y en el desarrollo económico de las comunidades, CCHD continúa teniendo un impacto positivo en las comunidades en todo el país. Su contribución servirá para defender la dignidad humana y llegar a todos los que viven al margen. Por favor, contribuya a la colecta para CCHD. Nuestra Señora de la dulce Espera Y LAS MUJERES HISPANAS LLENAS DE GRACIA TE INVITAN A SU CIERRE DE ESTUDIO Y A DARLE LA BIENVENIDA AL TIEMPO DE ADVIENTO. Adviento en tu casa DICIEMBRE 05 DE 10:00 A.M. A 2:00 P.M. En Salón de San Miguel Alabanza, Predica y Oración. Has completado tus sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana, y Quieres ayudar en algún Ministerio bien sea Litúrgico o Pastoral. Tu servicio a Jesucristo a quien has reencontrado en esta jornada es muy importante para tu jornada espiritual y pastoral Si quieres ser parte de esta evangelización, contacta a las personas indicadas. Coordinadores de misa. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Rosarios, Novenas Domingo Malpica, 325-0505 Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Comunión María Angélica, 223-8716 Lectores o Proclamadores Shorty Meléndez, 599-0882 Monaguillos José Sánchez, 269-0319 Ujieres Ricardo Miranda Música Fabiola Sánchez, 236-9720 RICA, CICCA. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Bautismo Walter y María Rivera, 303-4973 Hospitalidad, Convivios Fabiola y Daniel, 450-0020 Patrick Walsh, 595-0385, x106 Jóvenes 9o A 12o Visita a los enfermos en Hospitales y Casas. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras, Dirección Espiritual. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Mujeres Hispanas, llenas de Gracia. Programa de Estudio Dinámico, que producirá cambios en las Vidas de las Mujeres. Próximamente: Pastoral Familiar Interesados favor de comunicarse a la oficina. El programa de Estudio fundacional; “Mujeres Hispanas llenas de Gracia”, PARA EL MES DE OCTUBRE, Ya esta abierto. Para registrarte llama a la oficina. CATEQUESIS FAMILIAR Y FORMACION PARA RECIBIR LOS SACRAMENTOS DE PRIMERA COMUNION Y PRIMERA RECONCILIACION. PARA NINOS ENTRE LOS GRADOS DE 2DO. A 5TO. Para mas información consulta el boletín ó http://olmcministeriohispano.weebly.com/ Atención medica, sin costo para niños y adultos que no tiene seguro medico aquí en la Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Que es esto?: La atención medica es provista por personal de “BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN” Cuando: Cada SEGUNDO Y CUARTO MARTES de cada mes . La registración empieza a las 9:30 am hasta que la clínica este llena. Costo: TODOS LOS SERVICIO SON GRATIS, pero las donaciones siempre son apreciadas. Servicios Incluidos: Evaluación de rutina y tratamiento de enfermedades agudas comunes, incluyendo; infecciones respiratorias, dolores de cabeza, dolores de oídos , y conjuntivitis; vías urinarias e infecciones de la vejiga; gastritis y acideces; erupciones menores de la piel (ronchitas); dolores musculares menores, y condiciones crónicas tales como diabetes e hipertensión. RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS. Para Adultos que necesitan recibir el sacramento de la Primera Comunión y/o la Confirmación. Todos los días martes a las 7:00pm en el Salón de Reuniones. SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN PARA JÓVENES. DEBEN ESTAR EN 10MO. GRADO PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN CONTACTAR A PATRICK WALSH, AL TELÉFONO 757-5950385 EXT. 106 CELEBRACION DEL SACRAMENTO DE LA PRIMERA RECONCILIACION PARA NIÑOS. VIERNES 4 DE DICIEMBRE DE 7:00PM A 9:00PM. SABADO 5 DE DICIEMBRE DE 9:00 A 11:00AM FAVOR DE LLEGAR 30 MINUTOS ANTES. Próximas charlas de Bautismo 15 de Noviembre, 2015 10:00am, en la Cafetería de la Escuela. Próxima Celebración de Bautismos. Sábado 21 de Noviembre, 11:00am. Para mas información contactar a los catequistas de Bautismo. Walter y María Rivera al Tel: 757-777-0874 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 12746 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-2222 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Barbara & Ken Kerwin Helping people buy & sell homes since 1982. Our email: [email protected] WeSellHamptonRoads.com Abbitt Realty 599-5595 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Attorneys At Law C W Family Law - Custody • Support • Visitation HRISTIE Settlement Agreements • Criminal Law • Traffic Law ILSON Bankruptcy - Ch 7 • Ch 13 • Debt Relief • Wills Managing Partner Reasonable Fees • Appointments Within 24 Hours and Parishioner 744A THIMBLE SHOALS BLVD. (757) 873-6620 NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23606 www.wilsonlawva.com Competition Performance Fun an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Classes in Newport News Please contact: [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Walter Pollard Council 5480 For information call: David Litzinger @ 719-4028 Dean Jernigan @ 596-4034 Email: [email protected] Charity - Interested in helping those in need, UNITY - Serving your parish, FRATERNITY - Growing in your faith and having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday office hours by appointment Jerry F. Foretich, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. LINK, JACOBS & LINK, D.D.S., P.C. 716 DENBIGH BLVD., SUITE B4 GEORGE A. JACOBS, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. LINK, D.D.S. 877-0775 COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY 11007 WARWICK BLVD. • NEWPORT NEWS, VA PHONE: (757) 596-7000 MILTON’s Paint and Body Shop, LLC What’s It Worth? LLC Quality automotive collision repair, body and paint, full detailing and foggy headlight restoration. Free Estimates Call (757) 877-2225 or stop by 13269 Warwick, Newport News, VA 23602 Buying or Selling Real Estate? Call us! Lawn Care, Pressure Washing, Decks, Fences etc. You set the job, a fair price (labor only) and we do the work. CALL BILL WANDERSEE OR JOHN PIZZANO, 596-4971 • 879-3040 Parishioner owned & operated, licensed and insured “Exceptional Service with Integrity” John R. Beavers, Realtor®, ABR Kristina M. Beavers, MBA, JD (757) 812-0399 COWARDIN, KIM, SMITH ANDERSON & RIDDLE, Attorneys Committed to Excellence Since 1917 873-1188 Real Estate, Immigration, Estate Planning, Corporations Parishioner R. Hayden Smith Family Funeral Homes DENBIGH CHAPEL 12893 JEFFERSON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23608 PHONE: (757) 874-4200 FAX (757) 874-4737 Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions 825-8070 7415 RIVER RD. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23607 PHONE: (757) 245-1525 FAX (757) 245-5361 Dr. Betty Jean Shahmouradian Parishioner–Director R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home 723-3191 Kevin B. Smith Meaningful Service With Compassion Parishioner 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel RIVERSIDE CHAPEL Ed Bunch Director Brandon M. Killian Director Tom DeCantis Director INTERNET: www.altmeyer.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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