Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-595-0385 ~ www.olmc.org Parish Office Hours: Monday ‐ Thursday: 9:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm; Friday: 9:00 am ‐ 3:00 pm School: 757‐596‐2754 Principal – Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 213 Outreach Office: 757‐926‐4830 Pregnancy Helpline: 757‐870‐3131 July 12, 2015 ~ The 15th in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am ~ 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm 2:00 pm — (en Español) Weekdays: Monday: 7:00 am Tuesday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm Wednesday: 7:00 am, 8:15 am Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm (en Español) Friday: 8:15 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 ‐ 4:00 pm, Sunday: 12:30 ‐ 1:30 pm, Thursday: 7:30 ‐ 8:00 am or by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 8am to 6pm & 1st Fridays 3pm to 6am PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor ‐ Rev. John David Ramsey 112 Parochial Vicar ‐ Rev. Carlos Lerma 129 Priest in Residence ‐ Rev. Peter T. Tran 114 Deacons Rev. Mr. Anton Siochi 113 Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu 136 Pastoral Associate ‐ Janet Hassan 120 Children’s Faith Formation (Pre‐K‐5th grade) Christa Blomstrom 119 Youth Ministry (Gr. 6‐12) & Young Adults Christina Harrison 128 Hispanic Ministry ‐ Rev Mr. Francisco Anleu 136 Social Ministry ‐ Tina Wandersee 118 Music & Liturgy ‐ Kelly Soprano 117 Business & Finance ‐ Julie Hall 115 Facilities ‐ Hart Smith 121 Food Service (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney 140 Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) 116 Carla Weimer (Manna/Parishioner Records) 126 CNU Catholic Campus Minister ‐ John Hopke 123 Receptionist/Mass Intentions ‐ Cathy Luth 101 Maintenance Technician ‐ Bill Johnson 111 Parish Feast Day The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is Thursday, July 16. All parishioners are invited to celebrate our Parish Feast Day at a 6:30 p.m. Bilingual Mass, fol‐ lowed by a reception. We will have a display set up in the Commons with photos and information about our Twinning Parish in Guatemala! Following Mass, we will talk to Padre Misael and his parishioners via Skype in Our Lady’s Gathering Room. A slideshow of our Twinning Parish and our most recent Guatemala Mission Trip will be shown in the Gathering Room, also. Three Day Office Closure: THIS WEEK Please note that Parish Offices will be closed Tuesday, July 14, through Thursday, July 16, for the installation of a new telephone system, and to allow our staff to prepare for upcoming renovations. Daily Masses will still be celebrated, Thursday Adoration and all other activities will still be held as scheduled. In case of an emergency that requires the presence of a priest during this time, please call our answering service at 757‐431‐3900, and they will contact one of our parish priests. VBS 2015 - EVEREST: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power “High Fives” to the entire Climbing Crew of Volunteers that trekked on our journey at EVEREST VBS this past week! Volunteers shared their faith with the children in our community who learned to conquer challenges with God’s Mighty Power! We had almost 200 children, youth and adults that joined us! Thank you to the VBS families who supported Catholic Relief Services through their donations to support Fair Trade in Nepal. The children also filled 100 bags with handmade cross necklaces for children living in Guatemala at our sister parish, thank you for your generosity! Bulletin notices and advertising: All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e‐mail if at all possible and send to: [email protected]. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J.S. Paluch at 1‐800‐524‐0263. Page 2 July 12, 2015 Adult Faith Formation Summer Series: The Joy of the Gospel Sessions begin this Monday, JULY 13 The first session meets this MONDAY, JULY 13TH. We’ll gather in St. Michael Hall and begin at 7:00 pm. Need a book? They are available in the Church Com‐ mons (by the chapel bulletin board) or at the Parish office. In preparation for this session, it would be helpful to read the Introduction and Chapter One of the book, pages 1‐25. No need to register‐‐‐ just show up! This is a DVD and discussion session. This Week at OLMC July 12 - July 19 SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:15 AM 12:30 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM MASS Worship Center MASS Worship Center Welcoming/Registration Gathering Room Hispanic Altar Server Training Worship Center MISA EN ESPAÑOL Worship Center MASS Worship Center FATHER ROBERT BARRON TICKETS available at OLMC Tickets for the talk by Fr. Robert Bar‐ ron on Friday, August 14, will go on sale next weekend. For tickets con‐ tact Janet: 595‐0385, ext. 120, or jhas‐ [email protected]. Tickets will be avail‐ able at the Welcome Desk in the Commons that weekend or at the Parish Office during the week. This event will be held at 7:30 pm at Bethel Church; 1705 Todds Lane, Hampton. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Father Robert Barron is the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and currently the Rector of Mundelein Seminary in Chicago. He created and is the host of Catholicism, a groundbreaking, award winning docu‐ mentary about the Catholic Faith. Father Barron received a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Catholic University of America and a doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Insti‐ tut Catholique de Paris. He has taught at Pontifical North American College in Rome, Pontifical University of St. Tho‐ mas Aquinas in Rome, University of Notre Dame. He also has appeared on NBC, PBS, FOX News, CNN, and EWTN. MONDAY 7:00 AM 7:00 PM MASS Estudios Bíblicos en Español Summer Book Series Worship Center Upper Room St. Michael Hall TUESDAY 7:00 AM 830a ‐ 4p 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Offices Closed MASS Worship Center Care‐a‐Van Free Medical Care St. Michael Hall Mujeres Llenas de Gracia Gathering Room MASS Worship Center Teen Choir Rehearsal Worship Center RICA en Español Gathering Room WEDNESDAY Offices Closed 7:00 AM MASS 8:15 AM MASS 6:00 PM Mujeres Llenas de Gracia Worship Center Worship Center Lukas Schmidt Ste. THURSDAY Offices Closed 7:00 AM MASS 6:30 PM OLMC Feast Day MASS 7:30 PM Feast Day Celebration Worship Center Worship Center Commons FRIDAY 8:15 AM 12P ‐ 6P 6:30 PM MASS Worship Center Bring Items to LOC Garage Sale School Soul Sisters Cooking Demo/Tasting SMH Initiation Programs SATURDAY 8A ‐ 12P Ladies of Carmel Garage Sale OLMC School 9A ‐ 2P Hispanic Catechists’ Retreat St. Michael Hall 10:00 AM Circle of Hope Gathering Room 3:00 PM Reconciliation Reconciliation Room 5:00 PM MASS Worship Center SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL Convivio MASS Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center School Cafeteria Worship Center RCIA is in session, and we welcome you to be a part of it! We meet on Tuesdays at 6:50 pm in St. Michael Hall. The next session will be on Tuesday, July 21st. RCIA is the process for those who would like to learn more about the Catholic Church. This is a process of learning the beliefs of the Church and making a decision if you wish to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation. We would welcome the oppor‐ tunity to discuss this further with you! Contact Janet Hassan ext. 120 or [email protected] for more information. Page 3 July 12, 2015 Junior & Senior Youth Groups Children’s Faith Formation Kingdom Kids Nursery (1‐3 yrs) meets for the duration of the 10AM Mass, every Sunday. KidCheck Account required. Children in the Nursery are introduced to Catholic concepts through Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, which invite children to listen to the Gospel and build Christian relationships. The nurturing staff and volunteers provide a safe, Christian environment for the children in their care. Parents who use the nursery are asked to volunteer about one Sunday per month to keep our Co‐op Nursery staffed each Sunday at the 10am Mass. For more information use the online Contact Form at olmckids.weebly.com. Kingdom Kids Pre‐K/K will not meet this summer. Thank you to our catechists and youth who shared the Gospel message with our little ones this past year! Kingdom Kids Worship (1st‐5th Grades) provides a liturgical adaptation of the Sunday readings for children in 1st‐5th grade. The Children Celebrate! Liturgy of the Word with Children program from Pflaum Publishing Group guides the parish catechists proclamation of the Gospel. At OLMC, Kingdom Kids Worship is available at the 10:00am Mass. Children process out at Mass & return before the Eucharist. KidCheck: Free Secure Check In System for the Nursery and other Children’s Ministry offerings. Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free to parents. Register today at go.kidcheck.com or go to olmc.org. Register NOW for Christian Formation for 2015‐2016 The registration for Gathered By Grace is now available online at olmc.org. Register today! Eastern Shore Mission Trip Help! The Youth Group Mission Trip cannot happen without YOUR help! We are in need one more female chaperon (18+) to help during the trip. If you are interested in being a chaperon or have any questions about the trip, please contact John Chris‐ tian at [email protected]. Eastern Shore Supplies Have your seen the Eastern Shore Bulletin board? There’s a list of supplies the youth need to make their Mission Trip ex‐ perience great for the kids they see on the Eastern Shore. Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference Please keep the teens and adults from OLMC and the Diocese of Richmond who are traveling to Atlanta for the annual Steu‐ benville Youth Conference in your thoughts and prayers from July 9th to July 12th. We appreciate your prayers on our jour‐ ney to/from this great conference! Youth Volunteer Opportunity Need service hours? Want opportu‐ nities to help others? Consider helping out the Ladies of Carmel Annual Garage Sale on July 17th and 18th. Volunteers are needed to help set up donations on July 17th, as well as help on the day of the sale (July 18th) from 8:00am ‐ 1:00pm. If you can help with 2 hours or 4 hours, any help is greatly appreciated. The sale is held inside the school, which is air‐conditioned, but volunteers will need to help take items to and from people’s cars. For information and to sign up to help please email Paula at [email protected] or call 593‐ 2348 or Susan at [email protected] Young Adult Ministry Wise Mission Trip For the 3rd year in a row, the Diocese of Richmond is offering a unique mission opportunity for young adults (18+) to serve peo‐ ple in the far southwestern corner of our diocese. The Wise County Mission is part mission, part retreat. In rural, southwest Virginia, Catholics are fewer in number and don’t have much opportunity to see the Universal Church as young and vibrant. This mission is an opportunity to bring a great witness, and to serve people’s spiritual and physical needs by using the gifts God has given us as young Catholics. Consider taking a few days to serve either through making much needed repairs to people’s homes or by visiting the sick and homebound. The cost of this mission is only $50, which includes lodging on the campus of UVA Wise and all meals. Go to evangelizerich‐ mond.org/events/wise‐county‐mission‐for‐young‐adults/ to learn about this trip and register (on or before July 20). Space is limited, so act quickly! Questions? Contact Bert Drummond in the Office for Evangelization at 804‐622‐ 5148 or [email protected]. Page 4 July 12, 2015 Social Ministry Reflecting Christ Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community Eastern Shore Mission Trips July 14, 21 & 28 In order to travel with us you need to be a registered parishioner, Virtus trained and background checked. Sign up for travel: [email protected] Eastern Shore Collections We are collecting the following items to take to the Eastern Shore—Migrant Farm Camps: (this list is specific to current needs, please be sure all items donated are clean and ready to use) S, M, L (size) Men’s shirts (long and short sleeved—woven— cotton preferred), Cotton blend men’s pants—no larger than 36” waist, Baseball type caps, Cotton Socks, New Underwear, Belts, Shorts, Shoes, Flip-Flops (no larger than size 10) S, M, L (size) Women’s clothing—no larger than size 16– Cotton tee shirts, blouses, capris, pants and skirts (less popular are shorts), New Underwear, Cotton Socks, Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Lightweight Blankets, Plates, Mugs, Flatware, Pots, Pans, Electric Fans, Toiletries, Pampers, Pack n’ Plays, Umbrella Strollers, Toys, Stuffed Animals, Crayons, Coloring Books, Bubbles, Laundry Detergent and Bleach, Books for Children in Spanish Sunscreen, Bug Repellant, Wash Cloths, Working Gloves, Band-aids, Bandana’s, Neosporin, Back Support Belts, Sunglasses, Peroxide PREGNANCY OUTREACH STATISTICS MAY Assisted With #Items Est. $$$ Diapers 44 $880.00 Wipes 23 $115.00 Formula 3 $75.00 Hats/Bibs 4 $4.00 18/17/6 $82.00 Maternity Clothes 10 $600.00 Baby Clothes 85 $2550.00 Layettes 10 $750.00 Onesies 32 $320.00 Pack n’ Plays 7 $490.00 Blankets 19 $570.00 Bottles 8 $16.00 Socks and Shoes 7 $70.00 Baby Lotion/Wash/Shampoo Total $6522.00 24 Women and 23 Children were assisted. Thank You! Marriage and Family Life Ministry NFP Awareness Week! Natural Family Planning Introductory Session: Creighton Method Fertility Care Introductory Session is being offered at St. Bede, More Hall, Saturday, July 25. Cost Free. Please contact Jamie Hobor at [email protected] or 354‐3008 for additional details and registration. This event is co‐ sponsored by Southeastern VA Fertility Care Center and our Williamsburg Satellite location! Diocese of Richmond Marriage Encounter “Coming together is a beginning; keep‐ ing together is progress; working to‐ gether is success.” Jesus sent out the Apostles two by two to preach. Our marriage sacra‐ ment is a sign to others – what sign are we showing? Sign up today to at‐ tend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on September 18 ‐ 20 in Herndon or October 9‐11 in Norfolk. For more information or to apply, visit our website at www.renewmarriage‐vasouth.org or applications@renewmarriage‐vasouth.org or 757‐483‐3209. Welcoming/Registration Our next parish Registration/Welcoming will be held THIS Sunday, July 12, following the 10AM Mass in Our Lady’s Gathering Room. You will be given parish information and a brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask which sacraments your family members have received. We look forward to meeting you. Food Pantry Beef Stew, Pancake Syrup, Peanut Butter/ Jelly, Spaghetti/Spaghetti Sauce, Chef BoyRD, Crackers, Cereal, Fruit, Spam, Can Chicken, Cake Mix and Frosting, Pancake Mix, Tuna Helper Page 5 July 12, 2015 OLMC Parish News Soul Sisters Special Event: Sign up today and come, enjoy the goodies! All women of the parish are invited to a very special event on FRIDAY, JULY 17TH, at St. Michael Hall. COOKING DEMO AND TASTING featuring John Chesney and other guests chefs. John will concentrate on roasting meats, cooking sauces and layering flavors. Also look forward to a special appetizer and dessert tasting. Wine will be served. This special and popular event will fill quickly, so make your reservation early: [email protected] or call Helen: 898‐7851. Please register for this event so food can be ordered (and let us know if your plans change). No reservations can be accepted after July 13th. A free will offering will cover the expenses (suggestion $10/person) . Save the Date for the Ladies of Carmel Garage Sale EVERYONE Can Help! The Ladies of Carmel Annual Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, July 18th, from 8:00 until 12:00 in the OLMC School air‐conditioned cafeteria and gym. The garage sale is sponsored by the Ladies of Carmel, but all parishioners are invited to volunteer, including high school students! We need help during set up from 12 ‘til 6 on Friday and during the sale on Saturday from 8 to 12 and clean up from 12 to 1. Donations can be dropped off on Thursday, July 16th, 5 to 7 pm, and Friday, July 17th, 12 to 6pm. Suggested items for donation: house ware items, indoor and outdoor furniture, books, CDs, DVDs, Toys, only children’s clothes, toys, games, puzzles, linens, quilts, pillows, baskets, purses, Christmas and seasonal items, costume jewelry, and baked goods. Items we do not accept: Adult clothing, tube TV’s, computer components, textbooks, encyclopedias, Readers’ Digest condensed books. For information and to sign up to help, please contact Paula [email protected] or 593‐2348, or Susan at [email protected] Employment Opportunity Our Lady of Mount Carmel School has an opening for a morning/afternoon route bus driver for the 2015‐2016 school year, as well as substitute driver(s). Candidates should have a current CDL and have at least 2 years experience. Willingness to share driving on field trips is also required. Applications are available on the Diocese of Richmond Website, www.richmonddiocese.org. Inquiries and applications should be directed to Mrs. Tucker, 52 Harpersville Rd., Newport News, VA 23601. OLMC Parish News, cont. Circle of Hope ‐ Next Saturday The Circle of Hope is a monthly gathering of parishioners who are dealing with cancer or other chronic illness. Our participants are positive folks who live with hope and peace in their lives. If you are a survivor or going through treatment or a supportive friend please come and try a meeting. We have prayer, DVD and discussion, occasional guest speakers, snacks and fellowship! The next gathering of the Circle of Hope will be Saturday, July 18th at 10 am. We meet in Our Lady’s Gathering Room. Ordering from Amazon??? Did you know that our website has a link to Amazon, and that by placing your order via this link our parish receives a portion of your purchase price? This donation comes to us at no extra cost to you! OLMC Parish Email Sign up to be added to our Parish Email distribution list, and receive notification of funerals, upcoming events, delays or cancellations, etc. All emails will be sent via “MailChimp,” so your address will not be seen by everyone receiving the emails. If you would like your address added to our distribution list, you can sign up on our Website or Facebook page, or contact Eileen at [email protected]. Community News Blood Drive Knights of Columbus, Council 5480, will be sponsoring a Blood Drive on Wednesday, July 22, at the K of C Hall, 12742 Nettles Drive, Newport News, from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. Come, help save a life! Collecting Items for Refugees Commonwealth Catholic Charities ‐ Refugee Resettlement Services in Newport News is collecting your used backpacks, gently used clothing and shoes for our newcomer refugee families, arriving from Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Afghanistan and Bhutan. If you have items to donate, please call Randi Akers at 247‐3600, ext. 20 or drop off items at 12284 Warwick Blvd., Suite 1‐A, NN 23606. Page 6 July 12, 2015 Sunday, July 12, 2015 8:00 – Joyce Borden 10:00 – Joseph & Katherine Marchlik 2:00 – The People of the Parish 5:00 – Joseph & Anna Marie Beckman Mon – (7am) Bernard H. Curran Tues – (7am) Miguel Bungag (6:30pm) Samantha Marie Julian Wed – (7am) Mary Ann Steigelman (8:15am) Lopé Pilé Thur – (7am) Regina Fellman (6:30pm) Parishioners of OLMC Fri – (8:15am) Darrell Brackin Jack & Ann Svelan John Marchlik The Luth Family Bob & Nancy Curran The Decker Family The Second Act St. James’ Guild Mercy Pilé Jack & Ann Svelan Saturday, July 18, 2015 5:00 – Patrick Glaude 6/21/15 Last Year $18,109 $16,816 6/28/15 Last Year $23,513 $18,287 7/5/15 Last Year $22,392 $21,250 Thank you for your generosity! Worship Center Flowers Ruthann Newton Sunday, July 19, 2015 8:00 – Deceased of the Palagyi & Natto Families Sylvia Palagyi 10:00 – Sing Sung Hu J. J. Tsou 2:00 – The People of the Parish 5:00 – Tito Bossman Family Flowers in the Worship Center this weekend are given in memory of Helen Williams from her loving daughter. Why Catholic Education Young people of the third millennium must be a source of energy and leadership in our Church and our nation. Therefore, we must provide young people with an academically rigorous and doctrinally sound program of education and faith formation designed to strengthen their union with Christ and his Church. Catholic schools collaborate with parents and guardians in raising and forming their children as families struggle with the changing and challenging cultural and moral contexts in which they find themselves. Catholic schools provide young people with sound Church teaching through a broad-based curriculum, where faith and culture are intertwined in all areas of a school's life. By equipping our young people with a sound education, rooted in the Gospel message, the Person of Jesus Christ, and rich in the cherished traditions and liturgical practices of our faith, we ensure that they have the foundation to live morally and uprightly in our complex modern world. This unique Catholic identity makes our Catholic elementary and secondary schools "Schools for the human person" and allows them to fill a critical role in the future life of our Church, our country, and our world (Catholic Schools on the Threshold, no.9) Voted Best Private School Received 2015 Gold Award for Best Private School on the Peninsula Page 7 12 de julio del 2015 XV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN Ministerio Hispano: Director: Diácono Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595‐0385 Ext. 136, Celular: (757) 846‐0628 Misas en Español: Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM Confesiones: Sábados, 3:00‐4:00PM, Domingos, 12:00‐1:30PM Has completado tus sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana, y Quieres ayudar en algún Ministerio bien sea Litúrgico o Pastoral. Tu servicio a Jesucristo a quien has reencontrado en esta jornada es muy importante para tu jornada espiritual y pastoral Si quieres ser parte de esta evangelización, contacta a las personas indicadas. Coordinadores de misa. Diacono Francisco, 846‐0628 Rosarios, Novenas Domingo Malpica 325‐0505 Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Comunión María Angélica 223‐8716 Lectores o Proclamadores Shorty Meléndez 599‐0882 Monaguillos. José Sánchez 269‐0319 Ujieres. Ricardo Miranda Música. Fabiola Sánchez, 236‐9720 RICA, CICCA. Diacono Francisco, 846‐0628 Walter y María Rivera, 303‐4973 Bautismo. Hospitalidad, Convivios Maritza Reyes 325‐0697 Christina Harrison 595‐0385 x 128 Jóvenes 9o A 12o Visita a los enfermos en Hospitales y Casas. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras, Dirección Espiritual. Diacono Francisco, 846‐0628 Buena Salud!! Atención medica, sin costo para niños y adultos que no tiene segu‐ ro medico aquí en la Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Que es esto?: La atención medica es proveído por personal de “BON SECOURS CARE‐A‐VAN” Cuando: Cada SEGUNDO Y CUARTO MARTES de cada mes . La registración empieza a las 9:30 am hasta que la clínica este llena. Entre mas temprano llegue mas temprano será atendido. Costo: TODOS LOS SERVICIO SON GRATIS, pero las donaciones siempre son apreciadas. Servicios Incluidos: Evaluación de rutina y tratamiento de enferme‐ dades agudas comunes, incluyendo; infecciones respiratorias, dolo‐ res de cabeza, dolores de oídos , y conjuntivitis; vías urinarias e infecciones de la vejiga; gastritis y acideces; erupciones menores de la piel (ronchitas); dolores musculares menores, y condiciones crónicas tales como diabetes e hipertensión. También: Exámenes físicos para escuelas, exámenes físicos para deportes; seguro medico para niños, inscripciones y educación sana. Se esta trabajando para entrenar a personas bilingües para que puedan asistirte en estas clínicas de momento si tu no tienes un traductor, llama a la oficina para que se te asigne uno durante tu visita. Para aquellos que se han inscrito como interpretes estar pendiente de la información, para un entrenamiento de parte de la parroquia. De la manera que Dios nos da la vida, la iglesia siempre esta comprometida a ayudarte a que tengas una buena salud, tan‐ to física como espiritual. También hay algunos programas para que la medicina de te pueda proveer de forma gratuita. Pregunta a Francisco Anleu por mas información. Recuérdate que tienes que cuidar tu SALUD!!!!!!! Mujeres Hispanas, llenas de Gracia. Programa de Estudio Dinámico, que producirá cambios en las Vidas de las Mujeres. El programa de Estudio fundacional; “Mujeres Hispanas lle‐ nas de Gracia”, Ya esta completo el cupo de participantes. El próximo programa será llevado a cabo en el mes de Septiembre y Octubre. Horarios del programa actual. Por las mañanas. Días Martes del 14 de Julio al 8 de Septiembre Salón de Reuniones De 10:00am a 12:00pm. Por las tardes. Días Miércoles del 8 de Julio al 26 de Agosto Salón Manion Hall De 6:00 a 8:00pm. Para mas información consulta el boletín ó http://olmcministeriohispano.weebly.com Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo Misa Bilingüe 16 de Julio, 6:30pm. Viajes al Eastern Shore. Martes 14, 21 y 28 de Julio. Para reservar un espacio llama a Francisco Anleu o Tina Wandersee. Salimos del Parqueo de la Iglesia, a las 5:00pm. Y regresamos aproximadamente a las 10:30pm. Quieres ayudar con la Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños. Ponte en contacto con el Diacono Francisco, para recibir infor‐ mación de como integrarte al grupo de catequistas para niños. Caballeros de Colon. El Concejo San Francisco de Asís, 11781, de los Caballeros de Colón de nuestra parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen, invita y ex‐ horta a todos los jóvenes y hombres católicos activos, mayores de 18 años, a unirse a esta gran organización fraternal. Necesitamos hombres dispuestos a trabajar por la comunidad en que viven, en caridad, unidad y hermandad, y a ser parte de la nueva evangelización de nuestra Santa Madre Iglesia. Para más información, ver al hermano Bonni Medel, Canciller del concejo, o comunicarse con él al Tel. (405) 248‐8670 EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO DEL ALTAR TODOS LOS PRIMEROS VIERNES DEL MES DESPUÉS DE LAS 9:00 AM EN ADELANTE. Y TODOS LOS DÍAS JUEVES DE CADA SEMANA DE 7:00 AM A 6:00 PM. TIEMPO DE ADORACIÓN Y CONTEMPLACIÓN. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 12746 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-2222 Barbara & Ken Kerwin Helping people buy & sell homes since 1982. Brian or Sally, coordinators Our email: [email protected] an Official Agency 860.399.1785 Travel of AOS-USA WeSellHamptonRoads.com Abbitt Realty 599-5595 www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Attorneys At Law Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! C W Family Law - Custody • Support • Visitation HRISTIE Settlement Agreements • Criminal Law • Traffic Law ILSON Bankruptcy - Ch 7 • Ch 13 • Debt Relief • Wills Managing Partner Reasonable Fees • Appointments Within 24 Hours and Parishioner 744A THIMBLE SHOALS BLVD. (757) 873-6620 NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23606 www.wilsonlawva.com GEORGE A. JACOBS, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. LINK, D.D.S. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 11007 WARWICK BLVD. • NEWPORT NEWS, VA PHONE: (757) 596-7000 For further information, please call the Parish Office. office hours by appointment LINK, JACOBS & LINK, D.D.S., P.C. Competition Performance Fun MILTON’s Paint and Body Shop, LLC Quality automotive collision repair, body and paint, full detailing and foggy headlight restoration. Free Estimates Call (757) 877-2225 or stop by 13269 Warwick, Newport News, VA 23602 Classes in Newport News Please contact: [email protected] Jerry F. Foretich, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. Bingo Every Monday & Thursday 7 PM Council# 5480 930-0491 For Member Information Call David Litzinger 249-0649 Call Bill Collins 930-0452 Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday Every Month What’s It Worth? LLC Lawn Care, 877-0775 Pressure Washing, Decks, Fences etc. COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY You set the job, a fair price Buying or Selling Real Estate? Call us! (labor only) and we do the work. 716 DENBIGH BLVD., SUITE B4 CALL BILL WANDERSEE OR JOHN PIZZANO, 596-4971 • 879-3040 Parishioner owned & operated, licensed and insured “Exceptional Service with Integrity” John R. Beavers, Realtor®, ABR Kristina M. Beavers, MBA, JD (757) 812-0399 COWARDIN, KIM, SMITH ANDERSON & RIDDLE, Attorneys Committed to Excellence Since 1917 873-1188 Real Estate, Immigration, Estate Planning, Corporations Parishioner R. Hayden Smith Family Funeral Homes DENBIGH CHAPEL 12893 JEFFERSON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23608 PHONE: (757) 874-4200 FAX (757) 874-4737 Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions 825-8070 7415 RIVER RD. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23607 PHONE: (757) 245-1525 FAX (757) 245-5361 Dr. Betty Jean Shahmouradian Parishioner–Director R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home 723-3191 Kevin B. Smith Meaningful Service With Compassion Parishioner 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel RIVERSIDE CHAPEL Ed Bunch Director Brandon M. Killian Director Tom DeCantis Director INTERNET: www.altmeyer.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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