2 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings Calendar of Events December 20— December 27, 2015 Mon., December 21 St Peter Canisius, Priest & Doctor of the Church Sg 2:8-14; Lk 1:39-45 8:30AM Stanley Flak Rodriguez Family Jazmin Olvera Intention for the Weekly Bulletin Sponsors Tues., December 22 Late Advent Weekday Grapevine, TX Sunday, December 20 KOC Pancake Breakfast-FLC 11:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm R.E.A.Ch.—Meeting Rm NO Youth Catechesis Classes CRHP-Annex NO High School Young Church-FLC Adult Choir Rehearsal-Music Rm 7:00pm 7:00pm Familias Catolicas-Rm 214 Spanish Bible Study-Conference Rm Monday, December 21 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 NO MASS Wed., December 23 St John of Kanty, Priest Tuesday, December 22 NO St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC 6:30pm Jovenes Para Cristo-Rm 214 Mal 3: 1-4,23-24; Lk 1:57-66 6:00PM Helen Syso Maria Morales In Thanksgiving for Merced Thurs., December 24 Late Advent Weekday Is 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17,22-25; Mt 1:1-25 4:00pm 4:15pm 7:00pm 12:00pm Kathyrn Parker Garcia, Landin and Medina Families Stephen Firsching Shoemaker and Brophy Families Wednesday, December 23 4:15 & 7pm 7:00pm 7:00pm NO Youth Catechesis Classes NO Middle School Young Church-FLC NO RCIA Adult-Parish Hall Thursday, December 24 NO St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC No Morning Mass Parish Offices will close at noon Friday, December 25 Fri., December 25 THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD Is 52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 9:00am 11:00am +Attila T. Penzes Tonia Salinas Sat., December 26 St Stephen, The First Martyr Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 8:30AM NO MASS 5:00PM Bert Burger Sun.,December 27 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY ANDJOSEPH 8:00AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 4:30PM 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; 1 Jn 3:1-2,21-24; Lk 2:41-52 For the People Julia Geng de Rios & Maximillano Rios For the families of our parish Ed & Laura Engelbert Altar Linen Ministry: Sherry Greathouse-December 20 Gisele Oakes-December 27 Saturday, December 26 3:30-4:30 Confessions 5pm Vigil Mass Sunday, December 27 Office Closed Masses 8am;10am; 1pm Spanish and 4:30pm FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 20, 2015 3 NO Sunday Nursery during Masses Saturday, December 26th Sunday, December 27th and Saturday, January 2nd 2015 St Francis Christmas Angels are available for purchase at the parish office for 6.00 each. St. Francis of Assisi 2016 Calendars are here! Available at all entrances 2016 Sunday Missals are available for purchase in the church office for $3.00 Vocation View Mary set out in haste, carrying the good news of God’s great love. Wherever you go today, take God with you. (Luke 1:30-45) St. Francis of Assisi Grief Ministry The St. Francis Grief Ministry provides prayer and comfort to those faced with the end of life of a loved one. We offer confidential support to those in grief. Please call the Church office to register at 817-481-2685. Literature as Prophecy will be taking a short break in December. Classes will resume on January 4th & 8th. We are Roman Catholic, not Eastern Orthodox Catholic or AngloCatholic, but Roman Catholic. To learn what that Rome means, join us as we continue our work in the Literature as Prophecy class. We will read Virgil’s Aeneid in preparation for Dante’s Divine Comedy, the center of our work, in which Virgil is Dante’s guide for two-thirds of his journey to God. What could a virtuous pagan possible teach us about our faith? Come and see. 4 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX Advent Reconciliation Services (7:00pm) O U T R E A C H M I N I S T R Y Mon, Dec.21 Outreach Thrift Store and Pantry Holy Cross The Colony Please join the St. Francis MOMS at our regular MORNING meeting Wed. Jan. 20th at 9:30 am or Thurs., Jan. 21st is in need of the following items: Edible items: Tuna, chicken, mac and cheese, cereal, pasta noodles, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix, syrup, crackers, coffee, sugar, flour, cooking oil. at 6:30pm. Childcare provided. Paper goods: Dish detergent, laundry deter- The MOMS group is collecting new and gently used baby gent, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving razors, shaving cream, shampoo/conditioner, bath soap and Toilet Paper Grocery or Wal-Mart Gift cards for perishables. carriers to send to Syrian refugee families carrying their young children miles to safety. A drop box will be located in the Narthex through December 27th. For more information contact Danielle at [email protected] Please place all items in the Outreach Box in the Narthex or the Northwest Foyer. Please check expiration dates on food as expired food items cannot be distributed. Thank You. The Thrift Store is open Angelus Scripture Study for Seniors Saturday, January 16th 3:30pm—Room 113 (group meets every other week) Parish Contributions Weekend of December 12th and 13th Weekly Budget $ 31,000 Actual Regular Collection $ 38,594 Year-to-Date Over(Under) Budget $(11,071) Mass Attendance 3,048 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM Parishioners are welcome!!! ___________________________ The store carries new and gently used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, toys and household items at an affordable price. Proceeds from SFO Thrift Store are used to provide emergency financial assistance to those in need. Items carried in the Thrift Store are those which are generously donated by our parish community. Please do not leave donations outside of the Outreach Building after hours. Votive Candle Intention Sacred Heart of Jesus & Our Lady of Grace For the People of Our Community Votive Candle for Personal Intention to Our Lady of Grace or Sacred Heart A six day intentions votive candle which will burn from Saturday until Thursday may be requested on a “First come first serve” with a donation at the receptionist desk. For more information contact Rosie at 817-4812685. Please pray for . . . Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially… Sarah Jean Allen, Crystal Ball, Darla Barnes, Bella Bohn, Cathy Carroll, Robin Chavez, Jeremy Conklin, Sophie Connor, Joe Czyz, Sophie Diamond, Andy Dominguez, Luis Elguezabal, Richard Filippi, Brenda Ford, Afton Ford, Marion Gerome, Diane Galiano, Deborah Gray, Bill Garisson, Klaus Gutbier, Diane Hardin, Mary Jane Harper, Betty Hale, Robert House, Dave Hoffmeister, Frank Kolbaba, Greg Kovach, Zelta Jackson, Jim Jackson, Mark Joseph, Sandy Laverock, Gloria Lease, Brother Eric Loran, Betsy Milligan, Isabel Palandro, Jaydan Thompson, Daniel Pruit, Patrick (Special Intention), Roscoe Fallin Mabery, Kathy Patke, Xavier Salinas, John Shinnick, Jim Stricklen, Zara Stull, Desi Styer and family, , Mark Thornsburg, Jaydan Thompson, Charlie Tremayne, Cassie Trevino, H. L. Wyatt, Wanda Wawrzyniak, Cathy West, Margaret Weddel, Paula Wilson, Millie Wright, Lori VanMeter, & those serving in the armed forces. Please remember in prayer those who are deceased. May they find light & peace in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior: James Lowell Ethridge, Dennis Flynn, Mary Donna Dolecki, Richard S. Bowers, Marjorie Probert, Angelita Ybon FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Catechesis Classes No Sunday classes on 12/20 and 12/27 Sunday classes resume on 1/3/16. No Wednesday classes on 12/23 and 12/30 Wednesday classes resume on 1/6/16 St. Francis of Assisi Preschool Classes are Tuesday and Thursday from 9am - 2pm. For information contact Karen Bedore at [email protected] or 817-4812685 ext 230 St. Francis Preschool will be having a silent auction during Catholic Schools Week. The items will be on display before and after the masses January 23th through 31st for you to view and bid on. The Auction will close on February 1st. The proceeds will benefit the preschool. Parent-Child Sacrament Preparation Workshops-At least one parent and the child who is preparing needs to attend the following workshops for their preparation: Saturdays at 3:30-4:30 OR Sundays at 11:30-12:45 1/9/16 Session IV 1/17/16 2/13/16 Session V 2/21/16 4/2/16 Session VI 4/10/16 OR you can attend the following two 3 hr workshops: 1/9/2016 from 9am-noon Sessions I-III or 3/5/2016 from 9am-noon Sessions IV-VI NOTE: You may attend any combination of sessions (ie: Saturdays, Sundays, or 3 hour workshops )to cover the topics in Sessions I-VI. Sacramental Prep- If you are in high school or middle school and need Baptism, First Communion, or Reconciliation preparation, please attend our Sacramental Prep class 5-6:30pm the first Tuesday of every month Sept - April at the Church. Confirmation classes have begun and registration is closed. Don’t forget these dates for Confirmation class. On weeks when there is Confirmation class, students are not required to attend Young Church on Sunday night. Confirmation class 2:30-4:15pm in the FLC Dates: Jan. 10 , Jan. 24, Feb. 7, Feb. 21, Mar. 6, Apr. 3, Apr. 17 Parent Confirmation sessions are on these dates, at the same time in the parish hall: Jan. 10 SFA Young Church—High School and Middle School Youth Ministry, Stay in the loop about youth ministry at St. Francis of Assisi! Checkout Middle School Young Church (7th-8th grade) and High School Young Church (9th-12th grade) at sfayoungchurch.com for event schedule, pictures, videos, and teen written articles! December 20, 2015 5 6 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX La Natividad del Señor Misa-viernes, 25 de diciembre a las 11am en español No Habrá clases de religión el domingo 20 de diciembre, miércoles 23 de diciembre domingo 27 de diciembre miércoles 30 de diciembre El Sacramento de Reconciliación Se realiza los sábados de 3:30 a 4:30p.m. Les invitamos para que nos acompañen cada domingo a la 12:30pm en la iglesia para participar en el ROSARIO. Platicas de Bautismo Martes, 5 de Enero a las 7pm. Se ofrecerán pláticas para los padres y padrinos. Necesita traer una copia del acta de nacimiento del niño a la plática. Los padrinos seleccionados por los padres tienen que ser católicos practicantes, es decir, que han sido bautizados, confirmados, reciben comunión, son casados por la iglesia, y asisten a Misa cada Domingo, no hay excepciones. Para registrarse por favor llame a la oficina con Rosie al 817-481-2685. Los Bautizos en Español solo se llevarán acabo el cuarto sábado del mes a las 10am en la Iglesia. Ya no tendremos bautizos durante la Misa en Español de la 1:00pm ENTORNO SEGURO Con todas las actividades escolares y de la Iglesia dando inicio de nuevo, ahora es un buen tiempo para recordarles a todos los padres y guardianes: ¡AYUDE A PROTEGER A SUS NIÑOS MIENTRAS SU FAMILIA ADORA CON LA COMUNIDAD DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS! Las áreas publicas del edificio de San Francisco (como el Nartex y los baños de la Iglesia, el Salón Parroquial, y el gimnasio-uso) son solo eso – están abiertos al publico. ¡Sus niños no deben de ser permitidos de salir del santuario de la iglesia o la capilla solos! ¡Acompáñelos! Momentos Matrimoniales El solsticio de invierno trae la noche mas larga del ano. Alúmbrala con luz de velas. Para algunas parejas, sin embargo, las noches largas y oscuras pueden causar depresión. Si tu matrimonio esta pasando por un tiempo difícil, acude al poder de la oración. Pautas Para Padres 25 de diciembre: Es el día de la Navidad. Gocen de la alegría de dar y de recibir regalos. Cuando se apaga el alboroto, que toda la familia tome una pausa no solo para agradecer los unos a los otros, sino también para dar las gracias por tener recursos. Susan Vogt www.SusanVogt.net La Celebración del Sacramento de Reconciliación 1. Examen de Conciencia ¿Qué he hecho mal? 2. El Saludo Me persigno con la señal de la cruz. 3. La Confesión de mis Pecados Le digo al Padre mis pecados. 4. Aceptación de la Penitencia El sacerdote me da el consejo y la penitencia. 5. Acto de Contrición Rezo un acto de contrición en voz alto 6. Absolución El Señor me perdona mis pecados por medio de oraciones y acciones del sacerdote. 7. Despedida El sacerdote se despide de mí, diciéndome, “Vaya en Paz.” 8. Se hace la Penitencia Cumplo la penitencia que me ha dado el sacerdote. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 7099 and ASSEMBLY 3476 Grand Knight: Eric McKuzes, 817-908-2227 Faithful Navigator: Dennis M. Stark, 817-485-2851 Knight of the Month – John Lella Family of the Month – George and Margaret Patterson Rookie of the Month – Scott Imell 12/20 9AM-Noon Pancake Breakfast For more information on upcoming events visit: www.kofcknights.org/CouncilSite/? CNO=7099 or http://kofcknights.org/Assembly.asp?A=3476 St Nicholas Feast Day OUR LADY OF ADVENT-A GOOD FAMILY ACTIVITY FOR ADVENT Knights of Columbus Sponsored Family Rosary Please join us on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church: Saturday at 4:30 PM; Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM Wednesday 8:30am Planned Parenthood & 5:00pm St Francis Chapel KOC Pancake Breakfast Sunday December 20th In The Family Life Center—Come join your fellow parishioners and enjoy a Pancake Breakfast after the 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses. The menu includes allyou-can-eat pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits & gravy, coffee, milk and orange juice. Cost: $5 adult, $2 age 5-12, $20 max family. Friends Are Welcome! Proceeds go to local charities and church ministries. The Knights will be selling "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnets at the Pancake Breakfast. Buy one for your car, refrigerator, or filing cabinet. The magnets are $5.00 For membership information contact “[email protected]” December 20, 2015 7
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