St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, Illinois 60139 St. Matthew JUNE 7, 2015 RECTORY & PARISH CENTER 630-469-6300 Fax Number 630-469-6302 Office Hours: M - F 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM M - F 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Sat 9 AM - 1 PM Parish Website: School Website: PASTOR Rev. Jerome Kish ext 312 PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Rogelio Martinez ext 311 IN RESIDENCE Rev. Richard Cilano PERMANENT DEACON Robert Malek ext 315 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION Michael Ruddle ext 314 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 630-469-5178 PASTORAL MUSICIAN Robert Fulda SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Gina Pestrak 630-858-3112 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY 630-469-6300 ext 302 MASSES - Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 1:30 PM (Español), 6:00 PM Daily (Monday through Friday) 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM Rosary after the 8:45 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday - 7:40 AM, Tuesday - 6:30 PM, Saturday - 3:30 PM (or contact one of the priests) BAPTISMS Second Saturday of the month at 12:00 PM. Pre-Baptismal meeting held the second Monday of the month. Pre-registration is required. MARRIAGES Please call the Parish office at least 6 months prior to the celebration of the Sacrament. PARISH REGISTRATION Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a registration form. HOMEBOUND/SICK: Please call the Parish Office to notify us of anyone homebound, critically ill or in the hospital. Bautismos en español son cada cuarto sábado del mes. Preparación bautismal es el segundo miércoles de cada mes a las 7pm. Se tiene que registrar en las oficinas antes de las pláticas. Sometimes when I am with people they complain about the Mass. “The priest never smiles. The priest smiles too much. Nobody talks to me—it’s too quiet. Everyone talks too much—it’s too loud. The homily was boring.” Sometimes when I am with priests they complain about the Mass. “Nobody sings—it’s too quiet. Everyone talks too much—it’s too noisy. My homily was boring.” And still, Jesus comes. This is the amazing miracle of the Eucharist. We celebrate it today on this grand Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. But we celebrate it every time we celebrate the Mass. Jesus comes. In his Body and in his Blood, truly God and truly man; it is the living Jesus who comes to us again and makes present his sacrifice of love from Calvary. He makes it present here because he loves you. Jesus comes because he loves you, no matter what else is going on. Is the homily boring? Stay for a few moments more, and watch even the most tongue-tied priest as he preaches to mere bread and wine the words of Christ himself, “This is my Body, This is my Blood.” And at his preaching, the bread and wine do not just receive that word—they change. In fact, bread and wine are no longer present there. Jesus has come—under the appearances of bread and wine. I wish I were so open to letting the word of God transform me more and more into Christ. Is it too noisy? Is it too loud? Do people come late? Do they leave early? Yes, to all those claims. But still Jesus comes. Regardless of our love for him, he still reveals his love for us. He comes. The same Jesus who walked the earth 2000 years ago in Jerusalem becomes present—truly, really, substantially present—on that altar in your parish church of St. Matthew in Glendale Heights. Jesus comes. So we have a beautiful question to ask. Let’s not ask ourselves, in simple daydreaming. Let’s ask our Lord, today, when we are in his presence at the Holy Eucharist. “Lord Jesus, since you have come because you love me, how can I love you more?” Sometimes the answers of Jesus are simple. They don’t require extraordinary voices from heaven. We can trust the answers he has already given us and entrusted to his Church. Jesus says to us, “Keep Sunday holy. If you have a big sin, come to Confession; get your heart ready to receive me again in Communion. If you are healthy, fast an hour before receiving me in Communion—be hungry for me!” Then there are other little inspirations the Holy Spirit might whisper into your heart, signs that you are growing in your friendship for Christ. You’ll want to get to Mass a little early to prepare your heart for the coming of Jesus. You’ll want to linger a little after Communion, thanking him for coming. You’ll want to dress in a good way, because the King of kings and Lord of lords is not just coming to Mass—he is coming to you. Is it difficult to do this, with the demands of our personal life, our family life, our parish life? Yes. But still he comes. Jesus comes because he loves us. He is coming today, at the Mass you are attending. “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” And blessed are we who are able to receive the one who comes to us in His Body and His Blood—Jesus Christ. With my prayers, Fr. Jerome P.S. In order to help us love Our Lord Jesus more, we have some special events for this Corpus Christi weekend. Our Saturday night Mass ends with our Lord remaining present on the altar so that we can remain a few minutes and show him our gratitude. If you are not able to stay, please leave the church in silence; we have a large narthex available for our conversations with our other friends. The church will be open all night until the Sunday morning Mass; maybe you can stop in for an extra visit with our Lord. The 10am and 1:30pm Masses will end with a solemn procession as the priest carries our Lord all throughout the church. Think how Christ walked through the crowds of people years ago, so much did he love to be with them. This procession shows how that happens here and now—Jesus is with his people here at St. Matthew. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 7, 2015 The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. — Psalm 116:13 St. Matthew Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Parroquia San Mateo We, the members of the St. Matthew Parish community being many parts but one sacramental body, are sent by the love of God to make Christ present in the world. Nosotros, los miembros de la comunidad parroquial de San Mateo, siendo muchas partes, pero un solo cuerpo sacramental, somos enviados por el amor de Dios para hacer presente a Cristo en el mundo. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015 7:00—† JOSE SISON (Ellen Compra) 8:45—SAMANTHA KING (King Family) TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 7:00—† ELLEN LEYBA (Ben & Evelyn Estacio) 8:45—IN THANKSGIVING (Vicki Souza) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2015 7:00—† ELLEN LEYBA (Compra & Elizaga Family) 8:45—† JOSE SISON (Clarita Nelson) THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2015 7:00—† SHIRLEY BIDER (Nancy Dechaud) 8:45—DADOR & SOUZA FAMILY (Vicki Souza) FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015 7:00—† JACK DOLLE (Dolle Family) 8:45—† LOUIS TRIPPODO (Charlotte Nolan) SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 8:00—† ELLEN LEYBA (Elpidio & Clarissa Silva) 5:00—† JERRY METTTY (Gorniack Family) SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 8:00—FOR THE PARISH FAMILY 10:00—† GREGORY PUZON (Puzon Family) 12:00—† IRENE WILLIAMS (Family) 1:30—† ADELA MARTINEZ (Husband) 6:00—† ENRIQUETA M. TIBAR (Clarita Nelson) SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 5:00 PM—Janice Folk, Brenda Casey, George Gacic, Linda Launius, Liz Zalewsk-Gacic SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 8:00 AM—Wally Johnson, Mary Cichantk, Nancy Greeley, Clarita Nelson, Chris Wolgat 10:00 AM—David Gravel, Louisa D’Souza, Nina Fabian, Phyllis Frias, Lou Gazzola 12:00 PM—Marilyn Liwanag, Marianne Herff, Vicki Villaflor, Linda Warner, Celia Yu 1:30 PM— 6:00 PM—Jerry Jenkinson, Barbara McCarty GREETERS SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 5:00 PM—Jean Buckley, Nelly Traynor SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 8:00 AM—Barbara Greene, Mary Ann & Lee Walper 10:00 AM—Sam Castiglia, Christopher Gayoso, Mary Kay Padleckas 12:00 PM—Jacqueline Mutogi, Eliza Puzon 1:30 PM—Gustavo Garcia, Yesenia Hernandez 6:00 PM— LECTORS Schedule of Events WEEK OF: JUNE 7, 2015 SUNDAY Continuing the Mission 9:00 AM—St. Vincent DePaul Meeting 10:00 AM—Spanish Catholicism 12:00 PM—Spanish Choir 6:00 PM—I.M.P.A.C.T. Youth Group MONDAY 7:00 PM—Bingo 7:00 PM—Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Baptism Meeting 7:00 PM—Parish Council TUESDAY 9:30 AM—Crafters WEDNESDAY 6:00 PM—Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 7:00 PM—Cornerstone 7:00 PM—Spanish Baptism Meeting THURSDAY 7:30 AM—Eucharistic Adoration 10:00 AM—Small Faith Group 6:00 PM—Spanish Ballet Group 7:00 PM—Cantors 7:30 PM—Traditional Choir 7:30 PM—Job Club FRIDAY 10:00 AM—Divine Mercy Group 7:00 PM—Hispanic Charismatic Planning Meeting 7:00 PM—Bingo SATURDAY 10:45 AM—Spanish Ballet Group 12:00 PM-—Baptisms Parish Car Raffle — Fr. Rogelio’s Farewell Hospitality Project Gabriel SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 5:00 PM—Sue Metty, Bill Rigali SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 8:00 AM—Joan Brozny, Phyllis Gorniack 10:00 AM—Mel Sebayan, Joe DiPirro, Jr. 12:00 PM—Alice Silva, Marilyn Liwanag 1:30 PM—Irma Ramos, Gustavo Garcia 6:00 PM—Florencio Villegas, Therese Rosen ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 5:00 PM—Teresa Gravel, Alex Beabes, David Reyes SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 8:00 AM—Melissa Tumlos, Jenna Tumlos, Joseph Licko 10:00 AM—Sergio Guzman, Marissa & Melanie Estrada 12:00 PM—Julia Hamberg, Lauren Carda 1:30 PM—Josue Sarabia, Ulyses Sarabia, Maria Garcia 6:00 PM—Alina Williams, Dominick Renzulli, Ian Panganiban BINGO Monday, JUNE 8: Chairez, Espinoza, M/M Marks, Reyes Friday, JUNE 12: Reyes, Chavez, Diaz, Kochowicz, Mayeda Workers must be at the hall by 5:30 PM on Monday and Friday night. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Is 12:2-6; Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 or, for the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart, Is 61:9-11; 1 Sam 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:41-51 Sunday: Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92:2-3, 13-16; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34 Patricia Assaf THANKSGIVING The word “thanksgiving” most often calls to our mind the holiday in November. But as early as the middle of the second century Justin Martyr referred to the blessed bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper as “food we call ‘thanksgiving’” (in Greek eucharistia). The Thanksgiving we celebrate in the autumn is at times marked by a sort of proud societal self-congratulation and the consumption of food until we sink into an inert stupor. The “thanksgiving” that we call our Eucharist is just the opposite: we are led to it by an acknowledgment of our own failings; we remember our humble place in the scheme of things by giving praise to God alone. While the food of Christ’s body and blood fills our spiritual hungers, it also creates in us a greater hunger. We are not sent to our spiritual sofas to let the Lord’s Supper settle; we are sent to be living signs of that thanksgiving for the world by looking out for the poor and powerless, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, speaking out against the self-righteous. In short, the hunger created by our doing in remembrance of Christ must lead us to living in remembrance of him. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. III Kevin Medina & Cleiry Zuniga WALK FOR LIFE Join Woman’s Choice Services annual “Walk for Life” on Saturday, June 20 at 11:00 AM. Walk Location: WCS Bolingbrook Office, 682 W. Boughton Road, Suite B in Bolingbrook. Contact Mary in Lombard (630-261-9564) to register and get a pledge form. MINISTRY OF PRAISE The Ministry of Praise letters are ready for pick-up the first, second or third Sunday of the month. Sunday Collection Week of May 31, 2015 Weekly Collection Needed to cover expenses Total Collection $ 14,500.00 $ 15,764.60 ____________ $ If you are planning surgery or are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, please call the parish office to schedule an appointment with one of our priests. BEQUESTS Please remember the good works of our parish in your will. Contact Fr. Jerome on how you can accomplish this. 1,264.60 ------------------------------------------Cumulative Report for Year ending June 30, 2015 Weekly Collection Needed to Date Total Collection to Date Difference $ 682,500.00 $ 689,644.21 ——————— $ 7,144.21 News from St. Matthew Parish School - Another Year Has Come and Gone! The 2014-2015 school year has ended and we would like to take the time to wish everyone a wonderful summer. We’ll be back in the fall with more stories of our children and our school! Prayer to End a School Year God of wisdom, we thank you for all the gifts you have given us throughout this school year. We praise you for giving us life, for saving us in Christ, and for choosing us to be your people. As we come to the end of this school year, we voice our gratitude for the good things you have done in us, and we praise you for all who have shared in the work of this school. We ask you to bless them in your love and give them refreshment and peace. We praise you, God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers/Revised Edition. USCCB If you are interested in a Catholic education for your child at our school, please contact Mrs. Gina Pestrak, Principal at 630-858-3112 to learn more about our programs and to schedule a personal tour of our school. God Bless the 2015 Graduates Of St. MaƩhew Parish School Aleena Antony Jon Aquino Spencer Benedict Maria D’Agostino Gian Esmalla Marissa Estrada Melanie Estrada Jessica Fernandez Rosa Galvan Diego Guzman Renee Harder Emmanuel Herrera Nathan Hoeflich Alley Knicker Skylar Lukowych Nicholas Ly Rachelle Mendoza Kelly Mesenbrink Joshua Oliveros Adrian Panganiban Maximilian Prior Jose Reyes Angelina Richards Sibil Shibu Kaylee Sulda Yesenia Tavizon Christopher Tipton Joseph Tran Melissa Tumlos Annette Veliyathumalil Lindsey Watson Thank you, Fr. Jerome, for allowing me to celebrate the 50th anniversary of my ordination at my beloved St. Matthew Parish. Thank you to all the ministries of the parish who helped with the celebration, and to all the parishioners, bless you. In Christ’s love, Fr. Dave RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY FACTS DID YOU KNOW? In the 1800’s, Sisters Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary taught in four Joliet high schools: St. Patrick, St. Mary, St. Bernard, and Sacred Heart along with St. Mary Academy (a high school with boarders). BAPTISM MEETING A Baptismal preparation class, for parents and godparents, is offered the second Monday of the month at 7 PM in the Parish Center. Pre-registration is required. The next class will be held on June 8th. ST. MATTHEW JOB CLUB Looking for work? Need ideas, job search tools or friendly encouragement? Please join us on June 11th at 7:30 PM in the Tasker Parish Center. For more information, please call Larry at (630) 531-0286 or email [email protected]. Call if you are coming to the meeting. St. Matthew Parish Raffle Mustang Raffle 2015 Ford Mustang V6 Coupe 2nd Prize = $5,000 3rd Prize = $2,500 Winners will be drawn at the St. Matthew Feast Day Celebration - Kermes Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 6pm Raffle tickets are $50.00 each and will be sold after all Masses next weekend. No more than 2000 tickets will be sold. 800 raffle tickets must be sold for the car to be raffled, if not, 1st prize becomes $5,000 (or 1 year paid tuition to St. Matthew School), 2nd prize - $2,500 and 3rd prize - $1,500. See for official raffle rules WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS The Diocese of Joliet will hold its Thirty-Seventh Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. If you are celebrating either your 25th or 50th anniversary this year, please contact the parish center by June 15th so that we may submit your name to the Diocese for a formal invitation. Those celebrating over 50 year anniversaries do not receive a formal invitation, but will be able to register to attend at a later date. PHILIPPINES MISSION An information meeting for those interested in volunteering for the Philippine Mission taking place January 29 through February 13, will be held on July 9, from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Blanchette Catholic Center. For more information, see or call 815-221-6251. ROS-A-REE CATHOLIC SCOUT RETREAT/ CAMP OUT WEEKEND What happens when you mix camping, fun, God, and being Catholic in one lively, faith-filled, retreat weekend? Experience parts of the Catholic faith you might have never seen before! Venture Crew 3:16 in conjunction with the Diocese of Joliet Catholic Committee on Scouting will be hosting the Ros-ARee Catholic Scout Retreat / Camp Out on Friday, August 14 through Sunday, August 16, 2015 at St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, 901 N. Center St. in Plano. This event is pen to all registered Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Venturers, Camp Fire, and American Heritage Girls that are entering the 6th grade, (or higher), in the Fall. For more info: The Holy Family Candles are lit this week for the intentions of Stanley R. Stann, and in memory of Rick & Stanley J. Stann, being remembered by the Stann & Metty Family. “ you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL PLEDGE REPORT THROUGH MAY 29, 2015 Monthly pledge payments for the CMAA pledges should be made in the next few days. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach our goal. Once we have reached goal in paid pledges, 65% of the additional funds received will be returned to the parish for our use. PARISH GOAL: $59,862 AMOUNT PLEDGED: $68,835 AMOUNT PAID: $42,735 REMAINING BALANCE: $26,100 DONOR COUNT: 431 St. Matthew Council of Catholic Women ALL LADIES OF THE PARISH It’s thank you time — To everyone and every ministry who helped Fr. Dave celebrate his 50th Jubilee — Thank you and God Bless You. To all who have donated glasses for the sight impaired. What a wonderful gift you have given. Keep them coming—The Lion’s Club is grateful. To all who have donated jewelry and jewelry boxes for adults with Developmental Disabilities. RRAF resells that jewelry and over the years has earned over $40,000 to help keep the program viable. Thank you—Keep the jewelry and boxes coming. To the parishioners of the great parish of St. Matthew, CCW thanks you for your support this past year—Craft Show, Raffles, Undy Sunday, Market Day, Blanket Collection, Fashion Show, Mother’s Day roses and soon to be Father’s Day. You never let us down. You are the best! To the Tasker Center parish staff—always helpful, always cheerfully helping us whenever they are needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thought for the Week — Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy. - Atención comunidad, estamos pidiendo su cooperación para que nos donen Cascarones de Huevo. Para mas información contacten a Monica García - Este 14 de Junio habrá una fiesta en honor al Padre Rogelio para decirle adiós. Los esperamos después d misa en el Hurley Hall. Si gustan traer algo para comparƟr favor de comunicarse con Laura Vargas 630-965-6071 -El comité hispano esta buscando miembros! Necesitamos a 3 personas que gustarían donar su Ɵempo y talento a la iglesia, nuestra próxima junta será el 16 de Junio a las 7 PM en el Centro Parroquial. Rifa La iglesia de San Mateo estará rifando un carro Mustang 2015! Boletos están a la venta ya! Los boletos se pueden adquirir en el la oficina o en el narthex después de cada mis. Primer Premio: 2015 Mustang Segundo Premio: $5000.00 O Un año de inscripción en la escuela de San Mateo Tercer Premio $2500.00 Para mas información contacten a Laura Vargas 630-965-6071 Clases De Bautizo El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo 7 de junio de 2015 Levantaré el cáliz de salvación e invocaré el nombre del Señor. — Salmo 116 (115):13 La próxima plática pre-bautismal será el Miércoles 10 de junio a las 7 pm en las oficinas de la parroquia. Recuerde que tiene que registrar su niño para bautizarse antes de ir a la plática. También que tienen que ir los padrinos a la plática. Para registrarse pase por la oficina parroquial. ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS El Día de Acción de Gracias que celebramos en el otoño a veces se ve marcado por una especie de orgullo y autofelicitación por parte de nuestra sociedad, por no hablar de comilonas que nos llevan hasta el estupor. Pero la “acción de gracias” que en griego se llama “Eucaristía” es al revés: lo que nos lleva a ella es el reconocimiento de nuestras faltas; recordamos nuestra posición humilde en el universo alabando a Dios, y a nadie más que a Dios. Es verdad que el alimento del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo sacia el hambre de nuestro espíritu, pero también es verdad que ese alimento crea en nosotros un hambre más intensa aun. Al terminar la Misa no nos envían a un sofá espiritual a sentarnos en lo que la Cena del Señor se nos asienta en el estómago; más bien, nos envían al mundo a ser signos vivientes de esa Acción de Gracias, ayudando a los pobres y desvalidos, alimentando a los hambrientos, cuidando a los enfermos, protestando contra las actitudes farisaicas. En fin, el hambre producida en nosotros al hacer el Memorial de Jesús nos tiene que impulsar a vivir “en memoria de él”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
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