St. Matthew Parish 1555 Glen Ellyn Road Glendale Heights, Illinois 60139 St. Matthew MARCH 15, 2015 RECTORY & PARISH CENTER 630-469-6300 Fax Number 630-469-6302 Office Hours: M - F 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM M - F 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Sat 9 AM - 1 PM Parish Website: School Website: PASTOR Rev. Jerome Kish ext 312 PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Rogelio Martinez ext 311 IN RESIDENCE Rev. Richard Cilano PERMANENT DEACON Robert Malek ext 315 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION Michael Ruddle ext 314 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 630-469-5178 PASTORAL MUSICIAN Robert Fulda ext 309 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Gina Pestrak 630-858-3112 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY 630-469-6300 ext 302 MASSES - Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 1:30 PM (Español), 6:00 PM Daily (Monday through Friday) 7:00 and 8:45 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM Rosary after the 8:45 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday - 7:40 AM, Tuesday - 6:30 PM, Saturday - 3:30 PM (or contact one of the priests) BAPTISMS Second Saturday of the month at 12:00 PM. Pre-Baptismal meeting held the second Monday of the month. Pre-registration is required. MARRIAGES Please call the Parish office at least 6 months prior to the celebration of the Sacrament. PARISH REGISTRATION Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a registration form. HOMEBOUND/SICK: Please call the Parish Office to notify us of anyone homebound, critically ill or in the hospital. Bautismos en español son cada cuarto sábado del mes. Preparación bautismal es el segundo miércoles de cada mes a las 7pm. Se tiene que registrar en las oficinas antes de las pláticas. Sometimes we think it’s enough just not to sin. Lots of people use this as an excuse to avoid the sacrament of Confession; they say, “I haven’t killed anyone.” Imagine if that’s how you answered your boss at work, “I haven’t stolen anything.” Well, it’s a good first step; but if you don’t actually get around to doing the work you were hired for, you will be fired. So it’s not enough simply to reject evil—we have to embrace what is good. Why? Because God made you to do good—and lots of it. Not only that, but you can make up for the good others fail to do. This goodness touches our hearts deeply. Maybe we’re in a rough environment: family, work, or neighborhood. We might go on for days or months or years without an act of kindness from those around us. Suddenly, someone else comes in and treats us like a true friend, and the emptiness within us is overcome. This is what we call expiation: making up for the good that has been left out of our lives. Jesus knows this very well. Think of one of his closest co-workers, one of his closest friends—Judas Iscariot. Judas was privileged to witness and take part in the miracles of Jesus. He was able to hear the intimate, in-depth teaching within the inner circle of the Twelve Apostles, after the crowds had returned home. How does he respond to the friendship of Jesus? Betrayal. Here is how Pope Benedict XVI described it, “The betrayal itself happens in two moments: before all, in the planning, when Judas agreed with Jesus' enemies to 30 pieces of silver (cf. Mt 26:14-16), and then, in its execution, with the kiss given to the Master in Gethsemane (cf. Mt 26:46-50).” Money. Friendship. Kisses. These are misused every day, all over the globe. They have been for years. They will be abused until the end of time. I don’t want to discourage you and make you give up. Instead, think how Christ responds. He still comes into this world, knowing about the betrayal of Judas. For Jesus, the acceptance of his mercy, his love, and his friendship is well worth the cost of any betrayal. He knows his Blessed Mother will love him and stand by him to the end. He sees the conversion of Peter and the other Eleven. But what about us, you and me? How will we respond to Jesus? How will we use the money of this world? How will we treat those around us? Our beautiful, human signs of affection, how will we use them—for pure love or lustful betrayal? So here is the good news: Christ waits for you and me to respond to him generously, even if we have betrayed him. He longs to forgive those betrayals. Then he desires to heal our hearts so that they pour forth with the love—that’s why he made you. If we come to him, living waters will flow forth from within us, a fountain of God’s goodness quenching the thirst of the world around us. The good you do fills the world around you with God’s goodness. He has placed you in that part of the world to fill it with his goodness. You were made to do good and lots of it. That’s expiation: the good omitted. Christ has conquered evil through the goodness of his life. So we must not be conquered by evil, but conquer it with an abundance of good (Romans 12:21). Let us pray that we all do so during these holy days, Fr. Jerome Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. — John 3:17 St. Matthew Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de la Parroquia San Mateo We, the members of the St. Matthew Parish community being many parts but one sacramental body, are sent by the love of God to make Christ present in the world. Nosotros, los miembros de la comunidad parroquial de San Mateo, siendo muchas partes, pero un solo cuerpo sacramental, somos enviados por el amor de Dios para hacer presente a Cristo en el mundo. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 7:00—† LUZ PEREZ (Napoleon & Rogelia Ramiro) 8:45—† SCOTT M. SMYKOWSKI (Bob & Peggy Smykowski) TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 7:00—RAMON ELIZAGA (Family) 8:45—JUDY SABO (King Family) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2015 7:00—MARIA JACINTO (Ozita & Ramon Elizaga) 8:45—† BRIDIE WILLIS (Children of Bridie Willis) THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2015 7:00—JOSEFINA BERMEJO (Compra & Elizaga Family) 8:45—† JOSEFA DUCDUC (Aviso Family) FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015 7:00—NICOLAS COMPRA JR. (Family) 8:45—† ROLLIE VASQUEZ (Elpidio & Clarisa Silva) SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 8:00—† FELIX FLOR CRUZ (Elpidio & Clarissa Silva) 5:00—† RICHARD CARDAMONE (Geraldine & Richard Cardamone) SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 8:00—KATHERINE KNISLEY (Faith Formation Teachers) 10:00—FOR THE PARISH FAMILY 12:00—EUGENIA FUHRER (Family) 1:30—† EVA FLORES (Maria Rodriguez) 6:00—† ANGELO CIPRIANO (Ramos Family) Schedule of Events WEEK OF: MARCH 15, 2015 SUNDAY Catholic Relief Services — Girl Scout Cookies 8:00 AM—KC St. Patrick Day Clean Up 10:00 AM—Spanish Via Crucis 12:00 PM—Spanish Choir 3:00 PM—Spanish KC Round Table 6:00 PM—I.M.P.A.C.T. Youth Group MONDAY 7:00 PM—Bingo 7:00 PM—Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group TUESDAY 9:30 AM—Crafters 12:30-1:00 PM—Midday Prayers 7:00 PM—R.C.I.A. 7:00 PM—Boy Scouts 7:00 PM—Spanish Ministry WEDNESDAY 6:00 PM—Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 7:00 PM—Children’s Faith Formation Classes 7:00 PM—Cornerstone 7:00 PM—KC Business Meeting 7:15 PM—Penance Service THURSDAY 7:30 AM—Eucharistic Adoration 10:00 AM—Small Faith Group 12:30-1:00 PM—Midday Prayers 6:00 PM—Spanish Via Crucis 7:00 PM—Biblical Institute 7:00 PM—Divorce & Beyond 7:00 PM—Finance Meeting 7:00 PM—Cantors 7:30 PM—Traditional Choir FRIDAY 10:00 AM—Divine Mercy Group 11:30 AM-12:30 PM—Priests Day of Recollection 2 PM & 6:30 PM—Stations 6:30 PM—PGC Workshop 7:00 PM—Hispanic Charismatic Planning Meeting 7:00 PM—Bingo SATURDAY 7-9 AM—Market Day 8:30 AM-Noon PM—English/Spanish Class 9:00 AM—Children’s Faith Formation Classes 7:00 PM—School Play 7:00-10:00 PM—Marriage Encounter CCW Fashion Show Tickets — St. Matthew Car Raffle SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 5:00 PM—Janice Folk, Brenda Casey, Catherine Heneghan, John Lachman, Brad Stanfield SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 8:00 AM—Barb Greene, Wally Johnson, Annabelle Tumlos, Myra Tumlos, Chris Wolgat 10:00 AM—David Gravel, Phyliss Frias, Phyllis Morreale, Mel Sebayan, Alice Silva 12:00 PM—Dolly Villaflor, Carmen Amezquita, Mary Ann Schlacks, Vicki Villaflor, Celia Yu 1:30 PM—Miguel Torres, Teresa & Teodoro Dorado, Gabriela & Javier Vargas 6:00 PM—Jerry Jenkinson, Barbara McCarty GREETERS SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 5:00 PM—Coleen Schwartz SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 8:00 AM—Larry Grogan, Lynette Hooper, Margie Horak, Clarita Nelson, Jane Swiertz 10:00 AM—Steven Czernek, Anthony Czernek, Carolyn Lorenz, Alex Markiso 12:00 PM—Jaimee Marzan, Nelly Traynor, Linda Warner 1:30 PM—Gustavo Garcia, Triny & Maria Sosa 6:00 PM— LECTORS SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 5:00 PM—Christine Kare, Henry Kare SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 8:00 AM—Phyllis Gorniack, Myra Tumlos 10:00 AM—Geraldine Taylor, Tessie Comprado 12:00 PM—Florencio Villegas, Therese Rosen 1:30 PM—Laura Vargas, Antonio Ruiz 6:00 PM—John McGeever, Mary Ann Schlacks ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 5:00 PM—Matthew Epstein, Nathaniel Pinto, Carolyn Stanfield SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 8:00 AM—Teresa Gravel, Melissa Tumlos, Zachary King 10:00 AM—Justine Bugante, Michael Cornejo, Dominick Renzulli 12:00 PM—Julia Hamberg, Lauren Carda 1:30 PM—David & Wendy Lopez, Debbie Ramos 6:00 PM—Alina Williams, Mallory Sulda, Ian Panganiban BINGO Monday, MAR 16: Carpio, Eluszkiewicz, Mesenbrink, M/ M Prior, Skrzyniarz, Urban Friday, MAR 20: M/M Hecht, Hulak, M/M Morcos, Sarabia Workers must be at the hall by 5:30 PM on Monday and Friday night. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] St. Matthew Parish Raffle Mustang Raffle 2015 Ford Mustang V6 Coupe 2nd Prize = $5,000 3rd Prize = $2,500 Winners will be drawn at the St. Matthew Feast Day Celebration - Kermes Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 6pm Raffle tickets are $50.00 each and will be sold after all Masses twice a month, next date is March 21-22 No more than 2000 tickets will be sold Jane Swiertz Rest In Peace Sarah Lata, James Phillips 800 raffle tickets must be sold for the car to be raffled, if not, 1st prize becomes $5,000 (or 1 year paid tuition to St. Matthew School), 2nd prize - $2,500 and 3rd prize - $1,500. See for official raffle rules RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY FACTS DID YOU KNOW? The Mantellate Sisters make rosaries and jewelry out of rose petals. Please remember Marlene Cortino (3/15/2014) and Susan Monckton (3/20/2014) on the Anniversary of their entrance into Heaven. Sunday Collection II Richard Oliverio & Elizabeth Ketchum Week of March 8, 2015 Weekly Collection Needed to cover expenses Total Collection If you are planning surgery or are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, please call the parish office to schedule an appointment with one of our priests. $ 14,500.00 $ 14,793.15 ____________ $ 293.15 ------------------------------------------Cumulative Report for Year ending June 30, 2015 BEQUESTS Please remember the good works of our parish in your will. Contact Fr. Jerome for information on how you can accomplish this. Weekly Collection Needed to Date $ 523,000.00 Total Collection to Date $ 521,979.74 ——————— Difference - $ 1,020.26 News from St. Matthew Parish School Drama Club Presents Saturday, March 21, 2015 7:00 PM The St. Matthew Drama Club will be presenting Disney’s Aladdin on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM. The St. Matthew Drama Club is made up of 33 students in grades 6, 7, 8 and this will be their fifth production. The students have been rehearsing since October. There are ten musical numbers in the show and a lot of choreography! The show even features a “living” Magic carpet! Eighth graders Diego Guzman, Melissa Tumlos, Jon Aquino and Kelly Mesenbrink play Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, Jafar and the Genie, respectively. Tickets can be purchased at the door - $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for students, seniors and children under 5 are free. All are welcome!! St. Matthew Parish School Gina Pestrak, Principal PARKING LOT PAVING AND REPAIR Cost: Diocesan loan: Monthly payment: Loan balance: $155,180.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 1,343.00 $ 31,497.61 ST. MATTHEW CONTINUING THE MISSION CAMPAIGN Previous Account Balance: New Collections: Total Amount Collected: $ $ $ 83,071 6,634 89,705 Expenditures: Church Rectory School Parish Center Parking Lot repairs Parish Landscaping Paving Loan-payment Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,874 1,723 7,826 6,181 1,800 4,316 11,144 46,864 Current Account Balance: $ 42,841 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! 630-858-3112 BULLETIN ARTICLES DUE As we approach the midpoint of the Lenten season, please take a moment to review our early due dates. Any article for the bulletin must be in to the parish office by the date specified. Thank you for your cooperation. BULLETIN DATE Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 ARTICLE DUE Wednesday, March 18th Wednesday, March 25th ST. MATTHEW CCW FASHION SHOW “ROCK & ROLL” RESERVATIONS Reservations for this year’s lunch and fashion show will be taken at all the Masses the weekend of March 21-22. The prices remain the same as last year: Early bird sales continue through April 12 at $40, $25 for students, and $15 for children 11 and under. Prices go up $5 after the 12th. The Fashion Show is Sunday, April 26th at Medinah Banquets at 1 PM. Reservations may also be made by calling Donna at 630-469-3428. Put together your tables of 10 and come to “Rock & Roll” with your friends. Order Form *Specify: Adult, Student, +/or child reservation after name(s): Name(s)* ________________________________________ Phone # _________________________________________ Paid Reservation for how many in party:________________ Sit at table with: ___________________________________ Total Paid ________________________________________ Chris Lankford’s Diaconate Ordination Mass Friday, March 27, 2015 at 6 PM Cathedral of St. Raymond 604 N. Raynor Ave., Joliet, IL First Mass as a Deacon / Preaching Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 5 PM Notre Dame Parish 64 Norfolk Ave., Clarendon Hills, IL Chris Lankford was an intern at St. Matthew Parish. He lived here as an intern and was in residence for a hospital internship. He has many fond memories of St. Matthew. All are invited to his Ordination. PARISH PENANCE SERVICE Wednesday, March 18 — 7:15 PM Extra priests will be available The Holy Family Candles this week are lit in memory of Edward Kucia on his Blessed 83rd birthday with Jesus in Heaven, being remembered by the Kucia Family. “ you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Friday During Lent 2:00 PM Children’s Stations 6:30 PM in English 7:30 PM in Spanish STATIONS OF THE CROSS FOR PARENTS OF SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN Holy Trinity Parish, Westmont, will be presenting The Passion - Stations of the Cross for Parents of Special Needs - on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 7 PM in the church with refreshments to follow in the narthex. WOMEN 4 CHRIST HOLY THURSDAY PILGRIMAGE APRIL 2 Limited tickets available. Contact Phyllis Gorniack to reserve your seat. All volunteers that work with children are required by the Diocese of Joliet to attend a Protecting God’s Children workshop. The next workshop we have scheduled will be held in the Parish Center on: Friday, March 20th 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM If you plan to attended this workshop, YOU MUST REGISTER ONLINE @ EASTER PLANTS If you would like to make a donation for an Easter plant in memory of a loved one, or special intention, let the office know by submitting your $15.00 donation to the office or through the Sunday collection basket (marked Easter Plant). If you are remembering someone, please PRINT the name. They will be remembered in the bulletin on Easter Sunday. The plants will be placed on the altar for Easter and remain there throughout the Easter Season. The deadline for ordering an Easter plant is Wednesday, March 25th. St. Matthew Council of Catholic Women ALL LADIES OF THE PARISH Blood Drive Update — 32 pints of blood were collected, almost 100 people helped by your gift of life. Thank you. Market Day — Orders are due Tuesday, March 17 by 11 AM. Top of the morning to you! Reservations for the Spring Fashion Show “Rock and Roll” — will be available next weekend following the Masses. All prices increase by $5.00 after April 12, so get your table together before the prices change. Or call Donna at 630-469-3428. CCW will again be collecting — shampoos, toothpaste, and men and women’s deodorants to assist St. Vincent de Paul. There will be a basket at the raffle table on April 1112 and 18-19 to accept your donations. If you are attending the fashion show, please bring items that day. Thanking you in advance. Blessed St. Patrick and Blessed St. Joseph Lenten Quiz — Who was Mary and Martha’s brother? Check your answer: John 11:17-27. Thought for the week — Fast from anger: feast on patience. WOMEN 4 CHRIST RECORRIDO DE JUENES SANTO ABRIL 3 Vía Crucis Las estaciones de la cruz empiezan el viernes, Marzo 20 a las 7:30 PM Tickets limitados. Contacte Irma Ramos para reservar su asiento. Rifa La iglesia de San Mateo estará rifando un carro Mustang 2015! Boletos están a la venta ya! Los boletos se pueden adquirir en el la oficina o en el narthex después de cada mis. Primer Premio: 2015 Mustang Segundo Premio: $5000.00 O Un año de inscripción en la escuela de San Mateo Tercer Premio $2500.00 Para mas información contacten a Laura Vargas 630-965-6071 Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Dios no envió a su Hijo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo se salvara por él. — Juan 3:17 LEVANTADOS POR EL MESÍAS La semana pasada, cuando Jesús se refería a la destrucción del Templo, el relato de la primera lectura de hoy es lo que les hubiera venido a la mente a sus oyentes. Pero, dado que Jesús estaba hablando en un sentido más profundo, así también debemos entender la primera lectura de hoy. Escuchamos en el primer párrafo que Israel en efecto ya había “caído” a causa de sus infidelidades contra la alianza. Para no ponernos demasiado cómodos, este relato nos recuerda que Dios, aunque justo, amoroso y misericordioso, es capaz de castigar el pecado cuando es un pecado no arrepentido. Pero también nos recuerda que Dios, rico en misericordia, unge a individuos para que sean a su vez instrumentos de salvación (en hebreo al Rey Ciro de Persia se le denomina “mesías”). En la lectura del Evangelio, escuchamos de otro Mesías que debe ser “levantado” por nuestra salvación, en uno de los pasajes más conocidos del Nuevo Testamento. Al terminar la Cuaresma y entrar en la Semana Santa, debemos mantener nuestra mirada fija en la cruz de Cristo, el Hijo de Dios que vino al mundo para levantarnos a todos los que habíamos caído. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
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