St. Michael Church 401 S. Main Street

September 13, 2015
Twenty-fourth Sunday
In ordinary time
St. Michael
401 S. Main Street
Newark, NY 14513
Parish Center ~ 331-6753
Pastor: Fr. Felix Dalimpuo, ext 105
[email protected]
Pastoral Minister: Pat Albrecht, ext. 104
[email protected]
Rel. Ed./YM : June Sherman, ext. 103
[email protected]
Business Manager: Gary Pierce, ext. 102
[email protected]
Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-3398546
Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101
[email protected]
Hispanic Pastoral Mins.: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106
277-0302, [email protected]
Liturgy Volunteer: Jack Dubler
Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111
Pastoral Council Chair: Bob Zappia, 331 3882
Finance Council Chair: Dick Boerman, 331-6645
Fax………………... 331-2925
Monday –Friday 9am to Noon 1pm to 5pm
[email protected]
Daily Mass
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am (in the chapel)
Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion
First Friday Mass, 8:00 am Saturday, 7:30 am
Consult bulletin for changes
Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am
Saturday, 3:15-4:15 pm or by appointment
Call Pat @ Parish Center @ 331-6753 .
ADULT INITIATION: The RCIA process is conducted each year with group meetings. Adults desiring full
communion with the Catholic Church should contact
the Parish Center.
NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome
new members! Please call Pat Albrecht @ the Parish
Center to register.
a.m. & 2 p.m. Please contact the Parish Center 6
months in advance for preparation.
MINISTRY to the SICK: We want to be with individuals and families at the time of serious illness and offer
sacramental and pastoral presence. Please call us to
let us know of hospitalization or the need for a home
visit. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available at
any weekend Mass.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday Mornings
during the 10:30 am Mass. (Sept.– May )
Grades K—7:
Sunday 9:15—10:20 am @ St. Michael School
Grades 8—12 (youth group) Super Catholics Of
Our Church (SCOOCH) Two Sundays per month
6:00 -8:00 pm @ SMS
Catholic Charities of Wayne County
Deacon Peter S. Dohr, Executive Director
September 13, 2015
Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Sunday, September 13
8:15 am ~ Alexsander & Lucy Wojtkiewicz—
Twenty-fourth Sunday in
Zietkiewicz family
Ordinary Time
10:30 am ~ Ronald & Antoinette Means—Delores
Is 50:5-9a Jas2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35
9:15-10:20 am ~ Grades K-7 Faith Formation @ St.
Michael School
6:00—8:00 pm ~ SCOOCH-Grades 8-12 meets in
Room 119 @ St. Michael School
10:30 am ~ Baptism
Monday, September 14
10:00 am Mass at Newark Manor
The Exaltation of the
~ Richard & Orma Surber—daughter
Holy Cross
Nm 21:4b-9 Phil 2:6-11 Jn 3:13-17
1 pm ~ Rosary @ Monument for the Unborn
Tuesday, September 15
Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Tm 3:1-13 Jn 19:25-27
8:00 am ~ Edward & Catherine Doane—McHaleAlvares family
Wednesday, September 16
Saints Cornelius, pope and
Cyprian, bishop, martyrs
1 Tm 3:14-16 Lk 7:31-35
8:00 am ~ Santo Buttaccio—Ed Buttaccio & family
Thursday, September 17
1 Tm 4:12-16 Lk 7:36-50
8:00 am ~ Charlie Costello-family
Friday, September 18
1 Tm 6:2c-12 Lk 8:1-3
Saturday, September 19
1 Tm 6:13-16 Lk 8:4-15
Sunday, September 20
Twenty-fifth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Wis 2:12, 17-20 Jas 3:16—4:3
Mk 9:30-37
6 pm -7 pm ~ Alzheimer’s caregiver support group @
Terrace of Newark
7 pm ~ Together In Christ @ church hall
4:30 pm ~ The Rosary & Altar Society meeting,
5:15 pm Mass followed by supper @ 6 pm.
8:00 am Liturgy of the Word, with communion
~ In the Chapel
7:30 am ~ Audrey Juliano—Elaine Juliano & Nicholas 10 am ~ Touched By Cancer@ Parish Center
Genaro 3:15 pm ~ Confessions
4:30 pm ~ Florence Foti—M/M Gary Foti & family
Second Collection for Human Development
8:15 am ~ Angel Rojas, Sr.—wife, Dorothy & family
10:30 am ~ Leo Krolak—The Rosary & Altar Society
9:15-10:20 am ~ Grades K-7 Faith Formation @ St.
Michael School
6:00—8:00 pm ~ SCOOCH-Grades 8-12 meets in
Room 119 @ St. Michael School
Second Collection for Human Development
SEPT. 19, 4:30 PM
S. Donoghue
I. Mac Taggart
K. Seargent
J. Addyman
T. O’Toole, M. Palermo, S. O’Toole, *
G. Addyman B. Hegeman, M. Hegeman
SEPT. 20, 8:15 AM
C. Acquista
B. Talbot
H. Hann
D. Doyle
A. Chandler, R. Krolak, A. Cr owley*
C. Hann, D. Rojas, S. Smith
SEPT. 20, 10:30 AM
B. & N. Kehoe
C. Wersinger
D. Howard
L. DeRue, C. Taylor, K. Camblin*
M. Costello, J. Howard, K. Zappia
Older Group
J. Sherman
Younger Group
C. Taylor
Youth Help
A. Diamond
bold = bread minister, * = cup washer
SEPT.20, 10:30 AM
Renata Dewa, Captain
- Have you thought about joining the Catholic Church
- Are you a Baptized Catholic, but have been away from
the Catholic Church for a while and want to consider
If you answered yes to one of these questions and are
interested, please call the Parish Center. There is no
cost to the program and there is no obligation for inquiry. RCIA sessions for 2015-2016 meet weekly beginning in early October and conclude four weeks after
Kerry Vitaro & Chris Taylor
Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for
Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD
was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United
sStates by funding organizations that help individuals
help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in
communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend
human dignity and reach out to those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Thank you.
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Do you like to have fun? Do you like to
sing? Are you in grades 2-8? You are EXACTLY who the St. Michael’s Children’s
Choir is looking for! Please join us for registra tion
d ay
af ter
t he
10 :30
Mass,TODAY, September 13th to meet the
new director during coffee hour. Rehearsals begin on September 20th after the 10:30 mass
(11:45). If you have any questions, please contact the new
director, Courtney Johnson, at 521-0039 or by email
[email protected] with any questions.
Martha Ministry is the group that prepares the lunch
after funerals. A wonderful service to grieving families.
Would you like to join this group? Extra hands to help
cook, bake or serve are always needed. Contact the Parish
Center for more information, 331-6753.
The Rosary & Altar Society meeting
will be Thursday, September 17th at 4:30
pm in the chapel to say the Rosary and
then Mass at 5:15. A Tureen Supper will
follow. We will also have a guest speaker.
All ladies of the parish are welcome.
Bring your dues of $5.00, a canned food item for the
food closet and an item for the Harvest basket.
Hope to see you there!
Are you having a Garage Sale this summer? Please consider
donating your unsold items to St.
Michael’s Fall Rummage Sale. Box them
up and set them aside. Marking begins on
Monday, October 5th.
ITEMS!! As always, we cannot accept
typewriters, television sets, bowling
balls and exercise equipment, skis & ski
boots, tires, baby car seats, noncompliant cribs, computers or nonworking
cracked, torn or broken items. ALSO—
could you save paper grocery bags for us?
We use them on Bag Day! If you are available on Sunday, October 4th after 10:30 am mass, we need help setting up...we
will begin marking Monday at 8:00 am! Rummage sale begins,
Tuesday, October 13th.
September 13, 2015
Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
El Amor Es lo que Nos Lleva
Como ustedes saben, Papa Francisco dedicó este año a la
vida consagrada. Yo he vivido la vida consagrada como una
Hermana de la Misericordia por muchos años. Para poder vivir
la vida diariamente con entusiasmo, dedicación y significado es
importante que cada persona tome tiempo para recargar las baterías de nuestra vida espiritual. Cada año nosotras, las Hermanas de la Misericordia, tenemos la oportunidad de renovarnos
espiritualmente por separarnos de las actividades diarias e ir
aparte por un tiempo de silencio, oración, reflexión y relajamiento en Dios. Recientemente me fui a nuestro centro de oración en Connecticut, y en camino visité a mi hermano menor
quien vive en Connecticut. Qué bueno verlo, conversar sobre lo
que nos está pasando y gozar estar afuera en su jardín de flores.
La naturaleza es una de las cosas que me ayuda acercarme al
Dios de la creación, belleza, maravilla y amor. Ustedes, cuando
caminan afuera, ¿miran y admiran bien toda la naturaleza que
está a su alrededor? Durante los días de mi retiro el sol causaba
luces a bailar encima del agua igual como la luna lo hizo en la
noche más calmadamente. En silencio estén conscientes de la
presencia de Dios a su alrededor en la naturaleza, en otras personas y dentro de sí mismos.
Para seguir adelante en nuestra misión como cristianos tenemos que estar convencidos del amor de Dios; es Dios que nos da
el impulso de hacer un poco más que lo necesario. Tenemos
que sumergirnos en el evangelio de Jesucristo y a la vez en ser
ciudadanos buenos y justos del mundo. Somos participantes
con otros en vivir nuestras vidas de una manera apasionada para
crear el reino de Dios donde estamos. Las Hermanas de la Misericordia hacemos una variedad de ministerios entre los que
sufren de hambre, los sin vivienda, los refugiados, los migrantes, los encarcelados… Tenemos presencia en las Naciones
Unidas en Nuevo York para abogar por las necesidades de los
más pobres y oprimidos del mundo. Trabajamos en salud, educación, ministerio pastoral, social y espiritual… Muchas veces
vemos que lo que es más importante es la manera de ser con la
gente: compasivas, misericordiosas, amables, comprensibles—
sanando por nuestra presencia y solidaridad—sufriendo con los
sufrientes, alegrándonos con los alegres, siendo humildes con
los humildes, luchando junto con los luchadores, teniendo empatía con los rechazados y tomando tiempo para otros. Realmente yo los amo a ustedes, y me es difícil cuando ustedes sufren. Deseo dar más tiempo y espacio a otros para poder soltar
el amor de Dios por medio de mi presencia y amor. Ayúdenme
a hacerlo porque fallo también.
Hermana Kay
Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana
Viernes, 25 de septiembre, 7:00 p.m.: Celebración
de la Eucaristía con Padre Jesús, en la capilla seguida por una convivencia en el salón parroquial.
Favor de traer entremeses para compartir. Es nuestra
última Misa con Padre Jesús ante que él va por un
período sabático de varios meses por una renovación.
Diocesan Respect Life Sunday White Mass
Bishop Matano will be celebrating this Mass on Sunday,
October 4, 2015, 2:30 pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral,
296 Flower City Park, Rochester. All the faithful are invited to
this special celebration of respect for all human life as the
annual White Mass for medical professionals is combined with a
Diocesan Liturgy in honor of Respect Life Sunday, followed by
a reception. For more information, please contact the Finger
Lakes Guild of the Catholic Medical Association on the web at or email [email protected],
or Suzanne Stack, by email [email protected]
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
September 13, 2015
Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time
September 13, 2015
Dear Parish Family,
Today is National Grandparents Day!
Is there
something you are going to do to celebrate your
Or, if you are in the “No
Grandparents Club” like I am, are you going to take
some time today to remember your grandparents?
My grandparents and great-grandparents have gone
to Heaven, to fill that special place that God held for
them, but that doesn’t mean that I have forgotten
them. On the contrary, I think about them every
day, especially my paternal grandmother who died
almost 35 years ago. I remember her voice, her
laugh, and I can feel love from her like I could when
she would hold me on her lap and give me the biggest
hugs. My grandmother’s name was Dorothy Mary, she
is my Godmother and I took her name as my
Confirmation name; if it were not for her, I would not
be who I am or where I am today. You see, she is the
person who taught me about my faith, who would take
me to Mass, who was an example to me of what it
means to live as Jesus wants us to live. I remember
when I would spend the night at her house, I would
walk by her room and see her kneeling at her bed
saying her prayers, with Rosary in hand. If I close
my eyes, I can still see her praying as if I saw her
moments before. Even though I was only 17 years old
when she died, she instilled in me a love for God and
my faith and that is the greatest gift she could have
given me.
I now understand the love a grandparent has for
their grandchild, as I have a grandson of my own.
The joy and love that Braydan brings to my life
everyday is hard to describe and I thank God for this
wonderful gift of life. He makes everyday, for me,
grandparents day.
So, go out today and do something nice for your
grandparents. It doesn't have to cost anything—a
visit or phone call can put a smile on their face and
joy in their heart. And if your grandparents have
gone to Heaven, remember them by sharing your
favorite memories of them with others who loved
them. Bring them close to your heart today to honor
them in any way you can.
And last, but not least, I would like to wish Katie
Childs, our parish secretary, a very happy birthday
today! You have now caught up to me in age, at least
for a few months!
Peace and love to all, June
mornings from 9:15-10:20 am, in the SM school
September - 13, 20, & 27
October—4, 18, & 25
YOUTH GROUP—GRADES 8-12 - meets two
Sunday evenings a month from 6-8 pm, in the SM
school building, room 119
September -13 & 20
October –4 & 18
STOP HUNGER NOW’S meal packaging events
are a fun hands-on way to make a difference and
impact the lives of those suffering from hunger.
This is a family-friendly event, children 4+ can
participate. It will take place at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church right here in Newark!
Friday, September 18: 2:30 to 4:30 pm or 5 to 7 pm
Saturday, September 19: 8:30 to 10:30 am or 11am to
1 pm
If you are willing to help or make a donation, please
do so online at:
June has registered to be there on Friday from 2:304:30 and Saturday from 8:30-10:30. Sign up and join
her to help in this wonderful event!
23rd Annual St. Michael Church
Golf Tournament
Sunday, September 27th, 2015
Winged Pheasant Golf Links, 18 holes of golf with cart
Four person scramble,
11:30 registration—12:30 Shotgun Start
Proceeds benefit St. Michael’s Youth Ministry
Pick up your entry form in the
gathering space or parish center.
Send entry form and check to:
St. Michael Church
Attn: Bob Hanrahan Jr. PG
401 South Main St.
Newark, NY 14513
Entry deadline: Sunday, September 20, 2015
September 13, 2015
Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven
“… a time to be born…”
Please welcome our newly baptized: Aundrea Skye Bragg and Gilianna Marie Kline
“...a time to love…”
“… a time to be healed…”
Please pray for the sick of our Parish.
Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Nate Barnes, Ben Hartman, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Kathy Dunn, Ed Grabowski, Michael Kowaleski,
Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, Cecelia Cassavino, Maritza Comer, Matthew Buttaccio, Linda Kaiser,
ET Trunick, Donald Pieters, Jean Condit, Joan Weimann, Bernie Armitage, Jim DeMott, Jerry Sielawa, Joe Gallant, Ron Atkinson,
Georgette Eagley, Mary Gilligan, Frank D’Amico, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Alice Nicoletta, Fran DeVelder, Carol Bir,
Nicholas Forgione , Mary Talbo, Peg Hanson , Tracy Ragsdale , Harold VandeMortel & Pearl Johnson
And please pray for our Parish friends.
Polly Barnes, Barbara Gallant, Idalya Estevez, LuAnn McDonald, Michael DePauw, Kathy DeMarco & Lynn Goodman
“… a time to die…”
“… and a time for peace.”
In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Sacrificial Giving
August 2015
Many thanks for
August 2014
your support of
St. Michael’s
Annual Contributions: $20,000.00
To more accurately reflect the needs of the Parish, we are
going to show this year’s Sunday collections received
versus last year’s Sunday collections.
Please leave items in the church
gathering space. Thank you!
Please patronize our SPONSOR OF THE WEEK:
Ameriprise Financial
Thank you for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin.