JUNE 21,2015 St. Michael's Church 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 Parish Center ~ 331-6753 ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH STAFF Pastor: Fr. Felix Dalimpuo, ext 105 [email protected] Pastoral Minister: Pat Albrecht, ext. 104 [email protected] Rel. Ed./YM : June Sherman, ext. 103 [email protected] Business Manager: Gary Pierce, ext. 102 [email protected] Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-3398546 Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101 [email protected] Hispanic Pastoral Mins.: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106 277-0302, [email protected] Liturgy Volunteer: Jack Dubler Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111 Pastoral Council Chair: Christine Taylor 331-9216 Finance Council Chair: Dick Boerman, 331-6645 Fax………………... 331-2925 OFFICE HOURS Monday –Friday 9am to Noon 1pm to 5pm CLOSED THURSDAY WEB SITES/EMAIL www.stmichaelsnewark.org [email protected] CELEBRATION of the EUCHARIST Daily Mass Monday-Thursday 8:00 am (in the chapel) Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion First Friday Mass, 8:00 am Saturday, 7:30 am Consult bulletin for changes WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 3:15-4:15 pm or by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Pat @ Parish Center @ 331-6753 . ADULT INITIATION: The RCIA process is conducted each year with group meetings. Adults desiring full communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Center. NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members! Please call Pat Albrecht @ the Parish Center to register. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Saturday’s @ 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. Please contact the Parish Center 6 months in advance for preparation. MINISTRY to the SICK: We want to be with individuals and families at the time of serious illness and offer sacramental and pastoral presence. Please call us to let us know of hospitalization or the need for a home visit. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available at any weekend Mass. FAITH FORMATION: Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday Mornings during the 10:30 am Mass. (Sept—May)) Grades K—5: Sunday 9:15—10:15 am @ St. Michael School YOUTH MINISTRY: Grades 6—8 (middle school) Kids For Christ (KFC) Every other Monday 6:30—8:00 @ SMS Grades 9— 12 (high school) Super Catholics Of Our Church (SCOOCH) Sunday 6:30 -8:00 pm @ SMS Catholic Charities of Wayne County Deacon Peter S. Dohr, Executive Director 315-331-4867 June 21, 2015 Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York DAY MASS INTENTION Sunday, June 21 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 38:1, 8-11 2 Cor 5:14-17 Mk 4: 35-41 Monday, June 22 Weekday Gn 12:1-9 Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday, June 23 Weekday EVENTS 8:15 am ~ Mae Buttaccio—Ed Buttaccio & family 10:30 am ~ Antonis Zietkiewicz—family 10:30 am ~ Senior recognition Mass with reception 8:00 am ~ Michael Chelenza—wife, Connie 1 pm ~ Rosary @ Monument for the Unborn 7 pm ~ Baccalaureate Service with reception in church hall to follow 8:00 am ~ Fred & Mary Shea—Bill & Kit Wednesday, June 24 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Is 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:7-66, 80 8:00 am ~ Mark Calabrese—Joe & Jane Monahan & family 12 pm-5 pm ~ Blood Drive @ church hall 6:30 pm ~ Confirmation meeting for parents in Church Thursday, June 25 Weekday Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 Mt 7:21-29 8:00 am Friday, June 26 Weekday Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22 Mt 8:1-4 8:00 am Liturgy of the Word, with communion ~ In the Chapel 7 pm ~ Misa, hora social Capilla/church hall 7:30 am ~ For all living & deceased members of St. Michael’s Parish 4:30 pm ~ M/M Harold Atwood—Harry VandeMortel 3:15 pm ~ Confessions Second Collection for Peter’s Pence 8:15 am ~ Peter Nicosia—Anthony & Gloria DeStaffan 10:30 am ~ Arturo Bussani—Ed & Mary Jo Fenyn Second Collection for Peter’s Pence Saturday, June 27 Weekday Gn 18:1-15 Mt 8:5-17 Sunday, June 28 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 1:13-15, 2:23-24 2 Cor 8:7,9, 13-15 Mk 5:21-43 ~ Julie DiSanto—Theresa Wlodarczyk SCHEDULES WEEKEND OF JUNE 27-28 MASS ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS COMMENTATORS EXTRAODINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY JUN 27, 4:30 PM I. & O. Bailey F. Pirelli F. Lawson K. Semmler, B. Semmler, W. Lawson* J. Bouwens, T. O’Toole, S. O’Toole SUNDAY JUN 28, 8:15 AM C. & B. Dobbie S. Smith D. Doyle J. Crowley, W. Crowley, R. Kr olak* A. Crowley, I. Colon, C. Hann SUNDAY JUN 28, 10:30 AM J. Camblin I. Mac Taggart D. Barrett D. Howard L. DeRue, K. Vitaro, J . Howar d* K. Camblin, C. Owen, M. Costello NO COFFEE HOUR MONEY COUNTERS: R. Dewa, Captain SENIOR RECOGNITION AT 10:30 AM MASS Reception following 10:30 am Mass in the church hall sponsored by the Rosary & Altar Society AND... To celebrate Father’s Day all Dads are invited to the church hall after 10:30 am Mass to receive their choice of: BROWNIE SUNDAE or STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE bold = bread minister, * = cup washer High School Senior Baccalaureate Monday, June 22nd At 7:00 pm St. Michael’s Church, 401 S. Main St., Newark All are invited to attend this community prayer service with a reception to follow in the church hall. Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering. June 21, 2015 Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York Honra a Tu Padre y a Tu Madre to all who volunteered & supported our St. Michael’s Parish Festival & helped it to be yet another family fun weekend. We will let you know our profit as soon as we finish tallying all of our numbers. WINNERS OF THE ST. MICHAEL’S FAMILY FESTIVAL 2015 GIANT CASH DRAWING $2,997.31 ~ ANN REINHARDT $1,798.39 ~ KORRINE GEORGE $1,198.92 ~ GARY BUERMAN CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU! FALL RUMMAGE SALE Are you having a Garage Sale this summer? Please consider donating your unsold items to St. Michael’s Fall Rummage Sale. Box them up and set them aside. Marking begins on Monday, October 5th. WE NEED ITEMS!! As always, we cannot accept typewriters, bowling balls and exercise equipment, skis & ski boots, tires, baby car seats, non -compliant cribs, computers or nonworking electronics! No stained, cracked, torn or broken items. ALSO—could you save paper grocery bags for us? We use them on Bag Day! If you are available on Sunday, October 4th after 10:30 am mass, we need help setting up...we will begin marking Monday at 8:00 am! Rummage sale begins, Tuesday, October 13th. THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THIS BIG EVENT! 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Hoy celebramos el Día de los Padres. Cada persona ha tenido una madre y un padre, pero no todos han tenido ambos en sus vidas. Hoy reconocemos y agradecemos a los padres de familia. Algunos hijos no han tenido la presencia activa de sus padres en sus vidas. Sabemos que algunos padres mueren ante que sus hijos lo conocen. El padre de mi madre murió cuando ella tenía un año de edad, y fue su madre que tenía la responsabilidad de criarla. Su madre se casó de nuevo, pero por una enfermedad él tuvo que vivir en un hospital. Algunos niños pierden sus padres debido a crímenes, drogas, alcohol, abuso, o separación o divorcio de sus padres. El padre no está en la casa; puede ser que de vez en cuando los hijos lo ven, pero no tienen oportunidades de formar relaciones fuertes, y puede ser difícil vivir el mandamiento de honrar a su padre y a su madre. El libro de Deuteronomio (5:16) dice que una consecuencia de honrar a tus padres es que “tus días se prolongarán por mucho tiempo y te irá bien en la tierra que Dios te da.” Este cuarto mandamiento indica el orden de la caridad; después de Dios es importante honrar a nuestros padres, a los que debemos la vida y que nos han transmitido nuestro conocimiento de Dios. Dios les ha dado a los padres de familia su autoridad y por eso debemos respetarlos. Como hijos tenemos que dar honor, afecto y reconocimiento a nuestros padres, abuelos, antepasados, patronos, maestros y gobernantes. La observancia de este mandamiento procura frutos espirituales y temporales de amor, de paz y de prosperidad, pero la no observancia afecta negativamente las familias, las comunidades y los individuos. Por supuesto los padres deben actuar de una manera que merece respeto. Es un gran reto a todos los padres. Si desean que los hijos los respeten y los amen, tienen que respetar y amar a los hijos. Hay que dialogar—no mandar; hay que escuchar—no exigir una obediencia ciega. La familia cristiana forma una Iglesia doméstica en el hogar: una comunidad de fe, esperanza y caridad. La familia debe ser un reflejo e imagen de la comunión del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Es llamada a la oración cotidiana (no solamente escuchar las oraciones de los hijos, sino orar espontáneamente juntos con ellos), la lectura de la Palabra de Dios y el amor entre los miembros. Los padres educan a sus hijos en la fe y la vivencia de esa fe en Jesucristo. Es por medio de los padres que los hijos aprendan a amar, perdonar, ser misericordiosos, compartir, escuchar, entregarse, ser justos y vivir los valores morales. Padres, gracias por abrirse a sus hijos y prestar atención a sus necesidades. Hermana Kay Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana Viernes, 26 de junio, 7:00 p. m.: Misa y hora social en la capilla y el salón parroquial Muchísimas gracias a todos que ayudar on con el Festival Parroquial. ¡Bien hecho! DAD A Son’s First HERO A daughter’s first LOVE THE RED CROSS NEEDS DONORS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24TH IN THE CHURCH HALL. 12:00 PM-5 PM Save a Life! Make a Difference! St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York Dear Parish Family, I hope you had a wonderful week and enjoyed some time at the parish festival. I was disappointed that we canceled on Friday, but Saturday was a beautiful day and my first experience with being part of the festival was a great one. I would like to thank those youth who showed up to help with the face painting and prize booth. The giving of your time and talent was, and is, much appreciated. This weekend we recognize our high school seniors at the 10:30 am mass. These youth have worked very hard over the years to reach this special moment in their lives, high school graduation! I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors and I pray for you as you continue on this next journey in your young lives; whether it be college, entering the military, or the work force. May you continue using the many gifts God has given you for the good of the world. Pray often in thanksgiving for the many blessings God has given you and don’t forget to turn to God the Spirit for guidance and peace in the decisions you will face in the future. I wish all Dads a very Happy Father’s Day! Now get grill’in!! Peace & love to you all, June ATTENTION ALL ADULTS WHO VOLUNTEER WITH YOUTH OR VULNERABLE ADULTS OF OUR PARISH: CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING: Creating a Safe Environment is a mandated training by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, to ensure the safety of those most defenseless in our society, including our children and vulnerable adults. Therefore, all who volunteer with the youth of our parish and those who are minister’s of Holy Communion to those in hospitals, nursing homes, living centers, and to the homebound, are required to take this training and have a background check. Training can be completed online. Please contact June Sherman for more information. CONFIRMATION MEETING: There will be a parent meeting on Wednesday, June 24 at 6:30pm in the church, for those parents who would like their child/ren to begin preparation to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation. Youth must be in at least 8th grade in the fall of 2015 in order to begin preparation. June 21, 2015 Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time Looking Ahead Catechist needed for faith formation program and Children’s Liturgy of the Word: St. Michael Church is in need of teachers & aides for the upcoming school year, September 2015-May 2016. If you are interested in volunteering in the ministry of Catechist or leader for Children’s Liturgy, or have questions about these ministries, please contact June Sherman at the parish office for more information. St. Michael’s Children’s Masses: Would your child/ren be interested in participating in our children’s masses? We are in need of youth (grades 1-8) who would like to be greeters, lectors, and choir members. Please contact June Sherman at the parish office with questions or if you would like to let her know that your child/ren would be willing to participate. Vacation Bible School: Hosted by Park Presbyterian Church, August 10-14, 2015, 9amnoon. This is a free program offered to children ages 3 thru 6th grade. Helpers are needed from7th grade thru adult. Contact Park Presbyterian at 331-2255 or [email protected] for more information. St. Michael’s Church has been asked to donate the following items for vacation bible school: 2 large jars of peanut butter, 2 large bags of regular M & M’s, and 2 bags of mini pretzel twist. If you would like to make a donation of one or more of the above items, please get them to June Sherman at the parish center by July 31st. Thank you! June 21, 2015 Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven “… a time to be born…” “...a time to love…” “… a time to be healed…” Please pray for the sick of our Parish. Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Nate Barnes, Ben Hartman, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Kathy Dunn, Ed Grabowski, Michael Kowaleski, Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, Cecelia Cassavino, Maritza Comer, Matthew Buttaccio, Linda Kaiser, ET Trunick, Donald Pieters, Jean Condit, Joan Weimann, Bernie Armitage, Jim DeMott, Jerry Sielawa, Joe Gallant, Tony Salamone, Mary Santelli, Georgette Eagley, Mary Gilligan, Frank D’Amico, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Alice Nicoletta, Ron Atikinson, Fran DeVelder , Rose Ann Morales & Pearl Johnson And please pray for our Parish friends. Polly Barnes, Barbara Gallant, Idalya Estevez, LuAnn McDonald, Michael DePauw & Lynn Goodman “… a time to die…” “… and a time for peace.” In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sacrificial Giving May 2015 $27,563.00 Many thanks for May 2014 $26,952.00 your support of 7/1/14-5/31/15 $325,841.00 St. Michael’s 7/1/13-5/31/14 $325,424.00 Annual Contributions: $29,316.68 To more accurately reflect the needs of the Parish, we are going to show this year’s Sunday collections received versus last year’s Sunday collections. FOOD CLOSET ITEMS NEEDED THIS WEEK: PANCAKE MIX & SYRUP Please leave items in the church gathering space. Thank you! Please patronize our SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Newark Rose Garden Apartments Thank you for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin.
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