Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish Cristo, el Buen Pastor 633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-3633 (Español) (330)755-1367 (fax) • The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments, share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and throughout the world. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, 2015 GETTING THROUGH THE TOUGH TIMES “It’s going to get worse before it gets better” is a phrase that prepares us to buckle up for a rough ride. We know that enduring a difficult time will require some strenuous physical or emotional energy on our part before we experience the calm of normality. Our past experience tells us that we can endure the difficult pressure better when we know how long it will last and if we know that something better awaits us. Getting through the tough times while holding to the promise that awaits us is the message of this weekend’s readings. They point toward the promises of God’s kingdom that will come after the maelstroms and chaos of this world. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. OUR PARISH’S CHURCHES St. John the Baptist Church 159 Reed Ave. Hall: (330)755-0036 St. Joseph the Provider Church 633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316 St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima 394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4545 or (330)755-2245 All parish offices are located at 633 Porter Avenue. Campbell, OH 44405 330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Good Shepherd Campbell MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details) at St. Joseph the Provider Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm [with Confessions at 3:15pm] Sunday: 8:30am - 10:15am -12:00 Noon (Spanish) Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass at St. Lucy Holy Days: (See inside) 2• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Un Mensaje del Pastor This week, some of our high school youth will be going to the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). This will be the fifth NCYC that I have attended. We will gather in Indianapolis this year. No less than 20,000 youth from around the country will be at NCYC. It is a wonderful, inspiring, and impressive experience. Some of the session will be available online for live streaming, if you would like to see them from here. Please, pray for the youth in attendance that the Holy Spirit may be with them at the conference. And, pray that we will come back energized! On Monday, November 16, will be our next Indoor Festival meeting, at 6pm. I am excited about the planning so far for our February 6 event. And, we pray for Bob Yankle, who will be commissioned as a Lay Leader of Prayer this week. I thank all of our Lay Leaders of Prayer who help advance the prayer life of this community. Their ministry is so important, especially as we look at the constraints on priest personnel of the Diocese. And, during this month, we continue to pray for the souls of the faithful departed. Requiescant in pace. God bless you, Fr. Conoboy Esta semana algunos de nuestro jóvenes de la escuela secundaria van a asistir la Conferencia de Jóvenes Católica Nacional (NCYC). Esta será el quinta NCYC que ha asistido. Nos reunimos en Indianapolis este año. No menos de 20 mil jóvenes de todo el país estará en NCYC. Es una experiencia maravillosa, inspiradora, e impresionante. Algunas de la sesiones estarán disponibles en el internet, la transmisión es en vivo, si quieres verlos desde aquí. Por favor oren por los jóvenes para que en la participación de esta conferencia el Espíritu Santo pueda estar con ellos. Y, orén para que vuelvan con mucha energía! El Lunes, 16 de Noviembre, será nuestra próxima reunión para el Indoor Festival, a las 6pm. Estoy muy emocianado con la planificación hasta el momento para nuestro evento el 6 de Febrero. Y, oremos por Bob Yankle, que será comisionado como Líder Laico de la Oración esta semana. Doy las gracias a todos nuestros Líderes de Oración que ayudan a avanzar en la vida de oración de esta comunidad. Su ministerio estan importante, sobre todo si nos fijamos en las limitaciones de personal sacerdotal de la Diócesis. Y, durante este mes, continuamos rezando por las almas de los fieles difuntos. Que descansen en paz. Que Dios te bendiga, Padre Conoboy 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • 3 Memorial Flames at St. Joseph the Provider The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass. Saturday, November 14: Vigil for Sunday: 4:00pm Legionaries- Living & Deceased (St. John’s Legion of Mary) Stanley Melnik (Steven & Claire Racz) 50th Wedding Anniversary Chuck & Carol Zamary SUNDAY, November 15: 33rd Sunday Ordinary 8:30am Margaret Wayda (Margaret Ford) 10:15am Deceased members of Rudolphi Family (Family) Noon Rafael y Marta Romero (Hija Nydia) Weekday Masses at St. Lucy Monday, November 16: St. Margaret/St. Gertrude 8:30am Communion Service Tuesday, November 17: St. Elizabeth of Hungary 8:30am Betty Nobile (Liana Berardino) Wednesday, November 18:Dedication of Basilica Sts.Peter/Paul 8:30am Angela Lewis (husband Ed. & Family) Thursday, November 19: Weekday 8:30am Ann M. Busko (Eleanor Gresko) Friday, November 20: Weekday 8:30am Joseph Scarfo (wife, Rose) Saturday, November 21: Vigil for Sunday: 4:00pm John Zuraw (Linda & Gary Henrich) Frank Rossodivita (wife, Sylvia & Family) Christ, Good Shepherd Memorial Association SUNDAY, November 22: Christ Our King 8:30am Blanche Vanca (Sally Falasca) 10:15am Helen Huzicka (M/M Fred Ramos) Noon Carmen Lavienna Silva (Raman Silva) Juan “Paco” Sepulveda (Esmeralda Jones) Memorial Mass Association Intentions Intentions for the Memorial Mass that is offered once a month for a year are now being taken. A donation of $60.00 will include your loved one for the full year. Intention: ______________________________ Requested by:___________________________ Amt. enclosed:_____________ Christ, the Good Shepherd: Fr. Paul Tobin (Angie & John Santillo) St. Anthony: Leonard Sliwinski (Family) +PRAY WITH THE SCRIPTURES+ Readings for the week of November 15: TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever (Daniel 12:1-3). Psalm — You are my inheritance, O Lord! (Psalm 16). Second Reading — Where there is forgiveness, there is no longer offering for sin (Hebrews 10:11-14, 18). Gospel — Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (Mark 13:24-32). READINGS FOR THE WEEKm , Monday: 1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63; Psalm 119; Luke 18:35-43 Tuesday: 2 Maccabees 6:18-31; Psalm3; Luke19:1-10 Wednesday: 2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31; Psalm 17; Luke 19:11-28 or (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Psalm 98; Matthew 14:22-33 Thursday: 1Maccabees 2:15-29;Psalm 50Luke 19:41-44 Friday: 1 Maccabees 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chronicles 29:10bcd, 11-12; Luke 19:45-48 Saturday: 1 Maccabees 6:1-13; Psalm 9; Luke 20:27-40 Sunday: Daniel 7:13-14; Psalm 93; Revelation 1:5-8; John 18:33b-37 Intenciones para la Misa de Conmemoración Se están tomando Intenciones para la Misa de Conmemoración que se ofrecen una vez al mes durante un año. Con una donación de $60.00 incluirá su ser querido por el año complete. Intención: _______________________________ Solicitada por: ___________________________ Cantidad incluida: _____________ 4 • CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH: Sunday, November 15: 8:45 -10:00am CCD classes K-8th grades Confirmation meeting Student-SponsorParent 11:30am St. John Cultural Society meeting Monday, November 16: 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm Food Fest meeting 7:00pm St. Lucy Men’s Society meeting Tuesday, November 17: 6:30pm Pastoral Council meeting Wednesday, November 18: Food Pantry Palermo Center St. John Food Sharing 10:00am Crochet Club 5:00pm Prayer Group 6:00pm St. Joseph Cultural Society meeting Thursday, November 19: 9-11am Order Pierogi 330.755.131 Friday, November 20: 8:00am Pierogi Sales Call orders 330.755.1316 ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Domingo, 15 de Noviembre: 8:45-10am CCD grados K-8 y Reunión para los padres, estudiantes y padrino de Confirmación 11:30am Reunión Sociedad Cultural St. John Lunes, 16 de Noviembre: 6:00pm Práctica del Coro 6:00pm Reunión Indoor Festival 7:00pm Reunión Sociedad de Hombres St. Lucy Martes, 17 de Noviembre: 6:30pm Reunión Consejo Pastoral Miércoles, 18 de Noviembre: Banco de Comida en el Palermo Center y St. John 10:00am Club de Crochet 5:00pm Grupo de Oración 6:00pm Reunión Sociedad Cultural St. Joseph Jueves, 19 de Noviembre: 9-11am Ordene Pierogi 330.755.1316 Saturday, November 21: Legion of Mary Viernes, 20 de Noviembre: 8:00am Pierogi favor llamar para ordenar 330.755.1316 Sunday, November 22: 8:45am CCD classes K-8th grades Sábado, 21 de Noviembre: Legión de María Thank You to the Pierogi workers for donating the railing on the porch. Fr. Paul Tobin’s Family wishes to thank everyone who had Masses said, Candles lit, made donations to the Church or Family, brought food or helped for the mercy meal. Everything you did was greatly appreciated. Your kindness and sympathy are also greatly appreciated. Plan Ahead Super Bowl Sunday February 7, 2016 St. John the Baptist Church Hall $50.00 Block $400.00 per quarter Open Bar & Buffet Name____________________________amt.______ Drop in collection basket. Domingo, 22 de Noviembre: 8:45-10am CCD grados K-8 La Familia del Padre Tobin desea agradecer a todos los que han mandado misas, velas, donaciones a la Iglesia o la Familia, por la comida traída o ayudado con el Almuerzo de Misericordía. Todo lo que hicieron fue muy apreciado. Su amabilidad y simpatía también son muy apreciadas. Wednesday, November 18 Diocesan Infant Jesus of Prague Mass Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Niles Rosary 9:30am Mass 10:00am St. John the Baptist Cemetery The Board is in the process of having a 104 Cremation Niche Columbarium built at the St. Francis Feature. Construction should be completed now. For more information and prices, call Cemetery office 330.536.8573 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • 5 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE November 15, 2015 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” (Mark 13:26) We will all have that day when we are standing before God and our life is played out like a movie. When this happens and God asks each of us, “What have you done with the gifts that I have given you?” How will you respond? "Verán entonces al Hijo del hombre venir en las nubes con gran poder y gloria." (Marcos 13:26) Todos llegaremos al día en que nos pararemos frente a Dios y nuestra vida pasara frente a nosotros como una película. Cuando esto suceda y Dios nos pregunte a cada uno de nosotros, "¿Que has hecho con los regalos que te he dado?" ¿Cómo responderá usted? PARISH SACRIFICAL GIVING NOVEMBER 8: WEEKLY COLLECTION: $6,611.00 ADDITIONAL: Children: $16.00 Utilities/Main: $181.00 Second Collection: $354.00 St. Vincent de Paul All Saints: $83.00 All Souls: $133.00 Step For Change: $130.00 MASS ATTENDANCE FOR 11/8: 501 Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish To All Parishioners We are working on bringing our Sick List that’s in the bulletin up to date. If you know of anyone that could be removed, please let us know. If you know of some one in the hospital, even those out of town, let us know. We would also like to update our parishioners that are homebound or in a nursing home. Call the office we appreciate the update. Thank You. A Todos los Feligreses Estamos trabajando en poner la lista de enfermos del boletín al día. Si usted sabe de alguien que podría ser eliminado, por favor háganoslo saber. También nos gustaría actualizar la lista de nuestros feligreses que estan confinados en la casa o en un asilo de ancianos. Llame a la oficina apreciamos su ayuda. Your prayers are requested for the health and well-being of the following parishioners: Scott Anderson Mary Bartholomew Julia Beltz Jim Bigley Pat Bozichovich Ted Braccolino Mary Brunson Dorothy Buccieri Mary Bukofchan Kenneth Bukowski Danny Bullen Lefty Butchko Hannah Carnahan Melissa Carnahan Joseph & Ellen Cassata Patti Centofanti Pauline Ciccolelli Ed Cook Nilda Cruz Veronica Domko Gabriall Daves Edith Dellick Frances DelRae Ana Diaz Mary Dirienzo Mary Lou Dubaj Michael Esposito Ray Fabian Bernie Flowers Mark Furman William Galluppi Kay Garman Bob Gatti John Gerlick James Gotch Frances Gregor Iraklis Grillis Norma Gonzalez Lucy Hames John Hames John Hamley Janine Hooks Anne Hornak Ann Hudak Marcella Innocenzi Elizabeth Jean Kana Dick Kajut Mary Kominak Angelina Koval Kevina Koval Dr. James Lazor John Lissi Rita Makatura Joe Makosky Hannah Marsh Kay Marshall Mary Mazzocca Joe Mazzocca, Sr. Jackie & Bruce McMillin Emillio Miconi Leo Miranda Joe Montella Barbara Montella Darren Patterson Morgan Marge Mraz Mike Mularchik Helen & Ed Nester Jane Orlo John Orlo Tom Orlo Florence Patterson Dave Parsons Brian Pascarella Antionette Pennel Walter Perez Linda Perry Faith Perry Elizabeth Peyko Fr. Steve Popovich Andy Rauzan Sandy Redeske Thomas Repasky Dolly Rich John Richards Ann Rivalsky Carmen Rivera Tootsie Rivera Bibiano Rodriguez Paul Romeo Sylvia Rossodivita Andrea Ruscitti Gina Sacco Jerry Sacco Deacon Enrique Santiago Carmen Santiago Linda Schulte Betty Schlosser Barbara Schlosser Wesley Scott Sr. Wes Scott Jr. Freddie Seitz Helen Seman Marina Serrano Denise Sharshan Jon Shabella Helen Shiller Ruth Sierzega Robert Sikora Mike Simboli Diane Stamos Steve Stamos Betty Ann Glass Smith Dorothy Stellmar Shirley Szilagy Dave Tabor Jim Tabor Chip Taylor Cindy Timko Mary Ann Trimboli Isabella Trimboli Priscilla Turscak Mary Uhrain Ed Uhrain Diane Varady Crissi Vallus Eddie Vallus Suzanne Morales Vetter Helen Wacht Edward Wacht Billy Walter Dorothy Walter Eddie Walter Paul White, Sr. Dora Wielbruda Linda Wright Patty Zbell Fr. Howard Ziemba Rudy Zura Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes. 6• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Elementary Religious Education CCD classes for students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 on Sunday at 8:45am and end at 10:00am Due to the Mass time change beginning Sunday, November 29 Mass in English will be at 9:30am so beginning Sunday, December 6, CCD classes will be from 10:30 until 11:50am (there is no class November 29 Thanksgiving break) Please remember that two years of education are needed before receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and on-going formation needed for Confirmation in Grade 8. Please call Marge O’Malley if you need more information, 330.755.4141. CCD Calendar November 15: Class and Student-Sponsor-Parent Meeting/Confirmation November 22: Class November 29: No Class/Happy Thanksgiving Adult Faith Formation RCIA gives everyone the opportunity to meet with adults to find out more about the Catholic Faith especially those starting or continuing faith formation through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information, call Marge O’Malley at 330.755.4141 If you didn’t receive a handout from the Legion of Mary regarding the Give Thanks box in the entrance way and want to know more about it, please call Lori Swantek 330.755.2331 or Ed Bonilla 330.550.8179. Come to Thanksgiving Day Mass and receive a spiritual gift from the Legion of Mary. St. Jude’s Women’s Guild is sponsoring their annual Craft Show Saturday, November 21 from 10:00am to 4:00pm at St. Jude Activity Center, 180 Seventh Street, in Columbiana. Show features hand crafted & homemade items, Chinese Auction, bake sale, raffle, lunch counter with varied menu items. Cardinal Mooney High School freshman placement test for 2016-2017 school year at 9:00am in the school cafeteria, Saturday, November 21. Use either cafeteria entrance near back parking lot on Indianola Avenue or the main entrance on Erie Street and should plan to arrive at 8:55am The test will conclude at approximately 11:45am. Students should bring several #2 pencils and a calculator. For reservations call 330.788.5007 from 8:00am - 3:30pm On Wednesday, November 18, Bob Yankle completed formation to become a Leader of Prayer. A Leader of Prayer is a lay person commissioned to lead the faithful in acts of worship which in the past were often led by ordained clergy but which are not reserved exclusively to them. The course is conducted by the diocese. Leaders of Prayer may be asked to lead Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Liturgy of the Word, Wake Services, the Rite of Committal and devotions such as novenas and Stations of the Cross. Bob Yankle is to be commended for the dedication and enthusiasm with which he responded to the call by the parish to take part in this ministry. When you have the opportunity you might thank him for the service he is giving to our parish. Holy Name Society wishes to THANK everyone who helped make our 300 Club event a success from those who bought books, those who helped set-up and tear down, and helped in any way. Winners of the event: Gas Cards: James Sferra & Diane Day, Free Book: Renee Lewis, 50/50 Raffle: Kenny Vrona, Raffle: Rose Marie Osman, Viviano Rodriguez, Diane Vettoro Caraballo. Diocesan Infant Jesus of Prague Christmas Party Wednesday, December 2 Rosary 10:30am Mass 11:00am St. Christine Church Reservations for a catered lunch must be made before Monday, November 23. Cost $15.00. Make check payable to Christ, the Good Shepherd Infant Guild “Vilija Dinner” Sponsored by St. John the Baptist Cultural Society Sunday, December 6th from 3 - 7:00pm Social hour with appetizers, followed by dinner and desserts!!! Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish St. John the Baptist Church Hall 159 Reed Avenue Tickets ---$20.00 For information call Mariann---330.755.1979 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME- NOVEMBER 15, 2015 • 7 Caminata Anual de Galletas Cristo, el Buen Pastor Sociedad Cultural de St. Joseph Annual Cookie Walk St. Joseph Cultural Society of Christ, the Good Shepherd Sábado, 12 de Diciembre 11:00 am - 1:00pm Saturday, December 12th 11:00 am - 1:00 pm All Homemade Cookies Baked goods would be greatly appreciated Cookies - $8.00 a pound and Pizzelles - Clothes Pin Cookies - Maple Twists sold by the dozen for $8.00 Kolachi - made by St. Joseph Cultural Society and Parishioners - $10.00 Nut, Apricot and Poppyseed -------------------------------------------------------------Order Form Galletas Caseras Productos horneados son bienvenidos Galletas - $8.00 la libra y Pizzelles - Clothes Pin Cookies - Maple Twists se venden por dozena a $8.00 Kolachi - hecho por la Sociedad Cultural de St. Joseph y otros Feligreses - $10.00 Nueces, Albaricoque y Poppyseed --------------------------------------------------------------------Order Form Name Phone # _______ Name____________________Phone #____________ Nueces Albaricoque Poppyseed_____ Nut__________ Apricot_______ Poppyseed_____ Drop in collection basket or call: Eddie Kotsol 330.755.5482 or Elaine Tabak 330.755.0557 The Benedictine Monks of St. Andrew Abbey in Cleveland, Ohio, invite single, Catholic men between the ages of 18-45 to our “Living with Benedict” monastic experience weekend retreat, at the abbey located at 10510 Buckeye Road (near Shaker Square). There is no charge but reservations are needed. Contact Fr. Finbar at 216.721.5300, ext. 273 or at [email protected]. If you were unable to attend our November retreat, the next “Living with Benedict” is February 12-14, 2016. Spaghetti Dinner St. Patrick School 7th & 8th grades Annual Trip Fundraiser Today, Sunday, November 15 12-400pm Take-out available Adults $8.00, 12 and under $5.00 Favor de poner orden en la canasta o llamar: Eddie Kotsol 330.755.5482 or Elaine Tabak 330.755.0557 St. Clement Church, Johnstown, PA is selling tickets to win a Super Bowl 50 Package for 2 or $10,000 CASH. Package includes two Super Bowl Tickets, three nights lodging, $1,500 travel cash, admission to pre-game party, Super Bowl memorabilia and transports to and from the stadium. Winning # is determined by the 1st Pick 4 PA Lottery, 7:00pm drawing January 1. Cost is $10. (5,000 tickets sold, 2 numbers per ticket). For tickets contact Dave Pavlik 814.243.9446 or Rectory 814.255.4422. American Slovak Cultural Association of Mahoning Valley annual Vilija Dinner will be Sunday, December 13, 4pm in the Fr. Snock Center at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Shady Run Road. Tickets $20 person. Tickets will be sold at the door. Call: Ron 330.533.7077 or Loretta 330.549.3760. Deadline to purchase tickets is December 6. LONG TERM CARE in a Home-Like Surrounding Phillip Panno, LNHA Terri Guidici, DON 400 Sexton St. Struthers, OH Ph. (330) 755-1466 FAX (330) 755-1463 Wasko Funeral Home, Inc. 216 Coitsville Rd. Campbell, Ohio 10000 Market Street 330-747-5257 (1/2 mile south of Western Reserve Rd.) 330.549.5228 • 10% Off Case Wine Specializing in Weddings “AN ADVENTURE IN SHOPPING” Saint Margaret Sunday Missal FOR • HOME • FARM • SHOP • RECREATION 875 Mahoning Ave., Exit 5 on 680 Flea Market Bargains Without the Fleas CLOSEOUT BARGAINS 330-746-2969 An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Windsor House at Omni Skilled Nursing Care — Rehabilitation — Assisted Living Conveniently located off I-680 & Meridian Rd. 330-793-5648 MARK J. KOLMACIC 800-566-6150 • O Brothers Handyman Free quotes • Great Prices We do Indoor & Outdoor work We are an insured LLC Jose (330) 774-2696 Frankie (330) 344-0015 [email protected] Campbell, Ohio 44405 Dedicated to Caring Since 1952 Wills, Estates, Trusts, Family Law, Bankruptcy 26 Market Street, Suite 610 • Youngstown, Ohio 44053 330-746-6591 ID No. 12329 1295 Crescent Street, Youngstown, OH 44502 Ph. 330 743 6510 Fax 330 743 6478 24-Hour Service (After Hours Call) 330 502 2800 (330) 921-5014 Cell (330) 750-1721 Res. (330) 750-1724 Fax Snow Plowing Parishioners Kirila Funeral Home, Inc. ATTORNEY AT LAW Gary Gulu - Owner, Parishioner “The greatest difference between funeral homes are the people that work there.” Families First “La mayor diferencia entre las funerarias son las personas que trabajan alli.” Familias Primero Michael J. Kirila, Jr. Anthony J. Quahliero, Jr. Owner / Funeral Director Manager / Funeral Director 258 Poland Avenue • Struthers, Ohio 44471 (330) 750-1321 • Kirk & Raccoon Rds., Austintown (330) 799.3477 South Ave. & Maple (330) 726.0777 RULLI BROS. MARKETS Quality Since 1917 CARMEN L. GARCIA Marketing Specialist Attorney Benjamin Joltin Liz Lopez “Se Habla Español” 330-286-3459 [email protected] 106 South Broad Street, Canfield 330-757-8855 - Office 87 W. McKinley Way-Rt.224 Poland, Ohio 44514 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Danridge’s Burgundi Manor Skilled Rehabilitation Services 31 Maranatha Drive Youngstown, Ohio 330-746-5157 Proudly located in the Lincoln Knolls Neighborhood Part of the Legacy Health Services Family Campbell Pharmacy (COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES) phone 330-782-8035 State I.D. #11658 fax 330-782-8098 1144 E. Midlothian Blvd. Youngstown, Ohio 44502-2839 135 Twelfth Street Campbell, OH 44405 Phone: (330) 755-5221 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ . 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 510115 Christ the Good Shepherd Parish *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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