Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish Cristo, el Buen Pastor 633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-3633 (Español) (330)755-1367 (fax) • The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments, share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and throughout the world. 28th Ordinary Sunday October 11, 2015 DISCIPLESHIP AND WEALTH Sometimes we get the idea that having material wealth is a bad thing. We may convince ourselves that it is the poor who are favored. In today’s readings, we discover that material wealth alone does not keep us from discipleship. We will see that there are other gifts more important than material wealth, but even so, it is how we use our gifts that matters most. Today’s scriptures point to the value of the gifts of wisdom, trusting in God, and letting our actions reflect the love of God from within. It is not gold that causes us to fall, but rather the desire for gold above all other things. From the readings in Wisdom and Hebrews, we find the source of God’s gifts in our lives. Wisdom is more valuable than worldly possessions. In Hebrews, we are challenged to look at our own values and admit honestly what controls our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. OUR PARISH’S CHURCHES St. John the Baptist Church 159 Reed Ave. Hall: (330)755-0036 St. Joseph the Provider Church 633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316 St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima 394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4545 or (330)755-2245 All parish offices are located at 633 Porter Avenue. Campbell, OH 44405 330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Good Shepherd Campbell MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details) at St. Joseph the Provider Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm [with Confessions at 3:00pm] Sunday: 8:30am - 10:15am -12:00 Noon (Spanish) Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass at St. John the Baptist Holy Days: (See inside) 2• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Un Mensaje del Pastor I would like to echo the thanks given to all who helped last week at Fr. Tobin’s Funeral Mass and luncheon. Thank you! Both the Mass and the luncheon were a great help and consolation to Fr. Paul’s family. I am very glad that we were able to celebrate both here at the parish. It was a great witness to the visitors of the parish—a witness to the rich cultures and faith that are here. In many ways, it is what our parish can and should be. I pray that we can continue to give such a witness, even when many visitors are not here. Fr. Tobin has been interred in the priest section of Calvary Cemetery. Some of you have asked if another priest will be sent here. I have no reason to think that one will be sent here. The Diocese simply does not have the priest personnel to accommodate that. On a related note: Through the parish representatives, a conversation has begun. Should we have a new Sunday Mass schedule? This new schedule would have one Mass in English on Sunday, and one Mass at Noon in Spanish. There are many factors to this conversation, e.g. the best use of our Liturgical ministers, the possible opportunities for social and faith formation, and a regional Mass schedule mentioned in the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. And, of course, your input is essential to answering this question! So, if you have input, please, let me or a representative know. The question is this: 1) Should we keep the Sunday schedule as it is, or 2) If we only have one Mass in English on Sunday morning, what time should it be? Thank you for helping us reach a conclusion to this question. I look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday, October 13th, at 6pm for a “Learning Mass.” It will be an opportunity to reflect on the central element of our Christian faith and parish life. God bless you, Fr. Conoboy Me gustaría hacer eco de las gracias dadas a todos los que ayudaron la semana pasada con la misa del Padre Tobin y el almuerzo. Gracias ! Tanto la misa como el almuerzo fueron de gran ayuda y consuelo para la familia del Padre Tobin. Estoy muy contento de que pudimos celebrar ambas cosas aquí en la parroquia. Fue un gran ejemplo para los visitantes de la parroquia-testigo de las ricas culturas y la fe que esta aquí. En muchos sentidos, es lo que nuestra parroquia puede y debe ser. Pido a Dios que podamos seguir para dar tal testimonio, aún cuando muchos visitantes no esten aquí. Padre Tobin ha sido enterrado en la sección de los sacerdotes en el Cementerio Calvary. Algunos de ustedes han preguntado si otro sacerdote será enviado. No tengo ninguna razón para pensar que uno va a ser enviado. La Diócesis no tiene el personal para hacer eso. En una nota relacionada : A través de los representantes de la parroquia , ha comenzado una conversación. Deberiamos tener un nuevo horario de Misa dominical ? Este nuevo horario tendría una misa en Inglés el domingo y una misa al mediodía en Español. Hay muchos factores a esta conversación, por ejemplo, el mejor uso de ministros litúrgicos, las posibles oportunidades de formación social y de fe, y un horario de misa regional mencionado en el Plan Pastoral Diocesano. Y, por supuesto, su aportación es esencial para responder a esta pregunta ! Por lo tanto, si usted tiene alguna opinión, por favor dejenme saber a mí o a un representante. La pregunta es la siguiente : 1) Hay que mantener el horario de domingo, como es, o 2) Si sólo tenemos una misa en Inglés en la mañana del domingo, a que hora debe ser ? Gracias, por ayudarnos a alcanzar una conclusión a esta pregunta. Espero ver a muchos de ustedes el martes 13 de octubre, a las 6pm para un « Aprendizaje de la Misa ». Va a ser una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el elemento central de nuestra fe y la vida cristiana de la parroquia. Que Dios te bendiga, Padre Conoboy 28TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME - OCTOBER 11, 2015 • 3 Memorial Flames at St. Joseph the Provider The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass. Saturday, October 10: Vigil for Sunday: 4:00pm Mary Nicolek (Family) Pasqualine Pantana (daughter Angie & John Santillo SUNDAY, October 11: 28th Ordinary Sunday: 8:30am Ed & Alyce Walkosak (daughter Debbie Kotheimer) 10:15am Helen Huzicka (Lucille Hames) Noon Edwardo “Eddy” Rodriguez (Fam. Rodriguez) Andreita Cruz (daughter, Ida) Gregoria Mimbela (Hija Mana Mercado & Aniversano) St. Anthony: Ralph Rivera (Family) Our Lady of Czestochowa: Henry & Helen Grondolsky (John & Patti) St. Theresa: Lottie Kotsol (son, Eddie) Please pray for the repose of the soul of Helen Shirilla May she be greeted in heaven with joy & celebration. Our sympathy & prayers are with her family. +PRAY WITH THE SCRIPTURES+ Readings for the week of October 11: Weekday Masses at St. John the Baptist Monday, October 12: Weekday 8:30am Communion Service Tuesday, October 13: Weekday 8:30am Veronica Dattilo (Rudjak Family) John Shirilla (John Cerni) Wednesday, October 14: St. Callistus 8:30am Fr. Paul Tobin (Mary Kominak) Thursday, October 15: St. Teresa of Jesus 8:30am Gizela Bogatek (M/M Michael Tofil) Friday, October 16: St. Hedwig/St. Margaret Mary 8:30am Jean Mochtyak (Hapol & Zastany Families) Saturday, October 17: Vigil for Sunday: 4:00pm Henry & Helen Grondolsky (Daughters) Steve & Bernice Hrycik (Maria & Harold Meyer) SUNDAY, October 18: 29th Ordinary Sunday: 8:30am Joe Massaro (Loretta DiBacco) 10:15am Christ, the Good Shepherd Memorial Mass Noon TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. All good things together came to me in her company (Wisdom 7:7-11). Psalm — Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy! (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Indeed the word of God is living and effective (Hebrews 4:12-13). Gospel — It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:17-30 [17-27]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Romans 1:1-7; Psalm 98; Luke 11:29-32 Tuesday: Romans 1:16-25; Psalm 19; Luke 11:37-41 Wednesday: Romans 2:1-11; Psalm 62; Luke 11:42-46 Thursday: Romans 3:21-30; Psalm 130; Luke 11:47-54 Friday: Romans 4:1-8; Psalm 32; Luke 12:1-7 Saturday: Romans 4:13, 16-18; Psalm 105; Luke 12:8-12 Isiah 53:10-11; Psalm 33; Hebrews 4:14-16; Mark 10:35-45 [42-45] Sunday: 4 • CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH: Sunday, October 11: 8:45 - 10:00am CCD K-8 grades & High School 9:30am Holy Name meeting 10:30am Damas meeting 3:30-4pm St. John Men’s Club meeting Monday, October 12: 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal Tuesday, October 13: 6:00pm Explanation of the Mass for All Ministers and anyone who wants to attend. Wednesday, October 14: 10:00am Crochet Club 5:00pm Prayer Group Thursday, October 15: 9-11am Order Pierogi 330.755.1316 ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Domingo, 11 de Octubre: 8:45-10am CCD grados K-8 y High School 9:30am Reunión Santo Nombre 10:30am Reunión de las Damas 3:30-4pm Reunión Club de Hombres de St. John Lunes, 12 de Octubre: 6:00pm Práctica del Coro Martes, 13 de Octubre: 6:00pm Explicación de la Misa para todos los Ministros y todo aquel que quiera participar Miércoles, 14 de Octubre: 10:00am Club de Crochet 5:00pm Grupo de Oración Jueves, 15 de Octubre: 9-11am Ordene Pierogi 330.755.1316 Friday, October 16: 8:00am Pierogi Sales Call orders 330.755.1316 Viernes, 16 de Octubre: 8:00am Pierogi favor llamar para ordenar 330.755.1316 Saturday, October 17: Legion of Mary Sábado, 17 de Octubre: Legión de María Sunday, October 18: 8:45 - 10:00am CCD K-8 grades 11:30am St. John Cultural Society in Church hall. Deadline to order Pasta Fagioli, Pizza, Bread & Rolls Domingo, 18 de Octubre: 8:45-10am CCD grados K-8 11:30am Reunión Sociedad de St. John Month of October Honor Mary Respect Life Saturday, October 17 5:00pm The Legion of Mary invites you to come and pray the rosary before Morning Mass on Thursdays in October to honor Mary as we celebrate October as the month of the Rosary. Free rosaries and prayers will be available by the pray the rosary banner in front of the church at St. Joseph’s in October. La Legión de María va a resar el Santo Rosario en las casas durante el mes de Octubre. Todos los interesados, favor llamar a Lydia Cortes 330.743.4256 Cynthia Garcia 330.744.0456 Come celebrate with all of us at Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish as we pray a special rosary. Weather permitting, this will be held outside our church so please bring chairs & dress accordingly. This prayer is open to all so bring your friends and show your devotion to the Blessed Mother. 28TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME - OCTOBER 11, 2015 • 5 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE October 11, 2015-- --28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus uses tough language that we may not want to hear. But, we are all called to be generous with all our gifts. Not just the ones we pick and choose, but all our gifts: our time in prayer to God, our talent in participating in parish ministries and our treasure supporting our local parish and other charities. Jesús usa un lenguaje duro que puede no gustarnos. Sin embargo, todos nosotros somos llamados a ser generosos con todos nuestros regalos. No solo aquellos que escogemos,sino que todos nuestros regalos: nuestro tiempo en oración para Dios, nuestro talent al participar en los ministerios de la parroquia y nuestros tesoros al apoyar nuestra parroquia local y otras caridades. PARISH SACRIFICAL GIVING OCTOBER 4: WEEKLY COLLECTION: $6,537.00 ADDITIONAL: Children: $24.00 Utilities/Main: $402.00 Second Collection: $346.00 Parish Ministries & Mission MASS ATTENDANCE FOR 10/4: 522 Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish The Cultural Societies from Christ, the Good Shepherd wish to thank everyone who baked and helped with the Mercy lunch for Fr. Paul Tobin An Invitation In light of the Extraordinary Year of Mercy and the canonical reform of the marriage nullity process, Bishop Murry invites couples who are married civilly but not in the Church to inquire about beginning the validation process (“having your marriage recognized by the Church”). Please contact the parish office at your earliest convenience to inquire about beginning the necessary steps leading to the validation of your marriage Your prayers are requested for the health and well-being of the following parishioners: Scott Anderson Mary Bartholomew Julia Beltz Jim Bigley Lori Bodnar Pat Bozichovich Ted Braccolino Dorothy Buccieri Mary Bukofchan Kenneth Bukowski Danny Bullen Lefty Butchko Hannah Carnahan Melissa Carnahan Joseph & Ellen Cassata Patti Centofanti Pauline Ciccolelli Ed Cook Nilda Cruz Gabriall Daves Edith Dellick Frances DelRae Ana Diaz Mary Dirienzo Mary Lou Dubaj Michael Esposito Ray Fabian Bernie Flowers Mark Furman William Galluppi Kay Garman Bob Gatti John Gerlick James Gotch Frances Gregor Iraklis Grillis Norma Gonzalez Lucy Hames John Hames John Hamley Janine Hooks Anne Hornak Ann Hudak Marcella Innocenzi Elizabeth Jean Kana Dick Kajut Mary Kominak Angelina Koval Kevina Koval Joan Larriccia Dr. James Lazor John Lissi Rita Makatura Joe Makosky Hannah Marsh Kay Marshall Mary Mazzocca Joe Mazzocca, Sr. Jackie & Bruce McMillin Emillio Miconi Leo Miranda Joe Montella Barbara Montella Darren Patterson Morgan Marge Mraz Mike Mularchik Helen & Ed Nester Jane Orlo John Orlo Tom Orlo Florence Patterson Dave Parsons Brian Pascarella Antionette Pennel Walter Perez Linda Perry Faith Perry Fr. Steve Popovich Andy Rauzan Sandy Redeske Thomas Repasky Dolly Rich John Richards Ann Rivalsky Carmen Rivera Tootsie Rivera Bibiano Rodriguez Paul Romeo Sylvia Rossodivita Andrea Ruscitti Gina Sacco Jerry Sacco Deacon Enrique Santiago Carmen Santiago Linda Schulte Betty Schlosser Barbara Schlosser Wesley Scott Sr. Freddie Seitz Helen Seman Marina Serrano Denise Sharshan Jon Shabella Ruth Sierzega Mike Simboli Diane Stamos Steve Stamos Betty Ann Glass Smith Dorothy Stellmar Shirley Szilagy Dave Tabor Jim Tabor Chip Taylor Cindy Timko Mary Ann Trimboli Isabella Trimboli Priscilla Turscak Mary Uhrain Ed Uhrain Diane Varady Crissi Vallus Eddie Vallus Suzanne Morales Vetter Helen Wacht Edward Wacht Billy Walter Dorothy Walter Eddie Walter Paul White, Sr. Dora Wielbruda Linda Wright Patty Zbell Fr. Howard Ziemba Rudy Zura Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes. 6• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Elementary Religious Education CCD classes for students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 on Sunday. Classes begin at 8:45am and end at 10:00am Please remember that two years of education are needed before receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and on-going formation needed for Confirmation in Grade 8. Please call Marge O’Malley if you need more information, 330.755.4141. Adult Faith Formation RCIA gives everyone the opportunity to meet with adults to find out more about the Catholic Faith especially those starting or continuing faith formation through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information, call Marge O’Malley at 330.755.4141 Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults Sunday, November 22 2:00pm St. Columba Cathedral Our Youth Group would like to start a Basketball Team (grades 9-12) that would play other Youth groups in the Diocese. If anyone is interested in coaching our team, please call Jackie 330.755.4141 or 330.774.0088 Coming Events St. Lucy Cultural Society October 23 Pasta Fagioli, Pizza, Bread, Rolls Pre-Sale only St. John’s Men’s Club Chicken Tender Dinner Saturday, October 24 at 5:00pm Cost $10.00 per dinner Tickets available from Men’s Club Members and at the Parish Office Haluski Sale at St. John’s Friday, October 30 at $5.00 a quart Sunday, November 1 Card/Bingo/Luncheon Social sponsored by Infant Jesus Guild Tickets can be purchased at the parish office, $6.00 admission For parishioners age 18 or older who have not received the sacrament to join with other adults of the diocese. Confirmation candidates must register with our parish and participate in Confirmation preparation. Candidates must be prepared and eligible to receive the sacrament by verifying baptism and marital status, Confirmation preparation and eligibility of sponsors. Sponsors must be confirmed, practicing Catholics and may not be the candidate’s parent. Please contact the parish office no later than Monday, October 26 in order to register and verify eligibility to receive the sacrament. St. Lucy Cultural Society sponsoring our famous Italian Cusine Pre-sale only Pasta Fagioli $5.00 quart Pizza $9.00 Bread $2.00 Rolls $2.00 1/2 dozen Call: Mary 330.755.5800 Lucy 330.755.3617 Liana 330.755.5438 Deadline for orders Sunday, October 18. Pick-up Friday, October 23, between 12:00 - 3:00pm at the Palermo Center 28TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME- OCTOBER 11, 2015 • 7 Christ, the Good Shepherd Infant Jesus of Prague Guild Luncheon/Card/Bingo Social Sunday, November 1 Doors open 11:00am Lunch Noon -12:45pm (no take-out) Bingo begins 1:00pm We need: Monetary Donations, Craft items or any gift. Gifts may be dropped at the Parish Office Monday - Friday 9:30am --2:30pm before Sunday, October 25 Monetary gifts may be dropped in the collection basket or mailed to Christ, the Good Shepherd, 633 Porter Avenue, Campbell 44405 Help will also be needed for different jobs call Dorothy 330.755.4234 if you will be able to help that day. Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Night at the Races/Las Vegas Night Saturday, October 17 Doors open 5:00pm Races start 5:30pm St, Matthias Church Fr. Snock Center 2800 Shady Run Road Free Admission Kitchen will have Sloppy Joe’s, Halusky, Klobasa or Hot Sausage Sandwiches, for sale. 10:30am Mass Holy Apostles Parish, St. Stephen Hungry Mass of Three Cultures, Croatian, Hungarian & Polish traditions will highlight Mass, Sunday, October 18. Stuffed Cabbage Dinner will be served from 12 Noon 3:00pm Adults $10.00 Children 10 & under $5.00 Tickets sold after Masses Sts. Peter & Paul Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 10:30am & St. Stephen Sunday, 9:00am First Step for Change This weekend, you are reminded to pick up a First Step for Change bottle if you still wish to participate in this project. The funds collected through this effort will be used to help low-income mothers-to-be give their children a healthy start in life. If an expectant mother does not have access to food, shelter, clothing and essential items--like cribs or car seats--her baby is at-risk from the very beginning. Take home a bottle today, fill it with spare change, and make a difference in the lives of low-income pregnant women and families with small children. CHURCH NAME Christ, The Good Shepherd Parish # 510115 633 Porter Avenue Campbell, OH 44405 PHONE (330)755-4141 (at my home (330)755-8697) CONTACT PERSON Lolly Wityshyn Email address: [email protected] Email address (parish): [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 9 Windows 7, 32 bit PRINTER Panasonic DP-C266 PCL6 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 11, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7, plus transmittal SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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