11th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, 2015 Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Southampton, NY Welcome to the Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Daily Mass Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. at 12 Noon Tue. at 8:00 AM First Saturday 8:00 AM Holydays: 7 PM Vigil, 8:00 AM, 12 Noon Weekend Masses Saturday: 5 PM Sunday: 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM, 12:30 PM (in Spanish) and 5 PM Reconciliation Saturday: 4 PM - 4:45 PM Ministry to the Sick For communion at home or Anointing please contact the Parish Office. Baptism Pastoral Team: Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor In Residence: Rev. Msgr. William J. Gill Jennifer Ferrantino, Director, Religious Education Jeannine Rose, Director of Parish Social Ministry Maura O’Loughlin, Youth Minister Jo Ann Morse, Director of Music Bill Kunzer, Plant and Facilities Manager Parish Ministries Parish Office Suzanne Marchisella Karen Berry Donna Valle Cemetery Office Suzanne Marchisella Parish Leadership: Finance Committee Fred Weinfurt (trustee) Pat Jordan (trustee) Jay Diesing Charlene Kagel John Neknez Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with Jennifer Ferrantino Pastoral Council In formation Marriage Liturgy Jack Hanlon Arranged at least six months in advance, please call the Parish Office. Consolation Sr. Barbara McKenna, RSM Becoming A Catholic We welcome those who would like to become Catholic and adult Catholics who have never received formal religious education and/or sacraments. Please call the Parish Office. Adult Faith Formation Mary Adamczyk Parish Office 168 Hill Street Southampton, NY P: 631-283-0097, Ext 0 F: 631-283-3836 W: www.shjmbasilica.org E: [email protected] Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 4:00 PM Fr. Mike Vetrano E: [email protected] Religious Education Office Jennifer Ferrantino, Director P: 631-283-0508 E: [email protected] Parish Social Ministry Jeannine Rose, Director E: [email protected] P: 631-283-0097 Ext 317 Apostolado Hispano Rev. Steve Grozio 631-283-4379 Cell: 631-375-1001 Vincentian Fathers 631-283-9647 Youth Ministry Maura O’Loughlin [email protected] Our Lady of Hamptons School Sister Kathy Schlueter, CSJ 160 North Main Street Southampton, New York 11968 P: 631-283-9140 E: [email protected] BASILICA PARISH OF SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS & MARY Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time :: November 15, 2015 Readings: Dn 12:1-3; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Mission Statement: We are a Eucharistic centered people, who by following Christ’s teaching, join together to love and serve those in spiritual and physical need in our community. Liturgical Ministers Schedule Saturday, Nov 21 5 PM Father Paul Dahm SERVERS B. Ferguson, L. Lenahan E.M.’S M. Adamczyk, T. Cavallaro, M. Lynch LECTORS C. Ferguson, S. Krawciw Sunday, Nov 22 8 AM Father Mike Vetrano SERVERS K. Culver, L. Martin E.M.’S M. King, P. Mackey, C & J Mottern, M. Muller LECTORS K. King-Bush, M. Mackey GREETERS K. Moffa 9:30 AM Father Mike Vetrano Bellucci Family, F. Kelly G. Arresta, M. Johnson, Sr. B. McKenna LECTORS R. Kelly, C. Palumbo GREETERS B. Grealish, C. Szafranski, C. Cenzoprano SERVERS E.M.’S 11 AM Father Joe Finnerty May Family S. AdelanteT. Alegria, M. McDonald, L. Robins LECTORS G. Bauer, J. Cleary GREETERS C. Brown, C. Butler, R. Essay SERVERS E.M.’S SERVERS E.M.’S LECTORS 5 PM Father Bill Gill J. Terry T. Westergard N. Conroy, S. Oldakowski Mass Intentions for the Week of Nov 16-22 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12:00 8 AM 12:00 12:00 12:00 5 PM 8:00 9:30 11:00 ALTAR MINISTRY CHURCH CLEANING: J. Ripalone ALTAR CLOTHS: G. Bauer HAND LINENS - November 16—21—J. Costa SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL November 15—C & J Mottern November 22—J. McCarthy HAMPTON CENTER November 15—N. Conroy, P. Pellegrino November 22—C & J Mottern Rosary - November 19—C. Bishop 12:30 5 PM Dympna Bowles Arlene Connelly Paul Hansen Lisa Doria Arthur Banne’ Frances Mary Scalercio Catherine A. Burns People of the Parish & Stephanie Padio Otto von Schirach, Mary Seely, Elizabeth Hague, Sheerin Family (L), Anthony DeBlasio, Sr.,Bailey Brown (L) Mass in Spanish Anna Norsic Financial Realities and Stewardship The November 8th Collection was $8250.00. Catholic Ministries Appeal collection was $2958.00 Thank you for your generosity! Memorial donations To donate the flowers on the altar or bread and wine and/ or candles offered at Mass each week, please contact the parish office. From the Pastor’s Desk November 14/15 Signs in the Heavens Dear Parish Family, It was 50 years ago this week that an incorrectly set circuit breaker at a power plant in upstate New York tripped. Its failure caused a cascade of similar events that continued until just about all of New England and our metropolitan area were plunged into darkness. Needless to say, countless people were thrown into panic as the grid became unglued! In Queens, where I grew up, people scrambled for flashlights and candles and tried to find out what was happening. Local stations were off the air and people tuned to distant stations hoping to learn what happened and, most of all, when the lights would come back on. There were lots of things that weren't working: subways, refrigerators, elevators, radios and televisions; but what most people remember was the lights! When you are used to lights everywhere, the dark can be pretty intimidating. Some remember only the fright and inconvenience. Others remember the night with some affection. It was quiet. Families gathered around candles in the kitchen. Ordinary life came to a halt. I remember going outside to look at the sky. On ordinary nights in Queens, the streetlights and the glow of the city made stars barely visible. But that night was just beautiful. The stars were everywhere and the Milky Way was clearly visible over Manhattan. An event that interrupts our usual pattern of life always helps us notice things more clearly. Sometimes we can see them coming. Sometimes we need to pay more attention. In the gospel today Jesus reminds his disciples that they are very good at interpreting signs. They can see storms coming, seed about to sprout, and the nearness of the harvest. But they are not so astute at seeing what is happening to them as they journey with Jesus toward Jerusalem, the city of his dying and rising. In Mark’s gospel this discussion of signs is the last discourse of Jesus before his anointing at Bethany and the beginning of his passion. Remember that the resurrection happens to Jesus and also to the disciples. Jesus wonders if these followers who are so good at ordinary signs can sense the life that is about to take fire in them. In a couple of weeks we are going to seal the two doors at the beginning of our main aisle. They are being closed so that we can open them with great ceremony at the beginning of the Holy Year of Mercy on December 13th. Their closing will get your attention. It will be a little inconvenient. You will have to go toward one of the other doors. I will be asked a million times: “What is wrong with the doors?” I can’t wait to explain. Their opening will be a sign. At a church an open door is always a sign of welcome. In this year it will be a sign of welcome expressed in God’s mercy to us and our mercy to each other. Some signs are easy to see and some require more attention. Be attentive and see that your life, and your own kindness, are signs of God’s mercy. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor YOUTH MINISTRY BEGINS BE A PART OF IT Calling all students in grades 8 and up. Be a part of the Sacred Heart youth group. Check the calendar here for our upcoming events. Lets especially welcome Maura O’Loughlin our new youth minister. Wednesday, December 2nd Youth Group at the Center 7—9pm Wednesday, December 9, Open Gym Night, 7—9 PM Sunday, December 13 Mass and Bagel Breakfast after the 9:30 Wednesday, December 23, Youth Christmas Party 7—9 pm Keep us to date — follow shyg168 on Instagram Medical Ethics for Patients: Fr. Mike Vetrano –November 16, 2015 5:30 PM Rogers Memorial Library How Knowledge About Ethics and Patient Rights Can Help You Optimize Your Health Care Medical ethics, which examines ethical and social issues in the practice of medicine, is traditionally studied by physicians to enhance their understanding of patient rights, autonomy, and compassionate care. A growing body of real world knowledge suggests that patients should be better educated about their own rights and responsibilities and about how to communicate effectively with health care professionals. Reservations are appreciated. Register at www.myrml.org or call (631)283-0774, ext. 523. New Parish Programs Maura O’Loughlin Sunday November 22 — Pizza Dinner at the Center 5:30 to 7 pm. Parish Social Ministry News You are always welcome to stop by our Parish Social Ministry office. Come to sign up for any of our events or to discuss any need. You may contact Jeanine at 631-283-0097 x317 Email: [email protected] Parish Social Ministry Need Help Finding your way thru Medicare Open Enrollment? Please join us on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 1:00 P.M in the Parish Center to discuss Medicare Open Enrollment and how it may affect You! We welcome Pegi Orsino from RSVP of Suffolk County who will explain the procedure and answer any of your questions. All are welcome. There is NO Cost for this awareness session. BLOOD DRIVE: November 17, 2015 Where: Southampton Fire Department Hampton Road Fire House Time: 12 Noon—7:15 PM Contact: Jim Frankenbach 283-2431 No appointment necessary. Please have ID and drink plenty of fluids. DONATE BLOOD NOW … PEOPLE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE November is the Month of the Holy Souls. Our church has the custom of giving a place of honor to a book in which parishioners write the names of their deceased. We recall and pray for our beloved dead, trusting in God's eternal love and mercy to welcome them into the glory of heaven. We invite you to share this time of remembrance by writing in the book the names of those friends and loved ones who have fallen asleep in Christ. The book will be conveniently located in the church's center aisle. We remember those parishioners who passed away since our last All Souls Day The souls of the just are in the hands of God Shirley Knoebel Thomas Lavinio Kathryn Duggan Aidan J. Keady Rose Spinna Ivete Souza Urbaninho William L. Senese Nicholas D. Demisay Patricia Fahey Michael Behan Maureen D. Keenan Teddy Hoinski Ellen Danz Marie Katherine Burke Sue Frymire Morris Paul Brian Beatty Carl E. Sanfilippo Gloria A. Chiarello Christopher J. Begg Pauline H. Stark Thomas E. Behringer, III Dorothy Charos Arthur A. Saviano Dr. Giuseppe Purrazzella Rosemary M. Miller Marlys Neiman-Immerman Patricia Gray Brenda Taraku Music at the Basilica:: November 21st 7:00 PM A Community Celebration of Thanksgiving with the Kings Chapel Full Gospel Choir and Basilica Choirs Come together to raise our voices at this most thankful time of the year! We welcome and join with the Kings Chapel Choir in a community celebration of thanksgiving. Come raise your voices together and give thanks for all god’s blessings! Light refreshments will be served. A free will offering will be taken to benefit both churches. Parish Events Mildred Demarco Arline A. Weppler Chester Arnister Nicklas Keszler Emil R. & Anna Norsic Karin L. Zebrowski Thomas J. Souhrada Maureen Rose Kelly Marie Rose Micari Eileen Ann Krejchi John Paul Borucke Charlotte Winter Mary Denise Beatty Dorothy A. Miller Irene R. Bumbly Altar Flowers This week’s Main altar Flowers were given for the Yacamelli, Grisnik and Zakel families by Bob and Carolyn Grisnik Altar Servers Needed! Faith & Spirituality We are looking for more young people to become Altar Servers. If your child is in grades 3-8 and would like to become an altar server, please contact Mary Adamczyk at 283-4991. Secular Franciscans :: meet after the 11 AM Mass in the dining room of the Parish Center. The November 8th meeting has been cancelled due to the meeting at Cure of Ars, Merrick Saturday, November 7th. Would you like to know more about us? You are always welcome to come to our meetings. Please come to our meeting. Bring a bag lunch and we will supply the coffee. Resurrection Prayer Group :: meets on Thursdays at 7 PM in the Parish Center. Come share your healing gifts with us. Prayer requests are always welcome. Spiritual Book Group :: Spiritual Book Group meets on Tuesdays, at 1 PM, in the Parish Center. Please join us for a discussion of Against the Infinite Horizon by Ronald Rolheiser. All are welcome. We pray for the sick of our Parish and Community John Bishop Suzanne Parillo Bobby & Caroline Parillo Theresa Ann Weston Gwendolyn Porter Eileen Finlay Roger Williams Robert Melter Daniel Sheerin Stan Witkowski Anne O’Brien J T Welker Marcelle Enne Peg & Pat Jordan Dottie Brown Philip Masi Macario Yat de Leon Patricia Kahl Dorothy Higgins Michael Kelley Christina Haag Susan Katz Drew Bodin Eileen Birnholz Perry DeLalio Bailey Brown Elizabeth Joyce Sue Doorhy Meredith Hobbs Patsy Raynor Anna Naconochie Ebby Culver A Note from Religious Education Director : Jennifer Ferrantino Please contact Jennifer if you are not sure if your child is on the list. All Confirmation families should have already received information for the year in the mail (if you have not you are not on the list, please contact us as soon as possible). Our Christmas Pageant will be here before you know it …. If you would like to be involved please contact Fr. Mike or Jen Ferrantino Please see our website for more information on our Religious Ed program www.shjmbasilica.org Please contact Jennifer with any questions at [email protected] or 631-283-0508. Thank you!! Do you or someone you know want to know about baptism or confirmation for adults? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Weekly meetings to discuss the Catholic faith beginning with an “inquiry” phase to answer questions and explore some of the teachings of the Church. Becoming a Catholic is not a class, but rather a process. We are all on a faith journey throughout our lives… we recognize that every path is different!! Those needing to complete the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist are invited to attend. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 631-283-0097 Ext. 0 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Confirmation families we have an exciting year ahead of us and it will begin with our Confirmation parent meeting, please join us Wednesday, November 18th, at 7:15 PM OR Sunday November 22nd , at 10:45 AM. Parents please attend one meeting. For those interested in Confirmation for our young people please note the deadline to be on our list after fulfilling the requirements is Thursday, November 12th, 2015. Prevención del Cáncer - ¡Mujeres! Para hacer una cita para una mamografía gratis llame a la trabajadora, Claudia, en el número 516-317-7663. Seguro de Salud para Niños - La representante de Fidelis Care, Konny Tapias, estará en el Apostolado Hispano los miércoles de las 10 AM hasta la 1:00 PM, para ayudar con seguro de salud para los niños. Rincón de Información APOSTOLADO HISPANO Tomado de http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/es.html El Papa Francisco habla sobre de las Familias Quisiera marcar dos puntitos de la familia en los que quisiera que se tuviera un especial cuidado. No sólo quisiera, tenemos que tener un especial cuidado. Los niños y los abuelos. Los niños y los jóvenes son el futuro, son la fuerza, los que llevan adelante. Son aquellos en los que ponemos esperanza. Los abuelos son la memoria de la familia. Son los que nos dieron la fe, nos transmitieron la fe. Cuidar a los abuelos y cuidar a los niños es la muestra de amor –no sé si más grande, pero yo diría– más promisoria de la familia, porque promete el futuro. Un pueblo que no saber cuidar a los niños y un pueblo que no sabe cuidar a los abuelos, es un pueblo sin futuro, porque no tiene la fuerza y no tiene la memoria que lo lleve adelante. La familia es bella, pero cuesta, trae problemas. En la familia a veces hay enemistades. El marido se pelea con la mujer, o se miran mal, o los hijos con el padre. Les sugiero un consejo: Nunca terminen el día sin hacer la paz en la familia. En una familia no se puede terminar el día en guerra. Que Dios los bendiga. Que Dios les dé fuerzas. Que Dios los anime a seguir adelante. Cuidemos la familia. Defendamos la familia porque ahí se juega nuestro futuro. Gracias. Que Dios los bendiga y recen por mí, por favor. Tomado de http:// Curso Pre-Bautismal El curso se da el último domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 PM en el Apostolado Hispano en Southampton o a las 5:00 PM en la iglesia en East Hampton. El próximo curso será el domingo, 29 de noviembre. Favor de llevar la copia del acta de nacimiento del niño. Bautizos en Southampton serán el 1º de noviembre, el 13 de diciembre, el 3 de enero y el 7 de febrero. Favor de notar que en diciembre los bautismos en Hampton Bays serán el 5 de dic., y en Southampton el 13 de dic. El Asesor de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas En el Apostolado Hispano en Southampton el jueves, 10 de diciembre, de las 2- 5 PM. Comunidad de Oración para Adultos y Familias Los martes a las 7:30 PM en la el salón parroquial. El 3r martes de cada mes - la hora santa en la iglesia. Divina Misericordia - Misa en la Basílica el cuarto miércoles de cada mes a las 8:00 PM. Preparación Pre Matrimonial – Para casarse por la iglesia, haga una cita para una entrevista con el P. Jesús o el P. Esteban. El curso pre-matrimonial se da por seis domingos, de las 9 AM al mediodía comenzando el primer domingo de junio, de octubre o de febrero. Proclamas Matrimoniales – Terera Noticia David Humberto Amaya and Lorena Pena w2.vatican.va. Filadelfia, Sábado 26 de septiembre de 2015. Intenciones del Papa para Noviembre Universal: Para que nos abramos al encuentro personal y al diálogo con todos, también con quienes piensan distinto de nosotros. Por la Evangelización: Para que los pastores de la Iglesia, con profundo amor por su rebaño, acompañen su camino y animen su esperanza. Aniversario del Grupo Jóvenes Renovados en Cristo Todos están invitados al aniversario del grupo Jóvenes Renovados en Cristo de la parroquia de Santa Rosalía en Hampton Bays el sábado, 5 de diciembre, comenzando a las 6:30 PM. Requisitos para el Bautismo de un Niño Curso: Para bautizar a su hijo, es necesario que los padres y padrinos asistan al curso pre-bautismal. Padrinos: Debe escoger a los padrinos conscientes de los requisitos. Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos bautizados, confirmados y que han hecho su Primera Comunión y deben poder comulgar. El padrino (madrina) debe ser un(a) soltero(a) o debe ser casado por la iglesia. Permisos: Si viven afuera de la zona servida por el Apostolado Hispano, necesitan una carta de su párroco dándonos permiso para bautizar su hijo. Padre Esteban: Cel: 631-375-1001; Fax: 631-287-0986 Padre Jesus Arellano: Cel: 929-257-3467 Horas del Apostolado: Martes a Viernes de las 2-4 PM Places on our trip are booking fast. To insure that you will be part of this wonderful pilgrimage please contact Fr. Mike or 206 tours to reserve your place! Contact Fr. Mike for a full trip brochure: [email protected] To book or for information, contact: Amanda: (800) 206 8687 ext: 109 email: [email protected] Visit our trip website: www.pilgrimages.com/frvetrano Join our Music Ministry Recruiting members for both the Children’s Choir and the Adult Choir …I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. 1 Corinthians 14:15 We welcome all singers; and all instrumentalists. Currently, rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings from 5:00 to 6:00 for the Children’s Choir and from 6:00 to 7:30 for the Adult choir. We are conscious of the fact that everyone is busy and so we try to keep our rehearsals focused. Please consider joining us to experience the music, the fellowship, and the Spirit through the power of song. Please contact JoAnn Morse 631-807-7907 or [email protected] Life Corner :: SHJM Respect Life Ministry RESOURCES FOR THOSE SEEKING AN ALTERNATIVE TO ABORTION: The Faith that Does Justice Rockville Centre Diocese, 516-678-5800, ext.626, www.drvc.org/respectlife Priests for Life, 888-735-3448, www.priestsforlife.org Birthright, 631-728-8900, 800-550-4900 Healing post-abortion: Rachel's Vineyard, 877-467-3463, www.rachelsvineyard.org Did You Know... since 2001 there has been an organization, called Generation Life, headquartered in the Philadelphia area, dedicated to fostering a culture of life for teens? They provide speakers for schools and parishes, promoting chastity, and encouraging our youth to lead lives of virtue. For more information go to www.generationlife.org, or call 215-885-8760. Reflections On the Gospel from Pax Christi November 15, 2015 The end is approaching, at least the end of the liturgical year, and Sunday’s readings make that point very clear. As a matter of fact, if we consider the forewarnings of doom and gloom and look at our own news, it might seem that not just the end of the liturgical year is near. So should we be depressed, despondent, frightened? Should we rest assured that we are among the saved and not worry? Or should we see this time as opportunity to resist both resignation and overconfidence and use it in the service of one another, “leading many to justice,” alleviating distress and disgrace as much as possible? Turkeys Wanted!! Human Resources of the Hamptons needs donations of turkeys for their holiday baskets. If you can donate a turkey please contact Hilton Crosby at 283-6415. Our Lady of the Hamptons The Prep Boys Cross Country team captured the Catholic Middle Schools Athletics Association championship, led by Frankie Bellucci, Cole Nunez, James Conigliaro and Andrew Venesina. The team is coached by Mr. Ben Turnbull. One hundred-fifteen marathoners ran, biked and jumped rope at OLH to raise funds for the school’s activities program. Corizon de Maria in Hampton Bays, and special placemats for the seniors at the Bridgehampton Nutrition Center. The annual food drive is on to benefit the pantries in both Southampton and Hampton Bays. The Prep students also visited Bishop Ryan Village and presented special gifts to all the residents. Information packets and registration materials are available at the school now, leading toward September 2016 enrollment in Kindergarten through eight. We invite parishioners and friends to learn more about Our Lady of the Hamptons by visiting the website www.olh.org. Tours can be arranged at any time, by calling 283-9140. Prep students visiting Bishop Ryan Village Olivia Johnson, Sean Collier, Alessandro Salerno, Cooper Sanders, Xavier Johnson REGIONAL SCHOOL The Thanksgiving season is in full swing with Art students preparing special centerpieces for Centro Kid’s Page 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 15, 2015
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