SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL 310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno Prayer for our Diocesan Synod May 3, 2015 God, our Father, You have called us by baptism to be faithful members of your Church. Send the Holy Spirit to guide the work of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Reno. Inspire us to bring new life to the mission of your Church here in northern NV. Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Fr Paul Fazio, O F M C o n v Parochial Vicar Fr Tom Hamilton, O F M C o n v Franciscan community Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:30—4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs: 8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 8:30-Noon S Rocío Grady Parish Secretary Deacon Richard Ramm Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Diane-107, Mary Ann-108 Bookkeeping P O E: [email protected] G S H Tuesday-Friday: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday:8:00AM-:100PM & 5:00-7:00PM 775/329-2571 Web: Through the work of our Synod, may we follow where the Holy Spirit leads, to become instrumentals of hope for the world in spreading the Good news to people far and wide. With the example and help of Mary our Mother who gathered with the disciples in the upper room, may we listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen THE DELEGATES FROM THE CATHEDRAL ARE: Ana Farfan, Baldemar Barajas, Brian Saeman, Desiree Davis, Gonzalo Castellanos, Gwen Linde, Jeremy McNeil, Jesús Díaz, Laura Aguirre, Ray Gurries, Rocio Grady, Sharon Parker Jannuzzi, Tim Summers. 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics. Budget News 1st Collec on 2nd Collec on $7,427 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - Date April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 2nd Collec on To Benefit No 2nd collec on Payment to Loan No 2nd collec on Church in La n America No 2nd collec on No 2nd collec on FRIARS’ PANTRY—Next Distribution Dates: May 15, 16, 23 The Pantry is in need of Cereal, can or box milk, Spam, mustard, catsup, mayo, soups, Hamburger/Tuna Helper, jam/jelly, personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, travel size shampoo/condi oner, lo on, deodorant). Please bring in your non-perishable dona ons any day to the Sacristy, or Gi Shop or to the Pantry on Thursdays between 9:00AM–12:00PM, or call Gail at 359-4330 to make special arrangements. Thank you for your con nuous generosity. MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS At Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery—Wednesday, May 6, at 11:00AM. The celebrant will be Rev. John Bain. All are cordially invited to a end. There is a healthy, natural and effec ve way to plan your family! Please consider today’s Fer lity Awareness. It’s 99% Effec ve & 100% Natural. For more informa on: and call Mark & Gail in Carson City at 775-841-4631. R P C . Singers in all voice parts are also welcomed, but there is a par cular need for bass voices at this me. For more informa on, please contact Kathy Reinheimer at 775-345-6016 or via e-mail at to [email protected]. BEARING FRUIT "Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth." John's words come to us on this day when the Gospel passage presents us with the great image of the vine and the branches. Jesus uses the image as a warning to those who have begun to distance themselves from the way of the Lord. One of the ways this happens is when we love God and others "in word or speech" instead of "in deed and truth." What does it mean for us to "remain in Christ"? In an extension of the metaphor, the Lord gives us an example. If we remain in him, we will bear much fruit. As the branches, we draw strength from Christ who is the vine. This strength enables us to bear fruit--to do the work of true discipleship. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. THE MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral Saturday, May 9th 10:00AM-Noon Cenacle followed by Mass CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS GROUP Breakfast on Thursday, May 14th at 7:00AM at the Silver Legacy. Welcome Tom Peterson, founder of Catholics Come Home & Virtue Media. The EWTN host will tell us why Our World Need Catholic Heroes! Visit: for informa on/reserva ons. SENIOR MINISTRY NEWS M O A M . The UNR Sanford Center for Aging & Senior Outreach Services (SOS) is proud to show its commitment to honoring the value that elders contribute to our communi es. Everyone is invited to a FREE one hour concert For the Love of Music presented by The Note-Ables & Kenn Pe ford, pianist extraordinaire on Friday, May 29th from 10-11AM in the Laxalt Auditorium, UNR Nelson Building, 401 West 2nd St., across from the Cathedral. The Thri Shop is having a 50% off sale on all men’s & women’s clothing. We need to make room for new merchandise. There are many name brands to choose from. And, please remember that we’ll be open for business on Wednesdays star ng on May 6th. This is in addi on to Thursday, Friday and Saturday hours from 10:00AM—4:00PM. D ? “Extra Help” from Medicare. You may be able to get extra help to pay for your prescripon drug premiums and costs. This program is also called the “Low-Income Subsidy” or LIS. People whose yearly income and resources are below certain limits can qualify for this help. To see if you qualify for ge ng Extra Help, see Sec on #7 of your Medicare & You 2015 handbook or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227. TTY users call 1-887-4862048. You can call these numbers for free, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can also call the Social Security Office 1-800-772-1213 between 7:00AM and 7:00PM, Monday-Friday. TTY users call 1-800-325-0778. You can also call the Nevada Medicaid Office. FRIENDLY REMINDER T S M L 775-420-7067 9:00AM—4:00PM. T S M CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER’S ANNUAL BANQUET May 14th @ 5:30 PM at the Grand Sierra Resort For Tickets visit or call 775-826-5144. -S MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, May 2 7:30 5:00 † Albert Fosselman † Maria Luisa Herrera Sunday, May 3—V Sunday of Easter 7:30 9:30 11:30A 5:00 7:00 † Cornelia Lan s † Tony Martucci † Michael Casey Parishioners † Maria Victoria Ramirez Monday, May 4—Easter Weekday 7:00 12:10 † Albert Fosselman † Albert Fosselman Tuesday, May 5—Easter Weekday 7:00 12:10 † Dora Li † Albert Fosselman May Saturday, May 2, 9, 16, 23 8:30 AM First Holy Communion Classes Sunday, May 3 Coffee & Donuts & Blood Pressure Check a er all morning Masses Monday, May 4, 11, 18, 25 6:30 PM Adult Con nuing Ed Classes Tuesday, May 5, 12, 19 5:15 PM Confirma on & Con nuing Ed Classes 6:30 PM RCIA Wednesday, May 6, 13, 20, 27 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismá co Thursday, May 7, 14, 21, 28 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 5:30 PM Vespers / Confessions Wednesday, May 6—Easter Weekday Saturday, May 23 5:00 PM Teen Confirma ons 7:00 12:10 Saturday, May 30 5:00 PM First Holy Communions Fr John Heinz OFM Conv-Ordina on Anniv. † Rosa Nguyen Thursday, May 7—Easter Weekday 7:00 12:10 † Albert Fosselman Donald & Rita Barbione Friday, May 8—Easter Weekday 7:00 12:10 Fr Thomas Hamilton-Ordina on Anniv. Jobert & Diane Lacebal-Wedding Anniv. Saturday, May 9— 7:30 5:00 † Ruben Benzor Rodriguez †† Frank & Dorothy Caracappa Sunday, May 31 9:30 AM First Holy Communions 11:30 AM First Holy Communions 5:00PM First Holy Communions Religious Education Mondays @ 6:30PM Adult Continuing Ed Classes. Readings for the Week Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-16; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-21; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-10; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-12; Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-48; Ps98:1-4; 1Jn4:7-10, Jn15:9-17 Classes are mandatory for parents whose children are in our Religious Education Program, but are open to all. Classes will be held on the 3rd floor of the School Building Room 312. FROM THE DESK OF DEACON RICHARD Yes FINANCE COUNCIL Sam DiBitonto Luis Ibarra Ed Kolesar Barbara Land LAST CHANCE SOUND SYSTEM I’ve heard from 62 of 404 parishioners. This is the last chance to participate. PARISH COUNCIL Dearly Barba Baldemar Barajas Gonzalo Castellanos Leo Longobardo Vicki Montague Tillie Pugliesi Gail Scalzi WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO GIVE $8 IN A SPECIAL COLLECTION TO PAY FOR ADDITIONAL & LABOR TO INSTALL THEM? This would be a one-time collection. Please mark yes or no and place your answer in the collection next weekend. For 49 YES RCIA LEADER Deacon Joe Bell CCD LEADER Tammie Sheely Against 13 SENIOR MINISTRY Ed Kolesar NO STEWARDSHIP Barbara Land A little child in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed the collection basket. When they neared the pew where he sat, the youngster piped up so that everyone could hear: “Don’t pay for me Daddy, I’m under five.” FOOD PANTRY Gail Scalzi RELIGIOUS GROUPS AT THE CATHEDRAL Grupo de Oración La Sagrada Familia Jesus Diaz – Coordinator Men of Saint Joseph Sean Burke Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS KORNER IV ANNUAL PERIOD OF PRAYER, FASTING & ADVOCACY RELIGIOUS RIGHTS THE FORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM JUNE 21- JULY 4 FREEDOM TO BEAR WITNESS MOVIE NIGHT For Greater Glory Please read future bulletins for date and time El Grupo de Oración de la Catedral La Sagrada Familia les hace la cordial invitación todos los Miércoles de las 6:30-8:30PM. También estamos el la radio, Radio Lazer 107.7, el último Domingo de cada mes de 9:00-10:00AM. ~~~~~~~~~ ENTRADA Cantemos con alegría al Señor nuestro Dios, quien hizo el cielo, el mar, las estrellas también. Cantemos con alegría, alegría de vivir, Jesús resucitó, a la muerte venció. Aleluya, al Señor aleluya, aleluya, al señor.(2) Jesús con su gran poder de la muerte surgió, con gloria y majestad, al cielo se elevó. Vivamos con alegría en el amor de Dios, compartiendo con todos esta resurrección. SALMO El Señor es mi alabanza en la gran asamblea. OFERTORIO Amémonos de corazón, no de labios solamente. (2) Para cuando Cristo venga, para cuando Cristo venga nos encuentre bien unidos. (2) ¿Cómo puedes tu orar enojado con tu hermano? (2) Dios escucha la oración, Escucha la oración cuando estás reconciliado (2) ¿Cuantas veces debo yo perdonar al que me ofende? (2) setenta veces siete, setenta veces siete, perdonar al que me ofende (2) COMUNIÓN Una espiga dorada por el sol, el racimo que corta el viñador; *se convierte ahora en pan y vino de amor en el cuerpo y la sangre del Señor* (2) Compartimos la misma comunión, somos trigo del mismo sembrador; *un molino de vida nos tritura con dolor, Dios nos hace Eucaristía en al amor* (2) Como granos que han hecho el mismo pan, como gotas que tejen un cantar; *como gotas de agua que se funden en el mar los cristianos un cuerpo formarán* (2) En la mesa de Dios se sentarán, como hijos, su pan comulgarán; *una misma esperanza caminando cantarán en la vida como hermanos se amarán* (2) FINAL Gracias por el amor del cielo. Gracias por el inmenso mar. Gracias por el cantar del bosque. Aleluya. Gracias por el amor del mundo. Gracias por la felicidad. Gracias por todos mis hermanos. Aleluya. Gracias por este nuevo día. Gracias por nuestra juventud. Gracias por la amistad de todos. Aleluya. Gracias por toda la hermosura. Gracias por nuestra gran unión. Gracias por todas las bondades. Aleluya. Gracias por tu venida al mundo. Gracias por tu misión de paz. Gracias porque has unido el tiempo con la eternidad. S M W C M B M A D B F ’ P L T M S Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM 7:00PM (Misa en español) 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) Saturday 3:00PM; & Thursday 5:45PM Contact Parish Office. Contact Parish Office. Parents must be ac ve, registered parishioners for at least three months prior to se ng date. Contact Parish Office Thursday 3:00PM Thursday 6:30PM Located at 434 Washington Street, Suite D, Reno. 329-2571 Ext. 111. Distribu on on: 3rd Friday and 3rd & 4th Saturday of the month from 11:00AM-1:00PM. Non perishable dona ons may be delivered to the Gi Shop or Sacristy. Located at 94 E Glendale in Sparks, next to Juicy’s at McCarran Blvd. 775-420-7067 Open: Wednesday—Saturday from 10:00AM—4:00PM Oración por nuestro Sínodo Diocesano Padre nuestro, Tú nos has llamado por nuestro bautismo a ser fieles miembros de tu Iglesia. Envía el Espíritu Santo a guiar nuestro trabajo del Segundo Sínodo de la Diócesis de Reno. Inspíranos a traer nueva vida a la misión de tu Iglesia aquí en el norte de Nevada. Por medio del trabajo de nuestro Sínodo ayúdanos a ir a donde el Espíritu Santo nos conduzca, que podamos ser instrumentos de esperanza para el mundo anunciando la Buena Nueva a toda la gente. Con el ejemplo y ayuda de María nuestra Madre quien se reunió con los discípulos en el Cenáculo, ayúdanos a escuchar la llamada del Espíritu Santo. Ven, Espíritu Santo llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen Let us pray for…/Oremos por… US servicemen & women, Janice Berg, Carmen Rodriguez, Beverly Gibson, Bob Chavez, Tom Walker; Dawn& Carl Harris, Shannan Fraser, Anthony Hansen, Cassidy Robbins, Nicholas Azarm, Frederick, Billie Batek, Linda Gill, Margie Herndon, Kathryn Gasper, Debbie Griffith, Caruso Family, Eric Knight, Jovita Mendoza, Chris Janoski, Tovi Hilbish, Cindy Volk, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Mary Beaubriand, Joe Miner, Mina Dibitonto, Martin Chagolla, Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, Blanca Gonzalez, James Czeck, Ann Dvorak, Mike Edmond, Antonia Ibarra, Dennis Gribbin, Sayra Gutierrez, Louie & Vangie Elordieta, Nikos Theologitis, Margaret Marshall, Shari Ann Burton, Martin Brandtner, Aaron Spangenthal, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Rick Slaughter, Carl Came, Ryan McGrail, Barbara Crose, Kenneth Dean, Heidi Gibson, Harlyne & Bob Caruso, Steve Tucker, Tim Bauer, Jack Crawford, Linda & Lyle Kelley, Lawrence Reeder, Sarah & Clare & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Maureen Flynn, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv. †† Glen & Ryan Robins
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