Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Nicholas Church + 146 S. Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 + Church of the Assumption Second Sunday of Easter April 12, 2015 ParishStaff Rev. Nicholas Dudo ................................................. Pastor Rev. Vincent Orum AJ ........................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Armando Rodriguez Montoya ...Hispanic Ministries Mr. Frank Cerullo ............................ Permanent Deacon Mr. Michael Guerrieri.................... Permanent Deacon Kristy Torres .................................................... Bookkeeper Gen Phillips ............................................. Parish Secretary Nancy Riddell................ Dir. of Youth Faith Forma on Terri Moncrief ............. Religious Educa on Secretary Rich Sooy..................................Maintenance Supervisor Donna Marie Berchtold................. .. ......Music Director Sacraments BAPTISMS: Arrangements must be made through the parish office. PRE-BAPTISM WORKSHOPS: Pre-registra on is required through the parish office. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:00 pm - Assump on Church; Saturdays at 3:30 pm - St. Nicholas Church or by appointment with a priest. MATRIMONY: Arrangements must be made one year in advance. Please call the parish office to make an appointment with one of our parish priests. MassSchedule ASSUMPTION CHURCH 146 S. Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 Saturday Evening .............................................. 4:00 pm Sunday ...................................................8:45 & 11:00 am Holy Days...................... as announced in the bulle n Weekdays Monday - Friday .............................................. 8:00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday.................... 12:15 pm ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH 525 St. Louis Ave. Egg Harbor, NJ 08215 Saturday Evening ............................. 4:30 pm (English) Sunday .................................................. 8:45 am (English) Sunday .............................................. 10:30 am (Spanish) Holy Days...................... as announced in the bulle n Weekdays Monday - Friday .............................................. 7:00 am Spanish Mass ...................................Tuesdays, 6:30pm ReligiousEducation Phone .........................................609-652-0008 ext. 208 Fax ................................................................ 609-652-0883 Email ........................ [email protected] Hours Monday-Wednesday ............... 7:00 am - 11:30 am SERVICIO PASTORAL A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Misa dominical a las 10:00 am en la iglesia. Ultreya de Cursillo todos los Martes a las 7:30 pm. Misa a las 6:30 pm en español. Confesión antes de la misa o por la cita con el sacerdote. 7:00 pm Solamente cuando las Clases de la Educación Religiosa están en la session PARISH CENTER 146 S. Pitney Road, Bldg 1, Galloway, NJ 08205 Phone ........... 609-652-0008 Fax ............. 609-652-0883 Hours ............................................................. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm On the Web ..................................... www.OLPHparish-nj.org Email .................................. parishoffi[email protected] AssumptionRegional CatholicSchoolInformation 146 S. Pitney Road, Galloway, NJ 08205 Mary Ellen Schurtz, Principal Phone .......................... 609-652-7134 Fax ................................ 609-652-2544 On the Web ..........arcsgalloway.org MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY April 11, 2015 4:00 PM (A) Deceased members of the Ingenito & Enright Families/ Family John Coulter/ Family Marvin Rothery/ Theresa Giachetti Helen Urenko/ Mary Ellen White Joe Foley/ Gloria & John Hall Nicholas Leonard Smith/ Alfano Family 4:30 PM (SN) Costa Family Amanda Gibson/ Pop Pop Edward “Buzzy” Rotellini/ Family SUNDAY April 12, 2015 8:30 AM (A) Christine Low/ Keeley Family 8:45 AM (SN) Deceased members of the Berchtold & Merkord Families/ Howard Berchtold Jr & Family Evelyn Guerrieri/ Connie Kuehner Martha Rundio/ St Nicholas K of C #3500 Joseph DeRosa/ Wife & children Franchetta & Garuffi Family/ Howard Berchtold Jr and family. Ben Cavileer/ Dotti Alexander 10:30 AM (SN) Kathia Cruz/ Mom 11:00 AM (A) Josephine Angelastro/ Family MONDAY April 13, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Isabel Barbetto/ Anna Warker & Family 8:00 AM (A) Peter Hinski/ Lou & Cathrine Grote 12:15 PM (A) Special intentions of Dennis Soloman & Family Jim & Bobbie Tarby TUESDAY April 14, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Dec’d members of Verdine Family/Donna & Tom Meineke 8:00 AM (A) Joseph Foley/ Elizabeth Doyle WEDNESDAY April 15, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) People of the Parish 8:00 AM (A) Marvin Rothery/ Elizabeth Berth 12:15 PM (A) Special Intentions of Charles & Rose Roesch 65th Wedding Anniversary/ Family THURSDAY April 16, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Sick of our Parish 8:00 AM (A) Neville Weber/ Wife, Sheila FRIDAY April 17, 2015 7:00 AM (SN)For all priests 8:00 PM (A)Dec’d members of Gatto & Ganiel Families/ Catherine Gatto 12:15 PM (SN) Joseph Foley/ Environmental Committee SATURDAY April 18, 2015 4:00 PM (A) Nick Ingargiola/ Megan Tulko Yolanda Stacchini/ Family Evelyn Guerrieri/ Bernice Guerrieri Anthony & Anna Guerrieri/ Bernice Guerrieri Jimmy Hipple/ MacNatt Family Joseph Foley/ Marjorie & Anthony Ingenito 4:30 PM (SN) Lawrence Roesch/ Brother, Walter SUNDAY April 19, 2015 8:30 AM (A) Christine Low/ Keeley Family 8:45 AM (SN) Costa Family Jimmy Moloney/Carlene Moloney John Grunow Sr./ David Torres & Family Evelyn Guerrieri/ Rose & Charles Roesch Brian Mascio Sr./ Elaine Frick Clara Caruso/ Dorothy Berchtold 10:30 AM (SN) Crucita Negron/ Carmen Pencheff & Family 11:00 AM (A) Josephine Angelastro/ Family • • • PLEASE TAKE NOTE! • • • SUNDAY MASS TIME CHANGES FOR ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH 8:45 AM (ENGLISH) & 10:30 AM (SPANISH) READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY APRIL 19, 2015 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 3:13-15, 17-19 1 JOHN 2:1-5A GOSPEL: LUKE 24:35-48 To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) “...a time to be born…” John Alexander Kubanovich, Madeleine Elise Kubanovich, Jalyssa Villaneuva, Joshua Maldonado, Liam Harrison O’Neill, Julien Zander Rivera, Jackson Carter Williams, Jacob Richard Williams, Rocco Thomas DeBiaso, Jr, James Michael Harbright, Naomi Mariah Chike-obi, Robert Joseph Newkirk, Ryan Joseph Gaeckle Parker, Josephine Emma Pullaro, Nicholas Santino Spinelli & Clara Kare “…a time to be married…” Dana Panek & Drew Matyas, Trish Dougherty & John Branca, “…a time to be healed…” George Link, Abel Pencheff, Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Mrs. Gibney, ,Joanne Gazo, Felicia Mazzola,, Gianna DeRosa, Alice Musterel, Joseph LoPiccolo, Dan Bartolini, Luke Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Patricia Cushion, Msgr Joe Stoerlein, Kathy Schmookler, Thomas Crowe, Sharon Armhold, Brennan Camp, Patricia Cornely, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke, Randy Hagar, Mary Ann Gatto, Joseph Husta, Jacob Goldsmith, Deacon Jim Teeney, Esther Frontuto, Pauline Roesch, Tom Jordan Jr., Dennis Arcaetto, Lyla Pavechak, Bill Lee, Judy Medrano, Susan Ionno, Ronnie Garbutt Jr, George Kendall, Melissa Johnson, Mary Emma Sartorio, Bruce Lees, Rita Schwender, Bill Butterhof, Kathy Florence. Ellen Vogel, Vincent Rinaldo, Felicia Mazzola, Laurie Crowell, Nadine Wormann, Tom McGinnis, Mary McGinnes, Megan Casey, Hannah Bonelli, Sister Elizabeth Ann Michael Galvin, Margie Lupton, Frank DeVito, Jim Frugoli, Andy Mahieu Jr., Marguerite Wejnert, Ted House, Andrew Mahieu Jr., Theresa Speyerer Cappuccio, Baby Maci Leigh Cains, Mary Lou McIIvain, Henry Rundio, Carmen Vega & John Guerra. “…a time to die…” June A. Sartorio, Elizabeth Julia DeClementi, Martin J. Russell, Crucita Rodriguez Negron, Elaine McGinty, Brian Lott, Benito A. Sangreo, Jr., John Halley Gowdy, Paul F. Schneider, Samuel Leonetti & Stella Ciaccio. May they rest in peace! ALTAR LINENS for the month of April at St. Nicholas site Connie Kuehner Pastor’s Corner “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” We find these words in the postresurrection account of John’s Gospel where the purpose of Christ’s victory over sin and death is made perfectly clear: forgiveness and redemption. These words of Jesus Christ conveyed His authority to the Apostles, allowing them to be instruments of His mercy through their ‘ordained’ ministry. That ministry has continued for almost 2,000 years in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This Sunday the Church recognizes the Divine Mercy of God, particularly through the experiences and writings of St. Faustina Kowalska. It is wonderful to close out the Octave of Easter by reflecting on God’s love and mercy for us, which should cause us to admit our sinfulness and seek His grace to become better disciples. Being a good Disciple is one of the most important aspects of being a member of the Catholic Religion. Last week, as a gift of gratitude to all our parishioners, we handed out a CD to all our parish families entitled “Set All Afire: Why the Church Still Matters.” It was meant to further your understanding of our faith and encourage you to want to know and do more. If you were away for Easter you can pick up your copy of the CD at the parish office. I hope that you listened to it – and persevered to the last few talks (the first 2 presentations are a little dry, but the conclusion is really inspiring. Just like mom used to tell us, “you have to eat all your food before you can have dessert!”). Our Evangelization Committee and Pastoral Council are curious to know what you thought of the CD. Please send us your feedback either by email ([email protected]) or by dropping a note (marked “CD Feedback”) in the collection basket or at the parish office. This will help us plan for future ideas and perhaps can result in a discussion group concerning the CD topics. Speaking of doing more as a good Disciple, I want to thank all those who assisted with making our Easter Liturgies so beautiful and prayerful. I cannot list everyone by name, but I want to recognize the various ministries who take part in providing such an awesome experience: The Environment (Decorating) Committee, Music Ministry, altar servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, ushers, greeters, Sacristans, cleaners, and our Parish Staff and Maintenance department. It is important for all the faithful to know that MANY of our parishioners offer their time & talent in this service to the parish and I encourage more members of our community to consider doing the same. There are many ways to be an active Disciple in our Parish. Switching topics completely, as I announced last month there is a need to change our daily Mass schedule. At that time I promised to give everyone an opportunity to offer their opinions on this subject. Therefore, anyone who wants to express their thoughts can come to one of the following meetings: 1. Wednesday, April 22 at our St. Nicholas site at 7:30 am following the daily Mass 2. Thursday, April 23 at our Assumption site at 8:30 am – following the daily Mass 3. Friday, April 24 at our Assumption site at 12:45 pm – following the daily Mass Peace, Fr. Nick Assumption RegionAl CatholiC SChool WWW.ARCSGALLOWAY.ORG • 652-7134 Dear Friends, Our drama production of Peter Pan Jr is scheduled for this Friday, April 17th and Saturday April 18th at 6:30 in our school gymnasium. Peter, Wendy, Michael, John and Tickle Bell will be flying across the stage as they entertain the audience. Our students have been working since before Christmas and their voices are outstanding. Tickets will be available at the doors or at the school from 2:30 -4:00 on Tuesday through Thursday. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. We are very excited to announce recipients of the ARCS Student of the Month Award for March: Jack Bruscato and Isabella Pecan (preK), Anna Kivlin and Vaughn Amalfitano (Kindergarten), Gabriella Catalina and Miguel Tabares (1st grade), Ella Jenkins and Emily Fussner (2nd grade),Jenna Petruzzi and Gavan Chase (3rd grade), Lorena Saavedra and Matthew Woodside (4th grade), Philip Docteur and Madelynne Butler (5th grade), Erin Brennan (6th grade), Isabella Picardi (7th grade), Maria Meineke (8th grade). Congratulations to all of these students for their Christ-like works of kindness. Thank you all for your continued support. God bless you, Mary Ellen Schurtz 18 TH ASSUMPTION REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT ARCS’s Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 (shot gun start) at the Seaview Resort and Spa - Bay Course SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE: Platinum $1,000, Gold Club $750, Silver Club $500, Ram’s Club $250, Hole Sponsor $100 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARTICIPATION: Foursome $500, Individual Golfers $125 and Dinner only $35 For more information about the event please email [email protected] or call (609) 652-7134. All proceeds benefit the Assumption Regional Catholic School Annual Fund. The ARCS Annual Fund gives parents, faculty, staff, graduates, parishioners and friends of our community the opportunity to invest in every aspect of our school. Because tuition does not fully fund the cost of an ARCS education, we need the support of the entire ARCS family to help ensure we continue to provide our students with an outstanding Catholic elementary school experience • • SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE • • Applications are being accepted for three scholarships that will be donated by the Sons of Italy, Purple Aster Chapter of Galloway and Absecon to high school seniors in Absegami, Cedar Creek and Holy Spirit High Schools. NJ students who have a parent or grandparents of Italian descent and will be enrolled in college in September, 2015 are eligible to apply. Details and applications are available in the guidance office of each of the above schools. ANUNCIOS PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA SPANISH COMMUNITY NEWS 1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por una ofrenda mínima de$15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle 2. “MASS CARD – MISA HISPANA” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 6520008. Recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños, NO se permitirán peticiones el mismo día de las misas. Esto lleva todo un proceso 3. El 16 de mayo próximo los cursillistas invitan a toda la comunidad a participar de un retiro de 8:00am a 3:00 pm, en la cafetería. El tema será: “El Seglar y su responsabilidad en e la comunidad” Para más información comuníquense con Manuel García al 609-233-7623 o Carmen Pencheff al 609-965- 2436. 4. ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL: Un fin de semana en un encuentro matrimonial es lleno de amor fresco, renacer, comenzar de nuevo y tu matrimonio lo necesita. Los próximos fines de semana para este encuentro, serán en Abril 17-19 y Mayo 29-31. Para mas información favor de llamar al 609-742-4035 o correo electronico: [email protected] o visite la pagina web: wwmesouthjersey.org 5. CASA DE CARIDAD “HOUSE OF CHARITY” – Has dado tu donación? Si no lo has hecho, considere dar por lo menos una donación de $55 por familia. Nuestro objetivo es llegar a $154,000 y ya tenemos la cantidad de $98,000. Lo podremos lograr con la ayuda de todos ustedes! 6. TEMA DE ABRIL – RESURRECCION – “Regina Coeli” – “Reina del cielo, Alégrate, Aleluya. Para aquel a quien mereció llevar en tu seno, Aleluya. Ha resucitado, como el dijo, Aleluya. Ruega por nosotros Dios, Aleluya. Alegrémonos y estén agradecidos, Oh Virgen María, Aleluya. Porque verdaderamente el Señor ha resucitado, Aleluya. Oremos. O Dios, el que dio alegría al mundo a través de la resurrección de tu hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Dios te suplicamos, que por la intercesión de la Virgen María, su madre, obtengamos las alegrías de la vida eterna. Por el mismo Cristo nuestro señor. Amén BREVE COMENTARIO A LA LITURGIA DE HOY HASTA NO VER NO CREER Dice un dicho popular: "Yo, como Santo Tomás, hasta no ver no creer". Tenemos como fuente del saber, por una parte la ciencia, con sus métodos sistemáticos y seguros, cálculos rígidos y exactos que responden a preguntas como ¿cuánto pesa, cuánto mide, qué color es, qué sabor tiene, etc.? El otro modo de saber es la fe, que no es tan rigurosa como la ciencia, pero que da al hombre cierta seguridad en las cosas que percibe. Frases como "tengo fe en que las cosas saldrán bien" y otras que suenan parecido, encuentran en la vida espiritual su fuente y alimento, de manera que la persona entre más "espiritual" sea, más preparada está para enfrentar los problemas de la vida. En 1998 el Papa Juan Pablo II escribió la encíclica Fides et Ratio, cuyo primer párrafo presenta el contenido general de la misma: "La fe y la razón son como las dos alas con las cuales el espíritu humano se eleva hacia la contemplación de la verdad. Dios ha puesto en el corazón del hombre el deseo de conocer la verdad y, en definitiva, de conocerle a Él para que, conociéndolo y amándolo, pueda alcanzar también la plena verdad sobre sí mismo" (cf. Ex 33, 18; Sal 27 [26], 8-9; 63 [62], 2-3; Jn 14, 8; 1 Jn 3, 2). En el evangelio de hoy se relata la manifestación de Cristo a los apóstoles y la incredulidad de uno de ellos. Tomás no creyó ni a las mujeres ni a quienes le anunciaron la resurrección de Cristo el Señor. Y era ciertamente un apóstol que iba a ser enviado a predicar el evangelio. Cuando comenzó a predicar a Cristo, ¿cómo podía pretender que le creyeran lo que él mismo no había creído? Sus compañeros le dijeron "Hemos visto al Señor"; y él respondió "Si no introduzco mis manos en su costado y no toco las señales de los clavos no creeré". Es que Tomás quería creer con los dedos, como si el Señor hubiera venido para que lo tocaran. ¿Entonces por que el mismo Señor dijo antes a María: "No me toques, pues aún no he subido al Padre?" (Jn 20,17). San Agustín hace notar que a la mujer que cree se le dice "no me toques", mientras dice al varón incrédulo le dice "tócame". Tal vez a Tomás se le hizo poco que el Señor se le ofreciera a sus ojos y por eso se le ofreció también a sus manos. THE LATINO CLUB OF EGG HARBOR CITY is having a MOTHER'S DAY DINNER Saturday evening, May 9th at the Teamster's Building, 1 Philadelphia Avenue, Egg Harbor City from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. There will be music, dancing, entertainment, wonderful food, and a large silent auction. Bring your mother, you wife or a good friend out for a great evening and help the Latino Club to grow. Tickets are available from members, or at the door. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, and $5.00 for children under 12 years of age. iRACE 4 VOCATIONS – On Sunday, April 26th, join Bishop Sullivan along with priests, religious, our seminarians (ADAM) and many other people from throughout the diocese at Washington Lake Park (626 Hurffville Cross Keys Rd, Sewell) for our 4th annual IRace4Vocations. Bishop Sullivan will celebrate Mass for vocations at 1:00 pm followed by 5k run/1 mile family walk. The day will end with a picnic and family fun. Help us enjoy the day as we raise awareness and offer prayers for an increase in vocations for our diocese. For more information or to register, visit: www.camdenpriest.org THE SANCTUARY CANDLES THIS WEEK (ST NICHOLAS) In memory of Joseph DeRosa Requested by: Wife and Children (ASSUMPTION – CHURCH) In thanksgiving Requested by: Sarah Tregaskis (ASSUMPTION – CHAPEL) Special intentions of Gerry Hand FLOWERS BY THE BLESSED MOTHER In memory of Josephine Angelastro Requested by: Rose & Larry Uniglicht OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY is proud to offer a new summer enrichment program for all young women entering ninth grade. The program will run in two sessions. The first session is July 13th – July 16th. First session classes include Pre-Biology, Language Arts, and Survey of Sports I. The second session is July 20th – July 23rd. Second session classes include Math Camp, Transitioning to High School, and Survey of Sports II. Students may choose just one class to attend or attend them all! Students do not have to be registered at Our Lady of Mercy Academy to attend the summer program. Call the main office at 856-697-2008 or check our website, www.olmanj.org, for more information. HEALING MASS - dedicated to Fr. Michael J McGivney will be celebrated at the Most Precious Blood Parish Transfiguration Church on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 pm. Church is located at 445 W. White Horse Pike, West Collingswood, NJ and sponsored by the Michael J. McGivney Guild Knights of Columbus. The celebrant will be Msgr. Michael Mannion. For further information call Phil Pfaffman at 609-652-3057. All are welcome. LANCASTER TRIP - Make your reservations ASAP for our Tuesday, June 2nd trip to Lancaster, PA to see "Joseph" at Sight and Sound Theatre (Note: this play is not "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat"). Cost is $107. pp and includes bus, stop at Kitchen Kettle Village, show, dinner at Shady Maple smorgasbord, and all tips. Call Joe Picardi at 609-965-6199. THE EMMAUS EXPERIENCE A RETREAT FOR MEN What is so great about making a retreat? On a retreat you’ll be free from the distraction of your daily routine. With your whole self relaxed, you will be able to open your heart and listen to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That is the deep satisfaction, inner peace and joy you will find. Take time out to make an Emmaus retreat. If you haven’t registered yet, you still have time. The retreat takes place at the Pope John Paul II Retreat Center in Vineland. Cost: $160 (includes room, board, and the program). Applications are located in rear of church. For more information, call Steven Barile, 609.335.9060 or email: [email protected] YOUTH GROUP NEWS! Sunday, April 19th will be the monthly mass at St. Nick’s. Fr. Vincent will be our celebrant and discussion will follow. All are welcome to the 6 p.m. liturgy. On Sunday, April 26th Please come out to hear our guest speaker who has an important message to share. We will meet at St. Nick’s cafeteria beginning at 6 pm. There will be ample time to ask questions, discuss, socialize and enjoy some refreshments. Invite your friends and family for this very special presentation. If you would like some further information call the director, Nancy Riddell at 652-0008, ext 207. ST. JOSEPH CHURCH CRUISE RAFFLE - Win a 4, 5 or 7 night cruise, in a Balcony Room, to Alaska, Bermuda, or the Caribbean! Value $4000. YOU choose the Celebrity Cruise Line ship, itinerary, and the date (excludes 2 weeks near Christmas). One lucky winner will win a cruise voucher for $4000, including fees and port taxes, for only $20! BONUS – 6 tickets for $100! Drawing will take place on May 10. Tickets are available at St. Joseph Parish Office (606 Shore Road, Somers Point) Monday through Friday from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm. Please call Lisa with any questions at 609-927-3568, ext. 10. HOLY SPIRIT HIGH SCHOOL BOYS CREW PROGRAM will be holding a "GUEST BARTENDER" Fundraiser to Benefit the Boys Crew Program. The crew team is calling out for all alumni Boys' crew team members. It is time to share stories and remember the crew days of old. The boats of 1974,75,76,77 WE NEED YOU! Please join us on Friday, May 1 ,6-9 pm at McGettigans 19th Hole on Rte 9 in Galloway. No Cover charge, Happy Hour cash Bar 100% of the tips will be donated to the crew team. www.holyspirithighschool.com/athletics/boys crew or call 609-289-6941 for further details. Join us for a Prayer Service AUTISM AWARENESS On Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 7PM OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP PARISH (Assumption Church location) 146 S. Pitney Rd. Galloway, NJ 08205 If you would like your child’s photo to be included in the prayer service, parent or guardian permission only, please contact Patti at: [email protected] Parish Festival - We have begun planning our 2015 OLPH Parish Festival. It will be held on Sunday September 13th at the St. Nicholas Site from 1-5 PM and this year's theme will be 'Celebration of Our International Family.’ We will be celebrating the wonderful cultural diversity within OLPH Parish with games/food and music! Our next planning meeting will be Monday April 13th at 7PM at the St. Nicholas' Cafeteria. All are welcome and encouraged to be a part of the planning of this wonderful event. See you there! Call Jerry Vekteris (609) 513-2335 with any questions. PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS - Nominations for the Pastoral Council are now open. Parishioners will vote for four (4) open seats on May 16th and 17th, each for a term of three years. Parishioners are welcome and encouraged to submit their own name, or the names of other parishioners. Nominee’s can be given the Parish office, e-mailing the Pastoral Council on the Parish web page, or by calling one of the nominating committee members: Judy Guerrieri 652-0008, Joe Picardi 965-6199 or Maryann Schussler 748-0693. Names and biographies must be submitted no later than May 1st. The Pastoral Council is an advisory body to Pastor Nick Dudo for the administration and the setting of goals and objectives for our Parish. HOUSE OF CHARITY NEWS! Have you made your House of Charity donation? If not, please prayerfully consider a donation of $55 per family. If each family would donate $55, we will make our goal. We are pleased to announce that we have raised $98,000.00 so far on our goal of $154,000. We can only make it with the help of all of our parishioners. APRIL IS AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH – Please join us for a Diocesan Eucharistic Celebration on Sunday, April 12th, 3:00 pm at the Church of the Holy Family, 226 Hurffville Rd, Sewell, NJ. The preside will be Fr. Robert Hughes. For information call 856-5836111 or email: [email protected] NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING – To learn more information: [email protected] or 856-753-1906. COMMUNION SERVICE – Every Saturday at 8:00 am, St. Nicholas Church. All are welcomed. ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – From September to May we meet on the second Tuesday each month at 7:00 pm in the St. Nicholas rectory. For further information call Donna at 965-2740. WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING BIBLE STUDY is held in the parish office on Tuesdays, 9:00 am. For further information call Gerry at 965-3487 GETTING MARRIED? – Go to the diocesan website for important information about Pre Cana Marriage Prep at www.camdendiocese.org. This has important information that you will need in preparing for your wedding. CAP CLASSES – The schedule can be found on the Diocesan website: www.camdendiocese.org if you would like to attend a class or call 856-583-6165. ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT is held weekly on Wednesdays from 8:30 am -6:30 pm with Benediction. If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office. CALENDAR WINNERS APRIL 2015 WINNERS CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUPS – Meets every week at two locations. Monday’s at 7:30 pm, St. Nicholas Rectory and Wednesdays at 7:15 pm, Assumption’s Church Narthex. DATE TICKET AMT. MONTHLY ROSARY - We gather on the first Friday of the month at the Assumption site Chapel. All are welcome. Henry & Mary Emma Sartorio 4-1 396 30 Alberta Sweeney 4-2 69 30 Bravo !!! Paul RIcciardi 4-3 79 30 Bravo for a job well done as twelve adults and youth packed 201 boxes of food in two hours at the Community Food Bank on March 28th. Kudos to: Lilly Traina, Andrew Decker, Eric Bucikowski, Shivani and Devang Desai, Irenonsen and Patrick Eigbe, Timothy and Fred Meineke, and Jennifer Kerrin and Andrew Lynch. What a wonderful way to observe the Lenten journey by sharing your time for others. God bless! Annette Shorosky 4-4 422 30 Erik Sweeney 4-5 168 250 Kaity Cerebe 4-6 550 30 Betty Howell 4-7 362 30 Margaret Vizthum 4-8 75 30 LOVE BIRDS? COME TO TRI-STATE’S OPEN HOUSE! Tri-State Bird Rescue, located at 170 Possum Hollow Road in Newark, DE, invites the community to its FREE annual Open House on Sunday, May 3rd from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Beasley Reece, lead sports anchor for CBS3 and The CW Philly, will be on hand from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information, visit www.tristatebird.org or call 302-7379543 x108. Nancy Kuenzner 4-9 698 30 Marybeth & Ross Burkhardt 4-10 127 30 Frank Ciardiello 4-11 316 30 Schairer, Anthony 4-12 296 30 Jill Doyle 4-13 159 30 George Hyland 4-14 194 30 Roseann Andaloro 4-15 647 50 Michael Azzinaro 4-16 322 30 Carolyn DeRosa 4-17 107 30 Michael Simko 4-18 220 30 William Butterhof 4-19 70 30 Ray Farrell 4-20 535 30 Marybeth & Ross Burkhardt 4-21 127 30 Matt Lombardi 4-22 406 30 Kevin McLaughlin 4-23 176 30 Connelly, Dennis 4-24 156 30 Vincent Saraceno 4-25 333 30 Robert Szamareta 4-26 76 30 Matthew Ordille 4-27 462 30 Angela Whitlock 4-28 216 30 Helen Miller 4-29 224 30 Matthew Pinto 4-30 350 100 EVANGELIZATION NEWS! Here is a site - www.salvationhistory.com that serves people with research and study tools to raise a new generation of people fluent in the bible. It also equips them to enter into the living word of God and be transformed and renewed by this most amazing encounter. Why are you catholic? Are you coming home after a while of being away from the church? Who is Jesus? If you want answers to these questions, go to www.catholicscomehome.org. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY – Please join us this Sunday (April 12th), 3:00 pm at St. Nicholas Church for Sunday Mass along with The Divine Mercy Chaplet. UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE DEGREES – Dominican College, 470 Western Highway, Orangeburg NY will be holding an Information Session on Wednesday April 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. In the Hennessy Center. For information call 845-359-7800 or http://www.dc.edu BUSINESS OWNERS WE NEED YOU!!! We need your help in placing an ad on the back of our bulletin. There are several sizes and spaces available. Your ad will also appear on our website. The proceeds from these ads make it possible for us to publish our bulletin at no cost and helps provide much needed income to our parish. If you can help by placing a small ad or two, please call Bill Potter at 856-6073999. He is our representative. We also ask our parishioners to please support those who do advertise on our bulletin because they are supporting us. NAME Collections 2014 - $15,487.58 2015 - $11,312.57 2014 – PARISH UPKEEP - $2,737.08 2015 – HOLY LAND SANCTUARY - $1,765.39 BUTTERHOF’S FARM Smithville Podiatry At Home Foot Care & HOME SUPPLY Foot treatment in the Certified Podiatrist LIVESTOCK FEEDS & SUPPLIES DOG & CAT FOOD SUPPLIES LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES ECHO POWER EQUIPMENT 965-1198 5715 WHITE HORSE PIKE Emma Bryan, D.P.M. 609-404-3200 comfort of your home. 609-404-3200 The Smithville Inn WE SELL OIL & PROPANE SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 am - 1:30 pm LUNCH & DINNER SERVED DAILY Located Within The Smithville Village. 60 Shops & 7 Eateries Something For the Whole Family. 652-7777 www.SmithvilleInn.com Rt. 9 & Moss Mill Rd., Smithville, NJ 08205 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL Large Hall Available For Weddings, Funerals, Meetings & Other Gatherings! Call George 609-965-5441 or 609-432-6231 243 St. Louis Avenue · Egg Harbor City BRA’s BRA’s Breast Forms & Post Mastectomy Garments · Nursing Bras & Pumps Large Cup Bras · Fashion & Active 609-601-2150 www.KaringwithKindness.com SENN OIL CO. We Install & Service Heating & Air Oil & Gas 965-0365 Local Deliverye Availabl ® State Farm Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Shipping Available ...and Wonderful ... Chocolates Denise Irvin, Agent Your Easter Headquarters Bunnies In Every Size · Solid & Hollow Eggs Peanut Butter, Coconut, Butter Cream & Marshmallow Eggs Jelly Beans In Every Flavor · Personalized Eggs Sugar Free Items · Made Up Baskets & Gifts And So Much More! Extended Shopping Hours: Thursday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm 68 W Jimmie Leeds Road, Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-9451 Bus 609-748-7888 • Fax 609-748-7805 www.deniseirvin.com 609.652.2888 The Village Greene • Store 94 615 Moss Mill Road · Smithville, NJ 08205 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® www.sweetthingssmithville.com When you help the American Red Cross, you help America. Call 1-800-Help Now or visit us at redcross.org Now with 2 Locations to serve you better SARACENO FUNERAL HOME LOWENSTEIN-SARACENO FUNERAL HOME 609-965-0381 609-652-8330 1114 White Horse Pike Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 Claudia P. Saraceno, Mgr...........N.J. Lic. # 4701 John A. Saraceno........................N.J. Lic. # 4713 Krystal Lowenstein....................N.J. Lic. # 4810 Scott M. Hanula, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney Wills, Probate Powers of Attorney Guardianships, Trusts Asset Protection Planning, Nursing Home Planning, Medicaid and Estate Administration. 29 South New York Road · Suite 900 Galloway, NJ 08205 609.242.4300 www.hanulalaw.com [email protected] Plan Today for Tomorrow C40235 (JR) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Galloway 58 S. New York Ave. (Rt. 9) Galloway, NJ 08205 FRICK REALTORS CALL THE REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS GEORGE K. FRICK Sales • Rentals • Commercial www.c21frick.com Family owned & operated CREMATIONS • BURIALS PRE-ARRANGEMENTS Pre-arrangements simplifies hard times 652-5600 O.L.P.H. Parish Member 117 WEST WHITE HORSE PIKE GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP 926-6898 Timothy McGowan, B.S.B.M. McGowan Landscaping 303 2nd Avenue • Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 inside PICK-UPS DELIVERY OPEN 7 DAYS 11 AM-8 PM 742 Ohio Ave.645-0500 ASUNCION FAMILY DENTAL Andrew P. Asuncion DMD Jill Longo Asuncion RDH 76 West Jimmie Leeds Road Suite 101 • Galloway, NJ Patrick Einwechter 167 S. NEW YORK RD. / RTE. 9 / GALLOWAY General Auto Repairs• ASE Certified Scheduled Maintenance• Fully Insured Computer Diagnostics & Electrical• Air Conditioning & Heating• State Emission Repair Facility• Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. 1650 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225 5 North Second Street, Pleasantville, NJ 08232 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. New Home Builder Joseph M. Trama Additions • Remodeling • Home Repair (609) 748-3933 (609) 965-1146 John J. Keating D.M.D. “A Family Business That Cares” DENNIS CONNELLY Realtor Associate Specialty Lic.#3012 529 New Jersey Avenue · Absecon 609-645-3311 25% OFF LAST YEAR’S TAX RETURN CALL FOR DETAILS ..... INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS · SIMPLE OR COMPLEX GIVE VAL A CALL AT 609-748-2200 1 N. NEW YORK RD. GALLOWAY HASLETT CHIROPRACTIC CENTER From Pain Relief to Wellness Care Back, Neck & Headache Relief Non-Surgical Back Care · Auto Work Injuries Evening & Saturday Available 748-1444 Galloway * Between Pitney Rd. & Rt. 9 542 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Absecon VPR & ASSOCIATES David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3945 Buyers • Sellers • Renters PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY (609) 652-2122 Serving all of Atlantic County (609)-641-0065 Francis D. Perfect NJ Lic. No. 2244 Office: 609-652-9944 Cell: 609-231-8315 E-mail: [email protected] BRACES FOR CHILD AND ADULT Galloway Dr. Thomas Giegerich Orthodontic Specialist - 25 Years Experience Holy Spirit High Grad * No Down Payment * No Interest Financing Certified Public Accountants Val Matteucci CPA, Parishioner ~ El doctor habla español ~ Redding Business Park · 311 South New York Road · Suite 35 · Galloway Churchill Building · 329 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Galloway 609-652-1900 E-mail: [email protected] CLOSED JANUARY 2015 & FEBRUARY 2015 Thank You For A Great Season ... See You Again In March 2015! Barstools · Dinettes · Bedrooms Living Rooms · Bars · Design · Accents Upholstery Shop And MORE! 609-646-6464 331 Tilton Road (Next To The Imax Theater) Northfield www.atlanticcitybarstoolbrothers.com EAST COAST ROOFING & SIDING NJ BOATING SAFETY COURSE Family • Private • Group Classes Replacement Windows · Est. 1979 “If you call, we’ll show up!” Captain Bob Monroe U.S.C.G. 100 Ton Masters License 609-646-1444 609-214-0461 ~ Call to Register www.bobsboatschool.com ATLANTIC COUNTY Cremation Service We Come To You R.W. BROWN 319 E. JIMMIE LEEDS RD. (609) 241-0849 IN THE RISLEY SQUARE PLAZA NEXT TO DUNKIN’ DONUTS ACROSS FROM GALLOWAY MUNICIPAL BUILDING LANDSCAPING CO., LLC DESIGN & BUILD FIRM Facebook.com/YoGoFactoryGalloway Personal est. 1976 THE BEST TASTING, CREAMIST FROZEN YOGURT IN THE INDUSTRY (609) 965-2297 Galloway Township, NJ Brian K. Daly, Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3723 Arrangements may be made in the comfort of your home. 652-3321 MAIN OFFICE 206 LACEY RD FORKED RIVER, NJ 08731 WHITE HORSE Richard Marshall Insurance Services Dr. J.R. Steiner, Chiropractor Auto Repair • Gentle Palmer Techniques • Emergency Services 24/7 TOWING • AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Auto · Home · Life · Business · Investments · Flood Health · Annuities & IRA’s · Condo · Boat · Motorcycle · RV • Ultrasound/Spinal Traction • Most Insurances Accepted • Rehabilitative Exercises • Complimentary Consultation 637 W. White Horse Pk., Egg Harbor City 1 N. New York Rd., Ste. 42 Galloway, NJ 08205 3137 Fire Rd. E.H.T. 609-965-5084 (609) 748-2121 Family Parish Member Breakfast · Lunch · Dinner · Catering 609-652-0179 www.romanellisonline.com 279 South New York Road · Galloway Township FUNERAL HOME Locally Owned & Operated 645-3366 Assumption Parishioner MAINLAND HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS J. Famularo 609-442-4490 514 West Washington Avenue · Pleasantville Lloyd A. Wimberg, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 3050 Diane Rhea-Collins, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4644 211 E. Great Creek Rd. Galloway Township 400 Liverpool Ave. Egg Harbor City 609-641-0001 609-965-0357 C40235 (JR) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Galloway FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 outside
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