Aplicación (snarúff: A. h"¡'o{'l' Write the imperfect form in the person indicated by the subject: fJ-,(*, B. Change to imperfect and translate new form into English: 1. él (hablar) l. contestamos 2. Elenay yo (vivir) 2. vendes 3. ella 3. él pregunta (saber) 4. Uds. (conocer) 4. aprendo 5. los.niños (pedir) 5. ellos escuchan 6. nosofros (correr) 6. Ud. escribe 7. tú (partir) 7. ellos aprenden 8. yo 8. Ud. estudia (pasar) 9. vosotros (esperar) 9. vivimos 10. Uds; (acabar) 10. él teme 11. Ud. (caminar) L1. él abre 12. êl(comprender) 12. ellos enseñan 13. Juan y Pedro (tomar) 13. él asiste L4. yo (escribir) 14. tomamos 15. Ud. (amar) 15. leo 16. vosotros (conocer) 16. Uds. beben 17. t() (beber) 17.' temo 18. nosotros (comPrar) 18. ellos reciben 19. ellos (subir) 19. necesito 20. Yo (correr) 20. Uds. viven 21. ella(resPonder) 21. abrimos 22.'tú (guardar) 22. contestáis 23. Vd, 24. (aPrender) 'i Juan y él (llevar) 25. vosotros (Pasar) , ' 23. tomas 24. él bebe 25. abrís Mastery Test Write the Spanish that corresponds to the English verb forms, selecting the correct verb from the list on page 6. 1. they used to live 10. did you (s., fam.) understand? 2. we were working 3. you (s., fam.) were not selling 11. she was teaching 12. you (p1., for.) used to take 4. we used to live 5. they did not need 13. we were not listening 6. you (s., for.) were learning 14. he used to sell 7. he used to believe 15. you (pl., for.) were opening 8. you (pl., fam.) were asking 1ó. were they receiving? 9. I used to fear 17. we were attending l-r.l*j¿. - þ (Sfvtd¡c,t- FsL'lb fitu-çthr-þ C¿rllts lzr .-ì' Pog"ntz^c M/-d ¿t 'lu /tt'uz¡ ""t, ln þocL' l¡ sl"ësttLc.l'tt r - 'þ l-zLot: Jt:n¿,r ' Io 7r'tlraf - þ cnÞ ,nruOor ('' "yn p'rcn b¿bo. cltt 1Þ ¡c /e-n u''-l ct-ef lo Lo- - k+e'¡ þ I."' (e¿'r þ 't-d ( NLr rþ'-l (tu\ Vvtolp, þ (.t ¡" ^¡rIc- +b l'¿:.'¿' l"L'¡Js¿- €ÇL¿''¡'Lu Vtvt t' l" l;¿ fY(tþj, b ÌecetÉûl'tSh't n o tlu¿l O_/.¡ìr - lu ttC.'" QJ'znbir- Þ --þ Uwut - l'¡";'- ,*'*
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