WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 1 Webseiten / Sitios Web / WebSites (1) en Español (2) en Français (3) in Italiano (4) in Swedish, Norwegian (5) in English (6) in German ––––––– (1) Sitios Web en Español pororden alfabético: Antenas Peligro Movil: Consecuencias para la salud de la exposición a las radiaciones electromagnéticas como wifi, telefonía móvil AVAATE = Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones = Vereinigung der durch Mobilfunk-Antennen Geschädigten in Valladolid/Spanien Con fecha 6 de marzo de 2015 Emily O’Reilly, Defensora del Pueblo Europeo, se ha dirigido a AVAATE en relación con la reclamación interpuesta ante ella relativa a la composición del Comité Científico de los Riesgos Sanitarios Emergentes Recientemente Identificados 19Mar2015 Contaminación electromagnética y otras radiaciones, Joan Carles López “Hospital de Francia retira el wifi y se pasa al Lifi, menos dañino” “Escuelas Waldorf da un paso de precaución empiezan a eliminar el wifi” „Los fabricantes de smartphones y tablets advierten del peligro de las radiaciones“ 8Apr2015 24Mar2015 Feb2015 EDS = Electrosensibles por el Derecho a la Salud @ Contains a lot of directions of European organizations of electro(hyper)sensible people. Contiene un montón de direcciones de organisaciones Europeos de gente electro(hiper)sensible El día a día con FM, SFC/EM, SSQM, EHS Dori Fernández, Febr2015 “Enfermos de Síndrome de Sensibilidad Central denuncian su situación de desatención médica” escuelas in wifi: José Manuel López Menchero, Artículo: “Entrevista a Antonio Balibrea (Responsable de Medios Informáticos del CEIPS San Lorenzo)” Nov2014 PECCEM = Plataforma Estatal Contra la Contaminación ElectroMagnética, Are organizing campaigns, petitions, and complaints against EMR pollution, see “Petitions”. Noticias de interes: “Escuela Saludable, Internet solo por Cable” otros: « La muerte de Josu reabre el debate de las antenas de telefonía cerca de colegios » 23Mar2015 ___ WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 2 Sites Web en Français: PRIARTEM et le Collectif des Electrosensibles de France « Ondes électromagnétiques et santé, expertise européenne - Les associations déposent une plainte » Mar2015 Robindestoits = Association National Pour la Seéurité dans les Technologie Sans Fil “Danger telephone portable et antennes relais - danger pour la santé des ondes du portable, wifi, wimax, sans fil dect, bluetooth” Teslabel Coordination: Notre association lutte pour un environnement électromagnétique sain. Groupe Écologiste à l'Assemblée Nationale (3) WebSites in Italiano: Antenna Si Antenna No (Italia) (4) Websites in Swedish or Norwegian: Strålskyddsstiftelsen: in Sweden“ “Sharp increase in patients treated for brain tumors with unclear diagnosis 20Okt2014 “Ny forskning om radiofrekvent stråling og kreft tvinger mobilindustrien i knestående“ 19Mar2015 (5) Websites in English, in aphabetic order: American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), The … American Cancer Society: Buergerwelle e.V. Article on Smart Meters 2015 Site from Germany, English version Détonateurs_Detonators (Canada) Article: “Global Smart Meters Roll-Out And Serfdom Of Humanity” 4Mar2015 Dirty Electricity C4ST = Canadians for Safe Technology: “Is Your Technology Safe?”: “What every Canadian should know about Electromagnetic Radiation” “Barrie Trower WiFi Report - Humanity At The Brink” Sept2014 Cellular Phone Task Force: The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. Citizens for Safe Technology: Empowering the public to protect children and nature from unsafe wireless technologies: “Disconnect Switches Used in Smart Meters” Jan2015 “BC's Itron Smart Meters put lives and homes at risk” Jan2015 WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 WebSites EHS: Electromagnetic (Hyper)Sensitivity, H50314 13-Apr-15 3 an ambitious Wiki by Peter Heindl, South Africa Electromagnetic Health Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity(EHS) Amir Borenstein @ Electromagnetic Radiation Safety – Health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and Smart Meters, and strategies to reduce potential harm. Berkeley Cell Phone "Right to Know" Ordinance, Contains a long list of Media coverage about the ordinance Feb2015 “Hybrid & Electric Cars: Electromagnetic Radiation Risks” Feb2015 19Mar2015 “Wireless Technology Health Risks --The New York Times Fuels the Debate” Article: “Wireless Empire Strikes Back” EMF Analysis EMF Safety Network: meter extortion fees “ 21Mar2015 “PG&E threatens to disconnect 84 yr. old woman’s power for refusing smart 10Mar2015 EMF Solutions (UK) EMR Australia Pty Ltd Specialists in electromagnetic radiation testing, shielding and solutions. Free quarterly news and science report on electromagnetic radiation and health. EM-Radiation Research Trust EMS / ES / EHS: Electro Magnetic Sensitivity / Electro Sensitivity / Electro(magnetic) Hyper Sensitivity Environmental Radiation LLC eon3emfblog Get the Cell Out-Atl Article 10Mar2015: “T-mobile's Letters of Cancellation: DeKalb County Schools Are Cell Tower Free!” Havas, Dr. Magda, PhD Healing Earth & EMF Refuge (Northampton, MA) – Meetup A major goal of this group is advocacy, fundraising, and creation of a green, sustainable land trust communities designed for the health of the earth, its people, and for safety from environmental hazards, especially from electromagnetic radiation, GMOs, energy waste, and unregulated products/chemicals. Healing Earth & EMF Refuge. “Doctors and Scientists Calling for Stricter Regulation and/or a Moratorium on Wireless Technology” HESE-Projekt, Forschungsgruppe EMF/Mobilfunk Article 10May2014: “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Concerns Over Potential Radiation Impacts of Cellular Communication Towers on Migratory Birds and Other Wildlife-Research Opportunities” IEMFA = International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 4 Kawartha Safe Technology Lennart Hardell's blog Naperville Smart Meter Awareness VOTE APRIL 7! National Association for Children and Safe Technology, USA "No Radiation For You" Amir Borenstein @ Phones Cause Brain Cancer, site from Australia. Powerwatch “… is a small non-profit independent organisation with a central role in the UK EMF and Microwave Radiation health debate” Refugium Wi-Fi Exiles & The Coming Electroplague Sedona Smart Meter Awareness Article: “HOW TO OPT OUT NOW!” Article: “Evaluation of ADHS Report on Health Safety of Smart Meters” 09Dec2014 since 28Feb2015 “Smart Meters Spiral Out of Control and “Livin’ on a Prayer”” 14Mar2015 (uncritical) “Father of the Smart Grid” Honored 16Mar2015 Smart Meter Harm Very good Site about Smart Meters! “There really are people who feel pain related to EMF”, CPUC President Peevey, Feb2015 “A massive corruption scandal is unfolding in California at the Public Utilities Commission.” Stay on the Truth: “Washington State Department of Health Responding To Wi-Fi Safety Concerns in Our Schools“ 4Mar2015 Stop Smart Meters (USA) Article: “PG&E Suggested “Prozac” for those Injured by Smart Meters” Article: “Why Stop Smart Meters?” 26Feb2015 Stop Smart Meters Australia „Smart meter health surveys show striking symptom similarities“! 25Mar2015 (New Zealand) stop smartmeters Take Back Your Power – investing the smart grid Article: “Smart meters spiral out of control” techradar: WebSites 23Mar2015 “Up, up and away for EE: balloons will boost your phone reception” Feb2015 H50314 13-Apr-15 WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15 5 ______ (6) Websites in German, in alphabetischer Reihenfolge: Baubiologie Maes 2014: Zahlreiche Artikel über Mobilfunk und Gesundheit. // “Grenzwerte für Mobilfunkwellen” Die Tabelle enthält: a) Die sehr unterschiedlichen(!) Grenzwerte in verschiedenen Ländern; b) Vorgaben des Europaparlaments, von Ärzte-Organisationen u.a., c) Auswirkungen auf Menschen und Tiere bei versch. Strahlungs-Intensitäten. see more Bürgerwelle e.V. Bundesverband Elektrosmog e.V.: “Gefährliche Strahlung bringt IT-Projekt ins Straucheln – Vorerst kein WLAN in Hamburger Klassenzimmern.“ Dez2014 Diagnose Funk: Selbstdarstellung: „Diagnose-Funk ist eine Umwelt- und Verbraucher–Organisation, die sich für den Schutz vor elektromagnetischen Feldern und Strahlung einsetzt.“ Hier insbes. wiss. Studien über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von EMF Elektrosmoginfo, u.a. „Mobilfunk-Grenzwerte im Ausland“ HESE-Projekt, Forschungsgruppe EMF/Mobilfunk, // Internationalen Plattform: “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Concerns Over Potential Radiation Impacts of Cellular Communication Towers on Migratory Birds and Other Wildlife-Research Opportunities” 10May2007 gibt es auch auf fb: Hotels ohne WLan Kompetenzinitiative: Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Juristen, Techniker für Fortschritt der Mobilfunk-Diskussion Ulrich Weiner, umfangreiche Website eines Betroffenen @ Wellenbrecher: Zusammenschluss von EMF-Sensiblen @ ––––– to be completed ––––– End of the page “Websites” WebSites H50314 13-Apr-15
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