Volume 21, Number 1 CABPRO News FEBRUARY 2015 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS, PROPERTY AND RESOURCE OWNERS Electromagnetic Warfare Volume 21, Number 1 FEBRUARY 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Local Update Jean Gerard Page 3 Lost Rights Restored Chuck Frank Page 4 My Small Christian School Kyle Cuniberti Page 5 The Grand Enabler Called the Central Bank Marc Cuniberti Cellphone Tower — Are We Asking the Right Questions David Moyer Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Heather Lane Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things John W. Whitehead Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Yes - I want to join CABPRO! Friend of CABPRO Page 9 Where Virtual Reality is Going Jon Rappoport Page 10 A Warning Tale Jo Ann Rebane Page 12 $65 Associate Membership $150 (or $13 per month/$39 per quarter) Business Membership $250 (or $22 per month/$66 per quarter) For Letters to the Editor or Comments, please email: [email protected] The Minuteman League $600 (or $50 per month/$150 per quarter) The Executive Membership $1200 (or $100 per monthly/$300 per quarter) Call the office at 530 478-1331 or go to our website: www.cabpro.net to join us online. Page 2 CABPRO News Local Update Volume 21, Number 1 FEBRUARY 2015 by Jean Gerard Happy New Year! Along with each new year always comes new laws. Here’s a recap of a couple of them for this year: Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2015 Just as momentum was building to stop the NSA from its illegal surveillance and storage of our emails and phone conversations, and hold them accountable, what happens? Our representatives decided to turn coat and make it legal for them to do what they’re doing. National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Did you see what was included in the ‘defense’ bill? Sixty-eight land use bills that will designate new national parks and wilderness areas. “That is why the package of lands bills in the National Defense Authorization Act is vitally important to America.” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said. “This compromise is the chance for the Senate to get something done.” The bill also included a deal to give an Australian-English mining firm 2,400 acres of federal land in Arizona that includes Apache and Yavapai sacred sites. Nice. How did your representative, Doug LaMalfa vote on these two bills? YES on both. If you’d like to thank him, email him. There’s some good news too. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lost in its attempt to change the definition of “Waters of the United States” to include ephemeral streams, washes and irrigation ditches. And, the EPA budget will be cut by $60 million $2.2 billion down since 2010. I think that might seem like good news to some folks. The bill also bans Fish & Wildlife from adding the greater sage-grouse to the Endangered Page 3 Species Act list, though $15 million was approved for the Bureau of Land Management to conserve the greater sagegrouse habitat. The greater sage-grouse is prevalent across ten Western states, and an ESA listing would severely restrict public and private land use. In a January 6, 2015 news release from the Department of Interior you’ll find this: “Because about 64 percent of the greater sagegrouse’s 165 million acres of occupied range is on federally managed lands, Interior’s Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Agriculture’s U.S. Forest Service are currently analyzing amendments to existing land use plans to incorporate appropriate conservation measures to conserve, enhance and restore greater sage-grouse habitat by reducing, eliminating or minimizing threats to the habitat.” No need to list it as endangered. How do they plan to do that? They have a very the suggested ‘innovative’ way in mind. “ … salt tax would be 1.75 cents per pound of salt content in animal feeds and would raise about $400,000 dollars.” Cattlemen back it. And “…the Audubon Society is working on a bird seed tax, which would go to the same dedicated fund.” In 2013 there was an article in The Wall Street Journal entitled: Save a Chicken, Drill a Well ‘Habitat Exchange’ Could Keep Oil Flowing While Protecting Wild Prairie Fowl The push to add the prairie chicken to the endangered species list would have complicated things for the oil companies and ranchers so a ‘stock exchange’ was proposed. “Ranchers would generate credits by taking steps to protect the bird’s habitat, such as tearing out invasive Juniper trees or letting land revert to grassland. To drill new wells, oil companies would offset the impact on the chickens’ habitat by purchasing these credits at auction.” CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 So you see, if you have enough money, and you play the game, you can still do what you want. Endangered species aren’t as important as money. And the public land that will become national parks, thanks to the NDAA, will still be open to the public. For awhile anyway. And for a fee. Here you’ll find a Tentative List of Potential National Monuments. Speaking of national parks, have you heard about what’s going on in Olympic National Park in Washington State? The Navy wants to use it as an electromagnetic warfare testing and training area. They’re working on getting a permit from the United States Forest Service, which will likely happen. Here’s a link to some substantive comments written by a former Fish and Wildlife employee, Karen Sullivan: Violations of Federal Law in the US Navy’s Procedures for Obtaining a Permit to Conduct Electromagnetic Warfare Testing and Training in the Olympic National Forest “The US Navy is proposing to take large swathes of Washington's Olympic National Forest plus a large amount of airspace over Olympic National Park and the communities in the area, to run electronic warfare attack and detection testing and training, for 260 days per year, permanently, using at least 36 new supersonic attack jets and radiation emitters on the ground, in 15 locations. The Navy has refused to hold true public hearings in affected communities on the Olympic Peninsula, citing not enough money in their $11.5 million dollar budget. Each new jet costs between $68 million and $77 million, … so the total equipment budget is approximately $2,785,500,000. No public notices were printed in any newspapers that directly serve the affected communities.” The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was bypassed completely. And, by the way, there are endangered species in that park. plenty of You can find more information on this here. Page 4 FEBRUARY 2015 Investigation done by KC & Associates revealed that this electromagnetic warfare training is currently happening in other states. Along all the borders: Atlantic, Pacific, Mexican and Canadian. I guess I missed that in the news. No membership meeting is scheduled for February. Hope to see you next month! Lost Rights Restored by Chuck Frank With Judge Dowling’s last and final property rights ruling in favor of Lockyer and Erickson, Nevada County administrators and lawyers must now decide whether to admit defeat or take the 4-year-old case to the next judicial level, that being the 3rd District Court in Sacramento. After setting aside $100,000.00 or more money to fight rounds one and two, and losing, how much more of the taxpayers money must be wasted by the county chasing a property rights issue that has already been decided by the court? If Nevada County has that much money to gamble with then it is time for them also to lower property taxes across the board. Furthermore, how much more of taxpayer money is being used with regard to court issues that are clearly unnecessary? Does anyone really know? Where is the accountability for the county’s $200 million dollar yearly budget where lawyers are reaping the benefits and not the people? It is a tragedy when once due process is finally given, that government continues to sidestep basic constitutional provisions that are foundational and which were meant to protect the people, not government! In addition, besides an attempt by the county to take some of Lockyer’s land over a dispute about a visually important ridge line (VIR), court records show that there were major inconsistencies and contradictions in the planning department statements, while e-mails clearly showed among staff, a pattern of retaliation towards Lockyer and Erickson after CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 their complaints surfaced about the installation of a cell tower in Penn Valley. In spite of all of this, Nevada County administrators are planning a meeting with the supervisors later this month, and they may attempt to go forward with a brief which seeks to reverse Judge Dowlings ruling. This is unbelievable! FEBRUARY 2015 Our classes are a lot smaller than public schools so we can get to know each other better and get better individual instruction. For example, I needed some help in my math class. I was able to get one-on-one time after school with my math teacher so I could understand the concepts of the lesson better. At our school the teachers are willing to donate their time after school to help their students succeed. When looking at the facts, and considering all of the taxpayer money already spent with the case, there is now a call for wisdom among the supervisors to fulfill their obligation to the people whom they represent and put an end to a pattern of administrative overreach and retaliation when dealing with property owners and their rights. Also, compromise on the part of county planning and those other departments are fully necessary when striving to maintain a rightful balance with a government that is for and by the people. Property owners in Nevada County have suffered long enough, and the needless affliction which was placed upon numerous individuals must be put to an end. Each week on Wednesday our high school and junior high join together for chapel after fourth period. We take some time from our first four class periods in order to do this. There we start off with worship first and then we have a guest speaker. It’s a time where we can come together and worship God as a school. In conclusion, property ordinances were never meant to destroy people’s dreams. If the supervisors have a pattern of agreeing with staff when property rights are in question, I believe it is time for them to reevaluate the original vision of our founders; their many grievances with Great Britain were addressed in the Declaration of Independence which had come about for the cause of justice and set a standard for the entire world to follow. It is called life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Truly, Nevada County needs a new vision when it comes to land use and common sense. Yes, it is time to break new ground and let freedom ring! After all, isn’t this America? It is a small campus so classes are closer together. All the staff and faculty love God, and our principal is one of the best. She really loves God and is sweet and very friendly. The small classes allows them to get know everybody. Chuck Frank is an investigative journalist. In sports, we are a D7 school which we means are a smaller school and mostly everyone makes the sports teams. There are very few cuts, so it gives us a chance to try out new sports and helps us improve with sports we already play. The sports teams are usually some of the best in our league. I like Forest Lake and I wish that all kids could go to a school like mine. Thanks for listening. Kyle Cuniberti is a 14-year-old freshman at Forest Lake Christian School. The Grand Enabler Called the Central Bank by Marc Cuniberti My Small Christian School by Kyle Cuniberti I go to a private Christian school called Forest Lake Christian School. There are many benefits in attending this school, in my opinion. Page 5 An enabler is one who is thought to foster bad behavior by providimg either misguided advice or permission or by providing the tools to continue the negative practice or practices. CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 In a world of easy money, it can be said the central banks of the world have enabled the mega banks, hedge funds and speculators also to also continue with their bad behaviors. By keeping interest rates so low, it’s easy and very cheap to borrow money. This in turn encourages speculators which are large banks, pension plans and hedge funds to engage in large derivative bets on everything that is traded. During the crisis, the low interest rates fostered an overabundance of home loans that couldn’t be serviced by the borrowers. It encouraged banks to make risky loans and enabled questionable borrowers to take out loans that normal interest rates would otherwise have made unobtainable. In summary, low rates encourage investors to buy higher yielding and therefore riskier assets. They can also make big time gambling by the largest of speculators extremely profitable. Easy money in the form of low rates could be said to be the main cause of the housing bust and bank blowup in 2008. Now with oil prices plunging, we can expect those low interest rates again to make their effects known as a variety of loans and bets on oil and the companies that deal in oil’s related investments start suffering huge losses. Much like we saw in the last crisis, low rates have fostered a new potential for problems. The low rates that have existed over the years have enabled marginable oil producers to borrow money to fund their operations. Now that oil is plunging, these companies are finding it harder and harder to make their loan payments and the markets where these loans are traded are starting to squeal. Even more dangerous are the massive bets speculators have made on the movement of oil. With oil rapidly falling, many of these highly leveraged bets are about to go up in smoke, and with them the balance sheets of the companies that made those bets. Page 6 FEBRUARY 2015 Had interest rates been normalized after the banking crisis, many of the large bets on oil would not have been possible. In addition, many marginable oil companies would not have been able to borrow money and produce oil; that oil has now added to the glut that is now contributing to its price plunge. Much like the overabundance of houses we saw because rates were so low, we are now seeing an overabundance of oil, causing another bust similar to the housing blowup. Thanks to another round of low interest rates, we may be about to witness the result of the grand enablers which are the central banks of the world and their artificial manipulation of those rates. A plethora of bad oil bets are about to blow up due to this drastic fall in the price of oil and much of what is to come can be blamed directly on the low interest rates which are set by the central banks of the world. Until interest rates are allowed to rise to their natural rates we will continue to see these massive blowups, false booms and subsequent nightmarish economic busts. Marc Cuniberti hosts “Money Matters” on KVMR FM 89.5 and 105.1 FM on Thursdays at noon and syndicated on over 30 radio stations throughout the US. He has been featured on NBC and ABC television and on a host of made for TV documentaries for his economic insights. His website is: www.moneymanagementradio.com Cellphone Tower — Are We Asking the Right Questions? by David Moyer Please stifle that yawn and read on. The Union’s article was not very clear as to who is alleging what in the cellphone tower controversy near Lake Wildwood. Was the family denied a permit to build their home? Do they want to build their house next to the tower? Does the county want to take part or all of their land? CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 I think it is clear that Peter Lockyer and his wife do not want the cell tower built. But whatever the issues are, over time they will be irrelevant to those living near the tower. We aren’t asking the right questions. At one time I canvassed some homes near the tower location. I shared some material on the health risks associated with such a tower and got a collective yawn from those who will be bathed in its electromagnetic radiation. Not having the tower is a “documented public safety risk?” Whatever happened to the ordinary telephone? What about the safety risk of having the tower? In my recently-published books, “Beyond Mental Illness” and “10 Ways to Keep your Brain from Screaming ‘Ouch,’” I address the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) to overall health, including mental health. For starters EMF is genotoxic, at least as much as benzene. It increases risk of cancer. Congress and the telecommunications industry passed a law to specifically prevent legitimate health concerns from being a factor in the placement of cellphone towers. Why would they do that? Santini administered a questionnaire to 530 men and women. Half lived within 300 meters of a cellphone tower and half were outside that boundary. Those living within the boundary reported significantly higher levels of tiredness, headaches, sleep disturbance, irritability, depression, memory loss, dizziness and decreased sex drive (within 100 meters) compared to those outside the boundary. FEBRUARY 2015 Cows had significantly higher levels of melatonin and humans reported significantly improved sleep. After a lifetime of research, he concluded that EMF from different sources are risk factors for cancers, sleep disturbance, learning difficulties, senility, depression, suicide, cardiac arrhythmia and heart attacks. A 2007 study showed that pregnant women who “moderately” used their cellphones during their pregnancy had a 54 percent increased risk of their offspring having ADHD. A German study found that children exposed to the top one quarter of EMF levels were more than twice as likely to have behavior problems over time. The EMF exposure was well below established guidelines. According to Johansson, EMF in rats, at the level of a Bluetooth device, impairs shortterm memory and ability to navigate a maze. The declining mental health in the culture is but one measure of a developing ecological catastrophe that, like the proverbial frog in the pan of cold water on the stove, we silently endure, even as the temperature slowly rises. Meanwhile, the county, a family and the courts address legal issues irrespective of the real health threats caused by these towers. Our congressional representatives with the help of the K Street Lobby and the powerful resources of mass media have assured that such a discussion will remain moot. David Moyer is a retired Air Force Lt. Col. and licensed clinical social worker. He is the author of three books, two of which are mentioned in this article. Women reported greater levels of headache, nausea, sleep disturbance, appetite loss and depression than the men. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity In Schwarzenburg, Switzerland, Cherry assessed humans and animals before and after a nearby cellphone tower was turned off for three days. Electrohypersensitivity is a term we that are reacting to microwave radiation are not completely fond of. It seems to blame victims of Page 7 by Heather Lane CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 this pernicious military weapon technology and also separates us from everyone else. This particular label allows the public to consider us the 'too sensitive others' and perpetuates a state of denial among the few who've become familiar with wireless dangers. As sufferers and activists we feel compelled to inform people across the planet about the threat to life on Earth due to the saturation of deleterious frequencies that now surround every living being. We first must begin with not-so-smart meters. Our privacy and civil rights are violated every minute of every day with these radiation transmitting devices. The health issues are wide-ranging and irreversible. Like the original microwave weapons used on people in the Cold War, low pulsing frequencies open the blood-brain barrier, cause heart arrhythmia and tachycardia, DNA breaks, damage to the pineal gland, endocrine disruption, upregulated adrenals and hardening of cell walls via the mechanisms of voltage-gated calcium channels. My own experience when these meters were installed where I lived in Vermont was dramatic. I began to convulse at night and then 24 hours a day, having no knowledge of their deployment, nor of the symptoms I was enduring. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to headaches, chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, difficulties concentrating, memory loss, depression/mood swings, dermatological symptoms, irritability or sleeplessness, heart problems, poor blood circulation, disorientation, thyroid disorders, eye discomfort and tinnitus. After my first exposure to smart meters, I endured increasing sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. I was unable to be near laundry machines, fans, stereos, televisions and refrigerators. After moving to the West Coast, I had a seizure when using a cell phone while approaching a cell tower. A few months later, I was forced to be in close proximity to another antenna array without my knowledge and my symptoms increased even further. I could feel power lines as I drove near them. I could feel a Prius pulling at my face as I followed it on the Page 8 FEBRUARY 2015 road and I began staying several car lengths away from hybrid vehicles. Following overexposures, I found that all the neighbors' devices felt even stronger and I was aware when WiFi was on or off, or when a cordless or cellular phone was in use. Upon arriving in Nevada county, I connected with other radiation reactive folks and we formed a Stop Smart Meters chapter here. Our aim is to get the local government and business people involved along with other community members to secure a ban on broadcasting meters within the county. Another goal is to provide homes and businesses with an alternative to WiFi. Two possible options include powerline routers or light frequencies for wireless. So-called 'LiFi' is being used in Europe and although more information would be useful, it seems a viable option over constant microwave radiation exposures. I located a signal-free 'life zone' in California and incrementally am recovering from the worst of my symptoms. These reactions to microwave radiation are happening all over the world. The peer reviewed science about its permanent biological effects is readily available. Also, I've taken part in creating a website Ignorance and Denial providing many links to documents and documentaries advising about microwave dangers. Members of Stop Smart Meters Nevada County will be voicing their concerns at the Nevada City Council meeting on February 11th. For more information about our local group or about smart meters you may email me at [email protected] and please visit Stop Smart Meters! Heather Lane is a musician and activist originally from Philadelphia. She lives in a wireless free zone in rural Nevada County. CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things by John W. Whitehead If ever Americans sell their birthright, it will be for the promise of expediency and comfort delivered by way of blazingly fast Internet, cell phone signals that never drop a call, thermostats that keep us at the perfect temperature without our having to raise a finger, and entertainment that can be simultaneously streamed to our TVs, tablets and cell phones. Likewise, if ever we find ourselves in bondage, we will have only ourselves to blame for having forged the chains through our own lassitude, laziness and abject reliance on internetconnected gadgets and gizmos that render us wholly irrelevant. Indeed, while most of us are consumed with our selfies and trying to keep up with what our friends are posting on Facebook, the megacorporation Google has been busily partnering with the National Security Agency (NSA), the Pentagon, and other governmental agencies to develop a new “human” species. In other words, Google—a neural network that approximates a global brain—is fusing with the human mind in a phenomenon that is called “singularity,” and they’ve hired transhumanist scientist Ray Kurzweil to do just that. Google will know the answer to your question before you have asked it, Kurzweil said. “It will have read every email you will ever have written, every document, every idle thought you’ve ever tapped into a search-engine box. It will know you better than your intimate partner does. Better, perhaps, than even yourself.” But here’s the catch: the NSA and other government agencies will also know you better than yourself. As William Binney, one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA said, “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.” Science fiction, thus, has become fact. Page 9 FEBRUARY 2015 We’re fast approaching Philip K. Dick’s vision of the future as depicted in the film Minority Report. There, police agencies apprehend criminals before they can commit a crime, driverless cars populate the highways, and a person’s biometrics are constantly scanned and used to track their movements, target them for advertising, and keep them under perpetual surveillance. Cue the dawning of the Age of the Internet of Things, in which internet-connected “things” will monitor your home, your health and your habits in order to keep your pantry stocked, your utilities regulated and your life under control and relatively worry-free. The key word here, however, is control. In the not-too-distant future, “just about every device you have — and even products like chairs, that you don’t normally expect to see technology in — will be connected and talking to each other.” This “connected” industry—estimated to add more than $14 trillion to the economy by 2020—is about to be the next big thing in terms of societal transformations, right up there with the Industrial Revolution, a watershed moment in technology and culture. Between driverless cars that completely lacking a steering wheel, accelerator, or brake pedal, and smart pills embedded with computer chips, sensors, cameras and robots, we are poised to outpace the imaginations of science fiction writers such as Philip K. Dick and Isaac Asimov. The 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is a glittering showcase for such Internetconnected techno gadgets as smart light bulbs that discourage burglars by making your house look occupied, smart thermostats that regulate the temperature of your home based on your activities, and smart doorbells that let you see who is at your front door without leaving the comfort of your couch. Nest, Google’s $3 billion acquisition, has been at the forefront of the “connected” industry, with such technologically savvy conveniences as CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 a smart lock that tells your thermostat who is home, what temperatures they like, and when your home is unoccupied; a home phone service system that interacts with your connected devices to “learn when you come and go” and alert you if your kids don’t come home; and a sleep system that will monitor when you fall asleep, when you wake up, and keep the house noises and temperature in a sleep-conducive state. It’s not just our homes that are being reordered and reimagined in this connected age: it’s our workplaces, our health systems, our government and our very bodies that are being plugged into a matrix over which we have no real control. Unfortunately, have failed to on technology not to mention in our race to the future, we consider what such dependence might mean for our humanity, our freedoms. For instance, if you were shocked by Edward Snowden’s revelations about how NSA agents have used surveillance to spy on Americans’ phone calls, emails and text messages, can you imagine what unscrupulous government agents could do with access to your internet-connected car, home and medications? Imagine what a SWAT team could do with the ability to access, monitor and control your internet-connected home—locking you in, turning off the lights, activating alarms, etc. Those still reeling from a year of police shootings of unarmed citizens, SWAT team raids, and community uprisings, the menace of government surveillance can’t begin to compare to bullet-riddled bodies, devastated survivors and traumatized children. However, both approaches are just as lethal to our freedoms if left unchecked. Control is the key here. As I make clear in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, total control over every aspect of our lives, right down to our inner thoughts, is the objective of any totalitarian regime. George Orwell understood this. His masterpiece, Page 10 FEBRUARY 2015 1984, portrays a global society of total control in which people are not allowed to have thoughts that in any way disagree with the corporate state. There is no personal freedom, and advanced technology has become the driving force behind a surveillance-driven society. Snitches and cameras are everywhere. And people are subject to the Thought Police, who deal with anyone guilty of thought crimes. The government, or “Party,” is headed by Big Brother, who appears on posters everywhere with the words: “Big Brother is watching you.” Make no mistake: the Internet of Things is just Big Brother in a more appealing disguise. John W. Whitehead is a Constitutional attorney, author, and founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His award-winning book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State (SelectBooks, 2013) is available online at amazon.com. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at www.rutherford.org. Reprinted by permission. Where Virtual Reality is Going by Jon Rappoport “In the early 1960s, I was sitting in a crowded New York theater watching one of the first dubbed Japanese monster imports. I was hoping the police would stop the huge lizard, who was clomping around, wrecking the city, toppling buildings, squashing humans I gradually became aware that the audience was cheering for the monster. A cultural shift had happened. I hadn’t known about it until then.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) I want to sketch the path along which virtual reality is going. Right now, companies are selling improved tech that allows a helmet-wearer to see landscape and people in a wider perspective, and hear layers of sounds to the left and right, and above and below him. He can also walk inside the virtual set up. CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 He can’t touch everything he sees yet, but that’s coming. And perhaps one day, he’ll be able to sit down at a lavish meal and smell and taste the food. Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste. A five-sense envelope. He’ll leap off a cliff, fly through the clouds, and attack a monster coming his way, and he’ll win. He’ll do this over and over, and begin to control his own attendant fear. (You can see the obvious military use.) But…the money men behind virtual reality will want more. They’ll want to program the user’s reactions AHEAD OF TIME; his feelings, sensations, nervous-system responses, endocrine outputs, brain signals. The full package. “Press Button A on your remote and receive the complete experience as we give it to you.” Eventually, there won’t be a button A. Buyers will want what they’re given. That’s the threshold, the crossover: Why try to imagine and create your own reactions? Why try to minimize your Pavlovian responses? The VR techs already have the answers for you. And their answers are very much like a medical protocol. Entrainment on multiple levels. This is where virtual reality is heading. In the process, the basic principle of elite reality-building will be expanded: cut off the individual’s imagination; bury it; exclude it; make it unnecessary. FEBRUARY 2015 No matter what happens to this society, civilization, and culture, imagination has to stay alive. There is, at any given moment, a whole level of solution and innovation that is in a state of hidden potential, that is uncreated and unknown…no one knows what these solutions are, because individuals haven’t invented them yet, haven’t dreamed them up, haven’t acted on them. If, by burying imagination, you eliminate this level, what’s left is total control over the population. I’ll take this a step further. Humans are ALREADY operating with a package of preprogrammed brain signals, endocrine outputs, nervous-system reactions, emotional responses, and sensations. But… The package isn’t sealed, it isn’t complete, it isn’t final, it isn’t unalterable. There are escape hatches. The primary path of escape is, in fact, imagination. It’s the ability to demote things-as-they-are, in favor of what might be, what could be, what is invented—and living through and by imagination radically changes neurological and emotional and hormonal responses. What constituted one’s old life becomes fuel for the fire of a new created life. If you look at the technocratic field of braincomputer interface, and the so-called Singularity, in which the human brain plus the master-computer equal some mystical fulfillment, you’re really looking at a very old notion: The accumulation illumination. of all knowledge brings Why? This is a nonsensical premise. Because that imagination, and its ability to invent new unpredictable realities, is ultimately what stands between a locked-down planet and a planet that has a chance of freedom. The “total of accumulated knowledge” is an infinitesimal fraction of what hasn’t yet been created. Whether we appreciate it or not, we swim in a vast sea of that uncreated potential; Page 11 CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 and hooking up to a computer via the brain does nothing to intensify the desire to deploy imagination and turn the potential into new reality. You could spend the next million years cataloging data, information, knowledge, indexing it, comparing it, cross-referencing it, accumulating it; and you wouldn’t begin to approach or touch what imagination can do. In this sense, the internal systems of a human being are temporary baseline protocols waiting for imagination to revolutionize them down to their core. The overall effect of all forms of mind control is: inducing an acceptance that the temporary and the provisional are permanent. That acceptance gives you a passive human being. Reprinted by permission Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years. writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Please see his website for a list of books he has authored. NoMoreFakeNews.com A Warning Tale by Jo Ann Rebane My husband and I recently took a winter road trip with friends to the little high desert town of Lakeview (pop. 2,294; elevation 4800 feet) in south central Oregon’s Lake County. Lakeview is located on US 395 about 45 minutes north of Alturas, CA. We stayed in its tidy Best Western motel, ate in local restaurants, shopped, enjoyed long conversations with merchants, and toured sights which were still open in winter. Mid-January isn’t the preferred time of year to visit Lake County as the weather is harsh, it’s bleak and cold. The sky was grey and Page 12 FEBRUARY 2015 threatened rain. Nothing is green. Deciduous trees are bare. People are hunkered down. Our goal was to figure out what the 7,770 people of Lake County do in their 8,358 square miles and to answer the question - what drives the economy in this sparsely populated, rural county? As happened in California, the 1990 listing of the spotted owl as an endangered species began restrictions on logging in Oregon. Where logging and forest products along with ranching had been economic mainstays, by 1995 four of the five lumber mills in Lakeview had closed and those good jobs disappeared. Prominent citizens, stakeholders, and government officials formed study groups and coalitions in the early 2000’s with the goal of finding some way to revive the economy. With leadership training grants and financial help from The Ford Family Foundation (Roseburg, OR philanthropists aiming to benefit rural communities) and regulatory and political nudging from Oregon Solutions (action arm of the 2001 Oregon Sustainability Act), in 2007 community leaders settled on a renewable energy implementation plan to make “Lakeview a net exporter of renewable energy by the end of 2012.” Since 1999 both Lake County and the town of Lakeview had offered tax incentives to encourage renewable energy companies to locate there. And the town’s mission statement concurred: The mission of the Town of Lakeview is to provide citizens with a safe, familyoriented community while promoting sustainable development of our human, economic and natural resources. We progressively seek a positive future while honoring our heritage. By the winter of 2011, all that progressive collaboration looked like it had succeeded. Iberdrola Renewables committed to build a 26.8 megawatt biomass facility using sawmill waste and forest slash to generate power. Nevada Geothermal Power began drilling test wells for a 30 megawatt geothermal power plant to provide future jobs. However, by the end of 2011, Iberdrola halted construction on the bio-mass CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 plant for lack of a power purchase agreement, due to the economy and lower energy prices nationwide. And Nevada Geothermal faced bankruptcy having replicated the Solyndra model relying entirely on federal grants and federal loan guarantees for funding. Today, Lakeview presents a sorry face. Businesses along Hwy 395 and “E” St are boarded up or empty. Merchants blame town “leadership” for buying into the sustainable economic hope and for also accepting dependence on government agencies and government jobs to round out the economy. Even the prison built in 2005 hasn’t helped. There’s now an effort to attract outdoor enthusiasts and tourists. In a coffee shop we heard that that day 3 restaurants had closed and terminated all of their employees. A disgruntled merchant told of watching the population continuing to shrink as there are no jobs or future opportunities for the youth. Two of the three motels along Hwy 395 show no signs of life. We were told that the county recently adopted tighter building codes requiring anyone wanting to sell their home to bring it up to the new, current code which has stifled home sales. A quick check of real estate websites confirms that most properties have been on the market for a very long time. FEBRUARY 2015 Jo Ann Rebane lives in Nevada City and is the 2nd VP, Legislative Chair of Nevada County Republican Women Federated. Stop Smart Meters Nevada County Wednesday February 11, 2015 Nevada City Council Meeting All are encouraged to attend and state their concerns about the risks that Smart Meters pose to our health, safety, privacy, and basic civil liberties. Finally, we wondered what role Agenda 21 played in Lakeview’s woes. Our coffee shop source was surprised we knew of it and stated emphatically that implementing Agenda 21 goals was responsible for Lakeview’s overall decline. We saw it with our own eyes. Forced loss of the timber industry, hostility to ranching, grasping at a sustainable/renewable nonmarket based economy has had the effect of impoverishing and depopulating Lake County, Oregon. I have seen a future which could also be ours in Nevada County. (Thank you to my husband and to Russ and Ellen Steele for participating in the research for this article.) Page 13 CABPRO News Volume 21, Number 1 FEBRUARY 2015 Envision Your Ad Here! CABPRO members and subscribers, along with family and friends, are an interested and involved group of citizens who would be happy to know about you. 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