St. Luke Catholic Church 2800 Rockwell Drive Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-541-1480 Fax: 956-542-8043 Website: There Are No Strangers At St. Luke, Only Friends We Have Yet To Meet! Parish Staff/ Personal de La Parroquia Rev. Femando Gonzalez, Pastor Rev. Andres E. Gutierrez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Javier A. Garcia Ms. Teresa Cavazos, Secretary Mrs. Angie S. Chavez, Bookkeeper Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Religious Education Office/ Oficina Religiosa Mrs. Helen Vargas, DRE Director of Religious Education Mr. David Vargas, Coordinator of Youth Ministries CCE Office Hours Horario de Oficina CCE Monday to Thursday: 1:30-5:30pm September - May Lunes a Jueves: 1:30-5:30pm Septiembre - Mayo Telephone/Telefono: 956-541-0184 Website: (I 1" Once again, 0 Lord of Hosts, look down from heaven, and see; take care of this vine, and protect what your right hand has planted. Psalm 80:15-16 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY. IN ORDINARY TIME . Dios de los ejercitos, vuelvete: mira desde el cielo, fljate, yen a vlsitar tu vina, le cepa que tu diestra planto. Salmo 80 (79): 15-16 Mass Hours/Horario de Misas Monday - Friday Lunes - Viernes 12:00 P.M. English/Ingles ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL In Memory of Mary Ann Kuzmich 2850 Price Road Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-544-7982 Fax: 956-544-4874 Website: Mrs. Anne Serrato, Principal Mrs. Bernice Alcocer, Secretary Ms. Carmen Martinez, Bookkeeper Thursday/Jueves (During School Yearl Durante Afio Escolar) 8:30 A.M. English/Ingles Saturday/Sabado 6:00 P.M. English/Ingles Sunday/Domingo 8:00 A.M. Spanish/Espafiol 9:30 A.M. English/Ingles 11:00 A.M. English/Ingles 6:00 P.M. SpanishiEspafiol Reconciliation/Reconciliaci6n 4:00 - 5:00 PM Saturday/Sabado 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. First Friday/Primer Viernes :-~r\:i;:- First Friday/Primer Viernes 1-,_ ),;-, 12:30 - 6:00 P.M. Exposition/Exposicion I \ 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. Holy HouriHora Santa 16:00 P.M. Mass/Misa Spanish/Espafiol 1 MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES de la MISA ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH SATURDAY, October 4, 2014; St. Francis of Assisi 6:00 pm t Miguel Torres t Antonio Garza Sr t Oscar Rodriguez t Joaquin Emilio Salazar; 1° Aniversario t Raquel Berstein t Hershel Price E.\t:ll OF I'~ l:--i.\ SUNDAY, October 5, 2014; Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sunday 8:00am t Joel Duran t Laurita Saldana t Moises Cardona t Francisca • ~ll\~, Bedolla Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia 9:30 am t Tom Reilly t Mrs. 11:00 am For all people throughout the world; that they might recognize and treat each person as a masterpiece of God's creation; We pray to the Lord: AMEN Guadalupe De Le6n t Epimenio Rojas t Mauro & t Maltilde Lerma t Robert & t David Delfasse t Florence S. Cortez t Teresa • Garcia In Thanksgiving: Our Blessed Mother Mary on behalf Alicia C. Garcia 6:00 pm PRO POPULO MONDAY, October 6, 2014; St. Bruno 12 Noon t Josefa B. & t Bernardo Gonzalez t Mary t David I' \11.\ I :\11[11·.. \1 N ,Till i"': 1-:.' t \ \ \ 11;1: \ Ann Arzamendi Saenz TUESDAY, October 7, 2014; Our Lady of the Rosary 12 Noon t Rosanna Alcala Turner • Birthday Blessings for: Linda Anel Herrera • Anniversary Blessings for: Ray & Yolanda Longoria • Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia WEDNESDAY, October 8, 2014 12 Noon t Eduardo Pena & t Indalecio t Argentina de Crespo t Jose Por todos las personas del mundo; para que reconozcan y traten a Pena cada persona como una obra Gomez maestra de la creacion de Dios; Roguemos al Senor: AMEN THURSDAY, October 9 2014; St. Denis and Companions; St. John Leonardi 8:30am 12 Noon St. Luke School Students, Teachers & Staff t Nicolas y t Manuela t Cynthia Marie Lara t Enrique Vasquez • AMO Y SIRVIENTE Alvarado and t Neal Simmons El dinero es un terrible amo, pero un excelente sirviente. -Po T. Barnum Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia FRIDAY, October 10, 2014 12 Noon t Anlbal Crespo t Eugene Wale MASTER AND SERVANT t Elsa Calderoni De La Garza servant. Money is a terrible master but an excellent -Po T. Barnum Twenty-seventh Sunday in Vlgesimo Septimo Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario La relaci6n de Dios con las personas es el mensaje central tanto de la primera lectura como del Evangelio, pero con una diferencia. En Isaias la destrucci6n llega a la vifia; en el Evangelio la destrucci6n es para aquellos a quienes se les ha confiado el cuidado de la vifia. EI cantico de Isaias destaca el fracaso del pueblo la casa de Israel y la gente de Juda- para proporcionarle al Sef'ior, que amorosamente ha cuidado de su vifia, otro fruto que racimos de uva amargos, esto es, derramamiento de sangre y violencia de unos contra los otros. Debido a esto, el duef'io les dara la espalda y no los cuidara mas, sino que pisoteara su vifia, no la podara ni la limpiara, y permitira que crezcan en ella espinos y zarzas. Este cantico exige una conversi6n. En la parabola de Jesus el enfoque esta en aquellos a quienes se les ha confiado el cuidado de la vifia. Jesus se dirige a los jefes de los sacerdotes y a los ancianos de Jerusalen; no s6lo critica el fracaso de ellos en el cuidado adecuado del pueblo, sino tambien c6mo han rechazado a aquellos que Dios les ha enviado para llamarlos a una conversi6n. La parabola Ie advierte a los lideres religiosos que la autoridad es para servir. Dar fruto en nuestra vida, ser nobles y verdaderos, justos y limpios, amables y elogiables es 10 que Dios quiere de todos, como Pablo les recuerda a los filipenses. EI pueblo de Dios, pero sobre todo sus lideres, tienen la responsabilidad de dar frutos. Nadie se libra de esa responsabilidad. Dios espera un rendimiento por el amor que tan copiosamente nos da. -James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Ordinary Time God's relationship with people is at the heart of both the first reading and the Gospel, but there is a difference. In Isaiah, destruction comes to the vineyard; in the Gospel, it comes to those entrusted with the care of the vineyard. Isaiah's song highlights the people's failure-the house of Israel and the people of Judah-to bear fruit, to provide the Lord who has lovingly tended this vineyard with anything more than wild grapes, that is, bloodshed and violence against each other. Because of this, the owner will turn his back on them, no longer giving care but letting it be trampled underfoot, no longer pruning or hoeing, but allowing thorns and briars to take over. This song is demanding conversion. In Jesus' parable, the focus is on those entrusted with the care of the vineyard. Jesus addresses the chief priests and the elders in Jerusalem, not only criticizing their failure to care for the people adequately, but also their rejection of those God sent to call them to conversion. The parable calls all religious leaders to remember that authority is for service. Bearing fruit in our lives, being true and honorable, just and pure, lovely and gracious is the fruit God desires from all, as Paul reminds the Philippians. God's people, but especially their leaders, have a responsibility to bear fruit. No one is let off the hook. God expects a return for love so lavishly given. -James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Todos los derechos reservados. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios San Pablo nos pide dejar a un lado la angustia y presentar nuestros deseos a Dios, para llevar una vida mas fructifera. En la oraci6n encontraremos que "la paz de Dios, que supera cualquier razonamiento, protegera nuestros corazones y nuestros pensamientos por medio de Cristo Jesus World Library Publications LECTURASDE Lunes: Martes: Miercoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sabado: Domingo: Derechos de autor © 2013, Todos los derechos reservados. LA SEMANA Oal1:6-12; Sal111 (l10):lb-2, 7-9, lac; Lc 10:25-37 Oal1:13-24; Sal139 (138):lb-3, 13-15; Lc 10:38-42 Oa12: 1-2, 7-14; Sal 117 (116): lbc, 2; Lc 11:1-4 Gal 3:1-5; Lc 1:69-75; Lc 11:5-13 OaI3:7-14; Sallll (l10):lb-6; Lc 11:15-26 OaI3:22-29; Sal105 (104):2-7; Lc 11:27-28 Is 25 :6-1 Oa; Sa1 23 (22): 1-6; FiI4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] Living God's Word St. Paul calls us to set aside anxiety and to make known to God any requests we have for more fruitful lives. In prayer we will find that "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." World Library .. . • ( I, Publications. Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: .... Tuesday: ~ Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lk 10:25-37 Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15; Lk 10:38-42 Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Lk 11:1-4 Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11:5-13 Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1b-6; Lk 11:15-26 Oa13:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] St. Luke's 2014 Fall Festival Saturday, October 18th and Sunday, October 19th 5PM - lOPM (each night) Our annual parish carnival is fast approaching and we are looking forward to plenty of good food, fun and entertainment. • Donations are currently beginning of the following items. Please drop-off donations at the parish office, the school office, or the entrance to the church. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Non-PerishableFood (canned, boxed, etc.) Dishes thatyou no longer use Nuestra Kermes anual se aproxima rapidamente y estamos esperando tener buena comida, mucha diversion y entretenimiento. • Las donaciones se estan actualmente aceptando de los siguientes articulos. Por favor entrega las donaciones en la oficina de la parroquia, la oficina de la escuela, 0 la entrada de la iglesia. Agradecemos su generosidad! Alimentos no perecederos (enlatados,cajas, etc.) Vasijasque ya no usen Attention: On Monday October 6th at 6PM in the Parish Meeting Room, a meeting for all Festival Booth Coordinators and anyone interested in volunteering and helping in this fall festival. ALL FOOD BOOTH COORDINATORS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. Atencion: Lunes 6 de Octubre 6:00pm en el Salon de reuniones, se llevara a cabo una junta para todos los coordinadores de los puestos y tam bien personas interesados en ayudar en el kermes. SE REQUIER QUE TODOS LOS COORDINADORES DE LOS PUESTOS DE COMIDA ASISTAN ESTA JUNTA sr. LUKE CA rnOLIC PA'RIStl &- SCHOOL OCTOBER 18/19, 201'+ 201'+ fALL fESTIVAL RAffLE CHASE 0 r" PRIZE: $5,000.00 CHASE GIFT CARD '" ('/ *tMSr: GIFt£AaIUL9L':Hlfi,ru: ~ , ut ur r VISA 2nd PRIZE: $3,000.00 CHASE GIFT CARD '" 3rd PRIZI;: $2,000.00 CHASE GIFT CARD * 4th PRIZE: $1,000.00 CHASE GIFT CARD * s" PRIZE: $ SOO.OO CHASE GIFT CARD * $ Donation: 5.00 (per Ii r-QR CA,SJ:.l Drawing to be held on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 10:00 PM B ticket) ~ .~------~~~---Need Not Be Present to Win Please Contact Parish Office, 541-1480, for Raffle Ticket Information Please turn in your ticket stubs & money Favor de entregar sus boletos y into the parish office as soon as possible. Thanks! dinero a la oficina parroquial 10mas pronto posible. jGracias! Volleyball Tournament Starts at 8:00 am Fee $75.00/per team-12u Catchtrhrow volleyball: Fee $50.00/per team N .l,.lsunday October 19, 2014: ~~";/If ~ ~~·~·:~~tilt·,J Basketball Tournament ~"I •• Starts at 8:00am Fee - $75.00/team-12u $50.00/team (OpenlMix category) The goal for these tournaments is to spend time together and to have fun as a community. Tournament Entrance Fees: Adults - $5.00 Kids-$3.00 For more information please contact: Coach Perez (956) 434-9701 Ms. Linda (956) 459-5936 Mr. Herman (956) 455-9999 Lu~e FClLL FestLvClL pye-Oy~ey nc~et st. Event: FoyVlA. Saturday, October 18, 2014 5-10pm Sunday, October 19, 2014 5-10pm Please consider paying in advance by check (payable to "St. Luke") or cash and your tickets will be waiting for pick up at the ticket booth when you arrivell Please return the top portion of this form with payment to the St. Luke CCEor School office onIbefore Friday, October 10th• Name: (Valid ID required at pickup. please list all who are able to pick up tickets for your family) ,~";J ~\ __ __ __ Game and Food Tickets (50¢ each) @,$20.()()=$ **Pre-OrderBonus··(includes2extratickets-42total) @$30.00=$·*Pre-OrderBonus··(incIudes5extratickets-65total) @$4O.00=$"Pre-OrderBonus··(includesl0extraticketS-9Ototal) EXGlftple:.L@$40.00=$80.00 (total of 180 tickets) Total Amount Enclosed $ _ Call 541-0184 with ticket questions Pre-order ticket purchases are non-refundable Ride wristbands will be available at the ticket booths for $10/per night -------------------------cut here for your reminder------------------------ What: St. Luke Fall Festival 2014 When: October 18th & 19th - 5-lOpm Where: St. Luke Parish grounds I pre-ordered # of tickets for $ Returned pre-order form on _1_/2014 Coif 541-0184 with ticket questions Pre·order ticket purchases ore non-refundable and paid by D Cash / D Check C.C.E. CLASSES HAVE BEGUN... Middle & High School Students meet on Sunday 9: 30am-l 0 :40am ~~. ()I ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL *************************** Weekly Mass with St. Luke School Elementary Students meet on Tuesday or Wednesday 6pm-7pm AreYo~ Thinking About The Catholic Church! " Do not be nfrllid oj' what you will eat and drink. YOUI' Father knows that you need these things. Instead be concerned with the kingdom, and he will provide YOII with these things." Luke l2:29-3] Rite Of Christian We celebrate Mass on Thursdays at 8 :30am with the school children and their families. Everyone is invited to attend. Misa Semanal con la Escuela San Lucas Celebramos Misa cada Jueves alas 8:30 de la mafiana con los estudiantes de nuestra escuela y sus familias. Todos son bienvenidos. PLEASE NOTE THAT *****THE DATE HAS CHANGED***** Initiation of Adults + A Faith Journey + Understanding Church +Living in the Sacraments + Your Mission ...An On-going Process "fo An Encounter With God Will host their annual Brownsville Deanery Altar Servers Picnic at St. Luke Catholic Gym on Saturday October t 1,2014 from 8:00am - 1:00pm Come & Join us!! This party is our wny to say THANKS [0 till; altar se!'\'L'I'S for all tilL' good work that th~y do !'()\' their parish, the Dio('~'se, and the I(iuryof Our Lord.Icsus Christ. Serra Club of Brownsville PO Box 6036 Saint Luke Catholic Church Brownsville, Texas 956-541-0184 CCE Office Hours Horario de Oficina CCE Monday to Thursday: 1:30-5:30pm September - May Lunes a Jueves: 1:30-5:30pm Septiembre - Mayo Telephone/Telefono: 956-541-0184 ATTENTION: • We are looking for volunteer catechists to help with the CCE program. For more info, call S41--0184 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Loving Outreach to assist persons who recently Sun. October 5 **CCE MiddlelHigb Students 9:30am, School ** Divine Mercy Chaplet; 2:30 pm in the Church Mon. October 6 ** Cursos de Apologetica 7:00 pm, School Rooms 8,10,11 & 12 Tue. October 7 **CCE Elementary Students; 6:00pm, School Wed. October 8 program designed suffered the loss of a loved one. We want to support you in overcoming the pain and the grief caused by this loss. The group meets once a week (Wednesday 6:30-8:30 p.m.) for eight weeks in the parish meeting room. For further information, please contact the parish office. Alcance Amoroso Es un programa con duracion de ocho semanas, disefiado para asistir a toda persona que haya perdido recientemente a un ser querido a traves de la muerte. Nosotros queremos apoyarles en superar el dolor y el pesar que esta perdida causa. EI grupo se reunira una vez por semana (Mierccles 6:30-8:30 p.m.) por ocho semanas consecutivas. Para mas informacion, favor de contactar la oficina parroquial . **CCE Elementary Students; 6:00pm, School ***Loving Outreach/Alcance Amoroso 7:00 pm, Parish Meeting Room **Disciples in Mission; 7:00 pm, School Room 12 Thurs. October 9 Is an eight-week **St Luke School Mass 8:30am, Church **Legion of Maria; 7:00 pm, Salon de reuniones "MERCY MINUTES" Jl CJ3it of (}ootf Wire Saint Luke catholic Church Men's A.C.T.S. Retreat November 13-16, 2014 grace. action. Let no soul, even the most miserable, fall prey to doubt; for, as long as one is alive, each one can become a great saint, so great is the power of God's It remains only for us not to oppose God's o my Jesus, how very easy it is to become holy; all that is needed is a bit of good will. If Jesus sees this little bit of good will in the soul, He hurries to give Himself to the should, and nothing can stop Him, neither shortcomings nor falls - absolutely nothing. (Diary of St. Faustina 283,291) What Is It? An ACTS retreat retreats, Is II lay retreat presented by men who have attended under the guidance of a Catholic guide. Adoration, Community, spiritually, to strengthen Retreat activities focus on • Join the Saint Luke Divine Mercy Ministry Sunday, October 4th, in the church at 2:30 p.m, to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.. • Join the Eucharistic Apostles of the St. Luke Divine Mercy Ministry on Tuesday, October 7th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Rooms 11 & 12 located in the school. Theology and Service. The goals are to renew yourself your faith and its application create lasting and supporting friendships. For more information contact: Ruben Garcia 572·0080 Freddy Serrato RomanGracia 453·6615 Manny Rosenbaum ReyLerma 778·8659 RichardBetancourt ReneLopez 245·2223 DaveBonnett 299·1979 459·2518 639·6807 346·4265 Joe Martinez 459~1980 3713&21 prior ACTS Vince Crixell in your daily life, and to The Ladies of St. Luke's Altar & Rosary Society Invite You to Join Us For Prayer, Fellowship, and Service i>~:1J::~;:S~:e~:i!:~~=~5 ....---._==---.. ber 1st at lOam. Baptism preparation class! Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 7,2014 will be offered on Sunday, October 26th. I at 6:00 pm in the school. Last day to register is Friday, October 24 ' 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Las Senoras de la Asociaci6n del Altar y Rosario de San Lucas "--; Les invitan a unirse con nosotros Para oraclon, hermandad, y servicio La junta se llevara a cabo el martes, 7 de Octubre 2014 alas 6:00 PM en la escuela de San Lucas. I . ~. I tiembre Estamos registrando para los proximas celebraci6n de bautismos. La clase i sera el domingo 26 de octubre y los i bautismos seran el sabado lOde no-! viembre alas lOam. Viernes, 26 de sep-: I es el ultimo dia de registro. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick parishioners and friends under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Amen. Ricardo Aguilar, Joel Alanis, Patricia Avila, Felix Campirano, Guillermo C. Cantu, Laura Cantu, Albert F. Castro, Joyce Champion, Margarita Correa, Anne Coisrnan, Guillermo De Los Santos, Ruben Delgado, Nancy Delaney, Maria Donnell, Hayden Elfrank, Lou Eymard, Charles Fredieu, Cecilia Garcia, Clemente Garcia, Maggie Garcia, Rachel Garcia, Roel Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Virginia & Hector Garcia, Ketta Garcia, Yolanda Garcia, Anwar Garza, Claudia Garza, Juan Hector Garza, Juanita de Jesus Garza, Ma Dolores Garza, Juan Andres Garza, Betty Givens, Tom Goforth, Alvaro Gomez, Betty Gomez, Cristiina Gomez, I1iana Gomez, Elsa Gonzaga, Bruno Gonzalez, Christy Gonzalez, Consuelo Gonzalez, Joe Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Maria N. Guajardo, Paula Guerra, Elisa Gunnoe, Omar Gutierrez, Chris Harrison, Alfredo Hernandez, Baby Sanitago Herrera, Arnulfo and Sara Herrera, Veronica Houk, Arnulfo Huerta, Peggy Jankovich,Joseph Lapinski, Mrs. Guadalupe Leal, Concepcion Marroquin Lerma, Linda Lind, Ramon Longoria, Beatrice Lopez, Diana M. Lopez, Eddie Martinez, Maria C. Martinez, Yolanda P. Martinez, Delia Mata, Beth McFarland, Daniel Medrano, Ninfa Middleton, Sister Gloria Morales; Ana Moreno, Rodolfo Morin, Jose Moya, Amado Olivarez, Oscar Oropeza, Maria Ortado; Jose P. Palacios, Daniel Ramirez, Enrique Ramirez III, Mary Lou Ramirez, Michaela Ramos, Emma Rivera, Ninfa Rivera, Lucy Robles, Elizabeth Ann Rocha, Deacon Arturo Rodriguez; Ruben Rodriguez, Enrique Ruiz, Ricardo Sanchez, Martha San Miguel, Esperanza Santiago, Maria Elena Silva, Patsy Solien, Alicia Soto, Josefina Soto, Sande Tetreau, Andres Torres, Victor Valenzuela, Amanda VallejO, Carol Vallejo, Laura Vasquez, AI Wright, Frank Ybarra, Olivia Zapata, Maria Zamarripa; Hector V. Zamarripa, Anthony Zimmerman **PLEASE ADVISE IF A NAME ON OUR SICK LIST NEEDS TO BE REMOVED** Sponsor of the Week Flip over to the back of the bulletin and check out our advertisers and sponsors. Through their generosity, our bulletin is made possible. BROWNSVILLE CHILDREN'S CLINIC, P.A. • ASIM ZAMIR M.D., F.A.A.P. , PEDIATRICIAN Phone: (956) 544-5557 4430 E. 14th. St., Ste. A HOURS: MON.·FRI.: 8 AM-8 PM • SAT:9 AM-l PM • SUN: 4 PM-8 PM Perceptive Reflections on God's Beauty Defining Beauty $ 5,994.00* $ 2,839.00 $ 1,471.00* $ 858.00 $ 6,607.00 Air Conditioning 7250 N. Expressway, Olmito, Thought-provoking Contemporary Music ~ September 27 & 28, 2014 Offertory Envelopes (379) Loose Collection/Restricted Building (forwarded to Savings) Religious Education Envelopes (190) . Less Diocesan Assessment 11.5% (forwarded to the Diocese) NET INCOME: *Taxable Income @) SUNWJUIE. Danielle Rose CD $17 IifIiil O:f£er:iI1.g 800·566·6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division ofJ.S. Paluch Co., TX 78575 956-350-4813 "We Service All Brands" Installations, Sales & Services Tom Gutierrez PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE ¢1STAU~~ MARISCOs ------P!:A:::~~u~ .. .!..:.".~~_:....,1 ;••:J' Delarosa (956) 550·0024 • (956) 838·0037 7738 Padre Island Hwy .• Closed Brownsville, Texas 78521 Mnnr""c Please Cut Out This "Thank You Ad" and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Just One Push of a Button can Protect You from Emergencies at Home and Away! "'ankYOI Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! V Medical V Falls ~----------------~ ([ano!,s, TUwu!r,s, ~ (jift& v Fire v Burglary LlFEWatchUSA PE!I~ONAL CAR!"'G_'it!lv~::;r SltKf. isao FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 405 Old Port Isabel Rd. (956) 541-1542 WWI'" You're never alone with Ufewatch! 888.290.8871 PRAY TO END ABORTION Recemos para acabar con el Aborto ".. 2704 E. Price Rd. 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