Raffle: Sunday, October 19th at 10pm ** $5.00 Donation 1st Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: 4th Prize: 5th Prize: $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 Gift Card Gift Card Gift Card Gift Card Gift Card **contact the ch\rch office at 541-1<410 foro moN Inforomatlon Saturday: Variety Bands Sunday: Hector Guzman & The AUnlghlen Fr. Fernando, Fr. Andy and other Men's Basketball Tournament on ou;r.l~fQ.~ 25th & 26th 5-10 pm ---- ------ - MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES de la MISA SATURDAY, 6:00 pm October 25, 2014 t Antonia T. Gonzalez; t Fr. Armand Matthew; t Linda Lou Olivares t Javier Amador Vela t Jesus P. Quezada t Deacon Andres Munoz t Aberlardo & t Catarina Sr. Sanchez t Oscar Sierra t Hershel Price SUNDAY, October 26, 2014; Thirtieth Sunday t 8:00am I love you, 0 Lord, my strength. Lord, my rock} my fortress, my deliverer. o in Ordinary Time Priesthood Sunday Diego Vasquez Perez t Yolanda Almaraz t Francisca t Fernando Bedolla Perez & t Gerardo Perez t Raquel Alanis Lopez t Manuel Becerra Isassi t Alvaro Mejia Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia 9:30 am PRO POPULO 11:00 am t t t t Thanksgiving: Hector Garcia Evaristo G. Gamez Sr. Angelita Guajardo Blessed Mother Mary on behalf Alicia C. Garcia t 6:00 pm Raul Roy Armendariz Fernando G. Cisneros t Raquel Alanis Lopez t Jose Maria Garza t Mary Ellen Buchholtz t Boris V. Hidalgo Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia MONDAY, October 27, 2014 12 Noon t Ignacio & t Aurelia Garza t David Garza t Maria Coronado de Quezada TUESDAY, October 28, 2014; Ss. Simon and .Jude 12 Noon Birthday Blessings: Raphael Ugalino and Herlinda Herrera Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia WEDNESDAY, 12 Noon October 29, 2014 t Jesus Gonzalez Sosa; 10 Aniversario t Federico Ibarra; 1st Anniversary THURSDAY, October 30, 2014 8:30am St. Luke School Students, Teachers & Staff 12 Noon Thanksgiving: St. Anthony on behalf of Romana Barreda Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia FRIDAY, October 31,2014 12 Noon Thanksgiving: Our Lady of Guadalupe on behalf Alicia C. Garcia Thanksgiving: St. Jude on behalf of Romana Barreda Yo te amo, Senor) 16 eres rni fortaleza, Senor, mi roca, rni alcazar, rni libertador. Salmo 18 (17):2-.3 Trlgesimo Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time En un articulo sobre "La vejez bien llevada" (Successful aging: New Theology Review, noviembre, 2010), el doctor Lawrence M. Lenoir propone que el arte de dar y recibir amor es central para llevar los afios de la vejez con dignidad. Las investigaciones demuestran que ser parte de una relacion carifiosa tranquiliza los demonios de la depresion y la desesperacion, Asi es que, si quieres mantenerte saludable, se carifioso. Jesus estaria de acuerdo. Los rabinos de la epoca de Jesus discutian acerca de cual era el mandamiento mas importante entre los seiscientos trece que habia en la Tora. Cuando los fariseos le preguntaron a Jesus, el respondio que 10 que mas deseaba Dios de su pueblo escogido, que habia sido liberado de la esclavitud para vivir en una relacion de alianza, era corresponder al amor que Dios les demostraba. El amor tiene dos caras: amar aDios totalmente y amamos los unos a los otros como nos amamos a nosotros mismos. Amar es una actividad contagiosa. Si te aman, tiendes a demostrar amor. Pablo toea esta nota cuando le escribe a los tesalonicenses acerca de como ellos se convirtieron en imitadores de el y de sus compafieros evangelizadores Timoteo y Silvano. Y sobre to do se convirtieron en imitadores del mismo Senor, pues recibieron la palabra y viven la fe con alegria y amor mutuo, por creer en el amor que Dios les tiene y que se manifiesta en Cristo. Nuestro amor debe derramarse hacia el exterior con una generosidad compasiva. El Sefior le pidio a Israel que demostrara su amor al no oprimir al extranjero, no tratar injustamente a los huerfanos y alas viudas y no chantajear a los pobres demandando intereses en los prestamos. No se les pide menos a aquellas personas que han recibido el Espiritu Santo y viven en comunidad con el Padre, el Hijo y el Espiritu Santo. Esas personas somos nosotros. Amemonos los unos a los otros. In an article on "successful aging" (New Theology Review, November, 2010), Dr. Lawrence M. Lenoir proposes that the art of giving and receiving love is at the heart of growing old gracefully. Research shows that being in a loving relationship quiets the demons of depression and despair. So, if you want to be healthy, be loving. Jesus would agree. The rabbis of Jesus' day argued about which was the greatest commandment of the six hundred thirteen in the Torah. When the Pharisees asked Jesus, he answered that what God wanted most from the chosen people who had been liberated from slavery and called to live in a covenantal relationship was a return of the love God showed to them. This love has two faces: loving God totally and loving one another as one loves oneself. Loving is a contagious activity. If you are loved, you tend to be loving. Paul is sounding this note when he writes to the Thessalonians about how they became imitators of him and his fellow evangelizers Timothy and Silvanus, and of the Lord himself, receiving the word and living in faith, joy, and love for each other, because they believed in God's love for them, revealed in Christ. Our love must flow outward in compassionate generosity. The Lord called on Israel to show its love by not oppressing aliens, not wronging weak orphans and defenseless widows, and not extorting the poor by demanding interest on loans. No less is asked of those who have received the Holy Spirit and live in community with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That's us. Love one another. -James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. -James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living God's Word It is difficult to love, especially when we have been hurt by others. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring you the "fire of God's love." Call on the Spirit to deepen your awareness of God's love for you, shown by giving us life and the gifts of faith, hope, and love. Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Amar es dificil, sobre todo cuando nos han herido. Pidele al Espiritu Santo que te conceda "el fuego del amor de Dios". Recurre al Espiritu para que te haga mas profundamente consciente del amor de Dios por ti, que te ha demostrado al darte la vida y los dones de la fe, la esperanza y el amor. Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publicatious Todos los derechos reservados. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 4:32 - 5:8; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 13:10-17 Enh 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, LECTURASDE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miercoles: Jueves: Viemes: Sabado: Domingo: Ef 4:32 - 5:8; SaIl: 1-4,6; Lc 13:10-17 Ef2:19-22; Sa119 (18):2-5; Lc 6:12-16 Ef6:1-9; Sa1145 (144):10-14; Lc 13:22-30 Ef6:1O-20; Sa1144 (143):lb, 2, 9-10; Lc 13:31-35 Fill :1-11; Sal111 (110):1-6; Lc 14:1-6 Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; Sa124 (23):1-6; 1 In 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sab 3:1-9; Sal23 (22):1-6; Rom 5:5-116 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 What is ·Pt'iesthood Ii :!/.~ J .•~ 1!lrri'k", i'f"C1! ,o;:"..J,d'ihfii /.-:.t.' '1,.,1'1 <o·~.lh r.-.i:f;:.J:lk-41,w 11-x f;'fJlt.": "MERCY MINUTES" Thanking (Jod For P,verytfiing I do not prefer consolations over bitterness or bitterness over consolations, but thank You o Jesus, for everything! .Passion When I awaken I adore the Holy Trinity for a short while and thank God for having deigned to give me yet another day, the mystery of the incarnation of His Son may once more be repeated in me, and that once again His sorrowful may unfold before my eyes. (Diary of St. Faustina 1506,1523) • The Divine Mercy Hospital Ministry meets every Saturday at 2:45 p.m. at the Valley Regional Hospital Chapel on Alton Gloor Road to pray for the sick. Pax Christi For a world free of nuclear weapons Strive for peace with all, and for that holiness without which no one can see God. Hebrews 12:14 SundaY''?' i'rk.~fll~1oi! $WIUol,. h -4 'Opc:'l:hdd..l) 'k', "",fd.(.' '" Imoor prlc.-'Ibuud 't) Ihr; llitUd H~'lf ::;"l,'&'." !1r:n 'A-.].fil"~ ,"JFI;I ,},c-",. .•.",lbooJ u! I) •.~<brt. w,;~ .h-'t l'l",j';4';Jll 'u. S•.•• 1J:~·I,,~;"Hh.H" u'I~~"jl fI~.r. JJI ~,\h,~, •.",hot~· II:'/' !1I...I::...k~1 :M:fy;~h'JI' Prayer of Thanksgiving Lord God, Thank you for all priests. We know they do not seek or desire recognition for the Priesthood you have chosen them for, yet it is to Your we wish to give thanks for calling them to guide and nourish our parish during the years of our existence. We ask You to bless them, wherever they are now, for providing the Eucharist for us-our "Food for the Journey" and for proclaiming the "The Good News" with conviction and enthusiasm at St. Luke. Grant them the joy experienced on their Ordination Day all the days of their lives and look kindly upon them as they strive to do Your will. Bless them abundantly, care for them tenderly and above all let them feel the love and appreciation we have for them. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. AMEN. Priesthood Sunday 2006 NCS Por un mundo libre de arm as nucleares Busquen ;r.ljfC" lift',ff ·,o\er'j:.!1n.r~ la paz con todos, y la santi dad, sin la cual nadie vera al Senor. Hebreos 12:14 For all who must fight when there is no other choice: for all military, medical, and rescue personnel; for courage and safety; for a quick return home. We pray to the Lord. Por todos los que deben luchar cuando no hay otra alternativa: para todos 10s soldados, medicos y personal de rescate; por valor y seguridad; para que regresen pronto. Oremos a Dios, ,Que ~s.e! "Diet del Sacercioeio?i~IIJI<1 de. -i,L'd.:!r-" I" to';' U:'I ~~.t .. i'~VJ: ..•d" C',rt'(j,: rr.er.te i"!~'! ;.fJ!lI,I' cf ',J";i!f.;:!nc,n l1::::1:\.de If'" f 'dJd-,:. LliiJtf'. I.:..WI Jt.! r',l~.i! rf:"~}.·nr,.!f ~!I~c~:,",II.ddixl!'" !e.Jlnr.I~1t'i r;:1~d(t::1It.d ~d ~~J"ft UJ,I:0 j;.: ••1 'i.,d.: de:J l;;jr:.t,1 !. fl,.,. t1 ,",ei1~'1 ,; i'A •••e:llkJ!Uifj,i-! ('~ •.Hh~tIHJ,~;::'~ po .;n d(l!l. J ~1,1 VJ.I'tf.- •. H;.uk, pm '~k'~':' ~~-!,J '.'!lLlft, I(.nd ef "'-'m.t,1I d "t:H~ tl.: f l.4...:Jrf.\ l,11.u,(+'\ limd-1f ~ ,,' , k:'~ (~J~'ftJ(' tr.tJ.:l M •• ;Uf":" t:1JfHI,"'I·"U.1~ b-i'tr;JL Catholic Diocese of Brownsville Weekly Update 21st Annual Red Mass Oct. 30 The 21st Annual Red Mass celebration is set for Thursday, Oct. 30 in Brownsville. The intentions of the Red Mass are for all protectors and administrators ofthe law, including lawyers, judges, government officials and their support staffs. The festivities will begin with a procession at 5:30 p.m. from the Dancy Building, 1100 E. Monroe St., to the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, 1218 E. Jefferson St., where Bishop Daniel E. Flores will celebrate Mass at 6 p.m. Immediately following the Mass, a banquet will be held at La Hacienda Event Center located at 1060 Ruben Torres Blvd. Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman, the first Latina on the court, will deliver the keynote address. Two Brownsville natives who have expressed Christ's love through dedicated service to others will be honored at the banquet: Sister Norma Pimentel of the Missionaries of Jesus and executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley and Jesuit Father TJ. Martinez, founder of Cristo Rey High School in southeast Houston, which provides a tuition-free Catholic education to children whose families are living at or below the federal poverty level. For additional information contact Perla Diaz at (956) 544-0856 Good Shepherd Church Hosts Concert Nov. 9 Good Shepherd Church in Brownsville is hosting a worship event, "Exaltemos Al Senor" on Sunday, Nov. 9 following the 3 p.m. Mass. Performances scheduled include the Alfareros, Peregrinos Ministerio de Musica Ama, and Proyecto Huella, the youth choir from Good Shepherd Church. The event is free to the public; however, donations of can foods are welcome. For additional information contact the parish at (956) 542-5142. Incarnate Word Academy Truck Raffle Fundraiser Incarnate Word Academy in 1980 Chevrolet C-10. Tickets motive and Collision, 3004 E. will benefit Incarnate Word 4486. Brownsville sponsoring a Truck Raffle Fundraiser on Friday, Dec. 12 for a restored are $50 each and available for purchase at Incarnate Word Academy, G & G Auto14th St., and at Las Originales Carnitas Marchant, 4885 Paredes Line Rd. Funds raised Academy. For additional information please contact the school office at (956) 545- Saint Luke Catholic Church Men's A.C.T.S. Retreat November 13-16, 2014 Trip Includes France, Spain and Portugal rrc,m~he5hr;~e ofC:•..r Lady ,,: f::t~im•• tc What An ACTS retreat retreats, is a lay retreat under the guidance Adoration, Community, spiritually, to strengthen presented of a Catholic Theology is it? by men who have attended guide. and Service. Retreat activities friendships. For more information contact: Freddy Serrato Ruben Garcia 572-0080 Roman Gracia 453-6615 Manny Rosenbaum Reylerma 778-8659 Richard Betancourt Rene lopez 245-2223 Dave Bonnett Joe Martinez 3713821 Vince Crlxell focus on The goals are to renew yourself your faith and its application create lasting and supporting prior ACTS in your daily life, and to t~(~ 6:.y ct PM!" . ~hjs Sp::-:tdill Eurcce I~ hi$"'l,:)l't 0; y'O~ ;'1 the \frr;i!"l i~';.Jr/" Sr'.?<,!h:al'nog t.rne'osa bJ~IVj('; ":r.~;n~~'ia-rros:; d~i9((ed to t:-rir.g '::"JrChfr:lt;il~.F"-"tr. t-.", dose-to teocscepes 'cces-ccs cf ,:In::) :,.::;H:t;"l ~;;rrdm<llb "-c:11ef'i'i:i~:'~'" ow s~ r;t p!O-Ji(li'":g t'l!! cp.t&I,'..!r:::y eXrA!~;e"~oWC~tT-,.(J!it< bel.eves. • Flight,,;. hem th(> VaHGy. · a ster boteb • B)eaitfast and Din n ur inr:iucioo" guide in English ar.d Spanl$,~, , Daily r'.-~assin these most ho!y shes. • 1000r t.". Sp1ritual Dhectcr Fr.Mantlei Rezc and Itin!:lr",,/ [email protected] InfOf'fne;tion 299-1979 459-2518 639-6807 346-4265 459-1980 ~ 956331) 5609 Price $ 3,890 MARK YOUR CALENDAR MARK YOU~ CALENDAR Sun. October 26 ** NO CCE MiddlelHigh Students :~,4':!i"; To. commemorate All rL.n-...,.".G>,,':~>" Samts Day, Saturday No. ,{j.,: vember 1st, mass will be **NORCIA Mon. October 27 ** Cursos de Al!ologetica 7:00 pm, School Rooms 11 & 12 Tue. October 28 **CCE Elementan: Students; 6:00pm, School Wed. October 29 **CCE Elementan: Students; 6:00pm, School ~~~9-'-''-'-=~''''--'-' Para conmemorar el Dia de Todos los Santos, sabado el 1 de noviembre, tendremos misa: 12pm (medio dla ). f",' _.••• 'lIlIM **Discil!les in Mission; 7:00 pm, Parish Meeting Room Thurs. October 30 **St Luke School Mass 8:30am, Church 1.. {J **Legion of Maria; 7:00 pm, Salon de reuniones Sat. November ,.VJ. A-... 1 **Baptisms; 10 am, Church **All Saints Day/Dia de Todos los Santos MasslMiss; 12 Noon/12pm (medio dia) --,- - Weekly Mass with St. Luke School We celebrate Mass on Thursdays at 8:30am with the school children and their families. Everyone is invited to attend. , ;\' A 1-------' ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Misa Semanal con la Escuela San Lucas Celebramos Misa cada Jueves alas 8:30 de la manana con los estudiantes de nuestra escuela y sus familias. Todos son bienvenidos. - ON NOVEMBER 2ND ..... celebrated 12 Noon. To commemorate All Souls Day, Sunday November 2nd, memorial envelopes will be (placed at the doors to list j your loved ones to be remembered as special intentions during the masses. LOS FIELES Para conmemorar el Dia de los Fieles Difuntos, Domingo el 2 de noviembre, se encuentran sobres memorlales] DIFUNTOS en las entradas de la igles'ia F~;:::;:::;:;:;:;:::;==::o!/ para recordar los nombres de sus seres queridos como intenci6n especial durante las misas. Registrations are now being taken for the next Sacrament of Baptism Celebration to be held on Saturday, December 6th at l Oam, Baptism preparation class will be offered on Sunday, November 23rd. Last day to register is Friday, October 24th. I Estamos registrando para los proximas celebracion de bautismos. La clase sera el do.~ mingo 23 de noviembre y los bautismos seran el sabado 6 de diciembre a las lOam. Viernes, 21 de noviembre es el ultimo dia de registro. BORN TO LOVE 2° de noviembre alas 3:00 de la manana el reloj se retrasara hasta las 2: 00 de la manana. We were born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more. Joseph Cafasso NACIDOS PARAAMAR Nacimos para amar, vivimos para amar y moriremos para amar mas todavia. Joseph Cafasso Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick parishioners and friends under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Amen. Ricardo Aguilar, Joel Alanis, Patricia Avila, Felix Campirano, Guillermo C. Cantu, Laura Cantu, Albert F. Castro, Joyce Champion, Margarita Correa, Anne Coisman, Guillermo De Los Santos, Ruben Delgado, Nancy Delaney, Maria Donnell, Hayden Elfrank, Lou Eymard, Charles Fredieu, Cecilia Garcia, Clemente Garcia, Maggie Garcia, Rachel Garcia, Roel Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Virginia & Hector Garcia, Ketta Garcia, Yolanda Garcia, Anwar Garza, Claudia Garza, Juan Hector Garza, Juanita de Jesus Garza, Ma Dolores Garza, Juan Andres Garza, Betty Givens, Tom Goforth, Alvaro Gomez, Betty Gomez, Cristiina Gomez, Iliana Gomez, Elsa Gonzaga, Bruno Gonzalez, Christy Gonzalez, Consuelo Gonzalez, Joe Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Maria N. Guajardo, Paula Guerra, Elisa Gunnoe, Omar Gutierrez, Chris Harrison, Alfredo Hernandez, Baby Sanitago Herrera, Veronica Houk, Arnulfo Huerta, Peggy Jankovich, Joseph Lapinski, Mrs. Guadalupe Leal, Concepcion Marroquin Lerma, Linda Lind, Ramon Longoria, Beatrice Lopez, Diana M. Lopez, Eddie Martinez, Maria C. Martinez, Yolanda P. Martinez, Delia Mata, Beth McFarland, Daniel Medrano, Ninfa Middleton, Sister Gloria Morales; Ana Moreno, Rodolfo Morin, Jose Moya, Amado Olivarez, Oscar Oropeza, Maria Ortado; Jose P. PalaCiOS, Daniel Ramirez, Enrique Ramirez III, Mary Lou Ramirez, Michaela Ramos, Emma Rivera, Ninfa Rivera, Lucy Robles, Elizabeth Ann Rocha, Deacon Arturo Rodriguez; Ruben Rodriguez, Enrique Ruiz, Ricardo Sanchez, Martha San Miguel, Esperanza Santiago, Maria Elena Silva, Patsy Soli en, Alicia Soto, Josefina Soto, Sande Tetreau, "Andres Torres, Victor Valenzuela, Amanda Vallejo, Carol Vallejo, Laura Vasquez, AI Wright, Frank Ybarra, Olivia Zapata, Maria Zamarripa; Hector V. Zamarripa, Anthony Zimmerman **PLEASE ADVISE IF A NAME ON OUR SICK LIST NEEDS TO BE REMOVED** **POR FAVOR AVISE SI UN NOMBRE EN NUESTRA LISTA DE ENFERMOS DE BE SER ELIMINADO** October 18 & 20, 2014 Offertory Envelopes (329) Loose CollectionlRestricted Building (forwarded to Savings) World Mission Sunday Envelopes (168) (forwarded to the Diocese) Less Diocesan Assessment 11.5% (forwarded to the Diocese) NET INCOME: *Taxable Income THANKYOU! 2014 FALL FESTIVAL AD SPONSORS • GRACIAS! $ 5,588.00* $ 2,302.00 $ 1,221.00 $ 643.00 $ 4,945.00 I Perceptive Reflections on God's Beauty Defining Beauty Danielle Rose CD $17 Thought-provoking Contemporary Music 800·566·6150 fiiITiil World Library Publications ~ the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., www.wlpmusic.com @) SUNWJUIE. Air Conditioning 7250 N. 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