St. Luke Catholic Church 2800 Rockwell Drive Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-541-1480 Fax: 956-542-8043 Website: There Are No Strangers At St. Luke, Only Friends We Have Yet To Meet! Parish Staff/ Personal de La Parroquia Rev. Femando Gonzalez, Pastor Rev. Andres E. Gutierrez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Javier A. Garcia Ms. Teresa Cavazos, Secretary Mrs. Angie S. Chavez, Bookkeeper Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Religious Education Office/ Oficina Religiosa Mrs. Helen Vargas, DRE Director of Religious Education Mr. David Vargas, Coordinator of Youth Ministries The kingdom of God Is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. -Mark EI Reino de 010s ya esta cerca. replentanse y crean en el Evangelio. - CCE Office Hours Horario de Ofieina CCE Monday to Thursday: 1:30-5:30pm September - May Lunes a Jueves: 1:30-5:30pm Septiembre - Mayo Telephone/Telefono: 956-541-0184 Website: '\ yW/ 1:15 Marcos I: 15 ~~ ~~Tft~ ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL In Memory of Mary Ann Kuzmich 2850 Price Road Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-544-7982 Fax: 956-544-4874 Website: Mass Hours/Horario de Misas Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes Saturday/Sabado 12:00 P.M. English/Ingles 6:00 P.M. English/Ingles Thursday/Jueves Sunday/Domingo Mrs. Anne Serrato, Principal Mrs. Bernice Alcocer, Secretary Ms. Carmen Martinez, Bookkeeper (During School Year/ 8:00 A.M. Spanish/Espafiol Durante Afio Escolar) 8:30 A.M. English/Ingles Reconclllation/Reconclllaclen 9:30 A.M. English/Ingles 11:00 A.M. English/Ingles 6:00 P.M. Spanish/Espafiol ~--------------------------~ MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES de la MISA SATURDAY, January 24, 2015; St. Frances de Sales 6:00 pm PRO POPULO SUNDAY, January 25, 2015; Third Sunday in Ordinary Time t Yolanda 8:00am t t t Diego Vazquez y t Teodulo • Bendiciones Almaraz Francisca Bedoya Hermilo Hernandez Sierra; t Maria en su Cumpleaiios: Graciela Figueroa "75" t Laura Stella t Joe Capello • Aniversario E. Molina t Jerome & t Martha t Oscar Rodriguez 9:30 am 0 Concepcion Vazquez Health Blessings: Smith Lopez for Elisa Gunnoe t Norma Linda Gallegos t Maria Venos Gallegos t Hector Leal t Raul Roy Armendariz 11 :00 am t Ruben Cano Lopez • Anniversary Blessings: Eddie & Elida Martinez "50" 6:00 pm t Ivan Reyes t Enedina Martinez t Pedro; t t Atanacio Angeles y Rosendo; t Ponciano; t Saturina Enriquez MONDAY, January 26, 2015; Ss. Timothy and Titus 12 Noon t Javier Amador Vela t Reynaldo C. Rodriguez t Evaristo Gamez, Sr. • Health Blessings: • Birthday Blessings: for the Ugalino Family Vincent Flores TUESDAY, January 27, 2015; St. Angela Merici 12 Noon t Ignacio & t Aurelia Garza • t David Garza Birthday Blessings: Juan H. Gonzalez • Souls in Purgatory on behalf of Libia Slackman WEDNESDAY, January 28, 2015; St. Thomas Aquinas 12 Noon t Sebastian & t Celia Alejandro t • Manuel Hernandez Acci6n de Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia THURSDAY, January 29, 2015 8:30 am 12 Noon St. Luke School Students, Teachers t Ruben S. Garcia Sr. & Staff t Anthony J. Carnesi • Santo Niiio de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION As a result of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the Church has defined a new pastoral plan for your care whenever you struggle with illness. There are rites for children, a communal rite for celebration in the parish, forms of care for the sick at each stage and transition, and for the desperately ill. There is a much broader interpretation of who may be anointed, including not only the visibly ill, but those battling addiction, or the elderly coping with the frustrating aches and pains of aging. Children under seven are normally not anointed, since the oil is associated with reconciliation. (For the same reason, they do not receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.) However, children close to that age who have a serious illness often gain a deep level of spiritual insight and maturity, and may benefit from catechesis for the Eucharist. Once admitted to confirmation and/or Eucharist, a sick child should be anointed. It is a great strength of our present rite that a section is included with prayers tailored to the experience and understanding of a child. Considering our recent history of being fairly sparing with this sacrament, the generosity of celebration today is helping us to retrieve an essential part of our tradition of reverence for the sick. Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En los afios 70 y 80, Cesareo Gabarain compuso un sinnumero de cantos bellisimos, para, mediante ellos, glorificar aDios e instruir a los fieles. Entre sus cantos mas famosos se encuentra "Pescador de hombres" (1979). Mezclando el llamado de los primeros discipulos, Gabarain nos ensefia en sus versos, que todos los cristianos somos llamados no s610 a seguir a Jesus, sino tambien a ser pescadores de personas para Cristo. El famoso llamado de Pedro, Santiago, Juan y Andres (Marcos 1:16-19; Mateo 4:18-22) se complementa con la pesca milagrosa (Lucas 5: 1-11). Los discipulos escuchan la voz del maestro y abandonan todo para seguirlo. Al poco tiempo se encuentran pescando de nuevo, pero sin exito. Otra vez aparece Jesus y les indica d6nde echar las redes. Seguramente pensarian: "Y este carpintero, [que sabe del oficio de pescar!" Pero echaron las redes, tal vez para comprobar que no habia peces, 0 tal vez porque deseaban creer. Aun asi, Jesus les lleno las redes, y de nuevo les llam6 a la pesca de seres humanos para el Reino de su Padre. Y ellos dejaron to do a la orilla para seguirlo. Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. FRIDAY, January 302015 12 Noon t t • Salvador (Sonny) Loya Miguel Torres t Pedro de la Rosa Jr Souls in Purgatory on behalf of Libia Slackman Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Primero aprendiz, despues obrero y por fin maestro. Esa es la "travesia" de cualquier persona que esta aprendiendo un oficio. Pero antes de "partir" hay que encontrar un maestro (0 maestra) confiable que nos acepte a estudiar bajo el (0 ella). Luego el estudiante tiene que comprometerse a hacer la "travesia" de aprender un oficio. Fijandose en el maestro, escuchandolo, imitando su ejemplo y siguiendo sus consejos, el discipulo llega a aprender "el estilo" del maestro. Las Escrituras de esta semana presentan a un obrero, Jonas, y un maestro, Jesus. (,Por que la gente confi6 en ellos y los siguieron? La gente le respondi6 a Jonas porque el iba por el camino del Senor, se habia arrepentido y partie para hacer la travesia del discipulado. Le respondieron a Jesus porque el era el maestro digno de la confianza de ellos y porque los invite a ser sus discipulos, a caminar junto a el y a estudiar su estilo de vida. La gente los sigui6 no por las palabras que ellos dijeron, sino porque conocian el camino. -Virginia Stillwell Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Hay un problema con el discipulado cristiano. Nunca nadie se convertira en maestro. A 10mas que podemos aspirar es a ser obreros como Jonas y los discipulos de Jesus. S610 podremos ensefiarles a otros el camino si nosotros nos comprometemos a hacer la travesia y caminar junto al Maestro, confiando, escuchando y siguiendo los caminos del Senor. Derechosdeautor© 2014, WorldLibraryPublicationsTodoslosderechosreservados. Lunes: 2 Tm 1:1-80 Ti 1:1-5; Sal96 (95):1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mc 3:22-30 Martes: Heb 10: 1-10; Sal40 (39):2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mc3:31-35 Miercoles: Heb 10: 11-18; Sal 110 (109): 1-4; Mc 4: 1-20 Jueves: Heb 10:19-25; Sal24 (23):1-6; Mc 4:21-25 Viernes: Heb 10:32-39; Sal37 (36):3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Me 4:26-34 Sabado: Heb 11:1-2,8-19; Lc 1:69-75; Me 4:35-41 Domingo: Dt 18:15-20; Sa195 (94):1-2,6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Me 1:21-28 Clases de Apologetica Ellunes 26 de enero de 7- 9 pm en el salon 8, 10, 11 & 12. Apologetics Classes Monday, January 26th from 7 to 9 pm in room 8, 10,11 & 12. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time First apprentice, then journeyman, and finally master. That's the way someone "travels" when learning a trade. But before "setting out" one must find a trustworthy master who will accept him to study with her. Then he must commit himself to the "journey" of learning the trade. By watching and listening to the master, by imitating her example and following her advice, the disciple gradually learns her "ways." The Scriptures this week present a journeyman, Jonah, and a master, Jesus. Why did people trust and follow them? People responded to Jonah because he was traveling the way of the Lord himself; he had repented and set out on the journey of discipleship. They responded to Jesus because he was a master worthy of their trust and because he invited them to be his disciples, to walk at his side and to study his ways. People followed them not because of their words, but because they knew the way. -Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living God's Word There is one problem with Christian discipleship. No one will ever become a master. The most we can strive for is to be journeymen, like Jonah and Jesus' disciples. We can only show others the way if we commit ourselves to the journey and walk at the Master's side, trusting and listening and following the ways of the Lord. Copyright© 2014, WorldLibraryPublications. Allrightsreserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps24:1-6; Mk4:21-25 '" Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; '~ Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2,8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk4:35-41 Sunday: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mkl:21-28 ---- Pax Christi For a world free of nuclear weapons Does one then no longer want to see Christians who are still able to take a stand in the midst of darkness in deliberate clarity, calmness, and confidence - who in the midst of tension, gloom, selfishness, and hatefulness, stand fast in perfect peace and cheerfulness? FranzJaegerstaetter (Austrianfarmerbeheadedforrefusingto fightinHitler'sarmy) Por un mundo Iibre de armas nucleares l,Entonces, pues, ya no queremos tener Cristianos que tienen la fortaleza para tomar una actitud en la obscuridad con claridad, calma, y confianza deliberada - quien ante tension, pesimismo, egoismo, y odio, toman su postura en paz y alegria perfecta? FranzJaegerstaetter(AgricultorAustriaco degolladopor negarsepelearen el ejercito de Hitler) MARK YOUR CALENDAR Sun. January 25 "MERCY MINUTES" rrheSear Of 'Your ~ercy **CCE MiddlelHigh Students 9:30am, School **Baptism Preparation Class; 1 pm, Church **R C I A; 4:30pm, School Mon. January 26 ** Cursos de Apologetica 7:00 pm, School Rooms 8, 10, 11 & 12 Tue. January 27 **CCE Elementary Students; 6:00pm, School Wed. January 28 **CCE Elementary Students; 6:00pm, School **Disciples in Mission; 7:00 pm, Parish Meeting Room Thurs. January 29 **St Luke School Mass 8:30am, Church **Legion of Maria; 7:00 pm, Salon de reuniones January 25, 2015 to January 31, 2015 CathnLC Dohtrn; Weel<. J.O}5 8e-mana de !a~« .0 The mercy of the Lord is praised by the holy: souls in heaven who have themselves experi- . enced that infinite mercy. What these souls; do in heaven, I already will begin to do here i on earth. my Jesus, teach me to open the bosom of mercy and love: :to everyone who asks for it. Jesus, my Commander, teach: :me so that all my prayers and deeds may bear the seal of :Your Mercy. i :0 my Jesus, transform me into Yourself by the power or: Your love, that I may be a worthy tool in proclaiming Your ; mercy. (Diary of St. Faustina 753, 755, 783) . Alcance Amoroso Es un programa con duraci6n de ocho semanas, disefiado para asistir a toda persona que haya perdido recientemente a un ser querido a traves de la muerte. Nosotros queremos apoyarles en superar el dolor y la agonfa que esta perdida causa. EI grupo se reunira una vez por semana (Miercoles 6:30-8:30 p.m.) por ocho semanas consecutivas. La primera reuni6n se llevara a cabo el 28 de enero. Para mas informaci6n, favor de contactar la of icina parroquial . loving Outreach Is an eight-week program designed to assist persons who recently suffered the loss of a loved one. We want to support you in overcoming the pain, the agony and the grief caused by this loss. The group meets once a week (Wednesday 6:30-8:30 p.m.) for eight weeks in the parish meeting room. First Meeting will be on January 28th. For further information, please contact the parish office. NOT WITHOUT LOVE The soul cannot live without love. -St. Francis de Sales IMPOSIBLE SIN AMOR El alma no puede vivir sin amor. -San Francisco de Sales + THANK YOU! iGRACIAS! ST. LUKE PARISH COMMUNITY FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT WITH YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PAST WEEK! Providing Quality Catholic Education PK3-8th grade Our Mission St. Luke Catholic School is to provide a Christian environment where children can grow spiritually, academically, physically and emotionally under the guidance of a nurturing community. Since 1993, St. Luke Catholic School has maintained a strong presence in our community. Serving 185 students in grades PK3-8th, we pride ourselves in providing a well-rounded education for all students. St. Luke is a small school community where students are given the opportunity to reach high academic achievement and to develop the skills to become leaders of tomorrow. Our students truly answer the call to living a Christian life where being their best means using their gifts and talents to serve the community. This is done with the guidance of a caring and loving staff who nurture the whole child. As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, the entire St. Luke Catholic School community would like to thank Father Fernando Gonzalez, Father Andres Gutierrez and the St. Luke Parish for their continued support. Knowthat your generosity, kindness and prayers have had a positive impact on thousands of students over the last 23 years. Mrs. Anne Serrato, Principal- 2850 Price Rd. Brownsville, TX 78521- Tel. 956-544-7982 - St. Luke Catholic School... ../ Promotes Strong Catholic identity ../ Develops the prayer life of all members of ./ Provides Sacramental Preparation for students in the community 2nd and 3rd grade ./ Celebrates Mass every Thursday at 8:30 a.m . ../ Promotes service in the community ./ Is a fully accredited school in Texas ../ Has highly qualified teachers that focus on the whole child ../ Offers a balanced curriculum aligned with state and national standards ../ Has a curriculum that includes courses in fine arts and technology ../ Offers a wide range of extra curriculum throughout activities the year such as: Student Council, NJHS, NEHS, National Jr. Art Honor Society, Altar Servers, Spelling Bee, basketball, volleyball, track, softball, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Soccer Application process for the 2014-2015 school year will be open to the public beginning Monday, February 16th, 2015. Limited space still available in K3-8th grade. School tours upon request. information Feel free to call for more at (956) 544-7982 or visit St. Luke Middle School Highlights The vision of the middle school program is the formation advanced academics. This is done by using a curriculum of Christian leaders for tomorrow empowered with designed to challenge intellect and character by giving witness to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Admission Requirements •• Current report card •• Completed application •• State or Achievement testing information •• Recommendation forms •• Interview with principal •• Entrance exam (if applicable) St. Luke Offers: •• Small school environment •• Students are given priority in each content area Ii •• •• •• •• Pre-AP (Pre-Advanced Placement / The College Board) strategies used across the curriculum •• " Pre-AP classes available in Language Arts and U.S. History PSATtesting for all 7th graders High School Credit available in Spanish and Algebra I for 8th graders who qualify Foreign Language courses offered. Spanish curriculum covered throughout the middle school grades to prepare students for high school Technology incorporated across the curriculum Community Service component required of all students in middle school II Elective Program requires each student to include a block of fine arts (art or technology) •• An extensive list of extracurricular Mrs. Anne Serrato, Principal- activities for all students in athletics, fine arts and student leadership 2850 Price Rd. Brownsville, TX 78521- Tel. 956-544-7982 - Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick parishioners and friends under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Amen. Ricardo Aguilar, Joel Alanis, Patricia Avila, Felix campirano, Guillermo C. Cantu, Laura Cantu, Albert F. Castro, Joyce Champion, Margarita Correa, Anne Coisman, Enrique De La Cruz; Guillermo De Los Santos, Ruben Delgado, Nancy Delaney, Maria Donnell, Hayden Elfrank, Lou Eymard, Charles Fredieu, Cecilia Garcia, Clemente Garcia, Maggie Garcia, Rachel Garcia, Roel Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Virginia & Hector Garcia, Ketta Garcia, Yolanda Garcia, Anwar Garza, Claudia Garza, Juan Hector Garza, Juanita de Jesus Garza, Ma Dolores Garza, Juan Andres Garza, Tom Goforth, Alvaro Gomez, Betty Gomez, Cristiina Gomez, Iliana Gomez, Elsa Gonzaga, Bruno Gonzalez, Consuelo Gonzalez, Joe Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Maria N. Guajardo, Paula Guerra, Elisa Gunnoe, Omar Gutierrez, Chris Harrison, Alfredo Hernandez, Baby Sanitago Herrera, Veronica Houk, Arnulfo Huerta, Peggy Jankovich, Joseph Lapinski, Mrs. Guadalupe Leal, Concepcion Marroquin Lerma, Linda Lind, Ramon Longoria, Beatrice Lopez, Diana M. Lopez, Eddie Martinez, Maria C. Martinez, Yolanda P. Martinez, Delia Mata, Beth McFarland, Daniel Medrano, Ninfa Middleton, Sister Gloria Morales; Ana Moreno, Rodolfo Morin, Jose Moya, Amado Olivarez, Oscar Oropeza, Maria Ortado; Jose P. Palacios, Enrique Ramirez III, Mary Lou Ramirez, Michaela Ramos, Emma Rivera, Ninfa Rivera, Lucy Robles, Elizabeth Ann Rocha, Deacon Arturo Rodriguez; Ruben Rodriguez, Enrique Ruiz, Ricardo Sanchez, Martha San Miguel, Esperanza Santiago, Maria Elena Silva, Patsy Solien, Alicia Soto, Josefina Soto, Sande Tetreau, Andres Torres, Victor Valenzuela, Amanda Vallejo, carol VallejO, Laura Vasquez, AI Wright, Frank Ybarra, Olivia Zapata, Maria Zamarripa; Hector V. Zamarripa, Anthony Zimmerman **PLEASE ADVISE IF A NAME ON OUR SICK LIST NEEDS TO BE REMOVED** **POR FAVOR AVISE SI UN NOMBRE EN NUESTRA LISTA DE ENFERMOS DEBE SER ELIMINADO** January 17 & 18,2015 Offertory Envelopes (381) Loose CollectionlRestricted Building (forwarded to Savings) Parish School Support Envelopes (190) (forwarded to the Parish School) Less Diocesan Assessment 11.5% (forwarded to the Diocese) NET INCOME: *Taxable Income Perceptive Reflections on God's Beauty Defining Beauty $ 3,074.00 $ 1,499.00 $ 717.00 $ 5,521.00 @) SUNWJUIE. Danielle Rose CD $17 Air Conditioning 7250 N. Expressway, Thought-provoking Contemporary Music 800-566-6150 Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., WnrlnHn Olmito, TX 78575 956-350-4813 fiiiIiil World ~ $ 6,238.00* "We Service All Brands" Installations, Sales & Services Tom Gutierrez Delarosa (956) 550-0024 • (956) 838-0037 7738 Padre Island Hwy .• Brownsville, Closed Mnlnn"v< Texas 78521 Please Cut Out This "Thank You Ad" and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Iban. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! ([ano/& 1fil.uw!r& ~ (jijt& FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASlONS 405 Old Port Isabel Rd. (956) 541-1542 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 PRAY TO END ABORTION Recemos para acabar con el Aborto •• Small Animal, Avian & Exotic Boarding Available Rick Canales Robert R. MaJ:a, DVM Attorney at Law Abogado Law Office of Rick Canales 845 E. Harrison (956) 546-7766 Brownsville, Texas 78520 FAX (956) 546-6885 E-mail: a rrvv ••t rw-r .• Kindra Phillipp, 2600 FM 802 The Valley's Catholic University Barreda Appraisal Service Real Estate' Appraisals Weekend Degree Programs Bachelor's, Master's, PhD Robert Barreda 615 East Price Road Brownsville, TX 78521 Ph. (956) 831-9696 Free Delivery Valley Wide 701 Sunrise Blvd. 574-8200 DVM 544·58 505 N.Viliarreal. La Feria.TX 956·277·0146 • Spot Rubber Welders Fu IIAuto Service • UJ1!JI I:~n£i:?tiijl{j J~~~;~ a~~~:T~'~~ OWNER 1400 E. MADISON 554 N. EXPRo;;~·~'n"'v 542·5261 541 An App for eatholics. An App for your Parish. ~1""'il~.nlr-a!:.,"'1 ALL IN ONE! OCHOA & ASSOCIATES TAX AND BUSINESS SERVICES Bookkeeping • Income Tax • Payroll 640 E. Price Rd. (956) 838-1996 State--:::II-~ Ruben Garcia, Jr 956-544-2464 crl\'M ~,-~!)!J9~phA9!g~!)}y 434 Paredes Line Rd Suite B LJ)l .l.. 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