ST. JOACHIM CHURCH 401 West 5th Street, Madera, California 93637 559-673-3290 FAX: 559-673-6471 Web Site: e-mail: [email protected] Fr. John Warburton, O.S.J., Pastor Fr. Gustavo Lopez, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Fr. Shaji Athipozhi, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Fr. James Catalano, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Deacon Steve Taylor ST. ANNE CHAPEL 36483 Road 606 - Raymond WWW.STANNESCHAPEL.ORG Saturday: Vigil of Sunday: Sunday: Holy Days: Weekdays: St. Anne Chapel MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM; 5 PM; 6:30 PM (Spanish) 6:30 AM, 8 AM (Spanish), 9:30 AM, 11 AM; 12:30 PM (Sp), 4 PM ( Sp), 5:30 PM, 7 PM (Sp) Vigil: 5:30 PM; 7 AM, 9 AM, 12:15 PM, 5:30 PM, 7PM (Spanish) St. Anne Chapel: Vigil 4 PM 7:00 and 8:00 AM; (Tuesday & Thursday in Spanish) Wednesdays 7:00 PM (Spanish) 9 AM (Confessions before Mass) Communion Service: Tuesday and Friday 9 AM Confessions: Baptisms: Saturdays: 9 - 11 AM; Wednesdays 6:00 PM Sunday 2 PM, (Registration: two weeks before Baptism) Weddings: Funerals: Arrangements six months in advance. Arrangements - 479-8231 March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. — Jeremiah 31:33 Volume 62 Number 12 MASS INTENTIONS March 23 - 29, 2015 Mon 7:00 Virginia Rose - St Vincent De Paul 8:00 Gilberto Hernandez - Joe & Eva Vega Tue 7:00 Jacob Alanis - Mark & Sunell Tordini 8:00 Encarnación Hernandez - Ricardo Hernandez Wed 7:00 Amelia Cruz - Family 8:00 50th Wedding Anniv. of Arthur & Evelyn Salazar 7:00 Todos los Sacerdotes - Griselda Trujillo Thu 7:00 Jesus Cabrera & Margarita Nuñez - Familia 8:00 Bertha Chapa Hernandez - Nestor & Mary Chavira Fri 7:00 Ruperta Yahut - Krigbaum Family 8:00 Apolonio Lopez Jr. - Mom & Dad Sat 8:00 Lowell Krigbaum - Family 11:00 Quinceanera 12:00 Quinceanera 2:00 Maria Trigo de Banda (1st year Anniv of death) 5:00 Linda Morin - Rudy Morin & Family 6:30 Araceli & Francisco Garcia - Sons Sun 6:30 Louis Cortopassi - J. Houlding Family 8:00 Freddy Vasquez - Yolanda Vasquez 9:00 (Raymond ) Family Birthdays - Sheila Shaubach 9:30 Jeremy Gil (3rd Birthday) - Greatgrandparents 11:00 For the People of the Parish 12:30 Maria de Jesus Diaz - Familia 4:00 Virgen de Guadalupe - Juana Soria 5:30 Abundio Jimenez - Family 7:00 Jose Luis Cortez - Valentin Cortez PRAY FOR THOSE WHO RECENTLY DIED May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: Mary Capuchino, Miguel Vaca Moreno, Louie Bellinger, Soledad Victor Ortega SYNOD ON THE FAMILY Pope Francis requests feedback from families in Preparation for the Ordinary General Asssembly of the Synod of Bishops to take place October 2015. Time to respond is limited. Please respond now to all or any of the questions. The Synod questionnaire is now accessible in our diocesan website at: St. Anne Chapel •St. Anne’s Chapel Registration forms are on the bulletin board in the Social Room. After completion give form to Houston Disa, 683-6238. PASTOR’S CORNER The Seven Disciplines of Discipleship: 1. Prayer, 2. Word of God, 3. Eucharist, 4. Confession, 5. Community, 6. Service, 7. Evangelization. This week we focus on COMMUNITY. Who is God and who am I? God is a communion of life and love; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am a unique individual, a person created in the image and likeness of God/Love, but, by God’s design, I am created for communion. I was conceived as a member of a family. My most basic identity is as son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife, mother or father. This relational identity begins in my natural family. It is meant to be perfected in the spiritual family: the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ, the Communion of saints, the Family of God; “on earth as it is in Heaven.” As a discipline of disciple ship, I need to be intentionally working on keeping these relationships in good repair, both in my natural family and in my spiritual family. “This is the will of God in Christ Jesus for me” (1Thes. 5:18). This is what Jesus is praying for: “That they may all be one, even as thou, Father, are in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us” (Jn. 17:21). In practical terms, what will this discipline look like in daily life? “Pope Francis suggests that every family needs to say three things to be healthy, happy and growing in love: ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ and ‘sorry.’ This is great advice. I think parents and children would see real differences in their lives if they practiced these three every day. Saying ‘Please’ teaches us to respect our loved ones and not to be too demanding. ‘Thank you’ teaches us gratitude and to see the others in our life as a gift. ‘Sorry’ is the most important word. Because it makes us sensitive to the ways we can offend one another and hurt one another’s feelings during the ordinary course of daily life. This is the one word that leads us to forgive one another, as our Father in heaven forgives us” (Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, from an article in Our Sunday Visitor, 3/1/15). As disciples of Jesus, we need to work on being active, faithful, loving and interdependent in the mission of building up the Body of Christ, at home in the ‘domestic church,’ and in the local parish church. Is the Lord calling me to become active in one of the faith-sharing ministries in the parish? There are about sixty-five of them to choose from. Blessings, Fr. John ANNUAL PARISH ELECTIONS FAST & ABSTINENCE The Nomination Committee for St. Joachim Parish Council is accepting names at this time. Any parishioner in good standing is welcome to contact the office. The election will take place June 6 & 7, 2015. During Lent, the Church asks us to enter into this season of renewal with a spirit of repentance symbolized by fasting and abstinence. Fridays throughout Lent are days of Abstinence, which means that Catholics, beginning on their 14th birthday, abstain from meat on these days. That includes poultry, but not fish and other seafood . Good Friday is designated as a day of Fast and Abstinence. The obligation to fast commences on the 18th birthday and ceases on the 59th birthday. This means that besides one full meal, the other two meals should not equal a full meal. There should be no snacking. The idea is to eat simply. Men’s One Day Mini Conference… Catholic Men of Faith will be hosting a men’s mini conference today, March 22 at 12:30pm in room 41 behind the bookstore. “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry”. Guest speaker Gary Zimak. For more information call Bruce Simmons, 706-1160 or Luis Ceja, 871-7234. Preregistration not required. Good will offering accepted. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY- APRIL 12, 2015 The first Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday so mark your calendars. Our St. Marello Bookstore has all the books, DVD’s and information about the devotion that you may need. It is a very special and beautiful devotion and a very important part of our Easter Season. MARCH FOOD DRIVE FOR HOLY FAMILY TABLE The annual Curves for Women food drive has begun. All food collected at Curves during the month of March will be donated to Holy Family Table! Rice, beans, frozen meat, canned vegetables, and other nonperishables are the items most wanted. Donations may be dropped off at Curves, 16810 Road 26 (Country Club Drive). Thank you! ST. MARELLO BOOKSTORE “The Light is On for You- the Life Changing Power of Confession” is in stock at the bookstore. The book was mentioned in Father John’s Pastor’s Corner last week. According to Scott Hahn in his foreword to the book “Confession is nothing new. Sin is nothing new. What is new is the fresh approach of one of the great teachers of our generation, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, is “like the great Fathers of the early Church, Cyril, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine, a theologian of the first rank, but a bishop above all.” Stop by the bookstore and pick up this powerful book for yourself or for those inactive Catholics in your family. Remember the bookstore is open 24/7 at ST. JOACHIM’S VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM An easy and convenient way to donate an unwanted vehicle. Need not run! No smog required. Free DMV paperwork! Tax benefits may apply. Call 1-888-512-4483. PARISH REGISTRATION Are you new to our parish or have been here a while but have never registered? Please come to the parish office or call 673-3290 so we can add you to our parish membership. Also if you are a registered parishioner and would like to receive the monthly offering envelopes, let us know and we can have them mailed directly to you. BULLETIN NOTICES If you or your organization would like an announcement printed in the paranews, you must submit it, in writing or via email, [email protected], to the parish office no later than 12 noon on the Tuesday before the weekend you would like it published. No requests will be taken by phone. Also articles needing translating must be received two weeks before desired publication date. All articles are subject to the pastor’s approval. STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRIDAY 7 PM VÍA CRUCIS MIÉRCOLES 6 PM CAMPAÑA PARA RECOGER COMESTIBLES PARA LA MESA DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA La campaña anual de Curves for Women para recoger comestibles ya se comenzó. Durante el mes de marzo, todos los comestibles que se colecten serán para beneficio de la Mesa de la Sagrada Familia! Los alimentos más indispensables son frijoles, arroz, carne congelada, y latas de vegetales. Puede dejar sus donaciones de comida en el gimnasio de Curves, 16810 Road 26 (Country Club Drive). Muchas gracias! TALLER PARA MATRIMONIOS 25 Y 26 DE ABRIL La Familia Natural Vive Mejor. Si usted está interesado en aprender como vivir su vida matrimonial mejor, este taller le ayudará a usted y a su pareja. Los temas serán La Sexualidad, El Matrimonio, La Comunicación, La Paternidad Responsable, La Formación de la Conciencia, La Planificación Natural y La Misión de la Familia. El retiro es para parejas comprometidas o casadas y para cualquier persona interesada. Donación: $20 por persona o $30 por pareja. Para más información favor de llamar al 673-3290. Favor de entregar las registraciones antes del día lunes 20 de Abril Se cobrará doble después del 20 de Abril. FE Y ESPERANZA Los invita este lunes 23 de Marzo a las 7pm en el Griffin Hall a la gran predica Concierto con la Hermana Maritza Garza de Texas. Donación $5 niños menores de 12 años gratis. Más información 536-8580 AYUNO Y ABSTINENCIA Durante la Cuaresma, La Iglesia nos pide que entremos a este periodo de renovación con un espíritu de arrepentimiento simbolizado por medio del ayuno y la abstinencia. Los Viernes durante el periodo de cuaresma son días de abstinencia, lo que quiere decir que los católicos, empezando desde los 14 años, se abstienen de comer carne estos días. Esto incluye cualquier tipo de ave pero no el pescado y los mariscos. El Viernes Santo se designa como día de Ayuno y Abstinencia. La obligación de guardar ayuno empieza desde los 18 años hasta los 59 años. Esto quiere decir que además de una comida normal las otras comidas no deben ser igual de una comida completa. No se deben comer bocaditos ni antojitos. La idea es de comer sencillamente, no abundantemente. RINCÓN DEL PÁRROCO LAS SIETE DISCIPLINAS DE LOS DISCIPULOS. 1. Oración, 2. La Palabra de Dios, 3. La Eucaristía, 4. Confesión, 5. Comunidad de Fe-Compartida, 6. Servicio, y 7. Evangelización. Esta semana nos enfocamos en LA COMUNIDAD. ¿Quién es Dios y quién son yo? Dios es una comunión de vida y amor; Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Yo soy un individuo único, una persona creada a imagen y semejanza de Dios/Amor, pero, por designio de Dios, me creó para la comunión. Fuí concebido como miembro de una familia. Mi identidad más básica es como hijo o hija, hermano o hermana, esposo o esposa, madre o padre. Esta identidad racional comienza en mi familia natural. Esta pensada para ser perfeccionada en la familia espiritual: la Iglesia Católica, el cuerpo de Cristo, la Comunión de los Santos, la Familia de Dios; “en la tierra como en el Cielo.” Como una disciplina de los discipulos, necesito trabajar intencionalmente en mantener estas relaciones, en buenas condiciones, tanto en mi familia natural como en mi familia espiritual. “Esta es la voluntad de Dios en Cristo Jesús para mi”(1Thes. 5:18). Esto es por lo que Jesús está orando: “Te pido que todos sea uno lo mismo que lo somos tu y yo, Padre. Y que también ellos vivan unidos a nosotros” (Jn. 17:21). En términos prácticos, ¿cómo se vería esta disciplina en la vida cotidiana? “El Papa Francisco sugiere que cada familia necesita decir tres frases para estar saludable, feliz y creciendo en amor: “por favor,’ gracias,’ y lo siento.’ Esto es un gran consejo. Pienso que los padres y los niños verían diferencias reales en sus vida si practicaran estas tres frases cada día. Decir ‘Por favor’ nos enseña a respetar a nuestros seres queridos y a no ser demasiado exigentes. ‘Gracias’ nos enseña gratitud y ver a los demás que están en nuestra vida como un regalo. ‘Lo siento’ es la frase más importante. Porque nos hace sensibles a las maneras de que podemos ofendernos y lastimar los sentimientos el uno al otro durante el curso de la vida cotidiana. Está es la única frase que nos conduce a perdonarnos el uno al otro, así como nuestro Padre que está en el cielo nos perdona” (Arzobispo José H. Gomez, de un artículo en Our Sunday Visitor, 3/1/15). Como discipulos de Jesús, necesitamos trabajar en estar activos, fieles, amorosos y solidarios en la misión de construir el Cuerpo de Cristo, en la casa, en la ‘iglesia domestica,’ y en la parroquia local. ¿Está el Señor llamándome a ser un miembro activo de uno de los ministerios de fe-compartida en la parroquia? Hay cerca de sesenta y cinco ministerios de los que puedes elegir. ¡ Bendiciones P. John LA COMPAÑÍA DE SAN JOSÉ Todos los hombres solteros de 14-35 edad que tiene o está pensando en una vocación a la vida religiosa o al sacerdocio están invitados a asistir a nuestro grupo de discernimiento Vocacional con los Oblatos de San José. Nuestro grupo se reunirá en la rectoría de la parroquia el viernes 27 de marzo de 6:30-8:00pm. Para obtener más información, por favor contacte al Padre Sergio Pérez, OSJ al (916) 652-6336 ext 207 o [email protected], o la oficina parroquial. Parish Office 673-3290 [email protected] Hours Monday:1 to 6 pm Tuesday thru Friday: 9 am to 12 pm & 1 to 6 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday CCD Office - 674-5871 [email protected] Hours Tuesday thru Friday: 10 am to 1 pm & 2 to 6 pm Youth Ministry - 674-9069 [email protected] Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10 am to 2 pm Thursday 3 to 7 pm Closed Monday St. Marello Bookstore - 662-0682 Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday: 10 am to 7:30 pm; Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm 2nd Sunday of month:7:30 am to 2 pm; 4:30 - 8:30 pm. St. Joachim School - 674-7628 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372 Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489 WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help -Monday after 8 am Mass. Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph - Wednesday after 7 & 8 am Mass. DAILY ADORATION IN CHAPEL Monday & Tuesday, 8:40 am to 9 pm Wednesday, 8:40 am to 6:50 pm, 9 pm to Thursday, 6:50 am Thursday, 8:40 am to Friday, 6:50 am Friday, 8:40 am to 6:00 pm STUDY THE SUNDAY LITURGY Wednesday: 7 - 8:30 pm in Room 71 BIBLE STUDY St. Anne - Tuesday 9:30 am Doors of Hope Pregnancy Center - 662-8629 Rachel’s Vineyard - 1-877-629-6626 CATHOLIC MEN OF FAITH 2nd Monday of Month 7pm Room 71
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