St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Youth Ministry of St. Catherine of Alexandria Valentine’s Dinner & Dance 2017 Tri-Tip and Chicken Dinner Catered by Richie’s Real American Diner February 11, 2017 Saturday from 6-10pm St. Catherine of Alexandria Di Leo Hall 41875 “ C” Street Temecula All proceeds will benefit the youth for their journey in faith to World Youth Day Panama 2019 For more information contact Sharla at 951 676-2894 DJ Mark Fulgar Basket Drawings Our journey to World Youth Day 2019 in Panama is only possible with your helping hands. Thank you for your support! Parish Information Pastoral Associate Director Of Liturgy & Catechetical Ministries Pastoral Council Finance Council Ministry Council Business Manager Office Manager Bulletin & Web Editor Parish Librarian Sacramental Life Ministries Deacon Pat Necerato 676-4403 Yolanda Ortiz Renee Micallef Mary Tenario Ernie Cruz Emmy Lontoc 676-4403 676-4403 676-4403 676-4403 676-4403 695-6658 Eugene Eble 694-8614 John Lawson Terry Antuzzi 870-9990 676-7318 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Infant Baptism Confirmation/Adults Holy Communion/Sick Julie Sprengelmeyer Anthony Karganilla John Gabriel 676-4403 506-6653 440-2068 Resurrection Ministry Wedding/Convalidation Vocation Director Marriage Encounter Funerals Family Healing Rita Hernandez Mia Barth Frank Dagonese John & Raquel Mia Barth Leng Gonzales 676-5655 693-2144 514-6872 699-6750 693-2144 676-1219 (Service to the Divorced and Couples with Impediments to Receive Sacraments) [email protected] Ministerios En Espanol Directora De Edu. Maria Barth Deacons 587-0023 [email protected] Eucharestia Maria Altamirano 676-5747 Bautizos Maria Barth 587-0023 Lectores Nicolas Avila 704-6816 Movimiento Fam. Fernando Martinez 760-8726 Caritas Casesoramiento 909-763-4970 #449 Unicion De Los Enfermos Maria Barth 587-0023 Grupo De Jovenes Maria Barth 587-0023 Grupo Juvenil Tony Carbajal 961-9312 Grupo De Oracion Maria Avilez 768-0154 Ujeres Remigio Hernandez 551-2752 Ruben y Teresa Padilla 541-7267 [email protected] Dennis Malkowski Efren Ramirez Armando Servin 302-3140 225-6240 201-8348 Faith Formation Coordinator of Religious Education/ Youth Ministry Sharla Ortiz 676-2894 Religious Edu. Admin. Grades K-5 Cord. Mary Hitzeman Letha Heylmun 693-2146 695-6656 R.C.I.C. for Children Little Church/VBS Letha Heylmun Allison Willits 695-6656 714-244-6315 [email protected] [email protected] Adult Faith Formation R.C.I.A Journey of Faith Susan Cline Frank Dagonese 295-5971 514-6872 Christian Life Ministries Filipino Ministry Healing Ministry Knights of Columbus Christian Life Ministries Bereavement Ministry Women’s Guild Dance Ministry Zumba Bong V. Aragon George Montano Luis Tenorio Paul Watkins Rita Hernandez Bonnie Wilson Rey Hernandez Bea Galindo Bettina Alcantara Events Coordinator Jill Gonzales Liturgical / Worship Ministries Altar Servers Sharla Ortiz 676-4403 Holy Communion Karen Ritchie 906-2279 Greeters Mary Kleinvachter 551-4813 Lectors Ernie Cruz 972-4336 Ushers Jose & Margie Mora 909-239-6848 Art & Environment/Banners Fernando & Sonia Martinez Art & Environment/Decorations Jill Gonzalez 471-2692 Music Nancy Marshall 285-5233 M3 Nick Ventrone 775-3739 858-353-0640 522-9072 676-4403 302-5326 676-5655 925-548-8691 714-931-3071 695-1546 719-6863 [email protected] 471-2692 Outreach Programs Birth Choice St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Charities Crisis Pregnancy Help/Food Pantry 296-3441 587-6752 924-9964 Music 7:25 am Daily 8:00 am Sun. Nancy Marshall 285-5233 5:00 pm Sat. Danielle Ellingson 676-4403 7:00 pm Sat. JR Santos & Marianna 676-3075 2:00 pm Sun. Rudy Vegara 775-1969 10:00 am Andy Santos 691-2267 12:00 Noon & Children's Choir JR Santos 677-3075 6:00 pm Youth Mass JR Santos & Marianna 676-6036 TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer, call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline 1-888-206-9090 PARA REPORT EL ABUSO SEXUAL DE UN MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, llame a la Línea Directa de Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090 DDF Annual Appeal A blessed thank you to everyone who contributed last weekend and to those who offered a gift this weekend to support the DDF Annual Appeal. Our parish goal is 100% participation. Each and every person's gift is important regardless of the size. For those who have not made a pledge, please consider doing so. Simply fill out a pledge card and place it in the offertory basket or drop it in the mail. Thank you for your generosity and investing in our Catholic Church through the DDF Annual Appeal! A Time for Mercy/Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Retreat To be held March 17th – March 19th 2017 Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreats are a safe place to renew, rebuild & redeem hearts broken by abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard weekends are confidential & non-judgmental and are offered in the Catholic tradition open to women and men who have been wounded by abortion. All calls are Strictly Confidential, to register please call: Dolores at 325-7702 Email: [email protected] for more information Please visit our web site: Early registration is recommended as our retreats are limited and tend to fill up fairly quickly. Deployed Military SSGT Bria Tenorio USAF Quatar SSGT Kyle Banogon USAF Alaska Tech Sgt. Paul M. Lamelin USAF Pusan Korea CPL Dominique M Lamelin USMC Kuwait 1st LT USAF Iraq LCPL Christian Reda USMC Iraq Deanna Dalton Mass Intentions Please pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families & caregivers. “Please remember our Elderly and Homebound as well”. Please contact Irene Roney at 951-304-2474 if you wish to have a name added or removed to this list. Date Hour February 6th Monday Ann Marie Savant 7:25 am Hana Walker Machado Dwight Householder Jim McCarthy Patricia Pedersen Emmanuel Lopez Fran Williams Marc Wright Mary McClintock Kathy Yonkers February 7th Tuesday Juanita Tarango Anne Burke Mary Anne Hague George Grayner 7:25 am Bobbi Martinez Irene Marin Ascencion Marin Mareell Note Caroline Halter Marilyn Mendoza February 8th Wednesday Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Stuberg III & Fam 7:25 am February 9th Thursday Carol Colburn & Family 7:25 am February 10th Friday Richard Atkinson & Children 7:25 am February 11th Saturday Raul Romero 5:00 pm Ana Maria Ortiz Rios 7:00 pm February 12th Sunday Bill Miner 8:00 am Marty Varela 10:00 am Joseph Zigan 12:00 pm Intentions of Parishioners Irma Quintanar 2:00 pm Tommy Marnell 6:00 pm New Parishioners Orientation (NPO) If you are interested in joining St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church, please make plans to join us at our next New Parishioner Orientation . A schedule of the next NPO is listed in our “Upcoming Events & Activities” section of the bulletin New Parishioner registration forms can be downloaded from St. Catherine of Alexandria website:, or obtained from the Parish Office. Bring your completed registration form with you to the NPO. Please do not mail or fax your form to the parish office. Attendance at the NPO is mandatory for new parishioners! The NPO lasts about 30 minutes. We are committed to serving the needs of all those who show interest in joining our Parish. If you have any questions please contact the Parish Office at 676-4403. Next Orientation February 21st 6:15 pm Spanish 7:00 pm English St. Catherine Of Alexandria ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA SUNDAY COLLECTION 3rd Sunday of January 2017 MASS TIME 5PM 7PM 8AM 10AM 12PM 2PM 6PM TOTALS LAST YEAR Difference PLATE 476.00 442.00 518.00 999.00 923.00 578.00 919.00 4855.00 4672.50 182.50 2016 DDF Assessments: REGULARTOTAL ENVELOPES PER MASS 1893.00 595.00 3952.00 2289.00 2969.00 931.00 2125.79 15263.00 16333.52 -1070.39 2369.00 1037.00 4470.00 3288.00 3892.00 1509.00 3044.79 20118.00 21006.02 -887.89 Diocese Goal: $116,100 Parish Goal: $200,000 Total $316,100 Received to Date $1,290.00 Pledge to Date $3,050.00 # of Donors .004% Percent to Date 9 Youth Confirmation Mass June 9, 2017 at 7pm Confirmation is quickly approaching. If you have not completed the following… now is the time to get in gear. Sponsor Form– to be filled out by your sponsor, signed and sealed by sponsor’s parish (due now) Sponsor/Candidate questions– Due in December 2016, February No HS Faith Formation 2017 and March 2017 Saint Name - Choose Saint name and turn it in (due now) Weekly Mass Cards - see mass card below (due weekly) Community Service Hours - at least 10 hours of service to our parish each year (due by the end of March) Attend Confirmation Retreat - Net Team will be here next week: Conf. 1 on 2/9 from 4-9pm and Conf. 2 on 2/10 from 4—10pm Interview - Confirmation 2 will be in the spring. Confirmation 1 Feb. 5th Net Retreats Feb. 8th, 9th,10th Valentine Dinner Dance Feb. 11th 6-10pm Mandatory volunteer meeting 2/6 @ 5pm (Youth Center) Family Pancake Pajama Breakfast was done in the Fall of 2016 Feb. 18th (service opportuni- No more than 6 absences during the formation year. ty) Mandatory volunteer meet- If you have not completed these requirements, are not sure if you have or need assistance in fulfilling them please contact Sharla, our Coordinator of Religious Education asap 951 676-2894 ing 2/16 @ 5pm (Youth Center) No HS Faith Formation Feb. 19th Holiday– Youth Center Closed St. Catherine—Youth Mass Card Feb. 20th Youth Day RECongress Feb. 23rd No HS Faith Formation Your Name Feb. 26th Date Mass Time Easter VBA March 18th (service opportunity) Priest Family Picnic Potluck June 3, 2017 Homily Topic: (service opportunity) Reconciliation Retreat 9am-12:30pm Sat., Mar. 4th ***** Eucharist Retreat March 25th 9am-12pm ******* Eucharist Rehearsal April 8th 9am-11am ******* Family Pajama Pancake Breakfast Feb. 18th 9am-11:30am ***** RECongress Feb. 23-26, 2017 ***** Easter VBA March 18th Dates and times: Reconciliation Retreat, Saturday March 4, 9: a.m. in the social hall. End 12:30 p.m. Bring a $5.00 supply fee and a snack to share at break time. Please nothing that requires plate’s, spoons, forks, cutting etc. … Bring your green Sacrament Record card to your child’s first Reconciliation. If you did not receive your Sacrament Record card please see Letha right away. First Holy Eucharist Retreat, Saturday March 25, 9: a.m. in the church. Ends at 12:30 p.m. bring a $5.00 supply fee and a snack to share at break time Please nothing that requires plate’s, spoons, forks, cutting etc. … Also bring a photo of the child, who will be making first Eucharist, the photo will be part of the banner making craft. (A 5x7 at the largest, smaller is fine.) First Holy Eucharist rehearsal: APRIL 8, AT 9: AM IN THE CHURCH ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA WOMEN’S GUILD Cordially invite all parishioners to their Annual Fashion Show “LOVE IS IN THE AIR” Fashions by The Assistance League of Temecula Thursday, February 16th 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Di Leo Hall Dona on: $20 Per Person Catered Lunch Please R.S.V.P. by February 14th to: Nancy Benjamin at [email protected] or call 951‐699‐9073 TU PERTENESES UNA FAMILIA DE TU FAMILIA APRENDES AMAR, A CUIDAR DE OTROS Y A PERDONAR. HACES COSAS EN COMPANIA DE OTROS. COMPARTES EL TRABAJO PARA TENER UN HOGAR FELIZ. CELEBRAN JUNTOS LOS DIAS ESPECIALES. TODOS EN LA FAMILIA OCUPAN UN PUESTO MUY IMPORTANTE. TODOS EN LA FAMILIA SON NECESARIOS PARA QUE LA FAMILIA SEA COMPLETA. CUANDO CADA MIEMBRO DE LA FAMILIA COOPERA, SON BUENOS, CARIÑOSOS, TODA LA FAMILIA ES FELIZ. PERO, ¿QUE PASA CUANDO ALGUIEN NO ES CARIÑOSO O NO SABE PERDONAR? LA FAMILIA ENTERA SUFRE ¿SABES LAS PALABRAS MAGICAS QUE TE PUEDEN HACER FELIZ OTRA VEZ? “PERDONAME” RESPUESTA TE PERDONO” CUALQUIER FAMILIA CARINOSA SABE ESTAS PALABRAS MAGICAS. TÚ TAMBIEN PERTENESES A LA FAMILIA DE DIOS, TE HICISTE MIEMBRO DE LA FAMILIA DE DIOS, EL DIA QUE FUISTE BAUTISADO/A. EN LA FAMILIA DE DIOS, TAMBIEN SE HACEN MUCHAS COSAS, CELEBRAMOS LA MISA JUNTOS, ESCUCHAMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS JUNTOS, ORAMOS POR LAS NESECIDADES DE TODOS LOS MIEMBROS DE ESTA GRAN FAMILIA JUNTOS. EN LA FAMILIA DE DIOS SE APRENDE AMAR, A CUIDAR Y A PERDONAR. JESUS DIJO: “LO QUE HACES POR OTROS, POR MI LO HACES” CUANDO HACEMOS LO QUE JESUS NOS PIDE, LA FAMILIA DE DIOS ESTA FELIZ Y SE SIENTE ORGULLOSA DE PERTENESER A ESTA FAMILIA. EN CAMBIO, CUANDO TE NIEGAS A HACER POR OTROS LO QUE JESÚS TE PIDE. TE NIEGAS A AYUDAR A JESÚS MISMO. Y LA FAMILIA DE DIOS SE SIENTE TRISTE. PODEMOS DECIR DE NUEVO LAS PALABRAS MAGICAS, “PERONAME JESUS” Y EL TE DICE “YO TE PERDONO”. "SVdP Friends of the Poor Walk” Your Help Is Needed Raise Awareness of Poverty and Hunger in Temecula Raise Funds for the SVDP Food Pantry at St. Catherine’s Date: Saturday March 4, 2017 at 7:30 a.m. Location: St. Jeanne Lestonnac School Track, 32650 Avenida Lestonnac, Tem. Registration: After all Masses the weekends of Feb. 11th and Feb. 18th. If you cannot participate in the “Walk”, please consider stopping by the registration table to pledge funds for the participation of one of our Priests or Deacons. For more information, please contact Teresa Hicks 951-225-8406 or by e mail [email protected] February Upcoming Events & Activities 11th & 12th February, All Masses—Blessings of those with birthdays in February 20th February, PARISH OFFICE CLOSED in observance of President’s Day 21st February, 6:15 PM Spanish & 7:00 PM English New Parishioner Orientation NO NEW PARISHIONER ORIENTATION IN THE MONTH OF MARCH 18th & 19th February, All Masses—Blessings of those with anniversaries in February 25th & 26th February , All Masses-— Blessings of All School Teachers Ash Wednesday Mass Schedules 1st March, Ash Wednesday Masses (Church)/Services (Di Leo Hall) 7:00 am - English Mass 8:30 am - English Service 11:00 am - Bilingual Service 12:15 pm - English Mass 4:00 pm - English Service 4:30 pm - English Mass 5:00 pm - Bilingual Service 5:45 pm - Spanish Mass 7:00 pm - English Mass Iglesia Católica Misión parroquial (En inglés y Español)Rev. Neil McQuillan, C.S.Sp. Temas de discusión: • ¿Qué significa ser "Gente de la Palabra"? • Cómo el lenguaje impide la comunicación Entre nosotros, Dios y nuestra familia. • Repensar la evangelización como los católicos de hoy Fr. Neil McQuillan, es miembro de la Congregación del Espíritu Santo desde 1967. Tiene un grado de Licenciatura de la Universidad de Duquesne en Psicología, una Maestría en Psicología de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, un Psy.D. De la universidad de la costa de California y una Maestría de la divinidad de la unión teológica católica en Chicago, IL. Fr. Neil fue ordenado en 1975 y sirvió durante 37 años como misionero en Puerto Rico. Tiene numerosas publicaciones en inglés e incluyendo en español. • 2000 "Suicidios de Adolescentes: Una Revisión de la Literatura", "Suicidio de, Adolescentes en Puerto Rico", Boletín de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico, vol. 92 # 's [1-2-3]. • 2003 "Psicoterapia del Niño" y "Adolescente con Depresión", Boletín de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico Vol. 95, [3]. • 2004 "Lo que todo sacerdote, religioso y obispo debe saber acerca de la pedofilia", The Journal of Consejería Pastoral, vol. XXXIX. • 2005 "Modelos Terapéuticos Comparados para el Tratamiento de la Depresión", The Catarsis de Quirón, Revista de Psicología, Vol.3, [1]. Ya no está disponible en la línea. • "Modelos terapéuticos comparados para tratar la depresión • 2006 "Hacia la Prevención del Abuso Sexual Infantil, Boletín de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico Vol.98, 2 Abril-Junio. • 2011 ¨Perdida de la Memoria: Recuperada o engañando! Una reflexión sobre la dinámica de la amnesia, víctimas de abuso sexual infantil vs. Trastorno de estrés postraumático • Ha dictado conferencias en universidades de los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico • En la actualidad es el Pastor de Nuestra Señora del Valle de la Iglesia Católica en Hemet Horario de Las pláticas de la Misión: (Las pláticas de la mañana y de la tarde serán las mismas) Martes 03/14 Jueves 3/16 10: 00-11: 15am en Inglés 6:00-7:15pm en Español 7:30-8:45pm Ingles Miércoles 3/15 10:00-11:15am Ingles 6:00-7:15 pm Español 7:30-8:45pm Ingles 10:00-11:15am Ingles 6:30-7:45pm Español 7:30-8:45pm Ingles 9:00pm – Misa Bilingüe (Jueves solamente) Le invitamos después de la plática al salón a compartir unas galletas y un café. Para más información puede llamar a la oficina 951-676-4403. St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Parish Mission Rev. Neil McQuillan, C.S.Sp. __________________________________ Discussion Topics: What does it mean to be "People of the Word"? How language impedes communication between us, God and our family. Rethinking Evangelization as today's Catholics Fr. Neil McQuillan, is a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit since 1967. He has a BA degree from Duquesne University in Psychology, a MA in Psychology from Interamericana University in Puerto Rico, a Psy.D. from California Coast University and a Master of Divinity from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, IL. Fr. Neil was ordained in 1975 and served for 37 Years as a Missionary in Puerto Rico. He has numerous publications in both English and Spanish including: 2000 "Adolescent Suicide: A Review of the Literature," & "Suicide, Adolescents and Puerto Rico," Boletin de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico, Vol. 92 #'s [1-2-3]. 2003 "Psicoterapia del Niño" y "Adolescente con Depresión," Boletin de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico Vol. 95, [3]. 2004 "What every Priest, Religious and Bishop Should Know About Pedophilia," Journal of Pastoral Counseling, Vol. XXXIX. 2005 "Therapeutic Models Compared for Treating Depression," The Catarsis de Quiron, Revista de Psicologia, Vol.3, [1]. "Therapeutic Models Compared for Treating Depression 2006 "Toward Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Boletin de la Asociación Médica de Puerto Rico Vol.98,2 April-June. 2011 ¨Lost Memories: Recovered or Faking? A Reflection on the Dynamics of Dissociative Amnesia in Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse vs. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder¨ He has lectured in colleges throughout the US and Puerto Rico Currently the Pastor of Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in Hemet Mission Talks Schedule: (Morning and Evening talks will be the same) Tuesday 03/14 10:00-11:15am English talk 6PM-7:15pm Spanish talk 7:30pm-8:45pm English talk (morning repeated) Wednesday 3/15 10:00-11:15am English talk 6PM-7:15pm Spanish talk 7:30pm-8:45pm English talk (morning repeated) Thursday 03/16 10:00-11:15am English talk 6PM-7:15pm Spanish talk 7:30pm-8:45pm English talk (morning repeated) 9:00PM – Bilingual Mass (Thursday only) Please join us after Mission Talks for a Cookie Fellowship in Di Leo Hall St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church 41875 C Street, Temecula, CA 92592 PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US For more information, please call the Parish Office 951-676-4403 Today’s Readings First Reading — If you share your food with the hungry, provide housing for the homeless, then light shall break forth upon you (Isaiah 58:7-10). Psalm — The just man is a light in the darkness to the upright (Psalm 112). Second Reading — My message to you, says Paul, was not clever words of wisdom but the proclamation of Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). Gospel — You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. In your good deeds your light shines before others, leading them to glorify God (Matthew 5:13-16). Lecturas De Hoy Primera lectura — Cuando compartas tu pan con el hambriento, y sacies la necesidad del humillado, entonces brillará tu luz en las tinieblas (Isaías 58:7-10). Salmo — El justo brilla como luz en las tinieblas (Salmo 112 [111]). Segunda lectura — He anunciado a ustedes el misterio de Cristo crucificado, a fin de que la fe de ustedes dependa del poder de Dios y no de la sabiduría de los hombres (1 Corintios 2:1-5). Evangelio — Que su luz brille ante los hombres, para que viendo sus buenas obras, den gloria a su Padre, que está en los Cielos (Mateo 5:13-16). Readings for the Week Monday: Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Sir 15:15-20; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5:17-37 Lecturas De La Semana Lunes: Gn 1:1-19; Sal 104 (103):1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mc 6:53-56 Martes: Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Sal 8:4-9; Mc 7:1-13 Miércoles: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Sal 104 (103):1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30; Mc 7:14-23 Jueves: Gn 2:18-25; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Mc 7:24-30 Viernes: Gn 3:1-8; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5-7; Mc 7:31-37 Sábado: Gn 3:9-24; Sal 90 (89):2-6, 12-13; Mc 8:1-10 Domingo: Sir 15:15-20; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5:17-37 Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Monday: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Day for Consecrated Life; Boy Scouting Sunday St. Paul Miki and Companions St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita St. Scholastica; Tu B’Shvat (the Jewish new year of trees) begins at sunset Our Lady of Lourdes; Blessed Virgin Mary; World Day of the Sick TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When the custom of the stational liturgies was revived in the city of Rome in the early days of the twentieth century, the papal liturgy for Good Friday was appropriately housed in the stational church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. The church is off the tourist track today, but true pilgrims would never miss it. It stands on the grounds of the Sessorian Palace, the home of the Empress St. Helena, mother of Constantine. She dedicated her life to finding the true cross of Christ in Jerusalem, and desired to found a church in Rome for people who could not make the long and dangerous trip to the Holy Land. Eventually, it came to house relics of the cross. When the pope fled the city of Rome for Avignon, the religious institutions of Rome collapsed and the church was abandoned. Centuries later it was given into the care of monks. Amazingly, it concealed a forgotten treasure. In 1492 repairmen took down a brick wall and discovered a niche with the inscription “Title of the Cross,” and within, an ancient wooden tablet on which was carved the inscription dictated by Pilate for the cross of Christ in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. No one is certain that this is authentic, although its discovery was enough to give the church great prestige among pilgrims. The veneration of the relic of the cross located here was a factor in shaping our restored Holy Week. Very Rev. Anthony Dao, Pastor Rev. Jose Jaramillo, Parochial Vicar Rev. Johnny Dang Parochial Vicar Assistant Clergy: Rev. Anthony DiLeo, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John Wagner Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Don Webber Deacons: Dennis Malkowski Efren Ramirez Armando Servin Deacon Pat Necerato Pastoral Associate [email protected] Church Office Hours General Mass Schedule 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Day of the Week Mass Times Tel. 951-676-4403 Fax. 951-695-6659 Monday Through Friday 7:25 AM (English) Friday Daily Mass Anointing of the Sick Contact the Parish Office 41875 “C” Street, Temecula, CA 92592 Email: [email protected] Web: Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday 8:00 AM (English) 10:00 AM (English) 12:00 Noon (English) 2:00 PM (Spanish) 6:00 PM (English) Reconciliation Services 4th March, 7:40 AM—Reconciliation Service 8th March, 6:30 PM—Reconciliation Service 22nd March, 6:30 PM—Reconciliation Service 29th March, 6:30 PM—Reconciliation Service
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