From: Blessed Junipero Serra Parish 42121 N. 60th Street West 661-943-9314 Bulletin #913086 Rev. Leo Dechant, C.S.J. - Pastor Bulletin Editor: Joy Densford [email protected] To: J.S. Paluch, Co. For: October 19, 2014 42121 North 60th Street West Lancaster, CA 93536-3767 E-mail: [email protected] Website: TELEPHONE: (661) 943-9314 • FAX (661) 943-6863 Fr. Leo Dechant, D.Min.—Pastor Fr. Ernest Candelaria, Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, Fr. Giampietro Gasparin & Br. Jeyaraj William (All C.S.J.) Deacons Gary Poole, Paul Schwerdt, Rito Lopez Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, O.S.U.—Pastoral Associate Mission Statement Blessed Junipero Serra Parish is an evangelizing Catholic Faith Community committed to moving forward always in service to the Kingdom of God: attentive to the Word, to Sacrament, to Service and to Faith Formation. Modified Easter 2012 PARISH OFFICE HOURS SCHEDULE OF MASSES IN PARISH CHURCH: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 AM—4 PM Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM—8 PM Saturday 10 AM—2 PM Sundays - Closed Daily: Monday-Saturday 7:00 AM; M & F 7:30 PM Vigil Mass 5:00 PM (Saturday), Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 2:00 PM (Spanish) Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 PM PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB-SITE REGARDING THE MARRIAGE AND BAPTISM POLICIES St. Elizabeth Mission (SEM) 13845 Johnson Road Elizabeth Lake , CA 93532 ††† MASS: Sunday 10:00 AM Confessions Before and After Mass Sacrament of Penance (Confessions): Sat 3:30 PM—4:30 PM and by Appointment Special Devotions: Eucharistic Adoration—Monday at 6:30 PM• First Friday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Liturgy of the Hours before weekday Masses Divine Mercy Novena: After 7:00 AM Mass Daily Holy Rosary: Mondays during Adoration First Saturday before 7 AM Mass & 8:00 AM Ministry of the sick: Notify the office if someone is ill or confined at home as soon as they become ill. Prayer Group Meetings: Amazing Grace every Friday in Room 5 at 8 pm. Magnificat in Hall 1 at 10 AM on first Tuesday; Jesús, Fuente de Misericordia every Monday in Hall at 7:00 PM. Bible Sharing: Wed. 7:15 PM - 8 PM Rm 2, Jueves (en Español) 7:30-8:30 PM en Salón 2 ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Welcome New Parishioners! WESTSIDE ANIMAL HOSPITAL See advertisement on the back of this bulletin for details. If you have not yet registered, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please pick up a registration form from the information booth in the church vestibule and drop it into the collection basket or stop by the main office to register. BLESSED JUNIPERO SERRA PARISH–TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME—OCTOBER 19, 2014 A word about my dreams for early childhood care at Blessed Junípero Serra Parish seems in order as we are in the process of collecting funds to build. Mission Bell is licensed to Father Serra as a pre-school (3 year olds) and pre-Kindergarten (4-year olds) facility. Our license calls for an 8 to 1 pupil/teacher ratio. We have three adults in the room when we have a full compliment of 24 children. Our children who move on to Kindergarten from Mission Bell consistently thrive in the Kindergarten setting. Currently our space only allows offering the pre-school program on Tuesday and Thursday and the pre-Kindergarten on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. With more space, including more playground space, we could expand that for those children who would benefit from up to five days. The hot topic in recent years is the so-called “Transitional Kindergarten” program. The name comes from the fact that California has been “transitioning” the birth date for entry into Kindergarten downward a month every year. T-K is seen as the first of a two- year Kindergarten program for children with “later” birthdays, e.g., October and November. Please realize that your child will not enter first grade any earlier for having gone to T-K than if she had done a second year of preKindergarten or stayed at home. Since there will always be children entering Kindergarten who did not do the TK because they had an early enough birthday, the Kindergarten curriculum remains the same for both groups of children. The licensing for transitional Kindergarten has much laxer rules than Mission Bell. For example, there is no pupil/teacher ratio requirement for T-K. Although the Archdiocese has established a wonderful curriculum for transitional Kindergarten, it is amazingly close to our current Mission Bell curriculum. Of course we could continue to tweak our curriculum getting it even closer. It is my professional opinion (MA plus 42 semester hours in Ed. Admin.) that a second year at Mission Bell in our pre-Kindergarten program is definitely as good as, very likely better than, moving to a transitional Kindergarten instead. The forward looking part of my dream is that parents could drop off all their children early in the morning, we would bus the older ones to their day school, with special preference for St. Mary, Palmdale, and keep the younger ones at Mission Bell. After school they could be bussed back to Father Serra for after school care. Parents could have childcare for their children from 6:00 to 6:00, more or less. The idea comes from my sister’s former parish, St. Peter and St. Paul in Goldenrod, FL, which my nieces attended as youngsters. OOPS! We missed these anniversaries last week: Miguel & Tess Lopez (10), Bob & Lavonne Rivera (61) and Robert & Rosy Zuniga (35). Deepest apologies! FATHER SERRA PARISH DIRECTORY WORSHIP Liturgical Coordination: Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, OSU—ext. 104 Asistente de dirección de liturgia: Jose Romero — 818-429-6366 E. Ministers of Holy Communion — Bob Marshall — 547-5169 Communion to the sick/homebound — Michele Simpliciano — 722-5093 Lectors — Scott Watson — 943-9525 Hospitality — Tom Billeter —947-3398 Head Sacristan — Larry Flores —579-6907 Parish Director of Music — Sharon Rohaley — 816-4288 Assistant Director of Music—Nancy Schwerdt — 943-7273 Coordinador de Música en Español—Alfonso Alvarado—943-9314 Altar Servers — JoAnne Lacson — 267-2036, 400-1728 Email: [email protected] FAITH FORMATION Child Faith Formation/Teen Confirmation—943-5912 Hours - Monday through Thursday 1:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Fridays & Saturdays by appointment only Director —Philip Trejo—ext.110 Assistant— Cassandra Ortiz— ext. 101 Youth Ministry Coordinator —Cathy Moreno—ext. 111 Hours: Mon - Thurs 10 am - 4 pm or by appointment RCIA & BAPTISM PREPARATION Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, OSU—ext. 104 Secretary—Diana Murphy—ext. 109 RICA &PLATICAS POR EL BAUTISMO Marvin and Maria Julia Castillo - Coordinadores—661-618-1578 COORDINATOR OF HISPANIC MINISTRY/QUINCEAÑERAS Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, CSJ—ext.102 PRE-SCHOOL Director — Cheryl Espinosa — 802-6375 ADMINISTRATION Director of Administration—Joy Densford —ext.108 Accounting—Mary Centeno—ext.107 Finance Council Chairperson — Julie Kocina, [email protected] Receptionist—Frances Rini—ext. 100 Staff Emails: First initial/last [email protected] e.g. [email protected] Fr. Giampietro: 943-3255, ext. 118, [email protected] Bereavement Support Group- Leona Fenbers—943-9646 Child Safety—Vonnie Bennett, [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial—Vidal y Laura Zavala —273-7861 Engaged Encounter—Pat and Kay McNeil—718-3335 Marriage Encounter—Joe and Patty Dagata—943-8881 Retrouvaille (Troubled Marriages)—(800) 470-2230 Amazing Grace Prayer Group--Rose Sedillo--400-5658 Couples for Christ—Mr. Rudy Mamaril—886-0782 Marian Cenacle Community Prayer— Jessica Acoba—273-8041 Jesús, Fuente de Misericordia—Raul Zapata—206-5489 Magnificat Prayer Group—Rita Trabold—943-6402 K of C—Jacob Billeter, Grand Knight—626-241-4695 Business Meeting 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 PM Quilting Ministry—Maria Flores—579-6907 SAINT ELIZABETH DIRECTORY Community Council Chairperson Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Altar Society President Lu Bole - 661 270-9262 WORSHIP Liturgical Coordination—Br. Jeyaraj William, CSJ -661 943-9314 Altar Flowers—Mary Borjon-943-6032 & Joanne Melfi-724-0314 Altar Servers —Br. Jeyaraj William, CSJ -661 943-9314 E-Ms of Holy Communion—Soliman Villapando - 661 262-6090 Hospitality—Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Lectors—Soliman Villapando - 661 262-6090 Sacristan—Janet Donoho -661 724-2067 FROM THE OFFICE OF CHILD FAITH FORMATION AND TEEN CONFIRMATION Religious Education: Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Faith Sharing week! We were honored to have been a part of your domestic church. This week we will return to regular classes. We hope to see you for our next MultiGenerational Faith Sharing week. Confirmation: Thank you to all of our confirmation candidates and their families who joined the Crop Walk fundraiser last week. All of your efforts have gone to help fight hunger locally and around the world. St. Ursula cycle has begun! We are excited to meet our new first year group and welcome back our second year group! We are still taking Youth Day 2015 sign ups. If you are interested and have any questions, please call or stop by the office. Our office is open Monday-Thursday 1-7pm. Are you a Tweeter? Facebook junkie? Selfie royalty on Instragram? Then give us a follow and/or LIKE! Search for BJSP_Youth on Twitter and Instragram or search for Blessed Junipero Serra Faith Formation on Facebook. Stay up to date with us on all our happenings in ministry. MISSION BELL PRESCHOOL Alli, Bubba, Catina Cat, what do they have in common? They are our ever popular Zoo Phonics friends! Our Pre-K Class has begun our fun way of learning through this unique program. It involves the whole child! Even their eyes, ears, mouth, mind and body learn with: Endearing Animal (visual learning) Hand and body motions (kinesthetic learning) Sounds and songs (auditory learning) Letter shapes (visual learning) Games and activities (kinesthetic learning) We love Zoo Phonics! Sharing with friends. Walking and staying in a line. Sitting on mats at circle time. Saying good-bye to parents with happy hearts. What do these things have in common? These are skills our friends in the Preschool Class continue to work on! It has only been 8 weeks since MBPS began but strides are being made. Thank you for keeping all our angels in prayer! Blessings, Miss Cheryl ***YOUTH MINISTRY*** Life Teen (grades 9-12) – LIFE NIGHT TONIGHT! “Darkness” – This will be a very special evening, different from most other Life Nights. The message of Christ’s Passion and Death will be proclaimed during a beautiful Tenebrae service, in which you will have the opportunity to prayerfully reflect upon the seven last words of Christ, as you seek to understand why this was necessary for our salvation. Life Night is from 6-7:30 PM in the parish hall (doors open at 5:45 PM). Bring a friend or two to share in this experience. Edge (grades 6-8) – EDGE GATHERING TODAY! “Modest is Hottest” – Modesty is one of the fruits of the spirit and, as Catholic Christians, we are called to set an example of modesty in our language, our behavior, and our clothing. Join us as we talk about how we can do this with a spirit of joy! Edge Gathering is from 1:15 – 3:15 PM (following the 12 Noon Mass) in the parish hall and includes lunch. Parents – this gathering satisfies the Archdiocesan requirement for Safeguarding the Children. Inspiration LA at Six Flags (November 8) – Registration closes TODAY (must be turned in no later than tomorrow to the parish office)! Cost is $65 per person, including bus transportation to and from Fr. Serra – everyone who registers gets a FREE t-shirt courtesy of Knights of Columbus Council 10667! Limited tickets available – first come, first served! Bright blue registration packets are available in the vestibule after all Masses, and also in the parish office. They are also available on our youth ministry website at Fr. Leo’s Wednesday Catholicism 101 and Thursday Joy of the Gospel classes are cancelled this week. DID YOU KNOW? Know all the access routes to your children’s school in case of emergency. “Back-to-school does not have to mean backto-worrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.” Know travel routes to and from the school. Make sure you and your child know both primary and alternate routes. In an emergency, roads can be blocked and it's important to have a backup plan. For more information, please visit- http:// Quilt Ministry—The winner of the quilt drawing is Kenny Saylor, winning ticket # 414795!! Thank you all for supporting the Father Serra Parish Quilt Ministry. Your attendance is requested at the Christmas Family Tea hosted by Father Serra Parish and the Women of Grace on Saturday, December 6, 2014 to benefit the Women’s Clinic of Antelope Valley. The table viewing is at 6:00 p.m. and the tea will begin at 6:30 p.m. To host or purchase tickets, please contact Diana Sipes at (661) 7225409. To donate raffle and/or auction items, please contact Janet Berard at (661) 206-8276 or Pat Doolittle at (661) 943-8570. Thank you! Parenting Class Introduction—The BJSP Safeguard the Children Committee has cancelled this offering for the time being. Stay tuned! READINGS FOR THE WEEK OCTOBER 19 Mon: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tues: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wed: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thurs: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Fri: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Sat: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sun: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 MASSES SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM SEM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM SP MONDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM TUESDAY, 7:00 AM 10:00 AM MFG WEDNESDAY, 7:00 AM THURSDAY, 7:00 AM FRIDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM SEM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM SP 18 October St. Luke, Evangelist Holy Souls in Purgatory People of the Parish 19 October 29th Sunday Ordinary Time †Luciano & †Concetta Lorenzo Rameses Tano-An †Ambrose & †Catherine Thome †Inamana Correa Zaragosa †Evangelina Garcia 20 October Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest †Virginia Gonzalez Faith Formation Catechists 21 October Nicholas Calzado Sarah Marquez 22 October Saint John Paul II, Pope †Bernardo Nierras 23 October †Kathleen Murray 24 October †Santuzza Seta Mike & Elaine McShea 25 October †Jack Thorpe †Tottie Wilhelm 26 October 30th Sunday Ordinary Time People of the Parish †Lawrence Giampietro Altar Society †Anthony Sposito †Marina Lozano RECENT DEATHS — Please pray for the repose of the soul of Carina Medina. First Friday exposition of the Blessed Sacrament can only continue if we have someone in the chapel at all times. Sign up in the binder on the table in the vestibule of the church. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY SUPPORT GROUP—Have you recently experienced the loss of someone you loved, perhaps even in the past few years, and are having difficulty dealing with the pain? If so, then the Bereavement Support Group may be what you are looking for. Come and be comforted...If you are in need of consolation after losing a loved one, this Christcentered Faith sharing group is for you. We meet the second and fourth Thursday of every month in Fr. Leo’s office. Prayer, scripture, faith sharing, and fellowship begin at 7:30 pm. For more information: please visit our Website at http:// or call Leona Fenbers at 943-9646. Mike Aranda, Charles Aubrie, Emmanuel Audencial, Warde Bajakjian, Maria Barber, Peter Barraza, Paul Bozigian, Wayne Burton, Tito Collantes, Dr. Edwin Corpuz, Pat Defusco, Jean DeLaVara, Isidro DeLeon, Bonny Fenton, Marie Fernando, Alma Fujiwara, Mario Galvan, Mary L. Glover, Claudio Gormaz, Mercy Gonzales, Patrick Guzman, Joan Hailey-White, Michael Hailey, Vikki Hailey, Lily Honeycutt, Dan Hodgens, Jeanette Jakubison, Sonny Huerta, Hala Kessler, Betty Knolls, Hope Lariosa, Susanne Lydon, Liz Marcinko, Herb & Jo Meister, Agustina Mendoza, Michelle Moklebust, Betty Nolls, Ryan Noonan, Boez Norwood, Samantha Orozco, Josephine Padilla, Rosie Porn, Carleen Pixley, Wilfredo Repuyan, Rosa Elida Castillo-Rodriquez, Syndi Sabo, Kristian Salazar, Joyce Sargent, Jennifer Schlientz, Lynne Skinner, Roberto Sosa, Mary M. Tapia, Juan Ubillus, Manuel Villegas, Grace Watson, Glen Williams, David Wilson. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE—Are you someone or do you know someone who: Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was never baptized? Was baptized in another Christian denomination? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. We welcome you to participate in the process RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of adults). *We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the HALL. Are you someone or do you know someone who: Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation & Eucharist? **We meet EVERY 2nd & 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm (Place TBA). Any questions, please contact Sister Marie Ellen. Saint Elizabeth Mission Altar Society Calendar October 26th —-Mass for Altar Society Members. No Bake Sale! ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER NOVEMBER 9!! BE PART OF SOMETHING— JOIN THE SPECIAL EVENTS EXECUTIVE BOARD… The Special Events Committee is responsible for all the social events here at BJSP. Programs like the Luau, The Gala, The International Food Festival, and the Wine Tasting just to name a few. A new Executive Board is forming to oversee the creation of all the events. Have fun, meet and make new friends, and help the parish all at the same time! Please come to an information meeting on Wednesday, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:30 in classroom #1. Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, is hosting its Quarterly Prayer Breakfast at the Hellenic Center, 43404 30th St. West, Lancaster, Saturday November 15 from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. We will have the privilege of hearing Kathleen Beckman’s testimony. Kathleen is an author, radio host and retreat director who frequently speaks in the US and abroad. Your check for $26.00, payable to Antelope Valley Magnificat, will confirm your reservation. Mail checks to Anne Trabold, 1767 West Ave H-5, Lancaster, CA 93534, postmarked by November 7th. To receive a flyer, or for other information, please call Rita at 661-943-6402. Religious Art from the Holy Land will be sold after all Masses on October 25th and 26th. Please consider supporting Christian families living in the Holy Land by purchasing one of these handmade items! Great gift items! Paraclete High School's annual canned food drive, benefiting the St. Vincent de Paul Society will take place at our home football game at 7pm on October 31, 2014. A donation of 5 cans is worth one free admission. Please, come and cheer on Spirits football while helping St. Vincent de Paul! Paraclete will also be collecting donations throughout the week of October 27 for those who wish to donate, but cannot attend the game. Thank you for all your support. El Grupo de Oración Jesús Fuente de Misericordia All are welcome to attend our Growing in Faith Retreat on Saturday, 8 November 2014. We begin at 7:00am and end at 7:00pm. We hope to see you there! Saturday 22 and Sunday, November 23 we will be selling food after all Masses in the parish hall to raise funds to continue host more retreats and other events. Thank you for your support, brothers! KNIGHTLY NEWS Events and happenings sponsored and/or supported by the Knights of Columbus, St. Murialdo Council 10667. 40 Days for Life – September 24 to November 2. The Council will collect donations for the 27th Annual Intellectual Disabilities Drive, aka “Tootsie Roll Drive” at local grocery stores the weekend of Oct. 18-19. All donations go to the Columbian Foundation and over 90% of what we collect is returned and donated to Desert Haven Enterprises in Lancaster. Trunk or Treat for Parish Children– Saturday, October 25, at 6:00PM For the benefit of the Parish Children, the Knights of Columbus decorate the trunks of their cars and park them in the Church Parking Lot so that Parish Children in Costume can go “trick or treat.” 2nd Annual Oktoberfest – Saturday, October 25 starts at 6:30PM in the Church Hall. Adult admission is $15.00 and includes a Beer Stein, Bratwurst, side dish, dessert, and one beer or wine. Children 8 to 17 – admission is $7.50 and Children under 8 are Free. Separate tickets available for the Grand Prize drawing for a Sharp 48” HD LED TV for only $5.00 (3 for $10.00). Drawing at 9:00 PM and winner must be present to win. PARACLETE HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Welcome Class of 2019! Paraclete High School is hosting our annual Open House Saturday, November 15th at 1:00pm!! 42145 30th Street West Lancaster Ca 93536 Register for the Open House at or call 661 943 3255 ext. 155 for more information. INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL November 15, 2014…Showcase your cooking talents and share your favorite dish with your friends. We will be holding our 3rd Annual International Food Festival on November 15, 2014. Make a dish of your favorite family meal, from your home country, or your nationality etc. and share it after Mass on Saturday November 15, 2014. You cook for your family, perhaps you could share your talent and cook for your parish family. All cooks must fill out a Food Festival Participation Form. The forms are in the church lobby, the information stand, or at the Parish office. All cooks MUST attend a meeting on Nov. 4 at 7:30 in Classroom 1. All participating cooks must be present to serve their food at the festival—no food may be dropped off. Admission for Individuals (not cooking) is $10 for Adults, $5 for Children 6-12 years old, and Children under 5 attend free. Mark your calendar and buy your tickets! Una palabra acerca de mis sueños para el cuidado de la primera infancia en la Parroquia de Blessed Junípero Serra parece en orden, como estamos en el proceso de recolección de fondos para construir. Mission Bell tiene licencia para las instalaciones en Father Serra como un pre-escolar (3 años) y pre-jardín de la infancia (niños de 4 años). Nuestra licencia exige una ración de 8 a 1 alumno / professor. Tenemos tres adultos en la habitación cuando tenemos un complemento completo de 24 niños. Nuestros hijos que se mudan a Kindergarten de Mission Bell prosperan consistente en el ajuste Kindergarten. Actualmente nuestro espacio sólo permite ofrecer el programa pre-escolar el martes y el jueves y el pre -Kindergarten los lunes, miércoles y viernes. Con más espacio, incluyendo más espacio del patio, podríamos ampliar que para aquellos niños que benefician de un máximo de cinco días. El tema candente en los últimos años es el programa llamado "Kinder de Transición". El nombre viene del hecho de que California ha estado "transicionando" la fecha de nacimiento de la entrada de la guardería y bajandola por un mes todos los años. El programa de conocimientos tradicionales es visto como el primero de un programa de Kindergarten de dos años para los niños con los cumpleaños "más adelante", por ejemplo, octubre y noviembre. Por favor, de cuenta que su hijo no va a entrar a primer grado anteriormente por haber ido a los conocimientos tradicionales que si hubiera hecho un segundo año de pre-kindergarten. Aunque se llama el primer año de un programa de dos años, el plan de estudios de Kindergarten sigue siendo el mismo para los niños. La concesión de licencias para el Kindergarten de transición tiene reglas más laxas mucho que la concesión de licencias para el pre-escolar y pre-kinder. Por ejemplo, no hay ningun requisito en relación a el alumno / profesor para los conocimientos tradicionales, ya que es para pre-K. Aunque la Arquidiócesis ha establecido un plan de estudios maravilloso para Kindergarten de transición, es increíblemente cerca de nuestro plan actual de estudios de Mission Bell. Es mi opinión profesional que un segundo año en Mission Bell en nuestro programa de prejardín de la infancia es sin duda tan bueno como, muy probablemente mejor que, moviéndose a un kindergarten de transición en su lugar. La parte progresista de mi sueño es que los padres puedan dejar a todos sus hijos por la mañana temprano, tendríamos un autobús para llevar a los mayores a su escuela de día, con especial preferencia por Santa María, Palmdale, y mantener a los más jóvenes en Mission Bell . Después de la escuela podrían ser transportados en autobús de regreso a Father Serra. Los padres podrían tener servicios de guardería para sus hijos 06:00 am 06:00 pm, más o menos. La idea viene de parroquia anterior de mi hermana, St. Peter y St. Paul en Goldenrod, FL, que mis sobrinas asistieron como jóvenes. Officina de Formación en la Fe Niños - Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron durante nuestra semana de compartimiento de la fe! Tuvimos el honor de haber sido parte de su Iglesia doméstica. Esta semana vamos a regresar a clases regulares. Esperamos verlos en nuestro próximo MultiGeneracional semanas de compartimento de la fe. Confirmación - Gracias a todos nuestros candidatos de confirmación y sus familias que se unieron a la recaudación de fondos Crop Walk la semana pasada. Todos sus esfuerzos han ido a ayudar a combatir el hambre a nivel local y en todo el mundo. Ciclo de Santa Ursula ha comenzado! Estamos muy contentos de conocer a nuestro nuevo grupo de primer año y darles la bienvenida a nuestro grupo de segundo año! Todavía estamos tomando inscripciones para el Día de la Juventud 2015. Si usted está interesado y tiene alguna pregunta, favor de llamar o pasar por la oficina. Nuestra oficina está abierta de lunes a jueves 1-7pm. ¿Eres un Tweeter? Siempre en el Facebook? Rey o reyna de Selfie en Instragram? Entonces signos o de un LIKE! Busque BJSP_Youth en Twitter y Instragram o buscar Blessed Junipero Serra Faith Formation en Facebook. Manténgase al día con nosotros en todos nuestros acontecimientos en el ministerio. RICA—Dios sigue llamando a su pueblo...Si tu eres una persona adulta y no has recibido ninguno de los Sacramentos de Iniciación, Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación te notificamos que las reuniones son cada 2 el jueves, julio 10 a las 7:15 pm a 9 pm. Te esperamos! Para mas información contacte a Marvin o Julia al 661618-1578 o 661-618-4701. FESTIVAL DE COMIDA INTERNACIONAL El 15 de Noviembre de 2014... Muestre su talento culinario y comparta su plato favorito con sus amigos. Vamos a celebrar nuestro tercer Festival Internacional de la Alimentación anual el 15 de Noviembre de 2014. Haga un platillo de la comida favorita de la familia, de su país de origen, o su nacionalidad, etc. y la compartimos después de la misa el sábado 15 de Noviembre de 2014. Puede cocinar para su familia, tal vez usted podría compartir su talento y cocinar para su familia parroquial. Todos los cocineros tienen que llenar un formulario de participación. Los formularios se encuentran en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en la oficina. Todos los cocineros tienen que asistir a una reunión el 4 de Noviembre de 2014 a las 7:30 en el salón numero 1. Ningún alimento puede ser dejado. Todos los participantes deben estar presentes para servir su comida. Admisión vale $10 para adultos, $5 para niños de 6-12 años, los niños menores de 5 años gratis. Marque su calendario y compre sus entradas! ¡Ven a Aprender Inglés Hablado Todos los Días! Cada martes 7:30 pm--8:30 pm. Para información: English, Rose Sedillo (661) 400-5658; Español, Claudia Perez (661) 547-4792 El Grupo de Oración Jesús Fuente de Misericordia les hace una invitación a todos! Todos son bienvenidos a vivir nuestro gran Retiro de Crecimientos el día Sábado 8 de Noviembre 2014. Empieza a las 7:00 de la mañana y terminara a las 7:00 de la noche. Los esperamos!! Sábado 22 y Domingo 23 de Noviembre habrá venta de comida después de todas las misas en el salón de nuestra parroquia para recaudar fondos y poder continuar a hacer retiros y otros eventos mas. Gracias por su colaboración hermanos!
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