Today one sees in California many things named for a man no longer well known by most residents. So a quick review is in order to understand why Franciscan Father Junipero Serra, born 300 years ago Nov. 24, was once known as California’s “first pioneer.” 9. WHEN THE COMMANDANT CALLED A HALT TO MORE MISSIONS, SERRA FLED TO MEXICO. The commandant did not want more missions to take away his soldiers and supplies. Serra had to alert the viceroy in Mexico City but the army carried the mail. So what to do? His chance came in October 1772 when he connived to be smuggled aboard a supply ship returning to Mexico. 10. ON HIS FLIGHT TO MEXICO CITY, SERRA BROUGHT ALONG A CARMEL INDIAN BOY. Known as Juan Evangelista Jose, this young “Californian” made a hit in Mexico City and had much to tell his tribal people when he returned to Carmel. He assured them that there really was a world where all the people wore clothes, and that the Spaniards had women and were not born from horses. 11. IN THE EARLY DAYS, COMFORTS AT THE MISSIONS WERE FEW. Much anticipated was the annual arrival of the chocolate supply. In the museum of Carmel Mission are implements used to make hot chocolate in Serra’s time. Serra wrote home about the friars’ delight at this wonderful drink giving serious meaning to the quip, “Things are getting difficult; please send chocolate.” 12. WINE WAS NEEDED FOR OFFERING THE DIVINE LITURGY BUT SERRA WROTE HOME THAT CASKS SENT FROM MEXICO BY MULE TRAIN HAD A WAY OF ARRIVING EMPTY. Sure, it was because of evaporation along the way! Consequently, there was a holy haste (quite literally) to begin viticulture in New California. 13. SERRA HAD MANY FRIENDS AMONG THE SOLDIERS IN CALIFORNIA WHEN THEY WERE GOOD MEN. Serra commended to the viceroy soldiers who behaved well toward the natives, and exposed the policy of posting sociopaths to frontier posts when they wore out their welcome elsewhere. 14. WHEN A FRIAR WAS KILLED AT SAN DIEGO IN 1775, SERRA OBTAINED PARDONS FOR THE KILLERS. He argued that a punitive response by the army would result in “the soldiers staying behind their presidio walls and the Indians staying in their paganism.” He asked as well for a pardon in advance made out to, “the killers of Friar Serra.” 15. AN INDIAN NAMED CARLOS ELUDED CAPTURE FOR THE MURDER BY SNEAKING INTO THE POST CHAPEL AND CLAIMING SANCTUARY. Strange as it may seem, the friars granted it to him. When Commandant Rivera violated sanctuary to arrest Carlos, Serra excommunicated the commandant. Rivera appealed to Mexico - and lost! He had to let Carlos go for the excommunication to be reversed. (Catholic San Francisco, NOVEMBER 22. 2013 - To be continued) KEEP THE PARISH DATABASE CURRENT - UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS, EMAIL, ETC. Please use your pink envelopes for your donations LUKE 15:11-32 1 CORINTHIANS 6:12-20 TONE 1 St. John of the Desert Calendar Monday, February 2 7:00 pm Saturday, February 7 8:00 am 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday, February 8 9:00 am 10:20 am 10:30 am Divine Liturgy for the Encounter of our Lord Saturday of the Dead (Divine Liturgy and Memorial) Reclaiming the Church in our Homes & Lives (Conference via live broadcast and lunch) Children Education Doxology Divine Liturgy Followed by Social Hour June Nash, (+) Fuad Ganem, (+) Eid & Omer Rabadi PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Linn Hume, Pauline Hamra, Wayne Crosby, Nelly Stephan, John Dran, Laura Lee Eskaros, Mary Berg, Elham Aldridge, Mary Hannouch, Fadia Loegering, Munther Hattar, George Haddad, Dr. Farouk Habra, Alan Herro, Monk Brendan, Brother Jerome Leo, OSB, Adel Horan, Marianne Krouchian, Daniel Bolinaga, Maryann Weirick, June Nash. Today’s Intentions • • • • • • • • • For the Health and Salvation of Fadia Loegering by Wael & Fadia Ishak For the Health and Salvation of June Nash by Paul & Shirley Davis For the Health and Salvation of Rev. Fr. Philaret Littlefield For the Health and Salvation of Nazira Kaloush For the Health and Salvation of Rev. Dcn. Andrew Baroody on the occasion of his ordination For the Repose of the Soul of Fuad Ganem by Barbara Fitzmaurice For the Repose of the Soul of Richard Murphy by Kh. Simone For the Repose of the Soul of Allan Scott Corbett by Barbara Ahlstrand For the Repose of the Soul of Eric Rimmer by Dcn. Marion & Joyce Rimmer & Family (Memorial) • • • Ladies Guild Corner Reminder to Parents to accompany children to the buffet tables during coffee hour Everyone is asked to pick up after him/herself and their children in the social hall Reminder to contribute a minimum of $2.00 per family to the social hour buffet As you all know, the Fund Raising Dinner of January 24th was a HUGE SUCCESS. It was very well attended and everyone had a great time. I would like to present to the Ladies Guild, who under the leadership of Amal Abyad and the “extra hard” working Ladies who made it so successful, a big THANK YOU! I would also like to thank those who donated the various raffle gifts, auction items and food items; and especially those who helped solliciting them from our donors; those who worked in setting up and cleaning after the event; and, a special thank you to the cooks, The food was so delicious! I know you all pulled together and worked hard. Although the event was very beneficial, your working together in cooperation and harmony reflected the Love of God to all those who attended. May God bless you and your families for all the work you do for our Parish! Annual Children’s Retreat “Heroes of the Past” Saturday, February 28th 9:30am to 1:00pm REGISTRATION DEADLINE: FEB. 15th We need to return to financial stewardship, or God’s plan of giving. We call this plan tithing. ... As soon as possible we need to ... Learn to put God first. He is our hope and trust. ... without it (tithing) we are heading towards financial and spiritual bankruptcy. (Bishop Nicholas) Necessary Weekly offering $ 1,850.00 01-25-2015 Father Serra was truly California’s ‘first pioneer’ by Brother Lawrence Scrivani, SM Do not forget the hungry! Rev. Peter Boutros - Pastor [email protected] Melkite Catholic Church Rev. Deacon Marion Rimmer (480)-275-4143 3718 E. Greenway Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85032 Rev. Deacon Zyad Abyad (623) 297-2958 Phone: (602) 787-4787 Fax: (602) 795-4752 [email protected] Emergency: (602) 284-0040 [email protected] Kh. Simone - [email protected] Jocelyn Abyad - [email protected] Amal Abyad - [email protected] Loretta Curfman (602) 363-GIFT / Gifts@stjohnofthedesert,com (Collection Basket in the Narthex) St. John Of the Desert Please bring Peanut butter, Soups, Jelly, breakfast cereals (not the ones with lots of sugar, please), Canned meats and vegetables, disposable diapers & detergent, etc. Put your donations in the Narthex. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SUNDAY OF THE PRODIGAL SON Attendance: 85 Souls - Number of envelopes Mailed: 78 - Number of Envelopes Returned: 13 Tithing: 728.00 - Bulletin Ads: 0.00 - Building Fund: 0.00 - Candles: 0.00 Coffee Collection: 29.00 - Stole Offerings: 455.00 - Memorial Donations: 200.00 - Marked Fund: 30.00 Thanks for your gift of thanksgiving to the Lord!
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