St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Serving the Community for 130 Years March 15, 2015—4th Sunday of Lent 251 Franklin St., Hightstown, NJ 08520 "Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy." -- Pope Francis 2 MONDAY 9:00 am 7:30 pm TUESDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am WEDNESDAY 9:00 am THURSDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am FRIDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am SATURDAY 4:30 pm SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 4:00 pm March 16 Mary & James Mahoney Mass in Spanish March 17 Communion Service Jessica Jumamil March 18 John Paul Geijer March 19 Communion Service Joseph Giraldi March 20 Fr. Bob Schulze Thomas Arena March 21 Kathryn Szczepanik March 22 Rita Gogel Irene C. Borek For all the departed souls For all living & deceased parish members James Nicoletti March Pilgrim Cross Schedule: Sunday 12:00pm Mass Rev. Patrick J. McDonnell, Pastor, ext. 18 Office Phone: 609-448-0141 ■ Fax: 609-448-8878 Assisting Priests and Deacons who are not assigned to our Parish, but who come here to help us: Msgr. Hugh Ronan, Father Lee Inverso, Father Tony Ramos, Latino Ministry: Father Miguel Valle Deacon: Tom Garvey, Asst. Deacon: Michael Scannella Asst. Deacon Andy Fatovic For emergencies only x30 Assistant to the Pastor: Sheila Conway x25 Nutritional Counseling Bulletin Editor/Admin. Assistant: Deb Napolitano x11 [email protected] Trustees: Tony Humphreys, George Rodriquez Helping Hands Coordinator: Judy Abramovitz 609 443-3573 Music Ministries Director: Quentin Marty Ph.D. 609 448-3944 Contemporary Choir: Catherine Doyle 609 448-6120 Director of Operations: Guy Conway x23 [email protected] Parish Accountant : Henry Kazin x10 [email protected] Religious Education: Aileen O’Brien x21 [email protected] Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant/Liaison Latino Community: Ximena Bustamante x29 Sacrament Secretary: Deacon Michael Scannella x28 [email protected] Building & Grounds: Eddie Dunn and Assistant Nick Sebasto x31 Youth Ministry: Liz Guzhnay x12 Parish Office Hours: Mon- Thursd day — 9AM—4PM Friday 8AM - 3PM Visit our website www.stanthony– Wheelchair Accessible SCRIPTURE READINGS—Week of March 15 Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:4354 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:4151a Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] George Rodriquez Newly Appointed Parish Trustee We are happy to welcome George Rodriquez as our new trustee. George and his wife, Sarita, have three children. A parish trustee is responsible for working with the pastor to ensure that parochial procedures are in accord with diocesan guidelines. Trustees also approve the annual financial report. St. Anthony’s is grateful to George for accepting the role. George fills the vacancy left by the late Kathy Dey who served as trustee with an energy and dedication of the highest level. Kathy is greatly missed. Andrew Misnick, Josua Estenes, Rose Powell, Alexandra Vreeland, Patricia Miccio, Ken Udovic, Frank & Joan Walsh, Marie Cacuzzo, Lauren Conway, Christopher Prefer, Richard Mastriano, Henry Lloyd, Carl Rubino, Domonique DeStefano, Mary Wall, Agnes Medican, and Nancy Aiello. Names appear for four weeks. 448-0141 x11 or Jennie Rubino 609 490 –0473 for additional prayers. Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday: 4:30 pm; Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 am; 4:00 pm, 12:00 noon (Español) Daily Masses: Monday, 7:30 pm (Español) Monday-Friday 9:00 am Consult Bulletin for any special 6:45 am services Novena to St. Anthony of Padua Tuesdays following the 9 am Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesdays following the 9 am Mass Adoration of Blessed Sacrament st 1 Fridays – after 9:00 am Mass to 7:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm, Reconciliation Room 3 4th Sunday of Lent Lent: More Than Penance by Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk To think of Lent only as a time of penance is to do it an injustice. While the traditional practice of "doing something" for Lent is praiseworthy, there is much more to this wonderful season than just additional practices of piety or acts of penance and mortification. In Lent the Church calls us to metanoia. As a former Greek teacher, I take delight in pointing out that the word metanoia connotes a change of mind and heart, altering one's mind-set toward whole new ways of thinking and acting. This involves taking a look at where we are and trying to see where we ought to be. It involves testing our values and discerning how they stack up against the values that Jesus offers his followers. Fortunately, metanoia is not something we have to do all by ourselves. God's word gives us a lot of help in the process, as does the example of our brothers and sisters in the Lord who are engaged, during these weeks, in the same exercise. Lent is also the season of final preparation for those who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil. The Church invites its members to pray for these catechumens, but also to renew their own commitment to the life that began in them when they were baptized and so became members of God's people. Source: Stations of the Cross-St. Anthony of Padua Fridays in Lent at 7:00 pm March 20 – Life Teens & EDGE March 27 – Knights of Columbus April 3 – Good Friday Services - Easter Schedule will be published in a later bulletin Sanctuary Lamp… in Memory of Mary & James Mahoney, requested by Clare O’Such First Reading: II Chronicles 36:14-6, 19-23 Inattention to God’s prophets will not only bring about seventy years of exile but also captivity for the nation. Second Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10 God raises us up along with Christ because of His great mercy, which is His great gift to us. Gospel: John 3:14-21 The author interrupts his story of Nicodemus’ nighttime meeting with Jesus to offer a discourse of Jesus on the sending of the Son by the Father to bring both light and life into the world. Spiritual Adoption—Week 9 I have begun to move! Mommy can’t feel me moving yet, but I am wriggling, shifting and dancing. Most of my joints are formed now, and I am practicing how to bend and flex. My fingerprints are evident on my skin, and I can curve my fingers around my toes, ears and nose! Thank you for praying for me! Religious Education Director: Aileen Mary O’Brien 609-448-0141 x21 [email protected] Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant/ Liaison Latino Community: Ximena Bustamante 609-448-0141x29 [email protected] Office hours: 9-3 PM Monday – Friday We are closed Sat. and Sun. Director’s Corner “Understand this well. There is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations and it is up to each one of you to discover it.” St. Josemaria Escriva In today’s Gospel, (John 3:14-21), we have an Old Testament reference about when Moses raised a pole with a bronze serpent on it. Poisonous serpents were a punishment from God at the time. All the Israelites who looked upon the serpent on the pole were saved from death. Jesus compares this to his being raised up at the time of his crucifixion. To reject this savior, who was raised up for us, is to choose spiritual darkness and death and reject the light of faith. This will be a reoccurring theme in the Gospel of John, light and dark, salvation versus spiritual punishment. Religious Education News: Parish Religious Education registration begins on April 1st. If you register your child before June 30 you will receive a $10 discount. Registrations completed after Sept. 5 maybe subject to a late fee. One child costs $110. If anyone would like to sponsor a child, please call the Religious Education Office. Registrations will be taken Monday through Friday from 9-3 PM in the Religious Education Office. Free Tax Preparation @ The Library! Twin Rivers Library, 276 Abbington Drive, East Windsor Friday, March 27th, 9:30 - 2:30 Registration Requested, but walk-ins will be accommodated, if time permits. Se Habla Español. Undocumented people are welcome. Call for more reservations and information. 609-443-1880 Discover if you belong in the monastic community at St. Mary’s Abbey Single Roman Catholic men between 18 & 40 are invited to attend a Vocation Retreat April 2-4 or 5 to experience the life of a Benedictine Monk. Go to [email protected] or contact Rt. Rev. Giles Hayes 973 538-3231 x3060 Ask a Lawyer Free legal consultations for ALL interested people Immigration & General Legal Questions Wed. March 25 7:00-8:30pm Princeton Public Library Information:(609) 924-9529 ext. 220 4 Social Justice Corner - March 15, 2015 How could we sing a song of the Lord in a foreign land? Psalm 137:4 Throughout history families have been forced to leave their land. Sometimes, like the Israelites and African slaves, they were captured and brought to a new land. Sometimes, like today's Syrians they flee bullets and bombs. Or, as in the case of our neighbors to the south, they flee violence and poverty. No matter the reason, it is difficult to feel joy when forced to leave your home. “Good and gracious God... Show mercy to those who travel in danger, and lead them to a place of safety and peace. Comfort those who are alone and afraid because their families have been torn apart by violence and injustice. “Open our hearts so that we may provide hospitality for all who come in search of refuge. Give us the courage to welcome every stranger as Christ in our midst.” National Migration Week Resources, Justice for Immigrants Campaign “I would also like to draw attention to the tens of thousands of children who migrate alone, unaccompanied, to escape poverty and violence...They are increasing day by day. This humanitarian emergency requires, as a first urgent measure, these children be welcomed and protected.” “Today and always, the poor are the privileged recipients of the Gospel, and the fact that it is freely preached to them is a sign of the kingdom that Jesus came to establish. We have stated, without mincing words, that there is an inseparable bond between our faith and the poor. May we never abandon them.” Pope Francis Please continue to fill your Lenten Rice Bowls so that we, in a small way, may help Catholic Relief Services relieve suffering of the poor around the world. Lenore Isleib [email protected] Social Justice Committee Here’s to Your Health with Sheila Conway (Consult your Physician before making any changes to your exercise or diet regimen.) 4 Healthy Breakfast Mistakes You Might Make This Morning Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but these slip-ups could make your breakfast less healthy than you think. You eat something different every day. According to a recent British study, people with the most day-today variation in the calorie count of their morning meal were 90 percent more likely to have a large waist, a heart disease risk factor. Your meal is too skimpy. Diabetes patients who ate a large, nutritious breakfast for three months had a reduction in blood sugar and blood pressure three times greater than that of people who ate a smaller meal, according to a 2013 Israeli study. Breakfasts high in protein may lower levels of ghrelin, the “hunger hormone.” You eat cereal with small flakes. Pennsylvania State University researchers crushed a wheat flake cereal to 80 percent, 60 percent, and 40 percent of the original size. As flake size decreased (the cereal looked more crushed), participants poured themselves a lower volume of cereal but still consumed more calories compared with a bowl containing bigger flakes. You opt for butter over peanut butter. Overweight women who added peanuts or peanut butter to a breakfast of OJ and Cream of Wheat reported feeling fuller for up to 12 hours afterward, found a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. Nuts increased levels of ͒ peptide YY, a hormone that helps you feel full after meals. Source: Pilgrimage Trip to Philadelphia The Filipino community of St. Anthony of Padua Parish invites you to its 8th pilgrimage trip to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and the Shrine of St. Rita de Cascia in Philadelphia on Saturday, May 2, 2015. For more details please contact Bart or Angie Cruz 609 448-2511, 609 933-4321 or 609 937-6357. Proceeds will benefit mission work and support the needs of our parish. Notre Dame Class of 2019 Notre Dame students learn to apply lessons of faith, leadership and learning to the big tests of life. Apply now for fall admission to the Class of ‘19 Admissions Test, March 20 at 8am For additional information, please contact the admissions office at 609 882-7900 x139 Collection Schedule Collections: First Second 3/15 Weekly Catholic Relief Services 3/22 Weekly Catholic Schools 3/29 Weekly Monthly Offering 4/3 Holy Land/Good Friday 4/5 Weekly Capital Campaign 5 Building Fund/Capital Campaign Fund MINISTRIES A big THANK YOU to all those who continue to support our monthly Building/Capital Campaign Fund by making their generous donations. We continue to pay our monthly mortgage payments of $8,446.86 and now have only 6 more payments to make totaling $50,681.16 that will be paid off in August of 2015. With the last payment, we look forward to celebrating the retirement of our mortgage! Along with these important loan payments we continue to provide the proper maintenance and repairs required to keep our buildings and grounds in pristine condition, all the while paying very close attention to costs. We are proud to say that our maintenance costs have been reduced substantially this year over the previous several. Over and above the day to day maintenance and repairs there still are plans for several projects that will require substantial investments. As noted previously, the parking lot and concrete walks are a concern and will need to be addressed, along with our sound and computer system and backup power. Once the mortgage is paid off it will free up funds that will enable us to make these necessary improvements, which is why your continued support of the Building/ Capital Campaign Fund is so important. In the meantime we will continue our current maintenance program to keep the building and grounds safe and in the best condition. Anthonian Seniors: St. Anthony of Padua Parishioners 50 years and older are welcome to join our Senior Club. Please call Angie Cruz 609–448–2511, or come to a meeting. The Mass Offering Total for March 8: $13,124. Your donations are important; they help Saint Anthony of Padua continue the good work in the parish and the community. Please remember the Parish in your Wills and in your Estate Planning. Catholic Annual Appeal Each year at this time, we reach out to you and ask you to partner with us through the Annual Catholic Appeal. A gift to the annual appeal helps fund the vital ministries, programs and services of 109 parishes within the diocese. Your generous contribution helps support youth and family ministries, catholic education, vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and the charitable works of our extended diocesan family. You will find pledge cards and envelopes in the church foyer for use in making your gift. We sincerely thank you for your past and future generosity. We can be proud of our catholic faith and together our gifts can help further the vital work of our church. St. Anthony’s Annual Parish Lenten Retreat “I Believe, Help Me in My Un-belief” Saturday, March 21, 8:45 am – 3:00 pm Community Room in the Church To Register - Call 443-5699 Or e-mail [email protected] Lunch is included—Free Will Donation Please come - All are Welcome! Presenters: Dr. Eric Jaszewski, Robert Dunne – Noted Author Deacon Michael Lee Foster Gloria Lynch, CLEM Deacon Tom Garvey _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bereavement Ministry: We meet and talk to people in our parish who have experienced losses; we help you find peace of mind and soul. Please contact the parish office 609-448-0141 x25 or Deacon Mike Scannella x28. Let God begin his work with and in you. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Helping Hands: Diligent volunteers provide a variety of help for people in the community. Contact: Judy Abramovitz 609 4433573 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ King’s Kids is a Children's Liturgy of the Word program held monthly at the 9 and 10:30 Masses. For information, contact Joanne and John Tyne. [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Knights of Columbus Hightstown We welcome any interested men of the parish. To learn more please call Rob Walsh 609 509-1718. We are looking to provide more support to the parish . _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Music Ministries - Get involved and share your love of music! See Quentin Marty after Mass or 609-448-3944; Contemporary Choir Cathy Doyle 609-448-6120,and Spanish Choir: Nelson Rivera at 609-443-9683 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Shawl Ministry - Prayer shawls are available at no charge to ill parishioners, their families or friends. To request a prayer shawl call Rosemarie Farkas 448-6971 or Rosalie Danek 448-8431. We accept monetary donations. Volunteers are very much needed! Lessons are available. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Respect Life Ministry. - The group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information, please call Tony Humphreys 609-448-8229. Pregnant? - Need Help? Birthright is here to help - 49 East Main Street, Freehold NJ 07728; 732462-2888. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RCIA Ministry - If you are 16 years and over and would like to become a Catholic, or if you have been baptized but have not received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, please call: Rosemarie Constable 609-448-0974, Steve Pavone 732-446-7661, or Deacon Tom Garvey 609-443-5699. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Concerns Social Concerns (totally funded by your donations) helps those in OUR parish in distress and in need of temporary aid. (Prov 14:31) “To help the poor is to honor God.” Clothing at Green House The Green House will receive and distribute gently used, washed and folded clothing SATURDAYS ONLY from 9:00am to 11:00am. As always, thank you for your donations and cooperation. Barbara McGeachen 609-4488399 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Justice Committee - Our committee's mission is to work to support the rights of the most vulnerable in our society. All are welcome. For information call Leigh or Lenore Isleib 609448-6470. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spiritual Direction- If you are looking for a deeper relationship with God, or perhaps ‘just want to pray better’ perhaps spiritual direction would help. For more info or to give it a try, contact Mary Naylor 609-426-6144 or Sandra Lopez 609 506 1010 by appointment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father Michael Brizio IMC will be helping us on the last Thursday of each month for confession or counsel in the Church from 7pm to 8:30pm. Call the church office for holiday schedule. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609-468-0304 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For a complete listing of ministries and groups, please visit our website or call the church office. If small children need to visit the restroom or water fountain during mass, they must be accompanied by an adult. Thank you for your cooperation! 6 Youth Ministry News COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR 2015 at St. Anthony’s Sunday March 15 11:30am—2:30pm Physicians and health professionals will provide free health screenings, including: Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Glucose. Make an appointment for a Free Mammogram or Vision Screening Participants include: x Greater Mercer TMA x John Paul Geijer Memorial Foundation x Hightstown Health Department x Hospice Program of Princeton HomeCare x Office of Attorney General x PHCS Community Education & Outreach x Princeton Fitness & Wellness Center x New Jersey Commission for the Blind x RISE: A Community Service Partnership x Womanspace Light refreshments will be served. For more information 1-888-897-8979 Princeton HealthCare System Community Education & Outreach Life Teen and Edge will not be Meeting Sunday, March 15th 2015 St. Anthony of Padua Stations of the Cross Come Join Life Teen & Edge March 20 2015 @ 7:00p.m th ͑ DYC 2015 – March 22, 2015 Join Diocesan Youth Celebration @ Notre Dame High School Info: or 609-406-7440 March 28, 2015 A Lenten Young Adult Retreat from 10-3pm Life Lessons of Mary – experience “Calvary” through the life of Mary Speaker Sr. Mary Agnes Ryan, IHM Diocese of Trenton Chancery/ Pastoral Center library 701 Lawrenceville Rd Trenton, NJ 08638 Price $10.00 Voices For Truth Teen Workshop St. Anthony of Padua Hightstown NJ For 8th graders and up Saturday, April 18th 2015 @ 8:00am-3:15pm Register form on our parish website! stanthony– Professional, Quality Home Repair Susan A. Leiva DMD Specialty Permit #3852 Orthodontics For All Ages 2 Centre Dr., Suite 300 Monroe Township, NJ 08831 609-409-1700 • Waterproofing Mold Remediation Help is On the Way Structural Repairs Experienced L.P.N. For Your Home Care Needs Hourly/Visits Day Care Alternative 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 Joe Frey, Parishioner (609) 426-0818 • (609) 468-3926 A.L. Duryee & Son DOM'S SERVICE CENTER BRENNAN LAW FIRM "Serving Your Community for Over 50 years" ESTATE PLANNING • WILLS & TRUSTS • LAND USE COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE • Monuments & Markers • Bronze Plates • Stone Lettering 73 N. MAIN STREET, CRANBURY, NJ 609-395-5533 • WWW.BRENNANLAW.ORG 609-448-0050 Complete Auto Repairs • ASE Certified Phone: 609/448-4146 308 Mercer Street Hightstown, New Jersey 08520 Larry Quattrone ~ Owner, Parishioner FRANK J. BRENNAN, III • CRAIG A. COX • T.C. KINNEY Serving PA, NJ & DE 15% OFF 877-401-4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Check out our reviews on: 568 St. Anthony of Padua, Hightstown, NJ (i) S Fax: 609-448-3369 $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 385 MERCER ST., HIGHTSTOWN GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTORX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.877.490.5599 Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1-800-333-3166 • 7 IV DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Juan 3: 14-21) El Evangelio nos presenta un racimo de motivos para provecho espiritual, es decir para movernos a creer y unirnos más a Jesucristo. El primer motivo es el del levantamiento enaltecimiento del Hijo del Hombre. Este es un modo muy de san Juan para referirse a la crucicficion; le quita todo lo doloroso y vergonzoso a la muerte en la cruz, para revestirla de honor y dignidad: “Ser puesto en alto”. Este es el primero de los tres anuncios del levantamiento del Hijo del Hombre (Juan 8:28; 12:32) y todos tienen un importe salvífico universal y de necesidad. El relato de la serpiente levantada sobre un mástil por Moisés para salvar a quien la mirase, es uno de los que se queda ella memoria para siempre. El episodio lo cuenta el libro de los Números 21:4-9 y lo vuelve a leer el libro de la Sabiduría 16:5-7; 11-14. Ocurrió durante la travesía de Israel por el desierto. Al comentarlo, el sabio señala que Dios otorgo “un signo de salvación para recordar los mandamientos de tu Ley”. Con los ojos, los Israelitas levantaban su corazón a Dios y en ese movimiento eran salvados por su “palabra que todo lo sana” (sab 16:12). San Juan traspasa la eficacia salvadora desde la Ley que es palabra de Dios a Jesús, enaltecido en cruz, y enaltecido junto a Dios, su Palabra que todo sana. No basta con mirar con los ojos si el corazón no cree. Levantar los ojos y levantar el corazón para unirnos a Dios. Un motivo más para nuestra reflexión es el del envió del Hijo único para salud del mundo, no para su juicio. En san Juan, “mundo” es la humanidad necesitada de salación. Y el juicio no es un proceso cuya decisión este en suspenso, deliberándose. En lenguaje de san Juan “juicio” equivale a condenación, pues, ¿Quién puede salir victorioso litigando contra Dios? No aceptar al Enviado es condenarse, vivir juzgando. El regalo que Dios, movido por amor, hace al mundo, no puede rechazarse. La disyuntiva en la que coloca san Juan a sus oyentes es o aceptar a Jesús, el enviado Divino o rechazarlo. Pero si se le acepta, debe haber un compromiso público en este sentido “caminar en la luz”, dicen sus palabras. Es una decisión ante Dios y ante la comunidad creyente. La Cuaresma nos da la oportunidad de replantear nuestra decisión ante el regalo del Hijo, para que nos abra los ojos y levantemos el corazón. Source/LTP Manual para proclamadores de la palabra CONFESIONES PARA LA PARROQUIA MANANA A LAS 7:00PM (BILINGÜE) INFORMACION SOBRE NULIDAD MATRIMONIAL: Para mucha gente, el proceso de anular un matrimonio es misterioso y está acompañada la mayoría de veces de información errónea. La Diócesis de Trenton ha preparado una sesión en español. El martes 16 de Marzo aquí en San Antonio de 7:30 – 900: pm. Para más información llamar al 609.403.7165 TIEMPO INCLEMENTE: En este tiempo del año, donde el clima es impredecible lo mejor sería llamar con anticipación, para verificar si el horario de misa u oficina ha cambiado. Por favor llame a la línea principal 609.448.0141 ext. 34 EL GRUPO DE ORACION INVITA A LA COMUNIDAD AL RETIRO CUARESMAL “LLAMADO A VIVIR UNA VERDADERA CONVERSION ESPIRITUAL” EL SABADO 28 DE MARZO DE 8 AM -2:00 P en el gimnasio de la Iglesia. Para más información comunicarse con Patricia Sanabria al 609.529.3007 Durante la misa, los niños pequeños deberán estar acompañados por un adulto cuando vayan al baño, o a la fuente de agua. Gracias por su cooperación. REQUISITOS PARA SOLICITAR UNA CARTA DE REFERENCIA: Las personas interesadas en solicitar cartas de referencia tendrán que estar registrados en la parroquia por un periodo activo de tres meses, haciendo uso de los sobres de la Iglesia. Después de este tiempo podrán contactar a la oficina. Esta regla aplica a lo que están solicitando el sacramento de Bautizo, Confirmación y Quincenos. OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: Las inscripciones para la catequesis comenzara la primera semana de Abril, en horas de oficina de lunes a viernes de 9:00 am -3:00 pm, traer una copia de la fe de bautizo, el costo es de $110 por niño. Para más información comunicarse con la Sra. Aileen O’Brien ext. 21. o Ximena ext. 29 Aileen O’Brien, Directora de Educación Religiosa. Adopte Espiritualmente a un bebe 9na Semana – Adopción Espiritual ¡Ya me he empezado a mover! Mami todavía no siente mis movimientos, pero ¡ya me muevo, puedo dar vueltas y bailar! Casi todas mis coyunturas se han formado y practico estirarme y encogerme. Mis huellas digitales ya se pueden distinguir en mi piel y también ¡puedo doblar mis deditos y tocar mis orejas, mi nariz y los dedos de mis pies! ¡Gracias por rezar por mí! George Rodríguez Recientemente nombrado Administrador parroquial Nos complace dar la bienvenida a George Rodriguez como nuestro nuevo fideicomisario. George y su esposa, Sarita, tienen tres hijos. Un fideicomisario es responsable de trabajar con el pastor para asegurar que los procedimientos parroquiales estén de acuerdo con las pautas diocesanas. Los fideicomisarios también aprueban el informe financiero anual. St. Antonio está agradecido con George por aceptar esta posición. George llena la vacante dejada por la difunta Kathy Dey que sirvió como fideicomisario con una energía y dedicación al más alto nivel. Kathy se la extraña mucho. Pastor: Rev. Patrick J. McDonnell: 609 448 0141 ext 18 Sacerdote de la misa los lunes: Fr. Toni Ramos Enlace entre la comunidad Latina y el Pastor: Ximena Bustamante 609 448 0141 ext. 29 Confesiones al mediodía los domingos: Fr. Pat Bautizos e Intensiones: Judith Cortez 609 336 7249 Matrimonios: Padre Miguel Valle 609 924 1743 ext. 119 [email protected] Ensayos para Matrimonios Carlos Gavilanes 609 558 1079 Grupo Juvenil: Liz Guzhnay 609 448 0141 ext. 12 Quinceanos: Octavia Jijaba 609 578 0898 Grupo de Oración: Patricia Sanabria 609 529 6638 Grupo Mariano: Milton Pinos 908 770 0893 RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Carmen Franco 609 655 2878 José Luis Varela 609 977 6558 Servidores del Altar: Jesús Abalos 609 448 7651 Ministerio de Música: Nelson Rivera 609 443 9683 Departamento de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar: Freddy y Gloria Enríquez 609 937 8026 Servicios sociales para la comunidad Latina: David Abalos 609 371 2435 GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609 468 0304 Dirección Espiritual para mujeres una vez al mes: Sandra López 609 506 1010 Rev. Michael Brizio, IMC 732-303-7800 Richard Zimmer, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 4589 J. Brent Barlow, N.J. Lic. No. 2826 Barlow and Zimmer FUNERAL HOME Neighbor Helping Neighbor Parish Member Christine A. Thompson, N.J. Lic. No. 3625 BOHDAN “BO” BOBJAK 609-585-8104 Buying & Selling Coins & Paper Money • Gold & Silver Bullion Tuesday-Friday 10am to 5pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Sunday & Monday Appts. Only RIGHTWAY [email protected] • 4343 South Broad Street • Hamilton, NJ 08620 208 South Main Street Hightstown, NJ 08520 WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Mention ad for 10% OFF Licensed & Insured 609.395.8424 (609) 448-0243 609-448-3456 NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 COLONIAL VALLEY COINS Joseph Caruso, DDS 202 Stockton Street Hightstown 1274 So. River Rd. Cranbury, NJ 08512 Office Hours by Appointment GARVEY PEST CONTROL, INC. Dewi S. Sudjono-Santoso, MD, FAAP An Intelligent Approach to Pest Control (Board Certified Pediatrician) 339 Princeton-Hightstown Rd., Cranbury, NJ 08512 BASEMENT 609-918-1030 • WATERPROOFING Most Insurance Accepted SPECIALIST Primary JOHN J. BUBLEWICZ General Household Pest Control - Bees, Carpenter Ants Small Animal & Bird Control • Termite Baiting Moles, Voles, Mice & Rat Removal Commercial/Residential Tom Garvey, Member of Parish 448-0900 Licensed & Insured ATTORNEY AT LAW Compassionate Representation of the Injured Personal Injury • Worker Compensation Care Medicine 609-386-6969 Adult & Geriatric Daniel L. Cimafranca, M.D. Wills / Power of Attorney / Estates Parishioner 609-426-8755 441 US Hwy. 130 North Promotional Products • Screen Printing East Windsor, NJ 08520 Embroidery • Awards • Signs 609-336-7518 ...All Under One Roof!!! Most Major Insurances 177 Mercer St., Hightstown, NJ Accepting New Patients. Tailoring Unlimited The Custom Tailor For Men & Women Formalwear Sales & Rental Leather Restyling & Alterations Communion Suits & Dress Alterations 208 N. Main St., Hightstown • 609-443-6886 David J. Kosek, CPA HUMPHREYS AND KOSEK ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES, INC. 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