Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ENERGÍAS MARINAS 79 Resultados Solicitudes de Patente publicadas en los últimos 30 días Datos actualizados a 22/02/2015 [11:44:00] TURBINE, CHASSIS DE LOGEMENT D'UNE TURBINE ET SYSTEME DE CONVERSION D'ENERGIE Nº publicación FR3009738A1 20/02/2015 P3 INGENIEURS¿[FR] Solicitantes L'invention concerne une turbine (20) pour la génération d'électricité remarquable en ce qu'elle est configurée pour être montée de Resumen manière amovible dans un châssis de logement (30). L'invention concerne aussi un châssis de logement (30) agencé pour recevoir une ou une pluralité de telles turbines (20) ainsi qu'un système de conversion d'énergie comprenant un tel châssis. Heat exchanger with inner fluid to actuate the external fluid pump Nº publicación US2015047810A1 19/02/2015 YANG TAI-HER¿[TW] Solicitantes The present invention provides a heat exchanger with inner fluid to Resumen actuate the external fluid pump capable of driving one or more than one of fluid actuation devices through fluids passing through the heat exchanger having thermal-energy fluid pipe, without utilizing external mechanical rotational kinetic energy or power of electric motors respectively driving external fluid pumping blade devices installed at lateral sides of the heat exchanger having thermal-energy fluid pipe with a direct or non-contact transmission means, so as to drive the external fluid to pass through the heat exchanger for increasing the heat exchange efficiency of the heat exchanger. Alertas Tecnológicas - 1 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ROTOR BLADE FOR A WATER TURBINE, IN PARTICULAR FOR A TIDAL POWER STATION, AND METHOD FOR OPERATING SAME Nº publicación US2015050146A1 19/02/2015 DORWEILER HARALD¿[DE] Solicitantes PERNER NORMAN¿[DE] BISKUP FRANK¿[DE] The invention relates to a rotor blade for a water turbine having a Resumen hydrodynamic profile, with which a suction side and a pressure side is associated, comprising a plurality of overflow channels that are arranged in the hydrodynamic profile and that establish a hydraulic connection between the suction side and the pressure side and with each of which a valve unit is associated. The invention is characterized in that the valve unit is closed below a predetermined maximum load threshold for the rotor blade and open above the maximum load threshold, wherein, in the open position of the valve arrangement, each overflow channel reduces the power coefficient and/or the thrust coefficient of the rotor blade with respect to the closed position thereof. Modularized ocean energy power generating device Nº publicación US2015048619A1 19/02/2015 HANGZHOU LHD INST OF NEW ENERGY LLC¿[CN] Solicitantes The utility model provides a modularized ocean energy power Resumen generating device, which comprises an outer framework, at least four inner frameworks and at least four hydraulic turbine generator modules, wherein the at least four inner frameworks are arranged in the outer framework in a separable way, and the at least four hydraulic turbine generator modules are respectively arranged in the four inner frameworks. The modularized ocean energy power generating device is provided with at least four built-in modules, and the hydraulic turbine generator modules can form arrayed arrangement. Through the arrangement of the separable inner frameworks and outer framework, the modularized assembly is realized, and the repair and installing cost is greatly reduced. Steuerung der Rotationsgeschwindigkeit einer rotierenden Wellenenergieanlage in Abhängigkeit von der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit Nº publicación DE102013216339A1 19/02/2015 BOSCH GMBH ROBERT¿[DE] Solicitantes Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Wellenenergieanlage (1) zur Umwandlung von Energie aus einer Resumen Wellenbewegung eines Fluids in eine andere Energieform, wobei die Wellenenergieanlage (1) einen um eine Rotordrehachse (x) drehbar gelagerten Hebelarm (4), der einen Kopplungskörper (3) trägt, und einen mit dem drehbar gelagerten Hebelarm (4) gekoppelten Energiewandler (2, 7) aufweist, wobei in einem ersten Betriebsmodus die Wellenenergieanlage (1) so betrieben wird, dass eine Rotationsgeschwindigkeit ([omega]1) des Hebelarms (4) um die Rotordrehachse (x) im zeitlichen Mittel über eine Umdrehung einer Orbitalgeschwindigkeit ([Omega]) der Wellenbewegung entspricht, wobei in einem zweiten Betriebsmodus die Wellenenergieanlage (1) so betrieben wird, dass die Rotationsgeschwindigkeit ([omega]1) des Hebelarms (4) um die R o t o r d r e h a c h s e ( x ) im zeitlichen Mittel über eine Umdrehung nicht der Orbitalgeschwindigkeit ([Omega]) der Wellenbewegung entspricht, wobei die Wellenenergieanlage (1) in dem zweiten Betriebsmodus betrieben wird, wenn eine eine Strömungsgeschwindigkeit (v) kennzeichnende Grösse (H) einen unteren Schwellwert unterschreitet. Alertas Tecnológicas - 2 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ADAPTIVE HYDRAULIC PRESSURE GENERATOR Nº publicación EP2836713A2 18/02/2015 UNIV AALTO FOUNDATION¿[FI] Solicitantes The invention relates to an adaptive hydraulic pressure generator (10) Resumen for systems in which the mechanical force producing energy varies significantly, especially for wave energy systems. The pressure generator comprises at least two fluid chambers (11, 12 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 3 0 1 , 3 0 2 , 3 0 3 401, 402, 403) with a piston surface/displacement surface (A1y, A1a, A2y, A2a), which piston surface/displacement surface and fluid chamber are arranged to reciprocate with respect to one another, whereby the piston surface/displacement surface (A1y, A1a, A2y, A2a) acts on the fluid in the chamber (11, 12 2 0 1 , 2 0 2 3 0 1 , 3 0 2 , 3 0 3 401, 402, 403) by means of the said mutual reciprocating movement. The pressure generator is arranged to produce a pressure exceeding a certain threshold pressure in the fluid supplied to the application. The pressure generator (10) is equipped with a control system (18) which is arranged to connect the chambers to each other and/or to different pressure ducts in such a way that the effective area (Aeff) of the piston/displacement surfaces (A1y, A1a, A2y, A2a) changes in accordance with the changes in the driving force exerted on the piston/displacement surfaces (A1y, A1a, A2y, A2a) and/or the body forming the fluid chamber in such a way that the pressure produced-by the-pressure generator in the fluid supplied to the application exceeds the threshold pressure. Device for recovering so-called wave power energy from a swell Nº publicación EP2837817A1 18/02/2015 WINDECK CLAUDE¿[FR] Solicitantes La présente invention concerne l'énergie de la houle récupérée puis Resumen transformée en énergie électrique. Une ossature rigide horizontale semi flottante submergée relie moult systèmes identiques consistant en un petit flotteur lenticulaire actionnant individuellement un alternateur électrique spécial à l'aide d'une transformation du mouvement alternatif vertical en un mouvement rotatif unisens régularisé, concrétisé par une vis verticale non tournante reliée au dit flotteur, et par un écrou rotatif relié au dit alternateur électrique. L'ensemble est quasi totalement immergé, puisque seuls les dits nombreux flotteurs sont en surface actionnés par la houle. Les avantages procurés sont les suivants : - Actif même à faible houle car éléments mobiles de petites dimensions donc très agiles - Sans appui côtier ni au fond coûteux et difficile à établir - Flottant donc insensible au marnage et halable, protégé des coups de mer car submergé Rendement énergétique électro magnétique exceptionnel Modulaire d'où extensible et facile à construire et à entretenir Léger et économique Peu visible donc n'affecte que très peu l'image idyllique de la mer Alertas Tecnológicas - 3 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Tidal current generating device and installation frame thereof Nº publicación US2015042095A1 12/02/2015 HANGZHOU LHD INST OF NEW ENERGY LLC¿[CN] Solicitantes A tidal current generating device comprises an installation frame 1 for Resumen supporting tidal turbines 4, the frame including at least two vertically orientated buoyancy units 2 . The installation frame 1 may hold at least three hydro turbines 4 and at least one power generation module (5, figure 3). One or more turbines 4 may be mounted on a detachable inner frame 3. The buoys 2 may comprise an upper fixed buoyancy, and a lower body with variable buoyancy (21, 22, figure 3). The system may include tapered deflectors (203, figure 8) and a lattice grille 6 to protect the turbines 4 FLEXIBLE WATER TURBINE Nº publicación US2015042096A1 12/02/2015 MASEK VLASTIMIL¿[CA] Solicitantes COOK ANDREW¿[CA] GENESIS GROUP INC¿[CA] The invention relates to a water mill, power generator, for use Resumen underwater, having a flexible support shaft which permits the water current to orient the turbine axis substantially parallel to the direction of flow so that the force of the water on the blades is optimized for a given turbine, without the need for slip ring style connections between the generator at the turbine and the5 anchored base. Optionally, the design features fins or cowlings on the flexible support shaft to further improve reorientation of the turbine with the water current or flow acting as the source of power and/or output power links or power conditioning systems at the anchored base. The generators may be selected to meet low rotation operating conditions, and the entire system may be designed for particular ocean bottom and/or current parameters applicable to the10 deployment. The power generator could be used to provide electrical power to underwater installations for military, security, oceanography, monitoring and oil & gas exploration purposes. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant Nº publicación US2015040563A1 12/02/2015 ABELL FOUNDATION INC¿[US] Solicitantes An offshore power generation structure comprising a submerged portion having a first deck portion comprising an integral Resumen multi-stage evaporator system, a second deck portion comprising an integral multi-stage condensing system, a third deck portion housing power generation equipment, cold water pipe and a cold water pipe connection. The heat exchangers in the evaporator and condenser systems include a multi-stage cascading heat exchange system. Warm water conduits in the first deck portion and cold water conduits in the second deck portion are integral to the structure of the submerged portion of the offshore platform. Alertas Tecnológicas - 4 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Power Generating Hydroconveyor Nº publicación US2015042097A1 12/02/2015 CUNNANE FRANK PATRICK¿[US] Solicitantes Hydroconveyors are described which utilize magnetic levitation or Resumen magnetic suspension to support a collection of conveyor elements. The hydroconveyors are located above or partially within a flowstream such as a river. Additional versions of the hydroconveyors are described which include velocity increasing waterways located upstream of an end of the hydroconveyor. The various hydroconveyors can be used in conjunction with electrical generators to provide electrical power. An electro-pneumatic generator Nº publicación GB2517018A 11/02/2015 F X K PATENTS LTD¿[GB] Solicitantes An apparatus generates electrical current using pressure fluctuation in Resumen a gas supply valve. A generator 12 may comprise a coil and a magnet, one of which is attached to a diaphragm 4 or pusher pin 5 of the valve. Alternatively movement may be transmitted to a piezoelectric member (figures 6-8). The apparatus may be used with a valve of a breathing apparatus, e.g. for medical or diving use, in which the valve member will be continuously moving as the user breathes. The electrical output may be used e.g. to display a reading of the state of the contents of a gas cylinder. Alertas Tecnológicas - 5 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Tidal current generating device and installation frame thereof Nº publicación GB2516989A 11/02/2015 HANGZHOU LHD INST OF NEW ENERGY LLC¿[CN] Solicitantes A tidal current generating device comprises an installation frame 1 for Resumen supporting tidal turbines 4, the frame including at least two vertically orientated buoyancy units 2 . The installation frame 1 may hold at least three hydro turbines 4 and at least one power generation module (5, figure 3). One or more turbines 4 may be mounted on a detachable inner frame 3. The buoys 2 may comprise an upper fixed buoyancy, and a lower body with variable buoyancy (21, 22, figure 3). The system may include tapered deflectors (203, figure 8) and a lattice grille 6 to protect the turbines 4 Dispositivo sumergible para aprovechamiento energético de la diferencia de nivel de agua, para un sistema y procedimiento de bombeo, almacenamiento y turbinado, con el fin de obtención de energía eléctrica Nº publicación ES2528334A1 06/02/2015 UNIV LA RIOJA¿[ES] Solicitantes Dispositivo sumergible (1) que comprende: una campana de fijación por vacío (105) para la fijación del dispositivo sumergible Resumen (1) al lecho marino, lacustre, o fluvial (100) una carcasa (101), con forma hidrodinámica, dotada de una rejilla inferior (103) y una rejilla superior (102) una cámara inferior (200) con forma cilíndrica y una cámara superior (201), con forma cilíndrica en su base inferior y en su cuerpo central, y con forma semiesférica en su base superior un émbolo (202) con un extremo inferior de forma plana y con un extremo superior de forma semiesférica. La finalidad del sistema es bombear agua por una tubería de bombeo general (400) hasta un depósito elevado (401) con el fin de mediante una tubería de turbinado (402) turbinar el agua en una central hidroeléctrica (403). WAVE ACTIVATED POWER GENERATION SYSTEM WITH RACK & PINION MECHANISM Nº publicación WO2015015245A1 05/02/2015 NOZAWA TSUKASA¿[JP] Solicitantes A wave activated power generating device that incorporates a support frame (15) Resumen a buoy vertically positioned to rise and fall relative to motion of waves impacting the buoy and the support frame, the buoy being formed with a hollow interior space a rack and pinion structure operatively connected between the buoy and the support frame such that a pinion element (30) of the rack and pinion structure generates rotating torque by moving along the rack element (13) in response to the buoy rising and falling by the wave motion and a power generator unit operative connected to the rack and pinion structure to generate electricity in response to rotating torque generated by the pinion element. The rack structure (13) is fixedly connected to at least one vertical surface inside the hollow interior space of the buoy. The pinion element is fixedly mounted on the support frame to extend into the hollow interior space of the buoy. Alertas Tecnológicas - 6 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WAVE POWER CONVERTER Nº publicación AU2013279831A1 05/02/2015 PATENTSELSKABET AF 30 NOVEMBER 2014 APS Solicitantes A wave power converter including a wave power converter housing Resumen with a bottom and a top between which there is a distance limiting structure, and through which there is a central axis, and wherein entirely or partially outside the wave power converter housing there is at least one preferably elongated paddle having a longitudinal direction of a first generatrix and a lower end and an upper end, and which via a first connection to a first power converter with a rotary axis at an angle, preferably at right angles, to the central axis and fastened to the wave power converter housing at the top. The first power converter interacts via at least one piston rod with at least one second power converter as a first end of the piston rod via a flexible joint is fastened to the first power converter, and as a second end of the piston rod has a piston adapted for a linear movement along a second generatrix in the at least one second power converter which includes a linear chamber surrounded by a chamber casing upon which is provided a rotatable and pivotable connection to the wave power converter housing at the bottom in continuation of the second generatrix. ARRANGEMENT FOR A SELF-LUBRICATING BEARING Nº publicación AU2012384575A1 05/02/2015 MINESTO AB Solicitantes The invention relates to an arrangement (1) for a self-lubricating Resumen bearing. The arrangement (1) comprises a fluid bearing (13) comprising a first fluid bearing element (13a) located in a bearing housing (12) and a piston (3) located in a pump housing (2). The bearing housing (12) comprises a bearing housing opening (14). The pump housing (2) comprises a pump housing opening (7). The first fluid bearing element (13a) is connected to the piston (3) by means of a connection means (15) extending from the first fluid bearing element (13a) through the bearing housing opening (14) to the piston (3) through the pump housing opening (7). The piston (3) is arranged to reciprocate in the pump housing (2). The pump housing (2) is connected to a fluid reservoir by means of a first inlet (10). The bearing housing (12) comprises a first outlet (19) for allowing fluid to exit the bearing housing (12). The arrangement (1) further comprises a fluid transport means fluidly connecting the pump housing (2) and the bearing housing. A longitudinal movement of the bearing housing (12) or the pump housing (2) causes the piston (3) to cause a pumping action, whereby fluid from the fluid reservoir is pumped to the fluid bearing (13) through the fluid transport means, lubricating the fluid bearing (13). Alertas Tecnológicas - 7 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Hydraulic pressure type wave energy converter Nº publicación WO2015014241A1 05/02/2015 CHEN JIASHAN¿[CN] Solicitantes The utility model provides a hydraulic pressure type wave energy Resumen converter used for converting wave energy into high pressure water energy. The hydraulic pressure type wave energy converter comprises mooring facilities such as an upper floating body (1), a lower floating body (2), a first mooring rope (3), a second mooring rope (4), a hanging rod (5), a ball hinge hook (6), a seabed anchor pile (7) and the like, wherein the rectangular upper floating body (1) floats on the w a t e r s u r f a c e the lower floating body (2) adopts a cylindrical casing shape and is located under the water and a plurality of hydraulic pressure cylinders (8) are perpendicularly fixed on two wider side edges of the upper floating body (1) and reliably connected with the lower floating body (2) through piston heads (27), piston rods (28) and piston rod seats (29) . The hydraulic pressure type wave energy converter can convert the vertical component and horizontal component of wave motion into high pressure water energy which is used for impacting a hydroelectric generating set to generate electricity. The wave energy converter is lower in construction cost, simple to maintain and high in wave energy conversion rate. CROSS FLOW TURBINE WITH STRAIGHT VERTICAL AND HELICAL SLANTED BLADES Nº publicación US2015037153A1 05/02/2015 AXIS ENERGY GROUP PTY LTD¿[AU] Solicitantes A structural duct apparatus includes a cross flow turbine for use in a Resumen fluid flow. The turbine has at least one straight vertical aerofoil blade and at least one helical aerofoil blade slanted toward the direction of rotation. Inner and outer walls of the duct apparatus provide an inner diffuser flow passageway that houses turbine power take off modules with the outer surfaces of the duct influencing flow direction so that where there are at least two ducts an open flow barrage is advantageously formed. Alertas Tecnológicas - 8 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica POWER CONVERSION DEVICE Nº publicación WO2015016457A1 05/02/2015 INGINE INC¿[KR] Solicitantes The present invention relates to a power conversion device, which receives power from a power source floating on the ocean and Resumen carries out irregular motion by waves within a predetermined range in the vertical and lateral directions so as to generate intermittent linear power, generates electricity by rotating an output shaft connected to a power generator using some of the power from the power source, and stores the remaining power in an energy storage device such that, after storage, the output shaft is rotated by the stored energy when the power is not transmitted from the power source, thereby improving power generating efficiency. OVERHUNG TURBINE AND GENERATOR SYSTEM WITH TURBINE CARTRIDGE Nº publicación US2015037136A1 05/02/2015 CONCEPTS ETI INC¿[US] Solicitantes A turbine- generator device for use in electricity generation using heat Resumen from industrial processes, renewable energy sources and other sources. The generator may be cooled by introducing into the gap between the rotor and stator liquid that is vaporized or atomized prior to introduction, which liquid is condensed from gases exhausted from the turbine. The turbine has a universal design and so may be relatively easily modified for use in connection with generators having a rated power output in the range of 50KW to 5MW. Such modifications are achieved, in part, through use of a modular turbine cartridge built up of discrete rotor and stator plates sized for the desired application with turbine brush seals chosen to accommodate radial rotor movements from the supported generator. The cartridge may be installed and removed from the turbine relatively easily for maintenance or rebuilding. The rotor housing is designed to be relatively easily machined to dimensions that meet desired operating parameters. Wave energy conversion system Nº publicación US2015035279A1 05/02/2015 RYAN WILLIAM JOSEPH¿[US] Solicitantes The Wave Energy Conversion System is a fresh or salt water wave induced land based system to convert wave action into circular Resumen power for compressed air, water pump, hydraulic oil pump and/or by attaching same to one or more high voltage generators. The system is capable of extracting tremendous power from minimal water movement, transferring same into a rotation system, with multiple high speed storage controlled regulatory loading systems utilizing the intense power. Having a greater reliability and longer range of stored and smooth power time, it does not rely on direct sun or wind but the longer lasting term effects of same on water. The system has the flexibility to be protected from periodic damaging waves, quick disconnects in the eventuality of hurricanes, ease of maintenance/repairs, for when assembled in a series or battery of cylinder systems, will be capable of producing rotation power rivaling any solar power system to date. TURBINE FOR A CONTINUOUS-FLOW POWER PLANT Nº publicación WO2015014523A1 05/02/2015 VOITH PATENT GMBH¿[DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to a turbine, in particular for a continuous-flow Resumen power plant, comprising the following features: - a hub body (11) which has a shaft for transmitting the torque which is generated by the turbine to a mobile machine - a number of turbine blades which are supported by the hub body and can be rotated about the longitudinal axes thereof - an adjusting body (10) is provided in the interior of the hub body, designed in the manner of a spherical link chain, which adjusting body (10) runs coaxially with respect to the shaft and can be rotated about t h e s h a f t a x i s - a link chain for each blade with two links (1, 2), namely a first link (1), the first end of which is articulated on the adjusting body via a rotary joint, and a second link (2), the first end of which is articulated on the second end of the first link via a rotary joint, and the second end of which is mounted on the hub body such that it can be rotated about the longitudinal axis of the relevant blade - wherein the adjusting body comprises a drive journal (10.1) and a ball socket (10.2), and - at least the first link (1) is of spherical design as viewed in side view. Alertas Tecnológicas - 9 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica OCEAN CURRENT POWER GENERATION FACILITY AND METHOD FOR MOORING OCEAN CURRENT POWER GENERATION FACILITY Nº publicación WO2015016378A1 05/02/2015 MITSUBISHI HEAVY IND LTD¿[JP] Solicitantes The objective of the present invention is to provide an ocean current power generation facility, and a method for mooring an Resumen ocean current power generation facility, with which a large amount of power can be generated in an area with a fast ocean current, and with which the size of newly installed mooring equipment for mooring an ocean current power generation device and the size of the equipment for transmitting the power generated by an ocean current power generation device can be reduced. The ocean current power generation facility (1) is equipped with: an ocean current power generation device (2) that is installed floating in the ocean, and has blades (4) rotated by an ocean current, and generators that generate power due to the rotational force of the b l a d e s ( 4 ) and a mooring wire (3), one end of which is connected to the ocean current power generation device (2), and the other end of which is connected to an oil or natural gas production platform (10) that is anchored or moored to the ocean floor (20). VERTICAL AXIS WIND AND HYDRAULIC TURBINE WITH FLOW CONTROL Nº publicación EP2831408A1 04/02/2015 RUBIO HUMBERTO ANTONIO¿[AR] Solicitantes RUBIO ANA ELISA¿[AR] A vertical axis wind and hydraulic turbine with flow control Resumen comprising a regular hexagonal structure of radius R, parallelepiped-shaped, inside which a rotor rotates with three or more vanes on a vertical axis which is located in the center of the hexagon as seen from above, wherein said vanes when rotating generate a circle of radius Rt, further comprising six articulated deflector vanes that grab and concentrate the flow of air or liquid entering the rotor vanes, from the wind or liquid current entry side to the turbine and diffuse the flow of air or liquid exiting from the rotor vanes, from the side opposite to the wind or liquid entry side to the turbine. Improved underwater turbine brake Nº publicación GB2516668A 04/02/2015 ANDRITZ HYDRO HAMMERFEST UK LTD¿[GB] Solicitantes A yaw brake 3 for an underwater turbine comprises a stacked disc brake comprising a plurality of overlapping brake fins 35, 37 Resumen which can be urged against one another to restrict or prevent movement of a rotating portion of the underwater turbine and/or urged apart to allow the rotating portion to move relative to a fixed portion. The pitch of the turbine blades may be varied before or during rotation of the turbine nacelle about the yaw axis to reduce drag. Also disclosed is a means of compensating for bearing wear in a yawing turbine, comprising a coupling which is adapted to permit relative displacement between the first portion and the second portion corresponding to the amount of bearing wear. Further disclosed is a cable management system for handling a cable during installation of a turbine nacelle on a substructure comprising a support arm to support a cable connected to the turbine nacelle as the interface is lowered onto or raised from the substructure. CN104329207A Nº publicación CN104329207A 04/02/2015 CN104329208A Nº publicación CN104329208A 04/02/2015 Alertas Tecnológicas - 10 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica CN104329209A Nº publicación CN104329209A 04/02/2015 CN104329210A Nº publicación CN104329210A 04/02/2015 CN104329211A Nº publicación CN104329211A 04/02/2015 CN104329212A Nº publicación CN104329212A 04/02/2015 CN104329213A Nº publicación CN104329213A 04/02/2015 CN104329214A Nº publicación CN104329214A 04/02/2015 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR HARVESTING RENEWABLE ENERGY Nº publicación CN104334870A 04/02/2015 This invention relates to an installation for harvesting renewable Resumen energy. The installation includes a first part, a second part and a harvesting means. The first part includes a first harvest point, a weight element and a first connecting element while the second part includes a second harvest point and a second connecting element. The harvesting means is connectable between the first harvest point and the second harvest point. The first connecting element and the second connecting element are freely connectable to each other to allow the first part and the second part to move relative to each other in response to renewable energy impacted on the installation, translating kinetic energy to the harvesting means. CN204140271U Nº publicación CN204140271U 04/02/2015 CN204140270U Nº publicación CN204140270U 04/02/2015 CN104329205A Nº publicación CN104329205A 04/02/2015 Alertas Tecnológicas - 11 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Feeding member for a screw device for power generation or material handling Nº publicación EP2831407A2 04/02/2015 TOWERLANE LTD¿[GB] Solicitantes An Archimedes screw device for power generation or material Resumen handling has a number of helical pipes supported around a central support structure. The helical pipes may be formed from pipe portions that are joined together and wound around the central cylinder. Attached to the upper end of each helical pipe are feeder members (scoops) that together form an annular aperture feeding the helical pipes. The number of feeder members and pipes is selected depending upon the design flow of the device. This enables a standard kit of central support and pipe portions to produce e.g. a water turbine with a fully annular inlet, regardless of the number of helical pipes selected for a particular installation, by providing different feeder members for respective numbers of helical pipes. Energy generation device and energy harvesting device comprising the same Nº publicación EP2832987A1 04/02/2015 KING ABDULAZIZ CITY FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY KACST¿[SA] Solicitantes Energy generation device (10,42,50), comprising a fixed casing (12), in which a multiple-axis rotational joint, in particular a Resumen spherical joint (20) or universal joint (44), is arranged and in which an aperture (26) is arranged opposite to said joint (20,44), said aperture being surrounded by a, preferably spherical, segment (28) on the inner surface of the casing (12) and at least one electrical induction coil (30) being arranged in or on said segment, and a pendulum (18,40,56) with a first and a second end, the first end being attached to the multiple-axis rotational joint and the second end projecting through said aperture out of said casing, a segment corresponding to the segment of the casing being arranged between the first and seconds ends of the pendulum and at least one permanent magnet or electromagnet being arranged on said segment of said pendulum, and energy harvesting device with the same. PL404919A1 Nº publicación PL404919A1 02/02/2015 MIKLASZEWICZ WALDEMAR¿[PL] Solicitantes Yhdistelmävoimala Nº publicación FI20130217A 31/01/2015 RAIKAMO ESKO¿[FI] Solicitantes Alertas Tecnológicas - 12 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica A WAVE POWER UNIT WITH GUIDING DEVICE Nº publicación NZ603871A 30/01/2015 SEABASED AB Solicitantes The invention relates to a wave power unit having a submerged station Resumen anchored on the sea bottom, a floating body floating on the sea surface and flexible connection means (3) connecting these. The submerged station has a linear generator with a reciprocating translator. According to the invention, the station includes a guiding device (9) for the flexible connection means (3). The guiding device (9) has a plurality of rotatable rollers (15a - 18c). The rollers (15a - 18c) form a passage for the flexible connection means (3). The invention also relates to use of the wave power unit and to a method for producing electric power. OCEAN WAVE ENERGY SYSTEM Nº publicación NZ606158A 30/01/2015 HAVKRAFT AS Solicitantes An ocean wave energy system (200, 1000, 3000) for generating power Resumen from ocean waves (40) includes a platform (520) supporting an array of hollow columns (220) whose respective lower ends are in fluidic communication with ocean waves (40) and whose respective upper ends are in air communication with a turbine arrangement (230) such that wave motion occurring at the lower ends is operable to cause air movement within the columns (220) for propelling the turbine arrangement (230) to generate power output. The system (200, 1000, 3000) further includes one or more position-adjustable and/or angle-adjustable submerged structures (300) near the lower ends of the columns (220) for forming ocean waves propagating in operation towards the lower ends of the columns (220) to couple the waves (40) in a controllable manner into the hollow columns (220). Alertas Tecnológicas - 13 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica SPIRAL SCREW FLUID TURBINE HAVING AXIAL VOID Nº publicación AU2013271391A1 29/01/2015 RAJAKARUNA UPPALA Solicitantes A spiral turbine includes an axle configured to rotate and one or more Resumen spiral blades coupled to the axle by one or more support connections. Each spiral blade is formed around and outside of a conical inner space which is coaxial with the axle. For configurations in which two or more spiral blades are included, the blades may be symmetrically disposed around the axle. MAGNETOSTRICTIVE WAVE ENERGY HARVESTER WITH HEAVE PLATE Nº publicación AU2013280346A1 29/01/2015 OSCILLA POWER INC Solicitantes A device for generating electricity includes a buoyant structure, a Resumen heave plate, at least one load carrying structure that is mechanically coupled to both the buoyant structure and the heave plate, and at least one magnetostrictive element. The magnetostrictive element is configured to to experienceforce changes applied by the load carrying structure caused by hydrodynamic forces acting on the device. Alertas Tecnológicas - 14 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ELECTRICAL GENERATION SYSTEM BASED ON TIDAL FLOW Nº publicación WO2015013608A1 29/01/2015 TIDAL FAN LLC¿[US] Solicitantes An electrical generation system based on tidal flow includes a Resumen reservoir and a fluid inlet tube extending between a tidal source and the reservoir. The inlet tube has at least one inlet turbine generator disposed therein. The fluid inlet tube extends along a first level. A fluid outlet tube extends between the reservoir and the tidal source. The fluid outlet tube has at least one outlet turbine generator disposed therein. The fluid outlet tube extends along a second level vertically lower than the first level. During high tide at the tidal source, tidal fluid flows from the tidal source, into the fluid inlet tube, past the at least one inlet turbine generator, and into the reservoir and during a low tide at the tidal source, the tidal fluid flows from the reservoir, into the fluid outlet tube, past the at least one outlet turbine generator, and to the tidal source. ELECTRICAL GENERATION SYSTEM BASED ON TIDAL FLOW Nº publicación WO2015013231A2 29/01/2015 TIDAL FAN LLC¿[US] Solicitantes An electrical generation system based on tidal flow includes a Resumen reservoir and a fluid inlet tube extending between a tidal source and the reservoir. The inlet tube has at least one inlet turbine generator disposed therein. The fluid inlet tube extends along a first level. A fluid outlet tube extends between the reservoir and the tidal source. The fluid outlet tube has at least one outlet turbine generator disposed therein. The fluid outlet tube extends along a second level vertically lower than the first level. During high tide at the tidal source, tidal fluid flows from the tidal source, into the fluid inlet tube, past the at least one inlet turbine generator, and into the reservoir and during a low tide at the tidal source, the tidal fluid flows from the reservoir, into the fluid outlet tube, past the at least one outlet turbine generator, and to the tidal source. Alertas Tecnológicas - 15 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica UNDERWATER POWER GENERATOR Nº publicación US2015028589A1 29/01/2015 ATLANTIS RESOURCES CORP PTE¿[SG] Solicitantes A power generation apparatus for generating power from water flows Resumen is described. The power generation apparatus includes: a generator a first blade set operatively mounted to the generator for rotation in a selected direction in response to flowing water from a selected d i r e c t i o n a second blade set operatively mounted to the generator for rotation and operatively connected to the first blade set, the second blade set being disposed coaxially with, and downstream of or in a wake zone of, the first blade set wherein the generator is adapted to be driven by at least one of the blade sets, the generator being disposed generally coaxially between the first and second blade sets. A DEVICE FOR CONVERTING WAVE ENERGY INTO MECHANICAL ENERGY Nº publicación US2015028595A1 29/01/2015 OXYDICE AS¿[DK] Solicitantes A wave power plant for extracting power from the wave movement of Resumen a water surface area, said wave power plant comprising a frame construction in which at least one rotor is journalled, and wherein the rotor is suspended in the frame construction on a rotor shaft which is, in the normal use situation of the wave power plant, essentially horizontal to the effect that the rotor is able to rotate about the rotor shaft which is retained in the frame construction, and wherein means are configured for maintaining each of the rotors partially immersed in a water surface area. The invention provides increased output efficiency of such wave power plant by the rotors being mounted on the rotor shaft via a free-running mechanism which is configured such that the rotor is able to transfer momentum to the rotor shaft essentially only when it rotates the one way about the rotor shaft. Alertas Tecnológicas - 16 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WATER TURBINE Nº publicación US2015030430A1 29/01/2015 HON CHEE WAH¿[SG] Solicitantes DE WIJS BERT¿[SG] ENGTEK PTE LTD¿[SG] This invention is relates to water turbine power. In particular, the Resumen invention relates to a water turbine for generating power in a body of water. There is provided a turbine for operation in a body of water for the generation of power, the turbine comprising: (a) a housing having an inlet for receiving water and an outlet for allowing water to exit and (b) a power generation unit disposed in the housing and intermediate the inlet and outlet, the power generation unit comprising two propellers for rotation about an axis in response to water flow, wherein the inlet comprises a flared outer end for channelling the water towards the power generation unit, and a truncated cone disposed within the flared outer end of the inlet, the flared portion of the truncated cone protrudes the inlet. Alertas Tecnológicas - 17 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Wind force and wave force complementary power supply device Nº publicación WO2015010440A1 29/01/2015 WENG WEN-KAI¿[CN] Solicitantes WENG YUAN-YU¿[CN] The utility model discloses a wind force and wave force Resumen complementary power supply device which comprises a wind force kinetic energy module, a wave force kinetic energy module and a mains supply module. The wind force kinetic energy module is erected on an ocean and rotates a generator by utilizing kinetic energy generated by wind force to generate power, the wave force kinetic energy module and the wind force kinetic energy module are erected on the ocean together and utilizes seawater fluctuation to generate kinetic energy, and the output end of the wave force kinetic energy module is in linkage with a transmission shaft to drive the generator to generate power. The wind force kinetic energy module and the wave force kinetic energy module generate power respectively to complement each other to enable the transmission shaft to rotate the generator continuously and stably to generate power, and the mains supply module is driven by a servo motor and connected with the transmission shaft. When the rotating speed of the transmission shaft is reduced, the servo motor is started to complement and increase the rotating speed of the transmission shaft to enable the generator to generate enough electric energy. CONSTRUCTION METHOD FOR FLOATING WAVE POWER GENERATION COMPLEX THROUGH SHARING OF MOORING LINE AND FLOATING WAVE POWER GENERATION SYSTEM USING SAME Nº publicación WO2015012481A1 29/01/2015 KOREA INST OCEAN SCI & TECH¿[KR] Solicitantes The present invention relates to the construction of a floating wave power generation complex including a plurality of floating Resumen wave power generation devices for wave power generation. According to the present invention, a method for designing a mooring line for the construction of a floating wave power generation complex and the floating wave power generation system using the same are provided, wherein it is possible solve the problems of the prior art which had no research on the design of a mooring line for an energy farm, and a mooring line is shared instead of using an anchor between adjacent floating bodies when connecting the mooring line for maintaining the positions of each of the floating wave power generation devices such that the length of the mooring line to be used is reduced and, simultaneously, the use of an anchor is also minimized. Therefore, the costs for a mooring system which occupies a heavy portion of the entire construction cost can be reduced. In addition, the entire construction cost can be reduced thereby and, simultaneously, a public water surface area can be reduced. END SUPPORTED HELICAL TURBINE Nº publicación WO2015012752A1 29/01/2015 GOX AB¿[SE] Solicitantes The claimed invention relates to a turbine adapted to extract energy from the velocity of a streaming fluid such as wind, steam, Resumen tidal streams and water waves. The invented turbine is arranged with its axis of turbine rotation directed at substantially right angles to the current direction of the streaming fluid and comprising a kind of self- supported blade body which is rotationally symmetric and constructed by rotor blades integrated transversely and supported two by two, allowing the fluid to flow through the turbine with less turbulence compared to other types of turbines equipped with separate rotor blades. ¿¿¿¿¿¿ Nº publicación JP2015017550A 29/01/2015 (¿¿)¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.(¿¿¿¿)¿¿¿¿1¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿2¿¿¿ Resumen ¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿1¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿2¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿4A,4B¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿1¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿3¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿1¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿1¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿10¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿10¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿1¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿10¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.(¿¿¿)¿1 Alertas Tecnológicas - 18 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Nº publicación JP2015017614A 29/01/2015 (¿¿)¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿(¿¿¿¿)¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Resumen ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.(¿¿¿)¿1 Power Systems Nº publicación JP2015503320A 29/01/2015 A power system comprises a tension harnessing arrangement to Resumen harness tension in a tether connected between a tensioning arrangement and storage means. The tension harnessing arrangement of the system comprises at least one first capstan roller arranged in a predetermined configuration. The tether tensioningly abuts at least a portion of the periphery of the first capstan rollers such that there is substantial contact between the tether and the first capstan rollers, thereby engaging the first capstan rollers to generate rotational energy. Alternatively, second capstan rollers engage with the first capstan rollers. At least one converter functionally co-operates with the first capstan rollers, either directly or via the second capstan rollers, for converting the rotational energy to energy in a transmissible form, storage form dissipative form, or a combination thereof. Procedimiento de generación de agua potable y energía eléctrica mareomotriz Nº publicación ES2527699A1 28/01/2015 ECOSIST S DE AHORRO S L¿[ES] Solicitantes JIMENEZ LAVILLA ANGEL¿[ES] LEIRA MARTINEZ JOSÉ ANTONIO¿[ES] IGLESIAS BARTOLOME JAIME¿[ES] Procedimiento de generación de agua potable y energía eléctrica mareomotriz que utilizando la variación de las mareas, produce Resumen electricidad y/o agua potable. Con marea alta, se abre una válvula que llena un recipiente vacío y cuyo flujo es aprovechado para mover una turbina que genera electricidad. Una vez lleno el recipiente se enclava y se espera a la llegada de marea baja, dejándose bajar el recipiente solidario a un pistón que comprime un volumen de agua confinado en un cilindro y que pasa a una conducción de menor sección para aumentar la presión para atravesar una membrana osmótica para generar agua potable por ósmosis inversa. Después se vacía el agua del recipiente por gravedad moviendo miniturbinas en sentido contrario al llenado. Al subir la marea, sube el pistón que ayuda a la aspiración de agua marina del cilindro y se reinicia el ciclo. CN204131363U Nº publicación CN204131363U 28/01/2015 CN204126839U Nº publicación CN204126839U 28/01/2015 CN204126812U Nº publicación CN204126812U 28/01/2015 CN204126810U Nº publicación CN204126810U 28/01/2015 Alertas Tecnológicas - 19 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica CN204126809U Nº publicación CN204126809U 28/01/2015 CN204126808U Nº publicación CN204126808U 28/01/2015 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A CIRCUIT BOARD AND USE OF SUCH A METHOD Nº publicación CN104322157A 28/01/2015 The invention relates to a method for producing a circuit board Resumen comprising the following steps: - providing at least one first element of the circuit board to be produced, more particularly a multilayer core e l e m e n t ( 3 1 ) - applying an adhesion-preventing material (39) to a region of the first element (31) to be subsequently exposed - applying at least one additional layer (40, 41) to the first element ( 3 1 ) - connecting the first element (31) and the at least one additional layer ( 4 0 , 4 1 ) and - removing a portion (44, 45) of the additional layer to expose the region of the first element, wherein in the additional layer corresponding to the portion to be subsequently removed, the material of the additional layer (40, 41) is cut through on at least one edge of the portion (44, 45) to be subsequently removed and the cut-through area (46, 47) is optionally filled with a different material from the material of the additional layer, before an application onto the first element (31) and/or a connection thereto is performed, so as to subsequently enable easy removal of the portion (44, 45) to be removed. SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONVERTING FLUID MOTION INTO ELECTRICAL POWER Nº publicación CN104321526A 28/01/2015 A system is provided for converting fluid motion into electrical Resumen power, with the system being deployable in a body of fluid. The system includes a support structure (106) and a movable structure (108, 300, 400) connected to the support structure (106). The support structure (106) includes a generator assembly (120, 200) configured to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and provide electric power from the electrical energy. The movable structure (108, 300, 400) has three or more degrees of freedom, and is configured to generate mechanical energy for conversion by the generator assembly (120, 200) during a power generation phase of a power cycle in which the fluid motion acts on the movable structure (108, 300, 400). The movable structure (108, 300, 400) has a first configuration during the power generation phase and a second, different configuration during a recovery phase of the power cycle, with the movable structure (108, 300, 400) in the first configuration having a greater surface area normal to the flow of fluid. CN104320045A Nº publicación CN104320045A 28/01/2015 CN104319973A Nº publicación CN104319973A 28/01/2015 CN104314743A Nº publicación CN104314743A 28/01/2015 Alertas Tecnológicas - 20 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica CN104314742A Nº publicación CN104314742A 28/01/2015 CN104314741A Nº publicación CN104314741A 28/01/2015 CN104314740A Nº publicación CN104314740A 28/01/2015 CN104314739A Nº publicación CN104314739A 28/01/2015 CN104314738A Nº publicación CN104314738A 28/01/2015 CN104314737A Nº publicación CN104314737A 28/01/2015 CN104314736A Nº publicación CN104314736A 28/01/2015 CN104314735A Nº publicación CN104314735A 28/01/2015 CN104314734A Nº publicación CN104314734A 28/01/2015 DISPOSITIVO DE CONVERSÃO DE ENERGIA DAS ONDAS Nº publicación BR102013023627A2 27/01/2015 YU YUN-CHANG¿[CN] Solicitantes DISPOSITIVO DE CONVERSÃO DE ENERGIA DAS ONDAS. Um dispositivo de conversão de energia das ondas que inclui Resumen uma plataforma, uma pluralidade de primeiras e segundas montagens de guia de fluido e montagem de flutuação. A plataforma tem um poste de retenção ancorado a uma planta submarina. As primeiras e segundas montagens de guia de fluido são dispostas debaixo da água para que a água possa fluir nas primeiras e segundas montagens de guia de fluido. A montagem de flutuação se pode mover para cima ou para baixo em relação à plataforma a fim de pressionar a água para cima através das primeiras e segundas montagens de guia de fluido a um reservatório. Sob esta estrutura, o potencial de energia da água no reservatório se pode Alertas Tecnológicas - 21 de 21 - ENERGÍAS MARINAS
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