February 8, 2015 Welcome to Our Community Celebration of the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time. S t . M a r y M a g d a l e n Pa r i s h St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community that places God first in all things and comes together as a family to Love as Christ Loves and Serve as Christ Serves. Community Engagement Eucharist a welcoming spirit loving God with all of celebrating the and a culture of our heart, our soul, our center of our faith genuine inclusion strength and our mind to through creative, into our diverse actively and passionately vibrant and diverse parish family build the Kingdom liturgies Faith Formation committing to life-long learning through Catholic education from childhood through adulthood Family Stewardship nurturing, responding gratefully empowering with sacrificial and supporting generosity for all God strong families has given us in today’s world Witnessing & Evangelizing living the Gospel by sharing & teaching our faith through conversion of mind, heart, & reconciliation with God & one another Daily: Monday through Friday: 7am, 8:30am Thurs.: 7pm (Español ) Weekends: Sat: 8am, Vigil: 5pm, 7pm (Español) , Sun: 8am, 10am (Interpreted for the Deaf) , 12Noon, 5:30pm A DDRESS : 861 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 ✥ W EBSITE : StMaryMagdalen.org P HONE : 407.831.1212 ✥ F AX : 407.831.1560 ✥ E-M AIL : [email protected] A L e t t e r f r o m t h e Pa s t o r Dear Brothers and Sisters, As my parents age, and their health becomes more and more fragile, with myself an infrequent visitor to my parent’s home, I come to value and appreciate the great work of our Ministry to the Sick. Each week teams of extremely dedicated men and women are sent from Mass here at St. Mary Magdalen into the hospitals, the nursing homes and homes of the homebound to bring them the comfort and nourishment of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, to pray with and for them, and to spend time simply being a brother or sister in the Lord. They do this because there are people in need – for no other reason – simply to bring comfort where there is suffering or loneliness or despair. These, our Ministers to the Sick, are true angels, messengers of God’s love. And the people they visit will be the first to tell you so. When we are sick, especially over a long time, we truly feel our human vulnerability. I think the same is true for the elderly – those who have had to give up their independence and rely on the kindness of others to do the simple chores of daily living – when getting from one room to the other can be a daunting task – I think a kind of resentment can begin to grow, and bitterness toward life can result. Our Ministers to the Sick cannot take away the hardship of illness or of the aged. But they can tap into a deeper reality than the frustration of our day-todayness. That reality does not fade or falter with age, it does not corrode or break. This reality is that we are all the children of God, and when you are young and your life is overflowing with the business of life this may not sound like the greatest of revelations. But for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see; for those who are attuned to the ways of God, for those who need God, when everything else feels as though it has abandoned them, this is good news indeed. Our Ministers to the Sick are bearers of that Good News every day to members of our parish family who sit in their chairs and wait. If you have wondered how you might deepen your relationship with the Lord, consider this most important ministry. Jesus said; “When I was hungry you gave me food, when naked you clothed me, when alone or in prison you visited me, when I was ill you comforted me…What you have done for the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done for me.” Our deepest thanks to these selfless men and women who bring Christ’s comfort to so many in need. In Christ, Queridos hermanos y hermanas: Así como mis padres van envejeciendo, su salud se vuelve cada vez más frágil, y mis visitas poco frecuente a la casa de mis padres, les quiero resaltar el valor y el gran trabajo de nuestro Ministerio Visita a los Enfermos. Cada semana, luego de la misa aquí en Santa María Magdalena, los equipos de hombres y mujeres extremadamente dedicados, son enviados a los hospitales, los centros de ancianos y hogares de los confinados para traerles consuelo y alimento espiritual en el Sacramento de la Eucaristía. Rezan con ellos y para ellos y simplemente les ofrecen compañía como un hermano o hermana en Cristo. Ellos hacen esto porque hay gente en necesidad, no por otra razón, y simplemente llevan consuelo donde hay sufrimiento, soledad o desesperación. Nuestros Ministros Visita a los Enfermos, son verdaderos ángeles y mensajeros del amor de Dios. Las personas que ellos visitan serán los primeros en confirmarlo. Cuando estamos enfermos, sobre todo por un largo tiempo, realmente sentimos nuestra vulnerabilidad humana. Creo que lo mismo es cierto para los ancianos que han tenido que renunciar a su independencia, y dependen de la bondad de los demás para hacer las tareas simples de la vida diaria, como trasladarse de una habitación a otra que puede ser una tarea desalentadora. Entonces pienso que una especie de irritación puede comenzar a crecer y hasta pudiera resultar en una vida de amargura. Nuestros Ministros Visita a los Enfermos no pueden eliminar las dificultades de la enfermedad o de la edad. Pero pueden responder a una realidad más profunda que la frustración de nuestro día a día. Esa realidad no se desvanece o se vacila con la edad, no se termina o se rompe. Esta realidad es que todos somos hijos de Dios, y cuando uno es joven y nuestra vida está llena de compromisos, esto no nos suena como la más grande de las revelaciones. Pero para aquellos que tienen oídos para oír y ojos para ver, para los que están en sintonía con los caminos de Dios y para aquellos que necesitan a Dios cuando se sienten abandonados, esto es una buena noticia. Todos los días, nuestros Ministros Visita a los Enfermos son portadores de la Buena Nueva a los miembros de nuestra familia parroquial que esperan por ellos. Si usted se ha preguntado cómo es posible profundizar en su relación con el Señor, tenga en cuenta este importante ministerio. Jesús dijo; "Cuando tuve hambre, me diste de comer, cuando estuve desnudo me vestiste, cuando estuve solo o en la cárcel me visitaste, cuando estaba enfermo me consolaste... Lo que has hecho al más pequeño de mis hermanos y hermanas, lo habéis hecho por mí". Nuestro más profundo agradecimiento a estos hombres y mujeres abnegados que traen el consuelo de Cristo a tantas personas en necesidad. En Cristo, In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to all of us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute: iempo alento esoro FAITH YOUNG-MCGRIFF Faith offers her discipleship in the classroom of our St. Mary Magdalen School by helping with whatever is needed for the children. In addition, she has served on the School Commission. With deep gratitude, we thank you, Faith! In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord of $54,423.92 on January 31 and February 1 for the mission and ministries of St. Mary Magdalen. Thank you for helping us carry out Christ’s mission and ministry. Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step! ✥-Ofrenda con Sacrificio: En gratitud por los dones que hemos recibido de Dios, los feligreses y visitantes hicimos retorno gozoso al Señor de $54,423.92 el 31 y febrero1 de enero para la misión y ministerios de la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena. Gracias por ayudarnos a seguir llevando a cabo la misión y el ministerio de Cristo. ! Gracias por dar los primeros frutos y dar un paso! Our Catholic Appeal 2015 Do Everything for the Glory of God St. Paul reminds us to “do everything for the glory of God.” Our parish strives to glorify God daily through our ministries, but we are only the starting point. Being Catholic means being part of a larger family of faith. Because we are all one in Christ, it is only right that we help His work to flourish in our neighboring communities. Our Catholic Appeal mobilizes our entire diocesan family to support ministries that benefit far more people than we could ever reach alone. You can visit www.cfocf.org/oca to learn more about the life-changing impact of your gifts. If you have already received a pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to Mass with you next weekend. If you did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond, please help our parish by making your gift at Mass next weekend or the following weekend. Our parish goal is $476,509. Once we achieve this goal, the majority of the additional funds will be returned to our parish to support our own ministries. Thank you for your generosity! There are times when all of us need our blood pressure checked or our heartbeat measured. Perhaps now is the time we need to do a little check on the pulse of the parish (as a whole) to try and increase our parish rate of participation in the regular Sunday offertory collection (Sacrificial Giving). Let's call this instrument a “participation check”. Our records show that 1,618 families have donated by name thus far to the regular Sunday Offertory in 2015 out of 2,023 active registered families. It would help tremendously if we could get this number up to 2,023 participants by Easter. Our goal is simple – 100% participation! This would surely boost morale and be a source of communal pride, not to mention helping the parish financially in accomplishing its vitally important mission. Number of Active Registered Families: 2,023 Number of Donating Families as of Jan. 31, 2015: 1,618 (*) Goal for Number of Donating Families by Easter (April 5h): 2,023 (*) Notes: 1 People become registered by filing out a census form. Census forms may be obtained by calling Lisa in the Parish Office (407.265.2300). 2 A donating family (for purposes of this participation campaign only) is a family who gives something by name (check or envelope) to the regular Sunday .Collection. U PCOMING E VENTS: The February Valentine’s Blood Drive will run Saturday, February 14 and Sunday, February 15. The Big Red Bus will be in the parking lot by the Chapel entrance. It will be here Saturday from 4 to 9PM and Sunday from 8:30AM to1:30PM. In December we contributed 15 pints which helped 45 people. Let’s do better in February!! Give the gift of love! Appointments can be made on line at fbconor.org using the account code MBU. No appointment is necessary. ✥ Donaciones de Sangre de San Valentín: Se llevarán a cabo el sábado 14 y domingo 15 de febrero. El gran autobús rojo estará en el estacionamiento cerca de la entrada a la Capilla el sábado de 4pm a 9pm, y el domingo, de 8:30am a 1:30pm. En diciembre contribuimos con 15 pintas que ayudaron a 45 personas ¡¡Superemos esa cantidad en febrero!! ¡Donemos el regalo de vida! No hay que hacer cita, pero si prefieren, pueden hacerlo en línea a fbconor.org, usando el código MBU. Bishop John Noonan will celebrate the annual Marriage Anniversary Mass on Saturday, February 14 at 10AM at St. James Cathedral. Light refreshments to follow. Please register at bit.do/wedding-anniversarymass-2015 or at 407.246.4930. The Orlando Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Central Deanery will be hosting “Sweet”, an A rt Auction on Sunday, February 15 at the Longwood Community Center at 2:30PM. Join them for this afternoon of fun which will include the auction, a raffle, and a few surprises too! Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Proceeds benefit local charities. For tickets or more information call Judy Hosler at 407.628.0516. ✥ Amantes Atención del Arte: La subasta “Sweet” del Consejo Diocesano de Orlando de “Women Central Deanery” se llevará a cabo el domingo, 15 de febrero 2015 en el Centro Comunitario de Longwood, FL a las 2:30pm. Aperitivos y bebidas serán servidas. Subasta, rifa, fondo y algunas sorpresas también están previstos. Los boletos cuestan $15.00 por adelantado y $20.00 en la puerta. Las ganancias irán a organizaciones benéficas locales . Llame a Judy Hosler al 407.628.0516 . The Knights of Columbus invite you to their first Lenten Fish Fry Dinner of 2015 on Friday, February 20 from 5:00 to 7:00PM in the School Cafeteria. Bring the whole family and enjoy a delicious fish dinner every Friday in Lent through March 27. Tickets are $10 for Adults, $4 for children over 5 and free to children 5 and under. Tax aide volunteers are back and will help low and middle income taxpayers file their tax returns. They will be here every Wednesday and Friday from 10AM to 2PM through April 15. Please bring with you the government ID and social security cards of each person on your return, as well as your health care information. Please call 407.831.1212 to make an appointment. Wheelchair bound taxpayers must make an appointment so we can serve you better. Thank you for your support last year. ✥ Asistencia en Preparación de Planillas de Contribución Sobre Ingresos: Nuevamente contaremos con voluntarios para ayudar a contribuyentes de bajos o medianos ingresos a preparar sus planillas de contribución sobre ingresos. Estarán disponibles en SMM los lunes y viernes de 10am a 2pm, comenzando el 4 de febrero. Favor de traer su identificación con foto emitida por el gobierno y la de cada persona incluida en su declaración de impuestos, e información sobre su seguro de salud. Favor de llamar al 407.831.1212 para hacer cita, especialmente los usuarios de sillas de ruedas, para poder servirles mejor. Gracias por su participación en el año pasado. (PG-13) Did Jesus exist? Is Jesus God? Did he really do those miracles? These are questions many Catholics today are facing. The Investigator is inspired by the true story of Rich Romano, brother of famed actor Ray Romano, who was faced with these exact questions in his own struggle with faith and the faith of his high school students. LifeTeen invites the parish community to join them in watching The Investigator on Sunday, March 1 at 6:45PM in the Parish Life Center. Food & drinks provided! ✥ Noche De Cine Católico: El Investigador (PG-13) ¿Existió Jesús? ¿Es Jesús Dios? ¿Hizo Él milagros? Estas son preguntas con las que nos enfrentamos los católicos de hoy. La película El Investigador es una historia verdadera de Rich Romano, hermano del famoso actor Ray Romano, que se enfrentó a ellas por sus dudas de fe y las de sus alumnos. LifeTeen invita a toda la comunidad parroquial a disfrutar de esta presentación el 1º de Marzo a las 6.45pm en el Parish Life Center. Tendremos refrigerios. MINISTRY NEWS: Whether we call it: spiritual direction, guidance, companioning, friendship, this ministry is conversation between one who mostly listens and one who mostly talks. It is conversation about lives, how God seems present or not, their responding or resisting, growing in love for God, self and others, exploring what nurtures and what does not. Call the Parish Office at 407.831.1212, if you are interested. ✥ El Ministerio del Buen Consejo: Ya sea cómo lo llamemos: dirección espiritual, orientación, compañía, amistad, este ministerio es la conversación entre uno quien más escucha y uno quien más habla. Es una conversación sobre la vida, cómo Dios parece estar presente o no, su respuesta o resistencia, creciendo en el amor a Dios, a Ud. mismo y a los demás, explorando qué lo nutre y que no. Llame a la oficina parroquial si usted está interesado. Join us Saturday, February 14 at 6:15PM in the School Cafeteria for pizza and games. The cost is $5 per person, to be prepaid by Tuesday, February 10. Make checks payable to St. Mary Magdalen, and mark the envelope “50 +.” Leave it at the Concierge Table, the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. Call Jeanne at 407.260.9515 or Joann at 407.951.5090, if you have questions. If you have game preferences, let them know. If desired, bring a dessert to share. ✥ Ministerio 50+: Nos reuniremos el sábado 14 de febrero a las 6:15PM en la cafetería de la escuela para compartir pizzas y juegos. La entrada es $5 dólares por persona y tiene que ser pagado antes del martes 10 de febrero. Por favor dirijan los cheques a St. Mary Magdalen y escriba en el sobre “50+”. Déjelo en la mesa de conexiones (afuera de la iglesia), la canasta de ofertorio durante las Misas, o en la oficina de la parroquia. Contacte a Jeanne al 407.260.9515 o a Joan al 407 951.5090 si tiene preguntas. Si tiene algún juego preferido déjenos saber. Si desea, traiga un postre para compartir. Please bring in your old palms for the palm burning celebration taking place on Shrove Tuesday, February 17 at 7PM in the Grotto. There will be baskets located at the Church doors in which to place them. ✥ Palmas Benditas: Por favor traiga sus palmas benditas del año pasado para quemarlas en la liturgia del martes 17 de febrero a las 7pm en la Gruta. Tendremos canastas a la entrada de la Iglesia para recogerlas. Friday, February 13 at 7PM with Heidi Peckham! How many of us have ended our day as if we were in a V-8 commercial, slapping our head and saying, “I should have said a prayer!” How many of us have said, “I can’t meditate, that’s for Monks!” Come, laugh and learn as our speaker, Heidi Peckham, shares reminders and remedies for what ails us, as we seek to walk our path closer to Christ. Parishioner Anita D’Souza will also give her testimony. We hope to see you there! ✥ ¡Vuelve XLT! ¡Reserve la fecha el 13 de febrero a las 7pm para asistir a XLT con la participación de Heidi Peckham! ¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos finalizado nuestro día como si fuera un comercial de V-8, dándonos un manotazo en la cabeza diciendo: ¡Debí haber orado hoy!?. ¿Cuántos hemos dicho: “No puedo meditar, ¡eso es para los monjes!"? Vengan a reír y aprender mientras nuestra presentadora, Heidi Peckham, comparte con nosotros recordatorios y soluciones a todo lo que nos pueda afligir mientras nos acercamos más a Cristo. Una de nuestras parroquianas, Anita DeSousa también nos ofrecerá su testimonio. ¡Los esperamos! Join us Friday, February 20 at 7:30PM in the School Cafeteria as we engage in a five-week Lenten Reflection on “HOW” we can effectively fulfill the Lord’s command to “Go and Make Disciples” based on Casting Nets Ministries’ The Seven Pillars of Effective Evangelization. All are invited! Complimentary refreshments and we are working on providing childcare! For more information contact John Youngman at 407.497.0090 or [email protected]. ✥ Evangelización: ¿Cómo difundimos efectivamente la Buena Nueva? La misión de nuestra parroquia es Convertirnos en Una Comunidad de Creadores de Discípulos. El año pasado, Casting Nets Ministries, hizo una presentación en Los Siete Pilares de una Evangelización Efectiva para nuestra Misión Parroquial, y todos los feligreses salieron con una llama encendida para anunciar la ¡Buena Nueva!. Comenzando el viernes 20 de febrero hasta el 20 de marzo a las 7:30PM, en la cafetería de la escuela, tendremos cinco semanas de Reflexión Cuaresmal. Reflexionaremos sobre “cómo” podemos vivir los siete pilares de Cristo y cumplir con su mandato de “Ir y haced discípulos.” ¡Todos están invitados! Tendremos refrescos gratuitos y procuraremos ofrecer cuidado de niños. Para más información favor de comunicarse con John Youngman al 407.497.0090 o P RO- L IFE N EWS: Disciple Volunteers needed for Life Choices Women’s Center, a Catholic pro-life pregnancy resource center in Altamonte Springs. Positions needed are lay counselor (training provided), nurses to perform ultrasounds (training provided), administrative assistance, and receptionists. We also need handymen and help with light cleaning. For details, please call Respect Life representative, Rebie Cruz at 321.422.4168. To all the parishioners of SMM who give your time, talent, and treasure to us here at Life Choices Women’s Center, thank you for your love and support. God bless you. ✥ ¡Tenemos mucho trabajo! Se necesitan discípulas voluntarias para el Centro “Life Choices Women’s” en Altamonte Springs. Este es un centro pro-vida Católica de recursos para el embarazo. Estamos buscando consejeras laicas (se provee entrenamiento), enfermeras para realizar ultrasonidos (se provee entrenamiento), asistente administrativo y recepcionistas. También necesitamos mantenimiento en general y ayuda para labores simples de limpieza. Para obtener más información, llame a la representante de Respeto a la Vida, Rebie Cruz al 321.422.4168. El Centro “Life Choices Women’s”, agradece a todas las feligreses de SMM por su amor, apoyo, y por compartir su tiempo, talento y tesoro con nosotras. ¡Dios la The E.L.C. is now accepting VPK Pre-Enrollment for the year 2015-2016! Your child must be 4 years of age by September to qualify. By registering early you will guarantee your child a spot for pre-school. Pre Enrollment will run until all spaces are filled. Contact us Monday through Friday, 7AM to 6PM. Opening go fast, don’t miss this exciting opportunity! ✥ El Early Learning Center (E.L.C.): Aceptamos Pre-inscripción para el VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarden Program) año 2015-2016 Su hijo tiene que tener 4 años de edad en ✥ I helped my little sister when she fell. septiembre para calificar. Regístrese temprano para garantizarle un ✥ I sang for an elderly home. ✥ I went to confession. lugar a su hijo. Las pre-inscripciones se llevarán a cabo hasta que se ✥ I helped Mami cook for the party. llenen las vacantes. Póngase en contacto con nosotros de lunes a ✥ I watched my brother’s ball game. viernes de 7AM a 6PM. Los puestos se llenan rápido; ¡No deje que sus ✥ I prayed when I heard a siren. niños pierdan esta gran oportunidad! ✥ I was nice to my brother. ✥ This Ministry is for 6-8th graders. EDGE meets Wednesdays from 7-8:30PM in the PLC.✥ Los jóvenes de los grados 6 al 8, tienen “Edge” los miércoles de 7PM a 8.30PM en el PLC. ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ This ministry is for 9-12th graders. Join us on Sundays for 5:30PM Mass followed by Life Night from 6:30-8:30PM! ✥ Los jóvenes de los grados 9 al 12, nos reuniremos después de la Misa de 5.30PM para tener nuestro “LifeNight” desde las 6.30 hasta las 8.30PM. ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ I received my Parvuli Dei Emblem in Cub Scouts. I went to daily Mass. I played with my little cousins. I helped clean the gymnastic mats. I made my bed. I helped at home. I spent time with Grandma. I was the leader on the news. I did my best at my Cheer Competition. I played with someone who did not have someone to play with. I cheered at a basketball game. I was nice at the Scouts meeting. I walked my dog. S M M S CHOOL A NN UAL A UCTION Join us as we celebrate the 15th annual Night of Dreams Auction on Saturday, March 21 at 7PM in the Parish Life Center! The Night of Dreams Auction is a parish-wide community event, complete with musical entertainment, dancing, food, cocktails, and silent and live auctions. Auction proceeds provide financial assistance for school scholarships, vital improvements to continue academic growth for our children. Please join with your fellow St. Mary Magdalen School and Parish families to make this a hugely successful evening by attending the Night of Dreams Auction. Please visit our website at SMMSchool.org for more information. ✥ ¡Únete a nosotros para celebrar la quinceava subasta de sueños el sábado 21 de marzo a las 7pm en el Parish Life Center! La Noche de los Sueños es un evento de la comunidad y de toda la parroquia, contara con animación musical, baile, comida, cócteles y subastas en vivo. La subasta sigue prestando asistencia financiera para becas escolares, mejoras vitales para continuar el crecimiento académico de nuestros hijos. Por favor, únase a St. Mary School Magdalen y a las familias de la parroquia para hacer de esto una noche de gran éxito con su asistencia a la subasta de sueño. Por favor, visite nuestra página web en SMMSchool.org para más información. Would you like to honor a loved one or a special event by providing flowers for the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in the Church? If you are interested in donating, please contact Jo Ann at the Parish Office at 407.831.1212. In Loving Memory of Dear Lord, Watch over the guardians of our freedom and those who protect our nation. Pray for the parishioners who are celebrating new life in Baptism, Marriage, or Eternal Life. Be with those serving in the air, on the seas and on distant lands. Gloria Hallahan May their faith in your might give strength and honor to their service. Deaths: Jack Burbridge Susan Knowles Mary Smith (wife of Don) Amen. Joan Floegel G ENERAL P ARISH I NFORMATION Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30 AM -7 PM ; Fri 8:30 AM -4:30 PM Sat 9 AM -12 PM Phone Number: 407.831.1212 PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Assisting Priest Pastoral Associate Deacons Fr. Charlie Mitchell x2316 Fr. Ed Thompson x2315 Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. x2318 Fr. Patrick Patton Lois Locey x2317 Marshall Gibbs, Juan Cruz, Jerry Kelly, Henry Libersat, Greg Nelsen, Bill O’Brien, Israel Colón 407.831.1212 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES x2307 Ministry to Sick & Grieving Rosemary Kazyk x2311 Time, Talent & Evangelization Melissa Findley x2313 Facilities Director Vince Edman x2314 Assistant Facilities Director Leslie McCranie x2300 Membership Admin. Assistant Lisa Oak x2312 Parish Accountant Heidi Lewis x2302 Administrative Intern Julie Daligney Receptionist Jo Ann Kuhn/Wanda Padin x2309/x2320 Bulletin Editor Lisa Sojourner [email protected] LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION Steward for Faith Formation Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. Steward for Children & Family Steward for Youth Ministry Steward for Annulments Larann Wilson Darryl Dziedzic Sister Pat O’Malley Lucy Berger Steward for Adult Sacramental Preparation Deacon Marshall Gibbs Project Coord . for Faith Formation x2318 x2304 x2303 x2305 x2306 x2301 MUSIC AND LITURGY Steward for Music & Liturgy Liturgy Assistant Steward for Contemporary Christian Choir Mark Ayers Debbie Karleskint Andres Ocampo Fax: 407.831.1560 407.831.1212 x 2310 x 2310 x2603 SMMSchool.org 407.339.7301 Lorianne Rotz x 5332 Brenda East 321.280.5330 Elisa Steiner (Director) 407.831.3740x5381 Cecile Bertot (Chair) Joe Hillebrandt (Vice Chair) Adult Center SHARE THE CARE 407.423.5311 S ACRAMENT I NFORMATION 5PM, 7 PM (Español ) SATURDAY VIGIL 8AM, 10AM (Interpreted for the deaf), SUNDAY 12NOON, 5:30 PM Mon-Fri: 7AM, 8:30AM, Saturdays 8AM, WEEKDAY Thurs 7PM (Español) Morning Rosary 8 AM (Monday-Saturday) Adoration First Friday 9 AM - 5PM (In the Chapel) Prayer Line 407.830.9042 [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat 3-4PM (English), Sat after 5PM Mass (Eng/Sp) Sacrament of Initiation, Deacon Marshall Gibbs Baptism and Matrimony Lucy Berger & Fr. Charlie Mitchell Sacrament of the Sick Rosemary Kazyk Religious Bookstore Contact Jo Ann Kuhn SCHOOL OFFICE Principal Registration EARLY LEARNING CENTER PASTORAL COUNCIL O UR C ATHOLIC F AITH : Dead battery, no WiFi, out of data, lost phone. I wouldn’t wish these horrible things on anyone. Not anyone! Do you know this word: “Nomophobia”? This is a new term describing a growing fear in today’s world, the fear of being without a mobile device or being beyond mobile phone contact. I am someone who had previously struggled with nomophobia. Well, let me be real I used to be attached to my phone. Like… W hen I went to shower, my phone would be on the bathroom counter. When I went to the bathroom, I brought my phone with me. When I was in meetings, I would text under the table. (True story.) When I went sleep, my phone would be on my pillow. Get the point? And, here’s the thing: I always thought that my phone kept me in the loop… connected to family, friends, social media, and even to my faith. After several years and many lessons, I realized my phone actually disconnected me from the people I love and care about, not to mention my relationship with Christ. Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome to post pictures on Instagram, to tweet something funny, and to do all the social media stuff, but there is a real problem when our phone interferes with our relationship with God and others. Here are some suggestions that helped me not let my phone take over my life, and most of all not let it interrupt my relationship with Christ. LIMIT THE DISTRACTIONS: Let’s turn off our phones when we pray. When we are distracted in prayer, we are not fully engaging ourselves in our relationship with the Lord. If we limit our relationship with God in our prayer life, we end up limiting His ability to speak to us and be able to receive everything He has to offer. We lock Him out. Let’s be mindful of turning our phone off (not on silent – completely off) during Mass, during visits to the Chapel, and during prayer time. BE AUTHENTIC: Are you phone and social media authentic? Oftentimes, we can create a “false identification” behind our phone. We seek validation from our posts or from the number of texts we receive. We can’t let this become our identity. We can’t hide behind our phones. Our identity is found in being a son or daughter of the Father, not in having the most liked photo on Instagram. Being unattached to our phone frees us to seek God and the good of the other verses seeking attention from phone notifications. Authenticity keeps you real. Authenticity means to be true, so if you are upset and texting with someone, but send a bunch of emoji smiley faces – that’s not being true to yourself. It is by acting in truth that will lead us to a life of freedom. DON’T LOSE FACE-TO-FACE INTERACTION: Let’s try this: The next time a friend texts you that they’re bored, surprise them and drive over to his/her house. If you miss someone’s call, call them back instead of texting them! Communicate in person. Reach out to others the way Christ reaches out to us – with compassion and love. My “I-must-have-my-phone-with-me-at-all-times” is a mindset that needs to change. The challenge for you and for me is to give your time to God before you give it to your phone. Pray, be authentic, and communicate with others in person – that will make all the difference in leading you to a joy filled life. By Kelly Colangelo—LifeTeen.com F AT H E R E D ’ S Q U E S T I O N B OX © Is it ok to pray for a pet who has died? ✥Pregunta de Michelle: ¿Está bien rezar por una mascota que ha muerto? Pets do not need our prayers once they have died. While alive, they may need our prayers that God will protect them from harm. Since they are not responsible, rational beings with rational, responsible souls like human beings, pets do not need our prayers after death. There is no moral good or bad in pets. They live by instinct. In His mysterious providence, God will see to it that dead pets have whatever “happiness” is intended for them in whatever “pet heaven” God has for them. ✥ Las mascotas no necesitan nuestras oraciones, una vez que han muerto. Mientras viva, es posible que necesiten nuestras oraciones para que Dios las proteja de cualquier daño. Ya que no son seres responsables, racionales con raciocinio, almas responsables como seres humanos, los animales domésticos no necesitan nuestras oraciones después de la muerte. No hay una buena o mala moral en las mascotas. Ellos viven por instinto. En su misteriosa providencia, Dios se encargará de que los animales domésticos muertos tengan “su felicidad"y su “descanso celestial”. MASS INTENTIONS Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104; Mk 6:53-56 Don Gallagher Doug Magee 8:30AM Bill Lawless Floegel-McGrath Families Dianne Delia 7:00AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00PM 7:00AM 8:30AM 8:00AM 5:00PM 7:00PM Gn 1:20—2:4; Ps 8; Mk 7:1-13 Ann Waltz Bill Lawless Agnes Gormley Chris Aurand Emma Sisco Gn 2:4-9, 15-17; Ps 104; Mk 7:14-23 Gary and Michael Sydnor Bill Lawless Ken Brown Jim Beadle Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128; Mk 7:24-30 Daria Dittmer Hardin Richard Acosta Bill Lawless Jim Cathcart All the People of the Parish Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32; Mk 7:31-37 Jack Sheppard Mary & Francis Jones Bill Lawless George Simmermacher Harriet Murphy Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90; Mk 8:1-10 Renae Green Mike and Josephine Slivinski Raul Pou Brennan-Schad Families Bert Johnson Idelisi and Alfonzo Rizo Guillermo Rizo Fernando Lema Lv13:1-2,44-46;Ps32;1Cor10:31-11:1;Mk1:40-45 Patrick and Marie Scanlon Betty Agrusa Eileen Froehlich 10:00AM Regina Richards Howard and Doug Stapp Bud Provancha 12:00PM Safe Return of our U.S. Deployed Military Eleanor Mulson Maria Del Carmen Mendez 5:30PM Theresa Fascetti Susan Ramshaw Dean Brubaker W E E K LY C A L E N D A R Irish American Society Meeting – School Cafeteria – 1:00PM Church Tour – Concierge Desk – 1:30PM Retrovaille Meeting – Pope John Paul II Room – 2:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM Life Teen Meeting – PLC – 6:30PM Men’s Bible Study – Mother Teresa Room - 7:00AM St. Gerard Circle Meeting – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM St. Theresa Circle Meeting – Pope John Paul II Room – 10:00AM Grief Support Group –Parish Office– 10:00AM Centering Prayer Meeting – Parish Office – 6:30PM St. Luke Circle Meeting – Mother Teresa Room – 6:30PM Health and Wellness Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM New Beginnings Class – School Room 105 – 7:00PM “Shine” Young Adults Meeting – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 7:00PM Spanish Lenten Retreat – Church – 7:00PM The Gospel of Matthew Series – San Juan de la Cruz Room 7:15PM St. Eamon Circle Meeting – St. Katherine Drexel Room – 7:30PM Father Ed’s Bible Class – Parish Office 7:30AM St. Paul Circle Meeting – St. Ignatius of Loyola Room – 9:30AM Quit Smoking Clinic – St. Ignatius of Loyola Room – 6:00PM First Communion Meeting – PLC – 6:30PM St. Robert Circle Meeting – Pope John Paul II Room – 7:00PM Faith Formation Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM Time and Talent Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM Knights of Columbus Meeting – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM Spanish Lenten Retreat – Church – 7:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 7:15PM St. Vincent de Paul Circle Meeting – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM The Gospel of Matthew Series – PLC – 9:45AM AARP Tax Aide – Pope John Paul II Room – 10:00AM Women’s Theology Group – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 11:30AM Wednesday Afternoon Seniors – Mother Teresa Room – 1:00PM PREP – Church – 4:00PM Living Your Strengths Meeting – Parish Office – 6:00PM Justice and Service Commission Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM EDGE Meeting – PLC – 7:00PM Our Lady’s Rosary Group - Chapel – 7:00PM Spanish Lenten Retreat – Church – 7:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM Sisters Act – Mother Teresa Room – 7:00PM AARP Tax Aide – Pope John Paul II Room – 10:00AM Oración Centrante – Parish Office – 10:00AM Ninos en Accion – Annex – 6:00PM XLT Service – Church – 7:00PM Renovacion Carismática – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM 8:00AM P.R.E.P. – Church – 9:15AM Mary’s Bible Study – School Cafeteria – 9:30AM Life Teen Valentine Day Dance – PLC – 6:00PM 50 + Pizza and Bingo Party - School Cafeteria – 6:15PM Valentine Day Breakfast PLC – after the 8 and 10AM Masses Celebrate Marriage Sunday – Church – 12NOON The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM Life Teen Meeting – PLC – 6:30PM NOTE: PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FEBRUARY 16 FOR PRESIDENT’S DAY.
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