OCTOBER 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR LADY of GUADALUPE Pastor Fr. Gerardo (Jerry) Arano-Ponce Deacon Raymond Delgado Office Manager Margaret Ortiz Parish Secretary Zury Sanchez School Principal Mr. Lee Schmidt School web .....holyfamilytopeka.org East: K-8, 1725 NE Seward Ave. Church Masses Daily Tuesday thru Friday/Martes a Viernes 8:00am Wednesday 6:30pm (Spanish) Saturday/4:00pm (English) Sunday/Domingo: 8:00am, 10:00am (English), 1:00pm OLG (Spanish) Office Hours/Horas de oficina: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm School Phone .................. (785)234-8980 School Fax ...................... (785)234-6778 Email ........ [email protected] West: Pre-School, 210 NE Branner School Phone .................. (785)233-9171 Email ........ [email protected] Confessions Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm, Saturday 2:30pm to 3:30 pm, or anytime by appointment if needed/ Miércoles 5:156:15pm, Sábado de 2:30pm a 3:30pm, o por cita si necesita. Marriages arrangements must be made with the pastor at least six months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matrimonio llame al Sacerdote. Quinceañeras Arrangements need to be made with the church office six months prior to planned date./Acuerdos necesitan hacerse en la oficina parroquial por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha planeada. Communion Calls if anyone is sick at home for a period of time, please notify the parish office. Declaration of Nullity Please call the parish office at (785)232-5088 Baptism Preparation Session Second Sunday of every month at 11:00am English and 3:00pm Spanish. Call Parish Office to register./Segundo Domingo de cada mes a las 11:00am en ingles y 3:00pm en español. Llame para registrarse. Anointing of the Sick For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office. Office Phone .......... (785)232-5088 Emergency Evening Office Fax .............. (785)232-8834 Phone ....................... (785)215-6113 E-mail .......... [email protected] Web Page ....... www.olg-parish.org 201 NE CHANDLER STREET ● TOPEKA, KS 66616 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN 2 A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 10/14 8:00am Hesus Gutierrez † 10/15 8:00am Jose Franco + 6:30pm Cecilia Ramirez+ 10/16 8:00am Vincent Tetuan 10/17 9:00am Maria Hazel Rocha + 10/18 4:00pm Helen Horgan + David Griego + 10/19 8:00am Ramon Muñoz Jr. † Felipe Rangel + 10:00am Panfilo & Jacinta + Toledo Family + 1:00pm Tomas Gonzalez COLLECTIONS FOR THE WEEK Envelopes…………………………..$5,484.00 Plate………………………………..$1,311.07 Building…………………………….$1,020.00 Misc………………………………...$47.00 Debt Reduction……………………. $105.00 Leaven……………………………...$38.00 Total…………………………………...$8,005.07 Parish Operation Fiscal Year 07-01-14 thru 06-30-15 Total Income wk 14 ………..$171,093.73 Total Disbursements…………..$153,716.43 Net Cash Collected…………..$17,377.30 Total Unpaid Assessments……….$(67,961.76) Obligation to Archdiocese and Leaven. Please remember Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in your will. Our legal title is: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Topeka, 201 NE Chandler St., Topeka, KS 66616. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS RCIA has begun but it is not too late to join our sessions. We meet every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Padre Pio room in, the basement of the activity center. Our RCIA team, led by Father Jerry is made up of “active Catholics” Marcus and Monica Ramirez, Ray and Vicki Gonzalez and Dave And Monica Matchett. Our sessions are made up of symbolon DVD presentations, Scriptures readings and references from Catechism of the Catholic church. Open discussion is encouraged as all of us are on the same journey to learn the lessons taught to us by the life of Jesus Christ. The personal journeys of the team are as individual and varied as our lives have been. All of us have had ups and downs that greatly affected our lives and we found that keeping in close contact with those who look to our faith for answers always find their way. There is a saying that when all else fails read the instructions “The Bible”. We have 12 folks who have joined us to study our faith and we have room for you. There is no enrollment needed, just drop in. Continue LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 10-18-14 & 10-19-14 Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am Sunday 10:00 am Sunday 11 am (Assumption Church) Sunday 1:00pm Lectors Manuel & Alice Chavez Roxanne Ortiz, Constancio Garay Jolene Garcia, Lola Delgado Juan Bailon, Maria Valles Jose Luis Marquez, Angeles Escobar Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Shelly Valdivia, Nate Morales, John Adame Victor & Dominic Rodriguez, Christy Cheray Margaret Vasquez, Dolores Oliva, Deacon Ray Delgado Ana Mateos Clemencia Rojas, Susana Ruiz Guadalupe Morales, Margarita Gonzalez, Mary Castro Mass Servers TBA Susana Mosqueda, Marisol Marcelo Joe Salas, Angelina Rodriguez Paulina, Patricia, Israel Jr. Cortes, Isabel Lopez Lizbeth Orantes, Lupita Alvarez OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 We have an open invitation to those who are seeking to learn about Catholic faith as well as those who are already Catholic and would like to join us to refresh their faith. Feel free to contact a team member or me at (785-224-8999) or email me at [email protected] for more information. Dave Matchett Director RCIA. Eucharistic adorers: Our Lord gives us peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with having our perpetual adoration chapel. Please Contact Angel & Mary Valdivia at 2731629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00 noon, Marcus & Monica Ramirez at 273-8448 from 12:00 noon-6:00pm, John & Lupe Jaramillo at 2345936 from 6:00pm-midnight, and Monica & Marcus Ramirez from midnight-6:00am. We especially need adorers on Sunday 4:00am, Monday 11:00pm, 2:00am, 3:00am, Tuesday 2:00am, Thursday 12:00am, 1:00am, 3:00am, Saturday 2:00am. MARK YOUR CALENDAR For Altar Society's Turkey Dinner on Sunday, November 2. Proceeds will go toward new carpet in the church. More information to follow. CRAFT SHOW OCTOBER 25TH & 26TH In the Gym of the Marlo Cuevas Balandran Activity Center. BINGO IS BACK OCTOBER 14, 2014 AT 6:30PM IN THE MARLO CUEVAS ACTIVITY CENTER. K OF C 4TH DEGREE will meet on November 2th in the Father Pio Room in the Marlo Cuevas Balandran Activity Center at 7:00PM. 3 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH/ POR FAVOR RECEN POR LOS ENFERMOS DE LA PARROQUIA Jennifer Delci, John Marlin, Lesa Martinez, Patrick Hernandez, Margaret Toledo-Lopez, Maria Mendoza, Lisa Motto, Gloria Ruddy, Anna Rose, Anna Hernandez-Reid, Sarah Martinez, Liliana Gonzales, Carol Hernandez, Gerry Gauthier, Sue Garcia Casebier, Russell Adam, Luis Z. Serrano, Donna Rodgers, Danielle Ritter, Ali Rivera, Jayden Moore, Tom Shump, Olivia Johnson, Gene Torres, Daniel de Jesus Anguiano Cedeno Jr., Enrique Garcia, Tomee Flores Bradberry, Joseph Cervantes, Shirley Green, David M. Hernandez, Steve Dominguez, Uriel Muñoz, Mary Frances Dallen, Riley Robinson, Aiven Burkhart, Davonta Martinez, Heather Richardson, Marcelino Gonzalez Jr., John Marr, Brayan Cervantes, Virginia Ramos, Molly Ann Motto, Brian Burkett, Martin Ortiz Jr., Guillermina G. Lopez, John Padilla, Mike Guerrero, Molly Neal, Leocadia Navarro, Jason Blancas, Feliciano Canares, Raul Perez Torrez, Elizabeth Adame, Ana Villegas, Marcelino Chavez, Reese Lord, Tony Chavez, Pabla Soto, Virginia Ferrero, Debbie Lindsay, Sevarina Padilla. HOLY FAMILY EVENTS October, 13 - Rosary 7:45am 14 - Mass 8am 15 - $2 Dress Down Day 15 - Dismiss 2pm 17 - Mass 8am 20 - Rosary 7:45am TRUNK OR TREAT Friday Oct. 31 We invite everyone to participate in Trunk or Treat. This is an annual event where you can decorate the trunk of your car and distribute candy/treats to our trick or treaters or sit in a lawn chair and hand out treats. There will be prizes for the best decorated trunk and for best child and adult Halloween costume. Come out and have some fun with us and enjoy our parade of costumes at 2:15 then Trunk or Treat. 4 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 INICIACIÓN DE CRISTIANIDAD PARA ADULTOS RCIA ha comenzado pero no es demasiado tarde para que usted se una a nuestras sesiones. Nos juntamos cada tarde los Martes de 7:00-9:00 PM. en el cuarto del Padre Pío en, el sótano del Centro de Actividades. Nuestros equipos están compuestos, y conducido por el Padre Gerardo, “Católicos Activos” Marcus y Monica Ramirez, Vicki Gonzalez, Dave y Monica Matchett. Nuestras sesiones se componen de presentaciones de Symbolos DVD, lecturas y escrituras y de las referencias del Catecismo de la iglesia católica. Se anima la discusión abierta mientras y todos nosotros estamos en el mismo viaje para aprender sobre las lecciones enseñadas a nosotros por la vida de Jesucristo. Las trayectorias personales del equipo son individuales y variadas como han sido nuestras vidas. Todos nosotros hemos tenido altas y bajas que afectaron grandemente nuestras vidas y nosotros encontramos que manteniendo contacto cercano con los que miran a nuestra fe para las respuestas siempre encuentre su manera. Hay un refrán que cuando todo falla lee las instrucciones “La Biblia”. Tenemos 12 personas que en nuestra sesión de estudio, y tenemos sitio para usted. No hay inscripción necesitada. Tenemos una invitación abierta a los que estén intentando aprender sobre la fe Católica así como los que ya sean Católicos y quisieran intergrarse para restaurar su fe. Siéntase libre entrar en contacto con un miembro (785-2248999) o puede enviar un coreo a [email protected] para más información. Dave Matchett Director RCIA Guardián del santísimo: Nuestro Señor nos da paz y dones del Espíritu Santo al orar y pasar tiempo con El. Somos afortunados en tener las puertas abiertas del santísimo las 24 horas. Por favor, llama a John & Lupe Jaramillo al 2345936 para horas de guardia de 6:00pm a la media noche, o a Mónica & Marcus de 6:00am– 12:00pm, o a Mónica y Marcus Ramírez al 273– 8448 para horas de guardia de media noche a 6:00am. Especialmente necesitamos guardianes: el Domingo 4:00am, Lunes 11:00pm, 2:00am, 3:00am, Martes 2:00am, Jueves 12:00am, 1:00am, 3:00am, Sábado 2:00am. EVENTOS DE HOLY FAMILY Octubre, 13 - Rosary 7:45am 14 - Mass 8am 15 - $2 Dress Down Day 15 - Dismiss 2pm 17 - Mass 8am 20 - Rosary 7:45am TRUNK OR TREAT OCT 31,2014 Invitamos a cada uno que participe en trunk or treat o trate. Esto es un acontecimiento anual donde usted puede adornar su cajuela de su coche y distribuir dulces/ o traer su silla y repartir dulces. Habrá premios para la mejor cajuela adornada y para el mejor traje de Halloween de niño y de adulto. Venga con nosotros y goce de nuestro desfile de trajes. El trunk or treat comienza a las 2:15pm. Retiro para las Jovencitas que van a tener su Quinceañera Se llevara acabo en Nuestra parroquia de Guadalupe. Sabado 25, de 8am-5pm y Domingo Octubre 26, 2014 de 8am-5pm para mas informacion hable con Susana Ruiz 3540761. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN 5 A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 REGIONAL NEWS WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING THE MONTLY MARIAN MASS our church telephone directory for printing. We understand some households use their cell phone number as their primary. We need to know if you wish to have your cell phone number listed in this directory. If you use a land line as your primary, please make sure we have your correct number. Call the Parish Office at 232-5088. Thanks for your attention to this matter. In support of Sanctity of Life will be on Wednesday October 22nd, at Sacred Heart Church. Mass is at 7:00 pm. Fr. Hesse will hear confessions at 6:15 p.m. With the Rosary preceding Mass. SAVE THE DATE Centennial Parish Pot Luck November 1, 2014 immediately following 4:00 PM mass. Further information will be forthcoming. THE CENTENNIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE is requesting your help in creating a theme for our 100 year celebration. We would also like to request designs to be used for t-shirts, and other memorabilia please submit your ideas through our website [email protected] or drop by the office no latter than October 10, 2014. “Priest, Prophet, King,” by Rev. Robert E. Barron, will be offered by Glory to God Community beginning October 16th and continuing on the first and third Thursdays of each month, at Most Pure Heart of Mary, 1750 SW Stone Street, in O'Connor Hall. This is a 6-part series to help us to grow in holiness. We will begin each evening at 7:00 with prayer and praise to prepare our hearts, then watch the DVD. Ends at approximately 8:30. Refreshments afterwards. Questions call Allan or Vickie Holthaus 862-9738. THANK YOU ALL WHO HELPED MAKE FIESTA MEXICANA 2014 A SUCCESS! Deacon Information Night The archdiocesan office of the permanent Diaconate is offering an information night Thursday, October 23rd, 7:00PM at Most Pure Heart Of Mary, everyone who is interested in learning more about the diaconate and the details of the Archdiocesan formation program are welcome to attend. Those who believe that the Lord is calling them to serve the church as Deacons will be given resources to assist in their discernment. Point of contract in our parish is Fr. Jerry Arano-Ponce (785-232-5088) or Deacon Ray, (408-1717) you may also visit www.archkck.org/deacons for more information. GROSS REVENUE TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT 2014 $446,323.52 $177,681.91 $268,641.61 2013 $414,627.84 $150,103.88 $264,523.96 FOOTNOTE: FIESTA MEXICANA IS THE MAJOR PARISH FUNDRAISER THAT HELPS OLG MEET ITS $368,112 ANNUAL SUBSIDY OBLIGATION TO HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL. THIS YEAR, WE HAD TO PAY APROXIMATELY $13,267.50 FOR FIESTA PRODUCTS DUE TO LACK OF CORPORATE SPONSERS. THIS HAS REDUCED OUR NET PROFIT.
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