1st February 2015 Vol. 22 Issue 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B Canon Luke writes . . . In last Sunday’s Gospel our Lord proclaimed: ‘the kingdom of God is at hand;’ as we continue to listen to the first chapter of St Mark’s Gospel we see that this is not just a vague hope, rather Christ comes with authority and power, mighty in words and deed. He undeniably asserts His dominion over the powers of evil. It is interesting to note that St Mark describes these events as taking place on the Sabbath; the day given as sign of the covenant of God’s love; love for His creation (Exodus 31:12-17), a love that was powerfully revealed in the deliverance of His people Israel, from slavery (Deuteronomy 6:12-15). This Sabbath, Jesus ushers in God’s Kingdom, the new creation; He has come to bring deliverance to humanity, shattering Satan’s stranglehold on mankind, bring deliverance from the snares of evil and breaking forever the bonds of sin and death. Jesus is the great prophet foretold by Moses in the First Reading. Although He is Lord of heaven and earth, He becomes one like us: ‘I will raise up a prophet like yourself for them, from their own brothers.’ He comes with dominion therefore not only over the external forces of chaos and evil, but over each of our lives. He wishes to make us ‘holy in body and spirit’, able to give ‘our undivided attention to the Lord’ as St Paul says in today’s Epistle. Do we allow Christ to reign in our lives, or does human pride make us pull up the drawbridge of our hearts, dull our ears to His word, and make our eyes dim to the marvels of His works? May the Lord’s teaching make a deep impression on us so that the light of salvation may dawn in our lives. Canon Luke CANDLEMAS (Feast of the PresentaƟon of the Lord) Is it possible that forty days have already passed since Christmas?? On Monday we celebrate the feast of the Lord’s Presentation in the Temple, the final part of the Christmas Mystery; the feast is often referred to as Candlemas, as in the gospel account of this event (Luke 2:22-40) Simon calls our Lord ‘The light of revelation to the gentiles.’ Traditionally on this day candles are blessed to carry in procession, in addition candles to be used in Church’s liturgy throughout the year The deeper significance of the ceremonies of this feast are eloquently expressed by Blessed Guerric of Igny (12th century Cistercian Abbot) ‘Behold then, the candle alight in Simeon's hands. You must light your own candles by enkindling them at his, those lamps which the Lord commanded you to bear in your hands. So come to him and be enlightened that you do not so much bear lamps as become them, shining within yourself and radiating light to your neighbours. May there be a lamp in your heart, in your hand and in your mouth: let the lamp in your heart shine for yourself, the lamp in your hand and mouth shine for your neighbours. The lamp in your heart is a reverence for God inspired by faith; the lamp in your hand is the example of a good life; and the lamp in your mouth are the words of consolation you speak.’ In addition to the 10.00am 12.30pm masses there will be a special Mass at 8.00pm; as in previous years this Mass is offered for all parents/families who have suffered the loss of a child and a special invitation is extended to them to attend this Mass. This is a really beautiful feast and I encourage you all to make a particular effort to attend one of the Masses. Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for February UNIVERSAL: Prisoners - that prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. EVANGELIZATION: Separated spouses - That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. ROSARIES, SMALL CRUCIFIXES & PRAYER CARDS FOR HMP PRISON We are often asked by the prisoners for these religious items; if you have any surplus to requirement or are willing to purchase or donate such items, please pass them to one of the priests or drop them into the parish office. Thank you . PARISH WEB SITE: www. stfrancisparish.org.uk DIOCESAN WEBSITE: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk NOTICEBOARD Page 2 YOUR HELP IS NEEDED: ARCHDIOCESE OF SOUTHWARK CLERGY SUPPORT FUND CAMPAIGN As most of you are PARISH TRIP TO WIMBLEDON Friday, 10 April (during School Easter Holiday) All England Tennis Club & Sacred Heart Church (Guided tours, Mass with Canon John and aŌernoon tea) An unmissable opportunity to visit the iconic All England Tennis Club (AELTC), the home of Wimbledon tennis. We will have a guided tour & visit to the museum/shop. There will be me for tea and coffee on arrival and lunch at the Wingfield Café at the AELTC. A er lunch, we will take a short coach ride to Canon John’s ‘new’ parish at the Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon, where we will have a short guided tour of the Church and therea er mass will be celebrated for us by Canon John. We will have a full a ernoon tea at the Sacred Heart Wimbledon before we return home to Maidstone. MOBILITY ISSUES? The Wimbledon tour will last approx. 90 minutes and will cover a significant distance, including some stairs/li s. However, there are mes when you may sit down and also you could foreshorten the tour by visi ng the museum/café/shop. PRICES /BOOKING DEADLINE: Thursday 19 March. Inclusive return coach trip, Wimbledon AELTC guided tour/museum entry, a ernoon tea and guided tour of Sacred Heart Church, Wimbledon. If you have already expressed an interest, please make your formal booking. Bookings via Parish Office or Olga D’Silva. Cheques payable to: 'St Francis' Parish'. Senior/Student: £38.00; Adult: £40.00; Child:£34.00 APPROXIMATE TIMINGS: 8.30am Coach leaves St Simon Stock School, Oakwood Park, Maidstone (free parking). 7.00pm arrive back St Simon Stock School. FFI: Contact Olga D’Silva Tel: 01622 808486; email info@zeninterna onal.co.uk PRESBYTERY CAR PARK There is very limited space in the small car park in front of the presbytery and over the past few weeks there has been some very irresponsible parking. It is imperative that you do not block in the clergy cars or take their spaces; on Sundays we have to get out to say Masses in various locations and at all times we could (and often do) have emergency sick calls. The main car park is available for use all weekend and if full on Sunday there is usually ample parking in County Road. On weekdays priority in the Presbytery car park should be given to those who come in to carry out various tasks in the parish office or those with serious mobility problems. It is particularly irritating when people take the liberty of using it as a personal parking spot simply to enable them to go shopping!! aware a Clergy Support Fund Campaign has been planned to help our diocese meet the needs of its sick / re red priests; which will reach its peak in the next four years with an es mated 93 priests in re rement. The Campaign team need lay volunteers from across the diocese to assist this necessary fundraising. A Kent Area Leader has been appointed: Mr Tom Mullally (Sevenoaks parish); and our Deanery Leaders are Adrian & Sally A more (West Malling parish). Each parish needs to recruit at least 3 or 4 people to help run the campaign in their parish. The specifica on is as follows: ‘sympathe c to the needs of sick and re red priests and willing to give a limited amount of me over a few months to organise and present the campaign to the parish. The work involves prac cal organisa on, communica on, presenta ons to small groups of fellow parishioners, being comfortable with IT. Team members do not need to have experience of fundraising, they will be briefed and provided with all the necessary materials and supports throughout their involvement by their local Lay-leaders and the Campaign Office Team.’ I would be most grateful for volunteers to assist our parish in this way; obviously the more the be er, as this enables the alloca on of tasks according to par cular skills and the general sharing of the load. Please let the parish clergy/ parish office know if you are able to offer your services. For more informa on about the Campaign see the website: southwarkclergysuppor undcampaign.org THANKYOU TO THE THREE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALREADY RESPONDED THE FRIENDSHIP GROUP Dates for your Diary Monday, 2 February (11am): Tenpin Bowling at Lockmeadow; (1.30pm - 3.30pm) Scrabble at Hospice Tea Rooms. Wednesday, 4 February (10am - 12 noon): Line Dancing followed by coffee in Society Rooms. Monday, 9 February (10.30am): Coffee morning in Society Rooms; (1.30pm - 3.30pm) Scrabble at Hospice Tea Rooms. Wednesday, 11 February (10am - 12 noon): Line Dancing followed by coffee in Society Rooms. Monday, 16 February (1.30pm - 3.30pm): Scrabble at Hospice Tea Rooms Wednesday, 18 February: NO LINE DANCING NOTE: Full February programme next week. FFI contact Mary Adam via the office. CHURCH ROOF FUND: Currently there is £11,899.40 in the fund. Thank you recent donations towards this fund; all your initiatives and gifts, no matter how small, really make a difference. I know there is a long way to go but it is so heartening to see what has been achieved in so short a time PARISH COLLECTIONS AND LOTTERY Last Weekend - All Masses: This Sunday’s 2nd Collection: Roof Fund 1st Collection: £1,916 - 35* 2nd Collection: £ 507 - 43 Catholic Education Services Next Sunday’s 2nd Collection: DEW Association India, Children’s Education (Lucy Guest) *This figure does not include standing orders etc. which average £330 a week. Many thanks for your generous support. Parish Lottery Winner: Week No. 5 - No.112 - Miss A Horgan - £10 Page 3 ASCENT GROUP Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 4 February, (10.45am) in the Presbytery. All retired parishioners welcome. Refreshments will be served, plus raffle. FFI contact Angela Hunter via the office. COULD YOU BE A SCHOOL GOVERNOR? Do you have a little time to spare? Are you looking for a new interest and a way of being useful and meeting others? A small local Catholic Primary School has vacancies for Catholic governors to help support the Headteacher and staff in their work for the children. FFI or just to ask a few questions, contact Lyn Coyle via the office. QUIZ: in aid of Nettlestead Church is to be held on Saturday, 21 February at East Peckham Village Hall. Tickets £5 (£10 with supper) from Yvonne Cronk (01622) 812016. SPONSORED CHALLENGE UPDATE: Total so far its reached £1,064 (for the roof fund). Again my heartfelt thanks . This does not include our Gift Aid entitlement. Mary (still very merry!) Adam Prayer & Praise: Next meeting: Thursday, 5 February (7.30pm) in St Jude’s Chapel, Aylesford Priory - a time to praise God, listen, teach and intercessory prayer. Sharing together, as the Holy Spirit leads. Also, individual prayer ministry. All welcome. A Day of Prayer for Africa: at St Peter and Paul’s Church, Aylesford on Saturday, 28 February (10 am - 4 pm). There will be first-hand presentations from organisations and individuals directly involved in Africa. A light lunch will be provided at the church between 1 and 2pm you are invited to pop in at an y time, or for the whole day. FFI contact Iris Neel (01622) 710634 or [email protected] Valentine’s Day: Celebrate at The Friars, Aylesford (North Barn) on Saturday, 14 February (7.30pm) - Bar available. Tony Cassidy will sing songs from the ‘American Songbook’ and will feature music of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis jnr. and more ... Tickets £10 Helpers of God’s Precious Infants: The next vigil at Marie Stopes abortion facility is on Wednesday, 25 February. Full details on noticeboard in Church Porch. A “must read”! I’ve just finished reading Matthew Kelly’s book Rediscover Catholicism: it’s the book that was handed out free at the Christmas Masses. What a book! It’s a clarion call and spur to all Catholics. It’s an inspiration read, and a book you want to ‘tell the world’ about. I would urge you all to read it, and perhaps pass it on to your loved ones, who may have strayed. Copies of the book can be ordered from www.DynamicCatholic.com. - ED. NOTICEBOARD ORDER OF SERVICE - Sung Liturgy 9.00am Mass Entrance Kyrie Gloria Psalm Gospel Acc. Offertory Sanctus Acclamation Great Amen Our Father Agnus Dei Communion Recessional 703 St Francis’ Mass St Catherine’s Mass 10.30am Mass 59 * sung * sung sung (Psalm 94) 410 72 422 410 898 sung * sung sung 585 952 St Francis’ Mass sung 866 886 69 602 568 * * * Mass of Christ the Saviour FLAME YOUTH CLUB This club for 11 to 14 year olds, meets on Saturday evenings between 6pm and 9pm in the Parish Hall. PHOENIX YOUTH CLUB This Club for young people 15 to 18, including those who have been confirmed meets every Friday from 6.30pm to 9.00pm in the Youth Room, where we meet friends, play pool, table tennis and air hockey. Check out our web page: www.stfrancisparish.org.uk/ phoenix.html On Sunday, 8 February, the 6pm Mass will be led by Phoenix Youth Club. VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED On Sunday, 22 February (between 2 pm and 4pm) please come to the Presbytery to help clear vegetation which is blocking a fire exit. Many hands make light work! To register your interest please contact Lydia Burchell or Martin Sexton via the office. BIBLE STUDY GROUP: (led by Fr Paul) Meets each Monday in the Presbytery (Grove House), following 10.00am Mass at St Francis’. BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE The next bap sm prepara on programme will take place on Monday 9th and 16th February at 7.00pm (each session lasts no more than an hour). If you are planning to have your child bap sed in the next few months please complete a bap sm applica on form (available in St Francis porch, from the office or the parish website) and return it to the parish office this weekend PRAYER INTENTIONS For the sick and housebound of our parish: Cody Barker, Jean Carley, Luke Collins, Sirpa Edwardes, Lars Fare, Kath Harvey, Kathleen Homewood, Robert Marshall, Mark Pearson, Mark Quijano, Pauline Sexton, Margarette Ruaux, Coleen Sargeant, Enid Swan, Clare Watts, Baby Joseph & family, and all those in our local hospitals, hospice and nursing homes. For recently dead and for those who mourn them: Bridget Buckley, Paola King, Sammy Murphy and Marjorie Peters For those whose anniversaries occur at this me: Joseph Beckley, Donald Cameron ,Leo McKenna, Mary Grigsby, Anna Skeels, Mary Rennie, Edith Pointer, Harry Wright, Maria Abbasi, Lena Guy, Hugh Cameron, Doreen Ingrams, Norah Jones, Gerry Cullen, Catherine Collins, Patrick Delaney, Hannah Williams, Brian White, Myra Campbell, Charles Mill, Dorothy Snowden, Joseph Chow, Pietro Pia, Noel Nolan, Tony Plumbly, Richard Hammond, Anne Dooner, Lydia Bennett, Carmela Pirozzolo and John Homewood. Parish Diary & Mass Intentions Sunday 1st February Thursday 5th February January Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) St Agatha St Francis 10.00am Sr Mary de Lourdes RIP 11.00am Wateringbury: Ordinariate Mass 12.30pm Special intention 6.00pm (Sat) Nadine Reid RIP 9.00am Leonard Ralph Church RIP 9.15am Page 4. 4.30pm Mass in HMP Maidstone 10.30am Maria Antonia Cacciacaro RIP 12.30pm Mass in the Extraordinary Form 4.00pm POLISH MASS Dziękczynna z prośba o Boże błogosławieństwo w Nowym Roku 6.00pm Holy Souls Preston Hall 8.30am People of the Parish 11.30am Dolly Thompson RIP Mass in HMP Maidstone: Holy Souls Friday 6th February First Friday Ss Paul Miki & Companions (Martyrs of Japan) 10.00am Joseph Robert Chow RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12.30pm Holy Souls 8.00pm Bridget Buckley RIP followed By Scared Heart Devotions (Exposition, Litany & Benediction) Nettlestead: 10.00am Aidan McElroy RIP Saturday 7th February 10.00am Pietro Pia RIP 3.00pm Nuptial Mass Adan Cazas Garcia & Joanna Duda Wateringbury: 11.00am Ordinariate Mass Monday 2nd February Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemass) 10.00am In reparation for abortions carried this week in Brewer Street 12.30pm Caridad Johnson RIP 8.00pm For the parents and friends of deceased children Sunday 8th February Tuesday 3rd February 10.30am Terry McCarthy; Lilian & William Smith RIP St Lawrence of Canterbury / St Blaise The Blessing of St Blaise (throats) will be available after both Masses 10.00am Josephine Cooper RIP 12.30pm Mrs Mbala: private intention Wednesday 4th February 10.00am Irena Burgess RIP 12.30pm Kathleen Simmonds RIP 7.30pm Exposition, Lectio Divina & Benediction Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) St Francis 6.00pm (Sat) Lydia Bennett RIP 9.00am Varkey Kurian RIP 9.15am 2.00pm Mass in HMP Maidstone Baptism of Maja Glowa 6.00pm Margaret Boyle RIP Preston Hall 8.30am Catherine Lenihan RIP 11.30am Irena Burgess RIP Nettlestead: 10.00am Dennis, Sirpa & family Wateringbury: 11.00am Ordinariate Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Monday - Friday: 12.00 noon Saturday: 10.30 - 11.15 am; 5.00 - 5.30 pm EXPOSITION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: Wednesday evening 7.30pm - 8.30pm Friday: between Masses 10.30 - 12.30pm With Evening Prayer & Benediction: Usually the last Sunday of the month 5.00pm THE PARISH OF ST FRANCIS Grove House, 126 Week Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RH Telephone: (01622) 756217 Fax: (01622) 690549 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.stfrancisparish.org.uk Parish Priest: Canon Luke Smith Assistant Priests: Fr Bartłomiej Dudek & Fr Peter Kucharski Ordinariate Priest: Fr Paul Gibbons Parish Deacons: Rev. Tom Coyle & Rev. Ian Black PARISH SCHOOLS St Francis’ Catholic Primary School. Queens Road, Maidstone, ME16 0LB. Telephone: (01622) 771540 St Simon Stock Catholic School. Headteacher: Mr Brendan Wall Oakwood Park, Maidstone ME16 OJP Telephone: (01622) 754551
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