Zia Gazette ZIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Volume 1, Issue 2 The children and youth of Zia invite everyone to skate with them on Sunday, February 8 at The Genoveva Chavez Community Center. • AT Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Zia will celebrate Shrove Tuesday with a pancake supper at 6 pm. Bring fruit, bacon, sausage, or whatever you enjoy on your pancakes if you wish! No charge, but an offering will be taken to support feeding ministries. BEWELLNM INSURANCE DISCUSSION - FEB 1ST 12 PM Meet at Zia at 12:30 to carpool to the Chavez Center or meet our group there at 12:45. Movie Night February 2015 Ice Skating Party Ash Wednesday • HCI TEAM MEETING FEBRUARY 1 AT 12:45 • MISSIONS MEETING FEB 2ND AT 5 PM • ICE SKATING - FEB 8TH 1 PM CHAVEZ CENTER • MOVIE NIGHT - FEB 20TH AT 6 PM • HEALTHY CHURCH INITIAFEB 28TH FROM 10 AM TO 3 PM - ALB. TIVE CLUSTER MEETING Lent, the church season of preparation for Easter, begins on Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 18 this year. A service of imposition of ashes will be held on Ash Wednesday at 6 pm. The next Movie Night will be Friday, February 20th at 6 pm - Secondhand Lions. Come enjoy a good movie, conversation and of course popcorn and other snacks! Inside this issue: HEALTHY CHURCH INITIATIVE 2 HANSEL & GRETEL 2 2015 LEGISLATURE 3 RADICAL HOSPITALITY 4 DATES 5 Zia Gazette Healthy Church Ini a ve Your Healthy Church Ini a ve team had a good day in Albuquerque on Saturday, January 24. We are commi!ed in 2015 to learning and planning together with other churches in our conference how Zia can con nue to grow spiritually and numerically in the community. Hansel and Gretel Elizabeth Funaro with The Witch About twenty five of Zia’s congrega on enjoyed a free Hansel and Gretel performance that was given by Performance Santa Fe Angel & Tina Funck with Hansel Community Opera on January 11th at the Sco7sh Rite Center. Amazingly the kids sat quietly right in front of the stage to be a part of the story. The kids were told before the performance began that they were Michael Renner with The Witch Page 2 Michael Renner & Tina Funck with the Ballerina not to stand up so they would not block anyone else’s view. So at the end of the performance when all the adults stood up to clap the kids stayed seated on the floor as they were told to do. (Maybe it had something to do with the whole Hansel and Gretel story…) Volume 1, Issue 2 When Blaine Wimberly told me the Interfaith Leadership Alliance of Santa Fe would be par cipa ng in the Witness for the People at the opening of the New Mexico legislature, I knew I had to be there. This was just another step along a path I began many years ago. Even before the 1980’s my faith commitments led me to par cipate in many ac vi es involving sociopoli cal issues. And Tuesday, January 20, provided two more steps along that path of Chris an witness. In the morning Blaine and I were across the street from the Roundhouse for public hearings before the Public Regula on Commission (PRC). Representa ves from faith communi es throughout the state affiliated with New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light stood behind Joan Brown, OSF, as she presented tes mony encouraging the commissioners to move beyond the current PNM proposal. More solar and wind power investments are preferable to con nuing with coal. As a new Trustee at Zia UMC it is important for me to understand what is involved in current energy policies of the PRC. We are examining the details involved in a solar installa on at the church. Tuesday a>ernoon we joined the crowd gathering in the Roundhouse Rotunda. By 3:00 there was standing room only as people reviewed the four printed pages detailing the program. I’ve been to many of these interfaith celebra ons but this one truly inspired me with the depth and scope of issues covered. Divine Order and the glorious work of the Holy Spirit were evident throughout the event. Fortunately the Unitarian Universalist Congrega on of Santa Fe not only shared their talented choir but had an excellent videographer recording the event. Take a look at h!p://www.uusantafe.org and enjoy the wonderful words of The Reverend Dr. James Forbes, Senior Minister Emeritus, Riverside Church, New York City. Then listen to Blaine at about minute 38 as she joined sixteen other faith leaders in the responsive reading of the Prayers of the People. Copies of those prayers have been delivered to members of the legislature. WITNESS FOR THE PEOPLE - 2015 INTERFATH LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE ROUNDHOUSE ON THE HOME PAGE http://www.uusantafe.org/ BLAINE IS @ 38:55. With our liberty to worship freely as people of faith comes the responsibility to par cipate in the governance of this state, and this na on. May each of us take whatever opportuni es are available to let our voices be heard, expressing what comes from our grateful hearts. Page 3 Zia Gazette Radical Hospitality A couple of Bishop Robert Schnase’s prac ces of fruiJul congrega ons have entered into conversa ons at Zia recently. We discussed passionate worship at our worship workshop and heard about risk-taking mission and ministry in Sunday’s sermon. A third prac ce is radical hospitality. We have an opportunity to offer hospitality and be in ministry with another congrega on in our community, a Spanishspeaking Seventh-Day Adven st church in transi on from their current loca on and looking for a place of their own. They are a larger congrega on (about 100 in worship) with an ac ve youth group and will be using the church and educa on building on Saturdays (the seventh day) and on Wednesday evenings. The trustees are currently working out details for the sharing of space which we expect to begin in March. worship on Saturdays, the Sabbath (literally the seventh day), the day God gave to us all for rest. We, along with most protestant denomina ons, worship on Sunday because that was the prac ce of the early church; recognizing Sunday (the eighth day) as the day of resurrec on. The advantage in our situa on is that our building can more easily accommodate both congrega ons, meaning that our building can be more fully used, which is good stewardship of our resources. They will be saving money toward another loca on; we will have some help with our budget shorJall. Seventh-Day Adven sts are a protestant Chris an denomina on. They are dis nc ve in that they Pastor Blaine Page 4 Like Abraham we are blessed to be a blessing. Unlike Abraham, we have the land on which we dwell. Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors ZIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3368 Governor Miles Rd Santa Fe NM 87507 Phone: 505-471-0997 Fax: 505-471-9331 Email: [email protected] Birthdays and Anniversaries February 5th - Linda Palmer February 7th - Lina Germann February 8th - Be!y Bangs February 10th - Glenda Deyloff February 16th - Roberta Linn February 21st - Bre Zamora February 28th - Ginny Boylls We’re on the Web www.ziaumc.org The Lunch Bunch had a wonderful lunch on January 27th at the Double Dragon and will enjoy the next lunch on February 17th at the Olive Garden. Come Join the fun! ♦ Feb 1st - Fellowship Potluck lunch at 12 noon ♦ Feb 15th - Finance Mee ng at 11 am ♦ Feb 2nd - Missions mee ng at 5 pm ♦ Feb 15th Administra ve Council Mee ng at 12 noon ♦ Feb 8th - Chavez Center Ice Ska ng at 1 pm ♦ Feb 17th - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at 6pm ♦ Feb 12th - St. Elizabeth’s Dinner, take by 5 pm ♦ Feb 12th - Samson & The Pirate Monks -7 pm Charles Barbees’ home ♦ Feb 18th - Ash Wednesday - Service at 6 pm ♦ Feb 13th - Women at the Well - 6 to 8 pm ♦ Feb 20th - Family Movie Night at 6 pm Secondhand Lions ♦ Feb 25th - Family Life Radio Estate Planning at 7 pm in Educa on Bldg. ♦ Feb 28th - Healthy Church Ini a ve cluster mee ng in Albuquerque from 10 am to 3 pm
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