Bulletin - Avenue Road Baptist Church

Sunday Worship Service
February 1, 2015
Welcome & Announcements
Singing: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”
“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”
Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings
Children’s Time
Anthem: “Kyrie Eleison”
Hymn: “Lord Have Mercy”
solo by Kleyton Farias
Hymn: “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” (vs. 1, 2) 581
Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:1-8
Sermon: “Who Is The Lord?”
Hymn: “I Will Sing of the Mercies”
Following the service, John and Rosemary Griffiths will
be available to pray with you at the front of the church.
Everyone is invited for refreshments in the Johnston
Room after the service.
Sermon focus this year:
“Getting into the Word so that the Word gets into you.”
Memorization Verse
February 1: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love
endures forever.” Psalm 136:1
Feb. 2,
Feb. 3,
Feb. 4,
Feb. 4,
Feb. 5,
This week at Avenue Road
1:00 p.m.
Sewing in Action
9:30 a.m.
Ladies Take - A- Break
1 &7 p.m.
Bible Study: 2 Peter
7:00 p.m.
Overflow and Xtreme
7:15 p.m.
Adult Choir
Coming Soon
Silver Circle 50+ Wednesday, February 11th, we will meet in the
gym at 11:30 for devotions and lunch provided by the Friendship
Circle. There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Centre for the
lunch and a free-will offering would be appreciated.
Following lunch we will meet our special guest, Terry Burr, the
owner and operator of The Burrs and the Bees of Puslinch
Township. He has been farming honey and making bees wax
candles for over 15 years. Terry will be demonstrating how the
operations of bee keeping and honey making are done.
Pancake Supper – Join us Tuesday, February 17th, for pancakes,
sausages, juice, coffee, and dessert from 5-7:30 p.m. at a cost of
$6/person, $20 family (immediate) of 4. Children under 5 are free.
There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Centre.
Annual General Meeting – Everyone is encouraged to attend the
Annual General Meeting following the service Sunday, March 29th,
with a light lunch provided. Reports are due to Barb February 15th.
News, Notes, and Needs
March Break Kids’ Club – We are in need of more volunteers for
the week of March 16-19. Would YOU be willing to serve on our
Kids’ Club team? A week of your life could impact a child for
eternity. Please speak to Pastor Chris today to volunteer or for
more information.
Inclement Weather Policy – We would like to remind everyone of
our church closure policy for inclement weather. You may find out
more on our Inclement Weather Policy on our website.
Phone: Call the office, or talk to your deacon.
Web: Check www.arbchurch.com after 8:00 a.m.
Listen: Tune in to 96.7 FM, 107.5 FM or AM 570
Excerpt from “How to Memorize the Bible,” Dr. William Evans,
“Dr. Evans memorized the entire King James Version of the Bible
plus the New Testament of the American Standard Version. Who
better to teach memorization? ...
“To show the possibilities of memory training at old age, I refer to
the instance of a New York editor who gave an account of his own
experience in the study of the Scriptures. He states how that when
seventy-four years old, he began, in a systematic way, to commit
the Scriptures to memory, and in a short time was able to repeat
from memory a considerable part of the entire New Testament.
After enumerating the many blessings and benefits that came to
him from this practice, he adds:
“I am not now sorry that about five years ago I resolved to do what
during these years I had been seeking to do. My only regret is that
the resolution was formed at so late a period. Had its date been
much earlier, as it might have been, and, as I now think, it should
have been, the benefit to me, as I have no doubt, would have been
correspondingly greater. What I have gained in the way of mental
relief and spiritual comfort from the process described I would not
exchange for all the honor and wealth of this world.”
Thus we see that age is no barrier to success in memory training.”
[Dr. Evans recommends the following tips,]
1. Each suggestion must be followed to the very letter.
2. There should be daily practice to insure the greatest possible
amount of benefit to the student.
3. Be content, at first, with the mastery of a little each day.
4. Take pleasure in your study.
5. Learn your lesson with the intention of remembering it forever.
6. Remember that the aim of this course of instruction in the
training of the memory is not the accumulation of a mass of
memorized material, but to build up, strengthen, and train
the memory to do its appointed work.
7. Be sure not to take up the second principle until you have
thoroughly mastered the first.
Ministry Schedule
Today, Infant – Sue Sullivan, Amy Price
Toddler – Amy Faber, Jordan Faber
Feb. 8, Infant – Janet Lindemann, Holly Heise
Toddler – Vicki Slocombe, Violet/Paul Slocombe
Feb. 8, Prayer Time: Bob and Jane Shipley
Narthex Duty: Bob Bruce
Greeters: Cameron Faber, Jaedyn Purcell
Praying Together
Please pray for Shirley and Freeman as Shirley undergoes dialysis
treatments. Pray also for Marjorie McDonald dealing with health
CBM - At least two-thirds of uneducated children in the world
today are girls. Without access to educational opportunities, girls
are at a higher risk to become marginalized and exploited. They are
more likely to contract HIV and AIDS and have a higher chance of
dying during childhood than their educated female peers. They are
also less likely to own land, get a decent job, have a say in society
or break out of the crushing cycle of poverty. Please pray for
CBM’s “SHE MATTERS” program designed to raise awareness on
the injustice of gender bias in education and provide innovative
programming where girls are given equal opportunities to develop
their gifts and abilities.
Avenue Road “Who’s Who”
Lead Pastor:
Rev. Gord Rutledge
Associate Pastor:
Rev. Chris Heise
Music Director:
James Kropf
Murray Jull
Church Administrator:
Barb Uffelmann
The People of Avenue Road Baptist Church
phone: 519 621-4391
website: arbchurch.com
email: [email protected]