HBC Weekly Announcements

HBC Weekly
February 1, 2015
This Week at HBC
12:15 p.m. - Singles Potluck Luncheon
(Fellowship Hall)
12:15 p.m. - 5K Planning Meeting (Rm. B-4)
2-6 p.m. - Kachin Church
5:30 p.m. - Youth Super Bowl Party (home
of David & Angela Hayes)
6:30 a.m. - Men’s Prayer Breakfast
1:30 p.m. - Staff Meeting (Parlor)
7 p.m. - Finance Meeting (Rm. B-4)
7 p.m. - Missions Meeting (Parlor)
7 p.m. - Scouts
6-7 p.m. - Bells Practice
7 p.m. - Plenti-nine Book Study (Rm. B-4)
9:30 a.m. - Beth Moore Study (Rm. B-4)
10 a.m. - Ladies Prayer Group (Rm. B-1)
5:15 p.m. - Family Night Supper
6 p.m. - AWANA
6:30 p.m. - Adult Discipleship Group
6:30 p.m. - Prayer Group
7:30 p.m. - Adult Choir Practice
7:30-9 p.m. - Praise Band Practice
11 a.m. - Community Bag Lunch
New Discipleship Class
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy In this four-session
video-based small group Bible study, New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas will help you discover the major
themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s wri ng and speaking and how
he not only helped transform an en re faith community in
Germany during WWII, but how his beliefs con nue to impact
the Chris an faith of people throughout the world today. This
class will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 11. It will be led by Stacy Nowell and the
cost of the member book is $9. Please sign-up on the Communica on Card.
Women’s Bible Study
Beth Moore’s Believing God will be offered on Wednesday mornings beginning
Feb. 4 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Room B-4. This in-depth study examines the lives
of Abraham, Moses, and others as examples of persons who believed God. Deb
Douglas, Kimberly Bruce and Jeanne Sager will be leading this study. Member
workbooks are $15.95. Register on the Communica on Card.
Ministry Connections
All of us have been gi ed by God to make a
difference in our communi es. How will you plug
into the ministries of HBC to serve His people, His
church and the community around us? The Ministry
Connec ons Team will soon begin work filling
commi ees and teams. Please prayerfully consider where you can serve at HBC.
Ministry Connec on forms will be in next week’s bulle n.
The HBC Youth are sponsoring another Parents Night
Out on Friday, Feb. 13 from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Children
from birth to fi h grade are invited for an evening of fun
and games. Parents can enjoy a relaxing night out or in.
Children are asked to bring their own dinner, although
snacks will be provided. Dona ons will benefit the
youth group and checks may be made payable to HBC.
Please register your children on the Communica on
Card. For more informa on, contact Katelyn Belcher at
[email protected].
Our annual Mid-Winter Social is scheduled for
Saturday, Feb. 21. Plan to join us for a movie night
celebra ng the 25th anniversary of Steel Magnolias. We
will be serving a meal of typical Louisiana cuisine … red
beans/rice dish, cole slaw, fruit, bread and Cupa Cupa
Cupa cake. Childcare will be provided for children 5 and
under and an alterna ve movie will be shown for
children 6 and up. Please sign up on the Communica on
Card so we can plan for food. You can find more details
in the newsle er.
Dress a Girl Around the World had its first sewing circle
last Friday night and our first two dresses were sewn by
Phil Douglas and David Bruce … see their picture in the
newsle er! Our next sewing circle will be held on
Saturday, Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. If you are
sewing at home, please remember to pick up a copy of
the new pa ern at the missions table. Dona ons can
also be le at the missions table.
The next Wednesday Night Supper will be held this
Wednesday evening. The cost is $5 for adults and $3
for children with a $20 max per family. The menu will be
lasagna, salad, garlic bread and red velvet cake. Please
sign up on the Communica on Card for one- me or
permanent reserva ons.
A planning mee ng for On A
Mission 5K will be held this
a ernoon at 12:15 p.m. in Room
B-4. If you would like to help plan
this event, please come to the
mee ng. On A Mission 5K is
scheduled for Saturday, May 30
at the Rockingham Fairgrounds.
mee ng
Opera on Inasmuch will be held
next Sunday, Feb. 8 in Room B-4
at 12:15 p.m. Please join us to
help plan this one-day outreach
to our community. Opera on
Inasmuch is scheduled for
Saturday, April 18.
Prayer List
Jimmy Russell, Sam Jones, Marian Steffey
and Fred Cooper
Roger & Julie Roberge, friends of Brian &
Amie O’Dell
Stacy Melton, niece of Julie Aittama
Catherine Roadcap, mother of Ellen Lohr
Bob Clarke, brother of Philecta Staton
Kitty Lyons, sister of Brian O’Dell
We express Christian sympathy to
Christine Harker
upon the death of her uncle.
Monthly sets of contribu on envelopes are available in
the foyer this morning. Weekly sets should be arriving
any day! As always, envelopes are available in the pews
each week. If you did not order envelopes and would
like to have either a monthly or weekly set, please
contact Cindy Kite at [email protected].
There will be a congrega onal conversa on at 3 p.m.
on Sunday, Feb. 15 led by the Pastor Search Commi ee.
The AWANA Grand Prix will be held on Wednesday,
Feb. 25. There will be no discipleship classes that
An Ash Wednesday Service will be held in the
Fellowship Hall on Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m.
If you have newsle er ar cles for the next newsle er,
please email them to Cindy ([email protected]) or Amy
([email protected]) by Monday, Feb. 9.
Minister on Call Feb. 6-8
Jimmy Via (540-449-2941)
Deacon of the Week
Daphne Almarode
First time visitors are invited to come by the Info Desk
to pick up a book and gift bag … our gift to you!
We also encourage you to fill out the Communication Card
found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate.