PIRBRIGHT PARISH COUNCIL1 ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, PIRBRIGHT 8 1 February 2015 1 Sun 2 Mon 4 Wed 5 Thurs 8 Sun 9 10 11 Mon Tues Wed 13 14 15 Fri Sat Sun 17 18 Tues Wed 22 Sun CANDLEMAS 8am Parish Communion 10.15am Family Service 6.30pm Prayerbook Evensong 10-11.30 ‘Angel Tots’ - Church Room 7.30pm Talk Shop, Parish Shop 10.15am Holy Communion followed by Cafe Club in the Church Room 8-9.30pm Pirbright Gospel Singers Pirbright School Music Suite 2.30pm Pirbright Institute Masterplan, LPH 2ND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 10.15am Parish Communion with crèche for children 3months – 3yrs and Sunday Club for children aged 4-12yrs 6.30pm No Evensong; Evensong service (6.30pm) at Guildford Cathedral will include a presentation of diplomas to LLMs and OLMs who completed the local ministry programme last year (including Gary Williamson). All are welcome. 10-11.30 ‘Angel Tots’ - Church Room 8pm Horticultural Society, Clubroom 2pm Craft Circle at Cunningham House 8-9.30pm Pirbright Gospel Singers Pirbright School Music Suite 2pm Rawlins Club, LPH 10-12 Operation Churchyard – all welcome WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 10.15am Parish Communion 6.30pm Taizé Service 7.45pm Pirbright Evening WI, LPH ASH WEDNESDAY 12.30pm Lent Lunch (see P3) 2pm Scrabble at Cunningham House 8pm Communion Service for start of Lent 24 Tues 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT 10.15am Parish Communion with crèche for children 3 months – 3yrs and Sunday Club for children aged 4-12yrs 6.30pm Prayerbook Evensong followed by Holy Communion 7.30pm Parish Council Meeting, Parish Shop 25 Wed 7-8pm 28 Sat 7.30pm 11am 2.30pm Editor: Julia Douëtil. E-mail: [email protected] All Copy to: Judy Williams, Badgers Copse, Chapel Lane, Pirbright, GU24 0JZ E-mail: [email protected] by the eighth of the month prior to publication BOOKINGS Lord Pirbright’s Hall: Lindsay Graham - 476432 Church Room: Sara Dennis - 473108 Primary School: Claire Barnard - 473884 Peribus: Lindsay Graham - 476432 Periwheels 07774 964122 “If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.” Nikka - age 6 (We need a few million more Nikkas on this planet) What’s on in March st 1 - Pirbright Players Production Pirbright Gospel Singers Pirbright School Music Suite 8th Twinning Crêpe Supper What About....Immigration?’ Clubroom Inauguration of the new Bishop of Join us for twice weekly morning Guildford at the Cathedral prayers in the Lady Chapel at 9am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Pirbright Players Production, LPH No. 533 February 2015 Priest-in-Charge: The Revd. Christine Musser, The Vicarage, The Green, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey. GU24 OJE. Tel: 01483 473332; E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Williamson Phone: 07780 872897 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.pirbrightchurch.org.uk/cms/index.php Churchwarden: Catherine Cobley (481234) PIRBRIGHT TWINNING ASSOCIATION Twinning visit to Cagny 5th - 7th June 2015 This year it’s our turn to visit our twin village of Cagny, in the lovely Calvados region of Normandy. We travel by ferry from Portsmouth to Caen, a voyage that takes about six hours, and the cost per adult is just under £57 for a return ticket. Accommodation is free, with Cagny families, and all entertainment is included. The only expense is a small present for your hosts. All ages are welcome, particularly children. I can promise you a great weekend with good food and wine, and excellent company. Don’t worry if your French is a little rusty - or non-existent - it adds to the fun. I am taking reservations now for our 2015 visit to Cagny. Please contact me on 473737 or by e-mail [email protected] as soon as possible. Philip Barralet Our successful Quiz Night in January was, we think, enjoyed by all who came. Our next event will be the Crêpe Supper on Sunday 8 March in Lord Pirbright's Hall. Come and enjoy an evening of good food, oodles of pancakes and good chat. Burnham Clinton Pirbright Twinning Association sent a message of condolence to Cagny Twinning Association following the terrorist atrocities in Paris in January. PIRBRIGHT PLAYERS We will be performing Roald Dahl's 'Revolting Rhymes' on Saturday 28 February 2.30pm and again on Sunday 1 March 2.30pm. There will be no evening performances. Tickets priced at £10 are available from our website www.spanglefish.com/pirbrightplayers or from Nicola Owen 07917 463806 on completion of the booking form which can be found inside this PeriNews. Carole Gailer 2 T H O U G H T S F R O M Be My Valentine…Guess Who? According to legend, but sadly not much factual history, St Valentine was a 3rd century priest in Rome who fell foul of the then Emperor and was brutally executed for his beliefs. Again, it is legend which tells how, while in prison, this particular Valentine restored the sight of his jailer’s blind daughter and then just before his execution sent her a note…’from your Valentine’. Perhaps inevitably the tradition of lovers of all ages sending (unsigned) cards or notes to the object of their love is much more recent, and like so many others has sadly become yet another retail opportunity, perhaps not quite on the same scale as Christmas or Easter but still no doubt an annual occasion to stir up a little harmless mischief among couples! Over the past three years of study for ministry I have become a huge fan of the Psalms in the Bible. This Old Testament T H E V I C A R A G E book contains some of the most wonderful poetry in the whole Bible, and can offer readers inspiration, hope, comfort, consolation…covering virtually the entire range of human emotions. One of my special favourites is Psalm 121: ‘I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord…’ The whole psalm is so wonderfully comforting, reassuring us that however we feel, whatever we are doing, God is always there. Helping us, ever watching over us, ‘keeping us from all evil’…loving us. So while I welcome any occasion which celebrates the love shared between two people – or which encourages people to declare their previously unspoken love for another, I am only too aware that the flame of human love can sometimes flicker and go out. It is the pure and unconditional love that comes from God alone that will remain constant…and eternal. Even if I don’t get a Valentine card from the other love of my life, I still have 150 other messages of love to turn to! Gary Williamson Assistant Curate / OLM From the registers Holy Matrimony Congratulations to: Nicholas and Laura Simic, and Ashley and Maria Watson During worship we pray for the sick and those who have died. If you would like someone prayed for, please contact Rev’d Chris. If you, or someone you know, would like a home visit and/or Holy Communion brought to them at home, please also let Rev’d Chris know 7 Churchyard Chronicles Snow in February is like a house guest at Christmas - lovely to see, a break from routine and an excuse to do all manner of exciting things, but a few days is quite enough. The churchyard animals enjoy a fresh fall of snow, the rabbits are especially good at building snow animals and who doesn't enjoy a snowball fight? Except when the squirrels get carried away, using thin tree branches as a catapult is definitely cheating! But our favourite snow game is 'Confuse the humans' by making fake animal tracks in the snow. Last year we managed to convince children that two donkeys and a camel had wandered through the churchyard, and the Churchwarden was most surprised to find elephant footprints leading from the Vestry. But our greatest success was when we created the paw prints of a giant cat. People have been searching for the Surrey puma ever since! Yellow Rabbit PS, once the novelty has worn off, snow is miserable for wild animals, so don't forget to put a little extra food and fresh water out for us. Thank you. FEBRUARY GARDENING TIPS FROM WELLIE Complete pruning of climbing and bush roses before new growth becomes too strong. Once winter flowering heathers have finished, trim them back with shears to the base of flower stalks, thus encouraging side shoots to grow. Prune back hardy evergreen shrubs that have outgrown their space, such as Viburnum tinus. Start to water fuchsias and pelargoniums that have been kept under cover. Prune late summer flowering shrubs such as Buddleia and Caryopteris. Cut group 3 Clematis to a low pair of strong buds, 23-45cm from the ground. Prune Mahonia once flowering is finished by removing spent flowers at their bases. Over long shoots can also be cut back at this time of year. Lift and divide clumps of herbaceous perennials if the weather is mild enough to allow the soil to be worked. Replant immediately where possible. Prepare a straight or circular trench where you plan to sow your runner beans. Feed spring cabbages with a balanced fertiliser. Plant shallot bulbs, if the conditions are suitable. Mulch around the base of fruit trees with well rotted manure. If the weather is mild, broad beans, cabbages, carrots, parsnips, peas and spinach can be sown outside. An old saying of weather lore comes as a warning to gardeners as well as wildlife - if the birds sing before Candlemas (2 February), they will cry before May. 6 PIRBRIGHT HISTORIANS [email protected] The Legion of Frontiersmen was a paramilitary group formed in 1905 to prepare patriots for war, with branches throughout the Empire. 100 years ago, the Surrey Advertiser of 6 February 1915 carried the news that Frederick Selous, the famous big game hunter, of Heatherside, Fox Corner, was helping to raise 1,000 men to serve as an infantry corps in Africa. As a result, that year the War Office formed the 25th (Frontiersmen) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers & Frederick became its Intelligence Officer at the age of 64. It was a motley crew, known as ‘The Old and the Bold’, and included a British millionaire, several American cowboys, a Scottish lighthouse keeper, circus clown, Arctic explorer, a famous photographer, a lion tamer, French Foreign Legionaries &, reputedly, Russian escapees from Siberia. Their war was spent in cat and mouse round East Africa against that brilliant tactician, Lt. Col. von Lettow-Vorbeck & his native askaris. Selous died from a sniper’s bullet in January 1917 & his chivalrous opponent sent his C.O. a message of sympathy & respect. Jonathan Foster 472253 WHAT’S ON AT CUNNINGHAM HOUSE IN COUNTRY MARKET FEBRUARY With Spring, hopefully, just around the corner why not visit the Market to see what we have to offer in the way of plants for your garden. At the same time, we hope you will be tempted by our delicious foods and attractive crafts. The Market is held for an 11th 2-4pm - Craft Circle hour from 10.15 each Thursday morning, in 18th - 2-4pm - Scrabble Lord Pirbright's Hall. Everyone welcome. Rosemary Hunter PIRBRIGHT CRICKET CLUB Slowly, or perhaps less slowly for us older denizens of Pirbright (time goes much faster as we get older!!), the Winter continues but Cricket Nets 2015 start at 4pm on Sunday 15 February Eversley Cricket Centre, Bob Schofield Way, Fox Lane, Eversley Cross, Hampshire, RG27 0NQ. I have had positive responses when enquiring around the village for new recruits. Enquiries please to Ian Milton PCC Secretary [email protected] (Email monitored daily) 07715566919. I said in my last missive that it would be good to have a game against Ladies. Please could I ask that any Ladies interested give it some serious thought - we also would like Ladies to come and play for us. Peter Austin, Chairman 3 LENT LUNCHES are all set to start on Ash Wednesday 18 February with Mary Pearce in Chapel Lane, followed by Romy Read (Rowe Lane), Paula Dowie (Church Lane), Lindy Henry (The Green), Chrissie Lytton (Fox Corner) and finishing on Wednesday 25 March with Barbara Douglas in the Church Room. For £5 a head, parishioners will receive a warm welcome, a simple lunch and a glass of wine. 12.30pm start. All proceeds go to the Bishops Lent Call. Please book with Barbara Douglas on 01483-237628 or [email protected] or at Church. Huge thanks to the hostesses and may a jolly time be had by all! Lyn Hovey 07739-235406 Do you have any unwanted Christmas presents? Please save them for one of our three Tombolas at the Scarecrow festival, (adult gifts, kids and bottles). One scented candle too many? Yet another kid's colouring set, or a bottle of something that's not quite your taste? Barbara Douglas is happy to store them. Tel. 01483 237628. Pirbright Parish Cycle of Prayer This month prayers in church will include: 2nd Beech Grove 9th Berry Lane and Bisley Camp 16th Brunswick Drive and Brunswick Road 23rd Bullswater Common Road and Bullswater Lane 'What About...Immigration - blessing or curse?' Truth or myth: immigrants take jobs away from British people. Truth or myth: without immigrants the NHS would collapse. What are your views? Join us for a light supper from 7.30pm in the Clubroom at Lord Pirbright's Hall on 25 February and share your thoughts and views on this very topical subject with others. Inauguration of new Bishop of Guildford The Right Reverend Andrew Watson will be inaugurated as Tenth Bishop of Guildford on Saturday 28 February 2015 at 11am in Guildford Cathedral. During the service, Bishop Andrew will be welcomed by members of different faiths and civic communities, on an occasion which marks the formal commencement of his new ministry. The service will begin in dramatic fashion, as the new Bishop knocks on the West Door of the Cathedral three times with his crozier, to request entrance. NEWS FROM.....AROUND THE VILLAGE Pirbright Parish Council Chairman: Rhoda Nevins Parish Clerk: Lindsay Graham, The Parish Shop, The Green, Pirbright, Woking GU24 0JT. Tel: 01483 476432 E-mail: [email protected]; www.parish-council.com/pirbright The Parish Shop is open on Mondays & Thursdays, 10am-1pm. Parking at Lord Pirbright’s Hall order to maintain its status as a private car park with permissive usage. Pirbright Parish Council is concerned about the pressure on parking areas around the village, particularly on days when there are several events, The next Talk Shop will be on and is currently considering various Monday 2 February in the Parish options in the hope of easing the Shop at 7.30pm, when residents can situation. The car park at Lord put questions to our ward members of Pirbright’s Hall is part of the site’s SCC and GBC and the chairman of amenity and, although the Managing PPC. Trustees tolerate use by parents of children attending the schools, priority The next scheduled meeting of the must be given to hall hirers. Parish Council will be on Tuesday 24 Therefore, when there are large February 2015. Committee meetings events at the Hall, the car park may may be held as required, for which be closed for general use, which will notices will be placed on the Parish be indicated by signs at the entrance. Council website and boards around In addition, it will be closed the parish. completely on Christmas Day, in THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE MASTER PLAN The Pirbright Institute is holding a public viewing of its updated Masterplan proposals in Lord Pirbright's Hall between 2.30pm and 7.30pm on Thursday 5 February. Representatives from the Institute and the project team will be available throughout the session to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime if you have any questions about the event or the project, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0800 319 6165 or [email protected] Thank you for all your entries in the Pirbright in the Future art and story competition, what a talented and imaginative community we are, especially our youngsters! Congratulations to the winners, announced at the special service on 11 January. Under 5s art - Olive Lynch (age 4) Under 7s art - Lola Powell (age 6) 7-10s story- Poppy Guise Tucker (age 9) 7-10s art - Winner Rory Toms (age 9), Runner up Lyra Guise Tucker (age 7) 11-16s illustrated story - Katie Rowe (age 11) Over 16s story- Chantal Wilkinson Over 16s art - Mike Milner A selection of the winning entries will go into the time capsule for future generations to enjoy. 4 5 PIRBRIGHT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Get ideas for growing your own veg this summer with our talk by Mark Dobell on 'The Modern Kitchen Garden'. Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 10 February at 8pm in the Clubroom of Lord Pirbright's Hall. New members and visitors are always welcome. oOo At our well attended AGM and Social in December, Fred Cobbett stood down as Chairman and Show Secretary after twenty years in office. Fred was presented with vouchers by the incoming Chairman, Philip Barralet, who thanked Fred on behalf of the members and Committee for all his hard work over the years. In recognition of his years of service to the Society, Fred was voted into the position of Vice President. Also at the AGM, Lindsay Graham retired as a Committee Member, while Sally Clinton and Kathleen Jackson both retired as the providers of lunches and refreshments at the Annual Show and monthly meetings but both wished to continue to be involved with the Committee. In recognition of the great number of years she had been on the Committee, Sally Clinton was also voted into the position of Vice President. Seasonal refreshments followed the AGM. Anne Hawkins, Secretary. Contact on 476080. Royal British Legion Pirbright Branch At our AGM last October, a number of items were discussed, including Remembrance Day, our Dinner in January, and the recruitment of new members to the Branch. Two new Committee Members were elected - Barbara Douglas and Paddy Cribb - welcome to them. Also Philip Barralet was elected as Vice Chairman. As for recruitment we are RAWLINS CLUB certainly hoping to get a few We are having our next meeting on Friday 13 new members at the Dinner February between 2 and 4pm in Lord Pirbright’s Night and a report on that will Hall. The talk will be “At War With Churchill” by be in next month’s PeriNews. Joy Hunter. Joy was one of Churchill’s Remember you do not have to secretaries during WW11 so it will be fascinating have served in any of the to hear about her memories. armed forces to be accepted Myra Scott as a member. Hazel Rees Pirbright Evening WI Branch Secretary Our next meeting is on Tuesday 17 February at 7.45pm in Lord Do you need transport to take you to Pirbright’s Hall. The speaker is hospital, to medical appointments or to get to Peter Durrant, talking about Days the library or the shops? Periwheels can in the Life of a Wartime School help and we only ask for a small donation to Boy. Visitors are always welcome. cover costs. Tel: 07774 964112 weekdays Irene Dredge 233279 10am to 12 noon.
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