Alive Today Dungiven & Bovevagh Parish Magazine February 2015 Our Parish Vision We are committed to growing a healthy church. We want to grow in our relationship with God’s family, and we want to grow out into our local community as we seek to share our faith in words and actions. Rector: Vacant please contact Rural Dean, Canon Harold Given Telephone: 028 77762743 Email: [email protected] Webmaster Pamela Duddy: [email protected] ***************** All items from parish organisations, parish rota etc and any items parishioners wish included in the magazine should be forwarded to Kaye Nesbitt preferably by email at- [email protected] by Monday 16th February. Items received after this date will unfortunately not be included in the March edition. Parish Office: Bovevagh Tuesday Tel: 77741394 Youth Co-ordinator: Peter Thorogood Telephone: 07921391535 [email protected] February Magazine deadline Monday 16th February 2015. Reflection…….. How are the New Year resolutions going? I am still keeping mine though I am accused of cheating because for more years than l wish to remember my New Year resolution is “not to make any New Year resolutions” and l have stuck to that. So while all around me hang their heads in shame at their failure to keep whatever resolutions they made, l can smile with contentment and satisfaction. Having said that, in my Bible readings during January, l have become increasingly aware of the fact that God actually encourages us to make new resolutions, new beginnings and it’s never too late to start. From the very beginning God has been interested in new starts or new beginnings. The very first words in the Bible state that “In the beginning…God created..” And like so many people who made New Year resolutions which they have sadly broken God’s people frequently did the same and had to begin all over again. At one stage it became so bad that God sent a flood so He could start all over again through Noah and later on He began again through Moses as He freed His people from slavery in Egypt. As you read the Bible you see numerous examples and instances of new beginnings. At Christmas we celebrated a new beginning when God sent His Son Jesus into the world to be our saviour. Time will end with a new beginning…with “a new heaven and a new earth”. In your parish you are looking forward to a new beginning… to the appointment of a new Rector. During the vacancy remember in your prayers you Parish Nominators that God will guide them to His person for your parishes and that He will prepare that person for His call to serve here. In our own lives we all feel the need to change something, to make a new beginning. To try to lose a bit of weight, take a bit more exercise etc. Maybe its time to forget some old memories, to heal some broken relationship, to take more care of my soul and make more time for the things of God. February is a short month, a good time to make a new beginning even if l only resolve to do something just for this month… who knows where and what that might lead to! I will leave you with the words of a man who made many new beginnings…St. Paul, “..Forgetting those things which are behind, I press towards the prize for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Canon Harold Given. SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY LEAVING SUPPER AT BOVEVAGH FOR REV. McBETH A great evening with the choir singing, poetry, a sketch and country music was held in Bovevagh Parish Centre on Monday, 29 th December to say farewell to Rev McBeth, April and family. After a lovely supper, presentations were made to Rev McBeth and April from the parishioners, and other organizations. We thank Rev McBeth for his dedication and service to our Parish during his time with us and we wish him, April and their family God’s richest blessing as they move on to All Saint’s Parish in Londonderry. On Sunday 28th December, not only was it Rev McBeths last Sunday with us but it was also Tommy Wallace's as Parish Reader. Tommy decided to retire from being our Parish Reader and we presented him with a gift for his long and dedicated service over the years. A gift was also presented to David Robinson for over 50 years as a vestry member. Congratulations and thank you to you both for all your work within the church over the years. On Monday 29th December we had a Farewell Party for Rev McBeth and April in the Parish Centre. We were entertained by Kenny Archer, Kenny Neely, poems by Cathy, the vestry ladies and Tommy, singing by the choir and a sketch by Hilda & Joan. Presentations were made by the Girls Bridage, the Bowling Club and the Parish. Thank you to everyone who kindly gave a donation for them leaving. They were presented with an oil painting of the church, a bouquet of flowers and a money gift of £1105.00. Rev McBeth thanked everyone for their generosity and said they had a great 4 years in Bovevagh & Dungiven and they were sorry to be leaving the 2 Parishes and wished us well for the future. A lovely hot buffet supper was served afterwards and it was a great night enjoyed by all. Thanks goes to everyone who helped make the night a success, especially to the ladies who prepared and served the food and to all who set up the hall. Hazel and Athline Sunday 1st February The 4th Sunday after the Epiphany 10am Dungiven Morning Prayer 2 11.30am Bovevagh Morning Prayer 2 Sunday 8th February The 2nd Sunday before Lent 10am 11.30am Dungiven Bovevagh Holy Communion 2 Holy Communion 2 Sunday 15th February The Sunday before Lent 10am Dungiven Family Service 11.30am Bovevagh Family Service with Holy Baptism Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday 8pm Bovevagh Holy Communion 2 Sunday 22nd February The 1st Sunday in Lent 10am Dungiven Morning Prayer 2 11.30am Bovevagh Morning Prayer 2 Wednesday 25th February 8pm A Gospel in Life Drumrane Primary School Sunday 1st March The 2nd Sunday in Lent 10am Dungiven Holy Communion 2 11.30am Bovevagh Holy Communion 2 Wednesday 4th March 8pm A Gospel in Life (TBC) (TBC) Drumrane Primary School Cilla and Rev McBeth HOSPITAL VISITING - PARISH EMERGENCIES During the Parish vacancy the Rural Dean, Canon Harold Given will be in charge of the Parish. Contact Canon Given on 028-7776 2743 details will be on the Dungiven Rectory answer machine. Please advise the Church Wardens or Canon Given if you or a loved one is ill at home or in hospital and would appreciate a Hospital visit. Revision of General Vestry Declaration Forms are now available from the Church Wardens and should be completed by anyone wishing to be registered. In order to registered one must be over 18 years of age, and must be either (1) a resident, or (2) an accustomed member of the congregation for the past three months. All forms must be returned to the Church Wardens by the 28th February 2015. PARISH MEETINGS BOVEVAGH SELECT VESTRY MEETING Vestry meeting to be confirmed DUNGIVEN SELECT VESTRY MEETING Vestry meeting to be confirmed PRIORITIES TEAM MEETING Tuesday 3rd February at 8.30pm in the Parish Hall ********* CONFIRMATION CLASSES Confirmation Classes continue each Thursday in Bovevagh Parish Centre from 7.30pm—9pm. Presentations to Rev McBeth and April by our Church Wardens Dungiven & Bovevagh Website Please send all Parish organisation information for uploading to the Parish Website to Pamela Duddy at [email protected]. BOVEVAGH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School continues each Sunday at 10.30am except the Family Service 3rd Sunday. Open to all children from Primary 1 upwards! Judith & the team The Blind Date Team Bovevagh Sunday School An afternoon of fun, games & laughter topped off with a visit from Santa & Mrs Claus was held on Sat 13th December at the joint parish Children's Christmas Party! Thank you to all who helped out in any way! Our Nativity Service was held in the hall and was enjoyed by all, young & old alike. As the children dressed up and re told the Christmas story we remembered Jesus as 'the light of the world'. All the loose change from the service & the Carol Service went to the Save the Children 'Ebolia Appeal' - £355 was raised. Thank you kindly. Now as we begin 2015 we would ask for your continued support of our youth in the Parish. Judith DUNGIVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL Special Guests: Desdemona, April and Mary Ann Sunday School continues each Sunday except the Family Service 3rd Sunday. Service starts at 10am—children leave during the service for Sunday School in the Hall. Children from P1 upwards are encouraged to come to Sunday School. Violet SAFEGUARDING TRUST PARISH PANEL In accordance with the recommendations in “Safeguarding Trust” the Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children. A Parish Panel has been appointed to implement this code. If you have any concerns regarding issues around children please contact a Panel member. Cecil Ross, David Wilson, Kathleen Canning, Yvonne McGrotty Canon Harold Given Bovevagh Flower Festival This is 2015 and the countdown is on for our flower festival happening from 29th - 31st May! Preparations are well on the way and our plan for the festival themed on 'The circle of life' has been finalised. This has been given to the Londonderry Floral Art Society who are now designing the floral displays. Again, we look at raising funds for the festival and so we are offering you, the parishioners and members of the local community the opportunity to get connected to the festival by being able to make a contribution to the floral displays. A general donation can be made or you might want to make a donation in memory of loved ones. A minimum donation of £100 is requested and this can be made by individuals, families, groups of people or organisations. If you or someone you know is interested in making a donation, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the flower festival committee (Rosemary Robinson, Daphne Quigley or Beverly Steele). Many thanks, in anticipation of your continued support. Flower Festival Committee. *********** 2016 – A Year of Opportunity In November 2014, Bishop Good announced his ideas for 2016 which will be "A Year of Opportunity" for all parishes in the diocese. A meeting was held recently for anyone interested in this to hear how to discern God’s priorities and how to turn these hopes into plans. Over the next few months, an interim team will be set up (representative of all sections of our parish) under the guidance of Canon Given, who will meet together and pray together, in order to formulate a plan for Bovevagh Parish church for 2016. ********* humble to have been able to do the job for so many years. He thanked the Rev. McBeth for his support during his time at Bovevagh and wished him well as he moves on to a new Parish. David Robinson also retired from the Vestry earlier in 2014 after over 50 years serving the Church. He was of sound counsel and wisdom, very encouraging and a true gentleman. The Church presented him with a gift to recognise in a small way David’s enormous work for the Church over many many years. David thanked God for the privilege and good health to be able to serve his Church, he also thanked the people of the Church for their attendance and support. REV MCBETH AND APRILS FAREWELL PARTY AT DUNGIVEN Thank you to everyone who made a contribution towards Rev McBeth & Aprils gifts, on behalf of the congregation we presented them with a NIV Proclamation Bible, Flowers and a cheque which will come in very handy as they move to their new rectory. We would also like to thank all those who took part in any way at their farewell party. All the performances were excellent, Cecil was the perfect compare for the evening and we had loads of laughs when our surprise guests arrived looking for a Blind Date and made quite an impression on the Rev McBeth. It was our last evening of fellowship together with them and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and as always concluded with a beautiful supper provided by the ladies. We wish Rev McBeth, April & family God’s Riches blessing as he continues his ministry at All Saints Clooney in Londonderry. John & Gillian FLOWER /CLEANING ROTA’S If you could help with this very important task please add your name to the rota. The new flower rota for 2015 is now up in the porch, there is still spaces that needs filled. Bovevagh Flower Rota February 1st & 8th Daphne Quigley February 15th & 22nd Beverly Steele. Dungiven Flower Rota February 1st & 8th Ruth Canning February 15th & 22nd Alice Morrrow March 1st & 8th May Wilson Bovevagh Cleaning Rota February Robert & Jill Riley. Dungiven Cleaning Rota Team Leader to organise time and date Dungiven Grounds Maintenance Team February Team Leader March Team Leader Mark McDaid Russell Moore RETIREMENTS FROM BOVEVAGH PARISH CHURCH With sadness Bovevagh Parish announced the retirement of Tommy Wallace as Parish reader in December 2014, having served as the first Parish Reader for over 20 years. Tommy was an excellent Parish Reader, meticulous in everything he did with excellent prayers. He was presented with a gift as a token of the Parish’s appreciation for the faithful service he has given over the years. Tommy said he feels very GOSPEL IN LIFE A Gospel in Life course lasting 8 weeks will begin in Drumrane Primary School on Wednesday 28th January 2015 at 8.00 p.m. Participating churches include Banagher Presbyterian Church, Balteagh & Bovevagh Presbyterian Churches, Dungiven & Largy Presbyterian Churches and Dungiven & Bovevagh Parish Churches. For further info visit, where you’ll also find a video that can be used to promote the course in your church or churches. The blurb on the website states the following: Gospel in Life is an eight-week course on the gospel and how it is lived out in all of life— first in our hearts, then in community, and out into the world. Week 1 opens the course with the theme of the city: our home now, the world that is. Week 8 closes the course with the theme of the eternal city: our heavenly home, the world that is to come. In between we will look at how the gospel changes our hearts (weeks 2 and 3), changes our community (weeks 4 and 5), and changes how we live in the world (weeks 6 and 7). Session Titles: 1. City: The World That Is 2. Heart: Three Ways to Live 3. Idolatry: The Sin Beneath The Sin 4. Community: The Context for Change 5. Witness: An Alternate City 6. Work: Cultivating the Garden 7. Justice: A People For Others 8. Eternity: The World That Is To Come The course comes highly recommended by one of the participating ministers who has used it in his previous church. We look forward to a good representation from our local churches in this joint effort. ******* Fiddle Tuition A 20 week course of fiddle tuition will commence on Monday 9 th February in Ardinariff Orange Hall from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. The tutor will be Diane McCullough from Derry & Antrim Country Fiddlers Association. Everyone with an interest in playing the fiddle welcome. For further details contact Lyle Quigley (77741405). BOVEVAGH SCOUTS The Scouts attended the District Carol Service in Eglinton Parish Church, where we heard an interesting talk from Dawson Stelfox, the 1st Irish man to climb Everest. The Scout section attended a district night hike up to the windmills at Ringsend, this was a fun walk in the dark. They have also been researching global environmental issues and learning some archery for the district archery competition. The Cubs attended the district indoor football competition and came 1 st in the District. They enjoyed doing lego building activities as part of the air activity badge. This term they are starting the Scientist badge and making plans for summer camps. The Beavers planted some blubs with the help of Billy Mullan and have been looking after them. They enjoyed an evening of space facts, however where unable to see the night sky due to the clouds. PARISH ROTA’S Dungiven Church Crèche Rota 1st Feb - Sandra 8th Feb - Paula 15th Feb - Family 22nd Feb - Maureen 1st March - Avril 8th March - Sandra 15th March - Family 22nd March - Doreen 29th March - Paula Bovevagh Children’s Church 1st Feb The District Founders Day Service is on Sunday 22 nd February at 3pm more details to follow. All Sections are asked to attend in full uniform. 8th Feb Scouts will be closed on Wednesday 18thth February for half term. 15th Feb 22nd Feb DUNGIVEN & BOVEVAGH MOTHERS’ UNION On the 5th Dec we held our 'Celebration Night' Dinner in Ballykelly Presbyterian Church Hall. Family and friends joined us for an evening of food, fun & fellowship. A lovely meal was provided by the ladies of Ballykelly which, was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Entertainment followed with a few of the ladies of Ballykelly serenading us with a few lovely pieces followed by a sketch from our own ladies. Rev & Mrs McBeth were presented with gifts in appreciation of all the help and support to the MU. The evening concluded with the singing of a few well known Carols. 1st Mar Sandra Parkhill, Pamela Hutton, Tracy Young, Regan Young, Emma McGraw, Laura Mowbary Ruth Riley, Noeleen Riley, Emma Tweedale, Gillian Young, Kim McGrotty, Jackie Caldwell. Family Service Adele Brown, Emma Halcrow, Lily Steel, Olivia Dazell, Laura Moore, Joanne Halcrow. Melanie Moore, Elaine Hawthorne, Laura McArthur, Angie Young, Sarah-Jane Young. ***Bovevagh Children’s Church Please speak to Peter Thorogood if you wish to volunteer on the children’s church rota. If you cannot make your date please arrange for cover. We want to make sure that our children get the service they deserve on a Sunday morning. Dungiven Sunday School Month of Feb Month of March Anita, Lucinda and Peter Anita, Lucinda and Peter Bovevagh Sunday School: Meets 11am in the Parish Centre Contact - Judith Mullan 077 4098 3590 Dungiven Children’s Church: Meets 10.30 Dungiven Parish Hall Contact - Anita Hill 777 41079 Tuesday 3rd February Celebration of Holy Communion in Bovevagh Parish Church at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you all there. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Janette - Branch Leader Hilda – Secretary Bovevagh Children’s Church: Meets Sunday at 12noon in Parish Centre Contact - Tickets will be issued on a first come, first serve basis and Bovevagh Girls Brigade: Monday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6pm Contact - Angie Young 078 43224771 Bovevagh Scout Troop: Wednesday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6.15pm Contact - Pamela Duddy 777 41284 Kidz Quest: Meets Tuesday in Bovevagh Parish Centre at 6.30pm Contact - Peter Thorogood 079 21391535 Mothers’ Union: Meets 1st Tuesday of the month Contact - Janette Morrow 777 41361 Bovevagh Prayer Group: Meets Sunday mornings Bovevagh vestry at 10.45am Contact - Rosemary Robinson 777 41403 or David Steele 777 41533 Invites you to ‘Step into Spring’ with Debenhams th Wednesday, 25 February 2015 7 30 pm to 9 30 pm The Junction, Bishop Street, Londonderry Ladies fashions, beauty and more! Personal Shopper & Beauty Consultant Dungiven Prayer Group: Meets Sunday morning Dungiven Church at 9.15am Contact - Alan and Ann Logan 777 66183 Youth Group Dates and times check out Youth Facebook Contact - Peter Thorogood 079 21391535 Bovevagh Indoor Bowling Club: Tuesday & Thursday Bovevagh Parish Centre at 8pm Contact - Gary McMullan Dungiven Indoor Bowling Club: Monday & Thursday Dungiven Parish Hall at 7.30pm Contact - Alan Fear 07784618455 Bovevagh Facebook Dungivan Facebook Contact - Tracy Young Contact - Gillian Baird Nikki - Treasurer must be booked by Saturday, 14th February 2015. Tickets can be emailed or left for collection at the door. For more information and to book your ticket contact: Jean – [email protected] or 07731635627 Heather [email protected] Dessert Supper DUNGIVEN BOWLING CLUB The Bowling meet each week in Dungiven Parish Hall. At the Bowling Club friends meet to enjoy fellowship and a game of bowls. The club members would like to welcome anyone no matter what their age or ability to come along and join us on Monday and Thursday Night’s in Dungiven Parish Hall at 7.30pm Club Captain Alan Fear Parish Directory BOVEVAGH BOWLING CLUB Bovevagh Bowling club continues every Tuesday and Thursday Nights in the Parish Centre. Tuesday night blowing from 8pm and Thursday nights 6.30pm for Juniors and 7.30 for seniors. We warmly invite new members to join our club and I can assure you will enjoy the fun and the banter. If your not a bowler why not come along and support us. Don’t forget you’ll get a fantastic tea served by the ladies, oh and the men. Club Captain Gary ************ YOUTH NEWS 5 A-SIDE FOOTBALL nd th Every 2 and 4 Monday in the Month Gortnahey 3G Pitch 6pm-7pm £2.50 Dungiven Church Wardens Contact - John Hill & Gillian McDaid Bovevagh Church Wardens Contact - Hazel Wilson, Athline Simpson Dungiven Glebe Wardens Contact - Alfie Canning, Billy Turner 777 41318 Bovevagh Glebe Wardens Contact - Desmond Quigley 777 41843, David Wilson 777 41541 Dungiven Treasurer Contact - Mrs Sandra Smyth 777 42210 Bovevagh Treasurer Contact - Mr Bertie Robinson 777 41403 Dungiven Secretary Contact - Mr Alan Keys Bovevagh Secretary Contact - Mr Jonathon Wilson 777 40682 Dungiven Organist Contact - Mr Cecil Keys 777 41203 Bovevagh Organist Contact - Mrs Joan Robinson 777 41425 Dungiven Catering Co-ordinators Contact - Jean Hill 777 64643, Ann Logan Confirmation Overnight Stay Friday 30th to Saturday 31st January are the dates you need to know for the confirmation overnight in the Diocesan Centre, Londonderry - from (Fri) 7pm - (Sat) 4pm. The overnight promises to be great fun while also exploring faith and what getting confirmed actually means to you personally! For this you will need to bring a Bible... We will aim to kick proceedings off at 7pm on the Friday and you will be picked up the following day at 4pm. You Bovevagh Catering Co-ordinators Contact - Lily Wallace 777 41494, Athline Simpson 777 41871 Flower Rota Administrators Dungiven - Chris Ross 777 41428, Elizabeth Canning 777 41952 Bovevagh - Beverly Steele 777 64863 Dungiven Sunday School: Meets 10am Dungiven Parish Hall Contact - Violet Morrow 777 42307 PARISH DONATIONS Dungiven Donations: The Harper Family £250.00 (in respect of Funeral Tea for the Late Mrs Harper) Coin Bottle £31.33 Dungiven and Bovevagh: Tesco Lisnagelvin Christmas week Bag Pack £813.92 (This was divided with Bovevagh and Dungiven . Each parish received £406.96. A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with the Bag Pack.) Bovevagh Parish Donations November – December 2014: First Bovevagh Scouts £100.00 WILL NEED a permission form - you can download the proper one by following the link on the Dungiven and Bovevagh Youth Facebook page. The cost is £10 if you are a parishioner of Bovevagh Parish and for that you even get fed with pizzas and sweets... What more could you ask for!!!? All confirmation candidates must attend. It was explained that this was a requirement when we began the confirmation classes. Confirmation Class Confirmation class will be on Thursday 26th with the first group at 7pm-8pm and the second group from 8pm-9pm in Bovevagh Parish Centre. Please be on time for your session. Peter Claire Nikitas £100.00 ********* Baptism gift from Drew Wilson £40.00 DUNGIVEN PRAYER GROUP William Morrow £100.00 To memory of Gareth from Athline, David and Craig £100.00 Bryan Hall £100.00 Catering fund per Athline £403.00 Clifford Fulton £50.00 To memory of Elsie Madden from John and family Baptism gift from Natasha Mullan Dungiven Prayer Group Dungiven Prayer Group meets at 9.15am each Sunday morning in the Church and concludes at 9.45an to allow time to set up for the service. For more information please contact Alan and Ann Logan BOVEVAGH PRAYER GROUP Bovevagh Prayer Group meets at 10.30 am each Sunday morning in the Vestry and concludes at 11.10am in time for the Church Service. For more information please contact Rosemary Robinson. £200.00 £50.00 To memory of Albert Mullan £200.00 Catering fund per Lily £350.00 DONATIONS Thanks to everyone who gives donations to the parish. They play a vital role in maintaining the church and they are greatly appreciated. PRAYER POINTS The house bound, lonely and bereaved. Parish Organisations Confirmation Class The Parish and for the Parochial Nominators The homeless The Bereaved Thank You BOVEVAGH PARISH CHURCH PRAYER GROUP. Continues to meet every Sunday morning in the Vestry from 10.30-11.10am. New members are welcome. The year 2015 is an exciting and crucial time in the life of our Church as it is the preparation time for 'The Year of Mission in 2016'. Your presence is vital. Prayer is very powerful. Please make this choice a matter of private prayer. Monies raised in 2014 was as follows:Clothing collection 15th April 2014. Clothing collection15th December 2014. Weekly collections, donations, jam and baking sales. Total:- £300.00 £370.00 £450.00 £1,120.00 On the 1st January 2015 cheques were sent to the following Missionary Societies. Open Doors. £300.00 Mission Without Borders. £200.00 Belfast City Mission £100.00 EMMS International. £300.00 Cross links. £100.00 United Christian Broadcasting. (UCB). £120.00 Total:£1,120.00 I take this opportunity to thank all those who so generously donated items of clothing and money. This is a tremendous effort and I know that somewhere you have made a difference to the quality of the lives of others. In Bovevagh Parish Centre is a folder full of 'Thank You' letters from the various Missionary Societies we have been supporting for nearly 20 years. Please stop sometime and have a read. They will encourage you. Rosemary A 'Thank you' letter from EMMS International has been received for our donation of £300. Because it was received before 31st January it will be matched, pound for pound, by the UK Government's Aid Match Scheme. I would like to thank Rev. McBeth and the Select Vestry for the lovely gift of an inscribed clock that I was presented with, having retired as a Parish Reader. I enjoyed the role and I felt humbled in being able to serve the Lord in this way and found my reward in the number of people who over the years thanked me for the help they received from my prayers. I would also like to thank all those who made contact with me on learning of my retirement. T. Wallace Christmas Post – Bovevagh We were able to send £55 to Africare from the proceeds of our Christmas Post scheme. In particular I would like to thank Rosemary Averill who delivered many cards around the Burnfoot area and left presents on our behalf to some of the housebound members of our Church. Lily Wallace Parish Register Burial of the Dead “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” Bovevagh 17th December, 2014 Margaret Elizabeth (Peggy) McClelland 30th December, 2024 Mary Ann (May) Mullan, Holy Baptism “Let the little children come to me.” Bovevagh Sunday 28th December 2014, Kailen Jay Mullan, son of David and Natasha Mullan, 58 Bonnanaboigh
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