St. Joseph Parish 3452 Andersonville Hwy (TN 61) P.O. Box 387, Norris, TN 37828 Church phone (865) 494-7746 Church Contacts Parochial Administrator: Message to Parishioners of St. Joseph Fr. Julius Abuh Sacramental Emergencies: 865-457-1317 Pastoral Associate: Deacon Dan Hosford St. Joseph Office (865) 494-7746 [email protected] Secretary: Angie Harber Church Office: (865) 494-7746 Answering Machine is checked daily Office Hours: Tue - 9:30-1:30 & Thurs -9:30-1:30 Committees Altar Servers Mike Ferkany - 426-2627 CCW Patti Ferkany - 426-2627 Columbarium Bill Jolly - 922-9775 Finance Eric Rauch - 494-0304 Liturgy Margaret Donaldson - 925-1488 Maintenance John Seymour - 254-3028 Men’s Club George Miceli - 494-7933 RCIA Judy Donovan - 494-5921 Rel. Ed Cheryl Ridenour - 320-7942 Youth Spiritual Life Brothers and Sisters, God has graciously called us here today to support each other in our faith and to be nourished at the tables of the Word and the Eucharist. How do we, called as disciples of Jesus Christ, hear the word of God and put it into practice in our lives? Does it make a difference, or do our lives resemble the movie names after tomorrow’s celebration of Ground Hogs Day - the same thing over and over again? Perhaps our prayers today can be to really hear what God is saying to us, and to resolve to make it reality in our lives. Deacon Dan, Heidi Poore Mike Ferkany Beverly Froning - 865-607-3627 Spiritual Life Inspiration February 1, 2015 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Council Susan Miceli (Chairperson), Karen Thompson, John Mosca, Susan Baker, Bob Kapolka, Kathy Ferowich, Meetings are held on the FIRST Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. Mass Schedule Sunday 9:00 am 7:00 pm Spanish Mass Tuesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Liturgy of hrs 8:45 pm Tues & Thurs am Sacraments Baptism - By appointment at least 4 weeks prior. Contact Karen Meiring at (865) 494-7830 Reconciliation - Confessions 8:30 am Sundays or weekdays by appointment by calling the church office (865) 494-7746 Marriage - 4 month preparation period as required by the Diocese. Please Contact Deacon Dan "A very noble figure, the aged Simeon! Through many, many years he had desired the Messiah's coming. Now with the unquestioning faith of a child, he adores Israel's hope in a workman's needy Child. His glowing love causes him to feel young again as he takes the Infant in his arms. There is nothing more he wants from life. Having seen the Redeemer, he is overcome with gratitude and pours out from his soul the night prayer of his life: 'Now, Lord, you may dismiss Your servant in peace.'" Father Pius Parsch, Catholic, Reflections on The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas), Feast Day - February 2nd Blessing of the Throats Tuesday Feb 3 - 9:00 am St. Joseph Catholic Community strives to strengthen the Kingdom of God through our worship, service to others, spiritual growth and evangelization. We are a family-oriented, welcoming community, with Christ as our focus. We participate with and support the greater community in works that encourage strong families and community development. Our growing family includes all age groups, caring for each other’s needs. Parishioner Registration - New to the Parish? Welcome! Please see an usher for a registration form. Second Collections - Feb 18 - Church Central and Eastern Europe. Mass Intentions - For Mass intentions, contact Sally Jackson or call the office. Happy Anniversary Gregory & Anne Lyles - 30 yrs, John & Kathy Mosca - 32 yrs, Lawrence & Charlene MacDonald - 54 yrs Happy Birthday Eliseo Garcia - 2-2, Hicks - 2-3, Leah Fecco - 2-3, zach Alec Chambers - 2-5, Monique Helton - 2-5, Jack Currie - 2-8 (If your special day wasn't listed , please contact the office so we can update our records.) Praying for Healing - Jesus helps us in the painful situations we face in life. If you would like to pray for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing with the prayer team, see Kathy Cloutier, Nikki Kapolka, Cathy Henn or Gail Ratti Curran after Sunday Mass. Eucharistic Adoration - “Could you not spend even one hour with me?” Eucharistic adorers are needed to pray for the faith community of St. Joseph Church. Come pray with the Lord every Thursday @ 6:00pm. Sign up to be photographed for the church directory. March 17th through March 21st, and then again March 24 through March 28th. We begin photography Soon (See our posters for details). There is no cost to the church and no sitting fee for your family. You will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait and a copy of the directory. You will also have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits, wallet size to 30 x 40 in four professional finishes. You may also select from retouch services. The sale of portraits fund the directory program, an important tool for building our church, our ministries and our congregation. Our directory won’t be complete without you! Please call 1-877-764-4535 or go to to schedule your appointment time. Eucharistic Ministry - Please contact Lynnette Currie—865-388-6363 or [email protected] or the office if a family member is in the hospital or nursing home and wishes a Eucharistic Minister to visit. Sacristan (Altar Care)- Thanks to Sally Jackson for serving as Sacristan during the month of January. Lynnette Currie and Jennifer will be Sacristan for February. The 2015 sign-up sheet is on the board at the back of church. If you need training, please contact Addie Lackovic 494-9282 or Margaret Donaldson 925-1488. Catholic Council of Women Corner Bottles of Holy Water - are available, please take a bottle of Holy water, The Holy water is on the wall to the right of the Baptismal font. You can also recycle Holy water bottles in the red basket at the entrances. St Joseph CCW is looking for small free items to put in the 2015 KDCCW Convention bags. Please drop off at the CCW Board in the social hall by March 1 any items that you or your company would like to donate. Christian items. Valentine Day Party For all the women of the parish sponsored by CCW on February 10 at 7:00 PM in the social hall. Ania Williams will demonstrate making lotions. Offerings ~ Jan 18, 2015 Regular Second Collection—Latin America $ 2,598.00 $ 774.50 Ania loves to make her own cleaning products and personal care products that are friendly to all using natural ingredients. Ania is from Poland and the mother of 2 beautiful children. There will be card signing and lots of Total $ 3,372.50 Operating Income (July thru Dec ) Capital Program Income (July thru Dec) $ 123,024.19 $113,533.59 $27,430.90 Balance on Loan $231,962.45 Expenses (July thru Dec) Capital Program Balance Please continue to pray for our Seminarian and write to him if you wish. Stephen Hamby Sacred Heart School of Theology $32,873.81 refreshments. Please come one and all. St. Joseph Ministries - Feb 8, 2015 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time Readers Linda Rauch, Sally Jackson, and int. Deacon Dan Ushers Chuck Stearle, Dottie Stearle, and Jim Lackovic Servers Katie Curtin- Bells, and Mary Hicks- Candle EMHC Ken Barry, Patty Ferkany, Karen Meiring, Kathy Ferowich, Deacon Dan PO Box 429 Hales Corners, WI 53130. Rosary Sue Campbell Youth Ministry Corner CCD - Next Sunday High School Youth Ministry: All youth in grades 8-12 are welcome to attend. It’s never too late to join us and we welcome newcomers each week. Normal meeting days are Sunday from 6 - 7:30 pm in the Youth Room. Our leaders are Deacon Dan, Heidi Poore, and Mike Ferkany. St. Therese CCW will be hosting a special event with Sister Timothea. She will be doing a talk on the Psalms. Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. In the Parish Hall at St. Therese, Clinton. Help support St. Joseph. It is easy, just register and a portion of your purchase will come back to us in the form of a check for the fund to be used as needed. Kroger Community Rewards® Please register and support St. Joseph Catholic Church at: and select St. Joseph’s organization number: 28369 Senior Moments Breakfast at Shoney’s Feb 5, 10:00am Are you Ready to Grow Closer to God? The next meeting will be Feb 19- Join with other parishioners this Lent in . . . Luncheon at Los Caballeros - 11:30 am RSVP by 2-13-15 calling Pandy (865)659-6926 or Martha (865)494-8530. Is a musical written to appeal to teenagers. It is upfront… it is blunt… it is life! attend. Saturday Feb 14 - 6 pm Sunday Feb 15 - 3 pm Parents of middle school age children are encouraged to attend on Sat and send your student on Sunday of you feel it is a good program for them to see. Anderson County High School Ticket information 1-800-459-7268 or Our RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation The Eucharist is our most beautiful treasure. All seniors are welcome to of Adults) is continuing, If you are interested in joining please contact. Please contact Deacon Dan or call the parish office with -POPE BENEDICT XVI Soda Can Tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Please save the tabs and drop them in the box at the back of church. Every tab counts. Prayer Shawl Please continue to pray for those who received Prayer Shawls/ Comfort Blankets.. If you know anyone in need of peace, comfort or healing, blessed items are available at no charge. Please contact Beverly Froning 865-607-3627, Kathy Cloutier 865-494-8790 or you can also stop by the church on Tues and Thurs 9:30-12:30 and speak with Angie Harber. any questions. To be a participant in this Lenten program stop by the sign up table in the social hall Jan 25 through Feb 8 or drop your form in the basket at the side door. If you have any questions please or need more information St. Albert the Great—Singles Group. Monday, February 2nd at 6pm ~ Fountain Lanes for bowling! $1.15 per game and $3.50 for shoe rental. Can't bowl!?! That makes it all the more fun, so join us anyway! ~ 3315 N Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917 Tuesday, February 17th at 6ish ~ Cru Bistro for $5.00 pizza specials ~ 141 S. Gay Street, Downtown Knoxville. Call, text or email with questions! Sandy Stanulis 202-4648 Mark Your Calendars Feb. 3 St. Joseph Website You can read each week’s bulletin online, Calendar Events please fill out the form that is in the binder by the Parish Office. You can leave it in the binder or slip it under the door of the Parish Office. You can continue to submit activities via the bulletin email. Please have your announcements submitted by Thursday to be included in the current week’s bulletin. Bulletin Announcements [email protected] All interested parishioners may participate fully in the sacrament by praying with the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday in a way that makes them come alive. Tuesday 9:00 am - Communion Service at St. Joseph—Blessing of the throat Parish council—7pm Feb. 4 Wednesday 7:00 pm - RCIA - Parish Hall Feb. 5 Thursday 9:00 am - Mass at St. Joseph 6:00 pm - Adoration Feb. 6 Friday Feb. 7 Saturday Feb 8 Sunday 9:00 am - Mass at St. Joseph 7:00 pm - Spanish Mass at St. Joseph 6:00 pm - YOUTH The Diocese of Knoxville Living our Roman Catholic Faith in East Tennessee THE BISHOP’S APPEAL 2015 IS UNDERWAY “ANSWERING HIS CALL” Please spend some time this week reflecting on the Bishop’s Appeal information that you received with your bulletin. Please remember that the Bishop’s Appeal is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments. Thank you for your payment consideration and generous response. SAVE THE DATE: St. Joseph School will be hosting their 16th Annual Mardi Gras fundraising event on Saturday, February 21st, from 6:00-11:00. Come and enjoy the great dinner, the silent auction, the dancing, the live auction and the fantastic entertainment at this FUN community event. More details to follow in the coming weeks. For more information, contact Howie Sompayrac @ 804-8977 or email [email protected]. National Marriage Week 2015 Art Contest for Catholic kids. The Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is encouraging all parishes to observe National Marriage Week February 7-14, 2015. It begins with World Marriage Day on Sunday, February 8, and ends with Valentine's Day on February 14th. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the gifts and blessings of married life. The diocesan website for the Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment has a link to a seven day virtual retreat as a special affirmation and support to engaged and married couples during National Marriage Week. Check it out at this link! The theme of the contest is: “Wake up the World! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!” The quote is from Pope Francis and we hope that it will inspire the kids to think about consecrated life and their own vocation. Kids are encourage to participate. This is to help them think about what consecrated life is and to ask themselves if they have a vocation to become a religious sister, brother or priest. At least it will hopefully focus their attention on the idea! There will be a prize for each finalist in each different age group. Each entry is to have identification on it (Child’s name, Parent’s name, Address, Phone Number, Email address, Age, Grade and Parish) so that it can be returned and identified. They will have to pick up the art work but I have encouraged our four parishes to display the artwork so the kids can World Day of Consecrated Life Mass February 8, 2015 All are invited to share in the celebration of Mass for World Day of Consecrated Life with the Religious men and women of the Diocese. Mass will be on February 8, 2015 at 5pm at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please come and share in the blessing of having their presence in our Diocese. On Thursday, February 5, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. please join the Most Reverend Bishop Richard F. Stika and Catholic Charities of East Tennessee at our Open House to celebrate the return of our administrative offices to the heart of Knoxville . 119 Dameron Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37917. Kindly reply to Catholic Engaged Encounter is an indepth marriage preparation experience within the context of Catholic faith and values. The Diocese of Knoxville's Catholic Engaged Encounter community invites married couples to get involved in this ministry by praying for a fiancée couple, helping with logistics, or attending a weekend retreat to share your experiences as a married couple. For more information, contact Charles and Blanca Primm at [email protected] or visit Carrie McConkey at 865-684-1884 or [email protected] Tickets for “A Conversation with the Cardinals” are on sale for a special evening at the historic Tennessee Theatre featuring Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Justin Rigali and Cardinal William Levada in a conversation moderated by Bishop Stika on April 18, 2015 from 7-9 pm. Proceeds from this event will benefit the St. Mary’s Legacy Foundation Mobile Health Clinic. Tickets are $15 and are available and can be purchased online at the Tennessee Theater webpage. If you call the phone number listed in your bulletin for the TN theatre, be advised that it is an 800 number Invitamos a parejas de la comunidad hispana de la diócesis a participar en una sesión de entrenamiento sobre cómo facilitar la catequesis “El amor es Nuestra Misión: Familia Plenamente Viva” para familias en sus parroquias. Para más información por favor contactar a [email protected] o llamar al 865 637-4769. Por favor suscribete para que seas fotografiado en el directorio de la iglesia. Nosotros vamos a tomar las fotos para el directorio prontamente(mira nuestros afiches, anuncios para mas detalles). No hay costo para la iglesia y no costo de silla para Las sesiones se realizarán en: su familia. Ademas tu vas a recivir un 8x10 portraretrato y una copia del directorio. Ademas de esto vas a recivir una opportuni- Decanato de 5 Ríos Iglesia St. Patrick, Morristown Jueves 22 de enero de 2015, 6:30 a 8:00 pm Decanatos Cumberland y Smokey Mountains Cancillería, Diócesis de Knoxville dad para comprar retratos adicionals para su billetera o 30x40 en cuatro diseños profesionales. Ademas puedes seleccionar servicios de venta de portraretratos encontrada en el directorio del programa,una importante herramienta para construir nuestra iglesia. Nuestro ministerio y nuestra congregacion. LLAMA 877-764-4535 ext 203 o ir a Sábado 31 de enero de 2015, 10:30 am a12 de la tarde Decanato Chattanooga Iglesia Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Chattanooga Sábado 31 de enero de 2015, de 3 a 4:30 pm LA COLECTA DEL OBICPO 2015 ESTÁ EN MARCHA “RESPONDIENDO A SU LLAMADO” La Colecta del Obispo 2015 comenzará con una información enviada por correo regular que muchos de los feligreses ya han recibido o recibirán próximamente. Es una comunicación del Obispo Stika en donde les solicita hacer un generoso compromiso con la Colecta de este año. Su donación no solo provee los fondos de muchas de las operaciones de la Diócesis sino que brinda los fondos para servicios que ayudan en gran manera a los ministerios de nuestra Parroquia. Por ejemplo, ayuda proveyendo los fondos para las necesidades de tecnología para los ministerios dé jóvenes y niños, la formación de fe para los adultos, y las necesidades de nuestras comunidades… Este año, el tema de la Colecta es “RESPONDIENDO A SU LLAMADO”. Cada donación recogida en la Colecta permite a la Diócesis construir el reino de Dios en todo el Este de Tennessee. Dios nos da todo lo que tenemos. Incluso cuando queremos creer que nuestros éxitos se deben a nosotros mismos, sabemos que es Dios quien nos ha bendecido abundantemente con todo lo que tenemos. Él siempre nos está dando. Su gracia siempre está ahí para nosotros. Una manera en que podemos demostrar nuestra gratitud es ofreciendo nuestro generoso apoyo financiero a nuestra parroquia, a nuestra diócesis y a la Iglesia en todo el mundo. Las donaciones que hacemos hacen posibles ministerios, la educación y Queridos miembros del Consejo Diocesano Hispano, Por favor pasen la voz de la siguiente sesión informativa sobre la orden ejecutiva del presidente sobre inmigración en cuanto al estatus migratorio de los padres de ciudadanos americanos. Bajo las Siglas de DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans) que se llevará cabo el 8 de febrero a las 12 del día en la Iglesia Beata Teresa de Calcutta, ubicada en 4365 Maynardvill Highway, Maynardville, TN 37807. Por favor venir a esta sesión informativa Abajo está el enlace del mapa de la Iglesia: place/4365+Maynardville+Hwy,+Maynardville,+TN+37807/ @36.25405,-83.79331,17z/data=!4m2!3m1! 1s0x885c6f97fa560d9d:0x1cd57fe7a23ec9bd Enlace de interés: ComitePopularDeKnoxville
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