The February 2015 Landmark The First Congregational Church United Church of Christ Guilford, Connecticut An Open and Affirming Congregation Vol. 61, Number 2 MOVING INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRIES What a great start to a New Year in the Children and Family Ministries here at First Church! On January 4, our Church School kicked off the year with the first through eighth graders worshiping together in the Chapel after their dismissal from the Sanctuary. Corporately, they enjoyed music, prayer, offering, and Bible teaching before they reported to their classrooms for age appropriate lessons. As this new Chapel worship time is added to our program, our first through sixth graders will continue to experience Bible stories interactively through different rotations of art, games, storytelling/video, and cooking/science, while the seventh and eighth graders meet with their leaders. Upon the development and growth of our program, opportunities for our teens will be made available to take on leadership roles in the Chapel time and classrooms while they discover their own gifts to nurture their relationship with God and others. For the little ones, we offer our nursery program, as well as our pre-K and Kindergarten classes, which continue to meet weekly on Sunday mornings and introduce your kids to the love of God. In addition to Church School, we have other activities here at First Church throughout the week for kids of all ages. The kids’ choirs rehearse on Wednesdays, our ninth and tenth grade Confirmation students gather monthly as they work out their faith while seeking to understand God and others, and our Pilgrim Fellowship program for teens continues meeting on Sunday evenings with director Judi Wallace and others, where they learn to serve those in our area and beyond. There is much to be involved with at First Church…we would love to have you join us! Please send along questions you may have about our great programs, and in the meantime, I look forward to serving with you and your kids in the weeks and months to come! In God’s love, Becky Stambaugh Director of Children and Family Ministries 203-453-3324 / [email protected] LANDMARK FEBRUARY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday, Feb 1: Communion, Sarah preaching No 8:30am Worship 9:00am Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room 9:00am Bible Study – Moore Ed Bldg Room 9 10:00am Worship, Nursery care, Church School 11:00am Annual Meeting-Sanctuary Followed by Luncheon-Fellowship Hall 2:00pm Prayer Shawl Knitting Group- Minear Library No Pilgrim Fellowship tonight Sunday, Feb. 8: Lynn preaching 8:30am Worship - Chapel 9:00am Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room 9:00am Bible Study – Moore Bldg Room 9 10:00am Worship, Nursery care, Church School 11:30am Adult Forum – Chapel 4:00pm Joyful Noise! Concert - Sanctuary 7:00pm Pilgrim Fellowship - FH Wednesday, Feb.11: 7:00pm Evening Music & Meditation - Sanctuary Sunday, Feb.15: Kevin Dean preaching 8:30am Worship – Chapel 9:00am Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room 9:00am Bible Study – Moore Bldg Room 9 10:00am Worship, Nursery care, Church School 11:30am Adult Forum – Chapel 11:30am Governance- ML No Pilgrim Fellowship meeting Sunday, Feb. 22: Sarah preaching 8:30am Worship – Chapel 9:00am Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room 9:00am Bible Study – Moore Bldg Room 9 10:00am Worship, Nursery care, Church School 11:30am Adult Forum – Chapel 7:00pm Pilgrim Fellowship – Fellowship Hall/Sanct. FOOD COLLECTION IN FEBRUARY "I was hungry and you gave me food." Matthew 25:35 Please remember to bring non-perishable food items to worship on Sunday, February 1 and place them in front of the Communion table before the service. The items will be lifted in prayer, blessed, and then taken to the Guilford Food Bank. Items needed are: Beef stew, sugar, cereal, rice, cooking oil, canned fruit, children's healthy snacks, coffee, hot chocolate, paper towels, kleenex, laundry detergent (liquid), diapers, wipes, personal care items 2 FEBRUARY 2015 BAPTISMS January 11, 2015 Nathan Douglas Gillette son of Kristin and Cory Gillette January 25, 2015 Kylie Paige Magee daughter of Cheryl and Bryan Magee IN MEMORIAM Nancy Hares Manning November 27, 1945 – December 29, 2014 Donald P. Butler June 9, 1927 - December 31, 2014 DEACONESS OF THE MONTH Deaconess for February is Dianne Hughes (203-4534529.) Please notify her of births, adoptions, or anyone who may need a note of sympathy or encouragement. CDs of Sunday services are available to sign out in Spencer House kitchen; sermon recordings are available on the church website: DEACON OF THE MONTH Deacon for February is Doris Fonicello (203-453-2180.) If you have feedback or questions about church matters, please speak with her. Home Communion is available for those who desire it; please call Doris to schedule a Home Communion visit during February. BOOK OF REPORTS FOR ANNUAL MEETING The Book of Reports is available two ways: online and hard copy. If you are able to read it online, this will help us be better stewards of paper. The link is: There will be some hard copies available. ALPHA CLUB MEETING Tuesday, February 24th 7:00pm In February the Alpha club will hold its Comfort Supper. Soup, bread and dessert will be served. The speaker will be announced. All are welcome! COLUMBUS HOUSE DINNERS: As part of our ministry of mission through the Board of Community & World Concerns, First Church volunteers go to Columbus House in New Haven monthly on the first Thursday to prepare and serve dinner to the clients there. First Church will host will the dinner on Thursday, February 5th. Volunteers are always needed: participate as you are able, or every month. If you would like to participate, please contact Miriam Olsen at 203457- 0058 or [email protected] . LANDMARK 3 CHURCH COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS The January 2015 Church Council meeting was open with a prayer from Sarah Verasco. Covenant Time consisted of identifying things that went well for the year at Council Meetings and things that could be improved upon. A review of the Church Council goals of Effective Communication, Fiscal Responsibility, and Community Outreached occurred. The Board of Deacons presented By-Law updates that will reflect the use of potential clergy configurations, including co-pastorate. The Pastoral Search Team represented by Stephen Dudley reported that the Church Profile is completed. Finance Board Chair Larry Backes reported on the update of research done for varying bids to complete a comprehensive church audit. Following discussion and vote, the firm of Beres & Hammerman was selected with a price of $6500 for the audit. The motion passed with a unanimous vote of the Council. Stewardship Co-Chair Anne Godsey reported that the committee is reaching out to those who have pledged in the past, but have yet to do so for the coming year. The effort of the Stewardship Committee reduced the proposed deficit in the 2015 budget to approximately $9300. Stewardship will continue to reach out to unpledged members and are hoping to reduce the deficit even more. The Nominating Committee proposed several positions for filling of committees. All members proposed were approved. Those names will be included in the Book of Reports for the Church Annual Meeting. A discussion on the proposed Minister Emeritus criteria was discussed. The criteria was included in the December Landmark. The Council agreed to accept the criteria, then voted to propose that First Congregational Church bestow Minster Emeritus on Rev. Kendrick Norris. This will be presented at the Annual Meeting for a vote of the congregation. A discussion on passing policy occurred. The Church Council will receive and review proposed policy and vote on that policy in the following month. This will give Council Members time to review and potentially discuss with their respective boards and committees. The Board of Trustees presented policy that will be voted on in February 2015. The 2014 Financial Reports were reviewed and accepted. The Church budget for 2014 ended with a total surplus of over $11,000, including erasing the deficit from the year before. Larry Backes presented the proposed 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 budget, which at this point includes a deficit of approximately $9300. This budget will be presented to the congregation at the Annual Meeting. It is hoped that the continued hard work of the Stewardship Committee will reduce that number by February 1, 2015. The Call to Meeting for the Annual Meeting was presented and approved. Monthly reports were also received from the Ministers. Rev. Gordon Bates is scheduled to preach on January 18, 2015. Sarah Verasco and Lynn Carman Bodden noted the efforts of Stewardship, acknowledged all who pledged, and reviewed the Church Council goals. The Ramsey family was acknowledged for hosting a new member dinner and the Governance Group has reconvened. The annual Lenten Series will include ecumenical opportunities for the church. Open Forum noted that the Church Profile will be available in the Church Office. The Wilcox Lecturer for February 8, 2015 will be Sister Simone. The Council Meeting was adjourned with the Unison Benediction. LENT 2015 Sacred Spaces around the Green: A Lenten Pilgrimage to Three Church Sanctuaries Wednesdays February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 This year, the Lenten Series takes on an ecumenical twist. Together with the members of Christ Episcopal Church and St. George Catholic Church, we’ll explore the impact of our various theologies on the spaces in which we worship – and the way that space affects our worship. On alternate Wednesdays, participants from the three congregations will meet together. On the “between weeks,” you are invited to explore sacred space at First Church beyond the sanctuary. Members of First Church are invited to meet for dinner in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 - 6:45pm, before the discussions begin at 7pm. You are invited to come as you are able for any combination of dinner and discussion. Families are welcome, and a freewill offering will be collected. Our final dinner on March 25 will be potluck, and members of all three churches will be invited. The schedule is: February 25 – Christ Church Episcopal. March 4 – First Church: Sacred Space in the Chapel March 11 – St. George Church March 18 – First Church: The Memorial Garden March 25 – First Church: Sacred Space in the Sanctuary Winston Churchill said “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Come to learn and pray about how that works in the life of our churches. LANDMARK 4 Official Call to Annual Meeting 2015 Sunday, February 1, 2015 To the members of the First Congregational Church of Guilford, Inc.: The Annual Meeting of the First Congregational Church of Guilford, Inc., will be held on Sunday morning, February 1, 2015 at 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary, directly following the 10:00 AM service to: 1. Receive and act upon the reports and recommendations of the Ministers; 2. Receive and act upon the reports and recommendations of the Boards, Committees and Organizations of the Church; 3. Act upon the proposal of the Board of Deacons as to criteria for Minister Emeritus status; 3a. Act upon the recommendation of the Board of Deacons and Church Council to confer the Minister Emeritus title to the Rev. Kendrick Norris; 4. Act upon the proposed 2015 Operating Budget, as submitted by Church Council; 5. Act upon the proposed 2015 Community and World Concerns budget, as submitted by the CWC Board; 6. Receive the report of the Nominating Committee and act upon their recommendations for Officers and Members of Boards and Committees of the Church; 7. Act upon proposed by-law changes to reflect clergy configuration models. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Catlin, Clerk DINNER THEATRE AT FIRST CHURCH! Saturday, February 21 FORSAKEN Join us in Fellowship Hall for soup and bread before the presentation of Jeanne C. Finn's play, Forsaken. A reading of Forsaken will be presented on Saturday, February 21 at 7:00pm in the Chapel. Jeanne’s years of mentoring female inmates at York Prison inspired this drama of three struggling prisoners and the wellmeaning professor intent on improving their lives. The readers are Paula Baraket, Carl Frano, Elizabeth Halvorsen, Cyndie Hasty and Nancy Ruther. We are very pleased that the playwright will be in attendance and hope you will join us for this well-told cautionary tale. FEBRUARY 2015 PRAYER SHAWL KNITTERS MEETING Sunday, February 1, 2:00-4:00pm Minear Library Whether you're an old pro or a first-time knitter, stop by to pick up new yarn, teach or learn a different pattern, and be in fellowship with others knitting for our wonderful Prayer Shawl Ministry! New hands are always welcome to knit or crochet shawls; materials are provided. Call coordinators Zanne Huhn (203-453-2872) or Yvette Howard (203-453-9953) for more information. If you know of someone who would welcome a Prayer Shawl as a tangible sign of First Church’s love and prayers, please call Zanne or Yvette. TRADITION! TRADITION! Mark your calendars for Fiddler on the Roof. Performances will be Friday, March 20 at 7:30pm Saturday, March 21 at 2:00pm & 7:30pm, and Sunday, March 22 at 2:00pm. We have a great cast, but we still need YOU! There are plenty of jobs that need to be filled for such a largescale theatre extravaganza: Backstage Crew, Props, Costumes, Makeup, Set Design, Set Construction including painting, Tickets, Publicity, Lights and Sound. Please contact Liza Catino at 203-453-0494 or [email protected]. MINEAR LIBRARY I want to draw your attention to a DVD called “Nothing Is Permanent Except Change”. It appeared early in our transition period and while it has excellence relevance for us as a church, it goes even further. The subtitle “Learning to Manage Transition in Your Life” says it all. It takes a lecture format with beautiful photographs of nature’s changing seasons. The speakers have comforting, reassuring voices. I recommend this 33 minute talk for your personal reflection. Please use a card to sign it out and return it promptly for the next viewer. You might find it more helpful to treat as a CD so you hear the message without the visual stimulation. Whichever approach you choose, I hope you find it helpful. Marjorie Colton, Librarian Heartfelt Thanks to Office Angels Cindy Caligan, Liza Catino, Bob Howard, Dianne Hughes, Beth Milliron, Suzanne Paulson, and Jane Rowen. LANDMARK 5 JOYFUL NOISE! Concert Sunday February 8 at 4:0pm THE BLACK MAN IN SONG with Irwin Reese and Julia Bady Reflect on our nation's heritage with tenor Irwin Reese and pianist Julia Bady as they perform art songs and spirituals by African-American composers and poets. New Yorker Irwin Reese has had a diverse career appearing in opera and on television, as a solo recitalist, and as a commercial voice-over artist. A recently retired member of the Met Opera Chorus, he performed at the 1988 Olympic Games with the Calgary Opera. Julia Bady, pianist, performs solo and chamber music throughout the New York/New England region, and recordings of her performances have been featured on Massachusetts radio stations WCRB in Boston and WFCR in Amherst. "I am very excited to introduce Irwin to our congregation," said Liza Catino. "I met Irwin our freshman year in college and I know everyone will thoroughly enjoy his wonderful voice and engaging personality." PILGRIM FELLOWSHIP With close to 100 PF members interested in going on the mission trip in April, the excitement is palpable! Our meetings have been busy as we continue to learn about each other and people outside of our community. We live in a very diverse world and strive to be accepting and inspired by those around us! We continue to cook for local services like Meals on Wheels, the Community Dining Room and Columbus House at our Sunday night meetings as well. The kids really enjoy this and many are learning a thing or two about cooking!! This month we will welcome Sister Simone to a meeting to talk about and share an interactive way of looking at economic injustice in our world. Adding to world and national awareness; and a feeling compassion toward others. Thank you to Shannon Clarkson and her committee for arranging this speaker. March begins our sponsorship drive for the mission trip, so be looking for more information on that. As always, thank you for all the ways you support and pray for PF. Blessings for a great 2015! Judi Wallace FEBRUARY 2015 THE WILCOX WEEKEND February 7-8 Sister Simone Campbell, who coordinated the “Nuns on the Bus” tour around the country highlighting economic justice issues, will be our speaker. She has served as Executive Director of NETWORK since 2004. She is a religious leader, attorney and poet with extensive experience in public policy and advocacy for systemic change. In Washington, she lobbies on issues of peacebuilding, immigration reform, healthcare and economic justice. Around the country, she is a noted speaker and educator on these public policy issues. She is a dynamic speaker, whom several of us heard recently on NPR. You won’t want to miss her presentations! Saturday Feb 7 from 4:00-5:30pm she will speak in the sanctuary on economic justice. She will also preach on Sunday morning at both services. In the afternoon, St. George will host her: her lecture will be on immigration issues. At 7:00pm, Sister Simone will meet with our Pilgrim Fellowship and discuss issues of economic justice. CARING WITH PEOPLE IN PRISON Adult Forum Sunday, Feb 15th 11:30am in the Chapel I am a mentor to a young man in the Manson Youth Correctional Facility. In this forum, I will talk about “mentoring” (I don’t particularly like that word and I’ll explain why) with an individual who is in prison. I will address two levels: first, the individual task of visiting with a person who is in prison and some of its rewards and challenges; second, the broader social conditions of prison and poverty that the experience of visiting can help to clarify. I’ll share from my experience with the individual I spend time with at the prison, and from my work in understanding and reflecting theologically and socially on the prison system, reentry, and recidivism. Our task together in this forum will be to demystify the experience of visiting people in prison and to build empathy with the experiences of people who do not enter prison spaces by choice. Kevin Dean A Special Thank you… to my Church family for your kindnesses during my 8 months of being confined at home, except for doctors visits and appointments. The care I received from Guilford VNA, Meals on Wheels, a complete Thanksgiving meal by Chef Paula, home visits, cards, flowers, phone calls. Sarah and Lynn – thank you. I was able to attend the Harvest Fair lunch with my daughter, granddaughter and 10th great-grandchild. Now I must start exercising and getting the strength and stability after sitting all these months! Most sincerely, Charlotte Mousch LANDMARK WATER – CRISIS IN GAZA AND BEYOND Nothing is as effective as water in reminding us of our absolute dependence on our planet’s resources. In Israel and Palestine, political deadlock and military actions have also sharpened awareness of the interdependence of Arab and Jew alike, as all must share the limited supply of water in the region. In Gaza, for example, the 1.7 million residents are in dire straits. Israeli and Egyptian blockades have cut off the fuel supply needed to run the power plants that pump both water and sewage. Gaza’s water comes primarily from a shallow aquifer that is being drawn down 3 times faster than its natural recharge rate, and suffers from increasing intrusion of sea water, and pollution by fertilizers and sewage. The collapse of the sewage system leaves residents to cope with catastrophic conditions, including raw sewage in the streets of Gaza City. In 2013, a UNICEF survey found 20% of children in Gaza suffered from water-borne diseases. But consequences reach beyond Gaza. Every day, as of December 2013, 3.5 million cubic feet of Gaza’s sewage poured into the Mediterranean. Israel’s own drinking water supply is increasingly dependent on seawater desalinization. One of its largest facilities, in Ashkelon, is just a few miles north along the coast from Gaza. As New York Times columnist Tom Freeman comments, “It is all one ecosystem. Everyone is connected.” Solutions exist, but have long been stymied by politics or financial obstacles. Gaza’s water could be supplied by a major desalinization plant that has been under discussion for 20 years, but funding remains doubtful. Israel has been willing to sell electricity to the Gazans to run such a plant. With current large-scale reverse-osmosis technology, Israel now produces 1,000 liters of water for roughly 60 cents. Israel already trains Palestinian technicians in water desalinization, and has agreed to pipe Israeli water into the Gaza strip. Poorly handled, water shortage can lead to civil wars as in Syria, and can trigger mass migrations of water refugees. The Pentagon now has to plan for such eventualities. But where there is cooperation among regional neighbors, peaceful, constructive outcomes are still possible. Our prayers for the way of peace are badly needed. Environmental Ministry Team: Bob Leete & Ray Jones 6 FEBRUARY 2015 WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE UCC? Kahala Cannon, a member of the Mississippi Blvd Christian Church of Memphis TN, is in his first term with Global Ministries in India where he is a dentist at the Christian Hospital Mungeli. The hospital has served this community of 55,000 for over 116 years and offers comprehensive care to a very impoverished populace. Kahala sees up to 10 patients per day with the full spectrum of dental problems. It is a busy walk in clinic and the procedures performed vary from day to day. Often the patients have come long distances and require housing while they are being treated. Kahala is hoping to complete his two year term at Mungeli Hospital. The work has been so important, so life-changing that he is considering continuing his mission work with Global Ministries, possibly as a teacher, in another country. Here is how he describes his experiences and “transformation” during his first 8 months in Mungeli. My greatest joy comes from experiencing God through the ways in which I have grown spiritually and personally during my missionary journey. I am shy and quiet by nature. Yet, I also have a bold and adventurous side that is open to explore and face the unknown. After going on several short-term mission trips with my church, it was that bold side which allowed me to answer, “Yes,” to my calling, leave everything, and journey to another country…. a land unknown on the other side of the world for my long-term missionary assignment. Although I am still “quiet,” I recognize that I have grown into someone that is more outgoing and expressive. I am amazed at the process in which God has taken me from someone who has nothing to say and is molding me into someone that is increasingly bold and communicative each day by rendering the message during Sunday evening chapel service, leading devotions and prayer, speaking before congregations and groups, and singing publically. Other times, I have held a patient’s hand, comforted them, or touched and silently prayed for them as they underwent a medical procedure. A few months ago, I was astonished as I held a patient’s hand and silently prayed as she passed away. I often find myself saying, “Wow, Is this me Lord?” The Lord replies, “Yes, that is you. Dentist, teacher, minister, friend, confidant, encourager, and yes, even a hairstylist.” For more information visit: or
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