White Oak Baptist Church The Worship of God February 8th, 2015 Brotherhood Sunday ***************************************************** Ministry Opportunities Welcome Musical Call to Worship Tom Eannarino, Deacon of the Month Tom Eannarino, Brotherhood Leader “Standing on the Promises” Men’s Choir Call to Worship 1 Samuel 3:10 Tom Eannarino Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening." Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer Rev. Higginson Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give usFather, this daywhich our daily And forgive be us our trespasses, Our art inbread. heaven, hallowed thy name. ascome. we forgive those against Thy kingdom Thy will bewho donetrespass on earth, as it isus.in heaven. lead usour notdaily into temptation, deliver evil: Give And us this day bread. Andbut forgive us us ourfrom trespasses, For thine is the thewho power, and the glory,us. for ever and ever. as kingdom, we forgiveand those trespass against Amen.but deliver us from evil: And lead us not into temptation, For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Hymn of Praise “I Am Resolved” Offertory Hymn “To Worship, Work, and Witness” #389 Finance Committee General Fund Spotlight “Brotherhood Mission Ministries” Tom Eannarino with…Prayers, Cards & Visits ******************************************** Offertory Scripture and Prayer Jonathan Walker, Chief Usher “Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts." Psalm 96:7-8 (NRSV) Offertory Doxology “I’d Rather Have Jesus” “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Special Music “Learning to Lean” Introduction of Guest Speaker Sermon Hymn of Response Benediction “Built to Serve” #27 vs. 5 Ed Green & Charles Pulley Tom Eannarino Carlton McDaniel Jr. “Here I Am, Lord” Tom Eannarino ***************************************************************** #301 Prayer List Updates Irvin Smith Rev. Higginson Silence and Reflection Pastoral Prayer Personal Testimony Rev. Higginson Frankie Bailey Facility Residents Ms. Kathy Creech The Laurels of Glenn Forest 1101 Hartwell Street Garner, NC 27529 Contact: Joe and Phyllis Creech 919-553-4011 Shut-ins Mrs. Eudell Smith 200 Riverwood Drive Clayton, NC 27527 Contact: Irvin & Jan Smith 919-553-4458 ******************************** Wednesday Night Dinner Sign-Up February 11, 2015 WOM “Alleluia” #223 vs. 1 & 2 Children Are Invited To Come Forward For The Children’s Sermon Children’s Sermon Remember Our Shut-Ins and Facility Residents Various casseroles, green beans, fruit, bread and dessert Carlton McDaniel Jr. founded Able to Serve in 2003 after serving as Life Way's National Special Needs Specialist. A graduate of Campbell University and Southeastern Seminary, he has worked with individuals and families with special needs for over 20 years. His family, especially his sister Gerrie, fuels his passion for this ministry. Able to Serve, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that gets involved in the lives of people who have developmental disabilities and helps them get involved in our community. Name: ______________________ # Adults: ($5.00)______________ (6th Grade and Up) # Children: ($3.00)____________ (2 yrs - 5th Grade) ___Add us to the permanent list. Pastoral Contacts/Schedule Welcome to Our Guests Reverend Todd Higginson Monday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Tuesday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Wednesday ~ 12:00pm to 3:00pm Thursday ~ 9:00am to12:00pm Friday and Saturday ~ Off/On Call Contact for appointments: [email protected] 919-553-7560 (Office) 919-537-6006 (Mobile) Youth Pastor Brittany Jackson Call for appointments: 828-963-0120 [email protected] We are grateful for your visit this morning and hope you will take a moment to fill out a Visitor’s Card (drop it into the offering plate or hand it to a church member). While we pray that your experience reveals a welcoming place to worship God, we encourage you to engage in our other activities and ministries so a friendly experience can transform into opportunities to build meaningful friendships as we worship and serve Christ and Neighbor. A new revised 2015 budget is out and you can get a copy by emailing or calling the church office at 919-553-7560. Office hours are 9-1 Monday- Friday. Valentine's Banquet Saturday , February 14th 5:00 to 7:30 pm On Sunday, February 1, 2015 The Church Gave Weekly Budget Needs: $4,933 General Funds Given: $3,998 Sunday School Attendance Enrolled: 160 Members Present: 80 Guests: 1 Worship Service Attendance Nursery: 20 Worship: 132 Deacon of the Month: Tom Eannarino Deacon Council Dennis Durham Tom Eannarino Sharon Freeman Mark Jackson Larry Kristoff Mike Mulhollem Sandy Pate Mike Sauls Margaret Stevens Jonathan Walker Ann Wall 919-963-9986 919-359-6309 919-624-7963 919-550-1004 919-901-5920 919-553-7307 919-553-5399 919-210-6720 919-553-4098 919-749-5154 919-553-7187 The Caregivers Ministry Team will meet this Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 11:00 at the Archer Lodge Community Center. We assemble hot meals to take to our shut-ins, and we are able to visit with them before returning for our meeting. We invite you to come join us and learn more about this ministry. See RSVP info on banisters Those Serving Our Little Ones February 15 Rebecca Tanner & Myah Sykes Sherman & Cindy Batten Gennie Hamilton February 22 Chris & Tricia Aman Debby Wall, Rebecca Tanner Myah Sykes, Emily Pate February 15 Mary Taylor Creech February 22 Steve Holland White Oak Baptist Church 13943 Buffalo Road Archer Lodge, NC 27527 919-553-7560 www.whiteoakchurch.us Prayer List Earl Adams- at Rex-moving to Brian Center on Saturday Gabe Bass- recovering at home from feeding tube procedure Brent Beach- recovering from knee surgery- father of Brittany Jackson Doug Boney - hospice care cousin-in-law of Paula Champion Melanie Durham- recovering at home Sharon Kristoff-medical tests Charles Jones-stent procedurefather of Donna Lassiter Donna Lassiter -waiting to be on lung transplant list Chelsey Lee- pregnancy complications-niece of Paula Champion Clyde & Mary Maybee- both at daughter’s home Jerry &Carolyn Pace Kinsley Perry- Wake Med recovering from car accident(Russell Murray) Vernon Ray Blood clot lung at home Cancer Frankie Bailey- lung cancer-husband of Vickie Bailey Don Brock - prostate cancer friend of Tricia Aman Colin Carberry- 13 yr old friend of Donna Parrish Charles Dodd - cancer; receiving chemotherapy - nephew of Annie Ruth O’Neal Jennifer Fox - stage 2 ovarian cancer Janice Hinton - liver cancer; receiving chemo - friend of the Kristoff’s Michael Holley- kidney cancer father of Tyler Doman’s roommate Dick Johnson -chronic lymphocytic leukemia and B cell lymphoma friend of Josh & Blair Barnes Hugh Narron-cancer- brother of Doris Thompson Gail O’Neil - cancer treatments Jay Richardson brother-in-law of Jimmy Driver Linda Ward - cancerous eye tumor Butch Williams - cancer friend of the Nolley’s Sunday, February 8, 2015 Brotherhood Sunday 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30-7:30 Children’s Choir Practice 7:30-8:30pm Youth Choir Practice Monday, February 9, 2015 2:00pm WND Reservations due 7:00pm WOM meet in Martha Room Tuesday, February 10, 2015 10:00am Worship Planning 11:00am Caregivers 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday, February 11, 2015 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm WND 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time 7:00pm Celebration Ringers Children’s Mission Groups RA’s & GA’s Friends Youth Group Meet 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, February12, 2015 7:30pm Deacon’s Meeting Saturday, February 14, 2015 5-7:30pm Senior Valentine Banquet Sunday, February 8, 2015 Brotherhood Sunday 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30-7:30 Children’s Choir Practice 7:30-8:30pm Youth Choir Practice
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