What Cha’ know about SNOW? Tornadoes never strike To be safe in winter pick a reference point and count about 2 seconds past when the rear of the vehicle in front passes that point. twice That is not enough time (2 seconds) to determine a safe stopping distance from the car in front of you. The roadway is snow-covered or icy, double and even triple the number of seconds. IN THE same placE There is no difference between all-season tires and winter tires! FALSE! The groves in winter tires are about 30% deeper thus gripping the road more effectively. The weather is good, the road is clear, I can't see any ice...I can drive just like I do in the summer. Sorry Charlie, Its still winter and tire traction drops with the temp. You also must be on the look out for black ice which is not easily seen. Drive Safe ! All-season tires are good enough for city driving. WRONG! When the temperature drops below 7°C, the rubber on all season tires begin to harden and loose elasticity AKA traction! Accidents happen for different reasons in the Summer and Winter. THE SNOW CAUSES ACCIDENTS IN THE WINTER. as a tornado move towards you Houses do not explode from the pressure of a tornado. Spending time opening windows is wasting precious time you should be using to find safe shelter. TWISTED SISTER TORNADOES TORNADOES DON’T HIT BIG CITIES. . . Incorrect! Dallas, St. Louis, Miami, and other large cities in the U.S. Urban torandos can also be considered more dangerous because they can pick up more debris causing more destruction. IT IS EASY TO OUT RUN A TORNADO... SIKE! FACTS & MYTHS ABOUT WEATHER WITH A FOCUS ON SNOW STORMS, TORNADOES & FLASH-FLOODS ● http://www.mtq.gouv.qc.ca/portal/page/portal/grand_pub lic_en/vehicules_promenade/securite_routiere/securite_conditions_hivernales/conseils_securite/dix_croyances_tiennent_pas_route_hiver ● Winter, R. (1998). Will a chill make you ill?. Good Housekeeping, 226(4), 153. ● http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/21/tornado-safety-myths-misconceptions-twisters_n_3314146.html ● http://www.noaa.gov/features/economic_0309/images/flooding.pdf By: Catherine Garrett • Fall 2013 • Severe and Hazardous Weather Tornadoes can travel up to 70 mph (according to NOAA website) It is a safer bet to abandon your vehicle and find shelter rather then drive away from the near by storm. INSURANCE POLICIES COVER FLOODING Larger vehicles, such as SUVs and pickups, are safe to drive through flood waters. NO WAY JOSE! It only takes about two feet of water to carry away most vehicles, including SUVs and other large vehicles. “equalize pressure” It is still winter meaning road conditions can change every few miles. CARELESSNESS AND SPEEDING ARE THE NUMBER ONE CAUSES OF CAR ACCIDENTS IN ALL SEASONS! Seeking shelter under an overpass is more dangerous because it can house increased wind speeds from the tornado. Leave windows open to IF THE ROAD IS IN GOOD SHAPE WHEN I BEGIN MY TRIP, I CAN EXPECT GOOD CONDITIONS THE WHOLE TRIP. NOPE! Tornadoes can strike any where and any time, whether or not one has already taken place there. HOMEOWNERS If driving, Highway overpasses are considered a good place to seek shelter during a tornado FLASH FLOODS ONLY OCCUR ALONG SIDE FLOWING STREAMS policy does not cover flooding until it is too late; this is why it is important to contact your insurance company or agent about flood coverage! BE PROACTIVE PUT ON YOUR H I G H - W AT E R S ; F LOODS! Yea Right! Flash Floods can occur many places such as in dry river beds and urban areas where no near flowing water is present. The southwest corner of a building is the safest place to be during a tornado. FLASH-FLOODS OCCUR MOSTLY IN THE AFTERNOON OR EVENING OBVIOUSLY FALSE. This is based on the myth that tornadoes come from the southwest, thus the debris fall into the northeast side of the basement You'll catch a cold if you get chilled or if the weather changes... YOU WISH! Unfortunately, many find out their Flash Floods Occur mainly in the Eastern US. Flash flooding can occur anywhere in the United States including Alaska and Hawaii SILLY GOOSE, Floods can occur at any time of the day or night Moving to another part of the Country will eliminate your allergies Colds are caused by viruses that infect the nasal passages, not by weather conditions. This stems from the fact that colds are more common in the winter because we spend more time indoors.. WITH OTHER PEOPLE! Some people feel more comfortable in colder weather and some in warmer weather. However relocating will not make a big difference because for those algerie prone people will most likely develop algeries to something else in their new location.
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