February 1, 2015 SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 am 11:15 am 5:45 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm - Morning Worship Sunday School Choir Practice Pre-Service Prayer Evening Service MONDAY EVENING 6:30 pm - Karate WEDNESDAY SERVICES 7:00 am - Early Morning Prayer 6:45 pm - Precious Stones (Ages 3-6th grade) 7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting Teen Group FRIDAY John L. Klink, Sr. Pastor Church Phone 240-362-7112 Pastor’s Home 814-709-2104 Pastor’s Cell 804-761-5088 12510 Corrigan Dr. NW Corriganville, MD 21524 SolidRockibc.org 6:30 pm - Brigades Party Reformers Unanimous Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. ORDER OF SERVICE MORNING WORSHIP Chorus - “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” Welcoming Time Hymn # 327 “Higher Ground” Prayer Offertory - Theron Babcock Special - Choir Hymn # 158 “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” Announcements Special - Elisa Hartung Hymn # 165 “O Worship the King” Message - Pastor John Klink EVENING SERVICE Hymn # 244 “Amazing Grace” Prayer Offertory - Bonnie Cornell Hymn # 166 “I Will Praise Him” Announcements & Testimonies Hymn # 281 “Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour” Message - Pastor John Klink —Chorus of the Month— Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Just to take Him at His word Just to rest upon His promise Just to know Thus saith the Lord Jesus Jesus how I trust Him How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er Jesus Jesus precious Jesus O for grace to trust Him more PRAYER CLOSET Western Maryland Regional Medical Center (WMRMC) Church List Dick Beeghly Don Bennett Ethel Mae Isiminger Debbie Paugh Meghan Paugh Patsy Rose Mary Ryan Madelyn Seekford Dorothy Sutherland RESULTS OF LAST WEEK Attendance Van Streaming Sunday Morning 118 8 3 Sunday School 92 8 Sunday Evening 44 Wednesday Evening 48 15 9 Birthday Song For you on your special day, We take this time to say: Happy birthday; may God bless you! Happy birthday to you! 3 Pastor’s Page “It Is I” Or The Voice of Jesus in the Storm by Newman Hall (continued from last week) But an obedient disciple will not say, "Why has this been appointed me to do? Why has that been given me to suffer?—for until I comprehend the reason I will not obey the command." Oh, no! His language will rather be, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" If the head of a family, the commander of a ship, the general of an army, often give orders which, though not explained, are promptly obeyed, shall we presume to sit questioning the will of Jesus, instead of making haste and delaying not to keep His commandments? May we not expect to hear Him reprovingly say to us, "What is that to thee? Follow thou Me!" But the Christian's duty not only sometimes baffles his reason, but also opposes his preferences. How much more willingly would the disciples have remained in the company of their beloved Master! How much they perhaps fancied they were losing, while, deprived of His company, they were in the ship alone! So, in obedience to duty, the Christian may still seem to be a loser, not only in temporal, but even in spiritual respects. His opportunities of religious advancement may appear to be curtailed by a course which, otherwise, he would not hesitate to pronounce his duty to his Savior. It is his duty still. Apparent consequences do not diminish the obligation of an obvious command. And he who most scrupulously adheres to the path of obedience will most successfully travel in the path of improvement too. Duty is identical with privilege. However delightful and profitable the company of Jesus must have been, the disciples gained far more by being obediently absent than rebelliously near. Obedience is the best kind of nearness. ( to be continued…) Diana’s Desk Parenting ABC’s A-lways trust your children to God's care. B-ring them to church. C-hallenge them to high goals. D-elight in their achievements Exalt the Lord in their presence. F-rown on evil. G-ive them love. H-ere their problems. I-gnore not their childish fears. J-oyfully accept their apologies. K-eep their confidence. L-ive a good example before them. M-ake them your friends. N-ever ignore their endless questions. O-pen your heart to their love. P-ray for them by name. Q-uicken your interest in their spirituality. R-emember their needs. S-how them the way of salvation. T-each them to work. U-nderstand they are still young. V-erify your statements. W-ean them from bad company. e-Xpect them to obey. Y-earn for God's best for them. Z-ealously guide them in Bible truth. Author Unknown Mark Your Calendar February 10 Gemstones February 14 Valentine’s Day February 16 President’s Day February 19 Quilting February 21 Krav Maga This Week Sunday Morning Sunday School Sunday Evening Wednesday Evening Next Week Sunday Morning Sunday School Sunday Evening Wednesday Evening Nursery Schedule Hollie Lynch & Christina Griffith Dottie Hartman & Susan Hartman Charity Troutman & Mary Jo Rice Alyson Harris & Diana Klink Stephanie Emerick & Tiffany Klink Patsy Rose & Susan Hartman Kim Fickes & Mary Jo Rice Karen Harris & Diana Klink Prayer Chain We are making a new Prayer Chain List. Please see Paula Pratt if you would like your name on the prayer chain. Directory Forms The church directory needs updated! We have new faces to add and addresses that need changed. Please fill out a new form and place in the box in the foyer. Thank you for your help! Krav Maga Defend yourself against a threat Saturday, February 21st 10:00-12:00 Introduction to Krav Maga 2:00-4:00 Advanced Techniques Against Weapons Certified Instructor Isaiah Bowman Cost $25 Dear praying Brothers and Sisters, Please pray for our visas as Bill Smith is traveling to Port Moresby to expedite them. It will only be a miracle from the Lord if we get them in time to fly out February 16th. We know the Lord is able and rest in His will. Tim and Leandra Hawes Dear Pastor, Thank you for your interest in Spain and our family. We are very grateful you have allowed us to be a part of your church during our deputation. We appreciate the love, prayers, and support you have provided to us already. You have assisted us in completing almost all of our deputation in two years, bringing so much closer to Spain. We are now at 84% of our needed support, with more promised in the next two months. At this point, we have shifted our focus from deputation to the transition from the United States to Spain. Our desire is to complete our travel within the next three months, and depart for Spain in late March or early April 2015. We will fly out of the northern Virginia area into Seville, Spain and drive to Dos Hermanas from there. We would like to offer the opportunity to participate specifically with some of these major movements. We have a few expenses coming which are not routine costs. Some are unique to moving, others are necessary to build financial credibility in Spain. The following items are unique to this initial transition: Visa applications $800 ($200 per person) Rental of home $3,000 (first, last month rent and deposit) Plane tickets $3,300 Shipment of Goods $4,700 (Shipment, moving, and customs) If you would like to participate in any of these, please let us know. If you can pray with us for these specific areas, we would appreciate it. Thank you for your faithfulness and open heart, and for your support and consideration. May God truly bless you in the work He has called you to do. In Christ, Mike Heaton
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