TOP FIVE FOR THE WEEK GriefShare - a new ministry at GUMC for the community. Begins Today! Who should come? GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. Starting February 1st, and meeting Sunday afternoons from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. If you know of someone who may want to participate, please let them know about our group. Contact Joan Rogers or Ed Mantler with questions or to register. . If you know of someone who may want to participate, please let them know about our group. GRETNA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Where God’s Family Grows Together February 1, 2015 th 4 Sunday after Epiphany Do you like to paint? If so please join us! We are going to Camp Fontanelle on Monday, February 16 to help paint the lodge. We will leave the church parking lot at 8:15 and hopefully be back around 4(at the latest). Please bring your own brushes, rollers, etc. We have three people going already and have room for more. Please sign up on the new Missions Bulletin board in the fellowship hall. if you are interested.- The Boyers will be there! It will be fun! New Lenten Study Join us for a Lenten adult Sunday School class, Feb. 22 through March 29. The class will use the book mudhouse sabbath: An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline by Lauren F. Winner. Inspired by the Jewishness of Jesus, this study looks at seven ways of Christian formation. Each of the six weeks will focus on a different spiritual discipline: sabbath keeping, hospitality/eating food, prayer, fasting, grief/mourning well, and doorposts. We will meet in the sanctuary at 11:00. Grab a coffee and join us for one or all of the classes. If you have any questions or wish to purchase a book , please see teacher, Holly Kooistra. LEARN MORE ABOUT Gretna United Methodist Church? We will be hosting a series of Membership Discovery classes beginning on Sunday, March 8, 2015. These relaxed discussions will help you to explore: United Methodist Church’s beliefs and practices; the mission and ministry of Gretna United Methodist Church; and the significance of church membership. We will meet after worship in the REACH Coordinator’s office for approximately one hour. Since each session covers different topics of interest, we encourage you to attend all sessions. Child care is available for younger children. We welcome everyone to the worship service -- whether you are here for the first time or a long time attender, we want you to experience God’s unconditional love through our family of faith. Our desire is to help you connect with God, and connect with people that can encourage you in your faith journey. If you are visiting, we thank you for being our guest! Please join us after the service in the fellowship hall for refreshments. (402) 332-3213 VBS July 27th- July 31st (Sunday-Thursday) A Stephen Ministry Congregation ORDER OF WORSHIP SERVICE Welcome, Announcements and Greetings *Majesty, Worship His Majesty……………………………UMH pg. 176 *Call to Worship, Psalm 111:1-8………………………….UMH pg. 832 *As a Fire Is Meant for Burning……………..…………TFWS pg. 2237 *Prayer ………………………………….……..Book of Worship pg. 464 Response-“Heralds of Christ, v 1…………..………….…UMH pg. 567 (Children come forward during singing) Children’s Message/Prayer/ Children’s Offering/ Red Folders….Anna Kippley Christ for the World We Sing, vs 1,2,3…..……………..UMH pg. 568 The Church in Mission: Revealing the Love of Christ Prayers of the People/Lord’s Prayer Giving Back to God- Our Offerings Offertory: *How Great Is Our God v 1, refrain & coda….......W & S pg. 3003 *Prayer of Thanksgiving *Mark 1:21-28 What Have We to Do With Them?...........................Dr. Dan Flanagan The Sacrament of Holy Communion (See Opposite page) Hymn: 584 UMH – Lord, You Give the Great Commission 557 UMH – Blest Be the Tie that Binds *Benediction *Pass It On, v 1…………..………………………………….UMH pg. 572 *Please stand, as you are able EVERYONE: For our record keeping, please sign in on the red folders the ushers hand out and return them to the center aisle Call to Worship from Psalm 111:1-8 Praise the Lord. I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who have pleasure in them. Full of honor and majesty are the works of the Lord whose righteousness endures for ever, who has caused his wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful. The Lord provides food for the faithful and is ever mindful of his covenant. The Lord has shown his people the power of his works by giving them the heritage of the nations. The works of the Lord’s hands are faithful and just; the precepts of the Lord are trustworthy; they are established for ever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness. Prayer O God, in mystery and silence you are present in our lives, bringing new life out of destruction, hope out of despair, growth out of difficulty. We thank you that you do not leave us alone but labor to make us whole. Help us to perceive your unseen hand in the unfolding of our lives, and to attend to the gentle guidance of your Spirit, that we may know the joy you give your people. Amen The Sacrament of Holy Communion – A Service of Word & Table III, pg. 15 Christ offers an invitation to join in the sharing of the communion elements: “Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another.” If you would like to receive communion, please come forward when the ushers indicate. Communion will be served by intinction. A piece of bread will be given to you which is to be dipped into the cup. Gluten free wafers are provided for those who need them, and the wine is nonalcoholic. While you are waiting to be served, you are invited to join in singing the hymns. Communion Offering for February: Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday (Hunger Projects) NOTES: HOW would a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus change your life for the better? Here is how you can receive Christ: NOTES: HOW would a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus change your life for the better? Here is how you can receive Christ: *Admit you need him because you are a sinner (confess sins). *Be willing to turn from your sins (repent). *Trust that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave as your personal Savior. *Through PRAYER, invite Jesus Christ to be in control of your life through the Holy Spirit. *Receive him as Lord and Savior. *Obey the guidance given through the Holy Spirit. *Admit you need him because you are a sinner (confess sins). *Be willing to turn from your sins (repent). *Trust that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave as your personal Savior. *Through PRAYER, invite Jesus Christ to be in control of your life through the Holy Spirit. *Receive him as Lord and Savior. *Obey the guidance given through the Holy Spirit. GRETNA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a community of Christian faith where God’s family grows together through: *genuine CONNECTION *inspiring WORSHIP *meaningful SERVICE *Christ-Centered EDUCATION and ACTIVITIES. GRETNA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a community of Christian faith where God’s family grows together through: *genuine CONNECTION *inspiring WORSHIP *meaningful SERVICE *Christ-Centered EDUCATION and ACTIVITIES. HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU THIS WEEK? Joys and Concerns Some of the Evangelism committee members and their spouses are serving communion. Members of this committee include Linda Barris, Ellen Burgeson, Joel Christensen, Jackie Folkerts, Steve Gangwish, Jerry Hawley, Jeff Kooistra, Ed Mantler, Nike Osborn and Pam Piper. The Evangelism committee is a group of people who are sharing God's love through participating in acts of kindness to those outside the present circle to the surrounding community. Ministers: The Congregation Pastor: Rev. Dr. Janice Japp Guest Preacher: Dr. Dan Flanagan Liturgist: Jeff Spilinek REACH Coordinator: Mary Lou Kane Director of Christian Education: Anna Kippley Accompanist: Paul Parker Faces you see volunteering today: Ushers: Denny & Pam Piper Greeters: The Walsh Family and Andrew Wheeler Acolytes: Shaylee Sockel & John Lowe Sound Tech: Dennis Owen Computer Tech: Madison Owen Fellowship Set Up: Cindy Walsh Guest Follow-up: Fellowship Hosts: Last Names Beginning with I, J, K, L and Senior High Youth Altar Flowers by: Ron, Debbie and Trey Scheer In Memory of Ella Lair HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU THIS WEEK? Joys and Concerns Some of the Evangelism committee members and their spouses are serving communion. Members of this committee include Linda Barris, Ellen Burgeson, Joel Christensen, Jackie Folkerts, Steve Gangwish, Jerry Hawley, Jeff Kooistra, Ed Mantler, Nike Osborn and Pam Piper. The Evangelism committee is a group of people who are sharing God's love through participating in acts of kindness to those outside the present circle to the surrounding community. Ministers: The Congregation Pastor: Rev. Dr. Janice Japp Guest Preacher: Dr. Dan Flanagan Liturgist: Jeff Spilinek REACH Coordinator: Mary Lou Kane Director of Christian Education: Anna Kippley Accompanist: Paul Parker Faces you see volunteering today: Ushers: Denny & Pam Piper Greeters: The Walsh Family and Andrew Wheeler Acolytes: Shaylee Sockel & John Lowe Sound Tech: Dennis Owen Computer Tech: Madison Owen Fellowship Set Up: Cindy Walsh Guest Follow-up: Fellowship Hosts: Last Names Beginning with I, J, K, L and Senior High Youth Altar Flowers by: Ron, Debbie and Trey Scheer In Memory of Ella Lair
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