CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Order of Worship February 1, 2015 Dick Jones, Senior Pastor Berdj Tchilinguirian, Assistant Pastor: Shepherding and Visitation Jeff Schrage, Assistant Pastor: Youth & Family CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the PCA GATHERED TO WORSHIP SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 CHIMES WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE The prelude is a sacred curtain dropped between the world and our time of worship. During this time of preparation, you are encouraged to pray silently, asking the Holy Spirit to enable you to cling to and delight yourself in Christ. (PLEASE SILENCE ALL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES.) *CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor Dick Jones *AFFIRMATION OF PRAISE (#598) “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” *COLLECTIVE CONFESSION Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men; We acknowledge that we were conceived and born in iniquity, and mourn our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, By thought, word, and deed, Against Your Divine Majesty, Provoking most justly Your wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; The remembrance of them is grievous unto us; The burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, Forgive us all that is past; And grant that we may hereafter Serve and please You In newness of life, To the honour and glory of Your Name; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 2 *ASSURANCE OF PARDON (1 John 1:8, 9) If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Gospel of Christ Based on 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 & Romans 4:25 Unison: For the gospel has been given to us, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures for our justification. PSALTER “Psalm 107:1-9” PRAYER OF CONSECRATION OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Children (up to age 5) may be dismissed to nursery building AFTER the doxology. *MORNING PRAYER (CLOSING WITH “THE LORD’S PRAYER”) Our father, who art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts; as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. *CHORAL RESPONSE 3 THE NEW TESTAMENT LESSON Acts 17:16-31 Minister: This is the Word of God. People: Thanks be to God! PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SERMON “Man in the Balance” (Part III) Pastor Dick Jones ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Silent Preparation and Confession Distribution of the Elements *HYMN (#580) “Lead On, O King Eternal” *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE *POSTLUDE The Westminster Shorter Catechism Question and Answer Numbers One and Two Q. What is the chief end of man? Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. Q: What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him? The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. A. A. 4 ELDERS PRAYER TIME INQUIRER’S CLASS The elders meet to pray Our next Inquirer’s Class is together each Tuesday s c h e d u l e d for Friday, evening at 6:30. February 20th (6 to 9 PM) and Saturday, the 21st (9 AM to noon) in EB101. THURSDAY MORNING MEN’S PRAYER Sandwiches will be served Friday and a light breakfast on Saturday. This class is for any interested MEETING in learning about the vision, Beginning Thursday, goals, and tenets of our church February 5th and and continuing each week thereafter at 7:00 AM, Pastor Berdj will hold a men’s prayer meeting in the annex. Please join u s when you can. d e no m i na t i o n a nd especially for those desiring membership. If you’d like to attend and have not already responded, please register in the office by Wed. 2/18 (6290405 or [email protected]). REMINDERS *ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEVICES are available for use during the service and may be obtained from the sound technician located in the rear of the sanctuary. (Please return to sound tech following the service.) *PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN: THE CRY ROOM, located in the narthex across from the elevator, is available for moms and babies. THE NURSERY is available for children 0 through 4 years of age. (They are also welcome in the sanctuary.) Please transport any nursery-going children immediately following the Doxology. *PLEASE TURN OFF watch alarms, telephones, and pagers before the service. *PARENTS – please help us limit the distractions during our worship service by making sure your children attend to restroom needs, etc. before the service. *FOOD AND BEVERAGES (including water) are not allowed in the sanctuary. Thank you! *PLEASE FILL OUT the Welcome Pad and pass it down your row for all to sign. 5 Psalm 107:1-9 O praise the Lord, for He is good; His mer- cies still en - dure; Their wear - y soul with -in them faints when thirst and hun - ger press; Let them give thanks un-to the Lord for all His kind - ness shown, Thus say the ran -somed of the Lord, from all their foes se - cure. In trou -ble to the Lord they cried; He saved them from dis-tress. And for His works so won- der- ful which He to men makes known. He gath -ered them from out the lands, from north, south, east and west. He made the way be- fore them straight, and he be- came their guide. Be- cause the lon-ging soul by Him with food is sat - is - fied; They wan-dered in the wil - der - ness, No cit - y found to rest. That they might to a cit - y go in which they would a- bide. The hun- gry s oul that looks to Him with good-ness is sup-plied. Sung to the tune of There is a Fountain Filled with Blood 6 Valentine Dinner February 12th Seekatz Opera House Includes: Dinner & Entertainment Cost $25 per person Non-Member Guests at half cost. We encourage you to take advantage of this special opportunity to involve friends & family in our church community by inviting them to attend with you. Childcare will be provided. 7 THURSDAY LUNCH & STUDY BEGINNING FEB. 5 at 11:45 AM Defending Your Faith: An Overview of Classical Apologetics DVD-based study featuring R.C. Sproul Interested in defending your faith in a faithless world? In how reason and science are your friends in defending God’s existence and the truth claims of Christ? Want to know the comfort and confidence apologetics can bring? Join us for lunch ($5) and this popular teaching series by Sproul. To reserve a lunch, email [email protected]. Alliance for Confessing Evangelicals Texas Hill Country Bible Conference 2015 February 27-28 Boerne, Texas Church Group Registration Cost: $35.00 Registration forms can be obtained in the office or by contacting Barbaranne Kelly ([email protected]). Forms w/payment should be returned to the church office or to Barbaranne by Sunday, 2/15 for the special group price. YOU CAN HELP US! Please call Pastor Berdj, Minister of Visitation & Shepherding, with any information regarding our folks who are in the hospital, who are home-bound, or who are otherwise in need of a visit. Thank you! COMING-UP-AT-A-GLANCE February 12 — MIC Valentine Dinner February 27-28 — TX Hill Country Bible Conference March 6th-7th — Women’s Conference April 11 — Church Picnic (MIC) April 24-25 — Host RUF Conference/Presbytery July 13-17 — Vacation Bible School 8 High School Youth Group Super Bowl Celebration TONIGHT!! New England Patriots to defeat the Seattle Seahawks 4:30pm to 9:30pm Lawn games and other activities for the more casual fans Prizes will be given for Super Bowl related competitions Address: At the Meyers House on Lake Dunlap 849 E. Zipp Road New Braunfels, TX 78130 Middle School Rampage See the SA Rampage take on the Iowa Wild at the AT&T Center Saturday, March 7th SPACE IS LIMITED RSVP to [email protected] Game Starts at 7PM Travel Details Soon 9 Spiritual Regeneration Intellectual Reformation Behavioral Transformation SERVICE Parking Lot Attendant Rapid Visitation Greeters Nursery Greeters Today Next Week Horan, Jr. Meyers DeWoody Scribner Horan, Sr. Henry Bierstedt Horan/Showalter JANUARY GIVING/EXPENSE Monthly Budget for General Operating Expenses ........................ $ 71,885.00 Monthly Building Fund Payment .................................................. $ 11,160.00 Total Monthly Budget ................................................................... $ 83,045.00 Last Month’s Giving for General Operating Account ................... $ 49,718.60 Last Month’s Giving for Building Fund ........................................ $ 4,985.00 Last Month’s [Deficit]/Surplus for Operating Account ................ $[22,166.40] Last Month’s [Deficit]/Surplus for Building Account .................. $ [6,175.00] Last Month’s Total [Deficit]/Surplus ............................................ $[28,341.40] Year-to-Date [Deficit]/Surplus for Operating Account ................. $[22,166.40] Year-to-Date [Deficit]/Surplus for Building Account ................... $ [6,175.00] Year-to-Date Total [Deficit]/Surplus............................................. $[28,341.40] WEEKLY GIVING General Budget Giving .................................................................. $ 14,734.85 Building Fund Giving .................................................................... $ 265.00 Total Offering Week of 1/25 ......................................................... $ 14,999.85 ATTENDANCE Date Worship Sunday School 12/28 197 N/A 1/4/15 266 173 1/11/15 271 194 1/18/15 246 197 1/25/14 304 218 10 WEEKLY EVENTS MEN’S & WOMEN’S PRAYER GATHERINGS ..... Sundays .................................. 9:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES ....................... Sundays .................................. 9:30 AM WORSHIP .......................................................... Sundays ................................ 10:45 AM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES ................................. Tuesdays ................................ 9:30 AM ELDER’S PRAYER MEETING .............................. Tuesdays… ............................. 6:30 PM FAMILY SUPPER................................................ Wednesdays ............................ 5:15 PM PIONEER CLUB ................................................. Wednesdays ............................ 6:00 PM MIDDLE SCHOOL MID-WEEK ........................... Wednesdays ............................ 6:00 PM CHOIR REHEARSAL........................................... Wednesdays ............................ 6:15 PM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY .................................... Wednesdays ............................ 6:15 PM MEN’S BOOK STUDY .......................................... Wednesdays… ........................ 6:15 PM MEN’S PRAYER GROUP ...................................... Thursdays… ......................... 7:00 AM THURSDAY LUNCH/STUDY ................................. Thursdays… ......................... 11:45 AM The Weekly Fellowship Luncheon (2nd & 4th Sundays) will not be held today, but will be back next Sunday following worship. RULING ELDERS Gary Bird Bob Davenport Gary Henry Ace Horan, Sr. Jack Lucas Gene Meyers Don Miller Fred Willard Charles Taylor** Ned Martin** Rick Faber Jim Fritsch Darren Hill Michael Hornbuckle Jason Hurta **Emeritus DEACONS Dee Anderson Brad Bredesen Doug Culpepper MUSIC STAFF Choir Director Organist Pianist Song Leader Ms. Denise Damron Mrs. Joji Tonko Mrs. Sally Forney Mr. Adam Bell AUXILIARY STAFF Assistant to the Senior Pastor Women’s Ministries Coordinator Nursery Supervisor Children’s Sunday School Superintendent Publishing Specialist Church Secretary Church Sexton 11 Mrs. Kathy Teuton Mrs. Gaye Meyers Mrs. Tasha Blythin Dr. Dean Showalter Mrs. Shawnde Johnson Mrs. Melissa Smith Mr. Frank Harris MISSION STATEMENT Our purpose is to establish and build a church which is pleasing to God. During that historic period known as The Reformation, men of great courage and conviction set about to reform a church which had departed from many of the essential truths of orthodox Christianity. These truths are often referred to as the solas. The Latin phrases are: SOLA SCRIPTURA or THE SCRIPTURE ALONE! SOLUS CHRISTUS or CHRIST ALONE! SOLA GRATIA or GRACE ALONE! SOLE FIDE or FAITH ALONE! and SOLI DEO GLORIA or TO GOD ALONE BE THE GLORY! CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA 1620 Common Street • New Braunfels, Texas • 78130 Phone: (830) 629-0405 • Fax: (830) 629-0470 Email: [email protected] 12
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