About ICRP ICRP is a unique alliance of cancer organiza ons (currently represen ng over 80 major cancer research ins tutes and organiza ons in the USA, Canada, UK, France, Netherlands, Australia and Japan) working together to enhance global collabora on and strategic coordina on of research. We aim to improve access to informa on about cancer research being conducted, explore opportuni es for coopera on between funding agencies and enable our members to maximize the impact of their independent efforts. Find out more at our website: h ps://www.icrpartnership.org/. You’re Invited! ICRP Members Interna onal Cancer Research Partnership’s 2015 Annual Mee ng Tuesday, April 14, 2015 St. Andrew’s Conference Centre 150 King Street West, Room L2, 27th Floor Toronto, Canada M5H 1J9 Hosted by: Speakers Interna onal Cancer Research Partnership Representa ves of cancer research funding organiza ons are cordially invited to a end the annual mee ng of the Interna onal Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP). Hosted by the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA), the mee ng will take place at the St. Andrew’s Conference Centre, 150 King Street West, Toronto, Canada (h p:// www.standrewsclub.ca/) on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. The theme, “Global Health, Global Research”, will be addressed by a slate of eminent guest speakers (see next page). A dinner will follow and include a presenta on from Shelly Jamieson, CEO of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, on the Partnership’s First Na ons, Inuit and Mé s Ac on Plan on Cancer Control. Registra on for this free mee ng Par cipants are requested to register by January 31, 2015. For further details please contact opera [email protected]. Mary Gospodarowicz, MD, FRCPC, FRCR(Hon), Immediate Past President of the Union for Interna onal Cancer Control (UICC) and Medical Director at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, who will talk about the global burden of cancer and new opportuni es for cancer control. Paul E. Goss, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FRCP(UK), Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Director of Breast Cancer Research at the Massachuse s General Hospital Cancer Center, who will speak about obstacles to global cancer control in disenfranchised popula ons. Heather E. Bryant, MD, PhD, CCFP, FRCPC, Vice President, Cancer Control, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, who will provide an update of current ini a ves at the Interna onal Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Thomas J. Hudson, MD, President & Scien fic Director, Ontario Ins tute for Cancer Research, who will provide an update on the Interna onal Cancer Genome Consor um (ICGC) and the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health Cancers Ini a ve. Kate Law, Director of Clinical and Popula on Research, Cancer Research UK, who will present on the Interna onal Rare Cancers Ini a ve. Geoffrey T. Fong, PhD, Professor, Psychology and Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo and Principal Inves gator, Interna onal Tobacco Control (ITC) Policy Evalua on Project, who will speak to the current work of the ITC Project. Aled M. Edwards, PhD, Professor, Ban ng and Best Department of Medical Research, University of Toronto and Founding & Current CEO, Structural Genomics Consor um (SGC), who will present on the SGC and its “open access” chemistry partnership. Jennifer Hall Grossman, PhD, Scien st, who will provide a presenta on on the NCI Nanotechnology Characteriza on Laboratory.
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