Newsletter - First Congregational United Church of Christ

Founded Plymouth Harbor - 1966
Founded New College - 1960
Sponsored Orchard Place - 1992
Sharing our Sacred Story ~ Lent 2015
sh Wednesday is on February 18th, and marks
the beginning of our Lenten journey. The forty
days between Ash Wednesday and Easter on April
5th (not including Sundays) are a me set aside for
us as disciples of Jesus to focus inten onally on our
faith. This Lent will offer a variety of experience.
There is informa on in the newsle er about FEAST
(Friends Ea ng and Studying Together). There is
informa on below about the worship service. Our
theme this year is Sharing Our Sacred Story. The
theme works on two levels. First, each Sunday we
will dwell with a parable (a story) Jesus told.
Parables are not meant to be reduced to moralis c
dbits we can easily consume. Parables stretch our
faith and challenge our understandings of what is
fair. Parables put tension between our world and
God’s realm. I pray as we enter into the parables
they will speak deeply to you, which is where this
theme works on another level. Each Sunday in Lent, I
will invite you to write down a part of your story
that connects with one of the themes from that
day’s parable. The themes will range from
forgiveness to crisis to celebra on to money. I also
pray you will not keep your story to yourself. I invite
you to gather with others in the church at coffee
hour or for meals to share some of your stories the
parables are awakening. I pray connec ng your story
to Scripture will grant you a blessed and holy Lent.
(conƟnued on page 2)
This February prayerfully share God’s love with others!
February 2015
you did not receive a cup, there is s ll me to talk to
me before this service.
(ConƟnued from page 1)
O come, let us worship in February:
February 1st ~ Dale Moore will preach on the Lord’s
Prayer, on which he is teaching a FEAST class this
year. This will give you a foretaste of Dale’s insights
on this sacred prayer. We will celebrate communion.
February 18th is Ash Wednesday. There will be two
services at noon and 7 pm. I will preach on Ma hew
18:1‐5; ashes and communion will be available.
February 22 is the First Sunday of Lent and I will
preach on Ma hew 18:15‐35, FORGIVENESS, which
February 8th ~ Priscilla Crumel will bring a famous means we will start of with an easy topic! (Just
African American woman to life at our church. Many kidding.)
have experienced Priscilla’s powerful story telling in
I pray February brings you many blessings and I look
the past; today promises to bring history to life.
forward to seeing you in church!
February 15th is Transfigura on Sunday. I will
preach on Ma hew 17:1‐9. We will also circle back
Blessings and love ~
around to the cups I gave to you on January 11th. If
Pastor Wes
Church Council
A heartfelt thank you goes to our Moderator Team of
Cindy Woodling, Dick Miller,
and Susan Raines
for ALL you did in 2014! You are a BLESSING!
February 2015
he Council met January 6, 2015, opening with a
medita on by Cindy Woodling. A second
mee ng was held on January 8, 2015 to complete
Nancy Morris presented the January to December
2014 financials, which included a surplus of $55,000.
Finance and Funding recommended that these
monies be used to establish a reserve fund for
Facili es and Grounds and a reserve fund for general
opera ons ($22,250.00 each), with the condi on that
more than 50% of each fund cannot be used without
congrega onal approval. The remaining $10,500 was
proposed to be used for staff bonuses for 2014. A er
considerable discussion, these recommenda ons
were approved by Council. The Council also approved
a new Financial Policies and Procedures wri en by
Finance and Funding. Finance and Funding and
Stewardship also celebrated the results of the fall
Stewardship campaign, which ended with pledges of
Recommenda ons were presented by the ad hoc
Staffing Commi ee, formed to finalize new Staff Job
descrip ons, including clarifica ons of salaries and
benefits. The Commi ee members were Cindy
Woodling, Lucy Hedrick (Staffing) and Lynn Jones.
Updated Staff job descrip ons, to take effect in 2016,
were presented. Several recommenda ons for full‐
me and part me staff were considered and
approved to take effect in 2016. The Commi ee also
recommended that Choir Sec on Leaders be
managed under the Music and Fine Arts Team along
with the Minister of Music. Finally, the Commi ee
recommended that, in 2015, all employees turn in
me sheets to their supervisor.
Data from these me sheets will
aid Supervisors, and the Staffing
Team, to be er prepare for
2016. All recommenda ons were
A proposal by Caring for the
Congrega on for the adop on
of a Lay Visita on Ministry Team
was approved. This will be a
ministry of “presence” to
coordinated with Pastor Wes and
headed by Rev. Craig Collemer.
The Team also organized the delivery of 25
poinse as to homebound members.
A er a busy December, Fellowship and Special Events
is preparing for the installa on of Pastor Wes and
also looking to start and support small groups within
the church.
The Growing and Invi ng Team is exploring ways to
be er iden fy and welcome visitors, including
improvements to the Visitor’s Table, having visitors
raise their hands at the beginning of worship,
encouraging members to approach persons whom
they don’t recognize and make new name tags. They
are also considering how to assist members to access
electronic church informa on.
The Missions Team presented a summary of 2014
outreach giving prepared by Susan Raines. Total
outreach for 2014 was $60,246.00, of which
$32,627.00 was given to OCWM. This is truly a giving
congrega on! The Council also considered a request
by the Florida Conference to change the conference:
na onal appor onment of our OCWM giving from
70:30 to the 80:20 recommended by the Conference.
The Council voted to change our appor onment to
2014 has been an extraordinary year, with an
extraordinary Council. The start of a new year always
comes with changes in Church leadership. Much
apprecia on and thanks are due to those who have
served faithfully and will not be returning to the
2015 Council: Bob Goldman, Richard Hays, John
Mange, Bill Moore, Binh Nguyen, Ethel Rudy, and
Cindy Woodling. ~
Dick Miller
February 2015
Green Thumbers could use a few more helping hands
Do you enjoy gardening and caring for God’s creaƟon? Please join us on the Saturday, February 14th!
e are a group that meets once a month to
maintain the campus of the church. The
group started 60 years ago, when Dr. John P.
Jockinson became the first minister of our church. A
group of men and women devoted a few hours each
Friday morning to the maintenance and
beau fica on of the church campus. When the
group first started back in 1956, they used their own
gardening tools. They actually helped to grade the
campus and plant the lawn.
think this is referring to the deteriora ng sign
adver sing our church.” This was all accomplished
with leadership by Frank Allen and Oscar Edgerly. 3.
Later the need developed for a sizable storage
building, shop, an extended sprinkler system and
heavier mowing equipment. This was made possible
by Elbur Eastman. Frank Allen used the building for
projects to enhance the church and the grounds.
Unfortunately, he died at an early age from cancer,
and his friend Bud Collins took over for Frank, thus
In the early years the needs were greater than the the building on the back of our campus has become
budget — so 1. They painted exterior walls of the known as Allen/Collins.
church and other buildings. 2. They constructed The GREENTHUMBERS are s ll going today,
brick walks and the bulle n facing Euclid Ave. “I however our number is dwindling. It is so good to
look around the congrega on and see
so many new faces. We are looking
for people who like to trim, weed and
have fun working together and care
about how our campus impresses
others. It is not all work; we actually
meet in Fellowship Hall at 8:30 on the
second Saturday of the month for
fellowship and to talk about job
assignments. Our next mee ng will be
Sat., Feb. 14 8:30 – 10:30 or 11:00
a.m. Please consider joining us! For
more informa on contact Ellie Weiss
[email protected]
Save these dates:
April 13: SURE's big Nehemiah Action —
where SURE will present issues to community
leaders and ask for them to act — and before
March 23: the rally leading up to the Action.
Right now committees and research teams are
working to pinpoint a specific issue within the
broad problem of homelessness, to continue the
jobs issue from last year and to join in the
statewide issue of preventing youth arrests.
Details will follow — but it's not too early to
mark your calendars so that you can be SURE
to be there.
Lucia Taylor
Be SURE to check out the new SURE
February 2015
Sign on: For a NEW Church Sign
Many have commented on the rather poor
appearance of the church's sign that sits out front
on Euclid Avenue. It has been there for many years
and has suffered the effects of Florida sun and other
elements. It fails to portray the level of quality to
which we aspire in worship and service. In short, it
needs an upgrade.
Ah, ha — a project to help us celebrate our six eth
anniversary! The Finance and Funding Team has, in
coordina on with the Facili es and Grounds Team,
created the “SIGN‐ON” project. This is an
opportunity for one hundred members, friends, or
families to par cipate in this historic project, each
contribu ng $60 toward the an cipated $6,000
replacement cost.
The procedure is easy. Just write out your check to
1st Congrega onal UCC for $60 and mark it “For
Sign‐On Project.” You can mail it to the church or
drop it in the collec on plate. Don't wait, you will
feel good joining ninety‐nine other members in
this historic opportunity. Thank you!
Checks have started arriving, and with full
confidence in our response to this need, design
studies are well along. The new sign will not be a
radical change but will present a fresh face where it
is needed. First impressions are important.
First UCCWomen
We con nued our outstanding luncheon programs
on January 6th with a repeat visit from one of our
most popular speakers, Tom Tryon, opinion editor
of the Sarasota Herald Tribune. One of our highest
a endances was tes mony to our church’s interest
in what’s going on in community‐based efforts in
the field of early educa on. I refer you to Tom’s
Sunday, January 11th, op‐ed piece in the Trib. for
details on these efforts. We hope for yearly update
visits from one of our favorite speakers. We were
happy to have First UCC Men join us, and extend a
warm welcome to a end future programs of
Not to be missed: Coming A rac ons in February
Tuesday, Feb. 3rd – 11:30 a.m. Luncheon and
program with Linda Carson, Channel 7 ABC Network
anchor reporter. A er her talk, you will understand
why this trailblazer was voted one of the Amazing
Women of the Suncoast. Prepare to be delighted
and impressed!
Tuesday, Feb. 24th – 10:00 a.m. Mini‐trip to Ed
Smith Stadium, tour and lunch. Come see the
beau ful renovated stadium. Men welcome!
Women’s Circles meet on the third Tuesdays of the
month to foster friendships and share mutual
interests. Two Circles meet in the day me and one
meets in the evening. All Circles welcome new
members. If you would like to learn more about
what a Circle does, or join a Circle, contact Sherry
Mange at 941 914‐2917.
By the me this newsle er reaches you, we will
have had a mini‐trip to Suncoast Technical College
on January 27th for a tour and lunch, and we will
have hosted the Southwest Florida Regional
Conference on January 31st.
February 2015
Adult Education
learn and understand. Her presenta on is scheduled
to follow the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, February 15,
in the Chapel. It will be sponsored by the Lifelong
Faith Forma on Team, and a light lunch will be
served by members of Collage. All members and
friends of the church are invited to a end and learn.
Put this important date on your calendar now!
Reserva ons are necessary for sea ng, and for
lunch prepara on, so be sure to sign up in
Fellowship Hall. A dona on is requested to cover the
cost of the food.
Join us every Thursday morning from January 8
through February 20, 2015 as we gather to share
breakfast and conversa on. We meet from 8:30 to
10:00 a.m. at the Perkins Restaurant at 5921
Fruitville Rd. in Sarasota. Together we will learn to
walk in the dark with Barbara Brown Taylor as our
Learning to Walk in the Dark is Barbara Brown
Taylor’s reflec on on darkness. She says, “When I
look around the world today, it seems clear that
elimina ng darkness is pre y high on the human
agenda – not just physical darkness but also
metaphysical darkness, which includes psychological,
emo onal, rela onal and spiritual darkness. Most
people do not know what they mean by “darkness”
except that they want to stay out of it…. For now it is
enough to say that “darkness” is shorthand for
anything that scares me…. The absence of God is in
there, along with the fear of demen a and the loss
of those nearest and dearest to me.
Thursdays from February 26 through March 26
Our Lenten FEAST provides opportuni es for learning
and fellowship as we journey through the season of
Lent. On Thursday mornings we will learn about The
Last Week of Jesus’ life day by day through a book
wri en by Marcus Borg and John Domonic Crossan.
This study will be led by Rev. Craig Collemer. We will
delve deeply into The Lord’s Prayer with Rev. Dale
Moore as our leader. We will follow Jesus’ journey
through Lent with The Music of Lent led by Greg
Chestnut. On Thursday evenings, we will experience
Expressive Arts for Spiritual Deepening and Well‐
Being with Cindy Woodling as our guide and go on a
crea ve journey Over the Rainbow: Thinking Outside
the Box with Dr. Jim Cross. Look for more
informa on in the FEAST brochure. Registra on is in
Fellowship Hall or contact Jeane e Sherrill at
jeane [email protected]. Come, feed your soul,
your mind and your spirit as we FEAST together!
If you are walking in the dark now or have
experienced periods of walking in the dark in your
life, this is a me to share and gather strength for the
journey from each other.
Ques ons? Want to register? Contact Jeane e
Sherrill at jeane [email protected]
What if you were born with a girl's brain in a boy's
body? Or vice versa. Did you know that some of
God's children are made this way? It is a condi on
called "Gender Dysphoria." Certainly a difficult issue
for a person to deal with! It's a physical condi on
that is not a choice — just as being gay, lesbian,
bisexual, or heterosexual is not a choice. Because
educa on is a key factor in understanding any issue,
the Peace and Jus ce Team has invited Gina Duncan,
the Transgender Advocate from Equality Florida, to
give us a power point presenta on that will help us
You are welcome to join us every Wednesday
morning from 11 am to noon in the Fellowship Hall
as we study the Gospel of Ma hew. Here are the
upcoming chapters:
February 4: ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ ch. 8‐9
February 11:∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ ch. 10‐11
February 18:∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ ch. 12‐13
February 25:∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ ch. 14‐15
Everyone is always welcome to join us!
February 2015
Euclid Investment Club
The monthly gathering will be at noon
on Monday, February 16th . This group
is open to any member of our church
for an ini al investment of $100. New
members are always welcome. Please
consider joining the club in February to
learn more.
Please remember nursery care will be
available ONLY at the 9 am service. We
are looking to hire a new a endant
soon! The a endant will be here on
Sunday mornings 8:30 am to 10:30.
Thank you!
Leadership Retreat
on Saturday, February 7th, at 8:30 a.m.
in Fellowship Hall. We
invite all those serving on
Teams to please a end
this event.
Esther‐Toombs Circle
The Esther‐Toombs Circle will meet
Monday evening, January 20, 2015,
7:00 p.m., at the home of Lucy
Hedrick, 8291 Varenna Dr., in Sarasota.
Lucy will present a program on Mary,
the mother of Jesus, as reflected in the
book The Testament of Mary by Colm
Toibin and read for the audio version by
Meryl Streep. All are welcome.
Our Thursday Night program is in full
swing. The cost for the 12 week pro‐
gram is $40 per child. We pray you will
join in this exci ng ministry in our
will meet on Monday, February 9th, at
1:00 p.m. in Room 9. Anyone who
enjoys playing contract or party bridge
is welcome. Please let Ethel Rudy know
at 727‐0122 or [email protected] if
you are interested in joining us. Thank
Our Prayer Chain meets October
through May on the 2nd Friday of each
of those months. We meet at 10:00
A.M. in the Conference Room.
Rose Antrim
February 2015
Wednesday Noon, February 25th at
Church of the Redeemer
222 South Palm, Sarasota
This is an excellent opportunity for his church
family to support him.
God’s blessings to Greg as he shares his gi s
with the wider community.
Please consider a ending and
bringing a friend.
First Congrega onal United Church of Christ
is pleased to host the
“Saintly Summer Sewing Camp”!!
June 22nd through 26th.
This camp will be overseen by our own Helaine Eckstein and
members of the American Sewing Guild. This is an excellent
opportunity for ages 8–14 to receive an introduc on to sewing.
There will be a fee to offset the cost of the camp. Registra on
material will be available soon. Make plans NOW to par cipate
in this inaugural camp at our church!
You are invited to
“A Reason to Hope”
on Monday, February 2nd
at Michael’s on East
from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
This event is sponsored by the Alzheimer’s
Associa on and will offer informa on about
services available. Lunch will be served and a
free will offering received. Please RSVP with
Ka e
[email protected]
February 2015
We’d love to see everyone for the lively
conversa on and good fellowship of our COLLAGE
brunch. We have some 2fers for sharing burgers
which we can hand out. So plan to join us and bring
a friend(s) to worship AND brunch. Newcomers? No
reserva ons needed. Just come join us and for more
informa on or to be put on our e‐mailing list
contact Thom Reeves: [email protected] or
COLLAGE members, our LGBT group, remain a vital
part of our church life, par cipa ng and o en
leading in all its aspects. We hope you are doing
well in the New Year. Our members and friends
meet socially monthly for a luncheon a er worship
on the 4th Sunday of the month, February 22nd at
12:30 p.m. at Square 1 Burgers, located at 1737
South Tamiami Trail (US 41 South) across from
Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
will be shown on February 12th to
benefit Equality Florida. This was
filmed in our sanctuary and several
members were extras. The film is
wri en and produced by Fred and
Lee Brockmann's daughter and son‐
in‐law, Suzanne Brockmann and Ed
Gaffney. The movie will be shown
atop the Palm Avenue Parking
Garage. A er the movie, Ken Shelin
and Steve Stockwell will celebrate
their wedding. Tickets can be
The fes vi es begin at 6:00 PM.
Are you ready for a CHURCH DINNER?
Plans are being made for an ALL Church Dinner in March.
Please watch bulle n announcements and March’s newsle er
for more informa on.
CROP Walk is Coming:
March 1st at St. James Angelica (Sawyer Rd.).
More details to follow or call the church office.
February 2015
Ready Readers
discuss books in
February, March and April
February 19‐‐‐Dri less by David Rhodes, led by Be y
Scha schneider. About a li le town in Wisconsin
On May 4, 2015, First Congrega onal United Church with fascina ng characters. One of their dilemmas
of Christ is pleased to offer a poten ally life‐saving deals with unfair prac ces by a
health event with Life Line Screening, a leading pro‐ milk coopera ve.
vider of community‐based preven ve health screen‐ March 19‐‐‐The Life List by Lori
ings. In addi on to the many low‐cost health tests Spelman, led by Ruth Olsen. A
being offered (details for those available at teenager writes a list of what‐partners),
she hopes to do when she grows up. Her mother
Life Line Community Healthcare is now also proud to requires that she accomplish all of them in a year
be offering screenings to all Medicare‐eligible benefi‐ before her inheritance will be released to her.
ciaries. With recent changes in Medicare benefits,
eligible beneficiaries can now receive an Annual Well‐ April 16‐‐‐My Beloved World is the autobiography of
ness Visit with NO out‐of‐pocket cost! More infor‐ Sonia Sotomayer, a Hispanic Jus ce of the Supreme
ma on will follow regarding these screenings and to Court led by Joy Kuhn. The incredible story of a poor
see if you are eligible for registra on. For more de‐ girl who goes to Princeton. She knew when she was
very young that she wanted to be a judge.
tails call Life Line at 866‐579‐5069.
AWV Medicare screenings:
Sunday, March 15
9:00 a.m. ‐ 1:00 p.m.
Hearing tests, B.P. readings, skin cancer checks,
holis c health, massage, acupuncture, body fat
readings, memory tes ng, occupa onal therapy,
diet hints, and lots more!!
We will also hold our annual blood drive for Sun‐
coast Community Blood Bank. Please sign up in
Fellowship Hall to donate blood.
Please come and support all the volunteers who
come and do these tests for you!
Thank you,
Julie Pennella, Parish Nurse
February 2015
First Congrega onal Celebrates the life and teachings of
Rev. Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Emmanuel Cadet, soloist
Clarence Rogers
Myron Robinson
MeditaƟons on “Le er from Birmingham Jail” Readers
First Congrega onal Installs Senior Minister
Rev. Dr. Wesley D. Bixby
Sunday, January 25, 2015
February 2015
Beverly Carrington
Emanuel Spaulding, Jr.
Gordon Warman
Susan Zahn
2/2 Sandra McLauchlan
Elizabeth Toner
Joanne Warman
2/3 Bud Rives, III
Richard Strong
2/4 Martha Downing
Dale Woodling
2/5 Don McCaskill
2/6 Rosemary Jung
Joan Perdue
Ann Spencer
2/7 Kyle Kuhn
2/9 Robert Phelps
2/10 Diane Cubberly
Carole Patterson
2/12 Dee Ellis
Barbara Yocum
2/14 Frank Donaldson
Jack Kuckens
Bobby Larner
Nancy Michel
Laura VanArsdall
Bruce Crawford
Garvey McFarlane
Brian Steele
Rick McDaniel
Karen Abel
Marlene Goldeberger
Elaine Hevrdejs
Cameron McAnarney
Robert Raphael
Dalton Burroughs
Grant Burroughs
Anna Jean Schmidt
Jean Simpson
Lois Watson
Harry Bryce
Nathan Richards
Cheri Hunter
Connie Schaefer
Del & Karen Carr
Barbara Shaver & Sara Little
2/12 Jacci & Sam Tutt
2/16 Dawn & Mark Swain
Senior Minister .............................. Wes Bixby
Minister of Music ...............Gregory Chestnut
Moderator ................................ Richard Miller
Vice Moderator........................ Susan Raines
Administrative Assistant ..... Donna McCalden
Secretary ..................................... Sue Spigel
Parish Nurse ........................... Julie Pennella
Campus Manager ....................... Mark Swain
Treasurer .................................. Nancy Morris
Collector .............................Pam Hendrickson
Christian Ed Administrator ....... Leigh Melton
Newsletter Team .......................... Sue Spigel
................................................ Thom Reeves
Webmaster ............................... Binh Nguyen
Pastor Emeritus .................... Dr. John Syster
Contributing Photographer ....... Susan Moore
10am Balance
2:30pm Pierian Spring
9 & 11am
Worship Services
11am Bible Study
12pm Greg Recital @
7pm Choir
8:30pm Men’s AA
9am Recorders
9:30am Staff
10:15am AlaNon
4pm Peace and Jus ce
6pm Key Chorale
7pm Boy Scouts
7pm Boy Scouts
4pm Baby Basics
8:30pm Men’s AA
Worship Services 12pm
and 7pm
7pm Choir
8:30pm Men’s AA
26 8:30am TOPS
9:30am Sewing
10am FEAST coffee and
Lenten Worship
10:30am FEAST Classes
5pm TK & Wings
5:45pm FEAST
7:30pm Handbells
5pm TK & Wings
7:30pm Handbells
8:30am TOPS
10am Visita on
11am Caregivers
12pm Ready Readers
5pm TK & Wings
7:30pm Handbells
8:30am TOPS
8:30am Breakfast and
5pm TK & Wings
7:30pm Handbells
7pm Choir
8:30pm Men’s AA
11am Bible Study
8:30am TOPS
8:30am Breakfast and
10am Visita on
11am Bible Study
2pm Baby Basics Board
mee ng
4pm Baby Basics
4pm Women’s AA
7pm Ukrainian Worship
7:30pm Witness
4pm Women’s AA
10am Key Chorale
4pm Women’s AA
11am Wedding, Barbara
Shaver, Sara Li le
4pm Women’s AA
8:30 Leadership Retreat
7pm Ukrainian
6pm All Church Dinner
Newsle er ar cles due
today to Sue.ASpigel
1pm Setup for wedding
recep on
7pm Ukrainian Worship
7pm Ukrainian Worship
Newsletter articles should be sent to Sue Spigel at [email protected] by February 15.
Bulletin articles are sent to Donna McCalden by noon on Wednesdays for Sunday publication at [email protected].
6pm Key Chorale
9am Recorders
9:30am Staff
10:15am AlaNon
16 8am Zaycon Truck
10am Balance
Investment Club
2:30pm Pierian Spring
6pm SURE Network
Mee ng
6:30pm Weight Loss
9 & 11am
Worship Services
12:30pm Transgender
3 9am Recorders
9:30am Staff
10am 1st UCC Women
10:15am AlaNon
11:30am 1st UCC
Women Luncheon
6pm Key Chorale
7pm Boy Scouts
9am Recorders
9:30am Staff
1pm Kings and Queens 10am The Holidays
10:15am AlaNon
2:30pm Pierian Spring
4:30pm Key Chorale
7pm Audubon
6pm Key Chorale
7pm Boy Scouts
10am Balance
6pm Teams
9:30am Sewing
10am Balance
2:30pm Pierian Spring
9 & 11am
Worship Services
12:30pm New Member
9 & 11am
Worship Services
February 2015
February 2015